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December 11, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-11

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FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1936



t936 Member 1937
Associded Colie6ide Press
Distributors of
Colle6<ie Digest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Vivid Account
To the Editor:
Unfortunately, the Daijy's report of the alter-
cation between Father Kruger and Donna Isa-
bella de Palencia confined its efforts too closely
'to a cold skeleton of hard facts. A more vivid
account of what actually transpired at the meet-
ing might cast some light on a much larger issue
than the speeches that were made. Donna Isa-
bella had not spoken more than a few moments
before she won completely the hearts and the
sympathies of her audience. It was immediately
evident why she is considered one of the great
literary lights of contemporary Spain and why
she was recently appointed ambassador to Swe-
den. The audience felt instinctively that she is
one of those rare personalities wherein the two
attributes of intelligence and sweetness of char-
acter combine to make a thorough gentlewoman.
It was impossible to doubt for a moment her
honcsty or her intense sincerity. Her words
were impregnated with the consciousness of their
own strength, strong because they were rein-
forced by omnipotent truth.
She concluded her speech, and wen the chair-
man suggested that she would gladly answer any
questions the audience had in mind, it imme-
diately became obvious that. the benevolent
Father Kruger was "laying for" her. He bounced
abruptly to his feet, got control of the floor be-
fore anyone else had a chance to speak, and
proceeded to make himself as obnoxious as pos-
sible. He was not interested in asking questions;
he was interesting in precipitating a quarrel.
He undertook to prove that Father. Sarasola, the
absent member of the delegation, was, contrary
to Donna Isabella's statement, an apostate, on
the grounds that he had left his monastery with-
out permission, and in the company of a woman.
What the canonical technicalities of the matter
may be, I do not know, but it was quite evident
that the audience did not care two damuns whe-
ther Father Sarasola was an apostate or whether
he was an ape. The chairman had made it
perfectly clear that Father Sarasola was appear-
ing iii America as a Spanish citizen, that he
made no pretenses to be here as a representative
of the Catholic Church. (Of course not! We are
told that the Catholic Church in Montreal used
every means in its power to prevent the Spanish
delegation from speaking in that city.) Neither
did the audience care whether he had departed
in the company of a woman or a whole harem.
They were interested in what kind of a man he
was and what he had to say about Spain. The
veiled suggestion in Father Kruger's statement
that he had left "with a woman" did not add
any sedative to cool the rising temper of the
But when the good Father Kruger became in-
volved in the devious labyrinth of an ecclesias-
tical debate about the fine distinction between
"excommunicativus whangus" and "excommu-
nicativus o tempera o mores," and tossed in a few
"ipso factos" for embellishment, the audience
quite properly laughed him to scorn.
At this point, several people protested aloud,
the chairman restored order, and Donna Isa-
bella proceeded to answer his accusations. And
she did a very neat job of it. She probably
felt it was a pity that Father Sarasola was not
present to refute the gentleman's arguments in
his own terms, but she went ahead to do what
she could. She must have felt that hers was
the obligation of a lady of some breeding, who,
confronted with boorish tactics, was not herself
going to stoop to the same means. Calmly, and
with a few well-chosen facts, she proceeded to
make a complete fool of him. It must be ad-
mitted that she does not deserve the entire credit
for this accomplishment, for he contributed no,
mean part himself to the process. I like to
think that all the things he had said were noVi

the result of heredity, but the result of environ-
mental conditioning, for I have great faith in hu-
man nature, and I hate to thi-nk it possible for
any man to be born with such a perfect-genius
for buffoonery.
When Donna Isabella stated that several of
the churches in Spain had been converted into
arsenals, (a fact which our own press has grudg-
ingly corroborated) the holy man shouted,
"That's a lie!," and the only thing that saved
her from an embarrassing situation was the re-
action of the audience, most of which leaped
to its feet in protest, feeling, no doubt, that just
because a priest is the self-styled "representative
of God on earth," that does not release him from
the obligation of being . gentleman. For a mo-
ment the situation looked tense, but as one of
our leading professors put it, "There was no
danger that the audience would break out into
a riot; the only danger was that they would
take him out and wash out hismouth." Happil *
not one of the audience laid a hand on him.
If they had, he probably would have had the
masochistic satisfaction of feeling like a martyr.
As it is, he probably feels he was the victim not
of his own stupidity, but of religious bigotry
and intolerance. Nothing could be farther from
the truth. The audience was perfectly willing
to let him speak his piece. There was not a
w isper of protest about that. But they were
not going to allow him to monopolize the dis-
cussion, nor would they tolerate the lack of civ-
1lity in his conduct.
Well, several good things resulted from the
incident. The best of it is that the audience was
more completely convinced than ever of the jus-
tice of the Spanish loyalist cause. Hardly less
fortunate is it that Father Kruger, who prob-

**** IT ALL
-----By Both Wiliams
THE CLAN SPHINX encountered some diffi-
culty Tuesday night when they descended
upon the home of Prot. Art Van Duren. newly-
elected faculty member.
It was almost 1:a0 when Pharaoh Joe Mattes
led his band down to the vicinity of the Field
House and the an Duren residence. Silently
the Sphinxes nr de their way up the walk and
onto the porch, and then, with one accord let go
with a burst of shouts that rocked the neigh-
borhood while the whole house trembled as the
clan pounded on the doors and windows.
Neighbors were cursing vainly from their bed-
room windows when a disheveled figure in a
blue bathrobe sleepily rubbing his eyes was seen
stumbling down the stairs. The bolt clicked in
the door and before the Herr Van Duren knew
what it was all about the boys had poured into
the house and were pounding him on the back.
Professor Art sleepily put up his hands to de-
fend himself as the scroll of membership was
thrust into his palm and the pummeling con-
tinued. Suddenly there was a break in the pro-
ceedings as a small but courageously determined
Mrs. Van Duren swung into action. With one
hand she shoved the clansmen all over the room
and with the other grasped the telephone into
which she shouted desperately, "Quick, give me
the police department."
Having read your obit on the Cham-
pion, I'm at present in a position to sympa-
thize with you. For Phoebe, too, is dead.
Phoebe, her sleek black dress shaking vi-
vaciously, used to tag after the Champion
on his excursions, or sometimes run along
ahead of him. She loved to run about at
night, never caring much for scenery. She
was just out for a fast time. I'd only known
her about four months, but in that short
time I learned to love her and depend on her.
Remember how she played tag with the
Champion all the way to Philadelphia, and
when the Champion couldn't go to Minnea-
polis, she went there herself to console you?
She loved to lean over on the curves, and
dart around the countryside, never so happy
as when she had a lot inside her.
She was a fast little number, and prob-
ably wouldn't have lived very log at the
hectic pace she set, but she lived life to the
full while she was at it, and showed me a
wonderful time.
Somehow, though, she saddened after the
Champion's death. Always cheerful before,
she became a habitual knocker, and felt an
urge to get oiled almost every week. She
got a bad attack of consumption lately,
too, with severe gas attacks.
Maybe it was her weakened condition, and
maybe the loss of the Champion, her run-
ning mate, but anyway, on the way into
Detroit Thursday morning, she ended it all
by gouging her abdomen with ,the sharp
point of a broken cylinder rod. I was with
her at the time, and her death rattle was
Anyway, Phoebe the Phord has followed
champion to the happy huhting grounds. So
let's get together, Bnth, and buy a tandem.
* * * *
getting pretty fed up with answering the
phone and hearing some sincere student voice
ask, "Will Professor Pollock hold his classes to-
day, or is he in Lansing again?" . . . Charlie
Zwick, the bane of whose existence is pain en-
gendered by cold feet, took the advice of Ann
Keeler and wore sweat socks to class. The after-
noon sun and the heat from a 2 p.m. radiator
made the young Mozart most uncomfortable.
With a stroke of magnificent boldness, and to
the great horror of two maidens who blushingly
watched the operation, Charlie removed his
shoes and socks. exercised his little pink toes,
and then put the shoes back on to proceed sock-
less for the remainder of the lecture and the
afternoon . . . A bat got loose in the main read-

ing room of the Library about 9 p.m. Thursday
night and for half ar fnour the whole assembly
was demoralized as the creature raced from one
end of the room to the other, zooming low and
causing girls to scream out and brave men to
make futile passes at the air. In an effort to
entice the bat outside, all the windows were
opened wide, but the only thing that strategic
move accomplished was to freeze everyone in the
The air raid was finally terminated when a
couple of huskies cornered the exhausted invader
and dispatched him with alacrity.
is not to hurt him personally or malign his char-
acter. What I am interested in is a situation
that brings a phenomenon like Father Kyuger
about. What I am interested in is this: Is his
attitude to be considered representative of the
policy of the Roman Catholic Church? I think
we may safely assume that we can best interpret
the policy of any institution by the actions of 'its
officials. Father Kruger is a priest and as such
it is not presumptuous to consider him represen-
tative of his Church. Obviously he opposes the
loyalist cause in Spain, along with the Catholic
press of America. That is in accord with the re-
port that most of the Spanish church is openly
siding' with the fascists. Why is the Catholic
Church with Franco? Could it be that if the loy-
alist cause succeeds, the Church stands to lose
tremendous properties, and with it a strangle
hold on the economic life of Spain? The Church
is said to own something like one-third of all the
landed property of the nation. This fact throws
more light on the problem of Father Sarasola's

Publication In the Bulletin Is con
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA University Copy received at the off
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Joseph Brinkman, Piano Soloist
ANN ARBOR swears by the Bos- FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1936
ton Symphony, and last night VOL. XLVII No. 64
most of the city was in Hill Auditor- Notices
ium, getting in its annual swearing. .
Seldm hve w sen a audenc re Notce to Seniors in all colleges of
Seldom have we seen an audience re the University: Your senior picture
ond to a musical performance as deadline for the 1937 Michiganensian
warmly and genuinely as did that has been set for Dec. 18. If you have
Sone. And our own delight and sat- Inot arranged to have your picture
isfaction was probably as great as taken, do so today at Rentschler's,
anyone's-in spite of the fact that Spedding's, and Dey's to avoid the
we had lately been lamenting the last minute rush.
presence on the program of such The 1937 Michiganensian.
warhorses as the Lohengrin Prelude
and the Beethoven Fifth Symphony. To All Men Students: Students in-
We still would like to hear Dr. Kous- tending to change their rooms at the
sevitzky and his superb organization' end of the present semester are here-
explore some of the less charted re- by reminded that according to the
gions of musical literature-regions University Agreements they are to
as they have in past years, approach- inform their householders of such
able only by a group of the superla- intention prior to Jan. 15. These
tive calibre of the Boston Orchestra. notices should be in writing. Students
But ears would have to be more jaded who do not give such notice of in-
than our own upon which such a per- tention to move will be expected to
formance of Beethoven as Dr. Kous- retain their present rooms until the
sevitzky gave would leave no re- end of the second semester.
freshing and lasting impression, and C. T. Olmstead, Assist. Dean of
we are humbly mindful that there is Students.
more than one kind of "new" music.
And more than one kind there was Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
last evening, what with the mag- I (value about $30.)-open to all un-
nificently revealing interpretation of dergraduate students in German of
the Beethoven Symphony and, in an distinctly American training. Will be
entirely different but equally as ef- awarded on the results of a three-
fective style, Professor Brinkman's hour essay competition to be held
extraordinary rendition of' the Sow- under departmental supervision
erby Second Piano Concerto. We about April 1, 1937 (exact date to
found that work highly pleasing and be announced two weeks in advance).
invigorating, with its jazzy rhythms Contestants must satisfy the de-
and captivating themes; whether it partment that they have done the
is "great" or lasting we can neither necessary reading in German. The
say nor care. Perhaps we should essay may be written in English or
have more to say about Professor German. Each contestant will be
Brinkman's playing of the solo part free to choose his own subject from a
had that not been so frequently over- list of at least ten offered. The list
whelmed by the orchestral accom- will cover five chapters' in the de-
paniment. Being entirely unfamiliar velopment of German literature from
with the Concerto, we have no way 1750 to 1900, each of which will be
of knowing whether his playing was represented by at least two subjects,
entirely correct, but we do know that Students who wish to compete should
it seemed to us admirable and highly register and obtain directions and a
effective, and that we share the ap- reading list as soon as possible at
plause and the pride of the audience the office of the German Depart-
for Professor Brinkman's part in the ment, 204, University Hall.
As for the rest of the program, we Panel Discussion of Near Eastern
enjoyed the Mendelssohn Scherzo Problems: The Arab Student Union
(from the String Octet, Op. 20) rath- will hold a Panel Discussion of the
er more than the Berlioz "Roman Problems of the Arabic-speaking
Carnival" Overture or the Lohengrin Peoples in the Near East, next Sun-
Prelude, in which the orchestra day afternoon, Dec. 13, at 4 p.m. in
seemed not quite to have settled down Room 316 of the Michigan Union.
to its usual faultless playing. Even Behij Khuri-Makdisi will speak for
though the Scherzo is quite similar in Syria; Hussein Saffar for Iraq; Ba-
style to the fairy music which the houth Bahouth for Palestine. Mr.
comopser wrote for "A Midsummer John Nassur of Detroit will speak of
Night's Dream," it is neverthless in- the cultural background of the Arabs.
teresting for its own sake; in it, par- All students interested in interna-
ticularly, the remarkable string sec- tional questions, as well as faculty
tion of the Boston Orchestra was and townspeople are cordially invit-
shown at excellent advantage. ed to be present.
But, for us, the playing of the --
Beethoven C Minor Symphony was New Jersey Club: Students who
the high point of the program. The are desirous of going home during
Scherzo, particularly, with its un- vacation with the club should make
believably pianissimo rmblings and reservations with Marianne Feins,
impelling horn call, was done in a secretary, 6548, before Monday, Dec.
way which we believe must have been 14.
that intended by Beethoven, so per-
fectly did it describe him to us. How Ae~oomAn , gntn.a


structive notice to all members of the
ice of the Assistant to the Presid
"The Enchanted Glass, or The Eliza-
bethan Mind in Literature." Mr. A.
K. Stevens will review Willard Farn-
ham's "The Medieval Heritage of
Elizabethan Tragedy." Mr. Wallace
Bacon will review Caroline Spurgeon's
"Shakespeare's Imagery." ' General
discussion will follow.

Medical History Club: There will
be a meeting of invited charter mem-
bers of the Medical History Club this
evening, at the home of Dr. Meinecke,
1204 Ferdon Road. The meeting will
start promptly at 8 p.m.
Esperanto: The Esperanto class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Friday,
Dec. 11.
Congregational Students: There
will be a Christmas party on Friday,
Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m. in the church par-
lors. Santa Claus will be good to all
who bring with them a 5 or 10 cent
present which is not candy. There
will be dancing and games.
The Modern Dance Club will pres-
ent a Christmas program of music,
song and dance of the 17th century
this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the
Women's Athletic Bldg. The public
is invited.
University Broadcasting: 2:15 p.m.
The Old and New in German Archi-
tecture. Prof. Wells I. Bennett.
Coming Events
Beta Kappa Rho Christmas Party,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League
Bldg. Saturday evening. Those at-
tending should call 4121-extension
The Outdoor Club is having a
skating party next Saturday after-
noon, -Dec. 12 at the Michigan rink.
The group will meet in the lobby of
Angell Hall at 2 -p.m. All students
Graduate Students: There will be
a Christmas party for graduate stu-
dents on Saturday evening, Dec. 12,
from 9 until 12 o'clock in the Wom-
en's Athletic Bldg. The whole build-
ing will be used. There will be bowl-
ing, progressive ping pong, and
bridge with prizes. Also, dancing
with a floor show in the intermission,
and fortune-telling by a palmist.
Phi Eta Sigma: The initiation of
new members will be at 5:30 p.m.,
Dec. 14, in Room 302 of the Union.
The initiates are requested to report
promptly. All members are urged to
attend the initiation banquet at 6:30
Delta Epsilon Pi: There will be a
meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. All members are
urged to be present and on time.
University of, Michigan Public
Health Club: All students in Hygiene
and Public Health are invited to the
Public Health party to be held in
conjunction with the graduate party
Saturday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. at the
Women's Athletic Bldg. Progressive
ping pong, bridge tournament, a real
Fortune-teller, -bowling, dancing to
an orchestra, special floor show.
Prizes. Members bring your mem-
bership cards for free admittance;
this is essential.
Hilel Foundation: The fourth in
a series of Pop-concerts will be given
on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m. Men-
delssohn's Violin Concerto and Schu-
mann's Quintette will be presented
at this time.
Stalker Hall: Annual Christmas
party and box social Saturday at 8:30
p.m. Women bring a box lunch for
two people. Men will bid for the
boxes. Also, Santa Claus will be here
and each person is requested to bring
a small gift to exchange. Program
of games and Christmas carols. All
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Presbyterian Students and their
friends: There will be an informal
Christmas party at Lane Hall this
afternoon from 8:30 to 12 p m. Novel-

ties of the evening will be an hour of
carol singing at the homes of shut-
ins, specialties at the piano by Ken
Bovee & Bruce Anthony, a 10 cent
gift exchange, and extra-special ac-
tivities. Refreshments. Admission 15
St. Mary's Student Chapel will
sponsor a dance from 3 to 5 p.m.
Saturday in the Union ballroom. All
Catholic students and their friends
are invited to attend. It will be the
last dance to be held before Rev. Fr.
Allen J. Babcock leaves for his new
post in Rome. Admission will be 25
The Student Lutheran Club will
meet on Sunday,' Dec. 13, at Zion
Parish Hall. The topic for discussion
will be "Can a Christian Live in This
World Without Compromise?"


The American


Society. . .

N NEW YORK a group of news-
papermen have begun what is to
be a national organization of editorial employees
removed from the American Newspaper Guild
and the labor movement. The organization is to
be called The American Press Society.
The news is important to us as one aspect
of the labor problem, and particularly because
of the importance of the attitude of our news
sources toward this aspect of our national life.
The American Newspaper Guild has had a
prenomenal growth despite three very great
obstacles. First,,the feeling among newspaper-
men that they belong to the professional cate-
gory, and are not members of the labor class.
Second, the widespread feeling that newspaper-
men, called upon to report the activities of labor
unions, must be a peculiarly suspended position
in order to report objectively. Thirdly, resist-
ance in the newspaper industry from employers
has been bitter, and condition are such that
coercion against unionization is particularly easy
to apply.
The wage scale among newspaper editorial
workers is insufferably low; tenure is generally
insecure; hopes of advancement are by and large
dim. This is reflected in the ethical irresponsi-
bility of a large share of our journalists.
Although many journalists have been content
to get half as much as composing room workers
and take the rest out in psychic income, a sig-
nificant number have been casting about for
some method of collective bargaining without
the idea of pressure and affiliation with the
American Fede.'ation of Labor which the Amer-
ican Newspaper Guild necessarily involves.
This formation of the American Press Society
is one manifestation of this desire. Another
was to be seen in the general tone of the con-
vention of Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalism fraternity, in Dallis recently.
This organization, founded as a college honorary
society, is visibly changing its original nature
to become something of a mediator between edi-
torial employee and newspaper owner. There
was in Dallas almost unanimous agreement
upon the necescsity of some form of economic
organization, and a smaller degree of unanimity
upon the need for economic organization out-
side of the labor movement.
In this case, as in the case of the American
Press Association, the aims are certain but the

entirely different was the
"unbuttoned" humor of
from the light, playful

the latter
gaiety of

Can't Hear Carillon
To the Editor:
So they call that a carillon and
you dopes print praises about it.
No doubt it is the third largest in
the world but if it is certainly we
ought to be able to hear it a block
away. When Dr. Moore gave a little
impromptu concert on the carillon
some weeks ago the bells boomed
out in all their glory and you could
hear it all over the campus. But
Mr. Pratt surely has fallen below all1
that was said about him. I come;
from a little town up north andj
a church there has a set of chimes,
that can be heard all over the town
of 9,000 with perfect ease. I say let
Dr. Moore play the carillon and let's
enjoy the wonderful gift of Mr. Baird.
-J. B. Campbell.
Louder, Please !
To the Editor: *.
The University now is the owner'
of the third largest carillon in the
world, yet when they are rung they
can't be heard a block away with-;
out straining your ears. Not only1
this but when you are within 300 feet
of the tower all you hear is a jumble
of discords. Personally we think the.
U. was jipt, either the bells are
phocy, 'or the good Mr. Pratt doesn't
know all he intends to know. The!
little carillon at Cranbrook is morej
beautiful and can be heard 3 '4 of a
mile away. I suggest something be
done so that the people of Ann Arbor1
and the students of Michigan can
hear this carillon.gn
-Bob Jones, '39.
Legally Weak,
Dawson Says
(Continued from Page 1)
in a quandary when confronted by
a nsit-down' strike."
Uindr 'ecritv injunction o'r disnns-

Sociology 51 Make-Up Mid-Se-i
mester Examination will be, held
from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12,
in Room D, Haven Hall.
French Lecture. M. Leon Lemon-
nier. charge de conferences at the
Sorbonne, essayist and novelist, will
give the second lecture of the series
sponsored by le Cercle Francais,
Monday, Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 103 R.L. The subject of his
lecture is: "Le Theatre de H. R. Len-
Tickets for the whole series of lee-
tures can be procured at the office of
the secretary of the Roman Lan-
guage Department, 112 R.L., or at the
door at the time of the lecture.
Paintings by Edgar Yaeger and
"All-American" prints under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation, open to the public after-
noons, 2-5 p.m. through Dec. 15 in
Sthe small galleries of Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Photographs of Persian-Islamic
Architecture exhibited by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Open to the
public daily from 9 to 5 p.m.; Sun-
days 2 to 5 until Dec. 15. Alumni
Memorial Hall West Gallery.
English Journal Club will meet
this afternoon at 4 p.m.
in the League. The program, open
to the public at 4:15 p.m., will be a
colloquium on the subject, "Recent
Renaissance Scholarship.", Mr. Jack
Conklin will review Hardin Craig's
of damage to valuable machinery in
the event of violence, Professor Daw-
son believes that the tactical advan-
tage which the employes gain by
having the scene of the strike the in-
side of the plant instead of the street,
would make the employer hesitant
to bring legal action.
In this way, all three of the major
sit-downs of the year-at the Good-
year Tire and Rubber Co., the Bendix
auto part plant, and the Midland
Steel P-inducts Co-as well as sey-

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