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September 29, 1936 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-29

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SEPT 29, 1936



.. _ _ .w

Tentative Grid
Lineup Selected
For First Game
Kipke Places Main Hope
On Offense; Regulars
Pushed For Positions
(Continued from Page 7)
ring of practice. His work in scrim-
mages this past week, however, have
established him as the Wolverine's,
second triple-threat man. He is a
natural ballplayer, having an instinc-
tive drive to every possible opening
in the ling., while his dead center
tosses leave nothing to be desired.
He is already rated as one of the
better punters of the team.
Wally Hook and Lou Levine are
two more newcomers who have de-
manded serious consideration by
their fine play. Hook, a halfback,
is probably the fastest man on the
squad and just as shifty as he -is
speedy, while the quarterback Levine
has shown good blocking and pass-
ing ability.
Two Backfields Available
Because of the fine blocking caliber
of his backs, Coach Kipke can put
two backfields on the field, of almost
equal ability, which would consist of
the first string while another would
consist of Levine at quarter, Curren
at full, Ed Phillips at wingback and
either Hook or Ritchie carrying the
The Wolverine line this year will
see at least three and perhaps five
sophomore replacements assuming
their duties. Only the veteran ends,I
Captain Matt Patanelli and Art Val-
pey are at all confident of retaining
their posts, and Valpey is being
pushed hard by Alex Loiko, Ham-
tramck boy who has been converted
from a halfback to the flanking po-
sition where he already has made his
presence felt. Danny Smick, another
sophomore is also pushing Valpey for
honors, but Art gets the call from
Kipke not only because of his experi-
ence, but also because of his greater
coordination and speed this year.
Tackles Worry Kipke
The tackles are the greatest prob-
lem on the Michigan team, and Coach
Kipke would be the first to admit it.
Over on the left side of the line the
stalwart Fred Janke has lived up to
his prep school reputation in great'
style and already has the Kipke nod
in his first tentative lineup.
On the right side of the line, how-
ever, the race is close, with Mel
Kramer getting a close decision. His1
experience places him above the
sophomoreDon Siegel who is further
handicapped by being about 25

Vies For Old Job

Cedric Sweet, Fremont, Mich., al-
ready with two varsity letters
tucked under his belt is looking for
a third one at his old position as
fullback. He is one of the two
regulars figured to hold a place
in the Michigan backfield.
pounds underweight after an attack
of flu this summer. Jim Lincoln,
Earl Luby and Fred Olds, all vet-
erans, have improved with each prac-
tice and will be up there fighting the
whole season.
Sophomores hold sway at the
guards, and there's no denying them.
Playing for the regulars at the be-
ginning of all the scrimmages have
been Forrest Jordan (no relation to
John) and John Brennan. Their
charging and blocking ability have
only been approached by that of a
pair of comparative midgets. Stand-
ing only five feet nine inches, Lil-
burn Ochs and George Marzonie have
Coach Kipke's approval as close sec-
onds to the heavier pair as their
speed and fight more htan make up
for their diminutive size. Marzonie,
although a junior this year, will see
his first action on a Wolverine team
next Saturday, scholastic hurdles
proving too high for him his soph-
omore year.
Two good centers are in store this
year to aid on the comeback trail.
Ranking first, but only by a shade,
is Joe Rinaldi. He is ranking at the
top because he has been pushed to
higher performances by the formid-
able competition of John Jordan, the
Chicago Trophy winner of this

Frosh Compete
For Positions
On Net Squad
Yearling Tourney Begins
'New Deal' In MichiganI
Tennis History
Evidence of a much needed ren-
aissance in Michigan tennis which
may compare with the widely pub-
licized "new deal" in Michigan foot-1
ball can be found in the play of the
121-odd freshmen who are now com-
peting for places on the freshman
tennis squad in the Orientation Week
tournament at the Ferry Field courts.I
It is too early to pick out individual
stars but Coach John Johnstone is
confident that this year's crop of
first year men is at least as good as
the squad led by Bill Mills and Ed
Paine last year. Following the sys-
tem that proved successful last year,
Coach Johnstone plans to pick about
ten of his outstanding yearlings and
let them practice with the Varsity all
winter in the gym of the Intramural
Sports building.
Dean, Thorward Eligible
Contrary to earlier reports, Jarvis
Dean and Ted Thorward, both letter-
men on last season's team have re-
turned to school and will be eligible
for play. Thorward is entering the
law school and may have difficulty
finding time enough to play however.
The return of these two veterans
gives Coach Johnstone five lettermen
in Capt. Miller Sherwood, Jarvis
Dean, Jesse Flick, Ted Thorward and
Neil Levenson. Bob, Edmonds, a
junior who was kept on the bench
because of sickness last year, will al-
so be on the squad, as will Len Ver-
dier, another junior.
Bill Mills and Ed Paine, stars of
last year's freshman squad, are ex-
pected to give everybody but Capt.
Sherwood a fight for his position. The
Varsity squad will practice outdoors
beginning Monday as long as weather
permits and then will spend the win-
ter months practicing in the I-M gym.
Sherwood Sounds Keynote
Capt. Miller Sherwood sounded the
key note of the squad's spirit when he
said, "There will be no individuals,
teamwork will be stressed."
For the past few years, Northwest-
ern and Chicago have made a farce
of the Big Ten tennis race. Last year,
both teams whitewashed the Wol-
verine netters, 6-0, and Northwetern
managed to nose the Maroons out by
one point in the conference tourna-
ment despite the fact that Chicago's
Norman Bickel won most of the in-
dividual championships.

< -----

Officially initiated in 1932, when AbI
Jenkins, one of the nation's top-speed
drivers and present holder of a large
percentage of the world's records,
averaged 117-miles an hour for 24
hours to avoid a $500 fine imposed by
doubting AAA officials, who claimed
his former claim of making 113-mile
average for 24 hours was "misrepre-
senting the facts," the Bonnevillel
Salt Flats in Utah are now recognized
as the world's greatest race track.
Breaks Eight Records
Last Thursday, Jenkins took eight
more world's records and brought
them back to the United States by
smashing marks set earlier in the
summer by Captain George Eyston
and John Cobb, both English drivers.
With Babe Stapp, another veteran
driver, assisting, Jenkins ended his
48-hour run with an average of
148.626 miles an hour, according to
official timers, beating Capt. Eyston's
mark of 136.34 by approximately 12
hours. The other seven records taken
include the 24-hour record and rec-
ords for 3,000 to 5,000 miles and 4,000
to 10.000 kilometers.
The flats present a very unimpos-
ing appearance. A few shacks serv-
ing as refueling stations, a mammoth
circus-like tent to protect the cars
from the "salt" blizzards, flags set-
ting the race courses-these are all
that mark the shimmering sands
with their snowlike appearance that
extend for hundreds of miles-a rem-
nant of the lost Lake Bonneville-
as a place fit for human habitation.
Cars Can't Turn Over
The sticky quality of the salt and
the fl'atness that characterizes the
region and makes it almost impos-
sible for a car to turn over result
in an ideal combination for speed-
ing, and racers throng from all over
the world to attempt new marks.
An odd feature of the region arel
the signs along the government high-
way warning tourists of the mirages
caused by the sand. As a rule, upon
viewing the racing from the road,
one sees the car floating through
space several feet above the ground.
Sir Malcolm Campbell's Bluebird is
unofficially recognized at present as
the fastest car ever on the course,
but Ab Jenkins' new "Mormon Me-
teur," a $40,000 creation designed and
supervised by Jenkins himself runs a
close second. Of no particular stock
make, the canary-colored monster,
which Jenkins hails as the "most
beautiful racing car in the world,"
has an airplane motor and stream-
lining taken from air machines. A

huge tail and rudder have been in-
stalled, the rudder to be set to the
outside of the track so that wind re-'
sistance will keep the machine on
its course and help to do away
with slipping,
The 12-cylinder gas eater is ex-
pected to go over three miles a min- I
ute and may get to the 200-mile
mark. A front-drive machine cap-
able of 700 horsepower at 2,400 rev-
olutions and an extra engine and
duplicates for every part of the care
are other new features.

t _ -


Past trouble with clutch slipping
is expected to end with the new
device perfected by Augie Dusenberg
which locks the clutch as soon as
the car attains a speed of 100 m.p.h.
Because of its great speed the car
must be towed to attain a certain
speed before it can be started in low
gear. Among many other new fea-
tures of the custom-made buggy is an
exhaust pipe on the right side of the
engine to eliminate unnecessary

Ab Jenkins Popularizes Bonneville
Salt Flats As, World's Fastest Course

Welcome Back, Upperclassmen . . .
For you, Frosh, iis a new adventure ... For you, Upperclass-
men, it's a renewal of old friendships and back to .another
year of hard work .... but for you both ....
Dhu Varren 'Jersey Milk.

60 Freshmen Compete
In Fencing Tourney
An unusually large number of
freshmen have already reported to
Coach John Johnstone for fencing.
About 60' first year men competed
in the Orientation Week tournament.
Michigan has not-.had a Varsity fenc-
ing team for three or four years, but
the royal and ancient art is used as
an intramural sport and attracts
large crowds at the annual Intra-
mural Open .ouse.
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