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December 11, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-11

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FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1936


French Group Good fellow Drive
To Hear Talk Praised y Head
Of elfare Board
ByLemonnier '
By Lem nnier(Continued from Page i
'Theatre de Lenormand' the need of some people, Mrs. Brad-
shaw said she would answer: "To
Is Topic Of Sorbonne you who would reply, 'there is plenty
Professor On Monday of work,' just try to support five
children, a wife and grandmother on
Prof. Leon Lemonnier, charge de con- a W.P.A. job which at the maximum
ferences at the Sorbonne, will talk on pays you $57 per month, and in win-
"Le Theatre de H. R. Lenormand" as ter, on part time caused by weath-
the second Cercle Francais lecture at er conditions, sometimes brings in
4:15 p.m. Monday in Room 103, Ro- $20 per month. When illness lessens
mance Languages Building. even this income, what Christmas can
this family have except as the Good-
M. Lemonnier, who specializes in fellow comes to the rescue?
French and English literature, is vis-

Gives Up Throne For Anmerican-Born Divorcee

German Prize
Of $30 Offered
For Best Essay

All 'Ensian Pictures
Due Before Dec. 18
All senior pictures for the 'Ensian
must be taken before Dec. 18, accord-I
ing to Frank T. Dannemiller, '37,1
editor. "Absolutely no picture taken

after Dec. 18 will be accepted by the
'Ensian," he said.
Dannemiller again reminded senior
graduate students that they can use
their undergraduate pictures for the
1937 'Ensian at the cost of $2 for re-

iting professor for thisasemester at
the University of Buffalo. He is a
novelist and writer, his most famous;
novel being "La Femme sans Peche,"'
and has written books on Edgar Allenj
Poe, Oscar Wilde and Baudelaire. 1
Among the reviews to which Pro-
fessor Lemonnier has contributed ar-
ticles are "Mercure de France" and
"Revue de .France." He is one oft
the founders of populism, the new
school of French novelists. Profes-
sor Lenormand is one of the out-I
standing and most original contem-
porary French playwrights.
Tickets for the series of French'
lectures may be purchased at the:
office of the department, Room 112,1
Romance Languages Building.

And, Mrs. Bradshaw went on to
say, that last year the Goodfellows
did come to the rescue, and brought
happiness to many Ann Arbor fam-
ilies by giving the parents assurance
that before the tiny tree which had
adorned with trimmings there would
shortly 'rest a gift, prettily wrapped,
and tied with colored strings for each
child in the family.
In conclusion Mrs. Bradshaw
pointed out that to the families who
received .gifts the Family Welfare
visitors were already known as
friends not as intruding strangers.
"The Goodfellow Fund is doing a
fine work and bringing a large
measure of Christmas cheer," Mrs.
Bradshaw declared.

_.._._. nw_.__._,_._.______.______._..___._..__.___W . w_____. _.... .____.__.._.__... .. _ .w ---...---- I

- Associated Press Photo

Week-End Special
Superior Dairy Company
Phone 23181

Heneman Sees
Kin s Defeat
In Resignation
Points To Factors Working
Along With Resentmentt
Against Love Match
(Continued from Page 1)
te king had taken the initiative
in the matter did the cabinet give
him advice and this advice was ap-
parently that the cabinet was op-
posed to the marriage between the
monarch and Mrs. Simpson, Pro-
fessor Heneman added, leaving the
king with the alternative of choosing
between the throne and Mrs. Simp-

ublie Program
y ance Club
Dances In- Palmer Lounge
Feature Holiday Theme
With Yuletide Songs
For several years there has been
a great deal of interest in Ann Arbor
in the newer developments in the
dance. Most of the leading expon-
ents of the modern dance have given
grograms here. But there has been
activity, too, in a creative way; spon-
C red ebiefly by.the Dance Club, both
alone and in conjunction with Play
Production activities. The first pub-
lic program of the year, sponsored

Unitts Political Extremists by the Dance Club, will be given at
"When Baldwin first made an an- 4:30 p.m. today in the Women's Ath-
nouncement to the House of Com- [tic Building and all interested are
mons last Monday, the reception invited-without admission charge.
given him and the contrasting treat- The program for this afternoon is
ment accorded those who sought to I appropriate for the Christmas sea-
oppose him indicated that the Com- son. There will be first, two panto-
mons, for the most part, supported mimic dances in a folk vein to tradi-
the cabinet," he added. tional chorales, The Wassail Song
"The issue served to unite such and Un Flambeau, Jeannette Isa-
political extremists as Harold J. Laski belle; second, a group of more or less
iett-wing Socialist and for many Ifant heritic pre-classic forms associat-
years an adviser to the executive of ed with Christmas or Twelfth Night
he Labor Party, and a Tory like revels at court. The program will
Baldwin," Professor Heneman said. close with a group of four chorales
Each of these men may have had tieated from a modern point of view
selfish reasons for meeting on alj Lut atterrnpt ng to catch the religious,
common ground in this particular in - aerliug orifinally inherent in the
stance, assuming that Edward was form.
too irresponsible and too democratic]
for Baldwin and that Laski, as a ALPHA EPSILON PHI
British Socialist, would dislike to see Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the
the king win a victory that would initiation of Beulah Jones, '39, of
increase the strength and power of \ew York and Marian Touff, '38, of
monarchy. Professor Henernan said. Detroit.
Irish Trouble Anticipated - -

Bronson-Thomas Contest
Award Given To Student
Here In April
The German department of the N
University recently announced the
Bronson-Thomas prize, an annual
stipend totaling $30, awarded on theS
basis of a three-hour essay contest
to be held under departmental sup-I
ervision about April 1. of
The subjects for this year's es-
says cover the five periods in Ger-TE
man literary history from 1750 to
19C0. Each contestant will be given
a reading list, according to Prof. for Detroit, Buffalo, New York
Henry Nordmeyer, head of the Ger-
man department, from which he is
to select reading for one of the five
periods. After satisfying the depart-
ment that he has completed theD
necessary reading, he will be ad-
mitted to the contest and may write
his essay in either English or Ger-
man. Leaves Ann Arbor 6:30 P.M.
The Bronson-Thomas award was
made possible by a $1,000 donation instead of 6:59 P.M., Time of the
of Thomas Bertrand Bronson, '81,
master of modern languages in Law- Regular Train.
renceville School. The donation was
stipulated for an annual essay prize.( DON'T M ISS IT !
Mr. Bronson named his bequest in
honor of Calvin Thomas, '74, profes-
sor of the German language,and lit-
erature in the University from 1887
to 1896 and later Geghard professor
of German in Columbia University.
Professor Thomas was during his
lifetime recognized, according to
Professor Nordmeyer, as among thes -_____--- - -------- --
most eminent scholars and teachers ;
of German literature in the country.I
Publications Buildmg
Installs New Phones
(Continued from Page 1)
No Home, Fraternity, Sorority w
Daily office when students call up
for football scores, election returns, or S/ore is ready for the Holiday &
information on dances, meetings and
other matters of general interest. Season without a fine Evergreen A
Judging from the chaotic situa-
tion that prevails at present it will ree or DecOatIo.
take a few days for staff members toTD
become acclimated to the new system. E
Some staff members yearn for the
good old days, but the perplexing;
maze of lights, bells and buttons will We have just received a large shipment of newly
undoubtedly be straightened out to cut Trees. Make the selection of your Christmas
usher in an era of improved com-ot
munication. Treeearyfrom our choicelot
Watch out for the new watches! IjI1 ]B R OS ,
They can be pinned to the lapel, H JLRT1L'&\' , o
hid in lockets, worn dangling on
bracelets or even made into r-'n 210 South Ashley Dial 2-1713
crystal paper weights that away like
tops. #iv t#ta t # at###4,e##u'1# #rf#&## itty
Does She go in for Winter Sports?
Give her n
Tyrolian Ski Siuit
.. L./. ,,", i

PLAY SANTA CLAUS in the grand manner
this Christmas, and give the gift which will put
her in raptures.
Our Ski Suits are really unusual and color-
ful, showing the Tyrolian Lanz of Salzburg influ-
ence. Wools and gabardines in dark colors with
bright accents.
$ 5to $2950 ~
Accessories to go with it
Hand Knitted Mittens. .. $2.50 pair Angora and Wosted Scarfs . . $1.00
Hand Knitted Tyrolian Caps. . $1.00 Bass Regulation Ski Boots ... $8.50
Hand Knitted Socks ... $1.75 pair Sweaters. . . singles and
twins . . . $3.50 to $5.95

Y "H mm ND'

Up to the date of abdication the
position of Baldwin's cabinet in theI
conflict has received the support of
both the Conservative and Labor
parties, he added.
"It is anticipated that Ireland will l
refuse to subscribe to the abdication
or, more pointedly, to the coronation I
of a new king, in the attempt to drive1
a wedge between itself and the em-
pire and so achieve complete sover-
eignty," Professor Slosson said. "IfI
India should follow suit, the situa-
tion would become unique indeed
and might lead to unexpected re-



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All is not lost! You can still get home
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mate's wristwatch. Go by Greyhound
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all round trip tickets! Start your
Merry Christmas right . . . on a
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