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November 29, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-29

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, 1938


Of The DAY

(By The Associated Press)
1,200 'Sit-Down' Strikers
Lay In Food Supplies
DETROIT, Nov. 28.-(g)-The 1,-
209 rnen on a "sit-down" strike in the
Mtlald Steel Products Company
plan here, laid in food supplies today
fob= the week-end and their leaders
said they may ask for a conference
Moiday with company officials on
wage demands.
The strikers, who said they were
determined to "sit in until Christmas"
to obtain pay increases, were provided
with coffee, sandwiches and tobacco
by their wives and 150 women em-
ployes who also quit Friday noon
but left the building.
Homer Martin, presidAit of the
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica, said that if the company did not
take -Action by Monday on the plant
union's demand for wage boosts of
"about 10 per cent," the strike lead-
ers would demand a meeting with
conpany officers.
x. .
Five Black Legionnairs
Get Life Sentences
DETRQIT, Nov. 28.-(/P)--Five al-
leged members of the Black Legion
charged with the "thrill killing" of a
Negro World War veteran were con-
vi ted of first degree murder tonight
by 'a jury in Recorder's Court. The
mandatory penalty is life imprison-
The case was given to the jury of
seven women and five men after
Jude Donald Van Zile instructed
th m' they could return one of two
verdicts-guilty of first degree mur-
der, or acquittal.
'The mandatory penalty in event of
conviction is life imprisonment. Three
of The' :defendants, Harvey Davis,
John Bannerman and Ervin D. Lee,
all'eady are under life sentence for
the 'Black Legion "execution" of
Charles Poole last May, the case
which first brought activities of the
hodded 'night-riders to attention of
law enforcement authorities.
LLIzing Qutmded,
Fraternities Agree
(Continued from Page 1)
tion of fraternity hazing, according
to Mann.
The resolution reads as follows:
"Hell-Week in any form shall be
aipolished from and after this date.
"During the period of pledgeship
fraternities shall try to inculcate in
their freshmen the development of
friendship, a sense of respect and
duty to the fraternity and the Uni-
verity, the importance of scholar-
ship and the removal of characteris-
tics which are a hindrance to be-
coming a good member of society.
'We believe further that during
tois period of training there should
be no physical mistreatment of
pJedges, no indecent practices, no in-
terference with class work, and that
all training activities should be con-
fined to the chapter house. We be-
lieve also that the period of pledge-
ship should end with the beginning of
the ritualistic ceremony."
Houses that declared they had
changed the treatment of their
pledges as a result of this resolution
remarked almost unanimously on
their increased concern over the ac-
ademic side of the pledge's existence.

Music Society!
Presents kAnual
Handel Oratorio
Handel's "Messiah,"annually pre-
sented by the University Musical So-
ciety, will be given next Sunday after-
noon in Hill Auditorium, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
This year the performance will be
presented entirely by members of the
School of Music. Achilles Taliaferro
of the School of Music, who has pro-
fessionally toured Europe, will con-
duct the performance.. The Choral
Union of 300 voices will sing with the
University Symphony Orchestra of 75
players providing the musical back-
The solo parts will be sung by Bur-
nette Bradley Staebler, soprano; Jane
Ellen Rogers, contralto; Martin Ed-
ward Thompson, tenor; And Hardin
A. Van Deursen, bass. All of the prin-
cipals, it was explained, have had ex-
perience outside of Ann Arbor in con-
cert performances.
Prof. William Wdrrell of the de-
partment of semitics will speak on
"Recent Events in Palestine" at the
fourth Sunday evening forum of the
Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. tonight.
WJR Joe Penner: Jimmie
Grier's Music.
WWJ Catholic Hour.
CKLW National Amateur Night.
WJR Rubinoff-Jan Peerce, Virginia
WWJ Mischa Kotter.
WXYZ Golden Gate.Park Band.
CKLW Stars of Milky Way.
WWJ Football Interviews.
WJR Prof. Quiz.
WWJ Jack Benny's Show.
WXYZ Evening Melodies.
CKLW Little Jack Little.
CKLW Keyboard Classics.
WJR Phil Baker: Hal Kemp's
WWJ Fireside Recital.
WXYZ Robert Ripley: Ozzie
Nelson's Music.
WWJ Sunset Dreams.
CKLWLouis Prima's Music.
WJR Nelson Eddy.
WWJ Good Will Court.
WXYZ Concert Band.
CKLW Music for Dancing.
WJR Eddie Cantor: Jacques
Renard's Music.
WXYZ Jewels of Madonna.
CKLW Jewels of Madonna.
WJR Sunday Evening Hour.
WWJ Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.
WXYZ Walter Wincheu.
CKLW The Grummits
WXYZ Paul Whiteman's varieties.
:3WWJ Album of Familiar Music.
CKLW Cab Calloway's Music.
WJR Original Community Sing.
WWJ Soloist: Symphony Orchestra.
WXYZ Edwin C. Hill.
CKLW First Baptist Church.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Enoch Light's Music.
WJR Musical Program.
WJR In the Hermit's Cave.
WWJ Hockey Scoes: Dance Music.
WXYZ Hockey Scores: Kavanagh's
P Music.
CKLW Press-Radio: Eddie Elkins'
WWJ Dance Music.
WJR Jay Freeman's Music.
WWJ Press-Radio: El Chico.
WXYZ Frankie Master's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
WJR Vincent Lopez' Music.
WXYZ Morrie Brennan's Music.
CKLW Nat Brandwynne's Music.
WJR Dick Stabile's Music.
WXYZ Eddie Fitzpatrick's Music.
QKLW Little Jack Little.
CKLW Joe Sander's Music.

Building Featur
New Rackham
Structure Of Monumental
Type Used For Beauty
And Permanence

This is the final article in a series
that has been run this week dealing
with features of the new Graduate
School. Next week The Daily is print-
ing a series about the Baird Carillon
and the Burton Tower in conjunction
with the dedication of the carillon.
Because it is a monumental type of
building, designed with a view to its
permanence and beauty as a me-
morial, the new Rackham Graduate
School will have several features in
its construction work, that will cause
it to stand out among the buildings
of Ann Arbor, according to Dorr H.
Martin, '11A, supervising architect.
To create permanence and stability,
Mr. Martin said, any monumental
type of building must have a heavier
steel frame-work and denser concrete
than an ordinary building. But due
to conditions that must be met in the
architecture of the Graduate School
it will have construction features that
go even farther.
Care Against Cracking Taken
"In the first place," Mr. Martin
stated, "owing to the climatical
changes and conditions in Ann Arbor
precautions must be made to keep
the building free from cracking by
the contractions of the concrete. In
a building that is designed to stad
for a good many years, this is even
more important. Therefore, the con-
crete being put into the foundation
and superstructure of the first two
floors of the Graduate School is of a
3,000-pound density, which, while noi
of an exceptional strength, is abou
one and one-half times as strong a
ordinary building concrete.
"In the pouring and mixing of thi
concrete, care must be taken to keep
excess water out. Long diagonal stee
rods through the concrete help at
tain this strength of structure also.'
A second construction problem, Mr
Martin pointed out, comes from th
design of the building which provide
for floors above a main auditorium
on the first and second floors. Thi
creates a need for exceptionally heav
steel girders to support these floors
as there i no lower support excep
from the sides of the auditorium. Fo
this purpose, the steel framework o
the top floors will be the heavies
and strongest of any building in An
Trusses Weigh 80 Tons
The trusses for this part abov
the auditorium, consisting of tw
horizontal chords joined by diagona
members. weigh about 80 tons each
with the top chord about 26 tons an
the lower, 28. The gusset plates
steel plates which connect the chord
with the diagonal members, are a
inch and one half thick, while th
rivets used in the trusses are on
inch indiameter and some qver nin
inches long.
Rivets gripping six inches of meta
as the maximum are usually the long
est used in building construction, an
from this can be concluded the siz
and strength of the building. S
heavy are these rivets that a secon
compression gun is required to hol
them in place while they are bein
driven in the truss.
Careful supervision and testing i
done of all the concrete work pu
in the building, on the grounds wher
construction work is going on. Th
sand and stone for the concrete ar
tested, and samples of the concret
are tested in cylinders in which the
are subjected to a breaking pressur
of nearly 115,000 pounds seven to 2
days after mixing.
The amounts of stone and cemen
going into the concrete are not meas
ured by volume, but by a scales int
which they are measured and the

es Will Mark F.D.R. Fourth Carillon Dedication I
. Is On A nniversary
Graduate School Not To Take ,
Of City's Namesake
emptied into the mixer. The placing '1December 4 will not only mark the
of concrete must be done at a tem- dedication of the Charles A. Bairdo
perature weil above freezing, Mr. Washingto A
Martin said, and for this reason onr ora
cold days it must be done under a Hayes Before President, be a happy occasion for the C. S.i
tarpaulin, with the pebbles, sand, and BrRe a Loughborough family of Ann Arbor
water heated, and the setting form rown evea when Mr. Loughborough celebrates
fired by coke. This process is slower (Continued from Page 1) his birthday anniversary. The date it
and costlier than the regular pour--tef Pe
in'g on warm days, and an attempt is also the birthday anniversary of
is being made to finish the work be- Professor Brown declared, because the Mr. Loughborough's grandfather.
fore winter arrives. Supreme Court had informed Presi- . The fifty-three bells for the Bairdt
The facing of the building will be dent Washington in 1793 that it could carillon were sent from the John H.s
entirely in Doyle Dark Hollow Se- not act as an advisory body to the Taylor Bell foundry in Loughbor- a
lect Buff Limestone. Mr. Martin con- members of the executive branch of ough, England, a town which wasf
tinued. It will be the only building thejgovernment.named after the ancestors of thev
in Ann Arbor completely faced in In- tpresent Loughborough family. The c
diana limestone from this particular This brings up the observation that bell foundry was founded in the 14th
quarry as it has always been used for there was no one who was President century and the town was named
trim work before in town. ; of the United States for one day. John after a distinguished ancestor of the
Is Third Of Its Kind Quincy Adams states in part of his! Loughborough family who was promi-
However, this is not all . It will memoirs that "the administration of nent in the town.
also be the third and probably last the official oath, which the Constitu- Mr. Loughborough has two daugh-!
building in the world faced in this ticn prescribes that he shall take be- ters in the University of Michigan.
type of limestone, for the Dark Hol- fore he enter on the execution of the The youngest, Mary, is a sophomore
low quarry. the only place where it office, being postponed till tomorrow, and the oldest daughter, Betty, is a
is found, has a limited supply which! this day was a sort of interregnum, junior.
is rapidly being exhausted. One duiing which there was no person
building in Washington, D. C., and qualified to act as President, an-----
one in Denver, are the other two to event of no importance now, but
be finished with this stone. All ex- which might be far otherwise under If CH R ISTMA
terior windows and doors in the supposable circumstances." h
building will be done in bronze, to Hayes Inaugurates Date Ehas you going a
further add to its exterior effect and In 1877 March 4 again fell on aEA
to help develop its soundness of con- Sunday and the inauguration of Ru- give an EASTN
sruction therford B. Hayes was held on March
date has been set for the 5 in this case also. Here again exist-
pletion of the building, the corner- ed a situation wherein no one was'withaV
'stone of which was laid October 30, properly qualified to act as President.
M . Martin said, although work is By this time, however, Professo0
being done as fast as possible to fin- Brown said, the earlier case of 1821
ish the exterior before winter. About had been fairly firmly entrenched as
t 165 men are employed on the worik a recedent and interest was not
t on an average, with a maximum of aroused as greatly as in the previous
s about 190. The construction work is instance. Fp nciscQ
being done by William E. Wood, Co., Under the Twentieth Amendment
s of Detroit, although the University the next Congress was scheduled to
P Buildings and Grounds Department meet on Jan. 3, 1937 unless Congress
1 is doing the plumbing and other me- itself should provide otherwise by law,
- chanical work of that type. Professor Brown said. The last Con-
gress did utilize its prerogative of THE SECRET 0
. 'nusual Topics Are changing its time of convening, as a
result of which the 75th Congress will!A MA
s Given In Churches meet for the first time on Jan. 5,
1937, two days later than had been Give him a gift he can use.
S prescribed by the Twentieth Amend-
y (Continued from page 1) ment to the Constitution, he added. good - looking window therr
.'Contrary to popular belief, Profes- shows the temperature withOL.
t a.m. service. A dramatization "Death sor Brown said, this is not the first
r Takes the Steering Wheel" will be time that Congress has utilized this Taylor Thermometers for ev
d given at 8 p.m. power to change the date of its meet-
t Prof. O. S. Duffendack will speak and brilliant colors make id
n on "A Physicist Looks at Religion" Terms Ended At Noon
at 6 p.m. before the Wesleyan Guild The Twentieth Amendment also
meeting of Stalker Hall.pt
e "The Great Alternative" will be thep dedtate trmsoftJ n 3
o subject of Mr. Sayles in his series Tatrs o edon noonsowJan.t3
1 on the Sermon on the Mount to be me o ay whe trs were to Incorpor
, given at 10:45 a.r. in the First Bap- be endedawas nprvisio wnth 31 7 South State Street
d tist Church. in any law or any provision of the
5, Dr. Louis A. Hopkins. director oConstitution, Professor Brown said,
', D. LuisA. opkis, iretorof and question had arisen as to whether -
s the Summer Session of the Univer- e te oongressen e a to wh t!'
n sity, will speak before the Students' mdnt arch or atmnon on
e Bible Class of the Church of Christ midght March 3 or at noon on
e (Disciples). Dr. E. W. Blakeman, March_4

Tag Sale Gets Toys,,
Dinner, For Kiddies
(Continued from Page 1)
women were more human and gener-
ous than the men.)
From that date on the annual drive
was affected by the depression, but
n 1934 they again took in $1,000.
Last .year $1 ,400 the third highest
otal since 1928 was realized in the
wo-day campus drive.
As a result of last year's successful
drive a library in conjunction with
the workshoplas begun by the group.
This new project necessitates some
support and Galens are anticipating
a generous response when they set
forth in the cold dawn with their gal-
vanized pails to ask the cooperation
of the student body in their annual
Yuletide project.
and Jewelry Repairing at Rea-
sonable Prices - Crystals 35c
231 South Sta te--Paris Cleaners

round in circles
e hard to please

nd up.


_ _ _ lice r


He will welcome a gay,
mometer that accurately
ut going outside.
ery purpose in new forms
eal and unusual presents.



Dial 2-3109

2:00 - 3:40 - 7:00 - 9:00

b .

counselor in religious education will
speak to the Guild on "Values and
Disvalues" of religion at 6:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Club will
have as their speaker Prof. Arthur
D. Moore of the Engineering school
who will speak on "Vocational Guid-
ance" at 6:30 p.m.
Check These Sub
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O(assified Directory
Place advertisements with Classified ing, Mothproofing, Disinfecting,
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. Deodorizing, annihilating all house-
The classified columns klose at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion. hold vermin, Fumigating. Offered
Box numbers may be secured at no by the Kurtis Exterminating Co.
extra charge. 309 Maynard St. Phone 3113 for
Cash in advance llc per reading line free inspection. 11x
(on basis of five average words to line)


Kappa Tau Alpha Will
Hold Meeting Tomorrow
Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary jour-
nalism fraternity, will hold its first
meeting of the year tomorrow at 4:15
p.m. in Room 213 Haven Hall.
The first business of the meeting
will be the election of new members.
Decision and plans concerning the
proposed Kappa Tau Alpha sponsor-
ship of a Christmas project with the
journalism department will be made.

Coming Wednesday


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