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December 06, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-06

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'Liar' Charge
At Loyal Aide
(Continued from Page 1)

Unusual Book Gifts Make Math
Library Here Largest Of Kind
AlgeIra Printed In 1631 SextetLoses
And Harriott's Virginia
Valued At $30,000 To Brantord

fact that a priest who runs away
with a woman loses his priesthood
under canon law.
In her address, Donna Isabella de-
clared that the war in Spain today
is not a civil war but an invasion by
Moors, Africans, Foreign Legion-
naires, Germans and Italians. "There
is no attempt to hide the fact that
the aviators who are bombing the
Spanish cities are Italian and Ger-
man airmen," she said.
People Do Not Support France
"General Franco has not the sup-
port of the Spanish people," Donna
Isabella said. "If he did, he would
not have to go to Morocco to secure
the aid of the Moors in fighting his
own people."
Donna Isabella described the in-
surgent campaign as an international
fascist campaign, declaring that let-
ters had been discovered which re-
vealed that the rightists had plans
whereby if they lost the election they
would seize the government by force,
which is exactly what the fascists
have been trying to do for the past
four months.
Democracy Vs. Fascism
"The Spanish situation is not one
that involves only the question of
whether democracy in Spain can
survive," Donna Isabella said, "but is
rather an international problem of
democracy versus fascism." She al-
so stated that because of the fight
that Spain is putting up, other dem-
ocratic countries should profit by
the delay in the spread of fascism.
Donna Isabella also pointed out
that the establishment of the repub-
lic in Spain in 1931 was the most
peaceful political revolution in de-
cades. The royal family was not
harmed by the victorious republicans
and not a drop of blood was spilled,
she said, and contrasted that situa-
tion with the bloody warfare caused
today by the elements of reaction.

(Continued from Page 2)
"Hymns You'll Love to Sing." Dr.
Joseph E. Maddy.
12:45 p.m. "The Value of Hobbies
for Parents and Children." William
G. Robinson.
"To What Extent Do Hobbies Help
in the Socialization of the Child?"
Mrs. H. S. Mallory.
Varsity Glee Club: Very import-
ant full rehearsal in preparation for
next week's concert and broadcast.
Meet at 6:30 p.m. today.

Professor Emeritus William Butts'
contribution to the mathematics ii-
brar'y, announced in yesterday's Daily
is not the only factor making Mich-
igan's collection of early mathemat-
ical works the "greatest in the world,"
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of the math-
ematics department said yesterday.
"The largest gift given by one man,
was that of the late Professor Alex-
ander Ziwet, for thirty-five years a
member of the faculty of the engi-
neering department and popularly
known as 'Zippie.' He gave to the
library about ten thousand books,
the same number of pamphlets and
an endowment of $20,000," accord-
ing to Professor Karpinski.
At a meeting of the American
Mathematical Society in the fall of
1934, Mr. Butts donated to the library
a collection of some two hundred rare
books, estimated in value at $1,000.
Among the rare works in the library
are included Thomas Harriot's Al-
gebra, published in 1631, and his Vir-
ginia published in 1588, valued con-
servatively at about $30,000.
"A distinguishing feature of the li-
brary is that the members of the de-
partment contribute to the collec-
tions," he continued.
Professor Karpinski made several
trips to Europe to visit the book-
stalls, purchasing those rarities he
could find. With the funds provided
by Mr. Tracy W. McGregor, donor of
the Michigan telescope, he bought
volumes on mathematics from the
"The William L. Clements Library
has made a special point of buying
the earliest American mathematical
works and in this field now ranks
high even with the great Eastern
libraries," Professor Karpinski be-
Mr. John Spaulding of Detroit pre-
sented the first edition of Euclid's
geometry, printed in 1483, "in mem-
ory of Professor Alexander Ziwet,
who is the finest teacher I ever knew."
The mathematics and economics
libraries are situated in the same
room on the third floor .of Angell
Hall. Many of the more valuable
works are kept in the rare book col-
lection in the general library.

By_54 Seore
(Continued from Page 1)
scored after a mixup and a pass from
With only three and one-half min-
utes to play in the same period,
James passed from the red line on
the left flank to Johnny Fabello, and
the Scituaite Flyer poked the rubber
past Goalie Bud Box.
Krieger picked up a loose puck in
the Michigan defense zone and laid
a pass on Webster's stick to make
the score 2-1 in 18:01. Fifty-one sec-
onds later the play was reversed as
Webster passed out from the far
corner and Krieger, all alone, rammed
it home.
Heyliger Scores
Captain Heyliger delivered a final
sally just before the gun. Catching
the Brantford defense asleep, Vic
slipped through on the right flank
and rifled a hard shot into the lower
left hand corner.
Ken Murray was penalized twice in
the second period, once for high
sticking Gib James and once for trip-
ping, but although Eddie Lowrey put
four forwards on the ice both times
in an effort to score, the only tally of
the stanza was chalked up for Brant-
ford when Cooper scored on a pass
from Cinnamon.
Captain Heyliger scored his second
goal of the night early in the third
period. Gib James slipped him a for-
ward pass from just within the red
line and the Beaver made no mis-
take, sucking Goalie Box out, and
then jamming in the puck.
A minute later Gus Krieger was
credited with another score when
his long shoc drizzled through the
Wolverine defense and past Goalie
Michigan fought back desperately
in the final five minutes following
Dick Berryman's brilliant solo dash.
but Brantford got all the breaks as
the clock ticked away the final sec-
Defense Better
Michigan's defense looked much
improved, so did the Berryman, Mer-
rill Cooke line-but Heyliger's tim-
ing was off and as a result the first
string forwards failed to click. Passes
missed and when they did connect
the Leaf goalie was too good. Al-
though a tough game to drop, it was
lost to one of the best teams in
eastern Canada and it will teach
the Wolverines a lot of hockey.

Suomi Club: A meeting will
held today at 2:15 p.m.
the Upper Room, Lane Hall.


Gallery Talk: There will be a Gal-
lery Talk by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser
on the Edgar Yaeger paintings and
the "All-Americ'an" Graphic Arts
prints in Alumni Memorial Hall,,
today at 4:15 p.m.
Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a
dinner meeting of Phi Eta Sigma
today at 6:15 p.m.
Beta Kappa Rho: All those attend-
ing the Messiah will please meet in
the League at 3:30 p.m. this af-
Sunday Forum: Prof. Max Hand-
man will speak on "The Social
World We Live In" at the Union,
Sunday forum. Small ballroom, 4:30
Hillel Foundation: The semi-
monthly Pop cencert has been post-
poned until next Sunday due to the
conflict with the Faculty Concert.
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
Church Talks
oday Feature
any_ Visitors
(Continued from Page 1)

ing today at 7 p.m. Open forum
on topics presented by recent speak-
ers. Refreshments. All Episcopal
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11 a.m., Holy Communion and ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.:
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister,
will speak on "The Supreme Test
of Character."
12:00 noon. Mr. Chapman's class
meets at Guild House.
6:30 p.m. The Roger Williams
Guild will meet in church parlors
with the members of the church as
their guests. Mrs. Frederick G.
Dickason, of Judson College, Ran-
goon, Burma, will give an address in,
which she will show several reels of
film, picturing college events and theI
customs of the people. A social hour
with refreshments.
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
a.m. led by Prof. George Carrothers.
Theme: "Qualifying for Leadership."
Wesleyan Guild meeting, 6 p.m. Prof.
D. L. Katz will speak on "A Chemist
Looks at Religion." Fellowship hour
and supper following the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 a.m. Dr. C.
W. Brashares will preach on "Heart
First Presbyterian Church, (tem-
porary location Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth Ave.)
W. P. Lemon, D.D., minister.
Miss Elizabeth Leipbach, assistant.
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Dr.
William P. Lemon will preach on
"Utopia Incorporated." The second
of an Advent series. Student choir.
6 p.m., Supper and Fellowship hour
of the Westminster Guild student
group. (Note later hour because of
"The Messiah").
6:30 p.m., Guild meeting. Prof. E.
William Doty will speak on the sub-
ject "The Place of Art in Religion."
Mr. Marvin Thompson will sing.
Church of Christ (Disciples)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible, class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Clarence Kresin, a dele-
gate from the University to the Lake-
side Youth Conference last summer,
will bring a report on the work of
the Lakeside meeting. There will be

Buffalo . .
Rochester .
Syracuse .
Utica . . .
Albany ...

opportunity for discussion following South Fourth Ave., will hear Dr.
the report. George L. Losh of Elmhurst College
in the morning service to be hefd at
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, (Continued on Page 4)

Dale C. Campbell




Onderdonk Escapes
Injury In Accident
Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk narrow-
ly escaped injury late yesterday after-
noon when his car skidded off the
road while he was about one mile
west of Sturgis returning from North-
western University, where he had
been lecturing.
Dr. Onderdonk's, automobile slid
into a telephone post which broke
off and fell over the top of the car.
He was uninjured but the car was de-




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Michigan Pos. Brantford
Wood ........... D........... Box
Simpson .. '...... D.......... Torti
Smith .......... D.....Cinnamon,
Heyliger ........ C........ Ivanoff
James .......... W ....... Webster
Fabello ........ .W.........Krieger
Michigan spares: Merrill, Berry-
man, Cooke.
Brantford spares: Wilkes, Cooper,
First Period:
Scor.ing: Krieger (Cinnamon) 5:46.,
Fabello (Jafes) 16:37. Webster (Krie-
ger) 18:01. Krieger (Webster) 18:52.
Heyliger 19:08.
Second Period:
Scoring: Cooper (Cinnamon) 7:21.
Penalty: Murray (High Stick). Mur-
ray. (Tripping).
Third Period:
Scoring: Heyliger (James) 3:23.
Kruger5:18. Berryman 14:29. Pen-
alty: Murray (charging).
Dial 2-1013 . . 308 North Main Street
DowntownNorth of Main Post Office

7:30 meeting of the Liberal Students'
The Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon will give
the second in an advent series at the
10:45 a.m., service of the First Presby-
terian church. Dr. Lemon's sermon
will be on "UtopiaIncorporated."
Prof. E. William Doty will speak on
the subject "The Place of Art in Re-
ligion" at the Westminster Guild
meeting at 6:30 p.m.
At St. Paul's Lutheran church, the
Rev. C. A. Brauer, minister, will
preach on "The Second Coming of
Christ." The second evening advent
service will be held at 7:45 p.m., the
pastor's sermonette dealing with
"The Promise Given to Abraham."
Another in the series on religion
through the eyes of scientists will be
given at the Wesleyan Guild meeting
of Stalker Hall when Prof. D. L. Katz
will speak on "A Chemist Looks at
Religion." Professor Katz will deliver
his address at 6 p.m.
The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will
give his sermon "The Return to Re-
ligion," based on the book by the
psychiatrist, Henry Link, at the reg-
ular Sunday morning service of the
Congregational church at 10:45 a.m.



Speech Class Will
Give Demonstration
A program of short talks will be
given by a group of officers from
the Detroit Police Department on
Monday, December 7th, in Room 4203
Angell Hall at 8 p.m.
These officers are enrolled in Prof.
G. E. Densmore's extension class of
public speaking. The talks, which
are purely demonstrational, will per-
tain to their experiences in enforc-
ing the law.



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