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December 05, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-05

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The Weather
Fair, continued cold today,
with moderate to fresh winds.


5k igun


Spanish Delegation .. .
Congressional Investiitiaon ..



British Crowd
Cheers Ruler
While Edward
Keeps Silecee
Choice Between Marriage
And Abdication Offered
By Prime Minister
Baldwin Expected
To Report Decision
Mrs. Simpson Takes Trip
To France On King's
Promise To Retain Rule
LONDON, Dec. 5.-(Saturday)-
!)--Surging crowds cheered King
Edward's name through the ancient
streets of London early today while
their imonarch struggled against his
Prime Minister's public ultimatum to
choose between Britain's throne and
Wallis Warfield Simpson.
Whether or not the youthful and
once-gay sovereign had reached a
decision, or whether he still was de-
termined to keep both his scepter
and his right to marry whom he
wished, no one save himself knew.
Alone save for servants in secluded!
Fort Belvedere, the sorely-beset king
through the night sought an answer
that would satisfy both the dictates
of his heart and of his duty as ruler
of the far-flung British Empire.
Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin,
who yesterday in unmistakable lan-
guage delivered the challenge for
those forces opposing a marriage be-
tween the King and the American-
born divorcee, was expected to give
the anxious British public some fur-
ther word today.
But there were no definite assur-
ances of what means he would em-
ploy, or even if he would say anything
further on the subject.
While Edward sought an answer
for the dilemma, the woman whose
friendship caused -the Empire crisis
spent the night in soutern France
en route toasecret h rieasay.
Mrs. Simpson, who friends said
consented to leave England only at
Edward's assurance he would not ab-
dicate the throne of his forefathers,
registered under the name Harrison
in Blois early today.
Hotel clerks said she and her party,
including a secretary and a body-
guard, would leave at dawn-for the
Riviera villa of her and the King's
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rogers
of New York, many believed.
The fact that Baldwin called a
cabinet session for Saturday and that
he summoned Viscount Craigavon,
Premier of Northern Ireland, from
Belfast to London, indicate the King
had not determined on what he must

Goodfellow Funds Prove Help
To Family Readjustment Work

Goodfellows Carillon Concert Given
Will Present
Second Prize! I Tinres ive Cerem-ni


Bureau Backs Movement
For Improved Condition
Of Underprivileged
Ann Arbor's Family Welfare Bu-
reau, which The Daily is aiding by its
Goodfellow Edition to be issued Mon-
day, Dec. 14, was greatly helped in
its work of rehabilitating maladjust-
ed families by means of last year's is-
In many instances, Mrs. Gordon W.
Brevoort, executive secretary of the
bureau, said yesterday, the funds de-
rived from last year's campus sale
were utilized in bringing aid to fam-
ilies who would not have accepted
any help from charity sources.
Bureau Work Outlined
"The purpose of the Family Wel-
fare Bureau is to rehabilitate malad-
justed families who have reached
their condition through various
means," Mrs. Brevoort said., "Fur-
ther, thenbureau has as its purpose
the sponsoring of any new move-
ments in the community which may
better the conditions of the under-
privileged and the indigent."
It is very possible, Mrs. Brevoort
continued, in these days of low in-
comes for a family to become par-
tially dependent. In such cases, the
bureau's aid is often asked and it
then helps the family budget its low
income. A representative from the
bureau visits regularly, sees the chil-
dren in school, talks to the teachers
about their progress, helps them if
necessary, makes arrangements for
these children to become members of
already active groups either in the
Boy Scouts or the Y.W.C.A. or'
Y.M.C.A. I
Fund Proves Benefit
One of the cases in which the,
funds raised by last season's Good-
fellow Daily were used to good ad-
vantage, according to Mrs. Brevoort,'
resulted in the adjusting of a 14-year
old girl who had been growing more
and more misfit because of illness and
poverty in her home.
The Family Welfare Bureau had
studied the case and was of the opin-
ion that if the girl's attitude could
be buoyed up, a betterment might re-
sult. A plaid coat, the first piece of
new clothing she had possessed for
years, was given her as a Christmas
present. The new outer garment had
(Continued on Page 61
Bi Ten Track
Meet To Come
To Ann Arbor
Reynolds Subsidy Scheme
Presented To Delegates
Of Conference Schools

New Psychiatry Head


I ..i.1UK ...iZLY 110..E.. .E...... U..i+!/ ./ s.'- q' ~ q~- - .t.11' . 1. Vn.i.

Loving Cup To Be Given
To Cooperator Judged
Best In Drive, Dec. 14

To Dedicate New


Last Award
To Senior


Citizenry Turns Out For Carillon Dedication

Regents Make
Hospital's Head
Board Also Appoints Him
Director Of Psychiatry
Department Here
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, asso-
ciate professor of neurology, was yes-
terday appointed professor of psy-
chiatry and director of the depart-
mentof psychiatryby the Boardiof
Regents, and designated as medical
director of the State Psychopathic
Hospital. He will fill the vacancy
created through the death of Dr. Al-
bert M. Barrett, who founded the
institution 31 years ago.
University Graduate
Dr. Waggoner was born Aug. 2,
1901 at Carson City, Mich. He is a
graduate of the University of Mich-
igan literary and , medical schools,
having been awarded his M.D. June
16, 1924.
The Regents in their meeting ac-
cepted a contribution of $1,500 from!
the Tracy McGregor Fund of De-1
troit for the support of the McMath-
Hulbert Observatory at Lake An-
An anonymous contribution of $5,-
000 was accepted, $2,500 to continue
the fund for aboriginal North Ameri-;
can research, and $2,500 to establish
a new project on physical anthropol-
ogy of eastern United States Indians.j
Brown Given Leave
Sabbatical leaves of absence for
the second semester were granted to
several members of the faculty,
among whom were Prof. George
Granger Brown of the chemical en-
gineering department and Prof.
James K. Weston of the anatomy de-
partment, his leave beginning in
Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music was given leave starting
'Continiied on Page 2)
$18 Stolen During
.Tower Dedication
Pickpockets relieved two men of a
total of $108 some time before the
ceremony dedicating the Burton
Memorial Tower yesterday afternoon,
it was reported to police.
The two men were Prof. H. F.
Taggart of the School of Business
Administration, 1019 Granger Ave.,
who lost $3 and his father, C. E. Tag-
gart, of Charlotte, who lost $105.

I ,

Letters Sent To Heads
Of Student Groups And
Members Of Faculty
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Award was announced last night to
he presented this year to the student
group-fraternity, sorority, dornr.,.-
tory or honor society-showing the
highest cooperative 'spirit in the
Goodfellow Drive which is to be cli-
maxed by a street sale of special
editions of The Daily Monday, Dec.
The Award, a loving cup, will be
presented by a judging committeel
consisting of Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Herbert B.
Wolfe, president of the Union, Char-
lotte D. Rueger, president of the
League, and the Daily Goodfellow
Winner of the cup last year was
Senior Society, whose president,
Elizabeth Greve, was high-point
salesman for the day.
The cup has been presented to the
Goodfellows again this year by Burr,
Patterson & Auld, fraternity jew-


-Photo by Walter A. Crow.
This picture was taken by a Daily photographer from the top of the
Burton Memorial Tower, catching the people gazing upwards as they
came out of Hill Auditorium from the dedicatory service and were
greeted by the clear, ringing music from the Carillon.

More than 1,200 letters to members
of the faculty, presidents of frater-
nities, sororities, dormitories and
League houseswere sent yesterday
by the Goodfellow committee. The
Goodfellows are asking organied stu-
dent groups to contribute to the fund
as units, and members of the execu-
tive committee will communicate
with these groups explaining the pur-
poses of the Goodfellow Fund begin-
ning next week.
The Goodfellows last night ac-
knowledged contributions of services
from the following: Daniel W. Ed-
wards, of Edwards Letter Shop; Alex
Fox, of Fox Tent & Awning Co.; the
Gargoyle; and Frank Oakes, of Burr,
Patterson & Auld.
Loyal Spanish
Envoys To Talk
In HighSchoo
Three famous Spaniards, envoys of
the Loyalist government, will plead
the cause of Spanish democracy at
2:30 p.m. today in the Pattengill Au-
ditorium of Ann Arbor High School.
Donna Isabella Palencia, a delegate
from Spain to the League of Nations
and recently appointed Ambassador
to Sweden, the Rev. Fr. Luis Sarasola,
Catholic priest, and Marcelino Dom-
ingo, former Minister of Education
and president of the Left Republican
Party of Spain, will speak.

CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-UP)-Michigan
Library Given "1^ c
was awarded the Big Ten outdoor,
N DN c track and field championship meet
N ote D e 10 in for May 21 and 22 by Western Con-
D9tI ference athleti, directors here today.
Lincoln Death No discussion of the proposal for
football training tables was reported.
itk Shod Holding the outdoor track cham-
itness okShorthlandpionship at Ann Arbor met with gen-
Notes Beside Deathbed eral approval of the coaches, who
have long wished for a change from
Of President Dyche Stadium at Northwestern,
where the weather in May has been
A letter describing the death of Ab- unfavorable.
raham Lincoln and written by an Also Ann Arbor has displayed more'
eye-witness, Corporal James Tanner, enthusiasm for track athletics, with
has been presented to the William The indoor track meet again was
Clements Library. it was revealed yes- awarded to Chicago, March 12 and
terday. 13 The tennis championships will
The letter was written to Henry be held at Michigan, May 20, 21 and

In reply to Tuesday's statement by
the Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Carey, pastor
of St. Thomas Catholic Church of
Ann Arbor, that Father Sarasola is
a "renegade priest," Monroe Sweet-
land, in charge of the delegation's
publicity, declared that "Father Sar-
soa has never deserted the church,
and that if any discipline has been
imposed upon him by heads of the
Franciscan order in Italy, no notice
of that has been sent Father Sara-
Prof. Louis J. Carr, of the sociology
department, will act as chairman of
today's meeting.

Par don Describes construction
Of Burton Memorial Structures
Concrete Used ExtensivelyI Hocke Team
To Replace Steel FrameH
In Super-Structure Set To Hurdle '
Features of the construction work a s
of the Burton Memorial Tower, con-
sisting chiefly of a new way of lay- IBill Wood To Make Initial t
ing the structural work for the build- Start As Goalie ;Visitors
ing, were described yesterday by Ed- Boast Veteran Lineup
ward C. Pardon, superintendent of L
the Buildings and Grounds depart- By BONTH WILLIAMSs
ment. Brantford's senior O.H.A. hockeyt
The whole construction work, ex- club, boasting victories over Galt andt
cept for specialized sub-contracts, is Kitchener, moves into the ColiseumP
being done by the University, Mr. tonight for their clash with a re-
Pardon stated. In seeking an expe- juvenated Michigan puck team that
dient meahod Michigsnnguchetetmutharet
dient method of raising the structure, is eager to avenge last week's defeat
a system of sectional forms was de- at the hands of the Chatham Ma-v
vised, instead of first raising the en- rons
tire superstructure. Reenforced con- Eddie Lowrey has put his Wol- 1
crete, of which the entire structural verines through a week of gruelingc
work of the tower was made, was drills in an effort to whip the squadg
poured in sections at each floor level into shape early in the season, and
into forms held by bolts through pipe the lack of condition which was so
spreaders which were left in the wells, apparent last Saturday will not be
As each floor was done, the forms in evidence tonight.
were raised by a derrick to the next Bill Wood will start in the nets for
floor, and here the process was re- Michigan and on his shoulders will1
peated. fall a large part of the responsibility
No Difficulties for the outcome of the game. Wood
"No particular difficulty was en- will be making his first Varsity start
countered in the construction work although he played almost 50 min-
of the building," Mr. Pardon con- utes against Chatham.7
tinued, "just because it was a tall Michigan will not lack scoring
tower. It is a monumental type of punch tonight. The high geared line
building and is built entirely of 3,000 of Heyliger, Fabello and James has
pound concrete. There is no struc- been functioning to perfection all
tural steel in the super-structure of week, and unless the invaders have
the building, however, except in one a professional defense, they will be
place, in one side of the bell chamber. unable to keep this trio from scoring.
Steel was necessary here, because in Dick Berryman, George Cooke and
getting the bells into the tower they Jack Merrill make up the second line
had to be raised through one of the again, and will present a much more
chamber openings. Thus two con- polished offense than they did a week
crete structural supports were left ago when with but 8 days of practice
out here and later replaced with under their belts, they were out-
steel. skated continually by a better con-
"There is also a steel frame at the ditioned offense.
very top of the building, and this Back on the red line there will be
will be finished with a copper facing. no change. Bob Simpson and Burt
All of the rest of the construction of Smith will share the bouncing duties
the tower has been done in concrete. as usual. Both have come a long!
wayThere are concrete beams across for ayin the extra week's practice they
elevator shaft and stairways at each have had.
floor, and the outer walls of all the Brantford brings a veteran hockey
rooms are of concrete. These will team here with a record " far more
have a final interior facing of cinder imposing than that of Chatham, but
blocks to make them sound proof, as the Wolverines are confident of tak.
(Continued on Page 2) ing the invaders into camp. "It all de-
pends on Wood," was the opinion of
Capt. Vic Heyliger after the last
practice session Thursday night.
For 'Ens ianPh otos Last night Coach Lowrey content-,
Oi ed himself with sending a big group
Lessof yearlings through their paces whilel
r Lessthan two weeks remain for the Varsity rested from the intensive
seniors to have their pictures taken practice scrimmage of the week. To-
for the 1937 'Ensian, according to night's game, which is expected to
Frank T. Dannemiller, '37, managing draw another capacity crowd to the
editor of the Year Book. Coliseum, will begin promptly at 8

Brass Ensemble Of Band
Opens Dedicatory Rites
With Fanfare
Ruthven Receives
Bells From Baird
Carillonneur From Ottawa
Peace Tower Included
Among Visitors
As the musical tones of the Baird
Carillon's 53 bells faded into a grey
December dusk, the University's new-
st monument, its long silence brok-
n, had yesterday been formally dedi-
ated to coming generations of Mich-
gan students.
Participating in an impressive cere-
mony, modelled closely after- an an-
ient English custom of dedication of
hurch bells, were President Ruthven,
Charles Baird, '95, donor of the caril-
on, and Frank Godfrey, engineer for
he English firm which cast the bells.
A fanfare played by a brass en-
emble of the Michigan Band sta-
ioned in the bell chamber 10 stories
above the campus opened the dedica-
ion at 4:15 p.m. After the Uni-
versity Glee Club had sung "Laudes
Atque Carmina," the formal presen-
ation was made in Hill Auditorium.
Symbol Is Presented
Mr. Baird, Kansas City lawyer,
aid in presenting to President Ruth-
ven a small silver bell symbolic of
the third largest carillon in the
"From the time I entered this Uni-
versity 46 years ago I have loved it.
It has been an inspiration to me all
my life. I feel that I cannot repay
the University of Michigan for what
she has given me.
"All the friends of Dr. Burton who
knew and loved him will rejoice in
this realization of a dream of his,
frustrated by an untimely death."
President Ruthven, in accepting
the bells in behalf of the University,
"The Charles Baird Carillon is to
be considered an important educa-
tional facility of the University of
Michigan for it will further the com-
prehensive objective of our schools-
the production of cultured men and
women. Mr. Baird, you have made
for yourself an enduring place in the
University of Michigan family. I ac-
cept these bells for the Board of Re-
gents. Everytime these lovely tones
sound over campus, city and country-
side some soul will be cheered, en-
couraged and uplifted."
Blakeman Offers Prayer
A dedicatory prayer was offered by
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor of
religion, followed by seven sonorous
bongs from the Bourdon Bell; and
then the Glee Club and the audience
joined in singing the "Yellow and
Wilmot Pratt, carillonneur, start-
ing with "America," played six se-
lections, including Beethoven's "Va-
riations," on 'Ode to Joy'," and Mo-
zart's "Minuet."
Percival Price, Dominion carillon-
neur for 'the Peace Tower in Ottawa,
was among several visiting carillon-
neurs and musical directors. He will
remain in Ann Arbor today to play
several selections at noon, according
to Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music.
,Approximately 4,000 people at-
tended the ceremonies and recital.
As Wilmot Pratt's final notes of
Denyn's "Preludium for Carillon"
trailed into a bleak gunmetal sky, a
carillon was dedicated which will
sing out on many another December
day and many a balmy spring day
also, as President Ruthven says, "To
cheer, encourage and uplift."
Mr. Baird was guest last night at
a dinner given by Professor Moore

at which various members of the
University were present, including
Mr. Pratt and Mr. Price.
Butts Donates $200
For Math Library
With the donation of $200 to the
mathematics library of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Prof. Emeritus

L. Walsh of Grand Rapids and was;
presented to the University by Nellie!
Strawhecker, and Charles Straw- I
hecker, Jr., of Grand Rapids.
Tannbr lived across the street from!
the Ford Theatre in which Lincoln;
was assassinated and next door to the
house in which he was carried after
the assassination and where he sub-
sequently died. The reason Tanner
was admitted into the carefully
guarded house is dramatically told in
the letter.
"Soon they commenced taking tes-
timony in the room adjoining where
he lay, before Chief Justice Carter,
and General Halleck called for a re-
porter; no one was on hand, but
one of the head clerks in our office,
who boarded there knew I could write
short hand and he told the general
so, and he bade him call me, so he.
came to the door and asked me to
come down and report the testi-
While " . . in the back room lay
his excellency breathing hard and
with every breath a groan." Tanner
efrind by i-n, Trlnnttp~frnwho n TqC

22, with the championship golf tour-
nament again going to Northwestern,
probably May 17 and 18. Michigan
also will be host to Conference Wres-
tlers march 12 and '13.
a turnout of 11,000 a year ago.
Stern faculty representatives lis-I
tened to a plea for a modified sub-
sidization of athletes and withheld'
ecmment after a polite discussion of
he drastic proposal.
The proposal was the "Reynolds
Plan," devised by Robert J. Reynolds,
a young professor of history at the
University of Wisconsin. It provided
for an alumni-financed summer
school at which selected students
would be graded in studies and ath-
letics and awarded scholarships on
the basis of these results, with a fi-
nancial reward of $400 a year.
The plan was presented at a joint
dinner of the faculty members of
the Big Ten and directors of ath-
letics. The faculty representatives,
however, and not the athletic direc-
tors hold its fate. It was the first
time in the history of the Big Ter


x ,
i .

Retirement Will Not Obstruct
Hender~son's Plans For Work

Dr. William D. Henderson, whose
retirement from the University Ex-
tension Division becomes effective at
the close of this semester, said yes-
terday, "I have enough work to keep
me busy for three years."
Dr. Henderson will have concluded
32 years as a member of the faculty
of the University when he retires. He
will automatically assume the title of
Professor and Director Emeritus of
the extension division.
"I shall devote my time to writ-
ing and lecturing. And after that?
Well," he said, "perhaps I'll go fish-
ing upstate."
"There are requests for me to lec-

Hutchins, who wished to ask me
some questions concerning inquiries
for extension lectures." ,
'I have here a letter from a place
called Gwinn, asking for a lecture on
city planning,' said the President.
'Where is Gwinn?'
"Gwinn, at that time," Dr. Hen-
derson explained, "was a newly or-
ganized mining community on the
upper peninsula. The company
wanted to build a model town. With
this idea in mind it was natural for
them to call upon the University for
expert advice and counsel."
Since that time the extension divi-
sion has grown into an organization
which comes into contact with more

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