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December 05, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-05

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SATURD)AY, lU C. !5, 1936l


Eastern Gridders Get Four Positions On AII-Americanl

-lev en

IN LAST SUNDAY'S "PRESS ANGLE" there appeared the state-
mcnt "One might say that Alex went home for dinner." Certain
well-known figures scoffed at the implication that any football player
should leave the University mostly because he did not have enough
to eat. The story was sent over the wires all over the middle west.
Yesterday's mail, brought an unsolicited letter from the man who
probably knows more than any other person about Alex Loiko, the
principal figure in the much-discussed "lack-of-food" story.
I print that letter as evidence that I was not talking through my
Senior High School
Hamtramck, Michigan
December 3, 1936i
Mr. George Andros
Sports Editor
Michiga'n Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
My dear Mr. Andros:
I read an excerpt of a statement you made in the Michigan Daily
a few days ago about Alex Loiko going home to dinner. Some of the
officials at the university laughed at your statement.-
I wish to tell you that you were absolutely correct when you said
Alex went home to dinner. When I learned that Alex wasn't making
the trip to Philadelphia with the football team, I sent for him to come
in to see me because I had heard he wasn't getting anything to eat or
at least not enough for any growing young man who is playing football.
When Alex came in he told me he just didrh't have any money and he
wasn't able financially to even buy one good meal a day. I gave him
enough money to help him out until after the football season and I
also encouraged him to stay in the university if possible. However.
things looked so dark for him that he felt he must go to work.
Alex is a good boy and I wish to say he is a lot better football player
than some would lead us to believe he is. I think you would like to
know what I know about the case. That is the reason I am writing
to you. I have known Alex for ten years-ever since he was a little
boy-and I know he is a man; every inch of him. He can take it, too;
but like most human beings he must eat.
Very cordially yours,
E. M. Conklin, Principal
Hamtramck High School.

They Couldn't Name Patanelli Wins
A; 1Aerican Team' Post On Third
Without 'The Kelley'T

IAll-American Honorable Mavis Freeman, Frosh Olympic
Mention Goes To Sweet1 Star, Will Swim Only For Fun


lear qzitni 41-u p

End, Gaynell Tinsley, La. State.
Tackle, Edwin Widseth, Minnesota.
Guard, Max John Starcevich, U. W.
Center, Michael Basrak, Duquesne.
Guard, Joseph Routt, Texas A.&M.'
Tackle, Averell Daniell, Pittsburgh.
End, Lawrence Morgan Kelley, Yale.
Q'back, Clinton Edward Frank, Yale.
H'back, Raymond Buivid, Marquette.
H'back, C. McKay Parker, Duke.
F'back, Harrison Francis, Nebraska.
End, Andrew Bershak, U. of N. C.
Tackle, Charles Toll, Princeton.
Guard, Arthur White, Alabama.
Center, Robert Herwig, U. of Calif.
Guard, Nathaniel Pierce, Fordham.
Tackle, Charles Hamrick, O. State.
End, Merle Wendt, O. State.
Q'back, Francis Murray, U. of Penn.
H'back, Andrew Uram, Minnesota.
H'back, Samuel A. Baugh, T. C.
F'back, Cecil Isbell, Purdue.
End, Matt Patanelli, U. of Mich.
Tackle, Edmund Franco, Fordham.
Guard, Steve Reid, Northwestern.
Center, Walter Gilbert, Auburn.
Guard, William Glassford, Pitt.
Tackle, Frank Kinard, U. of Miss.
End, William Daddio, Pitt.
Q'back, Edward Goddard, W. State.
H'back, Philip Dickens, Tenn.
H'back, Nello Don Falaschi, S. Clara.
F'back, J. Handrahan, Dartmouth.
M.I.A.A. Track Meet
Given'To Kalamazoo
ALBION, Dec. 4.-(O")-irectors of
the Michigan Intercollegiate Ath-
letic Association, holding their fal]
meeting here today, awarded the 1937
track and field meet to Kalamazoc
College. The meet, set for May 28
and 29, has been held there the past
two years.


Only Conference
Named; Midwest
Three Men

NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-(IP)-Picking
this ,year's all -American football
eleven, with a supporting cast suffi-
cient to equip the mythical team with
material three deep in each position
proved scarcely less nerve-racking
than trying to fix the relative merits
of leading collegiate units.
From every standpoint the 1936
season has been one of curious form
reversals. The accent has been on
the breaks from start to finish.
Largely because most major teams
have been playing tougher schedules,
it has become correspondingly more
difficult for even the best of them
to hold peak form. Then, too, the
so-called "little fellows" have been
manifesting a heavier punch when
colliding with opponents of renown.
Duquesne Upsets Two
"Little" Duquesne, featuring this
year's all-America center, Mike

Cedric Sweet, Varsity fullback for
the past three seasons was given
honorable mention on Alan Gould's
Associated Press All-American foot-
ball team.
Recognize Records
Of Stoller, Osgood
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 4.-(P)-
The following American indoor track
and field marks were approved to-
night by the A.A.U. records commit-
Sixty yards (dirt track) 6.1 sec-
onds, by Sam Stoller, Michigan,
equalling record of Jesse Owens; 440
yards (dirt track) 48.9 seconds by
Ray Ellinwood, Chicago; 600 meters,
1.21, by Eddie O'Brien, Syracuse; 1,-
500 meters, 3:49.9, by Gene Venzke,
Pennsylvania; 1,000 meters relay,
2:00.4 by New York University (Bern-
stein, Stripling, Eisenberg and Kros-
ney); 70 yard high hurdles (dirt
track) 8.6 seconds by Dan Caldemey-
er, Indiana, and Robert Osgood,
Michigan; 35 pounds weight throw,
58 feet 4 1-4 inches, by Henry Drey-
er, New York A.C.


Stating that "when swimming stops
being fun, I stop swimming," Mavis
"reeman, freshman hailing from Port
Washington, Long Island, N. Y., and
a member of the women'srelay
swimming team representing the
United States last summer in Berlin,
answered quite definitely the question
of whether she was considering a pro-
fessional swimming career.
Miss Freeman, who will be one
of the featured stars in Matt Mann's
gala swimming exhibition Dec. 11,
proves the fallacy of the popular no-
tion that "a woman should be either
ornamental or useful to society, and
if she can't be either, she can be an
athlete." Tall, blond, and attractive,
Miss Freeman has concrete ideas on
what she plans to do here in school.
Although she plans to keep up her
swimming, she is intensely interested
in acting and plans to concentrate
in the speech department-one of the'
factors instrumental in bringing her
here. Michigan's prestige in the east
was another influential factor, she
said. "But," she grinned, "it's pretty
hard to keep up both swimming and
"The European attitude towards
sports is entirely different from that
displayed in the United States," she
said in telling of her experiences as
a member of the Olympic delegation
this summer. "They view it with
more rivalry and look upon it more
as a life work, rather than as fun."
The unusual combination of na-
tionalism and internationalism with-
out politics seemed to linger over the
Olympic participants, Miss Freeman
said. She claimed that the sight of
the Stars and Stripes floating in the

i v

. I

i r.......,. r t'...... ti 1[3.. .V.n b - I Ii TTOA +ixYn of

(iron-Man) Basrak, acueveu twoU
the biggest upsets by whipping two backs, and Purdue's Cecil
tH1X i 1 ubeatteams. Pittsburgh ; grand all-around player

Isbell. a

Wlerws1e UIUUI li, tu'Ou
and Marquette, themselves equipped
with all-star talent. Minnesota came
to the end of its winning streak, los-
'ng a 6-0 decision to Northwestern
aiter 21 victories in a row and as the!
direct result of a series of extraor-
dinary breaks. As a climax North-

the No. 2 backfield.



A currently smart wool
flannel robe is this one with
its bright plaid shawl collar,
cuffs, sash and pocket trim.

western itself was toppled by Notre
Dame, which previously was over-
whelmed by Pitt, while New York
University cracked Fordham's gran-
ite line.
The East, with more teams in the
tcp-flight than it has had in a
dczen years, produced the country's
bumper crop of all-stars. Four mem-
res of The Associated Press first
eleven and one-third of the all-Amer-
ica squad of 33 players were selected
from the region which has put on a
revival this year in celebrating from
50 to 60 years of pigskin rivalry.
Two From South
The Midwest contributed three to'
the first team and nine to the squad
as a whole. Two from the South,
one each from the Far West and
Southwest completed the big eleven.
Not since 1927 has the East enjoyed
a plurality in the race for national
all-star honors. Yale's two key men,
Captain Lawrence Morgan Kelley and
Clinton Edward Frank, combined to
gather as much all-America distinc-
tion as Old Eli has collected in 11
previous seasons.
Kelley, a leader with rare gifts
as a pass-catcher, tackler and op-
portunist as well as the year's most
colorful performer, shares the end
assignments with Louisiana State's
Gaynell Tinsley. The 195-pound
Southern star, only repeater on the
all-America list, likewise soared to
spectacular heights. Their nearest
rivals were Andy Bershak of North
Carolina, Captain Merle Wendt of
Ohio State, Matt Patanelli of Mich-
igan and Bill Daddio, the great Pitt
Frank Makes The Grade
Frank, making the grade in his
junior year, combined rugged ball-
carrying with duties as signal-caller,
blocker, passer and backer-upper. He
was the hardest runner in the East to
check. The all-America backfield has
everything to be desired with Ray
(Buzz) Buivid of Marquette, a pass-
ing specialist as well as a running and
blocking star; Duke's Ace Parker,
multiple threat, with special facility
for kicking, pass-receiving and brok-
en-field running; and Nebraska's
Sam Francis, a heavy-duty worker,
able to stand the gaff against such a
powerhouse as Pittsburgh, for ex-
ample, and turn in a grand job of
blocking, tackling, kicking, passing
and line-smashing.
In Pennsylvania's exceptionally fine
backfield, Franny Murray was the
mast versatile performer, but Lew El-
verson's ball-carrying from the safety
position and Bill Kurlish's line-buck-
ing, as well as defensive play, shared
honors. Slingin' Sam Baugh, Texas
Christian's bright star, registered the
best and most effective passing rec-
ord in major league competition.
Andy Uram, the fleetest and most
dangerous of Minnesota's numerous

Arguments raged on the West Coast #
concerning relative merits of a flock
of fine backfield carriers, blockers,;
kickers and passers, Santa Clara's
Nello Falaschi powered the unbeatenE
march of the Broncos, who wind upt
their season against Texas Christian
next week. Ed Goddard of Wash-:
ington State, Joe Gray of Oregon
State, Byron Haines and Jimmy Cain
of Washington, and George Kara-
matic of Gonzaga gave the Pacific
Northwest plenty to cheer about.
Guards Consistently Good
No guards stood out so consistently
as Washington's Max Starcevich, a
vicious tackler as well as a kingpin
blocker, or Texas A.&M.'s Joe Routt,
another iron-man with a penchant
for upsetting opposing formations.
Their closest rivals were Alabama's
Tarzan White and Fordham's Nat
Pierce, best man in a line that failed
to hold its mid-season form under
closing pressure.
For the tackle, berths, Minnesota's
Ed Widseth, a powerhouse for three
years, and Averill Daniell, rangy
Pittsburgh veteran, left little to be
desired. Widseth had the misfor-
tune to pull a boner at a critical stage
of the Northwestern game, but his
record otherwise offset this lapse.
Daniell was less spectacular than his
teammate, Tony Matisi, but generally
more polished and consistent. Prince-
ton's Charley Toll, with another year
to go, bears the stamp of greatness.
Fine Crop Of Centers
Basrak's assignment to the pivot
position came only after rivalry from
as fine a crop of centers as the coun-
try has seen in years. Gilbert of
Auburn, Stewart of L.S.U., Hinkle of
Vanderbilt and Myers of Kentucky
impressed southern observers. Her-
wig of California, Dougherty of Santa
Clara and . Diatrak of Washington
were best on the coast.

Buffalo .
Syracuse .
Utica . .
Albany . .






\ ,

A bit of Scotch enters the
lounging robe picture by way
of authentic district plaids
woven in an all-wool flannel.

We can't resist the pun to
call slippers the sole com-
panions of robes. These
days, without forgetting the
comfort requirements,
slippers have a smartness of
their own.
Silk robes furnish luxury
along with their comfort-
giving qualities, Smart ones,
are made of brocaded fab-

12 Noon to 8 p.m.
Chicken Soup
Roast Turkey - Giblet Gravy
Seventy-Five Cents
Roast Chicken - Dressing - Jelly
Sixty-Five Cents
Grilled Tenderloin Steak
Chicken Fricassee - Biscuit
Fifty-Five Cents
Baked Virginia Ham - Raisin Sauce
Grilled Sirloin Steak
Roast Lamb - Jelly
Fifty Cents
Roast Beef
Veal Cutlets - Jelly
Forty-Five Cents

"A man's greatness may be measured
Masonic Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant.
10:45 a.m.-"Utopia Incorporated" Second
of an Advent Series. Sermon by the min-
ister. Student choir.
6:00 p.m. - Westrninster Student Guild.
Supper and social hour followed by the
meeting. "The Place of Art in Religion."
Professor E. W. Doty.
(Note change of hour due to "Messiah.")
409 South Division
Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Reading Room, 206 East Liberty
East Huron between State and Division
10:45 a.m.-Mr. Sayles on "The Supreme
Test of Character."
12:00 a.m. -Mr. Chapman's Class at Guild
6:00 p.m. - Guild meets in Church Parlors.
Mrs. F. G. Dickason, Judson College, Bur-
ma, will speak, showing many reels of film.
---. --,'-' -,- I -- - - --


N, i





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