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September 29, 1936 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-29

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Students Spend Bright Gloves, Purses Give Zest To Fall Attire
Vacations Oni
Foreign Tours
England Is Most Popular;
Wagnerian Festival And
Olympics were VisitedA
Many Visit Canada
Tour Of Europe's Centers
Of Interest Conducted By
Prof. R. W. Hammett
Europe, with its Olympic games,
Wagnerian Festival and beautiful
scenery was the most popular place
this summer for Michigan students
on vacdtion.

First Women's
Athletic Season
Begins To d a y.
Tournaments In Archery,
Golf Tennis, To Start
In Near Future
The first outdoor season of the
Women's Athletic Association for the
1936-37 academic year has recently
been announced. The season will last
from Sept. 29 to Nov. 25.
On Thursday, Oct. 29, there will
be a weenie roast honoring freshmen'
women. Oct. 18 is set as the deadline
for entering qualifying scores for the
following golf tournaments; the
medal, the bogie, and the match with
the faculty.
During the season there will be an
archery tournament within the Ar-
chery Club, while a women's singles
tournament will take place in tennis.
All interested are requested to sign
on the bulletin board, either at Bar-
bour Gymnasium or in the W.A.A.
Tryouts for vacancies in Crop and
Saddle, the women's riding club, will
be announced later. Also later no-
tices, which will be posted on the
W.AB. bulletin board, will set definite
dates for the supper hikes sponsored
by the outdoor sports ;manager.
Scarfs For Awards
Any woman student.enrolled in the
University may participate in the in-
tramural tournaments, but she mustl

Clever New Hair Style

Many Graduates
Have Been Placed
(Continued from Page 13)
iness course at Ann Arbor High
School and Mary Morgan is at bus-
iness school in Detroit. Betty Rich,
former chairman of Panhellenic ban-
quet, is teaching in Highland Park
and Margaret Hiscock in Ann Ar-
Virginia Whitney is in Cleveland
at business college and Eloise Moore
working in a Chicago investment'
company. Paul Adams, vice- president
of the senior class in Law School last
year, is running for Prosecuting At-
torney in Chippewa County. Norman
Williamson is working in Phila-
Margaret Neunan is working on
her M.A. at Radcliffe College and
Ruth LeRoux is teaching speech and
dramatics in Bay City.

r7HE Pergect Grooming that
has become a traditional o
trait of Michigan women re-
quires regular care in the
hands of skilled beauty ex-
(J perts. " Collins Beauty Shop
offers only the best in the way
of Service.
Collins Beauty Shop
618 E. Liberty Phone 7400

Among the first to go over were
Wemmer Gooding, Jack McCarthy,
John Detwiler, and Harold Guy, who
sailed on the S.S. Normandie imme-
diately following graduation in June.
They were members of Prof. R. W.
Eammett's tour. After visiting the
Olympic games, Guy and Detwiler
went to Italy while Gooding and Mc-
Carthy were visiting in England and
Virginia Hunt, Elizabeth Allen,
Betty Ann Beebe, and Jane O'Ferrall,
were a few of the women on campus
who spent their vacations in Europe.
Miss O'Ferrall Visits England
Miss O'Farrall, daughter of Dean
Kirk B. O'Ferrall, of St. Paul's Cathe-
dral in Detroit, had a pleasant visit
in England, where her f a t h e r
preached in various cities and also on
the continent.
Jerome Newhouse had the good
fortune to be on the same boat as
Madame Francis L. Perkins, secre-
tary of labor, who was received by
the French cabinet on her arrival
in France.
Marjorie Mor'rison, who also passed
the summer months in Europe, at-
tended ,the Wagnerian Festival in
Among those who vacationed in
Munich are Katherine Shields and
Miriam Saunders, graduates of the
1936 June class, and Geraldine Fitz-
gerald, Betty Connor and Eleanor
Noyes, also of the University, toured
in England and France.
John Mann, enjoyed his travels in
England, France, Belgium, and Hol-
land. London and Paris impressed
him greatly, he said.
Also on the Continent
Mary McClure, Helen Hanley and
Marian Saunders were also on the
continent during the summer.
United States vied with Europe for
popularity among the students. Wil-
lam Tomlinson made a tour of the
West. He included Yellowstone Na-
tional Park and Lake Tahoe, fashion-
able resort, in his travels.
Canada was the summer vacation
grounds for many Michigan under-
graduates. Quebec, Montreal and the
Hudson Bay territory were visited by
Mary Johnson, '38, and her family.
Jane Edmonson and Jean Bonisteel
also took interesting trips through
Northern Canada.
Stek McCallum was a counsellor in
the older boys' section of Camp Al-
gonquin in Canada during the sum-
mer months.
Bicycling Is Popular
Following the present vogue of bi-
cycling tours, Mary Kelkenney, '38,
travelled through the New England
states in that fashion. Thelma Pe-
terson andrLouise Lockeman, who
graduated from the University last
June, bicycled through Europe after
A most unusual time was had by
Dorothy Curtis, who visited in Ha-
waii. Miss Curtis attended the native
feast at Luau as well as the Jap-
anese Hekka ceremony. She saw
several hula dances and a Chinese
wedding feast. One of the most in-
teresting afternoons was that one
spent in the company of Jean Muir,
cinema actress, Miss Curtis said.
Elise Reeder spent an equally
pleasant time in Honolulu. She en-
joyed the native atmosphere and also
the climate.
After studying at Heidelburg this
summer, Elizabeth Rorke, a first-
year student here last year, has en-
tered RadclifferCollege, Mass.
Bob Steinle and his orchestra will
again entertain at the Rainbow
Room of the Union on Friday and
Saturday evenings throughout the
year. Steinle has played regularly
at .the Union's week-end affairs over
a number of years, and has been fea-
tured at a number of closed dances
for campus organizations. Tickets
for the week-end dances may be ob-
tained at the Union desk.

Fascinating Accessories Add
Color To Campus Wardrobes

Contrasting Belts, Purses,
Gloves And Jewelry Are
Featured For Fall
Gloves, purses and jewelry are fas-
cinating trifles that add spice to the
sensible staples of one's wardrobe.
One may have to buy a utility coat
to "wear with everything," or a
"practical" dress that will not show
soil, but in the matter of accessories
one can let fancy wander where it
Gloves are gradually leaving their
anobtrusiveness behind and are show-
ing themselves in new guises. They
have taken color unto themselves and
copper, green and dubonnet shades
are much in evidence. These colors
are especially nice in suede and doe-
skin. Suede combines effectively
with other fabrics, too, such as satin,
in the popular "dull with shiny" con-
But gloves are not only distin-
guished by color and fabric; they
also shed conservatism in detail and
trimming. The gay little pair flaunts
leather buttons and thongs on the
front of the cuff. Another glove of
doeskin, is gathered at the cuff into
a soft bow. Extremely bizarre ef-
fects of cutwork and applique are to
be avoided.
Suede and doeskin, with the other
reliables-calf, kid and pikskin are
still important in purses. Pigskin has
also taken to color, and one bag is
startling with its vari-colored leath-
ers for the different compartments.
Many of these bags introduce a new
note with top handles of wide bands.
Several cosmetic houses sponsor
purses which are marvels of com-
pactness. There is a place in them
for everything, avoiding a bulky purse
simply crammed with trivia like old
tickets and bent hairpins.
The feminine passion for useless
trinkets finds abundant expression
this season in innumerable articles.
One clip for a severe black dress re-
sembles a porcupine with its bunched
stiff quills of crystal. Little carved


figures from Austria are interesting
details for sweaters and scarfs. And
aellxs of corded fabric and pigskin are
smart additions to both sport and
afternoon dresses.
Belts are assuming a new import-
ance this season.' The perennial
sweaters and skirts, and the gay wools
for class aswell as your smooth silks
and velveteens for teas and dates are
being brightened by clever belts of
almost veery fabric or metal known
to fashion. Braided leather thongs,
casually knotted, create an niterest-
ing effect and wide creaky leather
belts are. remininiscent of a Western
cowboy's equipment.
For your more formal moods, silver
rings attached to a tricky clasp are
effective on a simple dark dress. The
buckle of a narrow gold mesh belt
is lacde up the front with two tiny
gold thongs.
AOA.U. W. Plans
Many Activities
For leetings
An interesting series of events for
the coming year has been announced
-by Mrs. Wells Bennett, president of
the Ann Arbor branch of the Amer-
ican Association of University Wom-
en. Aside from the regular monthly
meetings of the organization, plans
for various activities under the spon-
sorship of the A.A.U.W. have been re-
A series of seven lectures on cur-
rent events to be given by Professor
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department will be held in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, starting Oc-
tober 5. The Spanish situation and,
the national elections in this coun-
try will be the topics of Prof. Slos-
son's first lecture. Tickets for the
series, priced at $1,are available at
present at Wahr's, or may be pur-
chased at the door of the theatre at
the time of the lectures. The lec-
tures are open to the general public.

be in good standing scholastically in
order to receive the award for par-
ticipation. Scarfs are being offered
for awards this year.
Mixed participation in sports will
be the keynote of this year's program
of the Women's Athletic Association,
according to present plans. Al-
though men and women have been
playing together such games as ten-
nis and badminton for a number of
years, this trend will now be empha-
sized more than ever before.
Wednesdays xyill be set aside as
"mixed sports days,"when there will
be sports activities at 4:20 p.m. at
Palmer Field which will be followedl
by refreshments at 5 p.m. on the
terrace of the WAA building.
The W.A.A. also sponsors athletic
clubs, tournament play and elective
participation. Awards are given to
outstanding women athletes through
a system of points earned in sports
activities. The total number of wom-
en who participated last year is 1,-
457, of which 532 were entered in
tournament play and 925 in individ-
ual sports. Of the latter, tennis is
the most popular, with swimming a
close second. Other favorites are ar-
chery, golf, riflery, fencing, bowling,
riding, ping pong, dancing and hik-
Zone Teams Entered
Each sorority and dormitory may
enter one or sometimes two teams in
tournament play. All other women,
those in League houses, are divided in-
to zones according to the number
League houses in a certain area and
the number of women to a house, so
that the zones average about 60 wom-
en. Each zone may also enter a
team. Team sports include hockey,
basketball, baseball, badminton, bowl-
ing and volleyball.
Athletic clubs are mainly for theI
small group of people who are espe-
cially interested in one form of sports
activity, and there is less competition
in this phase of the W.A.A. program
than in the others. "Crop and Sad-
dle," the women's riding club, spon-
sors rides throughout the year and
a horse show in the spring.
The swimming club holds exchange1
meets with women from Wayne Uni-
versity, Michigan State College and
Michigan State Normal College. ThereI
is also a rifle club and a dance club,
which, in collaboration with the
Physical Education Department and
Play Production, presents dance re-
citals during the year.

* * *
Interesting Trends
In Hair Fashions
Begin At College
College women are said to have
started many vogues and particularly
is this true in the case of hair styles.
A whole general trend of hairdressing
-the sleekly simple, youthful school
-is typical of campus styles the
country over.
There are practical, down-to-earth
reasons for the college woman's
choice. In the first place, it is al-
most universally becoming yet ver-
satile enough to be individual. Also
it is easy to care for, a point which
must not be overlooked if one has
many eight o'clocks to dash to.
This season most styles feature
the middle part but discretion must
be used in following fashion's whims,
The broadening effect of the center
part looks well on people with too-
thin faces, but on others it would be
disastrous. For the tall, classic type,
there is no style so becoming perhaps
as the low knot or the sophisticated
coronet braid.
If you are short, be sure not to
wear yqur hair low on your neck.
Brush your ends upward and pile
your curls high to give an illusion of
height. A bushy hair dress is be-
coming to surprisingly few.
The college woman is no extrem-
ist. The styles she selects are classics
of conservatism, usually, but they are
all good styles. Hair combed loosely
into a soft roll is an example of this.
Simple, wide waves about the face
are generally flattering, but certain-
ly not startling in their novelty.
Nothing isso scorned astartificial
waves which shriek of the beauty
Students Announce
Recent Betrothals
(Continued from Page 13)
Chicago Library. The groom took
his A.B. and M.A. degrees at Michi-
gan and was a member of Phi Beta
Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi honorary
societies. Miss Wedemeyer was in
charge of organizing the League Li-
Virginia Dae Cluff, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Cluff, Detroit, was
married to Carl S. Forsythe, Jr., Jack-
son, Ohio. Miss Cluff graduated from
the University in 1935 and was af-
filiated with Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority. She was also a member of
Theta Sigma Phi and attended the
New York School of Interior Decorat-
ing. Forsythe graduated from Law
School in 1935 and was a member of
Theta Delta Chi, Michigamma,
Sphinx, and Sigma Delta Chi.
The marriage of Harriet Lathrop
Kanous, to John Jewell, Calumet, was
announced by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry W. Kanous, Manistee,
formerly of Ann Arbor. Miss Kanous
was a member of the junior class of
the University and affiliated with
Collegiate Sorosis. Jewell was cap-
tain of the hockey team in 1936, and
is at present employed in Noranda,
Canada, where the couple are living.

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Women's Auxiliary
Has Noon Meeting
Yesterday the Women's Auxiliary
of St. Andrew's church entertained
members of the Women's Auxiliary
Diocese of Michigan at a luncheon in
the League Cafeteria.
Preceeding the luncheon, Holy
Communion was held at 11 a.m. in
St. Andrew's church with Rev. Henry
Lewis officiating. At 12 noon Mrs.
F. W. Telford of Royal Oak directed
an united bank offering.
Luncheon was served in the League
cafeteria and was followed by a busi-
ness meeting presided over by Mrs.
C. W. Chassee of Detroit and social
program in the League ballroom.
Tables were decorated with flowers.


'SUEIE is smartest when
brightened witt shiny leather

Engineers - - Architects
We Invite You To Inspect Our

Echoing the mode for sudden pnd
'effective contrast ... and superbly
smart to wear with the lovely styles
brought out this season. Jacqueline
combines suede with patent leather
---with calf.., or with baby alligator
.. .stunning in Brown, Black, ink
Blue or Araby Green.




Drawing Boards, T-Squares, Curves, Triangles


in All the New Pastel and Dark Shades.
A Complete Showing of MARTEX Bath Towels

Lettering Instru-
Flexible Curves

Tracing Cloth
Drop Compasses
Misc. Equipment

Oil Colors
Sketch Blocks
Artists' Papers

Home Drawing Set Water Colors

Tracing Paper



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