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December 06, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-06

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T"he Weather

Snow, sleet, or rain today; to-
morrow local snows; cold wave
tonight and tomorrow.


,t ~ig au


Sincay Institutions,...
Cast Down The Laurel...



Churchill Aids
King Edward
In His Fight
With Cabinet
Abdication Must Not Be
Hastily Extorted, Says
Leader OfOpposition
King Looks Over
Baldwin's Papers
Mrs. Simpson Ends Her
Flight Across France
ArrivingWith Friends
LONDON, Dec. 6.-(Sunday)-(3P)
-The Sunday newspaper, Reynolds
News, today reported there was "a be-
lief, strongly held in certain highly
placed quarters, that the King (Ed-
ward VIII) already has announced
his intention to abdicate-that he
has indeed signed the instrument
which would make abdication final."
LONDON, Dec. 6.-(Sunday)-Brit-
ain's King early today studied "cer-
tain documents" handed him in se-
cluded Fort Belvedere by Prime Min-
ister Stanley Baldwin.
What the documents were, or what
they portended was not revealed, but
authoritative sources said they
might be:
1. First drafts of voluntary abdi-
cation papers.
2. An expression of opinion on the
crisis from his Majesty's dominion
3. New proposals from his cabinet
Reports from Canberra, Australia,
that Edward might abdicate Monday
were unconfirmed in London where
officials asserted the summoning of
the British cabinet to meet Monday
afternoon showed there had been no
decision reached as yet by either the
King or his cabinet.
LONDON, Dec. 5.-(IP)-Winston
Churchill threw his powerful influ-
ence behind King Edward tonight in
an appeal to the empire to grant him
"time and tolerance" in his fight to
wed Wallis Warfield Simpson and re-
tain his throne.
While Prime Minister Stanley
Baldwin motored to Edward's Bel-
vedere retreat for yet another appeal
to Edward to give up Mrs. Simpson,
the brilliant Churchill, who may be
the King's premier if Baldwin re-
signs, attacked the government for
not consulting parliament and chal-
lenged its right to advise the Sover-
eign to abdicate.
In a formal statement he said that
abdication must not "hastily be ex-
torted," and hinted that the King
himself had asked for more time to
"There is no question of any con-
flict between the King and parlia-
ment," said Churchill, who has per-
haps more personal influence than
anyone in parliament outside the
CANNES, France, Dec. 5.-Wallis
Warfield Simpson reached her dest-
ination as old and tried friends to-
night had a yacht and a secluded
villa ready for her as she motored
swiftly through the south of France
in her flight from the storm raging
over her influence on Britain's

Music Society
Gives Messiah'
Concert Today
Annually presented by the Uni-
versity Musical Society, Handel's
"Messiah" will be given at 4:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium, conducted
by Achilles Taliaferro and featuring
four soloists, the Choral Union of
300 voices, and the University Sym-
phony Orchestra of 75 players.
This year the performance will be:
presented entirely by members of the
School of Music, President Charles A.
Sink of the School of Music an-
nounced. The solo parts, rendered by
all experienced artists, will be sung
by Burnette Bradley Staebler, so-
prano; Jane Ellen Rogers, contralto;
Martin Edeard Thompson, tenor; and
Hardin A. Van Deursen, bass. Mr.
Taliaferro has in addition supple-
mented his School of Music training
with European travel and associa-
tions with many world-famous mu-

Outmoded 'Black Friday' Marks Bad Working
Exit Of Rah-Rah' College Era Features Told

Big Ten Officials Defeat

Underclassmen Congenial
On Night Of Traditional
"When the pale moon steals
through the mackerel skies over the
cold slimy walls of the Medic Build-
ing, the mouldering dead within,
hanging by the ears, will dance in
high glee in anticipation of the com-
ing to their ranks of the Babes of
1907. Assemble all ye Verdant, Pea-
green, Sucklings for your last com-
munion on this green sphere, on the
Medic Green at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
'Oct. 9, in the year of our University
LXVI," in this fashion freshmen
were warned in years gone by of the
approach of Black Friday.
That same ghastly occasion was
scheduled for this week-end, but be-
cause apathetic underclassmen gave
little hope for the success of the
"holiday" it was postponed until
sometime next spring by the Men's
Council. For this reason no colorful
posters of the sort quoted above
made their appearance on telephone
poles, store windows or sidewalks in
Ann Arbor this year.
Instead of the traditional "animal
hey-day," Friday night in Ann Arbor
was characterized by drowsy orderli-
ness, except perhaps for a few fra-
ternity parties. Freshmen and sopho-
mores danced elbow to rib in the
Union and at the Soph Cabaret and
others chatted in taverns or studied
in the libraries; but not one pair of
half-masted pants was reported by
an indignant sophomore, nor did one
breathless freshman give an account
of a gruelling chase as it has always
been in the past.
Asked to explain this growing in-
difference to such traditions, Prof.
Robert Angell of the sociology de-
partment and author of "The Cam-
pus," said last night that Black Fri-
day was simply being swept into dis-
card along with many other appur-
tenances of the late "rah-rah" years
of college life. He pointed to the
more subdued enthusiasm manifested
Church Talks
Today Feature
Baptist Church Will Hear
Address On Student Life
In Burma
Several out-of-town speakers will
be featured in the programs of the
churches today.
Mrs. Frederick G. Dickason, of Jud-
son College, Rangoon, Burma, will
give an address at 6:30 p.m., illustrat-
ed with motion pictures depicting col-
lege life and the customs of the peo-
ple there, before the Roger Williams
Guild of the First Baptist church.
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister,
will speak on "The Supreme Test of
Character," at the regular 10:45 a.m.
service of worship.
Dr. George L'. Losh of Elmhurst
College will speak at the morning
sevice of the Bethlehem Evangelical
church to be held at 10:30 a.m.
The Lutheran Student Club will
have as their guest speaker, Dr. O. R.
Yoder, assistant medical superinten-
dent of the Ypsilanti State Hospital,
who will talk at 6:30 p.m. on a sub-'
ject relating to "Religion and the
Balanced Personality."
Handel's "Messiah," which will be
presented this afternoon, furnishes
the theme for the Rev. H. P. Marley's
address to be given at 5 p.m. today
at the regular twilight service of the
Unitarian church. Mr. Marley will
discuss the composing of the "Mes-
siah" and in general the relation of
religion and art. The scriptural
passages used in the "Messiah" to
describe Jesus, would have been re-

iected by Jesus himself, according to
Mr. Marley.
Prof. W. H. Maurer of the Depart-'
ment of Journalism will speak on
"Leisure and the Schools," at the
(Continued on Page 3)
Pope Pius Ill;
Troubled Sleep
Relieves Pain,
VATACAN CITY, Dec. 6.-(Sun-
day)--AP)-Pope Pius XI drifted into
a troubled sleep early today, suffer-
ing pain from a blood clot on his left
leg and with both lower limbs par-
tially paralyzed.
Relatives who visited Vatican City
said, however, they were assured his

at pep meetings and said that they
were another form of this outmoded
collegiate atitude.
"Increased interest in economics
and political affairs, and conjecture
about the latest move in Germany or
Italy is more characteristic of the
present day undergraduate, for he is
more serious minded than his pre-
decessor of the past three decades,"
Professor Angell declared. Depres-
sion years have accelerated this con-
cern for more vital matters, he said.
The "mad glad" creature of the first
two decades of this century fairly
revelled in such traditions as Black
Friday, Professor Angell stated,
pointing to the Black Friday warn-
ings that have been collected from
past years and framed in the base-
ment of the Union. But, he added,
this enthusiasm has either died away
or been directed toward other things
among the present undergraduates.
Priest Tosses
Liar' Charge
At Loyal Aide
Charge Comes As Speaker
Says Spanish Churches
Are Arsenals
A charge of "That's a lie" hurled
by the Rev. Fr. Charles Kruger, a
Catholic priest and a student in the
University, at Donna Isabella de Pa-
lencia, Spanish ambassador to Swed-
en, threatened to break up a meet-
ing held yesterday afternoon in the
Ann Arbor High School.
Donna Isabella had just declared
in answer to Father Kruker's ques-
tion that the chief reason 'for the
burning of churches in Spain was the
fact that they were being used as
arsenals and fortresses and that the
priests themselves were aiding in the
sniping of people in the streets be-
Kruger Shouts Accusation f
At this point Father Kruger, great-I
ly indignant, shouted his accusationf
at the speaker. Immediately, nearly
all of the .300 people stood up andI
menancing cries of "Go back to your
monastery" and "Shut up" were
heard among the angry murmurs in1
the crowd.
Contacted last night, Father Krug-F
er said that he was so aroused at the
remarks of Donna Isabella regarding
the activity of the Sapnish church
in behalf of the insurgents that heI
hurled "liar" charge without intend-
ing to do so.
Also, Father Kruger said last night,t
Donna Isabella "evaded my specifict
question as to why the Jesuit college1
in Madrid was burned. I did note
ask her about the churches."
Questioned Previouslyc
Previously, Father Kruger hadc
questioned Donna Isabella regard-i
ing the status of the Rev. Fr. Luisf
Sarasola, a member of the delegation
representing the Spanish who was
scheduled to appear on the program
here yesterday but who could not get{
away from Chicago because of a con-
flict in his schedule. Father Kruger!
charged that Father Sarasola was not
in good standing in the Catholic
church because he had left his post
without permission of his superiorsI
and that because he had not returned
at their orders he became ipso facto1
Father Kruger mentioned other
reasons why Father Sarasola was not
in good standing, among them the;
(Continued on Page 3)
Forum Today
Features Talk

By Handman
Prof. Max S. Handman of the eco-
nomics department, will discuss the
changes in the student's outlook on
life from idealism to bitterness in to-
day's forum to be held at 4:30 p.m.
in the small ballroom on the second
floor of the Union. The topic of his
lecture will be "The Social World We
Live In."
Approaching the subject from a
cultural rather than economic view-
point, Professor Handman will de-
scribe the effects of music and art;
appreciation on molding student
"philosophies." He will analyze the in-
different attitude with which stu-
dents attempt to cover up the change
from idealism to extreme bitterness.
The discussion is the fourth in the
series of Union Forums which will
continue throughout the semester,
Murray L. Campbell. '38. of the Union

By Federation
Various Ruses Employed
To Cut Actual Rates,
Statement Says
Jobs Are Uncertain,

Reynolds' Plan; Second
G;ridder Quits Michigan


I c ,a r, ,a , ,.. , T.,, ,

. econa w imnurawai iviane
Students Complaln That Training Table
_Cmild Hv Prevented

Five Campus Restaurants
Especially Disparaged
By Workers
Specific charges against five cam-
pus eating places where poor working
conditions have led to dissatisfaction
among the student employes were
made yesterday by members of the
Student Workers Federation.
The Daily is withholding the
names of the five campus res-
taurants named by the Federa-
tion until further investigation.
In a written statement to The
Daily prepared for the Federation by
Tom Downs, '39, and Dwight V.
Swain, '37, it was charged that "stu-
dent workers are dissatisfied; the
reasons for this dissatisfaction are
the poor conditions under which they
The declaration was in answer to
an investigation of student working
conditions conducted last week by
The Daily which showed that stu-
dents in all eating places contacted,
with the exception of the Michigan
League, were satisfied with the con-
ditions under which they work.
Do Not Pay 30 Cents
The statement charged that sev-
eral eating places do not even pre-
tend to pay a wage of 30 cents an
hour. "Of those which do," it said,
"many cut down the actual pay by
various methods. One of the favor-
ites is to require the worker to report
10 minutes oefore the hour and to
release him 10 minutes after his hour
is up. This makes a total of twenty
minutes per hour "free time" for the
employer, or one hour per day. Often
the rate of pay is cut down by giving
the worker inferior food, left-overs or
specials, and refusing to allow him
to select wha.t lie wishes from the
Another technique used by the em-
ployers, the Federation statement
said, is the "breakage charge." "Brok-
en dishes are charged against the
waiter at abnormally high prices.
Five cents isna common rate for
glasses purchased by the restaurant
keeper for $3.20 per gross. Regular
plates are assessed at as high a 50
cents each."
Insecurity was listed as another
complaint of student workers. It was
revealed that at one local estab-
lishment the entire staff of dishwash-
ers was fired, only to be rehired five
minutes later, and at another a
worker was dismissed for taking an
extra pat of butter. "Arbitrary and
unexplained dismissal is common,"
the Federation document stated.
Insecurity Leads To Dissatisfaction
A student worker contacted by The
Daily stated that insecurity is one
of the chief causes of dissatisfaction.
"Everyone is afraid of being fired any
time with absolutely no genuine
cause except that the employer is er-
ratic," he said.
The federation also charged that
the quality of food given employees
varies considerably from place to
place, ranging from good to bad. "The
Health Service last spring informed
one of our members that the food
he was receiving in his working-place
was literally ruining his health," the
statement said.
Several student workers told The
Daily yesterday that in at least two
campus restaurants the food is bad.
Other complaints listed were meals1
without fruit, no whole milk, and the
serving of leftovers to the workers.
Sherwood Says
Frosh Election
Will Be Dec.15
Freshman class elections will be
held Dec. 16, it was announced yes-
terday by Miller G.nSherwood, '37,
president of the Men's Council and
chairman of the election committee.
No change will be made in the
manner of election Sherwood said

after a meeting of the committee yes-
terday. Those present on the com-
mittee besides Sherwood are Herbert
Wolf, '37, president of the Union, and
Marsball D. Shulman, '37, associate
editor of The Daily.
A plan submitted to the committee
by Ann Vicary, '40, providing for a
revision of the freshman class elec-
Hon_ mwn. rimawinan the hn.cic+ht

Football, Studies,
Work, Too Heavy
Weber Classed Paquette
As Excellent Prospect
For Next Year
While the faculty representatives
of the Western Conference were re-
jecting the proposal to give financial
aid to athletes in the Big Ten, Don
Paquette, one of Michigan's most
promising sophomore football play-
ers, announced yesterday his wtih-
drawal from school because of con-
ditions which a training table would
have remedied.
Paquette is the second Wolverine
gridder to leave the University with-
in a week, Alex Loiko having with-
drawn last week because of alleged
failure to obtain enough food. Pa-
quette, forced to work evenings for
his board, said that he found the
task of keeping up with his school
work impossible, for under these con-
ditions, he added, he could not de-
vote the time necessary for proper
preparation to his courses.
He won his freshman numerals as
a halfback a year ago but this season
was converted into a tackle, showing
enough ability by the end of the sea-
Dec. 18 is the absolute deadline
for the taking of senior pictures,
Frank T. Dannemiller, '37, man-
aging editor of the year book, said
son to cause coaches to consider him
one of the outstanding prospects
Backfield Coach Wally Weber, up-
on learning of Paquette's action yes-
terday, classed the heavy gridder as
"one of the best prospects Michigan
has ever had."
The subject of an athletic train-
ing table has arisen a number of
times in recent years in the Big Ten
but each time the faculty representa-;
tives have withheld their approval.
Last winter, at the annual December
meeting, the Conference football
coaches gave their whole-hearted ap-
proval to the plan but it was not
passed by the representatives.
In regard to The Daily's drive for
a training table, Athletic Director T.
L. Wilson of Northwestern was in full
support of the movement but again;
yesterday the faculty representatives
failed to approve the proposal and as
they will not meet again until May
there is no chance of the proposal
being advanced again before that
Sextet Loses
To Brantford
By 5-4 Score
Flashing a fast skating, hard-
checking pair of forward lines that
kept Michigan's attack bottled up for
greater part of the game, a smart
passing Brantford hockey club hand-
ed the Wolverine pucksters their sec-
ond defeat of the season before a
packed crowd in the Coliseum last
night. ['he score was 5-4.
Michigan bowed before the invad-
ers because the Wolverines consis-
tently failed to cover Brantford wings
in scoring territory, because Captain
Vie Heyhiger had an off night, and
because Brantford carried the play
to the Wolverines throughout most of
the game.
Behind 5-3 and apparently out of
the running with only five and one-
half minutes to go in the final stanza,
Michigan sprang to life, and Dick
Berryman on a beautiful solo effort,

made the count 5-4 with a drive from
iust outside the crease after cross-
ing up the Leaf's defense,
From then on the 1,300-odd fans
who jammed the Arena were treated
to a wild hockey orgy as three times
the battered and weary Wolverines
came within an inch of the goal that
would have sent the game into over-

Finds Carillon
Is Heard Best
Behind League
When Wilmot F. Pratt, handsome,
youthful looking carillonneur, gives
nis first daily concert this afternoon,
Sthe best place for you to hear it will
probably be the park, northeast of
the League.
That was Mr. Pratt's conclusion
yesterday, when, as he heard for the
first time the instrument he usually
plays, he wandered over the campus
near tha Burton Memorial Tower in
search of points of vantage.
He best enjoyed the music played
by Percival Price, Dominion caril-
lonneur from the Peace Tower at
Ottawa, Canada, while he and friends
ood in the park's snow about 300
yards from the tower.,., Each indi-
vidual must find the place best suited:
to him, Mr. Pratt explained, adding
that to some persons the bells might
sound more clear closer to the tower.
The life of a carillonneur is a stren-
uous one, Mr. Pratt pointed out, al-
though his interviewer, tired and
neerly frozen from following him for
nearly an hour in the sub-freezing
weather, needed no convincing. He
told of the energy expended hopping
about his clavier, pulling this bar,
punching that one and making his
feet go all the time. "I always come
out after a concert dripping with
sweat," he said, telling how Price, the
guest carillonneur, stripped to the
waist before he started to play the
bells. Mr. Pratt, however, thinks
hi enclosed stairway to the shower
bath below the bell chambers makes
his lot the easiest of any carillon-
necur in the world.
He will start, at 3:50 p.m. today the
first in a series of carillon concerts
that he will play each day except
Saturdays. Tomorrow and other
week-days, lie will commence at 5:30
p.m. The program for the concerts
will be given each morning in The
Daily. The music today will be
from Handel's immortal Christmas
Oratorio, "Messiah."
The music for these concerts, 1
Pratt explained, is all his own ar-
rangements. The rendition of "The
Victors," by Mr. Price yesterday, the
first time that march has been heard
on the Carillon, was played entirely
from the score.
Carillon Programs .
The following are the programs
to be given today and tomorrow
by Mr. Pratt on the Charles A.
Baird Carillon:
TODAY, 3:50 P.M.
"Come Unto Him".....Handel
"Pastorial Symphony" .. .Handel
(Both from the "Messiah")
"God Rest You Merrie Gentlemen"
"Shepards, He Is Born"
"Theme And Variations," Mozart
"College Days"
Senate Committee Views
Pollock's Spending Plan
WASHINGTON,'Dec. 5.-OP)-Sen-
ate investigators announced today
they were giving "careful study" to
a proposed law drafted by Prof. James
K. Pollock of the University of Mich-
igan to control "irresponsible and in-
discriminate" political spending.
His plan was submitted to the
Senate Committee investigating cam-
paign expenditures, which will recom-
mend legislation to the next Con-

gress for plugging gaps in the Federal
Corrupt Practices Act.

Football Subsidy Proposal
Falls Upon Deaf Ears
Of Conference
Summer Baseball
Rules Are Relaxed
Faculty RepresentatiVes
Say Idea Would Violate
Big Ten Rle
CHICAGO, Dec. 5.-(IP)-The pro-
posal to give financial aid to ath-
letes of the Western Conference fell
on deaf ears today.
Faculty representatives of the Con-
ference, after listening to an im-
passioned plea by Prof. Robert L.
Reynolds of the University of Wis-
consin for adoption of the "Reynolds
Plan," rejected the proposal for a
modified subsidization of athletes by
a vote of 9 to 1.
The faculty representatives turned
down the suggestion because it would
be a. definite violation of Big Ten
rules. Professor Reynolds, '35-year-
old teacher of history at Wisconsin
had proposed that athletes of high
scholastic attainment be rewarded
with $400 yearly scholarships after
attendance at a six-weeks summer
institute, provided they maintained
suitable grades. He presented his
plan in two parts, the 'first involving
the $400 scholarships and the second
proposing the institute idea.
The faculty representatives agreed
that the proposal would violate defl-
nitely this long-standing rule:
"No scholarships, loans or remis-
sions of tuition shall be awarded on
the basis of athletic skill and no fi-
nancial aid shall be given to students
by individuals or organizations, al-
umni or otherwise, with the purpose
of subsidizing as athletes or promot-
ing the atheltic success of a particu-
lar university."
1yThe only vote cast favorably was
by Dr. William F. Lorenz, Wisconsin
faculty representative.
After turning down the plan, the
faculty representatives tightened
rules concerning football and loos-
ened them as applied to baseball.
They voted to stop the practice of
inviting freshmen to report at the
same time the Varsity football can-
didates report for grid practice Sept.
The bars in regard to summer
baseball were let down with the an-
nouncement that college students
could participate in amateur games
even where admission is charged,
provided they played no more than
three games a week and no more
than 30 a season and only after they
had obtained permission from their
director of athletics and from their
college baseball coach.. The games,
however, will be restricted to playing
on teams participating in an or-
ganized community sports program.
The Big Ten representatives moved
to restore the compensation paid
basketball1and football officials to its
former standard of $75 for each foot-
ball game and $50 for each basketball
contest. Previously, football offi-
cials have received $60 and basket-
ball officials $40.
Dean Lloyd Holds
Lucky Raffle Ticket
In the clothes raffle held at the
League Fair last night, Dean Alice
Lloyd won the sweater and skirt of-
fered among the women's prizes.
Other winners were W. J. Culver,
Dobald Bostwick, '38A, Irene An-
derson, '37D, Robert Hammond, '38,
Maurice Hoffman, '39, Virginia Ful-
ford, John Cofrin, '39L, Katherine
Reynolds, '38, and Dorothy Goldberg,

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