THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I S'. ' .- 4( = 1936 Member 1937 Associated CoDeiae-Press , Distributors of' Cole6iate Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the Uliversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein( also reserved. Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mailmatter. Subscriptions during regular school year bycarrier, $4.0; by mail, $4.5. _ _ REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisihrs Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YOK. N.Y. CHICAGO .*'BOSTON B AN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . POTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors WANAGING EDITOR.............. ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........MARSHALLD D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W.Hurd Robert Curminins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer,'Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Pted Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairfuma; Fred DeLano and Fred Bues er, associates, Rayon Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Riehard La- Marca.r Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, hairman: Elaa- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Dlouglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J! Lovell, Hatherinie Moore; Betty Strickroot, Theresa 'Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .........JON R. PARK ASSOCIATE -BUSINESS MANA+ER .W %4& ANPT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ...- 'E7N K[IATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circul tion M anager; Dpn .' Wisher, 'Contracts Manger; 1,Y1st . J6s oCa Advertisng Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ifed Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: TUURE TENANDNR The Sleeping Senate .. STUDENTS of the University re- ceived with interest the news that the Senate, sleeping governing body of the Uni- versity, would meet again within a fortnight, ald are speculating whether the awakening is going to be more than temporary. The Senate, made up of faculty men and ad- ministrative officers, has not met now for more than four years. According to the By-Laws of the University, Section 3 (a): "The University Senate is authorized and expected to originate and consider measures for the maintenance of a liberal and compre- hensive policy of education; for the maxi- mum utilization of the intellectual resources of the University for the governmet, guid- ance and discipline of the student bedy and the oversight of its activities; and generally to consider all subjects that reate to the usefulness, leadership and effectiveness of the University, and to the coordination of the functions of its several schools and col- leges; and to make recommendations there- on to the Regents." With an enrollment of more than 500, the Senate was judged too unwieldy for practical service, and in 1931 it created the University Council to act as a working committee, reserving for itself the right to review all, legislative action of the Council. The Council was made up of 22 administrative officers as ex-officio members and 34 representative members, although, since some representative members, particularly the delegates from the Schools of Music, Business Administration, Pharmacy, Medicine, etc., were also administrative officers, ,the balance was about even. On a few occasions after the cre- ation of the University Council, the Senate met, but attendance and interest was low, and, in November of 1932, it met for the last time to date. The change to the University Council syste may have made for greater efficiency, but it meant the virtual end of democratic govern- ment of the University. Students have been sensitive to the fact that their faculty has little more voice in the determination of the educa- tional policies of the University, appointments and building program than they themselves have. The faculty settled into a sleep of indifference, and did not exercise its right of review over the Council. Only now has that sleep been stirred, and by the signatures of 90 men, among them some of the most respected on the faculty, the Senate has been called. President Ruthven has indicated his sympathy with the reawakened interest on the part of faculty men to find a medium of direct expres- sion on the government of the University, and he hopes, as we do, that the interest will be sus- tained. TmA. ..,. .1 . . . ..bL.,r .?I ,. . .. t:....x. . . y,:. s . new organizations must be created, we believe with President Ruthven that the members of the faculty, representing as they do the actual nucleus of learning about which the University is built, are failing in their duty unless they take upon themselves an active part in the govern- ment of the University. We await with con- siderable interest the outcome of the Senate meeting on the fourteenth of December. ITHE FORUM "Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense alleleters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Students Indiscretions To the Editor: People are always dwelling for hours on un- important matters of what show to attend, which class to bolt, why the weather is so cold. And vital factors relevant to personal health are cast aside to go with the wind. Most college students are away from home and are no longer under the protective wings of their maters. So free as a bird "they flit around without red flannels and sooner or later some Jo College finds himself victim of a cold. Of course, that's much too minor an illness to waste time going to the Health Service; so the drug store allures him on. And the druggist, who must be every- thing from a candlestick maker to a doctor, prescribes our hero some well-known proprietary. This product must be good; for did not the hypnotic air waves testify for it? The reason he gets well sooner or later is because seven oit of ten people get well in spite of all mediation. But if he gets worse-then the fun begins; and who gets the brunt of the trouble-the Health Service. How simple to avoid any such com- plications by promptly adhering to correct pro- phylaxis and correct therapy. You would not resort to candle light to study by, so why resort to patent medicine to get well by? People ought to dwell some hours on this matter. -Ele Benne. Sandwich Man Protest To the Editor: Under the bold italic heading "Ignominious" which means despicable or worthy of disgrace you published a letter which I would call slan- derous and which others have called narrow- minded. The letter was written by James C. Palms who apparently doesn't care much for that vilainous Robert Vander Pyl. According to Mr. Palms' insinuations, the de- spicable Mr. Vander Pyl slunk nightly, to his den of hideous snakes and devised ingenious ways to conceal political practices which the Washtenaw Party had undertaken in defiance of University regulations. Then when his party lost the election by only a few votes, it is in- ferred that Vander Pyl went crying to the Men's Council for justice because a sandwich man rested his sign on a campus sidewalk. Realy MVw, Mr. Editor, -I hope you did not attach the heading "Ignominious" to that letter because you beheve Mr. Palms' accusations are justifiable. I admit that it is an extremely rare occurrence when a losing party gets two im- portant dance committee jobs, but do consider that the grounds for protest may have been warranted. In the first place it was not the outcome of the election that was contested but the legality of the election. In the second place the pro- test was not issued to the Men's Council until Mr. Vander Pyl was advised to do so by Dean Rea, Professor H. C. Anderson, alumni-student adviscr, and the offices of Shirley W. Smith and President Ruthven, all of whom considered the grounds for protest justifiable. You see, the sandwich man was technically illegal but the protest was not directed at him but rather at the sign outside the northeast en- trance of Angell Hall, the sign on the building above the door, the composite above the door of the election room and the hand bills tacked to the doors. In conclusion, let me assure you that the pro- test was vicarious and not personal and let me deny your statement that "all three parties in- dulged in practices that weren't strictly on the up and up as far as the university is concerned." Clean politics has always been the main platform of the Washtenaw Party and I defy anyone to prove that Washtenaw disobeyed any university regulations in its campaigning. -Robert A. Vander Pyl. Dormitory Petition To the Editor: While the activities of the University Housing Committee are a step in the right direction, I do not believe that expectancy of gifts from alumni and proceeds from student dances is go- ing to get us dormitories in a hurry, nor is it going to get us enough dormitories. The Uni- versity, as it is a state institution, may and should ask the state legislature for its financial support for dormitories. A petition, sponsored by the Housing Committee, at the same time it at- tempted to raise funds in other ways, would, I believe, have great effect in showing the legis- lature what the sentiment for dorms really is on the campus. -E.S. Not One, But 16 Experts To the Editor: When a freshman enrolls in History 11 there are three lecture sections which he may take. All these sections are lectured to by very com- petent men from a very fine history department. Yet obvious as this is to those who have an ac- BENEATH **** #~4~##IT ALL AS=--By Bonth TWillims- =-.' SPECIAL TO THE LAW SCHOOL: George Har- ton, upon implicit order from his father, vice- president of U.S. Steel, flew to Pittsburgh to cast his vote for Average Alf in the recent fracas. Even this superb effort failed to 'put Pennsyl- vania's native son into the White House' . . . Kent Chapman, who hails from way down in the Se- wanee region, tells this story of the southern counterpart of Willie Heston. The famed grid- der's younger brother returned home with a battered face and explained that some Phi Bete had sneaked a lucky punch. Whereupon the legendary figure pulled on his turtleneck sweater and said, "Come on, Bud, we'll wipe out the whole damn house" . . . Chpman is also the man who cleaned the clocks of Ubanks, the great checker playing barrister . . . the quad is still trying to figure out why Lou Kearns, devoted Phi Delta Phi, and able politician in his undergraduate days, supported an independent for class presi- dent . . . ugly rumor circulating about the club has it that Professor Grover Cleveland Grismore was almost knocked down by three ladies who were making their hasty departure from beneath one of the arches of an evening of last week. PROFESSOR ARTHUR CROSS, noted jokester of the history department, was in fine fettle last night as he entertained the Druids with one of his swell talks, in the course of which he told some stcries that brought down the assembly. One of the best was a story about Jay Gould and his son. Old Jay, not famed' as an advocate of Aristo- telian ethics, trained his boy to take over the presidency of the company, and in so doing edu- cated him in the school of brakeman and coal heave] . Upon the demise of Gould, Sr., the son as- sumed the reins and some months later ran into a yardman whom he had known while learning the railroad game. "You probably don't remember me," the young- ster explained, "I used to work with you and I'm president of the road now." "Sure," replied the old timer, "but your fa- ther'll soon enough be president again." "Oh, I'm afraid you don't understand," young Gould broke in, "my father is dead." "That he is fur sure, but you know where your father went, and the road'll be there soon enough." BENEATH IT ALL: Approximately 30 Mich- igan swimmers will sojourn at the Fort Lauderdale hotel in sunny Florida for the dura- tion of Christmas holidays . . . The band will put on a vaudeville show at the Michigan next week featuring some of the able amateur acts on the Campus. Ernie Jones will keep the thing moving at a fast clip with his announcing . . . both Sphinx and Druids will ride again before Christ- mas vacation . . . Bud Ruthven crossed up a prominent Campus Tong who had been carry- ing on an extensive pre-season rushing campaign when he up and went to Albion .. . The Gar- goyle staff, which will publish the faces and his- tories of the ten most beautiful girls on the Campus in the January edition, was trying to pick the tenth nominee from a group of can- didates. It simmered down to three girls, with one apparently out of the race. Ogden Dwight flipped a coin and as he flipped it, Gil Tilles yelled over, "If it stands on end it's ... No. 3. The nickel rolled under a cabinet and wedged itself upright. Tilles had to back down and Wal- ker Graham is still screaming, "We wuz robbed." He certainly is a great scholar. More books have come from his pen than from other members of that department. He has received worldwide disincticn frem a great international organiza- tion and last summer was honored by the Quesen of Helland. What is mere he is the type of person that can present his learning orally in a very interesting manner. He is a fine speaker. If I were taking History 11 over again he would be my choice and no adviser could influence me otherwise. Let's make cur outstanding men stand out. Let's tell our freshmen the truth. There is a his- tory department of 16 men, not just one, and there are three lecture sections for History 11. -"Herodetus." Comment On The Court To the Editor: While there is no need of abolishing either the Constitution or the Supreme Court, it may be worth noting that Prof. Charles A. Beard, promi- nent historian, great thinker and equally great liberal, has characterized the recent adverse de- cisions of the Supreme Court (6 to 3; 5 to 4) "economic predilection." When so outstanding a writer expresses such an opinion, it is worth thinking about. --M. Levi. Forgot To Talk To the Editor: A fine tribute was paid the members of Play Production Saturday night, although one that they may not have been able to see. When "Bury the Dead" was over, the members of the audience were so busy thinking that they forgc_ to talk and filed out of the theater as quietly as if they had been in the presence of the dead themselves. - Satisfied Customer Apple pie is the most popular food at New York University, according to Miss Noles, dieti- cian of the commons lunch room. Tin Yan Jim On, the Hawaiian football player at North Dakota Agricultural College, who is six Artist' s Artist Edgar Yaeger's Paintings By JEAN PAUL SLUSSER THE PAINTINGS by Edgar Yaeger now on view in the North Gal- lery of Alumni Memorial Hall aptly exemplify two points in art not al- ways sufficiently appreciated: first, the strong element of artifice which each of the arts relies upon for pro- ducing its effects-sometimes more, sometimes less in evidence-a quality of which the man in the street is blissfully ignorant, and of which, if he has chanced to hear of it he has an immediate distrust; and the kind of observance of artistic tradition which French art has so notably displayed in its various departments, and whichI is one source of its great continuity and strength, but which has not al- ways been observable elsewhere, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 57 Notices Dedication of the Baird Carillon:. Members of the facultyrand their families, students, and the public generally are cordially invited to at- tend the exercises to be held in Hill Auditorium at 4:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4, at which the Charles Baird Caril- lon will be dedicated. While a limit- ed number of official invitations are being issued, the University takes this method of inviting the Uni- versity community and citizens of Ann Arbor to attend the exercises. With the exception of the section In regard to the first point, just as reserved for official guests, all seats one says of a certain playwright that in the auditorium will be available he has a strong sense of the theatre, for occupancy, and after 4:20 p.m. ne one says of Mr. Yaeger's work that reserved seats will be held. he has at all times a strong sense of the picture. Whatever he paints is' To The Members of the Faculty of conceived wholly in terms of his me- the College of Literature. Science, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to allmembers of the University. Copy received at the oflice of the Assistant to the Prestd until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. dium, and in no other terms what- soever. This is a much greater tri- umph than the layman realizes. It is true that in subject-matter he bor- rows heavily from the paraphernalia, of modern art-nymphs, tables, still- life, vases, drawn curtains and the lilce-but so beautifully painter-like a e his exquisite, if unreal, arrange- ments that they put to shame many of the more natural-appearing pic- tures of robuster men which when not equally conceived in the specific terms of painting, never come alive esthetically at all. The world de- picted here may be slight and dream- like, but it has the validity and sound existence, within its delimiting frame, of beautifully and organically related line, color, shape and texture. We va+v vv++v},av Vd u;VL+wVU1 V A,!{.r11..11L1 + ' 'and the Arts: The third regular meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts for the academic session of 1936-37 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Dec. 7, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 2, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 298-306.) 2. Reports i a. Executive Committee b ya Prof. Campbell Bonner. b. Deans' Conference by Dean E. H. Kraus. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- 0i-FN T/iacr to n ^ o -F - have to do here with a painter of , gin' rs* mia-seeereports tor unusual sensibility and with a re- grades below C are now on file and markable feeling for the decorative open to inspection in the office of filling of space. Whoever has an ap- the assistant dean, Room 259, West preciation of the nicer problems of Engineering Bldg. picture-making and their felicitous solution will smile with pleasure at the happy distortions and simplifi- cations of these paintings. And if the artifice which cements them is at times a bit apparent, no damage has been done: it is simply another charming example of the never-suf- ficiently understood fact that art is art, and never nature-as so many people fondly suppose.t As to the painter's habit of remain- ing within the bounds of a tradition, there is a prejudice against that in a hworld where change has become the custom and not the exception, and in which mere individualism, if not downright eccentricity, is rated higher than it deserves to be. But it is the mark of some sort of esthetic com- ing of age when we can have artists about us not only bursting bounds and exploring new territory, but also quietly cultivating their gardens on ground that has already been re- claimed from the wilderness. Mr. Yaeger's art is of thewlatter sort, and while there may be some who find his box-hedges and shell-bordered flower-beds a little prim and unad- venturous, the reminder is after all! Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: An announcement concern- ing the Eighth Annual W. E. Boeing Scholarships, for study at the Boeingj School of Aeronautics, Oakland, Calif., has been posted on the bulletin board of the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. Notice to Seniors in all colleges of the University: Your senior picture deadline for the 1937 Michiganensian has been set for Dec. 18. If you have not arranged to have your picture taken, do so today at Rentschler's, Spedding's, and Dey's to avoid the last minute rush. The 1937 Michiganensian. Notice to Presidents and Treasur- ers of Student Organizations: Page contract cards for space in the 1937 Michiganensian should be signed immediately and mailed into the 'En- sian office. Copy blanks, (names of officers and members and pictures desired for the page), should also be sent in with the contract. We are asking your immediate cooperation in Events Of Today Weekly Reading Hour: 'The pro- gram for this afternoon at 4 Roam 205 Mason Hall will'consist of interpretations from miscellaneous poetry to be given by the following students: William G. Barndt, Rob- erta I. Chissus, Arthur W. Lead- beater, Janet F. Karlson, Katharine M. Shee, Alvin C. Shottenfeld, Wil- liam E. Quinlan, Mary K. Lavan, Max W. Beaty, Charles F. Payton, Henry H. Adams, Stanley A. Joffe, Vera C. Gray, Lillian P. Tolhurst, Margaret I.DFry,.Joseph E. Biller, Edward F. Devine. The public is cordially invited. The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob- servatory Lecture Room. Prof. Nor- man H. Anning will speak on "The Glastonbury Zodiac." Tea will be served at 4 p.m. ,The Psychological Journal Club will meet this evening at 7:45 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S. Re- ports by Professor Pillsbury on Ad- vancing and Retreating Colors and by Professor Shepard on Cues in Maze Learning will be given. All graduate and concentration students are especially urged to come. A1 others interested are cordially in- vited. Seniors, School of Education: There will be an important meeting today at 4 p.m. in Room 4200 U.H.S. Matters of interest to the whole class will be discussed. Institute of Aeronautical Sciences: There will be a meeting today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 in the West En- gineering Building. Four men in the U.S. Navy Air Corps, now on this campus, will speak on Naval Aviation. All aeronautical engineers are invited. Zoology Club: Dr. Frank H. Blan- chard will discuss a projected snake- book and his western trip with re- marks about places and people to- night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2082, N.S. Women's Debate Tryouts: The first meeting of tryouts for the Women's Debating team will be held today at 4 p.m. in Room 4203 Angell Hall. Phi Epsilon Kappa: There will be a meeting at the Union, Room 319, 7:30 pn). tonight. All members are rqueted to be present, and bring your friends. Univcr.ity Broadcasting: 2 p.m. An Art Pilgrimage to Famous Museums, No. 8, Miss Adelaide Adams and Miss Marie Abbot. The Art Group of the Michigan Dames will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Hillel Foundation Classes will meet as usual tonight at 8 p.m. Classes will be conducted by Dr. E. Blake- man, Dr. H. Hootkins, and Dr. B. Heller. The Fireside Discussion at 9 p.m. will be led by Dr. R. Isaacs. He will speak on the subject, "O'rfgin of Jewish. Laws and Customs." The Engineering Council will 'not meet tonight as planned but is'post- poned until Thursday, Dec. 10. Coming Events Women's Research Club will meet in Room 3024, Museums Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 7. Winifred Smeaton will speak on "Tattooing in Iraq," Members are urged to attend and meet the recently elected mem- bers. Phi Delta Kappa: The Omega chapter will hold a general meeting for members and friends, Monday, Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Professor Shephard of the Psychology department will speak. There will be refreshments. Students taking work