The Weather Generally fair today; colder; increasing clouidiness tomorrow with rising temperatures. 01kFigir ~ait& Editorials The American Press Society.. VOL. XLVII No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS t Two Sit-Down Strikes Called In Auto Plants. Walkout In Detroit Wheel Company Is Suspended PendingNegotiations Flint Bus Operators Are Still On Strike Federal Labor Conciliator Expected After Appeal By CityManager DETROIT, Dec. 10.-IP)-Two new "sit down" strikes were called in De- troit factories today, affecting more than 4,000 workmen, but the larger of the two was suspended later in the day pending negotiations. Both strikes were under the aus- pices of the United Automobile Workers of America. An official of the Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co. reported its two Detroit factories had been closed after "be- tween 100 and 20 employes in the brake department stopped work." Conference Scheduled Two hour later, however, it was reported the plant would resume op- erations tomorrow morning, with the strilers returning to work. The com- pany was reported as willing to meet strike representatives at 9 a.m. Earlier in the day, 40 men em- ployed on the night shift of the Al- uminum Co. of America had called a "sit down" strike, demanding an in- crease of 20 cents an hour in their wages. Time and a half for over- time over eight hours a day, and time and a half for more than 40 hours a week. The Alumnium Co. strike was called at 5 a.m. when the day shift workmen arrived, they, too, went home and were to vote on a con- tinuation of the strike later. The day employes left their lunches with the night men, who remained inside the plant. . Hope Seen In Detroit Meanwhile, a Federal labor con- ciliator was dispatched to Flint to aid in ending the strike of bus and trolley coach operators there and on suburban lines in the metro- politan area. In answer to an appeal to Secretary of Labor Perkins at Washington by City Manager John M. Barringer for Federal intervention, it was reported that J. E. O'Connor would arrive in Flint during the day and seek to bring about a settlement. Hope was seen in Detroit for im- mediate settlement of the "sit down" strike at the Gordon Baking Co. Strikers demand wage increases. A Federal mediator already has begun work. 'Sit-Down' Strike Is Legally Weak: Dawson By SAUL KLEIMAN "Sit-down" strikers, who try to prevent the continuation of produc- tion at a factory by "staying in" have a much weaker legal position than the strikers who stage a walkout and then picket, Prof. John W. Dawson of the Law School declared last night. Occupancy of a factory on the part of the employes constitutes atres- pass to real property which is even more clearly illegal, Prof. Dawson said. than picketing the plant en- trances o persuasion or boycotts carried on at a distance from the plant. He pointed out that there are two1 lines of legal action along which the employer can proceed in order to empty his plant of strikers and re- sume production. Civil proceedings, consisting of either dispossession action or the is- suance of an equity injunction, would result in the strikers being ordered to leave the premises, Prof. Dawson declared. Criminal action, under the law prohibiting trespassing, would result, he said, in the strikers being arrested by the police. "So far, however," Professor Daw- son remarked, "employers have been (Continued on Page 4) The Carillon Today 5 p.m. Depending Upon Ann Arbor's Goodf"ellows I4 ood'fell.ow Drive Praised By Head Of Welfare Board The Annual Goodfellow Drive is leading the way in sane, helpful Christmas giving, Mrs. J. W. Brd- shaw, chairman of the board of direc- tors of the Family Welfare Bureau, told a Daily reporter yesterday. "No longer are one or two children singled out from five or six brothers and sisters to be clothed or feasted while the others mournfully eye their more fortunate members. Now the parents are consulted, the most ur- gent needs or wishes of each child are met, and a happy Christmas is assured, a Christmas which will make the whole winter both happier and healthier," Mrs. Bradshaw comment- ed. The real effects of the disburse- ment of the much-needed funds were brought out by Mrs. Bradshaw. "If you had worn shabby tennis shoes to school because there was no money for new shoes; if you had tried to hide your feet under your desk for months past so the other girls would not notice those shabby shoes, can you imagine what a shiny new pair of shoes with rubbers to fit would mean to you under your Christmas tree?" she said. "If you had worn overalls to school right up to Christmas vaca- tion, when all the other 'kids' had knickers, can you imagine what a pair of' brand new corduroys that fit would mean to you under your Christmas tree?" To the proverbial 'Scrooges' and others who would rationalize about (Continued on Page 6 200 Invitations Are Extended For Symposium Students Of All Religious Sects Asked To Attend Inter-Faith Parley Invitations to the Second Annual Inter-Faith Symposium to begin at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Michigan League have been sent to a select group of two hundred students of every religious dejominaton on campus, it was announced yesterday. The Symposium, of which there are to be four sessions, will feature Rabbi Bernard Heller, director of Hillel Foundation, Prof. Yuen Z. Chang, visiting lecturer in English, and Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, who will lecture on the Jewish, Christian and Con- fusianist viewpoints in a talk entitled 'Blueprints of Utopia." An informal parley will follow the presentation of the speeches and the students will discuss the topics stressed by the speakers. In this way it is hoped that the exchange of ideas by the students themselves will stimulate mutualconfidence in the integrity and sincerity of the Over $314 Now In Goodfellows' Growing Fund Clothing Accepted As Part Of Movement For Needy ThroughoutCity With three days before the Good- fellow Edition of The Michigan Daily goes to press, more than $314 has been subscribed for the fund which is to provide Christmas and year-, ,around-help to needy students, chil-' dren, families and hospital patients. On Monday, Dec. 14, members of Michigan honor societies-Michi- gamua. Sphinx, Druids, Vulcans, Tri- angles, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Sigma Phi, and Sigma Delta Chi-in addi- tion to members of the publications, will take to campus corners in a 10- hour drive to sell the special editions of The Daily. Cup To Be Given An award, The Michigan Daily Goodfellow Cup, is to be presented to the organization showing the highest cooperative spirit in the drive. Last year's cup, won by Sen- ior Society, is on display in the win- dow of the Parrot. Clothing will also be welcomed, the Goodfellows announced last night. Persons wishing to contribute shoes or clothing may call the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241, to have them picked up. Yesterday the following organiza- tions and individuals became Good- fellows: Goodfellows Listed Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Col- legiate Sorosis, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma and Pheta Xi. J. W. Bradshaw, E. M. Bragg, Rev. Bunting, John P. Dawson, Kenneth A. Easlick, Henry field, Jr., Roy H. Holmes, W. R. Humphreys, A. J. Jo- bin, L. B. Kellum, Herbert A. Ken- yon, Charles A. Knudson, H. B. Lewis, W. J. Nungester, F. W. Pawlowski, M. B. Pillsbury, K. T. Rowe, Myra E. Schwan, R. S. Swinton, Clarence D. Thorpe, Mischa Titiev, Stanley G. Waltz. Add $50,000 To Hopwood, Prize Awards Increase In Number And Size Of Awards Is Now Possible, Cowden Says Total Now In Fund More Than $372,000 Twenty-Five Students Won $8,790 Last Year For Literary Contributions A $50,000 addition to the Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards fund was announced yesterday by Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University. The addition to the fund is indi- rectly from the Hopwood fund, re-' verting to the University through the death of a person to whom it had been bequeathed. It brings the total of the Hopwood fund, the income from which is used for annual award to students for work in creative writ- ing, to more than $372,000. Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the Eng- lish department, director of the Hop- wood awards, said yesterday that the increase in the fund will make more and larger prizes available for the contestants. 25 Students Share Awards have totaled $58.640 since the contests were first begun in 1931. Prizes last year amounted to $8,790 and were distributed to 25 students. Major, minor and freshman awards are given each year, ranging from $50 for freshman to $1,500 to grad- uates in the major division. The awards are the largest given in lit- erary competition to students in any educational institution in the world. The contest covers essay, fiction and poetry. The Hopwood awards were estab- lished in 1929 unider the terms of the will of the late Avery Hopwood, alumnus of the University. It set aside one-fifth of his estate-more than $314,000-for awards. The in- come from the fund, which is not al- lowed to accumulate, is used for the prizes. - $76,600 Added. An additional $7,600 was added to the fund upon the death of Mrs. Jule Hopwood, mother of Avery Hopwood, several years ago. Five prize-winning manuscripts have been published and the awards have attracted national attention. "Straw In The Wind," which won a major award of $1,500 in June for Ruth Leninger Dobson, Detroit, a graduate student here last year, will be published by Dodd, Mead & Co. in February. Drive Started Fo r Forestry Camp Addition A drive to raise $15,000 for the first unit of a group of buildings at the forestry school's Camp Filibert Roth, in Iron County was begun yesterday by alumni clubs in the Upper Penn- insula. The campaign is part of a 10-year program to provide adequate accom- modations for the camp which is used by forestry students during each Summer Session. The camp is lo- cated 17 miles west of Iron River on the shores of Golden Lake and is under the direction of Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., of the forestry school. The first building will be a com- bination recreation and dining hall, Professor Craig said. It will be erect- ed as a memorial to Thomas Clancy, Ishpeming attorney, who died last August. No Democratic Question Involved, Slosson Feels; Ireland May Disagree 1 Dy TUURE TENANDER The relationship between monarch on the one hand and his ministers and parliament on the other was characterized as the fundamental is- sue in the case resulting in Edward's abdication, in the opinion of Prof. Harloy J. Heneman of the political science department, while Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history depart- ment feels that "there was no real contest between royal prerogative and democratic government." "The outcome could not well have been avoided," Professor Slosson said. "The British ministry acted entirely in accord with precedent and must have done so whoever occupied the throne and in that sense there was no real contest between royal preroga- tive and democratic government. Consequently there emerges neither victor nor vanquished," he added. English Church Is Factor "I believe that the result will mean neither an expansion of ministerial power nor the curtailment . of the rights and privileges long ago as- signed to the king," Professor Slos- son said. In short, Edward's affairs will effect but little the future course of British history." "Much has been said to indicate that Baldwin and the English aris- tocracy were glad to use this oppor- tunity to get rid of a democratic king," Professor Heneman said, "and it has been pointed out that the au- thorities of the Church of England could hardly be expected to support their king in his desire to marry a woman who had two former hus- bands living. "Others are said to have rebelled at the prospect of a marriage be- tween an English king and an Amer- ican commoner," Professor Heneman continued, "but no matter how much these thoughts have been in people's minds, the fundamental issue con- cerned was the relationship of the king toward the legislative body.' Fourth In History The cabinet decided, Professor Heneman said, that the proposed marriage of Edward to Mrs. Simpson was a public act and advised against it. For the the king to have acted contrary to the advice of his min- isters or to have attempted to obtain the active support of political leaders in parliament for his cause would have "turned back the clock several centuries in British constitutional de- velopment," Professor Heneman said. "For the historian," Professor Slos- son said, "the affair is interesting be- cause, although the abdication is the fourth in British history, it is the first to be made voluntarily. That is, an alternative was offered to Edward which was not the case with Richard II." Public Duty "Acts which might be of a purely private character in the lives of mil- lions of Britishers would, in the case of Edward VIII, as King of England and ruler of the British Empire, be of a public nature," he said. "This is one of the prices paid for occupy- ing the throne. Responsible min- isters are answerable for the acts of the king, which are ofa public 'na- ture and in cases where a difference of opinion exists as to whether a given act is public or private, it is not for the king to decide." Baldwin declared that only after Continued on Page 6) Debaters Lose To OSU; Beat Purdue COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 10.-(Spe- cial to The Daily)-Ohio State Uni- versity's debate team tonight defeat- ed the University of Michigan team in the opening debate of the Western Conference season here. The subject was: "Resolved: That All Electric Utilities Should Be Gov- ernment Owned and Operated." The judge was Prof. Charles Layton of Muskingum College. The Michigan debating team swept Ascends To Throne Parliament Vs.KingReal Issue In Abdication, Heneman Says -Associated Press Photo ' DUKE OF YORK Central States Wildlife Group Opens Meeting Major Points In Managing Of Game Are Discussed' As Conference Begins Spirited discussions, crystallizing the major points in game mangae- ment conflicts, marked the opening of the Central States Wildlife Con- ference yesterday at the Union. More than 100 delegates and visit- ors from 10 states, first arrivals ofI the 200 expected, were present at the beginning session of the meeting in Room 216, the Union, yesterday. Of- ficially welcoming the conference members to the University, President Ruthven declared that he was espe- cially interested in the solution of the problems facing the conservation and game leaders. Statements of the major factors in harmonizing opposing interests 'in wildlife management with Aldo Leo- pold, professor of game management at the University of Wisconsin deliv- ering the keynote speech, occupied, the program of the first general ses- sion. Prof. E. C. O'Roke of the forestry school, declaring that he was assum- ing a heretic's position, said that a healthy stock of wildlife would be much, more likely if quantity were relegated to a less important position' in the game scheme. The attitude of the farmer in mistaking a farm cleared of unsightly growth as more important than a farm providing this growth for wildlife was deplored. in a general floor discussion. Trout was declared to be much more valu- able to the state than beaver but it was bro.ught out that a plan should (Continued on Page 2) Law Of Alication Is Last Step To Dethrone Edward In Favor Of Duke Of York King Gives Final Word Of Counsel Toa'Bertie In Dinner Together Title Will Become Mr. David Windsor Will Give Farewell Address To Subjects Of Empire Over AirTonight (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Dec. 11.-(Friday)-Ed- ward VIII renounced the throne of the British Empire for a woman's love and today the Duke of York, his brother and successor, took on his shoulders the problems of a troubled world. Thus forces were set in motion which may not be fully judged in this generation. Still king and emperor, Edward awaited one last doucment, the law of abdication, before becoming David Windsor who would marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, American-born and twice divorced. The king and the king-to-be had probably their last dinner together in Edward's retreat * Fort Belvedere. There Edward gave what counsel he could to the brother who will suc- ceed him when the law dethroning the one and enthroning the other is passed by Parliament and signed by Edward tmorrow, that will end his role as king. An Exile In Fact He will be for a time an exile, in fact if not by legal requirement. His abdication, read in Parliament yes- terday, gave his decision as "irre- vocable" and surrendered rights to the throne in the name of any de- scendants. He cut himself off for all time for the woman he loves and who waits for him at Cannes, where from the Villa Lou Viei she looked out through drizzling rain, under dark clouds at an uneasy sea. "Long live the king," shouted many last night, but many also were quiet, disturbed and uneasy. They sym- bolized the world's unrest, the chang- ing times that shadow the universe with war and threat of war, political upheavals, economic changes and grave doubt of what the future may bring. James Maxton, left-wing Laborite, declared the "institution of monarchy had outlived its usefulness" and pointed to the present crisis as a les- son. Socialist George Buchanan spoke of "pampered royalty" which is "sur- rounded by a set of flunkies." "If the king was one-tenth as good as you say he was, why does every- one want him to be unloaded? It is because you know he was a Weak creature and you want to get rid of him," Buchanan said. 'I, Edward VIII ... ' Edward's blunt decision to sur- render Britain's throne so he might as an ordinary man become the hus- band of Mrs. Simpson was given in the historic House of Commons whose walls never before in the history of all England echoed such words as were utteredl today. In simple, clear phrases delivered in the first person, Edward VIII's choice between love and an empire was given to the pages of history: "I, Edward VIII, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British dominions beyond the seas, king and emperor of India, do hereby declare my irrevoc- able determination to renounce the throne for myself and my descen- dants, and my desire that effect should be given to this instrument of abdication immediately. "In token whereof I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of Decem- ber, 1936, in the presence of the wit- i nesses whose signatures are sub- scribed." (Signed) "Edward, R.I." Confusion Reigns As Publication Building Changes Phone System By ROBERT PERLMAN An uninformed observed might think that an elaborate system of red, white and green traffic signals has been installed in the Student Publications Building. But actually the lights are only one feature of the new telephone system that has been confusing the staff members of the publications since the system went into affect at 8 a.m. yesterday. The new system was installed to eliminate the telephone evils that have plagued thelpublication offices for the nast five years. The hook- branches of the main line, and the colored buttons on the base of each telephone enable the listener to plug into the proper line to receive his call. As soon as he is connected with the party calling, all other phones in the building are automatically dis- connected and he has a private line. Another button on the telephone makes it possible to dial other ex- tensions in the building and by this direct inter-office communication members of the publications staffs hope to eliminate the traditional shouting from one part of the build- ing to another and the constant run- niain and num n,.i +rc. nri *hrn,,nt, k --- - -- -- --- To The Goodfellow Editor: myI wish to join the GOODFELLOWs. Enclosed find my contribution of $ help needy students, children and families. Please send my copy of The Goodfellow Daily to: I I) i