THlE MICHIAN DAILY v DNTES)AY, DELC. 2, Treason And Class*Games, More On Ec. 51, And That Sophomore Election 1936Member 1937 ss5o C ed Col dcte Press Distributors of Cofleiae D11 st Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 14.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGOE BOSTON .ASAN FRANCISCO CAS ANGELES PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Puiblication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department Bt7SINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; HerbertF alender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES A. BOOZER The Supreme Court And Mr. Dooley.. A Challenge To Sophomores To the Editor: The Class of '39, having twice played the role of a "weak sister" by appealing to men's gov- erning bodies in order to enforce upon the fresh- men class rules and regulations which tradition- ally should be executed by the sophomore class alone, has placed itself in anything but an hon- orable position. The frantic plea for aid to the interfraternity council was nothing less than underhanded, and resulted in a portion of the freshman class being required to wear "pots," under pressure from their own fraternities, a form of coercion flagrantly violating the true spirit of interclass relations. The latest bit of sophomore legislative tech- nique borders between cowardice and stupidity. Precedence has indelibly established the criterion that any team which fails to present itself at a scheduled tournament, without the assent of its opponents, automatically forfeits the contest .Having already expressed its intention, by crawl- ing to' the Men's Council, to be elsewhere than at Ferry Field on December 5th, the class of '39 spontaneously concedes victory to the freshmen and may as well reconcile itself to the immediate disappearance of "pots" from the heads of its rivals. The excuses advanced by the sophomores for the postponement of the games are, in ef- fect, as follows: (1.) We must have afternoon tea with our ladies. (2.) We fear the heavens may anoint us with a bit of flaky moisture (of course it never rains in April). (3.) The temperature may chill us clear to where our backbone should be. (4.) Those villainous freshmen will surely mar our bandbox appearance on Black Friday evening en route to trip the light fantastic. (5.) Mama is sending us more arguments tomorrow. The president of the Men's Council's contention that it would be too cold to expose the instru- ments of the band leads one to the conclusion that. on the evening of the band bust, each in- strument contained a miniature radiator, con- nected to a portable heating plan concealed in the baton of Drum Major Wiest. With all due respect to the Men's Council, the class of '40 cannot respectably honor the de- cision to postpone the games. The challenge is not to the council, but to the sophomore class. In the words of Patrick Henry, "If this be treason, then make the most of it." -R. F. Long, '40. Five Minutes Each To the Editor: I happened to read the letter in Sunday's Daily sent in by a student of Economics 51. I too am taking that course and feel just as he does - and I'm quite sure that there are sev- eral hundred more who do so. The examination in question was unfair not only because the questions were not readily interpreted, but because there were too many of them. I believe that an hour is too short a time in which to answer six questions in economics, especially when they are worded so vaguely that they may be interpreted in several different ways. At the very most we have an hour for the exam, arnd usually less, which allows about ten minutes for each question; and when each question has to be read over four or five times in order for us to determine what they might be seeking in the answer, there remains little more than five minutes to write the answer, exclusive of the time necessary to think. Economics is a science, but it is a social science, which means it has to do with conditions that are constantly changing. In physics or chem- istry, one usually has specific formulas which he uses as a basis for answers to problems. But in economics there are no formulas, no stereo- typed methods of answering questions -there are only certain basic principles, which have to be applied to the vague auestions that are given in the Economics 51 blue-books. In another week or so we will have another blue-book, and, since there is no reason for thinking differently, the questions will be just as many and just as vague and indefinite as they have always been in the course. However, just in case some liberal-minded professor of eco- nomics might hear of the opposition from the students to the exams and be moved to act in a sympathetic direction, I would like to offer some suggestions for future exams: 1. Fewer questions, if they are going to require long answers. 2. Questions easily interpreted. 3. Finally, whatever the questions may be, the element of time should be taken into consider- ation -including the length of time it takes to interpret the question, to think of a good an- swer, and to write the answer. -Allen Lipow Ignominious To the Editor: Although the old saying "All's fair in love and war," has had its connotation extended to include politics among most of those who are connected with one sort of a government or another, it seems to me that a certain amount of sportsman- ship ought to be shown by both victor and loser in any game political or otherwise. I refer now to the recent elections in the sophomore class. All three parties that participated should Pot try to conceal the fact that they indulged in practices that weren't strictly on the up and up as far as the university is concerned, devi- ating from the straight and narrow path to put handbills where they weren't supposed to be and to put posters where they likewise shouldn't have been. But these are things which, if they are to be stopped, should be stopped at the grounds that State Street had violated the university rulings concerning posters on the campus grounds. He accused State Street on the strength of a mere technicality. The sand- wich man, whom the State Street party had hired in strict accordance with the rulings, seems to have put down the sign he was carrying outside of the library while he went in for a few moments. State Street does not object to complying with I the advice of the Men's Council, which was that two Washtenaw men and one Independent be placed on the Soph Prom committee, since it does not interfere with positions that have al- ready been promised. Neither has State Street sought to find any means whereby it could accuse Washtenaw of other violations, which it might. In the face of the accusations that were made the Men's Council took action that was entirely fair to all concerned, but the attitude of Wash- tenaw toward its defeat, which was responsible for the action on the part of the Men's Council, was, in my opinion, ignominious. That Washtenaw be blamed as a party for its unsportsmanlike attitude is not wholly fair since Vanderpyle, as its caucus chairman, presumed to take full action on its behalf. If campus poli- tics continue to survive, as they assuredly will, the spirit of playing the game should at least be maintained. If a party loses the fight, the greatest thing it can do is to congratulate the victor. Its leader should see to that -t James C. Palms, '39, Ihdependent BENEATH **** - IT ALL =--By onth William - OUR BOSS, Pudgy George Andros, appeared in the offi'ee at 5 p.m., fresh from the anatomy lab and proceeded to pass out cigars. It's wed- ding bells for the jolly sports editor in June, he announced, and the lucky girl is Jane Evans, late of Syracuse and now of Detroit. All of which does much to explain why it was Andy got his signals mixed and announced sub rosa that Stark Ritciie had been elected new Wolverine grid leader. Now we may expect, The Press Angle, by Mr. and Mrs. George Andros. Best of luck, boss. BRETHREN in Theta Delta Chi were still try- ing to figure it out Monday morning while the Delta Gamma house sat back and hugged its sides with laughter. Acouple of the uninitiated South State Street- ers, making their Panhellenic debuts, called up the florist and asked him to ascertain what color their Delta Gamma hostesses were wearing, and then send fitting corsages. The D.G.'s, always humorously practical, ex- plained to the florist that the only thing pos- sible would be orchids, and the florist, an oblig- ing fellow by nature, sent them what they asked for. The bewildered fratters saw their dates be- decked in the purple glories as they came merrily down the stairs, Friday evening, and it was not until the dawn of a cold Saturday morning that they were informed by telephone, "Yes, $4.12, each, including tax." CRASHINGECHOES of the fairy tale concern- ing Betty Jane Crawford and her limousine roared and thundered down the Phi Psi corridors after the Washtenaw elite had discovered how pledge brother Paul Strickland was both deceiv- ing them and being played for a sucker. Over near the tracks on the other side of town, the Sigma Phi's cursed quietly-all but sophomore Doug Hayes who went about the house with a sick, hang-dog look on his face, and no love in his heart for his brothers Someone had let the cat out of the bag. Betty Jane was not constant, but it was a clear cut and decisive Sigma Phi victory. In the first place, the Sigma Phi's were better business men. When Betty Jane and her en- tourage drew up at the Sig House for a football game or an evening of merriment, she was hus- tled within, and instead of letting her pompous chauffeur wait uselessly without, the practical- minded Sigs would promptly climb in and direct 'James' to The Bell, to Dhiel's, or just off on an errand for the ride. It got so bad, the cab companies began to complain. So it was that when the great revelation came, all parties concerned were irritated. Doug, be- cause the brothers were 'using' him while he squired a high school girl, the brothers because they lost their jitney, Paul because he is playing second fiddle, and the Phi Psi's because they never got any free transportation. HELEN WOLFE. Yonkers New York freshman, is planning to lead a detachment of girl cheerleaders during the football season next fall. According to Helen, she and a few of her co- horts could get a lot more noise out of the crowds that fill the Stadium than all the male cheer- leaders that Michigan has ever had, and she's going to prove it if the board in control says it's o.k., which they haven't. Helen, however, who is also a professional dancer, can take off from a 35-foot diving plat- form, and is a demon on ice skates, is not likely to be easily thwarted and next season may see a sudden and not unexplainable demand for seats, low down in the bowl. BENEATH IT ALL: There are so many girls ART An All-American Shoe By HARRY BETHKE YESTERDAY, in 30 cities through- out the United States, there opened an exhibition of what is probably the most significant collec- tion of contemporary graphic prints ever assembled. The American Ar- tists' Congress presents artists from every district from New York to the Pacific seaboard, in order to make the best ofhcontemporary art avail- able to the public at large. Ann Arbor is exceptionally fortunate in being one of the cities selected to show these prints, which are now on exhibit in Alumni Memorial Hall. The exhibit includes work of suchl DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notiee to all member.f the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresidWO until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2)d dental hygienists are required to at- tend. Dec. 7, to Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. The Public Health Club: There . _- _will be a meeting - tonight Aeronautical Engineering Stu- at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Rapids dents: An announcement concern- Room of the League. Dr. Nungester ing the Eighth Annual W. E. Boeing will speak on "Pneumonia" followed Scholarships, for study at the Boeing by an important business meetings School of Aeronautics, Oakland, All Public Health students are urged Calif., has been posted on the bulletin to attend. board of the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open ,to inspection in the office of University Broadcasting: Instruction in Diction and ciation, Gail E. Densmore. familiar figures as George Biddle, -"theassistant dean, Room 25, West William Gropper, and Rockwell Engineering Bldg. Kent, together with a number of ar- tists whose names have not yet Mr. Bruce Guild, Principal of the achieved the recognition they de- Iron Mountain High School, will be serve. Aside from one or two of in the Registrar's Office, 107 Mason Hall mnn Thiurisa nrning Dec.. 0 T HE 4-4 SPLIT in the Supreme Court of the United States, up- holding New York's unemployment insurance act, gave prominence to the almost forgotten statement of Mr. Doolev, that the court follows the election returns. And it is well that it did, for the question of whether or not Mr. Dooley was right or should be, appears in these days in a confusing light. William Green, president of the American Fed- eration of Labor, John Lewis, CIO head and Lewis' arch enemy, even members of the Univer- sity faculty have publicly held that as a result of the Roosevelt victory the Supreme Court should now declae constitutional measures it otherwise would be expected to invalidate. And there are persons (Norman Thomas, for example) who hold that the court has always followed pop- ular sentiment. Even more vociferous are those who recently have been accusing the nation's highest tribunal of intentional bias and prejudice for certain in- . terests in some of its momentous decisions. We have stated before that we believe Mr. Dooley to have been wrong. The history of Su- preme Court decisions, with minor exceptions, in- dicates that elections and other popular trends have been disregarded. And we believe this to be proper, andethat the justices rarely may be sus- pected of being intentionally influenced by prej- udice, economic, political or otherwise. If we are to continue to operate under our Federal system of government, the inherent sep- aration of powers between the three divisions of government-executive, legislative and judicial, must be maintained. Especially is it important that the judicial department be isolated. Be- cause of the nature of their functions, certain delegations of power from the legislature to the executive may well be beneficial. But any dele- gation of legislative power, assumed by or grant- ed to the judiciary should not and cannot be countenanced. For the Supreme Court of the United States to take cognizance of the election returns would be the most flagrant violation of this principle. For the court, in the last analysis, has as its most important function the interpretation of the Constitution. The Constittuion was designed and has been preserved by the people of the United States in a manner designed to prevent it from being affected by ephemeral waves of sentiment. It was designed as an instrument of government, laying down broad, general prin- ciples which, in the opinion of the founders, would be applicable not for a mere term of office but for centuries. It provides for its own amend- ing, when the people wish. The document today is essentially a different one than that adopted by the Philadelphia con- vonfinn in 1RAS ar f ! wirn a - .- - m.. anv the prints executed in the tight, pre- cise draughtsmanship of academic tradition, there is not a poor or me- diocre work in the entire group. The whole collection is so very good that it becomes a difficult task to select any few as being outstanding. Any! choice must be largely limited by one's own personal preferences. The outstanding characteristic of the show is its force and vitality. A great deal of it is propaganda or any- thing else you want to call it, but whatever it is, it is completely Ameri- can. It is evident that our artists are finally beginning to desert the1 Beaux Arts and the Left Bank to stop and look inward, and find something to say about their native land. They, say it, and they say it in no equivocal terms. Here, seen through the eyes of her own sons, is America, its cru- dity, its sordidness, and its raw con- fusion, but here too is its strength and beauty. There is a befitting lack of emphasis on the placidness of pastorial America, and a greater grasp of the more tangible struggle1 for existence in industry, and what that struggle does to people. Any description of the individual works of the show cannot hope to1 do them justice. One of the high points of the exhibit is Harold Cook's "Southern Mountaineer," one of1 those rare works in which the perfect command of a plastic technique meets with a sympathetic interpre- tation to produce the thing we call character. "Lindy Hop, by Miguel Covarrubias, is another exceptionally, fine thing. The sinuous rhythm of the composition completely expresses the sensuous aesthetic rhythm of the1 Negro dance. Those who are familiar with hisp cartoons in the "New Masses" will recognize the characteristic touch of William Gropper in "Road Workers," presented in bold, virile sweeps of black and light with a minimum of detail. Much in the same spirit is1 Fletcher Martin's "Trouble in Fris- co." Anyone who could see this and1 fail to be moved by it might as well never look at another picture. It is strong, forceful, violent, and the co- herence and unity of the composi- tion both contribute to the bitterness of the struggle. There is good-natured satire in Wanda Gag's "Progress," a comment on the trashy appendages of the American landscape. There is the typical hodgepodge of roadside, bill- boards, and hot-dog stands. The composition may be a bit confusing,I but so is the American landscape. In' a dcdedly different vein is "And Now Where?" by a man better known for his illustrations than his gallery exhibits, Rockwell Kent. It is done in the typical Kentian manner, a monumental composition expressed in perfect masterful command of the medium. There are two other striking prints of evident proletarian sympathy to contribute to the quality of the show- ing. One, weird beyond description, is Louis Lozowick's "Lynching," pain- ful, yet not at all lacking in re- straint. The other is a vitriolic pre- sentation of a brutally conceived sub- ject, "The Bootblack's Nightmare," by Alex Stavenitz. It may be fan- tasy, but it is too real to be as completely imaginative as the title' would suggest. The contrast of a few light tones set against forebod- ing black is enough to provoke some deep reflection. One is tempted to go on to great length describing other prints of equally high quality. Some of the woodblocks express fine architectural organization in sharp contrasts of black and white. Others show how indebted is contemporary art to various modernist movements, par- ticularly Cubism. But like all art, it must be seen to be fully understood, and mere description can hardly substitute for the experience of see- ing it. It is on the whole one of the finest exhibits ever to reach Ann Arbor. We owe a debt of gratitude to Professor Slusser, who is respon- sible for bringing the show to town. McBRIDE TO SPEAK J. . c rde prsientof __ pr , J*± y. U11 d1 t gJtLUbJ *kU1J±A1u&S, L.tC . . , at 8 a.m. Former students are in- vited to stop il. Bowling, Graduate Women: A bowling club has been formed for graduate women students. Anyone interested who was unable to hand in a score before Nov. 26 should get in touch with Marjorie Darken, tele- phone 22143. Lectures University Lecture: In commem- oration of the 400th anniversary of the death of Erasmus, Prof. Albert Hyma, of the department of history, will speak on the subject "Erasmusj and the making of Modern Civiliza- tion" at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 8, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. a Illustrated Lecture: "Persian-7 Islamic Architecture" will be given by Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu to- day at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Open to the public. Mr. Edward C. Molina, of the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York City, will lecture on the subject "Probability in Engineering," Tues- - day, Dec. 8, at 4:15 p.m., in the Westc Physics Lecture Room. The publict is cordially invited.t Exhibitionst Photographs of Persian-Islamic Architecture exhibited by the Re-" search Seminary in Islamic Art, In- stitute of Fine Arts.sOpen to the public daily from 9 to 5 p.m.; Sun- days 2 to 5 until Dec. 15. Alumni Memorial Hall West Gallery. Events Of Today Botanical Seminar meets today at, 4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N. S. Bldg. Paper by F. G. Gustafson "Induce- ment of fruit development by growth promoting chemicals and pollen ex- tracts." Chemistry Colloquium will meet today at 4 p.m. in Rooml 303 Chemistry Bldg. Doctor Oliver L. I. Brown will speak on "Entropy of Aqueous Ions." Luncheon for Graduate Students today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League. Dr. James K. Pollock, professor of political science, will speak informally on "How the World Votes." Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar: Mr. Allen S. Smith will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in chemical ..and metallurgical engineering to- day at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Thermal Conductivity Cells used for Process Control; an Attempt at Standardiza- tion." First Lecture of the Cercle Fran- cais will take place today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 103, Ro- mance Language Bldg. Prof. Charles A. Knudson, of the French Depart- ment, will speak on: "Une reception a 'Academie Francaise en 1936." Tickets for the series of lectures may be obtained from the secretary of the Romance Language Department or at the door at the time of the lec- ture. School of Music Sophomores: Members of the Sophomore Class of the School of Music are requested to attend a meeting in the School of Music Auditorium this afternoon at 4 p.m., for the purpose of electing class officers and the transaction of such other business as may be of interest to the class. Mechanical Engineers: Due to un- avoidable circumstances, Mr. J. E._ McBride of the Palmer-Bee Co., who was to talk at the A.S.M.E. meeting- this evening, will not be able to speak. The meeting has been postponed un- til next Wednesday evening, Dec. 9, 2:15 p.m. Pronoun- Stanley Chorus: Regular meeting at the League tonight. Everyone come at 7:15 p.m. so there will be time to discuss plans for the booth at the League Fair, and also for singing at the League Open House, Dec. 17. Please bring all music back tonight. Phi Sigma meeting today at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Bldg. Dr. Elzada .Clover will speak on Cacti, especially in regard to the evolution of the Cactaceae. Alpha Kappa Delta: Meeting this evening at 8 p.m., at the home of Prof. Wood, 3 Harvard Place. Stu- dent presentation of papers on "Leadership and Contemporary So- cial Movements." Election of new members. Limited transportation from Haven Hall; 7:30 p.m. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meeting tonight R.O.T.C. Headquar- ters, 7:30 p.m. Uniform required. Druids: The regular meeting of the organization will be held this eve- ning at a banquet; the Union, 6 p.m. Professor Cross will speak. Please be prompt. The Peace Council will meet at the Michigan League at 8 p.m. today. All are invited. New York State Students: The Em- pire State Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m., at the League. There will be an important discussion con- cerning reduced railroad fares for the Christmas holiday. It is imperative that everyone desiring to take ad- vantage of these rates be present at this meeting. Freshmen - Independent P a r t y: There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the League. Coming Events The Psychological Journal Club will meet on Thursday evening, Dec. 3, at 7:45 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S. Re- ports by Professor Pillsbury on Ad- vancing and Retreating Colors and by Professor Shepard on Cues in Maze Learning will be given. All graduate and concentration students are especially urged to come. A'l others interested are cordially in- vited. The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, in the Observatory Lecture Room. Prof. Norman H. Anning will speak on "Tlhe Glastonbury Zodiac." Tea will be served at 4:00. Institute of Aeronautical Sciences: There will -be a meeting Thursday, Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 in the West Engineering Building. Four men in the U.S. Navy Air Corps, now on this campus, willspeak on Naval Aviation. All aeronautical engineers are invited. Zoology Club: Dr. Frank H. Blan- chard will discuss a projected snake- book and his western trip with re- marks about places and people on Thursday, Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2082, N.S. Seniors, School of Education: There will be an important meeting Thursday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. in Room 4200 U.H.S. Matters of interest to the whole class will be discussed. Women's Debate Tryouts: The first meeting of tryouts fr the Women's Debating team will be held on Thurs- day, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. in Room 4203 Angell Hall. Sigma Xi: The first meeting for the current University year will be held in the East Ampitheatre of the West (old) Medical Building on Tuesday evening, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Prof. J. M. Cork of the Physics De- partment will give an illustrated talk on the Cyclotron ana Dr. F. J. Hodge;; of the Department of Roentgenology will discuss possible medical applica- tions of the newly derived nuclear disintegration products. Opportunity will be provided for the inspection of the Cyclotron. Refreshments will be served. Stanford Alumni of this region will meet at an informal dinner at the Intercollegiate Club, Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. at 7:30 p.m.. Wednesday.