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December 04, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-04

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FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1930

196 Member 1937
$hsocided Cole iate Press
Distributors of
CoRo6iae Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
Cniversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Membe of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representatie
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
* eportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Lichard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Government's
('uMies Im Education .. .
NYA before Wisconsin college
presidents and deans, President-elect Thomas D.
Barrows of Lawrence College declared that the
NYA may have started "an educational dole
which will lead youth to regard college education
as something the government owes him, instead
of, as we thought, a rare, luxury."
Valid objection may be entered to Mr.'Bar-
rows' characterization of NYA payments for
work done as a "dole," but more strenuous oppo-
sition should appear to his belief that education
is for the rich and the, government should keep
it so by a laissez-faire policy.
In a democracy education is not a luxury, but
a necessity, for nothing is so essential for demo-
cratic rule as the understanding of the problems
that will be met. Despotism's great foe is en-
lightennient. In history, we see American slaves
prohibited by law from learning to read and
write, tyrannical czarist rule thriving in Rus-
siA in proportion to the backwardness of the
peasants, and Nazi Germany sharply curtailing
its educational program, both as to breadth and
to content.
Even in America, duing periods of depression,
education is one of the first to suffer when gov-
ernmental funds shrink. The needs of education
take precedence over military and naval "needs"
in the minds of only a few of our statesmen,
if their records are examined. Education ha
always been something that must be paid for
and fought for. Mr. Barrows is right when he
says that it has been considered a luxury. The
more dearly it has been won, the more highly
the popular mind has prized it; the student,
working his way through college, may suffer
greatly in the classroom because of this, yet few
persons will recognize his loss.
Knowledge is among those things necessary
to good government and the happiness of man-
kind, according to the inscription on Angell Hall.

If we believe that, we must encourage every
effort of the government to spread knowledge,
through the NYA and beyond it. We must
realize that, after having led for so long, we
are running behind one nation which is able,
in its constitution, to guarantee everyone the
right to an education.
To the Editor:
May we take this opportunity to congratulate
you on the progressive attitude and interest
in campus affairs taken by the Michigan Daily?
We feel that you are doing a valuable, construc-
tive work for our university that has long been
needed on this campus.
We are a trifle surprised, however, at your
st-atement that student workers on the campus,
nfill" f nn hnen -i +,- ---,- .,,.,

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the eeitors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Ec. 51 Exams
To the Editor:
The proposal which Dr. Ellis made yesterday
in Economics 51 is novel in the extreme. His
suggestion that 'A.M. sit in on yesterday's con-
ference to draw up the questions for Thursday's
examination undoubtedly met with varying re-
sponses. A. M. in accepting this proposal must
promise to write a letter to The Daily, setting
forth his honest viewpoint of the mysterious
manner in which Economics 51 examinations are
This proposition, though probably made in
good faith, had so many strings attached to it
that Mr. A. M. ,is in somewhat of a "spot." Per-
haps he felt that by accepting he would acquire
undue publicity, which might lower his standing
with the department. Certainly, by accepting
ne would forfeit the opportunity of taking the
examination, which, he may feel, is sorely needed
to build up his average.
On the other hand, if he did accept this un-
usual offer, how will the fact that everyone in the
Economics Department knows his identity influ-
ence him in formulating his "honest" viewpoint
for the edification of Daily readers? If he still
attacks the policies of the department, he will
be admired as a "rugged individualist.' But how
will this affect his grade? If he has a change of
heart and retracts the statements which he made
in his first letter, the Economics Department will
smile benignly and continue its policy of giving
unfair examinations which are so ambiguously
worded that even an economics instructor ad-
mitted that the prospect of taking the first ex-
amination of the semester offhand would be
formidable to a person with years of training in
Regardless of A.M.'s decision, how can the
students in Economics 51 possibly benefit from
this "grand gesture?" At any rate, the result will
be interesting.
Rats, Lice And Poesie
To the Editor:
Anon Contemporary, Mr. Kirschbaum's "Still
Life" and Poesie, may I say my two cents worth?:
First Poet-(dashing onto stage)
I am a poet (dramatic pause) look at me!
I write the grandest poetry,
Leave out all commas
And as to dotting an "i"
Well, you can imagine,
I sooner would die.
That, my friends, as you can see,
Is the very essence of poetry.
Chorus of Intellectuals-(Andante Contabile
swelling to fl. con moto):
Yes, indeed, as you can see,
That is the soul of poetry.
Second poet-(crawls out of rat-hole, left
But as for me, I blush to say.
O! would the fact would never lay
Bare the world's inquiring stare.
O! dear friends, I hardly dare
To lay myself open to scorn and curse.
But I use commas in my verse.
Chorus of Int.:
He uses commas in his verse!
O! devil, now art worse than worse-
On your bald head be the Poet's curse!
On your bald head be the Poet's curse!
People's Chorus-(pianissimo)
O! we think commas are very good,
We like commas and we like you.
When you are in a comma-ish mood,
Come to us, the Bourgeois crew.
We like our poetry strewn with marks,
We like to hear of lovers in parks
And trees, and birds, and bees and trees and
That leave the highbrows in a huff.
Tell us, pray tell us, that mother knows best

And you shall be our honored Guest.
Chorus of Int.:
They're Bourgeois, Burgeois,
That's what they are,
Follow us, follow us,
Hitch your cart to a star,
Write T.S. beyond the common ken,
Be a surrealiste
And someday when
You're starving to death in an attic
And your clothes are covered with lice
An intellectual girl, while your poetry
Will say "Why I think it's too nice!"
First Poet:
The satisfaction of starving to death
Is surely too great to be told;
Just think of the consummate joy
In resisting the Capitalists' gold.
Masses Chorus:
Join us, join us. sing us songs,
Of sweet young things resisting wrongs,
Tell us of virtue, that crime never pays,
Tell us these things and all of your days
Shall be full to the brim of bright jollity;
The tabloids shall carry your poetry
That makes half-wit girls and senile men
And -cause frustrated bankers to rise from
their sleepI
To read for a moment your verses so dear
That breathe homely courage and bright-
ening cheer,
And then they will turn to the work of the

*****# IT ALL
b« By Bonth W llia ms
THE AFTERNOON POST brought a letter from
Joe. Thirteen years old, this kid sister of
mine is in the tenth grade and can do a back-
jack, land a four-pound small mouth, and race
a Chris Craft in a heavy sea. This epistle dem-
onstrates that she has also attained some de-
gree of proficiency in other fields, but proves,
above everything else, that the wrong member
of the family is writing a column.
Dear Bonth:
Thanks very much for your very con-
siderate call the other night, and outside of
the collections of empty bottles you left, we
all enjoyed it no bounds.. I really thought
you were good and stewed when I came in
and saw the array, but Henry insisted you
couldn't get drunk if you tried so it really
didn't matter.
I went over to Brooks the other day with
Liz Carpenter and after taking about six
buses and street cars arrived safely. We saw
Jack and Edie and John and Flave and
Frannie. One of those family reunions.
Flave was on the wagon and he looked very
discouraged about drinking milk.
I went to the good ole dancing school the
other night and took Janet Guest who im-
mediately set about vamping Eddie who told
her he had forgotten what she was like.
Gad, if I had to get somebody I think I'd go
after one with smaller feet and bigger brain.
However I did pretty well for myself and
bummed a ride home with a guy in a very
ritzy LaSalle, radio an everything. The only
mistake, I found out after, was that hie
seems to be both Doxee's and Kathryn Cogs-
dill's man so I guess I really haven't a
Got a letter from Mother and Dad which
- informs me that they have moved from the
Waldorf to the St. Regis which seems to
suit them much better. I went back to the
old grind today, and oh what a let down! I
guess I'll have to get used to it all over again
on account of I went to sleep in English class
with some gum in my mouth which I swal-
lowed. I thought I'd choke to death. We're
having our six weeks exams this week and
that means report cards wwhichin turn
mean the dog-house. Ah, me sometimes I
wonder. I hope you stop in and call on us
if you are around this neck of the woods just
to pay your respects.
Lots of love,-, "-.
DICK LA MARCA has gone home because he
has the guts to face life.
He has left school because the only thing that
gave him enjoyment here sapped all the vitality
out of his Italian heart and left him nothing but
despair with which to face studies and campus
When Dick came out for The Daily two years
ago, he was just a curly-headed Italian boy in a
red sweater with enough enthusiasm to make up
for what he lacked in polish. When Dick put
out his last sport page last night, he was still an
Italian, but in place of the crazy, tactless kid of
his freshman year, there was a polished and ef-
ficient college man-and one of the best sports
writers The Daily has ever had.
The breaks haven't come to Dick, during his
college years, but he made his own, and with
them a host of friends. Youngest of a family of
four, he entered Michigan as a freshman with
almost a craze for journalism. Mrs. La Marca
works for the University, and with some help
from her 'and from other members of the fam-
ily, together with what Dick made working here
and during the summer, he was able to get along
Sincere and ardent in everything he under-
took, La Marca, like so many of his race, was
high strung, so much so that his freshman year
he suffered a nervous breakdown.
Out for Daily the second semester, Dick didn't

have a picnic either. He was different from the
run of the mine, and at Michigan 'different
people' do not lead happy lives.
But Dick fought back. He curbed some of his
ardor, grew to know the meaning of the word
tact, and soon became che- go getter of the sports
staff. He worked and slaved, veritably lived for
The Daily, and as time went on and studies and
other things went wrong, he found his consola-
tion in the stories he wrote and his contacts down
around the Field House.
He acquired polish and finesse, good news-
paper technique, but as he did, he lost interest
in the rest of the University. A month ago he
tried a comeback toward the scholastic attain-
ments of his freshman year when he got all A's
and B's. He stuck at it, but at the same time,
he stuck at The Daily, working two and three
nights a week until midnight writing and editing.
His whole life was the paper, and when he felt
that delicate Italian mind cracking under the
strain, he looked coolly at the situation and de-
cided to leave Michigan, and devote himself t
what he loved most.
He got everything out of school that he came
for, and when he had gotten it, he decided that
the thing to do was to devote himself to his one
passion, journalism. So the courageous little
Italian boy with the curly hair has gone out
in the world to look for what he wants. I know
you'll find it, Dick.
Dr. H. Carter Davidson, president of Knox
College, is one of the youngest college presidents
in the Tnited States: he is only 31 vears o

Bury The Dead-Critic!
MENTION was made a day or two
ago in the editorial columns of
the Daily concerning the recent edict
by which the Nazi government has
officially banned all artistic criti-
cism-literary, cinema dramatic, and3
musical-'-throughout the German
Reich. The announcement was made
by Minister of Propaganda Paul Jo-
seph Goebbels, who is quoted as say-
ing, apparently by way of explana-
tion, that "criticism will be replaced
by 'contemplation' and 'description.'
Any former critic who feels he is
capable of more than mere contem-
plation or description of another's
works will be free to show what he
can do -himself."
That Minister Goebbels presents
the above statement as an intelligent
and sincere explanation of such an
act it is hardly possible or necessary
to believe. There are certain persons,
of course, who hold that an aesthetic
experience is entirely spontaneous,
subjective, and intellectually intan-
gible; that to subject it to mentall
scrutiny is impossible as well as ab-
horrent. Such persons can generally
be divided into two classes : those
who are intellectually so shallow or
immature as to be unaware of the
true relationship of sensation, emo-
tion, and intellect in aesthetic ex-
perience; and those who are con-
scious of the ability of the mind to
illumine the way to aesthetic enjoy-
ment, but who are too lazy to bestire
sufficient intellectual activity there-
unto, preferring to grope blindly with
only their senses and their emotions.
All such persons could well and hap-
pily live in the Germany of the im-
minent .future, for they do not need
even the gleanings of "contempla-
tion" and "description" so generously
spared by Hired-Man Goebbels.
While we are on the subject we
should mention a certain type of mu-
sic-LOVER who is eternal proof of
the old adage that "a little. knowl-
edge is dangerous." This worthy en-
thusiast heard Caruso sing Pagliacci,
knows all the themes from Beethov-
en's Symphony, and once sang in the
chorus when they gave The Messiah
at the Methodist Church. His dis-
tinction between good and bad music
usually corresponds to the answer
given by the old schoolboard mem-
ber who, when asked to define the
"frills" against which he was evan-
gelizing so rabidly, calc'lated that it
was "perty nigh everything as has
been put in since I went to school."
Let a well-known artist appear, or an
old warhorse be programmed, and
his raptures overcome the neighbors
two blocks away; but comes there a
struggling young singer or a new
piece from a composer's garret, and,
without waiting to determine the
true value of either, he immediately
breaks into a Lamentoso to the tune
that "-the Concert Series isn't what
it used to be; now when we used to
have-." Incidentally, it must have
been such a person whom we over-
heard complaining, during the ex-
odus last Monday night, "-should
have done it better; Bach isn't hard.
But say, wasn't that last encore
thrilling!" How often is showman-
manship mistaken for virtuosity, and
an artist's true but less ostentatious
mastery allowed to go unappreciated!
At an opposite extreme from the
above figure stands the person who
also has a genuine enthusiasm for
music, but whom the acquisition of
a certain amount of musical knowl-
edge has left breathless and enervat-
ed as far as a critical sense is con-
cenrned. He becomes sincerely and
horribly aware-a good thing in it-
self-of the limitations of his own

musical knowledge and powers. Then
he lifts his eyes and they fall upon
one who at least can command the
presence and attention of a signifi-
cant audience; or upon musical ideas
which at least have been properly
set down in musical terms and per-
formed. Thus his envious admira-
tion leads him to worship the idea
of greatness, rather than its true
qualities. He says, "I don't know
whether-played well tonight or not,
but he's a great artist and I could
never do as well, so it must have
been good." It is into this category
that Herr Goebbels would have us
believe he intends herding his Teu-
tonic sheep. At that, it is the more
encouraging of these last two atti-
tudes. The former usually implies
senility, in spirit if not in years, and
warrants little hope for future im-
provement, whereas the latter can
easily receive freshimpetus and as-
sume a broader aspect-if not cut
down with a swastika.
But, obviously, Minister Goebbels
is not abolishing criticism in Ger-
many because of aesthetic considera-'
tions; the move is only another one
in the attempted suppression of all
anti-Nazi thought, and probably has
its origin in some "Aryanizing" ac-
tivity. But we'll wager that those
in Germany who are more interested
in the welfare of German music than
in the ruthless progress of a govern-
mental machine are shaking their
heads over this as they have over the
other artistic atrocities committed in

FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 19«:6

r rt rs

University Lecture: In ,commem-
Notices ration of the 400th anniversary of
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be the death of Erasmus, Prof. Albert
reHvm.on f the denartment of historv.

at home to faculty members, towns-
people and their friends on Sun-
day afternoon, Dec. 6, from 4 to 6
Dedication of the Baird Carillon:
Members of the faculty and their
families, students, and the pul lie
generally are cordially invited to at-
tend the exercises to be held in Hill
Auditorium at 4:30 ° p.m., today
at which the Charles Baird Caril-
lon will be dedicated. While a limit-
ed number of official invitations are
being issued, the University takes
this method of inviting the Uni-
versity community and citizens of
Ann Arbor to attend the exercises.
With the exception of the section
reserved for official guests, all seats

Ylll , Ut U1tG a.acjrcoa Vi11VL1V va iX&v Vw j,

in the auditorium
for occupancy, and
reserved seats will

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresedoW
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

will be available
after 4:20 p.m. ne
be held.

To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The third regular
meeting of the faculty of the College
of Literature, Sciences and the Arts
for the academic session of 1936-37
will be held in Room 1025 Angell
Hall, Dec. 7, at 4*10 p.m.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Nov. 2, which have been
distributed by campus mail (ipages
2. Reports
a. Executive Committee b y
Prof. Campbell Bonner.
b. Deans' Conference by Dean
E. H. Kraus.
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one de-
partment to another, the proceeds of
the sale to be credited to the budget
account of the department from
which the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the ap-
paratus to other departments which
are likely to be able to use it. In
some instances the apparatus may be
sert to the University Chemistry
store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object
of this arrangement is to promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus. It is hoped that
departments having such apparatusj
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.

will speak on the subject "Erasmus
and the making of Modern Civiliza-
tion" at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 8,
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
Mr. Edward C. Molina, of the Bell
Telephone Laboratories in New York
City, will lecture on the subject
"Probability in Engineering," Tues-
day, Dec. 8, at 4:15 p.m., in the West
Physics Lecture Room. The public
is cordially invited.
A public lecture will be given by
Mrs. Dorothy Beecher Baker of Lima,
O., Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the
Michigan League on the subject,
Baha'u'llah, A World Figure. All
interested in world unity and peace
are invited to this lecture which is
sponsored by the Baha'i Study
Mr. Frederic G. Melcher, President
of the R. R. Bowker Company and
Editor of the Publishers' Weekly, will
speak at 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4 and
at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5, in
Room 110 of the General Library.
Mr. Melcher's topic on Friday will be
"Recent Developments in Book Pub-
lishing" and on Saturday "Libraries
and the Book Trade."
While given primarily for mem-
bers of the Department of Library
Science, these lectures are open to
the public.
Photographs of Persian-Islamic
Architecture exhibited by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Open to the
public daily from 9 to 5 p.m.; Sun-
days 2 to 5 until Dec. 15. Alumni
Memorial Hall West Gallery.
Events Of Today
Uiversity Broadcasting: 2:15 p.m.
School of Music program.
Varsity Glee Club and Reserves:
Rehearsal for Chimes Dedication at
4 p.m. todaY. Report to second floor
(rear) of Hill Auditorium .
Pre-Medical Students: The Med-
ical Aptitude Test will be given today
at 3 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
toruim. Bring your signed receipt
and your identification card. Letters
A-K enter door toward State St.
Letters L-Z enter door toward En-
gineering Arch. Be on time.

will not


The Esperanto class

meet today due to the
for the dedication of the


Notice to Law and Graduate School
Seniors: Seniors who have had Mich-
iganensian pictures taken in past
years may arrange with their photo-
graphers to have that picture used
in this year's 'Ensian for only $2,
thus saving $1 on the regular senior
picture price of $3.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candidates
in the School of Education, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,
and the Graduate School to be
recommended for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate in February and June, 1937,
has been posted on the bulletin board
in Room 1431 University Elementary
School. Any student whose name
does not appear on this list and who
wishes to be so listed should report
this fact at once to the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
To All Men Students: Students in-
tending to change their rooms at the
end of the present semester are here-
by reminded that according to the
University Agreements they are to
inform their householders of such
intention prior to Jan. 15. These
notices should be in writing. Students
who do not give such notice of in-
tention to move will be expected to
retain their present rooms until the
end of the second semester.
C. T. Olmstead, Assist. Dean of
Bowling, Graduate Women: A
bowling club has been formed fo
graduate women students. Anyone
interested who was unable to hand in
a score before Nov. 26 should get in
touch with Marjorie Darken, tele-
phone 22143.
.as to flesh-and-blood ones. Then
nevermore will audiences be treated
to the delightful characterizations
conjured up by an atonalic piccolo or
a pair of blustering tubas. In future
performances the memhers of the

Baird Carillon at the same hour.
University Club: Club Night will be
held for members and their guests
tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the
Club Rooms. Prof. A. L. Cross will
speak on "England in the European
Fencing, Women Students: An
elective fencing class for beginners
will be held at Barbour Gymnasium
at 5 p.m. today.
The Michigan Dames and their
husbands are cordially invited to an
informal reception''at the home of
President and Mrs. Alexander Ruth-
ven tonight from 8 until 10 p.m.
Presbyterian: Students and their
friends are invited to attend an out-
door party tonight from 8 to
12. The group will leave Lane Hall
at 8 p.m. and will go via truck to
Huron Hills for campfires, singing
and games, and if the weather per-
mits, tobogganing and skiing. Re-
freshments will be served at the Duf-
fendack residence at 2107 Devonshire
Drive at the close of the evening.
Disciples' Guild: The Disciples'
Guild of the. Church of Christ, Hill
and Tappan Streets, will sponsor a
game night each Friday from 8 to
11 p.m. A variety of games includ-
ing table tennis, shuffle board, quoits,
darts, quiet games, special stunts
special musical numbers and group
singing will provide entertainment
for all who are interested., All stu-
dents are welcome. No charge.
Hillel Foundation: Abe Goldman
will officiate as cantor at the Sab-
bath services held this evening at 8
p.m. A social hour will follow the
service. The Foundation is located
at the corners of East University and
Academic Notices
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular December meeting of the
Faculty of the School of Education
has been postponed from Monday,

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