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December 12, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-12

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Radio Station
To Keep Files
Of Recordings

England Gets First News Of Mrs. Simpson

Shepherds Play
Is Given Praise

'iidsummer' Is No
Dream As Picture,
Prof. Price Finds l

Camera Club Shows Vocational Expert
Prize Photo Prints' To Be Here Dec. 15


Policy Inaugurated
Make Transcriptions
Campus Events

By Prof. FriesF
"Reinhardt, not Shakespeare."
That was the concise criticism of
Early Drama To Be Given the motion picture "A Midsummerl
By Hampstead Players Night's Dream," voiced by Prof. Here-
Cailled Best Of Period ward T. Price of the English depart-

.-.... .._. _ _ _. _ . _ i

Commencing with the dedication of
the Baird Carillon. Dec. 4, a new
policy has been inaugurated by the
University broadcasting service in re-
gard to electrical transcription work,
according to Turrell Uleman, chief
technician and assistant to the di-
rector of the broadcasting service.
"Hereafter." said Mr. Uleman, "re-
cordings of all events which are of
importance to the University will be
made and filed away. Two objec-
tives will be followed. We will make
transcriptions not only of all the
outstanding events on campus, but
also preserve the voices of all those
closely identified with the progress
of the University." These recordings
will be tiled away and used for the
education of future generations.
Many Voices Recorded
In the latter file the recorded voices
of the following men have already
been placed: Prof. William H. Hobbs,
Prof. Wilbert Hinsdale, Prof. Emeri-
tus Thomas C. Trueblood; Regent Ju-
nius Beal, President Alexander Ruth-
yen, Coach Harry Kipke, and Prof.
Fielding Yost. The subject matter
of the reproductionsconsists mostly
of reminiscences and observations
about University campus life.
The first disk to go into the file of
'University Events' is the one on
which the dedication ceremonies were
reproduced. A recording of the Men's
Glee Club singing "Laudes Atque Car-
mina" was used the following Satur-
day morning on the University radio
hour. The use of the transcription
enhanced the broadcast quite notice-
ably in the opinion of many observ-
Recording Equipment Good
Regarding the recordings, Mr. Ule-
man asserted that there was very
little chance for them to deteriorate
with age. The University, he said,
has the best recording equipment that
they could buy, and, as long as the
transcriptions are not used constant-
ly, one may expect them to last in-
According to Mr. Uleman, the next
event that will probably be recorded,
is the 100th celebration of the anni-
versary of the University of Mich-
igan in Ann Arbor. It is expected
that this occasion will provide a
wealth of historical information and
notable events to be recorded and
saved for the future.
Used For Classes
Until the inauguration of the new
recording policy, the equipment was
used mainly in conjunction with
classes in broadcasting. The student
at the beginning of the course has hi
voice preserved on these disks. Later,
after practice in speaking over the
microphone and after training the
voice, still another recording is
made in order to ascertain how much
progress has been made.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director o i
University broadcasting, who has been
working on a text for broadcasting,
believes that the best training for
handling one's self before the micro-
phone is to engage in actual speaking
before it. The recordings, therefore,
are merely evidences of how much the
microphone work has benefitted the
Geologica! Groups
Plan To Reorganize
A new type of organization is being
instituted by the Journal Club of the
geology department with the cooper-
ation of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, local
chapter of the national honorary
geological society.
In the plan of reorganization, the
faculty has turned over the organiza-
tion and control of the club to Sigma
Gamma Epsilon in order to give the
students control of the club's or-
A committee of three has been
naned by Sigma Gamma Epsilon to
act as a board to handle the selection
of topics and speakers for the semi-

monthly meetings, which are to be in
the form of informal debates.
Previously the organization was in
the hands of certftin faculty mem-
bers who selected students to speak
before the club, mostly to reviewing
current geological literature. It is
hoped that by making the club pri-
marily a student organization that
the meetings ,will be less formal and
that discussions will be encouraged
among the students.
Donaldson To Discuss
Art At Sunday Forum
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson of the
fine arts department will lead the
fifth forum in the Union series on
"Tendencies in Contemporary Amer-
ican Paintings," at 4:30 p.m. Sunday
in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Professor Donaldson will illustrate
points in 'his lecture with slides.
Townsnenne. faculty.andmand

- Associated Press Photo
English newspaper readurs, kept in ignorance of "The Simpson
Affair" in the life of Kixlg Edward long after it had become a popular
convcrsational topic in the United States, got their first news of the
case Dec. 3. A photostatic copy of the London Evening News of thatI
date is shown here.
Health Service Receives 12,516
Calls For Month Of November

The Towneley Second Play of the!
Shepherds, which will be produced by
the Hmpstead Community Players
Wednesday, Dec. 19, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, was character-
ized yesterday by Prof. Charles C.
Fries of the English department and
authority on early modern English,
as the best of the numerous mystery
dramas of its period.
"The Towneley manuscript, which!
derives its name from Towneley
Castle, where the papers were pre-
served, dates from the second half
of the 15th century, although the
play itself was probably composed
about the time of Chaucer," Profes-
sor Fries said.
"The Second Shepherd Play is in
the Wakefield group, the foremost of
the early English dramas. It is the
first actual comic play on record in
the English language, but in addi-
tion to its humor, which is typically
robust, 'there is a serious side con-
listing of satire directed against the
oppressive rich and sympathy ex-
pressed for the poor.
"The beginnings of modern drama
are found in thesrepresentations of
Biblical scenes in the church, com-
mon especially about Christmas time,
mon especially about Christmas
time," Professor Fries continued.
"They began with setting up of man-
agers and enacting of the birth of
Christ and later of other scenes, fill-
ing in a whole cycle in this manner.
The Shepherds Play has to do with
the Angel of Annunciation making
the announcement of the birth, but
the humorous element, which had
been creeping into the plays, was ex-
panded because of its popularity with
the audience, to fill most of the
While there is more question
among scholars as to the exact
birthplace of the Towneley plays,
according to Professor Fries, Wake-

"I saw the show when it played
here last year," said Professor Price,
"and the only thing I liked about it
was the scene showing the coming
of dawn at the end of the night.
There the screen had the advantage
over the legitimate stage.
"The acting was neither very good
nor very bad," he went on, "but the
direction and staging was so poor I
was too angry to really notice the
acting. No character made any par-
ticular impression on me."
Asked whether he believed Shake-
speare could be successfully filmed,
Professor Price said he saw no rea-
son why this would not be possible,
and that playing "straight Shake-
speare" without the well-known
Hollywood touches should not hurt a
picture's general appeal. "I've never
seen a play on the screen thatnwas
as good as the original stage pro-
duction," he added.
"No acting is needed foi' Shake-
speare. The lines are sufficient in
themselves. They just have to be
recited," Professor Price continued.
Remarking that MaxsReinhardt,
director of the movie, was more in-
terested in producing a spectacle
show than drama, he observed that
reports indicate something more
closely resembling the original
Shakespearean versions may be
forthcoming in future productions of
this kind.

An exhibition of prize-winning
prints from the 15th annual Amer-
ican Photography magazine competi-
tion is being displayed by the Ann;
Arbor Camera Club today in the third
floor exhibition room of the Architec-
tural Building.
The exhibition consists of 12 prints
which received prize awards in the
competition, as well as 69 others that
were given honorable mention: Be-
sides these, several other pictures,
contributed by a local camera club,
have been put up. All are numbered
and accompanied by a key list. I
The American Photography com-'
petition is held each year and re-
ceives entries from all over the world.
Different types of pictures are turned
in, such as portraits, nature shots,
and color and contrast studies, and
are judged on this basis.

Be Taken Before DECEMBER 18th
The Michiganensian cannot accept any
pictures taken after this date, Senior
pictures sell for $3.00 of which $2.00
will be applied on additional pictures.
All pictures must be taken at one of
these studios:

Dr. Johnson O'Connor, represent-
ing the Stevens Institute of Tech-
nology will be in Ann Arbor Tuesday
afternoon Dec. 15 to meet . faculty
members in order to discuss his pro-
gram of vocational guidance ard to
answer any questions relative to his
work in this field, it was announced
yesterday by the Bureau of Occupa-
tional Information.
During his stay on campus he will
be available to students who wish to
Appointments may be made, upon
the payment of a fee necessary for
the administration of the test, either
Dec. 15, 16, 17. Details concerning
either the tests or appointments may
be secured by calling Miss Muxen in
the Bureau of Occupational Infor-

During the month of November
12,516 calls were made at the Health
Service, according to the monthly
report submitted by Dr. William M.
Brace. This number is an increase
over the same period last year.
All of the new entrants in the
University were given chest x-rays.
Seventeen men and women were
found to have active lesions, and 23
There were fewer pneumonia cases
during November than for the cor-
responding period last year. The
common cold was not as prevalent
last month as is usual, the report

Physiotherapy treatments were
given to 1,164 students, and mental
hygiene interviews to 1,472, which
was a decrease over November, 1935.
Nose and throat operations have in-
creased as have eye refractions.
Active lung tuberculosis cases have
doubled since last year. Ten cases
were discovered, according to the!
monthly report. Laboratory deter-!
minations were made for 2,339 stu-
dents, and sensitization tests were
given to ill, the same number that
took the tests in 1934.
Follow-up examinations were al-
so continued for defects found in
students at the time of fall entrance. I

SPEDDING, Dial 4434

DEY, Dial 5 031


Dial 5541

field is generally believed to have
been the scene of their origin. "The
manuscript contains 32 plays," he
added, "exhibiting remarkable vigor
and realism, the best plays of the
period from a dramatic point of view.
The satirical manifestation of the
Second Shepherds' Play scores the
follies of fashions and especially the
rich oppressors of the common peo-

The 1937 Michiganensian
Seniors who have had 'Ensian Pictures in past
years may arrange with their photographers to
have that picture used in this year's 'Ensian
for only $2.00.

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