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December 08, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-08

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The Weather,
Cloudy today with snow and
slowly rising temperature; snow


flitr4t 9 a.n


Institutional Religion
And Democratic Society .. .




Ypsi Quintet
Easily Beaten
61-12 By Fast
Michigan Five
Cappon Uses 13 Players
As Team Displays Ease
In Offensive Tactics
Field House Mark
Of '34 Is Broken
Spectacular Form Of New
Players Are Cheered By
Gallery Of 6,000
Playing effortless basketball for 40
minutes against a pitifully out-
classed Michigan Normal five, the
Michigan cage team broke the Yost
Field House scoring record last night,
running up 61 points to the Ypsi-
lanti quintet's 12.
Six thousand persons witnessed the
game, the first of the season for both
teams, and saw that Coach Cappy
Cappon has a strong team, with
plenty of material and a world of
passing ability, but discovered little
concerning the Varsity's defensive
skill or talents when the going is
Jake Townsend was the heart of
the Michigan offense, which was ob-
viously under wraps, setting up but
one screen formation all evening. His
blind passes, work off both back-
boards, ball-hawking, and general
"quarterbacking" proved that "Hou-
dini of the Hardwood" was no mis-
Cappon Uses 13 Men
Cappon used 13 men and all of
them scored at least one field goal
with Capt. Johnny Gee topping the
scorers with 10 points despite the
fact that he had an off night. Herm
Fishman, flashy Detroit junior and
number one reserve last year, started
his first game with nine points while
Townsend was third with eight.
The starting players all turned in
satisfactory performances. G e e
couldn't hit the basket consistently
but never lost a tip-off and got his
share of the follow-in shots. Matt
Patanelli, starting his first game
since the 1934-35 season, was effec-
tive under the basket and looked good
on the few screen plays that the
Wolverines attempted.
Reserves Show Up Well
Ed Thomas, the Ishpeming soph-
omore who didn't even come out for
freshman basketball, played better
basketball every minute as he picked
up confidence. He can .handle his
speed and is a dangerous shot.
The reserves, who may be starters
tomorrow, held up their end of the
game. Danny Smick looked like
another Townsend at times as he
passed at the same dizzy angles.
(Continued on Page 3)
Architectural Mixer
To Be Held Tonight
The second mixer for Architectural
students that has been sponsored by
the Architectural Society this year,
will be held tonight 'at 7:45 p.m. in
the Union.
A varied program of entertainment
has been planned for the affair. Rob-
ert May, '37A, president of the So-
ciety, announced last night. Besides

dancing, which will come at the end
of the evening, tap-dance selections,
and games in which everybody will
take part have been arranged. Hot
chocolate and cakes will be refresh-
All students in the College of
Architecture are invited to the mixer,
in Rooms 316 and 317 of the Union.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Dec. 7.-(A')
-David Lloyd George, war-time Brit-
ish prime minister, arranged tonight
to leave for New York tomorrow en
route to England because of the con-
flict there between King Edward VIII
and the British government over Mrs.
Wallis Warfield Simpson.

Shoes, Clothes, Food, If The Goodfellows.. .


This Is Why Honor Societies
Will Sell Goodfellow Dailies

On Christmas Day Jackie and who are trying desperately to t
get along without her and at the
Is One Of The Children same time to cheer up the sad andt
Who Won't Be Forgottemi embittered father. i
WhileAlice, who is only twelve
By THERESA SWAB years old, is making a desperates
When some 9,000 students go to effort to keep the family together,
their respective homes for the annual she is somewhat bewildered by the
joyous Christmas season, they willarequests of the little Joneses for
leave behind them in Ann Arbor Santa Claus to fill their stockings.c
many destitute boys and girls who Mr. Jones, however, as a rue
will enjoy probably for the first time (Continued on Page 2)
in their life a Merry Christmas due
to the efforts of the Goodfellows.r
Playing Santa Claus does not mean Radicals M ayc
giving just food and clothing and}
toys, but it means an intimate knowl-
edge of each family, its needs, and Ser
the individual circumstance which is T
of importance in the final selection B hWs
of Christmas cheer. (
Mother Works
But take the case of Jackie as an Catholics Urged To Show
outstanding example of individualC
circumstances. Left alone by a wid- Same Zeal In Missionary
owed mother who does laundry and Work As Communists t
housework for other people, the little
invalid sits day after day looking E-
out of his front window to pass the DETROIT, Dec. 7.-(A)-A call for
time away. Jacki zealous effort by Catholics to preventi
Last year Jackie and his mother a situation where "Communists mayi
received a Christmas basket and seize the city and start a red ter-t
many toys from some friends, but the ror" came today from Bishop Michael1
poor little boy did not even enjoy J. Gallagher of the Catholic diocese1
this good luck. As he can eat only of Detroit.
special foods, and the toys were of "We may not exactly be sitting on1
the wrong type Christmas was just a volcano," Bishop Gallagher told ther
another day for him. If you con- annual conference on Catholic fam-1
tribute to the Goodfellows this year ily life at Marygrove College, "but we
the Family Welfare Bureau can send are in danger within three or four"
him the food which he is allowed to years.
eat and a wise selection of toys will "Catholics must show some of the
cheer him up not merely for one day zeal shown by the emissaires of Mos-
but for the whole year to come. cow in the propagation of their faith,"
Saint Nick Remembers he added.
Back of your fraternity house in The white-haired ecclesiastic who
the alley lives a little chap, Johnnie, has been head of the Detroit diocese
who brings you busy students your for 18 years and whose friendship for
Saturday Evening Post and sells you and support of the Rev. Charles E.
your Sunday paper on State St. Did Coughlin, Royal Oak, radio priest]
it ever occur to you that Johnnie, drew attention in recent years, made
whose bony elbows stick out of his the opening address at theconfer-
sweater sleeves, is father and brother tnce.
to a crippled mother and two sis- Catholics who have joined Com-
ters? Johnny coks, sews, cleans and unist organizations as observers,
at Christmas time he even plays testimony of detectives before a Unit-
Santa Claus.
Last year Johnnie was tickled to ed States Senate Committee which
death because someone remembered investigated strike-breaking, and oth-
to play Santa Clause to him and sent er sources provided the information
him a pair of skates. But the skates on which he based his warning of
are still unused because the poor revolution, Bishop Gallagher said.j
little fellow did not have time to go "When the word is given for the
skating. revolution," he asserted, the first act
In another part of town there is of the Communists would be "to
a sorrowing father who has lost his shoot priests and nuns on sight and
young and pretty wife. She left be- burn the churches."
hind her five children who loved her The 70-year-old bishop told the+
conference that a breeding place for
M . Tcommunism is in households which
Mo)linal To Discuss have strayed from the authority of
Pro ablit Toi~.i the church and where "lack of re-
Prob~abIlIty 'lOmlght ligion and disrespect for God and
government are rife."
In a lecture sponsored jointly by The Rev. Leonard Otting, of John
the mathematics and engineering Carroll University, discussing prob-
departments, at 4:15 p.m. today in lems of the adolescent, said the most
the lecture room of the West Physics important thing in leading young
Building, Edward C. Molina will ex- people through this period is to give
plain the practical applications of them ideals which are high, but
probability in engineering. which at the same time can be real-
Mr. Molina is mathematical con- ized within a short time.
sultant of the Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories, and in his work, visits the Goodfellow Edition
subsidiary corporations affiliated
with the Bell Co. Rated by Prof. Next Monday
Harry C. Carver of the mathematics This is the second year of The
department as one of the leading Daily's Goodfellow Christmas is-
practical mathematicians alive, he sue and we all trust that it will
attends annually the important become an annual tradition. Every
mathematical conferences abroad. I rmnw hi chi %maIlnrhaii. n

King EdwardI
Still Resolved
To WedWally
Public Sympathy Aroused1
Through Mrs,. Simpson's
Renunciation Of Claim
Monarch Strives
To Make Decision
Minister Asserts King Is
Resolved To Have
Morganatic Marriage
LONDON, Dec. 8.-(Tuesday)--(P)
-King Edward's determination to1
wed Wallis Warfield Simpson re-t
mained unshaken early today, in-C
timates said, despite the American-f
born divorcee's public offer to givef
up the monarch to save his throne.
Although the public renunciationt
of her claim to Edward's love rousedt
a wave of popular sympathy, friends1
of both said the crisis of Britain's
far-flung empire was no nearer than
ever to solution.
The mon rlh, in the privacy of
the Fort Belvedere Lodge, seized uponr
the additional time' won from Primec
Minister Stanley Baldwin to strive
for some course of action that would
satisfy both his love and his duty to
the throne of his fathers.c
King Determinedt
Even before Mrs. Simpson issued
her statement in Cannes offering tot
sacrifice her love to Edward's empire,
all England knew from Baldwin's
speech that the King was resolved to
marry her, without, however,,.making
her England's queen.
"Mrs. Simpson's statement,"a high
quarter said, "has not solved the
crisis. Only action by the king him-,f
self now can terminate the situation."
Mrs. Simpson told the world of hert
readiness to sacrifice her love purely(
on her own volition, a high source inc
the realm said, andmembers ofthe
King's staff at Belvedere professed
ignorance of it until it was read tof
them by newspapermen.
It was believed that the Duke oft
York, who would be next in line forc
Edward's throne should the present
monarch step down from it, dined at
Belvedere last night.I
Black Shirtst
A car, from outward appearances
that of the Duke, left the snow-cov-
ered refuge of his majesty at 1 a.m.
Renewed activity at No. 10 Down-1
ing Street eai'lier indicated the King's[
representatives ag.in sought to
thresh the whole matter out with
Baldwin. Four men, in formal at-
tire, went into the historic building,
while police dispersed a group of
black-shirted singers of "God Save!
The King."
Adding to Edward's problems was'
the apparent strategy of Baldwin's
supporters to clamp down a "gag
rule" to prevent the king's champions
from presenting his side of the case'
to parliament before it is too late.
Baldwin's plan, some parliamen-
tarians said, was not to inform the
commons of what the King's decision
was until Edward had already car-
ried it out.1
Madrid Awaits
Fascist D riv e
In Razed Zone
MADRID, Dec. 7.-()-Madrid's
defense officials prepared tonight for

a fascist onslaught expected to fol-
low an artillery bombardment which
razed huge blocks of apartment
As refugees streamed out of the
western outskirts of the city, the zone
of the most serious shelling, govern-,
ment officials predicted an insurgent
attack would come in that sector.
Fighting around Guadalajara,
northeast of Madrid, indicated the'
insurgents were seeking to smash
their way into the city from that
region also. Twenty-three fascist
planes bombod the area around Gua-
dalaj ara.
The ministry of state disclosed.
meanwhile, that the government had
asked immediate withdrawal of the
Finnish charge d'affaires in Madrid
because of "scandalous abuse of dip-
lomatic privilege."
The government, in a message to
the Helsingfors administration, as-I
serted the Finnish official threw handi
grenades from the windows of his
legation at. government troops be-
tween Dec. 1 and Dec. 3, stored arms
and ammunition in the building, and
harbored fascists who were not "en-
titled to diplomatic refuge."

Undergraduate Fund Of
League Announces Gift
Of Thirty-Five Dollars
Alpha Chi Omega Is
First Of Sororities
Park Announces Profits,
From Daily Advertising
Will Be Added To Fund
First contributions to the second
annual Goodfellow Drive announced
last night began the foundations of
the fund which is planned to provide
Christmas and year-round assistance
for needy students, children and
The Undergraduate Fund of the
League Council announced last night
through the League president, Char-
lotte D. Rueger, '37, a gift of $35
to the Goodfellow Fund.
The first sorority to subscribe in
advance to the special editions of
The Daily which are to be sold byI
members of the campus honor so-
cieties next Monday, is Alpha Chi'
Omega, which announced last night
a gift of $10 to the Fund.
John Park, '37, business manager
of The Daily announced last night
that returns from advertising in the
special Goodfellow Daily will be
turned over to the Fund.
Baskets Distri'ited
Last year, Christmas food baskets
were distributed, clothes, shoes and
medical attention were provided by
the Goodfellows in time for the
Christmas celebration. The agency
of distribution was the Family Wel-
fare Bureau, which was enabled
through the Goodfellow check of $1,-
000, to continue its service of personal
care and family rehabilitation
throughout the year.
The remainder of the Goodfellow
fund, approximately $300, was turned
over to the Dean's Discretionary Fund
to be administered to students in
cases of emergency need's. The
amount was divided between the of-
fice of Dean Joseph A. Bursley and
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, in proportion
to the number of men and women
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Award, a loving cup given by Burr,
Patterson & Auld, will be presented
again this year to the organization
showing the greatest cooperative
spirit in the Drive. Winner of the
Award last year was Senior Society.
Druids and Theta Delta Chi were
given honorable mention. Theta
Delta Chi led the fraternities with an
advance subscription of $34.
Use Coupon
Goodfellows are asking members
of fraternities, sororities, dormitories
and League Houses to subscribe to
the Goodfellow Daily in advance. The
Dailies will be distributed to them,
together with the red Goodfellow
tags, early on the morning of dis-
tribution. Copies of the Daily will
be distributed through departmental
secretaries to members of the fac-
ulty, who are asked to subscribe in
advance. A coupon form for ad-
vance subscriptions is printed on
this page, to be returned to the
Goodfellow Editor.
Through an error, the name of
Mary E. Bennett, '37, BAd-Lit, presi-
dent of Senior Society, was omitted
from the roster of the executive com-
mittee which was printed last week.
Senior Society under Miss Bennett
will assist in the campus sale next
Dutch Scholar
Erasmus Topic
Of Hyma Talk

Next May Is


Tomato Juice
And Lipstick
OjWred Coeds
To non-affiliated women with "ob-
jectives in college," President Ruth-
ven last night offered the oppor-
tunity to win a can of Gracie Allen's
tomato juice, one kiss-proof lipstick
of a copy of Wilfred B. Shaw's "Dr.
Angell's Letters."
These prizes were offered by the
President at the annual Assembly b
Banquet in the League to three non-
affiliated women writing the best es-
says on "What My Objectives Should r
Be In College?" The book is first t
prize, the tomato juicersecond andw
the lipstick third, according to Dr. d
Essays Limited To 50 Words
The essays must be limited to 50i
words and be handed in at Room
101 Angell Hall not later than Dec. L
16. he said, adding that the judgesa
have been appointed and their de-s
cision will be final.t
Dean Alice C. Lloyd gave a shorto
talk on the work and possibilities of
Assembly. She stated that it wass
the largest organization on campusv
but had not yet realized its poten 1
tialities. Miss Lloyd praised the
non-affiliated women for their finet
scholastic standing andextra-curric-
ular activities. She urged them to s
aid in the Goodfellow drive for fundsd
which will take place Dec. 14.t
Two Houses Highestt
The two houses for non-affiliateda
women with the highest academicp
standing, Austin House and Martha u
Cook dormitory were announced byV
Ira M. Smith, registrar, at the ban-t
quet. The awards, two books onc
painting, were presented to Mrs.
Austin and. Mary Bennett, '37, presi-
dent of Martha Cook, by Miss Lloyd.
Charlotte Rueger, '37, president ofp
the League, presented awards to thea
three women of the junior. sopho-
more and freshman classes with the
highest scholastic rating for the past
year. Vivian Greenberg, '37, with a
3. average, Florence MoConkey, '38,1
with 2.74, and Jean Holland, '39, witht
an average of 2,77 received copies ofF
"Authors, Yesterday and Today." Ther
books were gifts from the LeagueI
Library Groupr
To Hear Talki
On Excavations
Enoch Peterson, curator of the
Egyptian section of the Museum of'
Classical Archaeology, will give a
talk on the University excavation in
Egypt before the Ann Arbor Library
club today at 7:45 p.m. in Room 110
General Library Building, according
to Frank R. Harrell, president of the I
The talk, which will be illustrated'
by several reels of film, will consider
the general development of the Uni-
versity's operations since 1923.
The motion pictures will give viewsi
of the ancient city of Karanis as it
exists today after the excavations,
will show some of the actual work,
done by the University and will pic-
ture some of the Egyptian life in the
villages of today, according to Mr.1
Karanis, which was founded some-
time in the second century B.C. andi
which was vacated during the fourth1
century A.D. because the canals'
which had furnished the city water
failed to give further supply, had
never before been studied scientifi-
cally by any group, and the plans of
Karanis drawn up by the University

have been recognized as the finest
j that have been made on that district.-

Delegates To Conference
Meeting Says Officials
Only Delayed Action
Coaches Reported
To Favor Proposal
Wisconsin Daily Cardinal
Announces Its Support
Of New Movement
The Daily's campaign for a foot-
ball training table in the Western
Conference succeeded in having the
matter put before faculty representa-
ives of the Big Ten, most of whom, it
was learned yesterday, favored it but
delayed action until they could sound
out their local boards in control of
This information came from Prof.
Lewis M. Gram, head of the civil
engineering department, who repre-
sented Michigan at the annual win-
ter meeting of the Big Ten in place
of Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman
of the board here. Professor Aigler
spent the week-end ill in the Uni-
versity Hospital.
Directors Favor Plan
Professor Gram said that the mat-
ter of a training table was brought up
for discussion at the Saturday ses-
sion of the Conference meeting, but
did not reach a vote. He declared
that so far as he could learn, prac-
tically all of the athletic directors
and coaches appeared to be in sup-
port of the plan, and that the fac-
ulty representatives, on whom action
is incumbent, waited in order to get
the opinions of their local boards of
control of athletics.
From his remarks, it appeared that
the chances of a training table pro-
posal receiving better consideration
at the May meeting of the Big Ten
are good.
In an interview with Professor Aig-
ler, chairman of Michigan's Board in
Control of Athletics, last Thursday
it was learned that in former years
there has not even been enough sup-
port for the training table to war-
rant such deferring of action as took
place Saturday. A committee of fac-
ulty representatives will soon be ap-
pointed to look into the various
phases of the proposition, Gram said,
with final action coming during the
May meeting.
Backers Are Hopeful
Supporters of the plan have gained
much satisfaction from this turn of
events which indicates that the plan
is gaining il favor after being flatly
(continued on Page 2)
Price Of 'Ensian
Will Rise Shortly
All people intending to subscribe
to the Michiganensian were urged
last night by Frank T. Dannemiller,
'37, managing editor of the year-
book, to enter their orders now.
Pointing out that last year the En-
sian was sold out, he said the price
is still $4 but will shortly be raised to
Dec. 18 is the deadline for taking
of senior pictures, Dannemiller an-
Graduate students who wish to
have their senior undergraduate pic-
tures from former years used in the
1937 'Ensian may have reprints made
for $2 at one of the three official
photographers, Frank Dannemiller,
'37, editor of the 'Ensian announced
Instead of paying the usual $3 rate
for the'reproduction of a new photo-
graph, graduate students who are
satisfied with their undergraduate

pictures should take advantage of
this offer, Dannemiller said.

Goodfellows Conference Action.
Receive First .
of Yule Gifts OnTraining Table

Erasmus, humanitarian, student of
philosophy, educator, churchman,
will be the subject of Prof. Albert
Hyena's University lecture at 4:15 to-
day in the Natural Science Audito-
riurn. The lecture will be "Erasmus
and the Making of Modern Civiliza-
The lecture will be the official
ceremonial campus recognition of the
400th anniversary of the death of
Erasmus. Professor Hyma of the his-
tory department is a member of the
Erasmus Committee of the Nether-
land-America Foundation and par-
ticipated in the cerenony in Holland
last summer in honor of Erasmus.
"As an educator who introduced
new methods of instruction into the
schools, as a churchman who was


I U I 1[~ \JUUU1~ii~.) vv ~.&ii~".

i o 1 e Uoomenow rmit.vl .


I wish to join the GOODFELLOWS. Enclosed find

The Carillon Today

my contribution of $ .

... to help needy

students, children and families.
Please send my copy of The Goodfellow Dily to.

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