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November 28, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-28

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SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1936


SATUItDAV, NOV. 28, 1936


.. --

ia! 97,


N936 Member 1937
issocided Clle ie Press
Distributors of
Ie9e DW6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
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iled Advertising Manager.
- V
Not In The Lost Lives
Was The Supreme Tragedy
tending the current performances
of Bury The Dead. This is a play which we
earnestly urge every one to see; whether or not
it is good drama, it is a powerful presentation
of an idea and that idea ought to be powerfully
presented to you, over and over again. If you
haven't seen the play, do attend its last per-
formance, tonight. This may be publicity, but
we couldn't give publicity to a better cause than
Bury the Dead, like All Quiet On The Western
Front, makes vivid the personal tragedies of war,
but much better than the latter play, it exposes
the mockery, the stupidity, the hypocrisy of the
forces which induce us as a people to agree to
be killed. It does this skilfully, and to the extent
that it makes this mockery apparent to us, and,
if we are optimistic, immunizes us against similar
appeals in the future, it is necessary.
The play fails in its purpose, unless it shocks
us into action. It does not suffice that we hate
war; we must, with as much of cool reason as the
play has of emotion, determine what the forces
making for war are, and what shall be our
method of meeting these forces.
One such specific action suggests itself this
week. On Thursday, we reprinted on this page
an article entitled, "A Republican Party Plan,"
by Samuel Harden Church, president of Carnegie
Institute. In that article occurred the following
"The money for this new policy of wages and
hours will be paid by the consumers in higher
prices for the product, and a Republican tariff
that aims to protect American high wages against
the world will do the rest. We shall then buy
everything at home that is made or grown at
home-always a Republican doctrine that brings
prosperity to our country."
This doctrine of economic nationalism fostered

by a high tariff wall and a "Buy American" pol-
icy we regard as one of the greatest obstacles
to peace. For a sound statement of the case
against this idea, we suggest the article by
Francis Bowes Sayre, assistant secretary of state,
in the magazine section of last Sunday's New
York Times. The article is entitled War or
World -Trade-Which?
"The drive toward. economic nationalism, if
continued unchecked, leads surely and inevitably
to war," warns Mr. Sayre. The national special-
ization which followed the industrial revolution
made the countries of the world mutually inter-
dependent for markets and for sources of raw
"Security of foreign markets may be sought
either (1) through military conquest or (2)

found herself blocked by Western nations.
"Political rivalries were added to commercial
rivalries. The German effort to secure necessary
foreign markets and raw materials gave con-
stant impetus to the political drive eastward-
the Drang nach Osten. Out of this grew the im-
perialism of Germany and Austria. On the other
hand, England, France and Russia formed an
equally determined group, bent on securing need-
ed raw materials and foreign markets for them-
"Thus were developed two conflicting fronts of
imperialism, each heavily arming. There could
be only one outcome. Granted the philosophy
of unrestrained national independence and the
possession of huge armaments with which to
force a solution, world was was as inevitable as
the rising sun.''
"That was true in 1914. Is it less true today?
The unprecedented catastrophe of 1914-1918
caused ruin from which we have not by any
means emerged. The grim toll of human life
was some nine million killed and six million
maimed in the very prime of their manhood. But
the supreme tragedy was not in the lost lives.
It was rather in the folly and futility of the
sacrifice. If ever history taught a lesson in
letters of blood and fire, it was the utter futility
of seeking a solution of the problem of raw
materials and markets through force of arms.
"Conquest cannot furnish a solution of the
problem of foreign markets. Under twentieth-
century conditions there can be no economic vic-
tor in a great war. Each side alike suffers the
wiping out on a colossal scale of its most pro-
ductive man-power, of its savings and its cap-
ital, of its normal trade. The future of each i,
crippled and hampered by debt. The more com-
plete the destruction of enemy territory, the more
complete is the destruction of future markets and
purchasing power. Even were additional foreign
markets won, the cost of the struggle lowers the
victor's standard of living far below any possible
gain through enlarged markets."
Now to direct Mr. Sayres against Mr. Church:
"During the past fifteen years economic na-
tionalism has been running rampant. Tariffs
have been raised to unprecedented heights. Since
the crash of 1929 entirely new and far more dras-
tic implements for achieving economic national-
ism have been created, such as quota restrictions,
exchange control, export and import licensing,
government trade monopolies, and the like . . .
"Post-war efforts toward economic recovery,
based upon policies of increasing economic na-
tionalism, never can bring recovery, for they ig-
nore the facts of modern industrial existence and
rest upon an outlived philosophy. By shutting
nations off from foreign markets upon which
their economic existence depends, these policies
effectively block the only real solution possible.
Their inevitable tendency is to drive desperate
rulers toward the suicidal course of imperialism
and conquest-the way of 1914..."
"The lesson )s clear. All thinking people
who care, for human progress must see that
largely as a result of the Industrial Revolution
stable and lasting peace can be built only upon
a world trade unhampered by excessive barriers
and restrictions .-.
"That is why the question of American foreign
trade policy transcends party lines. It is a ques-
tion of war or peace-and upon such a questid
there is no room for partisan differences or for
petty politics. The very foundation of American
foreign policy is the profound desire for peace.
A policy which militates against peace cannot be

+++ IT A LL
mB -B Bot Wllams~---
Campus and proceeded to show people just
how things should be clone, but among the irre-
pressible class of '40 is one verdant freshman,
Paul Strickland by name, who has succeeded in
completely outdoing anything that his renowned
predecessors have ever conceived of.
Paul is the apple of the eye of Betty Jane
Crawford, Detroit sub-deb, so claimed. Every
Friday night and oft of a Saturday too, Miss
Crawford issues forth from her metropolitan
home, gives a peremptory order to her chauffeur
and is whisked out to Ann Arbor where-her enor-
mous limousine is seen to pull up in front of one
of this town's characteristically shabby rooming
After some brief delay, Paul strolls forth from
his quarters, steps in beside the happy girl and
they roll off to the Union for an exciting evening.
During the course of the dance, the liveried
chauffeur sits rigidly without, awaiting the nod
that will signify the return of his mistress and
her escort.
The dance over, Paul speaks in a brusque
voice, and the big Packard rolls off to a ham-
burger stand where the two feast. Betty Jane
then takes Paul safely back to his rooms, and,
having thus instilled an unspeakable envy into
the hearts of his Phi Psi brothers to be, Paul
once again addresses the driver with 'Home
James,' and Betty Jane is borne speedily back to
the automobile metropois, dreaming perhaps of
another great adventure the following week. Oh
THANKSGIVING was a big day for a lot of
the Campus, particularly that portion of it
that visited Detroit. One of the most amazing
sights of an amazing evening was the picture
of a large muscular gentleman rising suddenly
from his seat in the Book and unbuttoning his
shirt, thus revealing a great expanse of hairy
chest. Finally the people got him quieted down,
and the poor waitress whom he had frightened
out of a week's tips, came over to our table.
"You know she said, I'm never again going to
ask anybody whether they're 21."
OTHER Thanksgiving partiers seen or heard
of were Gini Jackson, Alpha Phi, Jean Lait-
ner, ex-Theta, Dick Deveraux, ex-Beta and party
lapping up side cars in the Wonder Bar, Bob
Henoch and Ev McAffee showing Grand Rapids a
good time, Vince Butterly, Jack Lane, Martha
Kerr, Barbara Teal, Jean Rheinfrank doing the
Oarsman Ball at the Boat Club, Bill Nimmnicht,
Earl Whetzel, and Elmer the postman at the
Lions' Game, and about half the University
watching the Hawks knock off the Red Wings
at Olympia.
TONIGHT the open season commences for the
most loyal bunch of supporters that any
Michigan team can boast of. Tonight for the
first time since last March, the ramshackle old
Coliseum will re-echo to the partisan cheers
of the rabid hockey fans who will be packed
into the freezing plant like the patrons at
The front row, on the basis of sustained loyalty,
will be reserved for the Alpha Delts who over a
period of years have never had a delegation of
less than ten men representing their house at
any game in which Michigan has played. They
claim the all time one-game high of 25 Alpha
Delts at one game, but this title is disputed by
several leading Tongs. At any rate with a great
season in prospect, and with more people pos-
sessing 35 cents per than in several years, it is
quite probable that the late comers will be hang-
ing from the riafters when the boys tangle at the
opening face-off.
.As Others See Itj

Whither Football Industry ?
(Fron The Detroit News)
STHERE ARE THOSE who believe football, as
an industry, is on the way out. If this is so,
we think it can be said now thatthe break will
grow out of the position in which schools like
Chicago find themselves in their sports relations
with comparable institutions. The Daily Ma-
roon, speaking for the student body, urges the
withdrawal of Chicago from Big Ten football un-
less it devises means of enforcing its rules against
subsidies for athletes.
It is a challenge the football industry must
meet, and quickly. Wisconsin's Reynolds Plan,
which would openly provide aid to likely athletes,
at least escapes the hypocrisy with which many
schools are handling the question. Yet even this
is no solution to the larger quandary: Are our
universities s'eats of learning or auspices for com-
mercial sports enterprises?
In Chicago's case-as in Michigan's in late
years and in Harvard's-high scholastic stand-
ards are an added handicap in rivalries with
those schools that not only tolerate the unin-
telligent athlete but solicit his enrollment. One
of the year's leading backs-a Big Ten star--
showed up at Ann Arbor with half the require-
ments for admission. He had no difficulty en-
rolling at another school. It would seem the time
is near when attitudes so far apart will estrange
traditional rivals in sport. At Chicago they be-
lieve it is the reasonable course.
Pro football, played hard and cleanly and more
exnertl thatn fhe pAlleae hrnnd i R ncnP.+l,

Play From Miss Austen
Max Gordon presents PRIDE ANDi
PREJUDICE, a sentimental comedy in
threw acts from the Jane Austen novel.
Dramatized by Helen Jerome. Stages
by Robe~rt Sinclair. Settings and cos-
tu~nesi by Jo Mielzin:ger At the Cass
THE dramatization of Pride and
Prejudice that Helen Jerome has
evolved from the famous novel makesa
a very pleasant evening in the
theatre. This is due somewhat, no
doubt, to one's recollection of the
novel but even if one is unfamiliar
with the original, the theatre version
is continuously amusing, moving,
and charming. A very large portion
of the novel has been kept and iti
does not seem telescoped or sketchy.-
No loose ends are left and incidents
are not merely presented in out-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of e
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Predm*
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on 5turday.

(Continued from Page 2)
day for returning blanks without
charge. (Office hours, Saturday,
9-12). A late fee of $1 is charged
everyone who registers after Satur-
day, by ruling of the Regents.
Everyone who took blanks but has
decided not to register must return;
the material to our office. There is
no charge for blanks which are re-
turned without being filled out.
University Bureau of Appointments.,
Chinese Student Club: All mem
bers are urged to attend the import-1
ant meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at
Union Room 319.


in terms of the theatre. uOY~j su
The performance by the company Choral Union Concert: Jasha
at the Cass this week has done a Heifetz, violinist, will give the fourthi
great deal, too, to preserve the spirit program in the Choral Union con-
of the original. This cast-although cert series, Hill Auditorium, MondayI
it is not the original one-is uniform- evening, Nov. 30, at 8:15 p.m. The
ly capable. Muriel Kirkland as Eliza- public is requested to be seated on
beth Bennet is even better than Ad- time as the doors will be closed dur-
rienne Allen was in the New York ing numbers.
cast and Molly Pearson, as Mrs. Ben- +
net, keeps more in the spirit of the Ls
play and stays in the ensemble bet- . ectures
ter than Lucille Watson did. Lowell University Lecture: Mr. C. M.r
Gilmore is a more romantic D'Arcy Bowra, Fellow of Wadham College,i
than Colin Keith-Johnson was and Oxford, will lecture on the subject
while this is perhaps less like the "Hellenism and Poetry" Monday,
D'Arcy of the novel it perhaps is ex- Nov. 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Sci-;
cusable in the theatre. But the cast ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
as a whole gives a unified effect dially invited.+
which, of course, is the important
thing. .Oratorical Association L e e t u r e,
The settings by Jo Mielzinger are Course: Alexander Woollcott will ap-1
suitable; the first one-the drawing- pear in Hill Auditorium on Sunday,
room of the Bennet home at Long- Nov. 29, at 8:15 p.m. He will replace
bourn-isrespeciallyabeautifuly done. Bertrand Russell, whose lecture has
It seems real both as a background been cancelled because of illness.
and in thedauthentic furniture and Tickets for the Woollcott lecture are+
decorative details. The play is well available at Wahr's State Street
worth seeing if you have read the bookstore.
novel or if you have not, though, cer- -__k____.
tainly, if you are not familiar Tith Illustrated Lecture: "Persian-

this book and see the play you will Islamic Architecture" will
want to begin Miss Austen's novel at by Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu
once. nesday, Dec. 2, at 4:15 p.m.

be given
on Wed-
in Room
Open to1

D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
th- blir



Mendelssohn, last time tonight: Ir-
win Shaw's powerful play, Bury the The Fourth Lecture in the series
Dead. Play Production. by Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan explaining the
Cass, last performances this af- Baha'i teachings will be given Sun-
ternoon and tonight: Pride and Prej- day at 4:15 p.m. at the Michigan
udice. Jane Austen's novel drama- League on the subject, Baha'u'llah's
tized by Helen Jerome. Teaching on Immortality. Dr. Kahn
will also speak informally at the
Cinema Theatre, Detroit, now Baha'i study class Monday evening
playing: The very excellent French at the League at 8 p.m. The public
version of Les Miserables. is invited to these meetings which
Wilson, The San Carlo Opera Com- are sponsored by the Baha'i study
pany: this afternoon, Martha; to- areupo
night, Trovatore; tomorrow night, group.
Orchestra Hall, tonight: Detroit Exhibitions
Symphony Orchestra, Jose Iturbi, Photographs of Persian-Islamic
Guest Conductor. Popular concert. Architecture exhibited by the Re-
Hill Auditorium, tomorrow night: search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
Legture by Alexander Woohlcott, col- stitute of Fine Arts. Open to the
umnist, critic, author of While Rome public daily from 9 to 5 p.m.; Sun-
Burns. days 2 to 5 (except Nov. 29), until
Cass, week beginning tomorrow Dec. 15. Alumni Memorial Hall West
night, matinees Wednesday and Sat- Gallery.
urday: Lillian Hellman's The Chil-'
dren's Hour with Ann Revere, Kath- Events Of Today
erine Emery, Florence McGee, and University Broadcasting:
Katherine Emmet of the original aim., Radcasingthe teach-
Fisher Theatre, Detroit, Wednes- ing of mathematics.t
day morning, Dec. 2 at 11; John 0:15 a.m., Speech students pro-
Erskine, novelist, teacher, pianist, gam.
playwright, librettist, will speak on ceptions concerning the eyes. Dr. F.
the subject What Shall We Teach Bruce Fralick.
Tomorrow? Town Hall Series.
Mendelssohn, Dec. 4 at 3:30 p.m.: Graduate Outing Club: A splash
Dec. 5 at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.: Hans party will be held tonight. Meet
Brinker and His Silver Skates adapt- promptly at 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall
ed from Mary Mapes Dodges' novel
by Jean Keller, '35, winner of fiction'raateth entare cordiag.yAin-
award in the 1934 Hopwood contest. Graduate students are cordially in-
She is now assistant director of vited.
Mosher Hall. Produced by the Chil- Chinese Student Club: All mem-
dren's Theatre of Ann Arbor under bers are urged to attend the import-
the supervision of Play Production ant meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at
and the Michigan League. Directed Union Room 319.
by Sarah Pierce.
Cass, Ina Clair and Osgood Perkins Play Production: Final perform-
in End of Summer by S. N. Behrman. ance of Irwin Shaw's "Bury the
Mendelssohn, evenings of Dec. 9, Dead" tonight at 8:30 p.m. at the
11, 12; matinee Thursday the 10th: Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office
A new play on a contemporary open from 10 a.m. Phone 6300.
theme, The Good Old Summer Time I___
by Martin Flavin, author of The Dance Club: Rehearsal of Dance
Criminal Code and Broken Dishes. Club at Barbour Gymnasium at 1:30
It will be the first presentation. p.m. today.
Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, Wed-

Recreation Evening, Graduate Stu-
dents: An evening of American
square dancing will be held- at Bar-
bour Gymnasium on Tuesday eve-
ning, Dec. 1, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
All men and women graduate stu-
dents, members of the faculty and
their wives are cordially invited to
First Congregational Church, Sun-
day, Nov. 29:
Allison Ray Heaps, minister,
10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser-
mon by the minister, a message on
the Beatitudes. Prof. Preston Slos-
son will give the last of his series of
lay-sermons on False Gods, his sub-
ject being "The World as God or
Worshipping the Passing Moment."
6 p.m. Student Fellowship will
present a very unusual and interest-
ing program this week. The meeting
will be in charge of Mr. Floyd Starr
of the Starr Commonwealth for boys.
Harris Hall, Sunday, Nov. 29:
The regular student meeting will
be held in Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Dr.
O. R. Yoder, assistant superintendent
at the Ypsilanti State Hospital will
be the speaker. All Episcopal stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, Nov. 29:
Services of worship: 8 a.m., Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11
a.m., Morning prayer and sermon by
the Rev. Henry Lewis. Special parish
Stalker Hall, Sunday, Nov. 29:
9:45 a.m., Student class, theme for
discussion "Qualifying for Leader-
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Prof. 0. m. Duffendack will speak on
"A Physicist Looks at Religion." Fel-
lowship Hour and supper following
the meeting.
First Methodist Church, Sunday,
Nov. 29:
Morning worship service at 10:45
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
on "It Is Happening Now." 8 p.m.
dra's aizati on "Death Takes the
Steerin gWeel," sponsored by the
Anti-Saloon League.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun-
day, Nov. 29.
Liberty at Third St. Carl A.
Brauer, minister.
Th. sermon at the 10:45 a.m. serv-
ice will deal with "The Coming of
the King."
Every Sunday evening until Christ-
mas special Advnt services will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Messianic prophe-
cies will be considered by the pastor
in a series of sermonettes, and Christ-
mas carols will be sung by the con-
gregat ion.
The Student-Walther League will
meet at the usual time, 5:30 to 7:30
p.m., for supper and fellowship.
The Eaitern Religions Group has
as its leader Mr. R. S. Sekhon of
India who will speak on "The Re-
ligious and Social Issues of Islam in
Northern India." The group will
meet for a2cafeteria breakfast Sun-
day, Nov. 29, 9 a.m. in the Russian
Tea Room of the Michigan League.
(If you wish, come after breakfast
at 9:30 a.m. sharp). Both Oriental
and American students are invited.
Ann Arbor Friends: The Ann Ar-
bor Friends' group will meet Sun-
day, Nov. 29, at 5 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League. Meeting for worship
will be followed by Carol singing,
and supper in the Russian Tea room
at 7 p.m. Everyone interested is
cordially invited to attend.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet Sunday yvening, Nov. 29, and
will have as their speaker, Prof. Ar-
thur D. Moore of the Engineering
School. Professor Moore will speak

on "Vocational Guidance."
5:30 p.m., Fellowship hour.
6 p.m., Supper hour.
6:30 p.m., Forum hour. Everyone
is cordially invited
The Lutheran Student Club will
have a Bible Study Class on Monday
evening, Nov. 29, 7 p.m. this week.
The meeting is held at the Michigan
League and will adjourn in time for
the members present to attend the
concert after the meeting.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class, Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session of the University,
will address the class.
5:30 p.m., social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Dr. E. W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education for
the University, will speak to the
Guild on "Values and Disvalues of
Religion." Opportunity for discus-
sion will be given following the ad-

Union Showers
To the Editor:
It is commonplace for man to span the seas
on metal wings, and to speed along roads over a
hundred miles an hour. Calculating machines,
and type-setting machines that belittle the
brains of their operators work without a hitch,
but the Michigan Union showers have no faucets
that work!
Those who know the temperaments of ,men
who have been alternately par-boiled and chilled
will tell you that it is particularly bitter, even
sour sometimes. The howls and yells of men who
must subject themselves to those showers for a
bath is pitiful and soul-rending to hear. Why
pray for missionaries in the cannibal's soup?
Why send armies to China, or battleships to
Spain to protect American citizens? Why not
rescue the men in the Michigan showers?
Let a committee be formed to make a survey
of the durable faucets, let them select one fool
proof type which will dependably adjust the flow
of water, and then, let them give the pool users
a chance to help finance the replacement of
those "water motors" they have there now. I'm
sure the men who regularly swim there would
gladly help. -Christopher Galladay Falloff.
Likes Forum
To the Editor:
I wish to publicly express my gratitude for
the Forum. The existence of such a column
where even the least of us may express his views
indicates that liberalism is still alive in the uni-
versity. The forces that are constantly at work
to undermine democracy must be actively op-
posed by those who value freedom of thought.
And this opposition will gain its best and wisest
leadership from the American universities.
Of especial interest is the letter from Will
Canter, janitor at East Hall, which appeared
on Nov. 21. Mr. Canter is to be praised both
for his courage and his ability of expression. He
works with his head as well as his hands.
Tneidentallv it was intereting - tonotpt +h

nesday, Dec. 9, 8:15 p.m.: Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kous-
sevitsky, conductor.j
Hill Auditorium, Thursday, Dec.1
10: Boston Symphony.,
Cass, Monday, Dec. 14 for a week:
Katherine Cornell in Maxwell An-
derson's new play: The Wingless Vic-
tory. Enthusiastically received in
Washington when it opened there
last Monday. It will open in New
York immediately after the Detroit
Watkins To Lecture
On Money At Forum
Prof. Leonard Watkins of the eco-
nomics department will conduct the
third forum on "Recent Monetary
Agreements," in the Union Sunday
Rpi C fma ro mr- --,r , ,, af .- n n m.... +i.

The Congregational Stu
lowship Supper Party will
today. All will meet at Pilg
at 4:30 p.m.

dent Fel-
be held{
grim Hall

Coming Events
The Public Health Club: There
will be a meeting Wednesday, Dec. 2,1
at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League. Dr. Nungester
will speak on "Pneumonia" followed
by an important business meeting.
All Public Health students are urged
to attend.
Hillel Players: Tryouts for a one-
act play will be held again Monday,
Nov. 30. There are four excellent
parts for women still open.
An informal meeting will be held,
Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m., at the
Hillel Foundation. All interested are



-- -I

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