I The Weather Fair except local cloudiness, not so cold in West and South today; tomorrow unsettled, possibly rain or snow. A6F A6Fl 4 Adb- an DaitF Editorials Proposals To End Revolution In Spain .. . VOL. XLVII No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Plan Drafted To Take Place Of Late NRA Would Embody The Aims Of Old Act; Prevent Any Unfair Competition Need For Executive Body Is Indicated WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-(P) - Enactment of legislation to embody the aims of the outlawed NRA was urged today by George L. Berry's In- dustrial Progress Council. The purpose of the legislation, the council said, should be to prohibit any unfair competition in business, including the employment of child labor and the "maintenance of in- just or unreasonable hour standards." A new administrative body should be constituted, the council decided, with power to prosecute violations of the proposed act. "Either this administrative agency or alother should be authorized to investigac, study, consider and ap- prove any agreements voluntarily submitted to it by management and labor in any industry or trade deal- ing with minimum, wages and maxi- mum hours and fair trade practices," the council said. Earlier today, the council decided as a general policy that "private in- dustry cannot safely be permitted to administer business and industry en- tirely free from governmental inter- vention." The council turned over to a com- mittee of business men and labor leaders the task of drafting legisla- tion designed to prevent furture de- pressions and to speed current indus- trial gains. Wildlife Group To End Session With Field Trip Madison, Wis. Named Site For Next Year's Session Of States Conference With Madison, Wis., selected as the location for next year's meeting, the Central States Wildlife Conference prepared today to wind up their 1936 session with field excursions to Uni- versity properties near Ann Arbor. Aldo Leopold, professor of game management at the University of Wisconsin, was named chairman of arrangements for the Madison con- ference with the meeting tentatively set for the first week in November. Lively discussions of the difficul- ties in wildlife inventory character- ized the morning assembly yesterday with P. S. Lovejoy of the Michigan department of conservation deliver- ing the keynote speech on philo- sophical problems of this procedure., Declaring "After all, inventory is the basis of any kind of game manage- ment," Mr. Lovejoy presented a speech that was hailed by Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, director of University Mu- seums, and other delegates as being the highpoint of the complete confer- ence. Declaring that inventories are naturally restricted by the funds and personnel available, Prof. L. R. Schoenmann of the forestry school said that well defined limits adjust themselves with the problem. Even- tual solution of the problems con- cerning wildlife was suggested by Professor Schoenmann to depend on the success of human beings in learn- ing to think like the game species. An encouraging note, to the wild- lifers was sounded when Basil Wales of the Milwaukee office of the forest service pointed out that in managing the national forests for multiple use in the north central region, the pro- duction of trees and wildlife was on a 50-50 basis. He declared that the forest service was ready to go as far. as possible in promoting wildlife as a crop consistent with expert advice from wildlife plople. The Goodfellow Army Following are the list of Goodfellow salesmen with their posts and time in the sale of Goodfellow Editions of The Daily on Monday. General instructions for all Goodfelkvws: (1) Those who are not preceded by any salesman at their post are asked to report at The Daily to pick up aprons, papers and tags. (2) Any question or difficulty should be reported immediately to the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241. (3) Goodifellows stationed for downtown posts should report to The Daily. They will be driven to and from their posts. (4) Posts should not be left until successor appears; materials may be turned over to him. Last salesman at each post should turn in his materials at The Daily. (5) Those scheduled for 11 o'clock posts :ill remain at their posts until 12:30. DOWNTOWN DISTRICT 7:30-9:00-Allen Saunders G. W. Allen Ray Beyer. 12:30-2:00.-Robert Campbell Bill Barclay Howard Carroll Jerry Klaasen 2:00-3:00--George Marzonie Norm Dickinson Bill Olsen. 4:00-6:00 -Bob Steere John Engstrom Pete Fones Carl Clement John Young ," ENGINEERING ARCH 7:30--Lois Ellan. Grace Snyder. 9:00--Jerry Barker, Bob Alexander. 10:00-Jerry Farrah, Jerry Barker. 11:00-Don Hughson, Willis Hawkins. 12:30-Virginia York, Mary Bennett. 2:00-Jane McDonald. Mary Andrew. 3:00-Betty Roura, Ed Kirar. 4:00-Jean Gourlay. , 5:00-Goff Smith. ANGELL HALL, NORTH ENTRANCE 7:30-Harrison Church. 9:00-Jack Gustafson. 10:00-Wally True. 11:00-Fred Boynton. 12 :30-Murray Campbell. 2:00-Bud Lundahl. t 3:00-John Otte. 4:00-John McFate. 5:00-Jack Thom. BEHIND LIBRARY 7:30-Gus Collatz. 9:00--James McAnulty. 10:00-David Eisendrath. 11:00-Ralph Seeley. 12 :30-Hillard Sutin. 2:00-Joe Wagner. 3:00-Marc McCarty. 4:00-Bob Young. UNION 7:30-Howard Davidson. 9:00-Charlotte Hamilton, Fletcher Platt. 10:00-Frank Dannemiler. 11:00-Elsie Pierce, George Sprau. 12:30-Marjorie MacIntosh, John Park. 2:00-Edith Zerbe. 3:00-Jane Dole, Bill Barndt. 4:00-Fred Buesser, Harriet Heath. 5:00--Herb Wolf, Florence Davies. ANGELL H 7:30--Tom Hill, Tom Ayers. 9:00-Francis Marcero. 10:00-John Mann, Betty Bingham. 11:00-R. D. Watson. CENTER OF DIAGONAL 7:30--Tom Sullivan, Dick Brawerman 9:00--Carl Abbott, Lois Herald. 10:00-John Staple, Jean Nash. 11:00--.Jim Walker, Josephine Cavanaugh 12:30-Lois King, Charlotte Rueger. 2:00-Marion Holden, Cerdric Marsh. 3:00-T. K. Fisher. Benz Cox. 4:00- Don Alexander. 5:00-Bob Beuhler. N. W. CORNER OF DIAGONAL 7:30-Frank Barnard. 9:00--Gretchen Lehman. 10:00--Gil Tilles. 11:00-Miller Sherwood. 12:30-Bill Bates. 2:00-Marjorie Turner. 3:00-Martin Weiner. 4:00-Hib Anderson. 5:00-James Nichols. ROMANCE LANGUAGE BUILDING 7:30-Jack Duffendack. 9:00--Dick Beyer. 10:00-Ruth Clark. 11:00-Kevin Hepp. 12:30-Flora Lewis. 2:00-Margot Goodrich. 3:00-Ida Solomon. ARCADE ENTRANCE 7:30- Mary- Ellen Heitsch. 9:00--Betty Petrasch. 10:00-Ruth Sevensma. 11:00-Maryanna Chockley. 12:30-Seigman Randolph. 2:00--Cedric Sweet. 3:00-Joan Howson. 4:00--Barbara Schacht. 5:00-Sybil Swartout, Gar rGerstacker. HILL AUDITORIUM 7:45 p.m.-Howard Holmes, Pete Fones. HALL LOBBY 12:30-Mary C. Johnson, Sam Stoller. 2:00-Betty Strickroot, Fred Cody. 3:00-Paul Keeler, Betty Mills. Buenos Aires Powers Sign Security Pact U. S., Brazil, Argentina Lead Way In Convention For Peace In Americas Non-Intervention Move Reaffirmed BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 11.-(P)- Representatives of the United States, Brazil and Argentina signed a joint convention for peace and security to- day, the most concrete action yet tak- en at the Inter-American Peace Con- ference. Several other nations-including Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua --added their signatures a few min- utes after the three great countries approved the consultative accord,' which resulted from secret confer- ences. The signatures of Chile, Cuba, Peru and Uruguay, quickly following, in- creased the list of early assenters to 10. A separate repetition of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Non-In- tervention was framed as part of the project. United States Secretary Cordell (lull declared the proposal conveyed "the strongest guarantees for peace that this continent ever had and af- ford an example to the countries of other continents." He said it was "an epochal step, providing for conferences, collabora- tion and consultation among "the 21 American republics from any source; A.-A menace of peace to the Ameri- can republics from any source; B.- A menace to peace on this continent through inter-American wars; and C.-A menace from any war outside this continent that threatens the peace of the Americas." Flint Strikers De Valera Asserts Does Not Mean With Empire Edward Makes Farewell Address; Ireland Moves 'ITo Cast Off English Ties Move Break Parliament Pushes Bill Ending Post Of English Governor-General State Made Free In Internal Affairs DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Dec. 11. -(A")-In the only land where to- night Edward VIII still was king, the Free State Parliament pushed to final passage a bill abolishing the office of governor-general, King's represenlta- tive. Thus, the Free State made itself in effect independent of Britain in the conduct of internal affairs al- though President Eamon de Valera made clear that there would be no break from the empire. De Valera plans to present to the Dail tomorrow legislation ratifying the accession of King George VI, but without that legislation tonight Ed- ward still was technically king. Henceforth, under the bill to bel presented tomorrow, the British king's name will be used only in the conduct of foreign affairs of the Free State. Will Not Take Advantage Governor General Donal-Buckley was expected quickly to sign into law his own official "death warrant," en- acted by the Dail tonight, passing to de Valera the duties he had per- formed in the name of the king. Bluntly announcing "the govern- ment policy wants ultimately-to see all of Ireland republic," de Valera as- serted, he would not take advantage of Edward's abdication to declare it now. "I am not trying to have a slap at Britain," he said. "I do not want to injure Britain. This bill is our own affair and Britain has no right to interfere in our private affairs." The measure was passed finally, 80 to 56, after an earlier test vote over- rode labor opposition. The test vote, won by the govern- ment 71 to 53, was on a government Future Kings To Be Careful In Marriages Any king who wants to rule in the future will be careful of his marriage arrangements, Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history department declared yesterday in an interview on the ab- dication of Edward, which he termed as the first voluntary abdication in the history of England and involves further steps in the continuous con- stitutional development of England. It is very unfortunate, Professor Cross remarked, that a crisis such as' this has arisen at the moment when the whole of Europe is in the midst of a feverish predicament, when Eng- land should devote all her energies to stabilize conditions on the continent. Since the Norman conquest, Profes- sor Cross said, there have been three abdications serving as precedent for Edward VIII's action, but in each case the abdications were forced. The first, he stated, came in 1327 when Edward II was forced to abdicate be- cause of great unpopularity. In 1399 Richard II was forced to relinquish his title and a member of another branch of the royal family was placed on the throne. The last in 1688, Professor Cross continued, involved James II who fled during the "Glorious Revolution" but was brought back and then "pres- sure was put on the front door and the back door was opened" so that, he said, although it was stated that the throne was vacated, in reality it was a forced abdication. The question of the marriage of the king is undoubtedly a public one, Professor Cross pointed out, for even Queen Victoria, who constantly scolded and reprimanded her min- isters, nevertheless did not dare defy her ministers whom she realized were responsible to Parliament which in turn was responsible to the people. In desiring to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson, King Edward ran counter to many factions, Professor Cross ex- plained. Those who do not recognize divorce as the high churchmen, even though * legalized;those who regard the situation from the moral stand- nr~t.ac ho nn~nfnria t~an Students In Need Of Medical Aid Benefit From Goodfellows Men students who are forced tem- porarily to give up a board job be- cause of ill health, or who need glasses but haven't a sufficiently flex- ible budget to buy them, or students who through one emergency or an- other need some momentary finan- cial support are aided by the Good- fellows through the Dean of Stu- dents' office. Though part of the money made by the sale of the Goodfellow edition of The Daily, Dec. 14 will be given to the Family Welfare Bureau to care for needy Ann Arbor families, an- other portion will be allocated to the office of the Dean of Women and to thecDean of Students Office. Money will be given to these two offices in proportion to the number of male and female students on the campus Funds turned over to the Dean of Students' Office are used to "tide stu- dents over a rough spot," Dean Jo- seph A. Bursley said yesterday. The Dean of Students' Office puts the money it receives from the Goodfel- lows into the Student Goodwill Fund, Dean Bursley explained, and this is used to meet emergencies that stu- dents must meet or be forced to go home. "No tuition. is paid out of the Stu- dent Goodwill Fund," Dean Bursley said, "but the fund may be used to help students in any class or college who are confronted with some emer- gency whose solution is essential to their health and in many cases their attendance in the University." Typical cases were cited by Dean Bursley in which the money earned by the Goodfellow Drive had been Man Escapes Mental Ward, Returns Safely A patient of the University Psy- chopathic Hopsital escaped last night and succeeded in driving to Clinton before he was apprehended and re- turned to Ann Arbor, it was reported last night. The hospital refused to reveal the name of the patient, who was under- stood not to have harmed anyone during his escape. 77CCrl 4.hrmiah t.hP fif_11rlpnf.. Air] Tlimrl i useu tnrount e IuueUntJ U.U r uIu. One student helped, through Good- fellow- aid had artificial feet, but de- A re'i hreatened spite this incapacity was forced to stand several hours each day at his B Csi dish-washing job. His tuition and CP~4om mn ission books are being provided for by the State Rehabilitation Board, Dean Bursley said, but it was necessary for Orders Operators And Bus him 'to work for his board and room. Drivers To Begin Work Near the close of theosemester last year his endurance in sticking to the By Saturday board and room job besides keeping- up his studies was about used up. He FLINT, Mich.. Dec. 11.-(A)--The required a respite from his work to 141int City Commission voted a vir- allow him to get back in good health tual ultimatum today to Flint Trolley and make up some of his school work Coach Inc., and its striking operators or else it would mean the end of his and bus drivers that unless service on college career. city lines is resumed by 1 p.m. Satur- At this point the Dean's office in- day the franchise of the company will tervened, for they had learned of the be revoked and the strikers will be crisis he faced. He was given $25, out cf jobs. which made his burden lighter and The action of the City Commission enabled him to continue in school. was taken en advice of City Attorney Hyman Hoffman who formally ad- vised such action as well as imme- Haber'Leaves diate steps to set up another trans- Ha~~er porltati.onsystem. B To StudyN Y Advised By Kieran T S d N The Commission had been advised by Arthur J. Kieran, president of the insurance Law Flint Transportation System and also. head of the Eastern Michigan System which .perates suburban service in DETROIT, Dec. 11.-(W)--Headed the mftropolitan area, that it was by Dr. William Haber, chairman, and "absolutely impossible' 'to meet the of the University economics depart- drivers' wage demands of 75 cents an ment, members of Governor-Elect hoar, , ,n increase of 20 cents an hour Murphy's Social Security Study Coin- ovcr the prevailing wage rate. mission left tonight for Albany, N.Y., Ihe strikers, who have occupied and Washington to study unemploy- garag es and barns of the company, prevnt~n opratin oftheequip- ment insurance plans. m ntfr four days, also had an- In Washington tomorrow and Sun- oicuned their refusal to arbitrate day, they will participate in unem- the demand. ployment insurance discussions of the It was reported the strikers would National Public Welfare Conference. Imeet later in the day to discuss the In New York they will study the New new situation brought about by ac- York unemployment insurance law. tioi of the City Commission. Ex-Monarch Tells World He Cannot Live Without Woman He Loves Promises Support To New Sovereign Largest Radio Audience In History Hears Last Speech Of Ex-Ruler LONDON, Dec. 11.-(P)-Edward David Windsor, in a broadcast fare- well to the British Empire he once ruled, tonight told the world he laid down the scepter of his forefathers only because he could not carry on without "the woman I love"-the American-born, twice-divorced, Wal- lis Warfield Simpson. The greatest radio audience that ever listened to the words of one man heard this message carried to the end of his former "dominions beyond the seas"-to the corners of the globe: Burden Too Heavy "You must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of re- 'ponsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love. "And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone." To the 495,000,000 subjects of the far-flung realm over which he reigned until but a few hours before, Edward David Windsor said slowly and clearly: "The other person most nearly con- cerned has tried up to the last to per- suade me to take a different cose. "I have made this the most serious decision of my life only upon the single thought of what would in the end be the best for all." Gives Allegiance To Brother In a voice as slow and strong as the words he was speaking, the man who had been Britain's king pledged heartfelt allegiance to his younger brother, the new King George VI. He sought to dispel for all time the last vestige of reports of bitterness between himself and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, the man who told his king he must not marry Mrs. Simpson and keep his crown. "There has never been any consti- tutional difference between me and them and between me and Parlia- ment." The voice of Edward, the man, broke only once during the brief ad- dress. That was when he spoke of Her Majesty, Queen Mother Mary. "During these hard days," he said, "I have been comforted by Her-(he caught his'breath)-Her Majesty, my mother, and by my family." Called Prince Edward Introduced as "his royal highness Prince Edward" while the chimes of Big Ben in London tolled the hour of 10 p.m. (5 p.m. E.S.T.), the man who had been king concluded with: "God save the king!" "It may be some time before I re- turn to my native land, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the Br.itish race and empire with pro- found interest and if at any time in the future I can be found of serv- ice to his majesty in a private sta- tion, I shall not fail." From Cannes came reports that his chosen lady, Wallis Warfield Simp- son, wept openly as she heard his words "woman I love." Reports that a British- warship would take Edward to France gained some credulity with news that the destroyer Wolfhound left Portland at 3 p.m. under sealed orders for an undisclosed destination. The admiralty refused any infor- mation. Two Hours Required In action swift for all its solemnity, Parliament required only two hours and two minutes to give the reign of Edward VIII to another genera- tion to judge, and to give the 42- year-old man freedom to marry the woman he loves. The first voluntary abdication bill in the long history of the British em- pire was passed ijito law with only five members of the House of Com- mons voicing opposition. The regal House of Lords, shocked by the momentous precedent it must motion to invoke rigid rules to hasten pointas e non-coniorm1sLs, are a mptssngeoof the constitutional few of the interested parties which 'passage Professor Cross pointed out are op- measure.. Cosgraves Leads Attack Opposition attacks were led by W.1 T. Cosgrave, leader of the United Ireland Party, and labor protagonist William Norton Lee, but President de Valera said he was determined to complete action tomorrow. Lee held the legislation was "being rushed through with indecent haste." To Cosgrave's question whether de Valera intended to sever all relations with the British commonwealth of nations and whether he had consult- ed other members of that common- wealth, the Irish president replied he had informed the British government of his intentions, but had not had time to consult dominion leaders. "Canada, Australia, New Zealand' and South Africa have agreed to cer- tain action in the present position," de Valera said. "But the Free State government was not prepared to give assent to the idea that the British Parliament could legislate for the Free State." Still In Commonwealth The Free State would remain in the commonwealth, de Valera said, but would limit its use of the king's name to foreign affairs. Even the continuance of the monarch's name in accrediting Free State ministers would be dropped, he indicated, if other autonomous dominions did likewise. The president would take over functions of the governor general except that of signing of bills and dissolving of Parliament-duties which would be designated to the Dail speaker. Saity Of M.S.C. Slayer Examined LANSING, Dec. 11.-(A)-The In- gham County Circuit Court kent se- (Continued on Page 2) Kirar Breaks World Record At Swim Fest New Mark Is One-Tenth Of A Second Faster; Full House Attends Swimming before a full house at the annual gala aquatic festival at the Intramural pool last night, Ed Kirar, Varsity free styler ploughed through the 50-yard dash to come in one-tenth of a second under the world's record for this event. Kirar was clocked at 24.7 seconds, but had been given a two second handicap giving him a time of 22.7 seconds, one-tenth of a second under the record. Walt Tomski, sophomore Varsity swimmer, was also clocked under the existing record by two-tenths of a second, but jumped the gun dis- qualifying himself for the final heat. Both these records are unofficial as they were not scored in a dual con- ference or a championship meet. Both Tomski and Kirar have unofficially broken the world's record in this event before. These times were scored in the preliminary heats. The final, however, failed to be as fast as the first heats, the time being 23.3 sec- onds by Kirar. Ingerson of Ann Ar- bor High School, having no handicap, finished first in the final. In the 100-yard breast-stroke, a nine second handicap proved too much for co-captain Jack Kasley to overcome and he was nosed out by Johnny Haigh of the yearling squad. Decision to go to Washington and J. F. O'Connor, federal labor con- Albany was announced last night 1iliator, arrived today on orders from following a hearing before 100 repre- Secretary of Labor Perkins to seek a sentatives of Michigan industrial, sethlemnent. " ..._._ To The Goodfellow Editor: ----7 lI labor, civic and business associations. The representatives generally agreed the state should have such a law, but its method of operation and the tax required from employers were moot questions. Pope Makes Gaiii In Paralysis Figh i VATICAN CITY, Dec. 11.-(1)-P) Pope Pius displayed new strength to- day in his fight against partial leg1 paralysis but his physician prescribed stimulants to correct irregularity of' his heart action. He endured the most Drolonged ac- Detroit Plants Close DETROIT, Dec. 11.-(A')-Two plants of the Kelsey-Hayes Co., man- ufacturer of automobile wheels, were closed here this afternoon for the second time in successive days as the rekult of a "sit-down"strike of em- ployes. Reports on the situation conflicted. Lester Downie, treasurer of the company, said late today- the strikers were leaving the plants, that negotia- tions on demands would be resumed tomorrow and that lie hoped the plants would reopen Monday morn- ing. G. A. Young, vice-president of the west side local of the United Auto- I wish to join the GOODFELLOWs. Enclosed find my contribution of $....to help needy students, children and families. ', 'n .....,.. ---A ..v.zr r..... r cwt 1 t.A Ari tbl riett 1 ,2;llr t-^. I I i