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December 10, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-10

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The Weather
Possible rain or snow today;
cloudy and so iit h w e s t e r Iy


4w A6F
4 -.A,
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Without Doestrine .. .



To Give $150
To Hospital's
Needy Patients
Activities Not Provided
For By State Funds
To Receive Money
Down town Drive Is
Headed By Peirsol
Additional Subscriptions
Flood In, Shoving Total
Donations To $270
University Hospital patients were
last night added to the groups which
will benefit The Daily Goodfellow
Fund, when it was announced that
$150 will be allotted to provide for
small incidentals which tend to com-
fort and encourage needy invalids
and convalescents.
The money will be turned over to
Miss Dorothy Ketcham, director of
the social service department of the
Hospital, and will be used in special
fields, such as education, recreation
and shop work, which are not provid-
ed for by state funds now available1
for medical and surgical care for
needy patients..
Specific needs mentioned by Miss
Ketcham are new toys, pictures, rec-
ords, additional work-shop facilities,
and books not only for children but
for tuberculosis patients. "$10, $15,
to $20 a month devoted to such pur-
poses," she said, "would certainly in-
crease the happiness, the interest, the
welfare and the satisfaction of many
Peirsol Heads Campaign
Announcement was also made last
night by the Goodfellow Committee
that T. Reardon Piersol will direct
the downtown campaign which will
be held Monday in conjunction with
the campus drive.
Additional subscriptions flooded in
yesterday, shooting the total up to
$270, more than half of which was
received in cash subscriptions.
Goodfellows who yesterday offered
their services to the Drive are mem-
bers of The Gargoyle business staff,
who will aid with the street sale Mon-
day, and The Daily composing room
staff, who will work all day Sunday
publishing The Goodfellow extra.
The Gargoyle staff members who
will aid in the drive are Bettie I
Petrash, John Mitchell, Eleanor
Skiles, Marian Stimler, Ruth Steven-
anum, Sybil Swartout, Joan Howson,
Flora Lewis, Ida Solomon, Martin
Wiener, Waldo Abbot, Irving Bauer,
James Nichols, Hib Anderson, Seig-
man Rodolphe, Kevin Hepp and
Richard Beye.
Offer ServicesI
Tom Patterscn, E. L. Whitney. Lee
Gildart, Howard Peters, Lauren Kin-
sley and Kenneth L. Chatters, fore-'
man, are The Daily shop men who
will contribute their services.
The following individuals sent in
contributions for The Goodfellow
Daily: A. D. Moore, S. A. Courtis
Odina Olson, Paul S. Barker, Everett
S. Brown, Dr. Homer Stryker, H. P.
Thieme, Alice Ambrose, Bradley Da-
vis, J. C. Christenson, C. M. Baker,
Mrs. Mary H. Church, Bess MLouth,
Dr. Frederick Coller, Henry C. Ad-
ams, IInd, Herbert Blumer, L. L.
Laing, W. W. Sleator, Herbert Em-
erson, F. W. Weatherill, Marion Mc-
Kinney, Dr. Alex Ross, Mrs. L. C.
Karpinski, Bennie Oosterbaan, A. L.
Cross, Peter Okkelberg, C. T. Olm-
sted, and W. W. Blume.

Goodfellow SupportI
Welcomed By Bureau
All persons interested in the
work of the Family Welfare Bu-
reau will welcome the support of
The Daily in the Goodfellow cam-
The experiment undertaken last
year, of distributing a share of
the proceeds through the Family
Welfare Bureau, has proved itself
a great success. While this plan
does not involve immediate per-
sonal contact between donors and
beneficiaries, there is every assur-
ance that the gifts themselves will
be better adjusted to the needs of
persons who receive them and
that the money spent will go a lot
farther. Instead of having a few
children, selected more or less at
random, as the beneficiaries, it
is possible under the present plan
to use the money where it will
meet the greatest need.
The Familv Welfare Bureaua i

Coodfellows One, Two And Three Are Shown Planning Campaign

Abdication Feared
As England Awaits
Monarch's Choice

-Photo by Walter A. Crow.
Seated, left to right: Dean Alice Lloyd, President Ruthven and Dean Joseph Bursley. Standing, left to right: Miller Sherwood, '37, president
of the Men's Council; George Sprau, '37, chairman of the Men's Coun it Committee on the Goodfellow Drive; Charlotte Rueger, '37, president of

the Michigan League; Mary Andrew, '37, president of Assembly; Betty An n Beebe, president of the Panhellenic
editor of The Daily, and George Cosper, president of the Interfraternity C ounril.

Association; Elsie Pierce, managing

18 Defendants
Found Guilty
In Vote Fraud
E. O'Hara, A. J. Wilkowski
Convictions Reaffirmed
By Supreme Court
LANSING, Dec. 9.-(0P)-The State
Supreme Court today ordered 18 de-
fendants in the Detroit recount fraud
case sent to prison.
The convictions of State Senator
Anthony J. Wilkowski, former Dem-
ocratic state chairman, Elmer B.
O'Hara and sixteen others were af-
firmed. The men are under sen-
tences ranging from a minimum of
four years for Wilkowski and O'Hara
down to one year for minor defen-
In an opinion signed by six of the
eight justices, the court swept aside
the contention that the defendants
were innocent because there was in
reality no recount. In a previous
opinion the Supreme Court had ruled
the famous 1934 recount was a null-
ity because it was not ordered by
due process of the legislature.
. Today the court held that those.
involved had nevertheless tampered
with ballots in what they believed
was a recount and had conspired to
thwart the will of the electorate.
The action of the court automa-
tically cancels the bonds under which
the defendants had been at liberty
os soon as they are taken into cus-
tody. Jay Mertz, clerk of the court,
said those convicted may be appre-
hended and committed to prison
when formal notification of the Su-
preme Court decision has been served
upon the recorders' court in Detroit,
where the trial was held. Mertz said
the formal order will be sent to the
Detroit court in a day or two.
The only possible recourse for
the defendants appeared to be an
attempt to throw the case into the
federal courts. State attorneys said
they could see little chance of such
British Plane f
Crash Brings
Death To 14
CROYDON, England, Dec. 9.-(A)
-The most disastrous airliner crash
in England's history brought death
today to 14 persons aboard a K.L.M.
Dutch line passenger ship which
ripped the roofs from two houses
and fell in flames four minutes after
it left the runway at Croydon air-
dome enroute to Amsterdam.
Three escaped from the twisted
The air ministry tonight ordered
an investigation after the K.L.M.
Line announced it did not know the'
reason why the ship went down al-
most immedsiatlv after th e teff.

Sit-Down Strike Hits Employer.
More Than Walkout, Riegal Says

Labor's Newest Weapon
S t o p s Strikebreaking,
Prevents Violence
Labor's newest weapon, the sit-
down strike, which cropped up afresh
Tuesday, tying up bus service in
eastern Michigan, was characterized
last night by Prof. John -Riegel of
the bureau of industrial relations as
a coercive force which makes the
employer suffer just as much the
economic effects of a strike as the
Under the walkout scheme, where
workers vacate the factory and pick-
et outside, Professor Riegel pointed
out, the employer was frequently able.
to continue -operations by hiring
"Employers might be amenable;" !
he said, "to bringing strikebreakers'
through picket lines in a walk-out
strike, since if a battle occurs it takes
place on the streets, but the sit-
clown strike transfers the scene of
the strike from the street to the in-i
side of the plant.
"Here the presence of valuable
machinery proves a strong deterrent
to any tactics that might provoke
violence," he added.
The occupancy of plants has suc-
ceeded, where picket lines have
failed, to make a strike purely an
economic matter, Professor Riegel
Formerly, he pointed out, when'
strikers prevented the continuance of
production by such means as lying
down on the sidewalks to destroy ac-
cess to the plant, the employer could
resort to law and with an injunction

and the help of police or militia get
his factory running again.
But in a sit-down strike, injunc-
tions against picketing are useless,
and so far, he said, no other political
means have been used in order to re-
open operations.
The "strike of the folded arms"
originated many decades ago in
France, but the technique is com-
paratively new for the United States,
Professor Riegel said.
"The first sit-down strike of any
consequence was that at the Good-
year Tire and Rubber Co. plant dur-
ing the early part of this year," he
It was followed by a sit-down strike
at the Bendix auto parts plant in
South Bend which was settled two
weeks ago, and by the strike settled
last week at the Midland Steel Pro-
ducts Co. in Detroit.
Nov. NYA Payments
To Exceed $20,000
National Youth Administration
checks for November have arrived,
according to Prof. Lewis M. Gram, di-
rector of the projects here. A total
of $20,095.98 will be distributed to
1368 graduates and undergraduates.
Checks may be called for from the
hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
University Storehouse and each stu-
dent must call for his own check.
Assignmenu cards are necessary.
Checks not called for after a rea-
sonable length of time will be re-
turned to Lansing, according to Pro-
fessor Gram, who stressed the point
that each student must work all the
hours allotted him.

Lansing Slayer
Under Scrutiny
Of Sanity Board1
Hope Morgan's Examiners
Review Two Reasons For
Murder Of Chum
EAST LANSING,, Mich., Dec. 9.-
(I)-The mental quirk that led 25-
year-old Hope Morgan, fearful of
losing her sanity. to kill her college
chum and confidante came under
scrutiny of a court-appointed sanity
commission tonight.
Before two psychiatrists named to
examine her were dual explanations
of why she shot and killed Elizabeth
Giltner, 25, bride-elect and daughter
of a Michigan State College dean, as
they addressed wedding invitations
First was her story to Dr. Lemoyne
M. Snyder, state police medical ad-
viser, that "I've had the lust to kill
since October of last year," and that
"suddenly I looked up and stared
at Bessie. Then that feeling came
over me."
A member of the Giltner family
pointed out nearly all members of
the girls' social set had been married,
and that Hope Morgan "knew the
marriage would leave her as the last
of the group. She may have felt in-
tensely alone."
There also was a background of
family tragedy. Miss Morgan's 18-
year-cld brother died after a fall
that broke his back two years ago,
Her mother died a year later.
The slim, attractive relief admin-
istration stenographer, dressed en-
tirely in black for her court appear-
ance, stood mute before Circuit Judge
Leland W. Carr today. She heard him
direct a. plea of innocent and ap-
point the sanity commission before
she was returned to the Ingham
County jail.
If Dr. Earl I. Carr and Dr. Carl
E. Bradford find her insane, Prose-
cutor Dan D. McCullough said, she
will be committed to a state hospital;
otherwise her trial will be held be-
fore Jan. 11, 1937. Their findings are
expe :ted to be submitted to Judge
Carr late next week.
Flint Transit
Strikers Slow
Holiday Trade
FLINT, Dec. 9.-O")-Refusing to
arbitrate their demands for a wage
increase, striking motor bus and:
Flint trolley coach operators stood
their ground tonight, hindering re-
tail Christmas trade and inconven-
iencing commuters in the Detroit
metropolitan area.
A strike committee, asked to meet
with officials of Eastern Michigan
Motorbuses, Flint Trolley Coaches,
Inc., and the Flint City Commission,
asserted there would be no arbitra-
tion on its part.

Politics Believed
Cause Of Crisis
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 9.-
()-Abdication of King Edward
would be the "greatest disaster" that
could befall Great Britain, the Hon.
Agnes McPhail, member of the Ca-
nadian Parliament, declared here
Speaking before a women's club
audience, she declared the real issue
is not the dispute over Mrs. Wallis
Warfield Simpson but that the love
match had merely brought the dis-.
pute into the open.
Debate Teams
Open Big Ten
Season Here
Purdue, Ohio State Are
First Opponents; Meet
Here And At Columbus
The University of Michigan debat-
ing teams raise the curtain on their
1936 Big Ten Conference schedule
tonight when they encounter the
Purdue and Ohio State teams at Ann
Arbor and Columbus respectively.
The Michigan affirmative team,
composed of Robert Rosa, '39, Ronald
Freedman, '39, and Harry L. Shni-
derman, '38, will meet Purdue at 8
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre on the question, "Resolved:
That All Electric Utilities Should
Be Governmentally Owned and Op-
The construction speeches will be
10 minutes in length, while each con-
testant will be allowed 4 minutes
for rebuttal. The single critic judge
is Prof. Kenneth G. Hance, chairman
of the speech department at Albion
The Michigan negative team com-
posed of Marvin Reider, '39, Nathan-
iel Holtzman, '39, and William A.
Centner, '38, speaking in that order,
leaves this morning for Columbus, to
debate the same question with Ohio
Prof. Carl G. Brandt- emphasized
that these debates are open to the
public and no admission will be
Madrid Awaits
Fascist A.ttak
In Bitter Cold
MADRID, Dec. 9.-(P)-Madrid's
once-happy populace settled down
tonight to a fearful wait for the
long-expected renewal of the Fascist
attack as bitter winds blew in from
the snow-clad Guadarrama Moun-
Fifteen government planes bombed
advanced Fascist positions on the
Casa De Campo, west of the city,
and badly damaged the insurgent
supply base at Campamento de Reta-
mares. Twenty-three Fascist ships
retaliated by pouring projectiles on
the Barajas airport and government
entrenchments along the Manza-
nares River.
Government batteries pounded
away at some Fascist positions just
inside or on the edge of the city,
but there was no important shift in
the positions of the two forces.
The warning blast of winter from
the Guadarramas brought new hard-
ships to the Madrilenos, who sought
what protection was available in
poorly heated rooms, many of them
with insufficient clothing.
The British embassy made final
preparations for the evacuation early
tomorrow of 70 refugees to London
and Gibraltar through Alicante,
East Coast city still in government



Announcement Of Ruler's
Renunciation Expected
From Baldwin Today
'Grave' Declaration
Is Set For 9:45 A.M.
Wally's Offer To Drop
From Life Of Edward
Still Holds,_Lawyer Says
BALTIMORE, Dec. 9.-AP)-The
Baltimore Sun says in a dispatch
from Phillip Wagner, head of its Lon-
don Bureau that Prime Minister
Stanley Baldwin will announce to-
morrow the abdication of King Ed-
"When Mr. Baldwin rises tomor-
row," the Sun says, "he will an-
nounce an act unprecedented in his-
tory-the voluntary renunciation of
the throne by a British sovereign."
The Sun says "it can be stated con-
fidently" that the Duke of York will
be the successor, probably as George
LONDON, Dec. 10.-(Thursday)-
(AP)-The British public early today
was prepared forabdication of Ed-
ward VIII as the hour approached
for the expected announcement in
Commons of his historic choice be-
tween his throne and Wallis Warfield
Final decision still rested with the
King, but there was no indication as
morning wore on that the Monarch
had made any move to forestall the
"grave" declaration which Baldwin
was to make before Parliament when
it meets at 2:45 p.m. (9:45 a.m. East-
ern Standard Time).
Abdication Only Solution
Unless the Monarch at the eleventh
hour contrives some hitherto unex-
plained plan to retain both Britain's
throne and the twice-divorced wom-
an he would marry, many sections of
the British press and officialdom ex-
pressed belief abdication was his only
The unofficial concensus of Parli-
ment was that the deadlock between
the King and his ministers over Mrs.
Simpson still was unbroken, and that
the government will deliver what it
considers an ultimatum demanding
his decision when the halls of Par-
liament open in the afternoon.
Edward himself apparently re-
mained alone with his thoughts in
heavily-guarded Fort Belvedere,
where he and Mrs. Simpson enjoyed
so many care-free hours and where
he has remained throughout the
crisis caused by a King's love for a
twice-divorced commoner.
He was up well past midnight af-
ter a day of momentous conferences
with his ministers-a day of grave-
faced conferences with his family
and a poignant visit of the sorrow-
ing Queen Mary to bid her son what
many considered her farewell to the
boy who became England's King.
Newspapers See Abdication
The London Daily Mail carried a
bannerline :
"Abdication Feared Today."
This and other sudden acts of the
principals in the drama of empire
and a woman caused widespread ap-
prehension that abdication of Ed-
ward VIII was at least a possibility,
but if a decision had been made it
was still a closely-guarded official
Sir John Simon, home secretary,
Walter Monckton, the King's per-
sonal legal advisor, and Dominion
Secretary Malcolm MacDonald were
closeted with Prime Minister Stanley
Baldwin earlier in the momentous
They came fresh from an hour's
cabinet session in a private chamber
of the House of Commons where in
the afternoon Baldwin had held out

!"hope" that he would have a state-
(Continued on Page 2)

Koussevitsky To Lead Boston
Symphony In Concert Tonioht
Under the direction of Dr. Serge T
Koussevitsky the Boston Symphony To Lead Orchestra
Orchestra of 110 musicians will pre--
sent the fifth Choral Union concert:
of the season at 8:15 p.m. today in,
Hill Auditorium. The concert will
mark the orchestra's 13th appear-
ance before an Ann Arbor audience. :
Featured as soloist with the or-
chestra will be Prof. Joseph Brink-
man, pianist, of the University School
of Music, who will play Leo Sower-, .. .
by's Piano Concerto No. 2 in E major.
This will be the second time that
Professor Brinkman will play this
piano concerto with the Boston Sym-
phony for early last week he was
invited to Boston as guest soloist by
Dr. Koussevitsky where he played
Sowerby's composition at its ,re-
Dr. Koussevitsky, the Symphony's
first Russian conductor, came to the
orchestra in 1924 and has since been
conducting it, bringing to the Sym-

To The Goodfellow Editor:
I wish to join the GOODFELLOWS. Enclosed find
my contribution of $............to help needy
students, children and families.

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