T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 6, 193 Distributors of Coie iote Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Reresentatve 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK N.Y. CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MvANAGING EDITOR........ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ....... ...FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfe o Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Eslse A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu- chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton Ketcham. Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New- nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole. . Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter. Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wlsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERMAN SA Sunday Institutions. T WO EVENTS of particular inter- est deserve student and faculty attention this afternoon, although unfortunately they occur at the same time. In the regular series of Sunday Forums at the Union, Prof. Max Handman of the economics department will dis- cuss "The Social World We Live In." At Alumni Memorial Hall, Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the School of Architecture will give a gallery talk on the Edgar Yaeger paintings and the "All- American" Graphic Arts prints "The idealism that is held by youth has in many instances very early turned into bitter- ness," says Professor Handman. "Many young peopfe go on covering over this change with a great deal of indifference. "Since we don't know what to expect when we get out of school and are ignorant of what life is really life, we form our own ideas as to how men and women act. Many say that they are cheated by their parents or teachers because they were not told what to expect from our practical world. Why all this happens, I will try to explain." His approach, he added, will not be primarily economic. The gallery talk on the print exhibit deserves attention, both because of Professor Slusser's qualifications and because of the particular sig- nificance of this show. Having studied both in this country and abroad, he has won many dis- tinctions through his painting, has written on art subjects for various of the foremost jour- nals, has frequently lectured on art and is the author of one of the Whitney Museum's books on contemporary painters. The value of the prints as an American art, and the artistic value of Mr. Vaeger's work have been set forth in previous articles on this page. representatives on student government body- then class elections ought to be managed in such a manner that the president may truly be said to be representative of his class. If there is no function that can be given to class officers, then it doesn't matter whether the president really only represents five little men with cigars in their mouths, sitting in the smoke-filled cau- cus chamber. The committee, while not satisfied that the present student government is truly representa-. tive, hopes ultimately to achieve a more repre- sentative body through a different organization of the student body than by classes. Though their plans for this organization are unfinished, they are satisfied that class officers cannot be the instruments of representation. Since then the class officers can be given nothing to do the committee decided to let them go on as they are as long as anyone cares to vote. Thie present system of caucuses is fun for some, harmless, and presents experience in prac- tical political situations. The energy and in- telligence shown by the group of young women who protested against the present system is com- mendable, and worthy of a weightier problem. We now look forward to the first public un- veiling of the new plan for representative stu- dent government. It is a Michigan tradition that student government shall change its form every two years, but this, the committee prom- ises, is a change to end all changes. Quod est faciendum. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and Interest to the campus. Principles Of Economics To the Editor: I was glad to see that the opinions I voiced in Sunday's Daily stirred the students and economics faculty into action. Especially was I encouraged to notice that the male portion of the students responded and were in accord with my general feelings concerning the economics exams. There are probably many people who like N. heard Dr. Ellis' proposal and are wondering what moves I made. As N. suggested I was in some- what of a "spot." In attacking the methods used in economics exams, I was not criticizing or blaming anyone individually but merely ex- pr'essing earnestly and sincerely the faults I had found-with the hope that the department would take these suggestions as constructive criticisms, and would consider them for what they were worth when making up future exam questions. In stating my ideas, I had no intention of as- sailing or finding fault with anyone personally; I was simply trying to bring before our instruc- tors the idea that we are not all totally satisfied with existing methods of exams in this depart- ment. It seems that Dr. Ellis misunderstood my pur- poses; and, being somewhat provoked, slighted the significant points to stress some of the less important facts. It was very generous of him to offer me an opportunity to sit in on the con- ference to comment on the questions proposed for Thursday's exam. If circumstances had been different, I would have accepted this offer. I was not "chicken": however, due to prevailing cond, Lions, I did not attend. After all, "a word to the wise is sufficient," and I think the department knows what we are driving at, and understands what we want. The proposal was perhaps just an opportunity to get even with one who dared to criticize. Being dissatisfied with the results of the last exam, I am hoping that on the next one I can do better. Why should I forfeit my op- portunity to raise or improve my grade? Would my presence have enough more weight than the letters to be worth my forfeiting a chance to attain a higher mark? In view of the facts that presented themselves to me, I decided to ex. press my ideas through one who would be at the meeting. Therefore, I spoke to my instruc- tor, and expressed to him the chief ideas that were expounded in my letter--namely, that ques- tions be clear and to the point and that ques- tions be over material discussed. He promised to present these ideas as from the students, and to exert his slight influence over the powers that be. Until the exam, none of us will know how these suggestions were treated, but already we have been promised something which, as some of us realize, is an improvement over the last exam. The "blue-book" will cover only material taken up in the recitation sections. No questions will be asked on material not ever discussed in classes. This may sound unimportant, but some of us know that certain questions on the last exam had never been discussed in some classes. Maybe I am a "rugged individualist," or a "stubborn Scotchwoman," but I still believe in clear and concise exam questions. -A.M. elected government? He writes that the govern- ment is not now supported by the people. Hov then does he account for the fact that the Rev- olution has already lasted four months? Why is it that the Rebels have been at the gates of Madrid for almost three weeks? If the people were not behind the present government, it would have been an easy matter to overthrow it be- cause the most important generals in the army would have gladly chosen to join the people in this overthrow. The truth of the matter is thatf this revolution has lasted as long as it has be- cause on one side stand the mass of the Spanish people, undisciplined in military tactics; while >n the other side stand the big generals with a minority which is composed of disinherited titled persons, the clergy and supporters from Italy and Germany. Again allow me to quote from Mr. Aiton: "It might be a good thing if the world would let the Spaniards settle their own domestic diffi- cuties and not read motives into them that are not there." I can't understand Mr. Aiton saying that this revolution is not a class war and further that this -revolution finds its root in the betrayal of the Spanish people by those elected in April. He speaks of the admirable qualities of "Old Spain." I am afraid that I am not as romantically inclined as he is. These "admirable qualities" make very good material for history but they certainly fall down as facts. Does Mr. Aiton realize that the condition of the average Spaniard up to the overthrow of the Spanish Monarchy was on the level of the serf of the middle ages? Can't he see in this revolu- tion the culmination of the hatred of the Span- ish people against organized religion with the leaders such as Gil Robles, and against Spain's unscrupulous industrialists, such as Juan March? King Alfonso was overthrown, not because of any tyranny on his part, but because he refused to separate the Church from the State. One might ask, "Why this violent and sudden reaction against the Church?" The answer may be found in the proverb "Ignorance is bliss," and the Church had certainly done its part in keeping the Spanish people blissful; but economic pres- sure brought educational forces into play and the general masses got their first suspicions of what had been happening. Little by little they began to organize. King Alfonso's overthrow might be attributed to the proverb, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Another thing :hat helped to intensify the hatred of the Span- ish people was the fact that the industrialists and the Church were joined in "holy matri- mony." To become a priest requires a higher ed- ucation which in Spain is very expensive and out of the reach of the poorer classes. In this way the moneyed class and the Church were joined in common interests. How the revolution actually came about is easily explained. Since the masses gained the right to vote in 1930, the moneyed factions had been organizing. However last April, when extreme radicals were elected, the moneyed fac- tions began to see the crisis. And they were not wrong because, as they had expected, the army heads who were not in sympathy with the pop- ular government were slowly being weeded out. Here indeed was the crisis! If they did not act quickly they would be lost. And so on July the 18th the fireworks began. Let me again point out that Mr. Aiton, as an authority on this sub- ject, explains that this is not a class war. The Spanish people are only fighting against the Red Scare from Moscow. He says that all "patriotic" Spaniards will welcome a Fascist victory. Noth- ing could be further from the truth. Moreover the word "patriotic" bothers me. If I remember rightly, the last time the world went "patriotic" 13,000,000 of our best men were killed. Professor Aiton calls himself an authority on the subject because he was in Spain from Feb- ruary to August of this year. I am not surprised that he should do this. What surprises me is that he does not say he is an authority on the Spanish language. Someone might question my statements. My brother was in Spain in 1934. My ancestors for as far back as can be traced have been Spanish. I was born in Spain. More- over, my brother, as well as many other Span- iards, saw this revolution coming. It was only a question of time. Mr. Aiton concludes his com- ments on Spain with the phrases, "Assiba Es- pana" and "Viva Espana." I would point out that these phrases mean "Up with Spain" and "Long live Spain" and not the opposite mean- ing as his comments seem to imply. I hope that this letter has helped to erase any misconcep- tion of the Spanish situation that might have arisen from Mr. Aiton's article. -Angelo Sanchez Flores. '39E. Potatoes To the Editor: In common with dozens of other suckers, I elected Mr. Holmes' CULTURAL EVOLUTION. According to the Announcement this course is "a consideration of the origin and development of human association. The evolution of the com- munity and of various institutions such as lan- guage, the family, the church, law, and the state are studied." This sounded like an interesting course so 4 elected it. After the first two weeks Mr. Holmes started talking about the sorry plight of the American farmer and he has been talking about it ever since. Mr. Holmes, I understand, is one >f the greatest living authorities on farm prob- lems. That is excellent, but I am not much in- terested in farmers. If I wanted to learn about the farm situation I would have elected Mr. Holmes' THE RURAL COMMUNITY. Since I wanted to learn about Cultural Evolution and am not learning about it I feel cheated. If you order potatoes from a store and the man sends you sugar, you can send it back. If he won't take it you probably have what the lawyers call an "action" against him. If you order one course and the professor rams another down your throat, what can you do about it? --Puzzled. THEATRE Broadway Comes To Town By KENNETH T. ROWE r'HERE ARE an unusual number of aspects of special interest to the presentation oy Play Production of Martin Flavin's "The Good Oldt1 Summertime." I hardly know where to begin. A new play is always more of an event than an old play that has been received and talked about endlessly, and we don't often have the opportunity to see a first production outside of New York. Itsis a curious thing. In New York most play open- ings are premieres, and the people who love the theatre flock to the opening nights in the expectancy of making their own discoveries. Elsewhere, the natural impulse to fresh, individual critical and appre-! ciative activity has been so numbed by long dependence on Broadway suc- cesses that many people hesitate to see a new play-afraid of wasting time and money, I suppose. Of course, the theatre should be a creative ac- tivity for the audience, which means that people go to the theatre not just to se a good play, but to find out what there is in a play on their own initiative. A university like Michi-1 gan, of course, is the best kind of place for a new play outside of New York; the university background na- turally makes a creative audience. This production of "The Good Old Summertime" is much more than a premiere, however; it is the inaugu- ration of a new national movement in the theatre. Barrett H. Clark, for many years a leader in the cultiva- tion of American drama, has or- ganized the Dramatist's Play Service as a move towards decentralization of drama from Broadway. A group of leading playwrights have agreed to submit their new play to the Play Service for distribution among ap- proved university and other small theatres for production before or simultaneously with Broadway pro- duction. The expanded market will contribute to reducing the precar- iousness of playlwriting as a means of making a livig, make it less of a gamble between the huge returns of a Broadway hit and nothing. Under Mr. Clark's plan we will get to see plays before the edge of in- terest is worn off, and in the case of timely plays, while they are still timely. "The Good Old Summer- time," incidentally, is a timely play, about the depression in a middle- western family. The title is as mis- leading as that of "The Children's Hour." The locale adds interest for us here, too. The centralization of drama in New York congregates the dramatists there, and we get too many plays with New York City background. There is no question as to the need of decentralizing drama in this country if dramatic writing isn't to die from excessive pruning Figures re- veal the situation clearly. From a survey I made last spring in New York, the number of play manu- scripts submitted during the year to agents and producers was conserva- tively estimated as around 40,00,0. I don't have the figures for 1935-36 at hand, but they were very little high- er than for 1934-35. In the 1934-35 season 113 plays were produced in New York, not much better than one production to each 400 manuscripts. Of the 113, 41 ran less than two weeks and don't count. Only 37 ran a month or longer; of those, 26 went to over a hundred perform- ances, were hits. Many of the plays that weren't produced, or failed, would be of more interest to some audience outside of New York than some that succeeded there, but those audiences will never have a chance to see them. It is evident that broader oppor- tunities for the new playwrights are needed. For an audience the one thing more exciting than the dis- covery of a new play is the discovery of a new playwright. The Drama- tists' Play Service is at present or- ganized to give broader distribution to the worker of established drama- tists. The resultant strengthening of local theatres willsundoubtedly lead to more opportunities for new writers. Every state university theatre should become the center of a re- gional drama. Martin Flavin has had one or more plays in the theatre almost every year since 1921; "The Good Old Summertime" is his fourteenth. Two of his former plays have been pre- sented by Play Production, "Chil- dren of the Moon," a grim psycho- logical study, and his most famous play, "The Criminal Code, which re- ceived the Pulitzer Award for 1929. "The Criminal Code" was powerful and moving as a play, and later as a talking picture whith Walter Huston as the warden. It was the father of the run of prison plays and pictures, none of which, of course, nearly ap- proached the original. Flavin's last play, "Amaco," dealt with modern industry. The Dramatists' Play Service is working from the top in the direc- tion in -which the Federal Theatre has been working from the bottom. Such movements may develop into a much needed revolution in the Amer- ican theatre system and certainly should be encouraged. cuss the topic "Loo ingi owar. Christmas." Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m., service of worship with sermon by Mr. Heaps. Subject "The Return to Religion" based on the book by the well known Psychiatrist, Henry Link. The Student Fellowship will meet at 3:15 p.m. Sunday and go in a group to hear the Messiah. Supper at 6 p.m. followed by a devotional service. The Lutheran Student Club will have as their guest speaker to- night, Dr. O. R. Yoder, Assistant Medical Superintendent of the Ypsi- lanti State Hospital. Dr. Yoder is a well known psychiatrist and will speak on a subject relating to "Re- ligion and the Balanced Personality." Supper and social hour at 5:30 p.m. Forum at 6:30 p.m., Zion Parish Hall. The Hillel Independents will spon- sor an open forum at the Founda- tion tonight at 8 p.m. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on "Riches in a Depression." After the open dis- cussion which will follow the ad- dress, there will be an important business meeting, and plans for the coming meetings, programs and so- cial events will be made. All are cordially invited. Come and bring your friends with you! Unitarian Church: 5 p.m. Twilight service. "The Mes- siah of Art and the Jesus of History," sermon by Rev. H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. Prof. W. H. Maurer will speak on the topic of "Leisure and the Schools." St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lib- erty at Third St. At 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Mr. Brauer will preach on "The Second Coming of Christ." Student-Walther league supper and fellowship hour at 5:30 p.m. Preparatory service at 7:30 p.m. The second evening Advent service with Holy Communion will be held at 7:45, the pastor's sermon- ette dealing with "The Promise Given to Abraham." Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of E. William and Fifth Ave. will hold its chief service with Holy Com- munion at 10:30 a.m. Students may receive the Sacrament if they are in good and regular standing in their home church. Reformed and Christian Reformed Students: Dr. Clarence Bouma of Grand Rapids, will be the speaker at services in the Michigan League chapel at 10:30 a.m. These services, sponsored by the Reformed and I Christian Reformed churches, are be- ing held every Sunday. New Jersey Students: The New Jersey Club will meet Monday night at 8 p.m. at the League. Those de- siring special rates for Christmas vacation must be present at this time. Coming Events Sigma DeltaChi will hold a regu- lar luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Michigan Union. President Marshall Schulman will at this time present a report of the pro- ceedings of the recent national con- vention. University Broadcasting, Monday, Dec. 7: 2:15 p.m. Class in the play- ing of stringed instruments. Dr. Joseph E. Maddy. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Dec. 9, 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League Bldg. Mr. Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will speak informally on "The Carillon School at Malines." The Mathematics Club will meet Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. S. B. Myers will speak on "Groups of Isometries of N-Dimensional Riemannian Man- ifolds." Women's Research Club will meet in Room 3024, Museums Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 7. Winifred Smeaton will speak on "Tattooing in Iraq." Members are urged to attend and meet the recently elected mem- bers. Economics Club: Mr. Henry S. Dennison, president of the Dennison Manufacturing Co., will speak in- formally to the Economics Club on manufacturers' price-policy, Mon- day afternoon at 4 p.m., Dec. 7, Room 302, Union. - Graduate students and members of the staffs in Economics and Business Administration are in- vited to attend. Trhe (graduate Edatin Clu wil Phi Delta Kappa: The Omega chapter will hold a general meeting for members and friends, Monday, Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Professor Shephard of the Psychology department will speak. There will be refreshments. Students taking work in education are espe- cially invited to attend. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held tomorrow at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in- terested in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be an informal 10-minute talk by Dr. Ka- simir Fajans, guest-speaker. Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec. 9, at 7:45 p.m. in the League. A Christmas program has been planned. Refreshments will be served. International Relations Club: The next meeting will be held on Tues- day evening, Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. in Room 1035 Angell Hall. Professor Leder- mann of the University of Geneva will speak on the subject, "Danger Spots in Europe." Those interested are invited to come to the meeting. Metallurgical Group Meeting: All metallurgical engineers, both gradu- ate and undergraduate, are urged to attend the meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 4215 E. Eng. Bldg. Addresses will be given by Dr. L. Thomassen on "Theories on Hard- ening of Steel" and by Mr. H. E. Weber on "The Vacuum Fusion Method of Gas Analysis of Metals." Alpha Gamma Sigma: A compul- sory meeting will be held in the League on Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. Sigma Xi: The first meeting for the current University year will be held in the East Amphitheatre of the West (old) Medical8Bulding on Tuesday evening, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Prof. J. M.Cork of the Physics De- partment will give an illustrated talk on the Cyclotron and Dr. F. J. Hodges of the Department of Roentgenology will discuss possible medical applica- tions of the newly derived nuclear disintegration products. Opportunity will be provided for the inspection of the Cyclotron. Refreshments will be served. Sophomores College of Architec- ture: Class elections Monday, Dec. 7, in Room 101 Arch. Treasurer's re- ceipts must be presented to vote. All Basic R.O.T.C. students must call for their uniforms Monday, Dec. 7, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Volleyball, Graduate women stu- dents: There will be a volleyball practice in Barbour Gymnasium on Tuesday, Dec. 8, from 7:30 to 8:30 for women graduate students. A 1936-37 medical examination or recheck is essential. The Lutheran Student Club will have a last meeting of their Bible Class before the holidays on Tues- day, Dec. 8, at 7:15 p.m. at the League. All the members of the classand those interested are asked to attend. Yeomen of the Guard: All princi- pals must report to the Laboratory Theatre at 4 p.m. Monday afternoon. All those in the chorus must report Monday afternoon at 5 p.m. Full attendance urgent. "The Good Old Summer Time": Play Production will present this new play by Martin Flavin on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:30 p.m. and on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Box office opens Mon- day at 10 a.m. Phone 6300. The Student Alliance will meet at the Union on Tuesday evening, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m. All students are wel- comed. The Modern Poetry Group of the A.A.U.W. will meet on Tuesday eve- ning, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m. with Miss Irene Kauska, Forest Plaza apart- ments. All members are urged to attend. Faculty Women's Club: The Book Shelf and Stage Section will meet with Mrs. George A. Lindsay, 2015 Day St., Dec. 8, at '2:45 p.m. Mrs. Robley C. Williams is assisting host- ess. The Monday Evening Drama Sec- tion of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Monday evening, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. P. Briggs at 16 Ritieway. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. T. S. Hill DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office oa the Asistant to the Prassimo until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) PPhysical Education Majors: Coach Matt Mann will present movies of 10:30 a.m. The 9 a.m. service will swimmnig to the boys and girls of be conducted in German as usual, the Physical Education clubs Tues- the pastor, Rev. Theodore Schmale, day, Dec. 8, at 9 o'clock in Sarah preaching. The Young People's Caswell Angell Hall, Barbour Gym. League meets at 7 p.m. and will dis--. C n~lv th tnrin "~nnkin nxar Cast Down The Laurel. HE MEN'S COUNCIL Committee appointed to consider proposals for the revision of the class election system an- nounced yesterday that freshman elections would be held as usual, by the same unchanged caucus method. This did not mean that the committee was not thoroughly convinced that the present sys- tem is such that if a capable man should be elected it would be purely an accident; rather they believe that if a canable man' should be Assiba Espana To the Editor: When I first read Professor Aiton's comments on the Spanish situation as they appeared in the November 6th issue of The Daily, I felt in- clined to pass them'over because it seemed to me that their absurdity would be so obvious as to be observed by all who read them. However when I realized that the comments might be taken as facts simply on the basis that they were the utterances of a professor who should know, I was led to write this letter. Please allow me to quote from Mr. Aiton's now "famous views." "Its cry and that of the numerous elements in Spain, including a ma- imrit of the .nnhiAnfhtininpd +the m +s -