Tr DAY, DEC. 11, "1936 Iftr..,. MIGH I .far A 1'1 . D A 1 L Y r "t,169 ftv 35O Couples To Attend Annual Soph Prom In Union Ballroom !onight Guests Of H ead Committeemen Are Announced Drysdale Will Lead March With Marguerite Richter; Barney Rapp To Play The annual Soph Prom, the first class dance of the year, will be held from 10 p.m. today to 2 a.m. in the Union Ballroom. Three hundred and fifty couples will attend. David Drysdale, general chairman, will attend with Marguerite Richter, '40. Bunty Bain, chairman of the decoration committee will have as her guest Howard Colby, '39. Guests Are Named Eunice Tong of Detroit will be the guest of Harry Swan who is chair- man of the floor committee. Ben- nett Roct has invited Faye Elizabeth Smith of Birmingham to attend the prom, and Robert Morgan will at- tend with Marian Dailey, '38. Both Root and Morgan are members of the decoration committee. Other committee members and their guests who will attend are: Saul Kleiman, chairman of publicity, with Ruth Marcus, '39; Richard Fox, chairman of the orchestra commit- tee, with Marjorie Link, '39; Nelson Lindenfeld, chairman of the patron committee, with Dorothy Rupper, '38Ed.; and Robert Vander Pyl, pub- licity committee member, with Bar- bara Marion of Grosse Pointe. Following the precedent of the J-Hcp and other class dances, cor- sages will not be worn, it was an- nonced Tuesday. Christmas Decorations The Yuletide spirit will prevail over the entire Union Ballroom as the decorations will consist of large silver Christmas trees, holly wreaths, mistletoe and Christmas lights. A Santa Claus will be at the door to distribute the programs. Barney Rapp and his New Eng- landers who have just completed an engagement at the Detroit Auto Show will play for the dancing. Rapp also played for the Soph Prom at Ohio State University last Friday. All women who attend will be granted 2:30 a.m. permission, ac- cording to the dean's office. DELTA SIGMA PI Delta Sigma Pi, national business adiminstration fraternity, elected the following officers recently: head- master, Richard Prey, '37BAd; senior warden, John P. Campbell, '38BAd; junior warden, Benjamin Winchell, '37E; scribe, Joseph Bonavito, '38; treasurer, George Byron Wells, '37BAd. GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta sorority an- nounces the pledging of Virginia Brigham, '40, of Ann Arbor. Will Lead Soph Prom Grand Mar~ch Tonight 0 Second League Undergraduate Tea IsToday Non-Affiliates To Receive Special Invitation; Miss Hamilton Is In Charge The second in this year's series of League undergraduate teas is to be I given from 4 to 6 p.m. today in the! League Ballroom, according to Mar- garet Hamilton, '37, chairman of the teas. Those who are to preside at the tea tables are Dean Alice C. Lloyd. Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Hugh M. Beebe, Mrs. W. A. Bowen, Mrs. Agnes Clark, Miss Kathleen Codd, Miss Isabel Dudley, Miss Mary Gleason, Mrs. Homer Heath, Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Mrs. Franklyn Moore, Mrs. D. B. Reynolds, and Mrs. Hazel Roberson. All women en campus are in- vited to be present at these affairs. A special invitation for today's tea was extended to members of Assem- bly, organization of independent women, by Charlotte D. Rueger, '37, League president, at the Assembly Banquet held Monday night. Members of the League social com- mittee, under the direction of Har- riet Heath, '37, chairman, will act as hostesses. Charlie Zwick and his orchestra are to play for dancing. At the first tea of the year, held last month, more than 650 women were present. This- was the largest crowd to attend an affair of this kind in years, Miss Hamilton said. Dance Recital Will Be Given By Club Today A Christmas theme will be the sub- ject of the Modern Dance Club pro- gram to be given at 4:30 p.m. today in the lounge of the Women's Ath- letic Building, it has been announced by Beatrice Lovejoy, '37, manager. The group will first dance to "Was- sail Song," an English folk song, and "Un Flambeau, Jeannette .Isabelle," a traditional French song. These will be followed by the pre-classic forms: "Courante," by Francois Cou- perin, and "Gavotte," by J. S. Bach. "Chorale," to a background of Bach chorals, will conclude the perform- ance. The latter composition will be composed of four parts, "Proces- sional," "Hosannah," "Adoration" and "Consecration." Music will be provided by Ward Allen, '40L, piano, and Henry Aus- tin, '36, voice.Following thedem-i onstration, punch will be served by the Women's Athletic Association. No admission charge will be made. The recital will be under the lead er ship of Ruth Bloomer, adviser, ac- cording to Miss Lovejoy. J.G.P. Plans Made At Mass Meeting More than 225 junior women at-a tended the general mass meeting yes- terday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Plans were discussed for the 1937 Junior Girls Play to be pre- sented March 24-27. Dean Alice C. Lloyd gave a short talk on the history of the junior play. Hope Hartwig, general chair- man -of the play, this year introduced the central committee. Dr. Margaret Bell suggests a rou- tine for women who participate in the production. "Attend to your health first, then your academic work, and then your job if you should be working. The J.G.P. should be -your avocation." Committees will be announced in the near future, Miss Hartwig said. a* Specially Priced For Christ as HATS in SOFT FELTS and VELOURS $1.95 - $3.95 - $6.00 (Values up to $9.00) DANA RICHARDSON 309 South State Street -- At the Dillon Shop Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. S _____________________ It's JACOBSON'S .. . for MEN who want GIFTS for WOMEN! ... that reveal good taste .. and careful thought. . . glorious . ift Slippers MARGUERITE RICHTER -Photograph by Robert L. Goch. DAVID DRYSDALE \ . . :' ti.: ;< x .. \ < . r. .. ... - . S" t ." . }:, i.. y i $ to 2.25 Five Fraternity Houses To Give D Tonight Alpha Delta Phi Will Hold Autumn Party; Chi Phi To Sponsor Formal The last week-end on campus be- fore the Christmas holidays promises to be a busy one. A fraternity house party and various formal, dances will be given tonight. Alpha Delta Phi will hold theirf fall house party this week-end. A closed informal dance will be held tonight, and a closed formal dinner- dance tomorrow night. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cole will be the chaperons. Alpha Kappa Lambda will hold a closed Christmas formal tonight. Chaperons for the dance will be Prof. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Maugh and Mr. and Mrs. George G. Alder. Chi Phi will hold their pledge formal tonight in the Hussey Room of the League The list of patrons and patronesses for the affair in- cludes -Dr. William Brace, Mr. and Mrs. John Law, Mr. and Mrs. Mischa Titiev, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crary, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wade. Delta Upsilon First Round Of Play In Basketball Ends The first round of the women's basketball tournament, the major event of the first indoor season, was completed yesterday. The purpose of this first round was to place the teams in either the A or B tournaments and from now on there will be real elimination. In the end the winner of the A tourna- ment will play the winner of the B tournament for the final champion- ship.I The teams in the A division are Betsy Barbour House, Zone III, Mar- tha Cook Building, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Delta, Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Jordan HIall, Zone IV, Mosher Hall and Sorosis, Zone VII, and Delta Delta Delta, Adelia Cheever Residence. The teams in the B division are Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Zone VI, Alpha Xi Delta,. Alpha Delta Pi, Zone V, Zone II, Al- pha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Helen Newberry1 Residence.1 ,-- - - -- Lovely Satin Sandals or Mules, Glove Kid Bootees, Silk Bro- cade or Kid D'Orsays . . . hard or soft soled . . . in beautiful colors! Select yours! GALOSHES, E0 89 x.45 Of Satin-Finish, first quality Rubber . . . button or slide fas- tener or Velvet Fur Trimmed Motor Boots . . black or brown ..fine values! C II By ARBOR SPRINGS A DEADLY SCOURGE While America talks of peace, internal forces prepare foi war. This war has as its object the subjection of cancer. It is be- cause of the startling fact that more than 140,000 people were conquered by this scourge dur- ing the past year, that medical science is striving to bring ex- amination and treatment with- in the reach of all. The price of the pure, re- freshing water furnished by the Arbor Springs Water Co., 416 W. Huron, is within the reach of all. You will greatly benefit by drinking plenty of this healthful water, which may be obtained by telephoning 8270. JACOBSON's' t A formal dance will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today, at the Delta Upsilon house in honor of the dele- gates who are here attending the provincial conference of Delta Up- silon. The chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. George Brigham and Prof. and Mrs. Harold Dorr. A formal ban- quet will be given from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow, at the fraternity house. Prof. Arthur L. Cross will be the toastmaster. Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will hold a closed pledge formal tonight. Chaperons for the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Upton of Ann Ar- bor, and M. and Mrs. Charles Bates' of Highland Park, Ill. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold its pledge formal tonight. The chap- erons will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller. KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigma fraternity announcesj the initiation of the following: Rob- or" Piotrowski, '39P, Manistee; Del-I brid e Lakin, '39, Detroit; Anwar' Ha1 sani.,:33E, Bagdad, Iraq. Special Sale the Collins Shoppe Presetls ~it U L 4 S AV . 4 RESn ' Featuring the famous ELLEN KAYE fashions at prices for below regular. Styles are all NEW with the individ- ual details you yearn for. Crepes - Sheer Wools Velvets $ * 45 F t )I c { _ . . ; =.a. 1 I --.j 1w PF I I i t Formnerly Colicge Cob Co. Now Called -AC;E 'oCf-A atCO. Samne Managoement -1 Now-ALL NEW CARS Enough Cabs For Best Service s'ROBES A FLANNEL or SILK ROBE should have a place in every feminine wardrobe. They come in solid or a combination of colors. The prices start at $5.95 NEGLIGEES LOUNGING P ATAMAS If you believe she has everything, other certain to please" gifts are Silk Negligees or Lounging Pajamas. The prices of these very desirable gifts start at $595 The Collins Shoppe extends a verycordial fT t f I I {' 1% 7 7: r rr r '' }R ---.-=. " a;' i :;'". Jr,<" # f {r' ... / ยข :n . \ . ' } "Y f i -\ ; : , : ti ! y . f- , r } _ '. A. } _,i 17 - -. ' . . ! One Group Formal and Dinner Frocks. Crepes, Metailics and Vel4ets. $ 1 45 1/' l } / l /- t !k I A 1 I I Id 9 -