f CHRISTMAS FASHION SUPPLEMENT L AL14,19ho Ap -41b X LIF -do*- - dh - .4%, 1& a -A&L Ja Amw A2904NEFAV Agrow iiati EI SECTION II VOL. XLVII No. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS .'"> .'i'''''r: .b .. . . .y 4 : f ' c . , .fr r .5>. ?j:}}{$ ::A. .\ } : .5 ":'.,. . «t :::. .S}:ii?"$ t .KS; 'u S :,,vi;: :".:'.; .""}:}:f:'f:i?}tr,,.,Y.{:{ ~iX: .:~y+ ': ''tii% %:"t"?;:?;5" >i.,nttht5l % }::;: :v ;.". "^:Kt' :: r}!^ l;"y5 ::w.w4 ,ovals.. }itv:.. r: ::%tAiii:""1" 'rr':. ti. ti:S,.SS . E "': ki s 4 +" 'S':,.. e . .". "' '.': . :. imp. Mom 90M? ASJI 4.0 15 t. S.v ~~ x ~4 a "'",14";::'::y :vy . i".i v,{ : ~f: mow,,.. f ., ,, , . 3 b« t . ti " V a. s; r. ::i?.{: ' r p GIFTS AND FASHION HINTS OFFERED FOR CH RISTMAS AND HOLIDAY SEASON Advance reports indicate that the Yuletido Season this December will probably be the most pleasant in many years. Greater numbers of balls and parties are being planned and all sort of entertainments are already being arranged by local host- esses to add to the festivities atten- dant upon the Christmas season. The rresence in our midst of many lead- ing young gentlemen and ladies from universities away from home will is providing added impetus to the plans bcing made. Local stores report larger and more varied assortments of all types of gifts and many new and in- teresting novelties and gadgets as well as smart and useful presents will be available. As usual, most of the storekeepers are already plead- ing "DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP- PING EARLY" and the shopper with and, of course, the early comers will be able to make the best selection. Late shopping, in addition to being highly inconvenient, is often highly unsatisfactory, as the full array of the special Christmas stocks which the stores display are much depleted as Christmas day draws near. On the following pages, we have gotten together a carefully selected group of Christmas presents for both men and women. Among them will be found suitable gifts for almost every pocketbook, and all are acceptable presents in good, taste. In assem- bling them, we have tried to avoid the type of gift which nobody wants, but which is often received at Christ- mas time. During this season, a great many useless novelties are produced and they are often purchased by tired shoppers in the hope that they Christmas will do well to scan these pages before making the rounds of the stores. To gentlemen shoppers we say: be sure you know the scent she prefers if you plan buying per- fume, and make sure you know the color she prefers if you plan buying powder or lipstick. To lady shoppers we say: be sure you know the brand he prefers if you plan buying tobacco; and to both: be certain of the proper size if you are getting gloves, hose, or slippers. For many months now -foreign buy- ers have ransacked the four corners of she earth for interesting and use- ful things which make smart Christ- mas presents. The products of their labors are now assembled and mod- ern distribution facilities and excel- lent merchandising methodo have made it possible to bring the cream to the great cities to make their Christmas purchases, as it is possible to find an excellent selection right at home. Making a Christmas list may seem a bit old fashioned, but it is a very practical idea. Shopping in a hap- hazard manner often produces dis- astrous results. In the first place. you might get two gifts for the same person and completely forget some- one else. Another bad method is buy- ing things from time to time that seem attractive in the hope that they will prove appropriate presents for someone when Christmas Day comes around. This usually results in no- body being pleased. The best method is to try to select a gift that will ful- fill a definite need of a person for whom it is intended, for that is ex- pressly the sort of thing that the re- i I, i I