. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDNOV 2 U E MICHIGAN DAILY Col. Miller And Economics 51 Are Discussed By Student Readers I A Member 1937 Associded Colle6ite Press Distributors of Co~e6ioe Dieiest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........... FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR........EMARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER................ JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.a Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER Training Methods... Concepts Of Democracy To the Editor: At a time when the idea of democracy is being criticized so mercilessly from all sides, it is imperative that its adherents be on the alert to meet all attacks, especially those which comej disguised under the authority of respectability( and position. Just such an attack was made by Colonel Henry W. Miller of the College of Engineering recently. The idea of democracy is complex and is capable of varied interpretation, but acceptance of it implies belief in at least five concepts. These are: 1. Belief in the right of all mem- bers of society to security, work and happiness, 2. Belief in equality of economic, cultural and social opportunity for all members of society; 3. Belief in equal interest, responsible participa- tion and control by all members of society in the process of government; 4. Belief in the use and efficacy of reason and science in coping with the problems facing society; 5. Belief in the idea of the brotherhood of nations and per- manent world-wide peace. Against these concepts, Colonel Miller pro- poses the following arguments: 1. Society has no responsibility for the security and happiness of its members; 2. The mass of people is con- tinually degenerating, with the result that "the race of man" is deteriorating; 3. To stave off the ultimate degeneracy of the race, the unfit should be prevented from reproducing their kind; 4. Only the talented and gifted few should be encouraged and consciously bred. By ex- tension, Colonel Miller's arguments would in- clude: 5. Government should be in the hands of the few, not the many, either in the form of an aristocracy of talent or personified in the con- cept of leader; 6. Certain races are purer and- more desirable than others; 7. War is an effec- tive way of weeding out the unfit; 8. The present system, i.e., capitalism, can operate at its max- imum efficiency only when it is absolutely free from interference. The focal point of Colonel Miller's thesis is the last. By vulgarizing Darwinism to mean that a continuous process of extermination is a natural law, he applies it to the field of human relations and in effect calls for a return to the halcyon days of mid-nineteenth century capitalism in England or to the Harding- Coolidge era in our country. He assumes that only the fit survive, whereas it is rather a small class which is able to perpetuate itself because of its control over the means of pro- duction and government. The consequence 'is that the majority of the people share in the benefits of science and industry only in so far as their participation continues to increase profits and does not menace, control. Hence the myth of the American standard of living and the Ford car, the demagoguery of adver- tising and the movies, the hypocritical ideal of equal freedom of employer and employee, on the one hand, and the use of machine guns, Black Legions, and troops on the other. Colonel Miller's opinions are by no means new. His racial theories may be found in Gobineau, Chamberlain, Lapogue, and Ammon; his theories of government in Nietzsche and Carlyle; his defense of war in Novicow and Vac- caro; his theory of relief in the platform of the Republican Party; and his economics in dozens of nineteenth century orthodox economists. Un- der ordinary circumstances, his opinions would have merely an antiquarian interest as sur- vivals of notions long since discarded. But if we check them against the ideology of fascism, we shall be amazed to find similarities-whether consciously or unconsciously held does not mat- ter - which are serious enough to question the advisability of permitting a man with such views to remain an officer in the United States Army. The doctrines of fascism have never been systematically stated but from the speeches, writings and practices of fascist leaders, the following articles of belief emerge: 1. Belief in the infallibility of the leader; 2. Belief that the people must be led at all times and can be propagandized at will; 3. Belief in the superior- ity of certain races and the use of breeding and sterility to achieve purity; 4. Belief in the use of ruthlessness and force as justifiable means regardless of consequences; 5. Belief in the necessity and nobility of war; 6. Belief that democracy and liberalism have failed; 7. Belief in the necessity of only one party reflecting the will of the chosen few; 8. Belief that the state replaces the individual; 9. Belief in mysticism and "blood-thinking" as opposed to reason and science, especially in social problems; 10. Belief in the continuance of capitalism as essentially a competitive system. If we check Colonel Miller's ideas and their implications as enumerated above against these ten points, there can be no doubt that in the ideological sphere at least he is opposed to the idea of democracy and is sympathetic to fascism. As a citizen in a democracy, it is his privilege to entertain such ideas, though they go directly opposite the trends so overwhelm- ingly approved by the majority in the last elec- tion, but as an officer sworn to defend democ- racy, the advocacy of such ideas constitutes intellectual violation of allegiance to the prin- ciples he is supposed to defend. In a stimulating essay exposing the ideological pretensions of ruling classes, Leonard Woolf says: "In every community, even the most civilized, there are a large number of persons whose psychology has remained mainly animal or savage. Civilization at the best is irksome to them; their instincts are thwarted by it; reason makes them uneasy and they dislike in- telligence; humanism and humanitarianism are either ridiculous or disgusting to them; and all the "refinements" of civilized life, including the professors, captains of industry and eminent bankers . . . All those who hate civilization fight against its dissemination, and the civlized minority, who do not hate civilization but refuse to give up their privilege of being civilized take the barbarians as their allies against the invad- ers. They choose to open the gates to barbarism rather than to the majority. They prefer to betray civilization rather than share its fruits." Here are the real enemies of democracy. -W. H. Something 'Rotten In Denmark' To the Editor: Who am I to talk? Just one of the insignificant members of a dissatisfied group of 500 students trying to wade through Economics 51 and 52 under the present method of examination. Fellow students why do we stand for such treatment? This being our university we ought to have something to say about the situation. What are we going to do about it? Are we going to let the department head make "simps" out of us by putting up with such "unreliable" exams as those we undertook to interpret and write on intelligently a short time ago? When the aver- age of a large group is "47," it clearly indicates that something is "rotten in Denmark." Surely, the majority, of an aggregation of college men and women should know more than half what is expected. At least, if we don't, it certainly is a poor reflection on our competent instructors! Our economics department has a fine reputation, and her faculty is splendid; nevertheless, the "blue-book" questions must not be wholly fair, or why were the marks so low? When economic professors appear before classes sympathizing with students, and con- fessing that they do not agree with the methods now used for testing students' knowledge of eco- nomic principles, it reaffirms in my mind the fact that such forms of questions as those re- cently given are incapable and inefficient rep- resentations of what most of us know. An pour is a short enough time for some exams, but when one has to spend five minutes interpreting each question, because of the vagueness and obscurity of the point sought, and then finally answers with a hazy "groping in the dark" attitude, as to the real question asked, there is little justice, and little to judge about one's knowledge of that subject. Students, who do "top-notch" or even good work in class on quizzes, in recitations, and in discussions, and come out of an exam befuddled, not knowing what it was all about, seem to indi- cate that there is some need for more concise, clear-cut questions. This plan of having papers read by unknown readers, who, not knowing the pupils, do not al- ways understand their opinions nor interpret them correctly, is successful in eliminating, prej - udices, but it increases tlereader's task in trying to understand the students' explanations. Such unfamiliarity make this process trying on both reader and writer. Therefore, are we going to lie down and be trampled on, or are we going to protest such treatment, and demand fair play in return for our valuable time and money? Let's do some- thing: show some individual or mass action. I want a fair chance. How do you feel? -A.M. MUSIC Jascha Heifetz CHORAL ANION CONCERT JASCIIA HEIFETZ, Violinist (Monday, Nov. 30, 8:15 p.m.) By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER ALLEGRO (from Divertimento in D Major)-Mozart (1756-1791). The symphony, which for almost a cen- tury and a half has been regarded as the highest and most comprehen- sive form of orchestral music, has not always been so considered. When Mozart began to compose, during the third quarter of the eighteenth cen- ury, the symphonic form had not yet reached its full development and was only one of a number of more-or-less divergent structural types which were at the disposal of the orchestral com- poser. Chief among these were the serenata and the divertimento, which differed from the symphony princi- pally in that they contained less homogenity of style and character between their various parts. The divertimenta consisted of from four to seven, or even more, separate) movements which were simply ar- ranged in some convenient fashion and considered as one piece. Fre- quently each cf these various move- ments was written for a new and en- tirely different instrumental com- bination. Mozart wrote some twenty-two works in the divertimento form, five of which are in the key of D major; and of those five, three have move- ments marked "allegro." Therefore, as to precisely which of these three allegro movements it is that Mr. Hei- fetz has transcribed for violin and piano we are not certain, since he makes no further indication in his program than is given above. Sonata No. 7 in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2-Beethoven (1770-1827). Next to the "Kreutzer," this Sonata in C minor is probably the best known of Beethoven's ten sonatas for violin and piano. It is the second of a group of three which were composed early in 1802 and published the fol- lowing year, with Czar Alexander I of Russia as the honoree of the dedica- tion. With this trio of sonatas the first of Beethoven's three "periods" of composition may be said to come to a close, since it was in the piano sonatas of the following opus that he began to "strike out on new paths" leading to the revelation of the true and individual Beethoven. The first movement of the C minor Sonata is an Allegro con Brio which foreshadows the corresponding move- ment of the Fifth Symphony by its dramatic power as well as by its key and tempo indication. The slow movement is one of those lovely, spun- out Adagios which were Beethoven's own peculiar and inimitableecreation, as were also the Scherzi, of which the third movement is an excellent ex- ample. The Sonata concludes with a brisk Allegro in rondo form. Sonata in G minor (for violin alone)-J. S. Bach (1685-1750). The form of the sonata. like that of the symphony, was evolved slowly and out of a variety of heterogeneous structural types. Like the symphony, too, the sonata ad its origin in the fast-slow-fast pan of the early Ital- ian overture. And, just as the sym- phony later superceded the serenata and divertimento as the chief form for orchestral expression, the sonata, in the latter seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, came to out- rank the suite and partita as a means of expression for solo instrument or instruments. That Sebastian Bach had any pred- ecessors in the writing of solos for unaccompanied stringed instruments is rather doubtful. The Italians who preceded him as innovators in form were interested almost wholly in a cantabile, one-part style of playing in which the lack of other supporting accompaniment would have been ir- reparable. Bach wrote six pieces for violin alone, three sonatas and three suites. The present work in G minor is the first of the three sonatas, which display the form in its strictest and purest development. Needless to say. the part makes heavy demands upon the skill of the executant. Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faune"-Debussyh(1362-1918). Like Wagner's Faust Overture, which was originally meant to comprise the opening movement of a "'Faust Sym- phon " Debussy's Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faune" was originally intended as the first movement of a suite based on Shephane Mallarme's eclogue of that title. The remaining movements never passed beyond the fragmentary stage, however, and on December 22, 1894, the Prelude was performed alone, at a concert of the Societe Nationale in Paris. The nature. and content of Mal- iarme's poem are too well known to warrant its discussion here. Debus- sy's sympathetic tonal translation of it has long been considered a master- piece of impressionistic orchestral writing, and it remains to be seen as to how much of the original's fra- gile atmosphere of delicate and elu- sive imagery Mr. Heifetz has been able to carry over into his transcrip- tion for violin and piano. El Puerto - Albeniz (1860-1909). For his third transcription the artist has drawn upon a set of descriptive piano pieces by one of the earlier composers of modern Spain. Isaac Albeniz is remembered particularly for the success with which he cap- tured and reproduced the peculiar harmonies and distinctive rhythms of the popular music of his country. (Continued on Page 3) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presdae* until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 6:30 p.m., Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education for the University, will speak to the Guild on "Values and Disvalues of Religion." Opportunity for discus- sion will be given following the ad- dress. First Presbyterian Church: (Tem- porary Location Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave.) W. P. Lemon, D.D., minister. Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, assistant. 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Dr. William P. Lemon will preach on "The Purpose of God." The first of n" drirnf nvoc CfIOT fob i ; . ' an .Advent series. LStuden t Coir. 5:30 p.m., supper and Fellowship Junior Research Club: The Decem- Hour of the Westminster Guild stu- ber meeting of the Club will be held dent group. on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m. in 6:30 p.m., Guild meeting. A dis- Room 2083 Nat. Sci. Bldg. cussion "Is God Knowable?" Program: Malacological investiga- tions of the Carnegie-University of First Congregational Church: Michigan expedition to Guatemala, Allison Ray Heaps, minister, by Henry van der Schalie (Museum). 10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser- Motion picture of solar promin- mon by the minister, a message on ences, by R. C. Williams (Astron- the Beatitudes. Prof. Preston Slos- omy). son will give the last of his series of lay-sermons on False Gods, his sub- ject being "The World as God or Worshipping the Passing Moment." 6 p.m. Student Fellowship will present a very unusual and interest- ing program this week. The meeting will be in charge of Mr. Floyd Starr of the Starr Commonwealth for boys. Harris Hall: The regular student meeting will be held in. Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Dr. O. R. Yoder, assistant superintendent at the Ypsilanti State Hospital will be the speaker. All Episcopal stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited. St. Andrew', Episcopal Church: Services of worship: 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11 a.m., Morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Special parish service. Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m., Student class, theme for discussion "Qualifying for Leader- ship." 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Prof. O. S. Duffendack will speak on "A Physicist Looks at Religion." Fel- lowship Hour and supper following the meeting. Graduate Luncheon for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers: The regular Graduate luncheon for stu- dents in chemical and metallurgical engineering will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 12:15 p.m. in Room 3201 East Engineering Bldg. John Tracy, professor of law, will address the group on "The Famous Case of Ar- nold the Miller." Mechanical Engineers: There will be a regular meeting of the Student branch of the A.S.M.E., Wednesday evening, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr J. E. McBride, vice-president of the Palmer-Bee Co. of Detroit will speak on "Conveyors and Material Handling Equipment." Important details of the Faculty Roast will be discussed. First Lecture of the Cerele Fran- cais will take place Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 103, Ro- mance Language Bldg. Prof. Charles A. Knudson, of the French Depart- ment, wil lspeak on: "The reception a l'Academie Francaise en 1936." Tickets for the series of lectures may be obtained from the secretary of the Romance Language Department or at the door at the time of the lec- ture. First Methodist Church: Deutscher Verein: Meeting Tues- Firt etodit2huch day evening at 8 p.m. in the Michi- Nov. 29:- gan eagu. Anillustrated talk on Morning worship service at 10:45 ganThLeague.dievaln City of Rothenburg a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach " wil iy Everodyen- O. T." will be given. Everybody in- on "It Is Happening Now." 8 p.m. terested is invited, to attend. dramatization "Death Takes the Rt nim Wh nl d nn~,Hby thn devotion and discussion will be held at the Guild house. David B. Brown, graduate student and resident as- sistant, will speak on "The Christian Student's Responsibility in Peace." Following the address and discus- sion, a social hour is observed, with the serving of refreshments. Coming Events Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League. Dr. James K. Pollock, professor of political science, will speak informally on "How the World Votes." T WOULD NOT SEEM LIKELY I that an industrial plant would conduct a training program based upon educa- tional methods more advanced than those em- ployed in "advanced educational institutions" themselves. The "unlikely" was observed by the writer a few days ago in Detroit, and a de- scription of it may suggest valuable applications in the curricula of this University. The Detroit Edison Company operates a train- ing system for foremen. One of the most im- portant' responsibilities of foremen is that of training new men on the job. The following il- lustrates a method by which this company "trains foremen to train": The instructor brings into the meeting con- ductors used in the overhead lines department. He asks a foreman who is not connected with this department to step forward, and proceeds to "train" this man how to use and identify the various parts of the conductors. He deliberately makes a mess of the job, and ends with the question: "Well, Jake, you're all fixed up now, eh? You understand how to work this, don't you?" Then the instructor opens the meeting to dis- cussion, and is immediately swamped with com- ments and criticism from the foremen, who have been observing various "weak spots" in the train- ing process. One of the' foremen, for instance, will ask: "How do you know that the man understands? Under any circumstances, wouldn't he say that he did, in order to impress the foreman?" Shortly thereafter, the instructor will say: "Well boys, let's get all this down in writing, where we can see it. Your suggestion should make excellent rules for all of us to follow ini training men." And he writes on the black- board the dictations of the group. At future meetings each foreman will have an opportunity to demonstrate his method of training, subject to the criticism and advice of the group. And so do the foremen learn the best methods of training. They have not been told how to train, by a lecturer. They have not been called upon to reiterate the rules laid down in a manual or a textbook. They have as a group and as indi- viduals, created, for themselves, sound methods of training. They have not received, they have achieved. The leader of this training progran believes, as a general rule, that it is as important "how" You learn a thing as "what" you learn. He would like to emphasize more than at present the "process of learning" which, undergone by the men, will enable them to approach intel- ligently not only the problem immediately con- cerned, but any problem. He has what is over- commonly described as a "fine scorn" for the lecture system of educaticn-although recogniz- RADIO By TUURE TENANDER THE PROGRAM of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra a b 3 p.m. today will feature as guest star the French pianist Robert Casadesus. Mr. Casadesus will play Concertstueck, Weber, and Symphonic Variations, Franck. The orches- tra, under the direction of John Barbirolli, will play Mozart's Symphony in B flat, No. 33 and Tschaikowsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor. This program can be caught over CBS. * * * * Isham Jones, for many years a first rank per- former on the air, has quite definitely quit the band business. Jones has consistently had one of the best orchestras in the field, although he . has been greatly under-rated by the average lis- tener. It would not be such a great surprise if Isham should come back at some future date, for this is not the first time that he has retired. Woody Herman, vocalist and tenor man with Jones has organized a band that includes many of the former Jones men in it and this new ag- gregation opened at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City a little over a week ago. Saxie Mansfield, tenor man, who is one of the greatest musicians to play under the Jones banner, is with Herman's outfit. Woody is reported to have said that the goal of the band was to play good swing and still be able to play a melody in the Jones manner. We can only agree with Down Beat's statement that this is a worthy ambition for any band. * * * * VERDI'S "REQUIEM" will be broadcast from Italy at 3 p.m. Wednesday over Columbia. The broadcast is an airing of the opening of the opera season at the famous La Scala Opera House in Milan. The EIAR chorus will be heard on the program, as will the Turin Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Antonio Guar- nieri. *'I* * * Tommy Dorsey has established headquarters in the fashionable Astor Hotel in New York City and is expected to be sustaining any day now. Horace Heidt has stepped into the shoes of Russ Morgan at the Biltmore in the same town. It seems to us that the patrons of the Biltmore do oeer ng w eel, sponsorea Dy e Anti-Saloon League. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Liberty at Third St. Carl A. Brauer, minister. The sermon at the 10:45 a.m. serv- ice will deal with ",The Coming of the King." Every Sunday evening until Christ- mas special Advent services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Messianic prophe- cies will be considered by the pastor in a series of sermonettes, and Christ- mas carols will be sung by the con- gregation. The Student-Walther League will meet at the usual time, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., for supper and fellowship. Ann Arbor Friends: The Ann Ar- bor Friends' Group will meet to- day at 5 p.m. in the Michi- gan League. Meeting for worship will be followed by Carol singing, I and supper, in the Russian Tea room at 7 p.m. Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. The Lutheran Student Club will meet this evening and will have as their speaker, Prof. Ar- thur D. Moore of the Engineering School. Professor Moore will speak on "Vocational Guidance." 5:30 p.m., Fellowship hour. 6 p.m., Supper hour. 6:30 p.m., Forum hour. Everyone is cordially invited First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m. the minister, Mr. Sayles, will preach on "The Great Alternative," in his series on the Sermon on the Mount. The Roger Williams Guild study group will meet at noon in the Guild House for a 40 minute session. Mr. Chapman, pastor for students, will lead the study, the topic being, "Is it hard to discover right ethical ideals for daily life?"E At 6 p.m. the Guild meeting for treatment is nationalistic, the the- matic material of the piece is orig- inal. Waves at Play-Grasse (1884- ). Already on this program we have had a composition by a composer who suf- fered from deafness-Beethoven. Ed- win Grasse, the composer of this simple descriptive piece, has been in- flicted with blindness from infancy. In spite of his handicap, however, he has won international recognition as violinist, pianist, and composer. Fencing Tournament: The first round of the Intramural Hall Fenc- ing Tournament for Foil will begin next Monday, Nov. 30. The tourna- ment will be a round-robin, two matches every Monday and Wednes- day for each contestant. The tourna- ment will take place in the small gymnasium from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on the days indicated. The tourna- ment is open to all fencers in the University. Recreation Evening, Graduate Stu- dents: An evening of American square dancing will be held at Bar- bour Gymnasium on Tuesday eve- ning, Dec. 1, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. All men and women graduate stu- dents, members of the faculty and their wives are cordially invited to attend. Tri-State Y.LC.A. and Y.W.C.A. conference a tAlbion: All students who are interested in attending this coming week-end should leave their name at Lane Hall before tomorrow noon, Monday Transportation is be- ing arranged. The group will leave Ann Arbor at 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4, and will return early Sunday af- ternoon, Dec. 6. League will be a 4:15 p.m. Social Committee: There meeting Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the League. Hillel Players: Tryouts for a one- act play will be held again Monday, Nov. 30. There are four excellent parts for women still open. An informal meeting will be held, Tuesday, Ded. 1, at 7:30 p.m., at the Hillel Foundation. All interested are welcome to attend. Faculty Women's Club: The Tues- day Afternoon Play-Reading Section will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 1, at 2:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. The Michigan Dames will hold a general meeting Tuesday evening at 8:15 p.m. at the Michigan League. Mr. Wilmot F. Pratt, carillonneur, will speak on "The Great Carillons." Wives of all students and internes are cordially invited to attend this meeting, and each Dame may bring a guest. The members of the Home Making Group are asked to bring their hospital dolls, which will be judged at this meeting, with prizes