SAT[ R~DAY, DEC. P1.r,1936 TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY I M I t - - -- More Than 350 1 Church Guild PlansI oupes AtendA ICristmas Program, Csen1e Westminster Guild of the '36 Soph Prom IPresbyterian Church will hold an in- formal Christmas party from 8:30 p.m. to midnight tonight at Lane First Class Dance Of Year Hall. Committees in charge are: Ken- Ij ainbow Roo R 'le1 neth Bove, '38, chairman of pro- B Christmas Spirit grams, who will be assisted by Brucel Anthony, '40, and Antony Allbers- Fashion Decrees "I it ten Hands Up' For Smart Women Campus Groups To Hold Many Holiday Dances Fraternities And Sororities Will Initiate Pledges At Ceremonies Tonight C .} ,l .) Hands up! Mittened hands up! The order echoes and re-echoes from sporty skiiers scaling snow-peaked mountains to warmth-loving college- bound women and even to these same chic damsels on their way to tete-a Chapel Group To Hold Dance Today At Union St. Mary's Student Chapel will ponsor a dance from 3 to 5 p.m. to- day in the Union ballroom. All Cath- o students and their friends are in- ited to attend. This will be the last dance that will be held before R.ev. Fr. Allen J. Babcock, student chaplain, leaves for his new post in Rome. Members of the committee in harge of the dance are Phil Hart, 37L, Don Seigel, '39E, Frank Dan- nemiller, '37, Max Schoetz, '39E, Phil Woodworth, '39, Beatrice DeVine, 38L, Virginia Renz, '37L, 400 Women AttendI Second League Tea I IGraduate students will hold a More than 400 students attended Christmas party from 9 p.m. to mid- the second in a series of League un- night today in the Women's Athletic dergraduate teas which was held Building according to Miss Jeannette from 4 to 6 p.m. yesterday in the ball- Perry, assistant to the dean of women, room of the League. Assisting at the who is in charge. tea table was Margaret Hamilton, '37, There will be dancing in the chairman of the tea. Miss Ethel lounge, Miss Perry said, with a floor A. McCormick, social director of the show in the intermission. Also in- League, was seen talking to Hope cluded in the list of amusements are Hartwig, '38. Margaret Curry, '38, bowling, progressive ping pong, for- wore gold, Barbara Talcott, '39A, wore tune-telling and bridge, for which a brown and Margaret McBeth, '40, prizes will be given. Tickets are wore a blue knit with a red belt. priced at 35 cents. i t Dance Will Be Given By Graduate Students More than 350 couples attended the Soph Prom which was held from 10, pan. to 2 a.m. yesterday in the Uniofn l Ballroom. Barney Rapp and his New Englanders furnished the music for the first class dance of the year. Leading the grand march was Da- vid lDrysdale, general chairman, who had as his guest, Marguerite Richter, '40 Miss Richter chose a white crepe. formal cut on princess lines, which* had puffed sleeves and little buttons} down the back. With it she wore red' velvet accessories.' Bunty Bain, chairman of the dec- cration committee, also wore white.: A two-toned sash of lilac and blue hung to the floor in the back. In her hair Miss Bain had a coronet with pearls, Others noticed in the grand march were Marion Dailey, '38, in hyacinth slipper" satin with short sleeves and flowers at the neck. Ruth Marcus, '39, who attended the prom with Saul Kleiman selected black velvet. Her gown' was cut on severe lines with an off-the-shoulder neckline and a train. Two other guests of committee members also were seen in white. Marjorie Link, '39, who was the guestj of Richard Fox, wore a white pebble crepe with black velvet lacing up the back and around the neck. Dorothy Rupper, '38gd., selected an off-white burg, '40; Mildred Hayes, '39M, tetes, teas, or shopping tours. Chief among the nine dance cam- c chairman of decorations, whose com- For those ski, skate, or toboggan pus organizations are giving tonight ' mittee is made up of Walter Luski, fres thenLayersC ristasgfor n '37, and Jean Ebersole, '40SM; Mary ing than mittens with snow-white is the Lawyer's Club Christmas for- Reek, '40, chairman of refreshments m mal. Seven other houses are an- ' and reception, who is to be assisted palms and boldly checked backs. These may match the ski-vest, the1 nouncing pledgings and initiations by Hazel Jensen, '40, and Charles jacket, the sweater, visor, or scarf- today. let personal preference be the guide.-7 Acacia will hold a formal dance to- Chaperons for the affair will be' That they match, or be in contrast night. Chaperons will be Mr. and Rev. W. P. Lemon, minister of the with, something is, however, the de- Mrs. C. Russel Pryce and Mr. and Presbyterian Church and Mrs. Le- cree. Mrs. N. B. Snell. mon, and Miss Elizabeth Leinbach. With cold, biting winds sweeping I Alpha Chi Omega will hold its Special program features will be around the ankles and sneaking up annual closed pledge formal tonight. Christmas carolling at the homes of the sleeves of class-ward trudging Dr. and Mrs. William C. Steere and shut-ins, pian specialities by Bovee students, mittens and matching Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Nyman will be and Anthony, holiday games and ex- anklets undeniably offer the solution the chaperons. change of gifts. Decorations will to the problem of how to escape the Alhapion Pl consist of a Christmas tree and other shivers. Woolen mitts, lined or un- Alpha Epsilon Phi will hold a appropriate decorations. lined, and sox in stripes, plaids, or closed pledge and initiation formal checks are being shown for this pur- tonight at the Union, according to MICHIGAN DAMES pose. Frances Levison, '37, social chairman. The regular meeting of the music Now that Christmas is just around The chaperons be Mr F.dLoeb, theproerbal orerhous sentinDr. and Mrs. Schiller, Mr. and Mrs. group of the Michigan Dames has the proverbial corner, hours spent in been postponed this month. shopping are becoming the order of M Karbel. __ ___;the day. Under such conditions, Alpha Gamma Delta will hold a hands may be kept as "warm as closed formal tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Phi Sigma Kappa announces they are clothed in snug, King Stutzman, Miss Ruth Pence, initiation of: Rodman Whitford, '39E' big mittens with suede palms and Mrs. Frank Phelps and Mrs. H. A. and Paul Hening,'38E.furry beaver backs. ; Tennant will chaperon. At that smart tea or important Hermitage will hold a formal dance metallic crepe which was trimmed tete-a-tete be ultra smart and open from 9 to 12 p.m. tonight. The chap- with gold sequins. Barbara Marion your bag with fingers encased in erons will be Mr. and Mrs. A. D. of Grosse Pointe, who was the guest black Persian Lamb mittens with Meecham and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. of Robert Vander Pyl, looked lovely in black, leather palms stitched inkHendley. gold satin with a white orchid cor- white. However, these are more ef- To Hold Formal sage. fective with a black wool outfit trim- Kappa Alpha Theta will hold a med with Persian Lamb than with closed formal tonight. Mr. and Mrs. an all-fur coat. Fred Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Coping with the cold is, each year, Sinclair of Detroit and Mrs. Hazel q I. Ill becoming less and less a difficulty Myioore will chaperon. I I Years Years+ you ai a ZW cordin with t craftsn Coatsi ing. by the AFTER ALL --- there's no Gift that can equal a fine FUR or FUR CQAT of beauty! Years of pleasure! of satisfied wearing! That's what re buying for her when you get' ERDLING Coat. Fashioned ac- g to the latest fur news. Made he discriminate care of master men' from the finest prime pelts. that will stand out in any show- Their value and beauty certified ZWERDLING label they bear. and more and more test of ingenuity. a pleasure and a crr5P Chrictmas party tonight. Prof. and 5c19 rs. Merwin Waterman, Miss Inez! wised To . zorth., and Mrs. Julia Jamison will be the chaperons. Phi Beta Pi, medical fraternity, Mrs. Irene B. Johnson, president of will hold a closed informal dance to- the women's branch of the Michigan night. The chaperons are Dr. and Club, announced in the last meeting Mrs. Max Durfee and Dr. and Mrs. of the club that as a result of the Walter Keitzer. membership drive that has been con- Theta Kappa Psi fraternity will ducted, the enrollment of the club is hold a closed radio party tonight, now 500.. after the hockey game. The chaper- Mrs. Harold Trosper is the chair- os will be Dr.and Mrs. Gayly Me- man of the membership committee heny and Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. which is made up of 25 women, Sawyer. through whose efforts the member- To Hold Initiation ship of the club was raised from Alpha Chi Sigma will initiate the drive ended at that date, and an ad following members today: John At- drie ededattha daeandan d-kinson, '39, Edward Kazmark, '38E, I ditional 100 women have joined since Robert Moore, '38E, Edward Reed, the. rhpis e o lma,'38E, Harry Stumpf, '39E, and Wil- Membrshi isopento lumneiam Sullivan, '37. and anyone interested in the scholar- lta Gan, 'i t ship program sponsored by the club follwinGawomnatwi11ia.tomor- may become followng women at 11 a m.atomoh- row: Barbara Bradfield, '38, Jean The purpose of the membership Bourg, '40, Phyllis Elder, '39, Betty drive, and also the series of money- Ward, '39, and Marjory Williams, '40. making projects that are planned for Delta Sigma Phi fraternity will the year, is to enable the club to con- hold a banquet at the chapter house tinue and enlarge their scholarship today in honor of the 15th anniver- project. sary of the founding of the Xi chap- This year, for the first time in the ter of the fraternity. Guests of hon- history of the organization, the or at the dinner will be the charter scholarships offered by the club are members of the Xi chapter, Mayor to go to Ann Arbor women only. Robert Cambell, Dean Clarence Yoakum and Prof. Robt. E. Rodkey. Other guests will be Prof. Merwin Waterman and Mr. L. L. Laing. Sigma Nu fraternity announces the pledging of Frank Burns, '37, Ann Arbor. Theta Xi announces the initiation roHorace W. Greenway, '37, today. iC N 3 I E Membeship Of Michifan C1ubh Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold a pledge formal tonight. Chaperons will be Regent Esther G. Cram and Mr. Cram, Mrs. Sadie -Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anketell and Mrs. Frank Oakes. The Law Club will hold its annual bUSIED 1904 217 E. UBEW 'W1$ LJFUR SHOP 33 Years of Unexcelled Values and Service .t E .. U Ii; --_ r .ter. I AWAw MCA M AW, wr A a KO d ( IiI J" '..1 1 -1,, d' -#O *AIf 11 Ansctivities "A mlan's greatniess way be misi- ued by the meach of his relationships." 4- I p5 A~ CO . ~ CO:.:>' .:O.. 04 11 - - 5o BETTE COOKtING ' RESULTS EVERY I : NC'. '1 :ti :.,1 E BETTS OOKIN - MR. CHAPMAN HILLEL FOUNDATION, B'NAI B'RITH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Masonic Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave. Rev. W. P. Lemon. Minister Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant. 10:45 a.m. - "A Hero with a Wounded Heel." Third of an Advent series. Sermon by th l Minister. Student Choir. 6:30 p.m. - Westminster Student Guild. Supper and Social hour with a Christmas program. 8:00 p.m. - Westminster Guild Players wil present "The Tinker," a three-act play by Fred Eastman. Public invited. No admis- sion charge. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Reading Room, 206 East Liberty ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Syno) Cor. Third and Liberty Streets Carl A. Bauer, Minister 10:45 a.m. - Sermon, "John the Baptist." 4:00 to 7:30 -Student Christmas Party. 7:30 p.m.-Advent Service. "Isaac's Promise" Oakland and East University. Dr. Bernard Heller, Director. 10:00 a.m. -Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Chanukuh program 2:45 p.m. - Pop Concert. 8:00 p.m. - Dr. Bernard Heller, and Victims of Dictators." for children "Supporters Club To Hear Talk By Mrs._Pargment Mrs. Lila Pargment will be the guest speaker at the International Dinner to be given by the American Association of University Women at 6:30 tomorrow in the Michigan Union Terrace. Mrs. Pargment, who is assistant professor of Russian literature, will speak on 'Contemporary Russian Culture." She was born in Russia and spent the early part of her childhood thEre. Since the revolution, she has Made four trips back to the country of her birth. In August, Mrs. Pargment returned to the United States after a visit of eight months in Russia. This was the second trip during which she made special effort to study the edu- 1 cational system of the country. While there, she studied at the Pedagogical Institute for the Study of Literature at the University of Moscow.. A course of lectures on the Russian theatre at a dramatic school for actors was also studied by Mrs. Pargment. During her stay in Russia, Mrs. Pargment included lower forms of cducation in her survey. She visited variouzs high schools and secondary schools around Moscow, and will pre-i -ent her views on their development in her speech. Reservayions for the dinner must Ye rnade by 10 a.m. today. Christmas 11 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH East Huron between State and Division 10:45 a.m. - Mr. Sayles, Sermon. 12:00 a.m. - Mr. Chapman's Class at Guild House. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Washington St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor. Morning worship - 10:30 BETHLEHEMhEVANGELICALaCHURCH South 'Fourth' Avenue, near Packard Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pastor 10: 30 a.m. - Morning Worship. Sermon topic "The Trumpet of Zion." 7:00 p.m. -Student Fellowship and Youth F > "i F$ I . ., i E 1 t ,1 _' i i I GAS RANGE Mother deserves everything you can give Christmas and on every other day of the y years. When you give her a Magic Chef gas you give her more than just the world' modern, automatic gas range. You give he leisure time, greater comfort and conveni her daily tasks, and the satisfaction of k that her cooking results will be perfect eve We have a complete line of the latest mode Chef gas ranges. See them in our store peciac Christmas Offer 10-pound- Turkeyr Given with each new CABINET-TYPE her on RANGE Purchased ear for s range, $ s finest Allowance for er more your Old Stove ence in nowing ry time. l Magic$175 down I . ... II I I II A M -M M 9 L v r f l _ f