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December 02, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-02

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The Weather
Possible light snow today;
cloudy and rising temperatures.





The Supreme Court
And Mr. Dooley...




14 Gridders Give
Comp lete Support

No Invasion,
Is Assurance
Of Roosevelt

Dorr Foresees A Bitter Fight
For Speakers hip Of The House


Training Plan




Ten Of Varsity Members
Reached Are Working
For Board Or Room
Plan Would Affect
All BigTen Teams
Lincoln Expresses View
Of Players In Being
All For Daily Plan
Unanimously 14 members of the
Varsity football squad last night, ap-
proved The Daily's move to initiate
training tables in the Big Ten Con-
In an effort to get the gridders
stand on the move, The Daily reached;
14 Varsity players, all of whom gave
their most whole-hearted support.
"Abe" Lincoln, veteran right tackle,
voiced the sentiments of the whole
team when he said in reply to the
question, "Do you believe that train-
ing tables would be beneficial to the
Michigan football squad?" "Say, set
that to music." I'm for it 100 per
cent-=no, I'm for it 200 per cent.
Write an article-lots of articles-on'
it. It will help all the way round--
morally, physicaly, spiritualy. I'm for
it all the way."
Players Favor Change
Every one of the 14 Varsity players
contacted, 10 of whom are working
for either their board or room or both,
agreed that eating at a training table
would give them more time for study
and would provide them with a more
wholesome and better balanced diet.
As Bill Barclay, star quarterback,
put it, "It's the kind of food and the
atmosphere under which it is eaten
that counts most. Most of the fel-
lows get enough to eat but It Is not
the quantity but the quality that
Four of the Varsity players have
been cooking their own meals; one
had to borrow money to buy his
clothes and have enough to eat three
meals a day; one lost his job be-
cause he was unable to report for
work on the week ends that the team
was playing away from Ann Arbor;
and another lost his job because of
an injury suffered in a Varsity game.
Bill Barclay suggested a plan given1
to him by "Germany"nSchultz, famed
Michigan lineman, under which theI
players would contribute any money
that they made from their board jobs
to the training table and eat their i-
stead of at the places where they
were working,
Patanelli Gives Support
Captain Matt Patanelli gave his
enthusiastic support to the move-
rpent and added that one of the ma-1
jor benefits of such a plan would be
the extra time for study that the
players would have.
Jesse Garber pointed out that the
players would be in a much better
condition to study if they were able
to eat regular, unhurried meals. a
It is generally true that at least
half of the football player's courses
are in bad shape by the end of the
regular season. A typical example
would be George Marzonie, fiery
guard, who spent three hours a day
washing dishes during the past foot-+
bal lseason. After attending classes
until 3 p.m., practicing from 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m. and then washing dishes
from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m., George
had little time to devote to his en-
gineering studies.,
The members of the squad who
unanimously voted "yes" last night
on the question as to whether Mich-
igan should have training tables were
Capt. Matt Patanelli, Bill Barclay,
Jesse Garber,-forge Marzonie, Don

Siegel, "Me" Lincoln, Ced Sweet,
Elmer G'deon, Johnny Smithers,
Bob Cooper,, Wally Hook, Stark
Ritchie, John Jordan and Art Val-
U. S. Emergency
Steamer Rushes
Food To North

Love Knocks Twice;
Both She And Hull
Must Give Approval
American diplomat that falls in love
with a foreigner henceforth will have
to propose twice-once to the woman
of his choice and once to the Secre-
tary of State.
If the Secretary approves, he will
be free to marry, but if he fails to
ask the Secretary's permission be-
fore marrying, he will face dismis-
Asserting that 122 foreign service
career officers, 18 per cent of the
total, were married to aliens, the
State Department today made public
an order signed by President Roose-
velt on Nov. 17, forbidding such un-
ions in the future unless the Secre-
tary approved.I
The order was accompanied by a
circular to all consular and diplo-
matic officers, stating that a recent
check-up of such international mar-
riages "reveals a state of affairs that
cannot be regarded with approba-
The department declined to make
public the names of any of the 122
career officers married to foreigners,
asserting it would not be "fair to,
single out a few of the more promi-
nent ones."
A well-known instance, however,;
was the marriage of Ruth Bryan
Owen Rohde, former minister to Den-
mark, to Capt. Rohde, a gentleman
in waiting to the King of Denmark,
last July 11. Their wedding was at
the Hyde Park home of President
Roosevelt, with the President as a
Many Problems
Near Solution'
New President Of National
Council Here On Visit;
Lauds Michigan
Firm in the belief that fraternities
are fast approaching the solution of
many of their old traditional prob-
lems, Clyde Doran, newly-elected
presidentof the National Under-
graduate Interfraternity Council, last
night told the results of the annual
meeting of the Council in New York
City last week-end.
Doran, a senior at the University of
Washington and a member of the Psi
Upsilon fraternity of that campus, is
in Ann Arbor for a two-day visit on
his way back to Seattle from the
meeting. Discussing the status of
fraternities at Michigan in relations
to the national organization, he de-
scribed the activity and stability of
Michigan fraternities as having as
high a standard as any other campus.
The National Interfraternity Coun-
cil, he stated, is divided into two
groups, the undergraduate council, of
which he is president and the Secre-
taries' Association, which consists of
the national secretaries of different
fraternities and the administrative
officers of colleges and universities.
The business of this group is slightly
different from the undergraduate
council and has more of an executive
function. The latter organization is
mainly advisory. Fraternity prob-
lems of various universities are
brought to it and discussed by all of
the members. Representatives from
more than 105 local interfraternity
councils in the country attended the
meeting in New York.
"Action was taken in the meeting
on two questions in particular," Doran
said. "Starting with the next ses-
sion of Congress, fraternities are go-

ing to carry a fight to that body
for exemption from the national so-
cial security tax, on the grounds that
fraternities are non-profit organiza-
tions and cannot support the tax. We
hope for success here, as a majority
of the Congressmen are fraternity
men. Besides this, we are seeking a
trend toward a function interfrater-
nity council system on all campuses,
which will be run strictly on a co-
operation standard;

Gives Congress Life;
Hailed 'New Savior'
Outlines Triple Program:
Democracy, Free Trade,
Prevention Of Tension
BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 1.-(E--
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in
the historic moment of a hemisphere
bent on peace, portrayed the Amer-
ices tonight as "shoulder to shoulder"
against aggression and pledged for-
ever against a war of conquest-stern
warning to an old world "where ca-
tastrophe impends."
His words gave the breath of life
to a solemn congress of 21 American
republics as he told them of "others,
who, driven by war madness or land
hunger," might strike "against us."
Opens Congress
Standing in the stately hall of dep-
uties of Argentina's congressional
palace, Mr. Roosevelt formally opened
the Inter-American Peace Congress,
which he fathered, in a dramatic cli-
max to two days of unending color.
Hard off the palm-fringed Plaza
del Congreso, the United States Pres-
ident, hailed in the passionate tempo
of Latin fervor as American democ-
racy's savior, met with the peace-
seeking delegates of the continent in
a setting of luxuriant, summertime
President Roosevelt outlined this
three-fold program:
1. Strengthening and unifying the'
processes of constitutional, demo-
cratic government in the Western
Hemisphere and making clear to "war
mad" nations that the two Americas
stand ready to consult together in
the event of aggression from abroad.
2. Steps to prevent creation of
conditions that give rise to war, in-
p. ablishment of the highest
possible standards of living and po-
litical, religious and educational
Free Trade
3. A more free exchange of goods
among American nations, removing
"suicidal" trade barriers that lower
living standards and obliterate demo-
cratic ideals.
The wave of popular enthusiasm
for the President's goodwill mission,
which followed his trip down the
South American coast, attained its
climax as he reached the congres-
sional palace.
A crowd which packed the Plaza
Del Congreso-a huge square five
blocks long and three wide, directly
in front of the Congress Building-
cheered him madly.
University Senate
To Be Convened
The University Senate will meet for
the first time in several years at 4:15
p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, it was an-
nounced by University authorities
last night. The place has not as yet
been named.
The meeting was called by Pres-
ident Ruthven in response to a peti-
tion signed by 90 members of the
Senate. The Senate includes all mem-
bers of the faculty down to instruc-
tors of three years service, and a
meeting mayebe called by the Presi-
dent of the University according to
the constitution of the Senate upon
presentation of a petition signed by
at least 25 members.

Either 'Texas' Rayburn Or
O'Conner To Fill Post;1
A hot political fight for the floor
leadership of the House of Represen-
tatives for the 75th session of Con-
gress is seen by Prof. Harold Dorr
of the political science department.
The Speaker of the House at the
end of the last session was Rep. Wil-
liam B. Bankhead from Alabama, who
was elected to that post upon the
death of Joseph W. Byrns of Ten-
nessee. It is generally conceded by
most students of national politics
that Bankhead will again be the
Speaker of the House during the com-
ing session.
The fight, however, for the floor
Bishop Laments
King Edward's'
Personal Life
Churchman Says Grace
Of God Is The Need
Of British Monarch
LONDON, Dec. 11.-()-Govern-
ment leaders tonight sought a solu-
tion for the most serious problem af-
fecting the crown in recent years-
King Edward's attachment for Wallis
Warfield Simpson-after a church
bishop's outspoken criticism of the'
monarch's private life caused the
British press to lift its self-imposed
censorship on the delicate subject.
British statesmen, informed per-
sons said, were not, however, consid-
ering special legislation such as a
bill making it necessary for the King
to obtain permission of the Privy
Council before marrying.
Prominent provincial newspapers
followed with editorial comment the
Bishop of Bradford's declaration the
King needs God's grace and "some of
us wish he gave more positive signs"
he knows this need.
Press Criticizes
-The Yorkshire Post, implying crif."
icism of the monarch almost unpre-
cedented in modern times, said the
bishop, Dr. A. W. F. Blunt, 'must
have had good reason for so pointed
a reniark."
Declaring the nation's hope that
Edward follow in the footsteps of his
father, "the well beloved" King
George, the Post expressed "deep dis-
appointment if instead of this con-
tinuity of example there should de-
velop dispute between the King and
his ministers, such as must almost
inevitably raise a constitutional issue
of the gravest character."
Joining what appeared to be a con-
certed movement toward open crit-
icism of the King's association with
Mrs. Simpson, American-born divor-
cee, the Yorkshire Observer said:
Bishop Right
"The bishop was right in his as-
sertion and the issues now raised ex-
tend far beyond definition of corona-
tion formalities. They directly con-
cern the public and the private lives
of not only the King but of all Brit-
ish subjects, whether or not they may
be communicants in the church."
Said the Nottingham Journal:
"Never since the days of the un-
popularity of the Great Queen (Vic-
toria) herself has anybody spoken so
seriously in public to a British sov-
ereign. Its imperial aspect is a prob-
lem which now outweighs all others."
Mrs. Simpson departed London and
went into seclusion in an undis-
closed retreat, friends said tonight,
because she believed people were mis-
interpreting her actions.

leadership for the majority party
between Representatives John J.
O'Connor of New York and Sam Ray-
burn of 'Texas is very important, Pro-
fessor Darr believes, because it is ex-
pected that after the first session,
Bankhead will ask to be relieved and
it is generally assumed that the Dem-
ocratic floor leader will ascend the
Speaker's chair.
O'Connor is Representative from
the 16th Congressional District of
New York and has been in the House
since 1924, when he was elected to the
68th Congress to fill a vacancy. He
is chairman of the House Rules Com-
mittee, a post which is expected to
play an important part in consider
ing him for the position of floor
Veteran Member
Rayburn has been in the House
since 1913 and is chairman of the
House committee on Interstate and
Foreign Commerce.
The position that Representative
O'Connor holds as chairman of the
Rules Committee is very significant,
Professor Dorr said, because it is im-
portant that the Administration and
the chairman of the Rules Com-
mittee work together.
The Rules Committee can and does,
Professor Dorr explained, issue spe-
cial orders which facilitate the pass-
ing of legislation that might other-
wise be held up because of technical-
ities. Also, the Rules Committee
head can delay legislation, practical-
ly while perhaps not technically, b
the simple process of carrying some
resolution in his pocket and not re-
porting it out of committee.
Opposition Anticipated
Should Rayburn receive the posi-
tion of Democratic floor leader and
subsequently be elected to the Speak-
ership, it is not at all improbable that
opposition from the Rules Committee,
headed by O'Connor, may be forth-
coming toward the legislation of the
. Undoubtedly Professor Dorr feels,
the risk of gaining the opposition of
the head of such a powerful commit-
tee will be considered in the party
caucus when the Democrats gather to
organize for the next session.
On the other hand, Texas' Rayburn
has been in the House almost a dec-
(Continued on Page 2)
Galens Tag Sale
First Returns
Below Last Year'
Returns from the first-day's sale of
tags conducted by Galens, junior and
senior honorary medical fraternity,
were considerably less than that from
the first day last year, according to J.
Robert Willson, '37M, president of
"We sold more tags yesterday than
the first day last year, but we took
in a smaller amount of money," Will-
son said. Only $800 was taken in
yesterday by the members who were
stationed on the campus and in the
downtown section, which was about
$100 less than was received last year
on the first day of the sale.
The fund is used to keep up the
workshop for crippled children on
the ninth floor of the University Hos-
pital, the annual Christmas party,
and a book shelf which was started
last year.
The tag sale will be continued to-
day, with members stationed on the
campus and in the downtown district.
Prof. Raphael Isaacs, of the Med-
ical School will speak on "Origin of
Jewish Laws and Customs" at the
weekly fireside discussion of the Hillel
Foundation from 9 to 10 p.m. to-

Heads Peace Congress

- Associated Press Photo
Saavedra Lamas, president of the
Inter-Am eriua Peace Conference !
at Buenos Aires and recipient of
the 1936 Nobel Peace Prize.

Blum Government
Offers Half-Billion
To Pay War Debt

Midland Steel
Sit-Down Strike
Near Settlement
Conciliator A. A. Faulkner
Confers With Company,
Workers; Is Pleased
DETROIT, Dec. 1.-GP)-Negotia-
tors reported progress tonight toward
settlement. of a "sit-down" -strike.
that has kept 1,900 employes of the
Midland Steel Products Company idle
for five days, and has halted as-
sembly lines in some automobile
After a conference with represen-
tatives of the company and of the
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica, A. L. Faulkner of Cleveland, Fed-
eral Department of Labor Conciliat-
or, said "Things look very hopeful
for a settlement."
His statement came late today af-
ter K. T. Keller, president of Chrys-
ler Corporation, had announced that
"certain departments of the corpor-
ation's plants in Detroit" would sus-
pent assembly operations Wednesday
because of a shortage of automobile
frames supplied by the Midland
Since 1,200 Midland employes
ceased work last Friday and settled
down to occupy the plant pending
agreement on union differences with
the company, pickets have guarded
the stock of completed frames on
hand at the factory, to prevent de-
Mercy Killing
Voted Illegal.
By Parliament
LONDON, Dec. 1.-(')-The House
of Lords tonight voted down proposed
legislation to permit medical men to
kill patients suffering from agoniz-
ing incurable ailments.
Under the weight of distinguished
opposition from such persons as Lord
Dawson of Penn, the King's physi-
cian, and the Archbishop of Canter-
bury, the proposal was rejected by a
vote of 35 to 14.
Despite present defeat, the bill's
spoDsor,Baron Ponsonby, predicted
eventual passage of a revived meas-
ure to permit "euthanasia" (easy
"I am certain," he said, "that the
time will come when parliament wil
have to regulate the matter and I am
certain that a measure of this kind
will be accepted some day."
Lord Dawson said sentiment was
growing that the act of dying should
be made more gentle,' but that doc-
tors alone could determine whether a
patient's desire for death was mere
The Archbishop of Canterbury said
"I cannot but think that it is bette
fn ih -ave, mhi ___1 a.. .._i

Specific Proposals Absent
As Minister Yvon Delbos
Meets William Bullitt
1st Break In Five
Years Is Probable
Senator Warns More War
Loans May Be Purpose
Of European Nations
WASHINGTON, Dec.-()-Dip-
lomatic feelers by the French govern-
ment looking toward a possible set-
tlement of its war debt to the United
States raised hope today that this
long standing source of ill will be-
tween nations might be removed.
A State Department announce-
ment said French Foreign Minister
Yvon Delbos had discussed the $4,-
061,234,000 debt informally with
American Ambassador William C.
Bullitt in Paris, expressing his gov-
ernment's desire to arrange a settle-
ment but presenting no specific pro-
Should this preliminary step result
in successful negotiations, it would'
mark the first break in a five-year
default by 12 nations on more than
$12,000,000,000 in war time obliga-
Cautious Reception
The French move to re-open war
debt negotiations met a sympathetic
but cautious reception among some
at the capitol, but there was outspok-
en opposition by others to cutting the
A warning that European nations
might be seeking a debt settlement to
"open up the possibility of borrowing
more money for future war" was ex-
pressed by Senator O'Mahoney,
(Dem., Wyo.)
America's money marketsnow are-
closed to most European governments
by the Johnson Act, forbidding loans
to any defaulting country.
Several Senators suggested private-
ly that some nations might be glad
to make a smallpayment on old ob-
ligations, thus escaping the Johnson
Act embargo, in hopes of floating
large new loans.
The State Department announced,
meanwhile, the receipt of a com-
munication from the Government of
Finland, the only nation which has
met its war debt payments regular-
ly, notifying the United States of its
intention to pay the $231,315 in-
stallment due Dec. 15.
One-Eighth Of Total
Reports in Paris parliamentary
circles that France intended to offer
$536,000,000 or approximately one-
eighth of its total debt, in full pay-
ment of the obligation, evoked no of-
ficial comment here.
A note of caution against too early
optimism over the outcome of the
French overtures was sounded by R.
Walton Moore, acting Secretary of
State. Emphasizing the tentative na-
ture of the move, he said:
"It cannot be too strongly said that
conversations (between Bullitt and
Delbos) were marked by nothing
whatever in the way of definite pro-
posals or opinions or even of specifi-
He said the initial French ap-
proach embraced only a "casual"
discussion, in which the American
ambassador let it be known that he
was not in a position to discuss the
officially unless his government au-
thorized him to do so.
Student Work
Group Studies
League Labor

General reports on campus work
conditions will be heard tomorrow at
8:30 p.m. when the Student Workers
l Federation meets in Room 316 of the
Unibn. Prof. John F. Shepard of the
I psychology department, will talk on
the value of organization.
The recently organized chapters in
campus eating places will present re-
ports, and working conditions in the
Michigan League will be reviewed.
Tom Downs, '38, president of the
organization, declared last night that
students working for all or part of
r their college expenses were eligible
for memhershinm andmrpinvit +f

Carillon Is Symbolic Of Michigan
Campus Spirit, Tapping Believes

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the firstrof
a series of articles being printed by The
Daily this week in conjunction with
the dedication ofsthe Baird Carillon.
The series will describe features of the
carillon and the Burton Memorial
Tower in which it will be placed.
When the Baird Carillon is dedi-
cated this week, a project which has
been visioned for Michigan by alumni
and university leaders for more than
10 years will at last have been real-
ized, T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association, said
yesterday as he related the general
history and background of the proj-
"The Dirnose and meaning of the

is no single building at Michigan
which can unify the traditions and
devotions of the campus and at the
same time stand as the symbol of
the spirit of Michigan to outsiders."
Eight years ago, Mr. Tapping con-
tinued, plans for this type of build-
ing at Michigan first began to ma-
terialize. During the four years when
Dr. Burton was here, up to 1924, Emi-
liel Saarinen, an architect who was
a member of the faculty at that
time, drew up a design for him of a,
campanile placed much in the same
position as now, being at the end of
a mall running between the then-
proposed Women's League building
and Hill Auditnrinm to the Main TA-

building as the great central organ
of the spirit of Michigan. Conse-
quently, an active general commit-
tee of the alumni who had been in
school during President Burton's ad-
ministration was set up, and a far-
reaching plan for building a cam-
panile and carillon in his memory
All members of the classes from
1921-1924 were asked to contribute
$50, payable in installments, toward
the carillon, while members of the
classes of 1925 to 1928 were to give
$25. The University and the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Ann Ar-
bor were to finance the tower. In
this way enough money was to be

In the role of an emergency ship the

Blakeman Sets Date
For Community Sing
Thz ~ aa nrta nnArnrflm

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