THE MICIII-(;,,.k'N DAILY I UE"SDAY, DEC. 1, 1936 TIlE MiCHIGAN DAILY Youths' Background Of Insecurity And Irony Of Hungry Athletes Are Discussed THEATRE Holiday Playgoing By JAMES DOLL DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tb. University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidewt until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 1936 Member 1937 Associated Co e6ia e Press Distributors of Colekate Diest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of republication of.all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter.. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y National Advertising Service, inc. Colege sPublishers Repres.tative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . OSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .... ........ ...ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDTOR .............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warne'r Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, Williamn E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred 'DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Mara. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER . ........JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERMAN Germany's Latest . . . SO MANY ABROGATIONS of civil liberties have been reported from the totalitarian states that each new one brings but a shrug. We would gladly turn our backs and ignore each added insult to the ideal of liberty if it were not for the fact that the lesson needs to be repeated again and again-this is what happens when we allow even the slightest abrogation of our civil liberties to pass unchal- lenged, when Earl Browder is arrested and sub- nitted to a vegetable barrage in a hick town in Indiana, made the center of a riot .in Tampa by the American Legion, when certain newsmag- azines are forbidden in Washington, D. C., be- cause they mention Russia, when a professor at Yale is held back from promotion and finally dismissed entirely because of his liberal tend- encies. The latest insult to liberty comes from Geri- many. All dramatic, musical, cinema and lit- erary criticisms have been abolished. Not long ago the statue of Mendelssohn was torn down because he does not represent the German ideal. At the latest meeting of the Reich culture cham- ber, Paul Joseph Goebbels, minister of propa- ganda, announced that criticism would be re- placed by "contemplation and description." "Any former critic who feels he is capable of more than mere contemplation or description of another's works will be free to show what he can do himself," Goebbels said. Several weeks ago, a despatch from Russia an- nounced that an operetta was being stopped be- cause of its unsympathetic portrayal of some element in Russia's history. It is the necessary condition in totalitarian states, whether these be transitional or fully developed, that art forms shall serve the higher purpose of educating the masses to the right point of view. The obvious effect upon art has followed-Germany's artists have emigrated or perished. It must be stated that the work coming out of Russia has shown an increasingly high artistic purpose, although only in proportion to the relaxation of the control over art mediums by the government. We can be ashamed of many abrogations of civil liberties in this country, but we can con- gratulate ourselves upon this one fact-that much of the work turned out by artists in the WPA was critical of the government, some of it of the type called "subversive,", and yet (to our best knowledge) there has been little or no in- terference with the artists. While Rivera's mur- als were ripped from the walls in Nev York, these artists, though supported by the government, are painting the scenes, some very bitter, which one would expect of the victims of a maladjusted economic order. The result has been a vigorous encouragement of indigenous art, and the crea- Knowing No Peace To the Editor: A week or so ago one of my professors used in class the phrase "a scrap of paper." He used it over and over again, for he was driving home a technical point of law, that "consideration" for a contract need have no intrinsic value. A scrap of paper was the example of worthlessness he chose. Strangely enough, it upset me. I wanted to call out, "It's too near Armistice Day! Don't you remember ? Don't you remember? Twenty years ago there were "scraps of paper" blowing all over Europe. That's what they called the peace treaties then, and they were worthless too. Why don't you remember?" It felt as if he were hurting me physically. Afterward I began to wonder why my emo- tional reaction had been so intense, and why the phrase had, apparently, wakened no grave echoes in him. And I decided it was a matter of backgrounds. Twenty years ago I was not in a position to know very much about what was happening in fact. But children are very sensitive to emotions, and the tremendous vibra- tions of the war must have gotten through to me in some form. The violent passions of four long years of war and hate, and the equally violent passions of the "peace" settlement, must have colored the early lives of every one of us at the University now. We felt them, and they went into the making of our first attitudes to- ward life. The psychologists say that the first altitudes are likely to stay with you all the way. However that may be. whatever we learned in that first impact has had full confirmation since. There has been no peace in the world during our lives. We have no real idea of what peace is, or th efeeling of peace. The Treaty of Versailles and its collaterals, it is only too clear now, were treaties not for peace but for cessation of hos- tilities while the belligerents caught their breath. And fighting has continued anyway, outside of Europe. We who were born during and just after the war received the full emotional shock of it without being able to understand or reason about it. We have never been secure in our world. Our only background is the insecurity of war. My professor was able to use his mind when the war came on, and understand things against a background of security. When Vesuvius erupt- ed on Pompeii, the people who escaped had lost everything they knew in a terrible way; but they knew, too, that such things were not the order of natu'e. They had behind them long years of quiet and the sun. We are like people who have lived on the thin crust in the crater itself. The fires underneath keep breaking through-and we have never known green fields. Because we have never known what the se- curity of peace can be, we value it the more. We can work for it wholeheartedly because we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. There should be no more "scraps of paper" in the world. If we are desperate enough, perhaps we can con- summate the miracle. This is sent as a comment on Saturday's edi- torial. -Law Student, '39. Why The Subterfuge? To the Editor: For the past three years such statements as "jobs are scarce for Michigan athletes" or "Mich- igan athletes are not getting enough to eat" or "Michigan does not subsidize her athletes" have been appearing in The Daily. During this time large numbers of students have risen up and denied or supported such statements. For my- self-I have said nothing, inasmuch as letters never seem to do much good-except that they act as a valve to open every once in a while to let off steam. If this University prides itself for non-subsi- dization of athletes, then why all the fuss over jobs, food or what have you? Doesn't there seem to be a most violent discord somewhere? It seems to me that those who come to the Univer- sity should come only if they are financially able to, or if they have a sure job for the year, or if they are lucky enough to win a scholarship. This would eliminate all worries on the part of the athlete or the Athletic Association But all this talk about athletes not getting enough to eat is strikingly ironical. Surely, those who criticize the Athletic Association are cognizant of the fact that there are a large num- ber of ordinary students who do not know where their next meal is coming from. These students deserve some consideration. Are we to stand by while one group eats heartily and the other goes hungry? How is this to be solved? Some of the other large Universities have training tables for the athletes. I see no reason why this University could not have them. Why wouldn't it be feasible to have the students pre- pare the food under supervision as is done in one of the student cooperative cafeterias? Certainly it would be better than having young people go hungry. But why all the subterfuge anyway? Why not be outspoken about such things.? This University through the Athletic Association does try to get its athletes jobs in the Union, the League, or in fraternities and possibly sororities. There is nothing wrong with this and yet it is all done under cover. Why, I ask, why? There is really nothing wrong with such a job. There still remains that large group of stu- dents who have come here for an education. As I said, some of them are going hungry. Is this University content in sitting back and doing nothing for them? True enough, a good athlete brings in an income to the University and should be rewarded. The problem which confronts us however is a major one, one which is open for suggestions- my suggestion is a large cooperative cafeteria. How about it fellow students-ideas and methods are needed. Let's hear from some of you who are not eating regularly. Certairily you have some ideas. -J.H.P., '37E. BENEATH **** ++IT I ALL ed By Bonth Williams PORTLY PAT CONGER will play Santa Claus at the Soph Cabaret because as the girls put it, he is so well equipped for the part . . . the odor of questionable fertilizer on the lawn near the Phys. Ed. school has now permeated the class rooms and is serving as excellet anti-war propa- ganda . . . Johnny Gee maintains that his nick- name is Fred and that he stands only 6 feet, 6 inches, which according to reliable sources, is a modest understatement of at least 2 inches the Michigan Beta's have entered a complaint concerning the story of the crap game in which they were alleged to have won $52 in Columbus; they maintain that they shellacked their Ohio hosts for $77 and the best dates on the campus as well .. . The Daily is in receipt of a letter asking whe- ther "the University has an historic drinking stein." Nonplussed, the powers were considering asking Dean Bursley . . . Mrs. Esther Cram, thor- oughly likable and charming regent, could not prevent her husband from smoking at the Pan- hellenic Ball, but protested when with no ash tray in sight, the harassed Mr. Cram looked longingly at the Oriental rug under foot. "Oh I can't, can't I," he laughed as he fiendishly flicked the ash of a half-smoked camel underfoot and related how he had lost a 25-cent bet to an Ohio State professor on the Wolverine-Buckeye game ... CONGRATULATIONS to Fred Colombo on be- coming the latest of a iine of varsity foot- ball managers who have done their utmost to perpetuate, harmony and spirit on Michigan teams. Behind the brief announcement of Co- lombo's appointment is a story-a story almost unique for its revelation of character. When Freddie was still playing basketball for U. of D high his brother Louis was named man- ager of the Michigan football team. The fol- lowing fall Fred entered school. The thing he wanted to do more than anything else was to be football manager, but because his family was a close friend of Kip's, and because Lou had held the job, Freddie thought it wouldn't be fair for him to go out. Lou had a long talk with him, and finally convinced Fred that instead of facing a tough situation he was running away from it. So Fred went out for the managership with just one thought in mind-that was to do his job better than anyone else and thus to establish his right to the job beyond the shadow of a doubt. Under Red Duffey as a freshman, under Dan Hulgrave as a sophomore, and this year under Bill Bates, Fred worked his head off. He did everything he was supposed to do, he did more, F YOU are going to be in New York- for the Christmas vacation or for (continued from Page 2) any part of it, it is not too early to begin to decide what shows you want days 2 to 5 until Dec. 15. Alumni to see and to get tickets for some of Memorial Hall West Gallery. them. The theatres are more crowd-I ed during those two weeks than Events Of Today during any other time of the year. So i if you wait until the last minute to University Broadcasting: 2 p.m. get tickets, you will either be disap- The University Museum: A Research pointed or will have to pay a high Laboratory, Carl E. Guthe. price. Or you may end by going to some of the poorest shows which Junior Research Club: The Decem- would be worse than the alternatives just mentioned. If you can make plans now for evenings you know you can give up to the theatre, the matter of getting tickets is very simple. Just order the seats now directly from the box office of the theatre, enclosing a money- order or check and a stamped en- velope. Not only will you be able to get the cheaper seats but you will get better locations in whatever sec- tion you order. More than that you will be saved the trouble of going from one box office to another be- cause, as you probably know, there is no central place where you can buy seats at established prices, except for seats "on the cut rate." Certain shows not doing so well, usually about a half dozen or so-many that you wouldn't want to see at any price but some good plays-dispose of tickets through the Lebang Ticket Agency. Their cut-rate division is in the basement of Grey's Drug Store on the corner of 43rd Street and Broadway. Be sure to go to the counter in the basement because the counters on the street floor only have choice seats for all shows in excess of box-office prices. Later a list of shows on the cut rate will be listed here. Below is a list of the shows now on Broadway. Those starred arealready announced to close before vacation begins. However, there is a chance that some of them may extend their runs. More detailed descriptions and summaries of the consensus of opin- ion about them will be printed here later from time to time and an- nouncements of special Christmas week matinees-not yet been decided upon in many cases. PLAYS Black Limelight, an English mys- tery thriller with Winifred Leninhan and Alexander Kirkland. Boy Meets Girl, the comedy about Hollywood that's been running a full year. Dead End, Sidney -Kingsley's im- pressive play about a group of kids on the lower East Side. Just began its seconds year. ;Hamlet with John Gielgud, Ju- dith Anderson, Lillian Gish. Best per- formance since John Barrymore's Broadway' at 40th St. Announced to go on tour Dec. 12. *Hamlet with Leslie Howard. His performance got bad notices from everyone. "Limited engagements." *Hedda Gabler with as fine per- formance by Nazimova as she gave last season in Ghosts. Announced to close Dec. 12. Idiot's Delight, Robert Sherwood's fine, interesting, often amusing anti- war play. With Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine. Johnny Johnson, by Paul Green, music by Kurt Weill. Just opened. Apparently one of the most interest- ing shows now playing. Matrimony Pfd, French farce ex- pertly acted by Grace George and A. E. Mathews. Pre-Honeymoon, by Anne Nichols who wrote Abie's Irish Rose. Never mind about it. Reflected Glory, George -Kelley's play with Tallulah Bankhead, giving a performance that makes up for a mediocre script.' Stage Door by George Kaufman and Edna Ferber. With Margaret Sulavan. One of the hits. Swing Your Lady, by the authors of Sailor, Beware. Three Men On A Horse. Almost two years on Broadway. A very funny farce. Tobacco Road, with James Bar- ton. Celebrates its third anniversary this week. Tonight at Eight Thirty. Three separate bill of three one-act plays by and with Noel Coward. Tovarich. One of the new hits. About Russian nobility in paris. Two Hundred Were Chosen: Ex- cellent production of a play by E. P. Conkle, the Iowa playwrigh-t. Victoria Regina: Helen Hayes in 10 scenes of the play by Laurence ber meeting of the Club will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m., Room 2083, Nat. Sci. Bldg. Program: Malacological investiga- tions of the Carnegie-University of Michigan expedition to Guatemala, by Henry van der Schalie (Museum). Motion picture of solar promin- ences, by R. C. Williams (Astron- omy). Physics Colloquium: Prof. E. F. Barker will speak on "Vibrations in the Ammonia Molecule" in Room 1041 at 4:15 p.m. in the East Physics Building. - Graduate Luncheon for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers: The regular Graduate luncheon for stu- dents in chemical and metallurgical engineering will be held to- ,day at 12:15 p.m. in Room 3201 East Engineering Bldg. John Tracy, professor of law, will address the group on "The Famous Case of Ar- nold the Miller." The Sociedad Hispanica will meet tonight in the Garden Room of the Michigan Women's League. Assist- ant Professor Albaladejo will address the group. A permanent list of mem- bers will be taken; therefore all members are requested to attend. their hospital dolls, which will be judged at this meeting, tith prizes being given for the three outstand- ing dolls. The Michigan Dames will hold their regular meeting this evening at 8:15 p.m. The music group is in charge of the program. All dames who dressed dolls will please bring them to this meeting. If anyone is unable to bring her doll, please call Mrs. N. G. McFayden. Faculty Women's Club: The Tues- day Afternoon Play-Reading Section will meet this afternoon at 2:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. Sphinx: There will be an import- ant meeting at 9:30 p.m. today in the Union. Everyone please be pres- ent. Hillel Players: The meeting for today has been unavoidably post- poned until after the Christmas va- cation. Coming Events Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League. Dr. James K. Pollock, professor of politteal science, will speak informally on How the World Votes." Mechanical Engineers: There will be a regular meeting of the Student branch of the A.S.M.E., Wednesday evening, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr J. E. McBride, vice-president of the Palmer-Bee Co. of Detroit will speak on "Conveyors and Material Handling Equipment." Important details of the Faculty I: I Adelphi House of Representatives i nnnneC n vrvimnrta~nt .mp.t- announces a very ostpwil b dicused ing this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi Room. All members should The Public Health -Club: There be present. will be a meeting Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Rapids The International Relations Club Room of the League. Dr. Nungester meeting scheduled for today is post- will speak on "Pneumonia" followed poned to a date which Will be an- by an important business meeting. nounced later. All Public Health students are urged attend. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular mneeti m is to be held tonight at the Michigan Ccmltry Colloquium will meet TT.-.-. r.')f ~,.~ ~-Wednesday. Dec. 2, it 4 p.m. in Room MUSIC Union, 7:3 .m6 . m .mr . . u .L uc ir., District Plant Superintendent of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company, will speak on "The Problems of Tele- phone Communications." Uniforms required. Women's Swimming Club: There will be a meeting of the club at the Union pool tonight at 8:30 p.m. This is the last meeting before the Tele- graphic Meet with Ohio State on Dec. 3, so all members are urged to attend. Attention House Athletic Manag- ers: The,~ final tryoutsnfor the six teams who will swim in the Medley Relay and represent the dormitories, zones and sororities will be held at the Union pool tonight from 8:30 to 8:45 p.m. Managers, get your teams out, and help the women in their drive for a swimming pool. Recreation Evening, Graduate Stu- dents: An evening of American square dancing will be held at Bar- bour Gymnasium this evening, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All men and women graduate stu- dents, members of the faculty and their wives are cordially invited to attend. Deutscher Verein: Meeting this evening at 8 p.m. in the Michi- gan League. An illustrated talk on, "The Medieval City of Rothenburg O. T." will be given. Everybody in- terested is invited to attend. Gargoyle: There will be a meeting of the entire Gargoyle staff, business and editorial, today, at 4 p.m. in the Gargoyle office. Christian Science Organization meets tonight at the chapel of the Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu- dents and faculty members are in- vited to attend. League Social Committee: There' will be a meeting today at 4:15 p.m. at the League. Heifetz Concert: Review By ELIZABETH LESLIE HEIFETZ has been called the greatest violinist since Paganini. The picture which has come down to us of the fiery, insane Paganini, the man who hypnotized his audience with almost magic virtuosity seems to have faded. For Hei- fetz has gone beyond obvious showmanship. There is apparently no feat of violinistic tech- nique which Heifetz has nlot mastered completely. At no time during last night's concert did the audience feel that Heifetz was exerting any effort in his playing. The Mozart Allegro gave the artist ample op- portunity to display one of his most delightful effects, the echoing pianissimo repetition of a previously stated theme. Heifetz's Mozart is al- ways crisp. His particular style of bowing with its high-wrist staccato is peculiarly adapted to the simple unaffected classicism which we know as Mozart. The reading of the Beethoven Sonata was meticuluous without being mechanical. In fol- lowing the score, it was interesting to observe that at no time during the entire sonata was a single indication of shading neglected. That, after all, would seem to be the real Beethoven. Infrequently do we hear as accurace tempi as Heifetz followed in the Bach Sanota for violin :olo. The "Siciliano" was perhaps the most gratifying of the movements from the point of view of the audience It was expressive in the fluent movement of its folk song melody Of the shorter compositions, L'Apres Midi D'un Faune was the most interesting of many of the audience. The violin seemed to take on the qual- ity of the wood-wind which one expects to hear in the opening theme; or perhaps it was only as- sociation with the original orchestral arrange- ment. 303 Chemistry Bldg. Doctor Oliver L. I. Brown will speak on "Entropy of Aqueous Ions." School of Dentitry, Student As- scmbl-: The first General Student Assembly of the School of Dentistry will be held in the Upper Amphi- theatre of the Dental Building at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2. At that time Prof. Preston Sloson of the history department will speak on "The Significance of the Recent Election." All dental students and dental hygienists are required to at- tend. First Lecture of the Cercle Fran- cais will take place tomorrow at 4:15 p.m., in Room 103, Ro- mance Language Bldg. Prof. Charles A. Knudson, of the French Depart- ment, will speak on: "Une reception a l'Academie Francaise en 1936." Tickets for the series of lectures may be obtained from the secretary of the Romance Language Department or at the door at the time of the lec- ture. Alpha Kappa Delta: Meeting Wed- nesday evening, 8 p.m., at the home of Prof. Wood, 3 Harvard Place. Stu- dent presentation of papers on "Leadership and Contemporary So- cial Movements." Election of new members. Limited transportation from Haven Hall, 7:30 p.m. Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 N. S. Bldg. Dr. Elzada Clover will speak on Cacti, especially in regard to the evolution of the Cactaceae. Athena: All members please try to be present Wednesday evening at 7:45 p.m. in the Alpha Nu room for the Alpha Nu-Athena Mock debate. Women's Debate Tryouts: The first meeting of tryouts for the Women's Debating team will be held on Thurs- day, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. in Room 4203 Angell Hall. Fencing Club: Women with one semester's fencing experience are in- vited to join the Michigan Women's Fencing Club which will meet for the first time on Wednesday, 4 p.m., in the Barbour Gym. For informa- tion concerning the club please call Grace Gray, 6923. New York State Students: The Em- pire State Club will meet Wednesday night, 7:30 p.m., at the League. There will be an important discussion con- cerning reduced railroad fares for the Christmas holiday. It is imperative that everyone desiring to take ad- vantage of these rates be present at this meeting. .I Housman. Opened last season but still selling out. Two important openings this week are William Wycherly's The Country Wife with Ruth Gordon and Prelude to Exile, the Theatre Guild's produc- tion of a play about Richard Wagner with Wilfred Lawson and Eva Le Gallienne. The Michigan Dames will hold a general meeting this evening at 8:15 p.m. at the Michigan League. IMr. Wilmot F. Pratt, carillonneur, will speak on "The Great Carillons." Wives of all students and internes are cordially invited to attend this meeting, and each Dame may bring a guest. The members of the Home Making Group are asked to bring Theatre, 54th St., a Yiddish produc- tion at Daly's_ and one at the Ma- MUSICALS tIr a 0 tY A,"auto! VIM atut vfa ,SC Sjestic Theatre in Brooklyn. 25 to 55 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, the cents. There will be other plays but Gilbert and Sullivan company from it is uncertain what they will be. London has extended its engagement On Your Toes a satire on the Rus- through the holidays. They always Sian ballet with Ray Bolger and sell out. Saturday, Dec. 19, matinee Luella Gear.