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November 26, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-26

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The Weather
Snow flurries today; tomor-
row partly clouidy, continued


5k igan


joini The Army
And See The Worlds .. .




New Interests
Of Men's Body

Brown is Only Man To Hold
Senate Seat As Senator-Elect


Given Praise Unique Cases In History I
Of United States Found
In Congress' Records +
Larger Scope Of Activities +
Of Council 'A Healthy nBrT TNANh
y Senator Prentiss M. Brown is the
Sign,' Ruthven Says only man in the history of the UnitedE
States who has been appointed to the
Senate while holding the position oft
Bursle Commends Senator-elect, a study of the Con-
gressional records show.
Labor Investigatlon Senator Brown was elected on the
Democratic ticket to the Senate on
.. Nov. 3 from Michigan to succeed to
Sadler Believes Revision the senatorial position held by the
In Program Decidedly late Senator James Couzens, who wasf
defeated in the Republican primaries
A Progressive Step i etme.
in September.
However, last week Gov. Frank D.
By ROBERT WEEKS Fitzgerald appointed the then Sen-
The expansion of the Men's Coun- ator-elect Brown to fill the vacancy'
cil's scope of activity from class caused by the death of Senator Couz-
elections and the preservation of tot- ens on October 22. This was done,'
tering campus traditions to more Governor Fitzgerald is reported to I
vital problems of the student body have said, in the belief that Brown
received the praise of President would gain seniority in Senate com-'
Ruthven, Dean Bursley and Prof. mittee assignments over the other:
Walter Sadler, of the engineering new senators elected in the last elec-
college yesterday. tion.
Referring to the Council's activity, This places Brown in the uniquen
relative to the support of the Good- position of being the only Michigan
fellow Fund, investigation of student senator ever having had such an ap-
labor conditions, and a proposed stu- found to establish thefactrd that such
dent bok exchange, President Ruth- fn totest he fact t a
ven said, "Although I am not suf- an appointment has ever been made
ficiently acquainted with these spe- any state in the Union.
cific projects to judge them, I think of the United State Senate occurred
it is a healthy sign to see the Coun- in 1804, during the eighth Congres-
cil enlarging its scope of interest. sional session. Both senators from
This increased interest in current Virginia, Abraham B. Venable and
student problems was the motive that William C. Nicholas, resigned within
characterized the meeting of the a few weeks of each other. The gov-
Council last week in which this con- ernor of Virginia then appointed Wil-
structive program was introduced. liam B. Giles to take the place of
After several of the members pro- Senator Venable and Andrew Moore
fessed that they were not fully ac- to fill the vacancy left by the resig-
quainted with the Council's reason nation of Senator Nicholas, pending
for existence, Marshall Shulman, '37, an election.
editorial director of The Daily, sug- In the first election called, that to
gested that the Council enter on a fill the position of Senator Venable,'
constructive program that would be -
a justification for the existence of the
Men's Council on campus. Welfare Fund
"I am delighted to see the new life
which was shown in the Council's1 l
new program," Dean Bursley said. Her)V
pointed to the investigation of stu..
dent labor in Ann Arbor as a par- From Its Goal'
ticularly praiseworthy project which
could be carried dn by the Council
without the danger of provoking op- The Community Fund was still'
probium of the sort given such proj- more than $10,000 from its goal of
ects when supported by radical or- $56,000 as the last audit of the
ganizations here.
Prof. Walter Sadler believed that 1 amounts pledged, taken Wednesday,
the revision in the Council's activi- showed that the total now pledged
ties was a decidedly progressive step. is $45,482.98.
"Constructive work for such a body Though the greater part of the
is abundant," Professor Sadler stat- pledge cards are now in the office
ed. of the Community Fund, a sufficient
As a student governing body, the number of additional ones are still
Men's Council was faced this fall outstanding to make officials feel
with the problem of justifying its that a total of $50,000 may be pledged 1
(Continued on Page 61 before the drive is over. This amount,
whilerit will not permit full operation
" of all of the agencies which the
BendStrike Community Fund maintains, will be
several thousand dollar higher than
Over A s Plans last year's total, it was explained.
Almost complete returns from the
A re AcceUniversity proper show that 1,057!
pledges, excluding special gifts, have
been made and total $6,646.75. The
special gifts group, containing the
Workers Return To Jobs pledges of more than $50, shows 102
After Nine Day Lay-Off pledges totaling $5,947.50.1
At the present time, the University
By Company Employers total of $12,594.25, is more than $4,-
500 less than last year's total. '

Moore, who had been appointed to
the post formerly held by Nicholas,
was victorious. In the second elec-
tion, that to name a successor to
the post of Senator Nicholas, Giles,
ur n h a rlhp enn pl p n

wno naaU U een appoiea to LUmpI
rarily fill the vacancy caused by en-
able's resignation, was chosen by the
electorate of Virginia. This meant
that while both appointees were sub-{
sequently elected to the Senate, they
were not elected to the positions that
they were appointed to.
The first men to represent Mich-
igan as a state in the Senate were
Lucius Lyon of Bronson and John
Norvell of Detroit. Both men took
their seats on the day that Michigan
was admitted into the Union, Jan.
26, 1837, Lyon serving until March 3,
1839 and Norvell serving until March1
3, 1841. Determination as to which
member would have the longer term
was made by lot.1
The only Ann Arbor man that hasX
represented Michigan in the Senatei
was Alpheus Felch, who was elected
on the Democratic ticket in 1846
while he was governor of Michigan.!
Pelch moved to Ann Arbor in 1843
and was elected to the gubernatorial1
post two years later. The following
year he was elected to the Senate and-
resigned his governorship to assumer
his duties in Washington.
A prominent figure in national as
(Continued on Page 2)I
Players Group
Plans To Offer
New Productiont
'Good Old Summertime,'
Never Before Given,
To Be Presented Here
Cooperating in a nation-wide1
movement sponsored by the Dra-
matist's Play Service, Play Produc-t
tion, changed previous plans, and
will offer as its next production ont
Dec. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Martin Flavin'st
play, "Good Old Summer Time"-at
treatment of a typical mid-westernt
family in the midst of the depressionk
-it was announced last night byt
Valentine B. Windt, director of Play
Production which is dffering "Bury
the Dead" this week.r
The play is a new one, presented toz
Play Production a few days ago, and
has never before been produced.
The Dramatist's Play Service, com-E
posed of leading playwrights, anxioust
to have the plays which are held
on Broadway more widely distributed
and to obtain more money for thef
playwrights, has inaugurated the sys-
tem whereby scripts of new and or-t
iginal productions will be sent to all
university and small theatresq
throughout the county cooperating
with the movement to be shown
simultaneously with the showing on1
This will tend to eliminate, Mr.
Windt explained, the present system
of delaying the appearance of plays
throughout the county until Broad-
way has condemned it or else con-
sumed all its time value.
It may develop, Mr. Windt added,
that university theatres will become
the proving grounds for new plays.
and may possibly anticipate Broad-
way successes and failures.;

A. F. L. Spurns
Move To Form
Delegates See No Reason
For Changing Policy
Of Non-Partisanship
See Wider Breach
With Lewis' Unions
Rebel Leader Attempts To
Bring Others Into C.I.O.
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 25.-(I)-The
American Federation of Labor con-
vention today shouted down pro-
posals the Federation lead an inde-
pendent labor party and reaffirmed
its "well-established non-partisan
political policy."

Rebels Fire On Russian
Vessel; Stalin Sanctions
Miltary Commissariat

New Industry Commission!
Believed Step To Speed
Up Armament For War
German Engineer
Spared By C.E.C.

Communist Head
Second Public
Of His Career



rrr crn[xT rT.,< 7C. _(IPi____rrlnn <tc_

By an overwhelming vote the dele- y OSCOiWr Nosv.e.-tln- tuy u
gates decided "nothing has hap- ually taciturn Joseph Stalin today
pened since the last convention to approved a new and separate military
justify any change" in this policy industry commissariat, which led in-
-adopted with the Federation's for- formed observers to believe he wished
mation 56 years ago. to accelerate Russian armament in
Cooperation Vanishes preparation for war.
Meantime. talk of peace with John

L. Lewis' rebel unions all but van-
ished when Charles P. Howard, pres-
ident of the Typographical Union,
said he would try to bring additional
A. F. of L. unions into the rebel
ranks. Howard is secretary of Lewis'
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
George M. Harrison, president of
the railway clerks and chairman of
the Federation's peace committee,
had explored the possibilities of a
settlement with Max Saritsky, presi-
dent of the United Hatters, Cap and
Millinery Workers and a member of
Lewis' rebel committee.
"So long as the decision to uphold
the suspension action of the execu-
tive council prevails, so long as the
Council continues to take to itselfr
the right to penalize autonomous4
unions, I will have no other choice
tional unions I can reach to pull out
but to go out and urge all interna-
of the Federation," Howard said.
Assails Rule
Assailing the convention-adopted
rule giving the executive council thel
right to suspend unions, Howard'
"This is the paramount issue now
and it is a complete stumbling block
to peace."
A permanent Federal relief pro-
gram, inclusion of agricultural work-
ers in the Social Security Program, a
$200,000 appropriation for a con-
tinued Senate investigation of labor
spies and strike-breaking, and pun-
ishment of those responsible for last
winter's Tampa floggings were called
for in resolutions the convention ap-
proved unanimously.
Students Of All
Nations Attend
Annual Dinner
Three hundred eighty students and
faculty members assembled last eve-
ning in the Union ballroom for the
annual international dinner.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson gave the
opening address and announced the
program. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman

The idea was the only one ac-
cepted of the 100,000 suggestions of-
fered for the new constitution which
Stalin formally presented for ratifi-
cation by the eight All-Union Con-
gress of Soviets.
Opens Congress
Stalin, in opening the Congress in
the Kremlin, delivered his second
public address in history, speaking
for two hours and 15 minutes.
The new ministry, Stalin said,
would be evolved from the heavy in-
dustry commissariats which have
been in charge of armaments.
The major part of Stalin's speech,
as secretary-general of the Com-
munist party, was devoted to an at-
tack on fascism and assurance that
the Communist Party would continue
to be the only party in Russia.
Speaking on the day when an anti-
Communist agreement between Ger-
many and Japan wasp announced in
Berlin, Stalin told the Congress the
new constitution gave moral support
to all those fighting fascism.
Says Capitalism Out
Comparing the Russia of 1924
when the existing constitution was
adopted with the Russia of today,
Stalin said capitalism was no more,
man no longer exploited man, un-
employment didn't exist, socialism
had completely captured the nation
and there were 400,000 tractors in
MOSCOW, Nov. 25.-(P)-Russia
tonight spared the life of a German
engineer, Emil I. Stickling, who was
sentenced to death for plotting
against the Soviet regime and killing
14 miners in acts of sabotage.
Gets 10 Years Prison
The Central Executive Committee
disclosed that Stickling's sentence
had been commuted to 10 years' im-
prisonment after the German em-
bassy had made repeated, violent
protests in the case.
Strickling and eight Russians were
sentenced to death Nov. 22 after all
admitted total or partial guilt in
plotting to wreck the great Kamerova
coal mines in Western Siberia. One
count against Stickling alleged he
engineered a gas explosion killing 14
The sentences of two of the Rus-
sians also were commuted to 10 years.
The C.E.C. also disclosed that the
nthr dnr~nr a n9hn l~

Thanksgiving Day
Marked By Great
Students' Exodus
A general exodus appeared to be.
the order yesterday afternoon as stu-
dents, with hastily-packed overnight
bags, shoved and pushed theiraway
into trains, busses, airplanes, auto-
mobiles, to spend Thanksgiving away
from the campus. And as their con-
veyances sped down Ann Arbor's
streets they passed hitch-hikers by
the hundred, waving hopeful, gloved
From all travel fronts the word was
the same. The Michigan Central
ticket agent reported at 3 p.m.:
"Everything indicates a heavy rail-
road traffic. A train pulled out a!
few minutes ago with standing room'
only in two sections."
Frederick Randall, travel agent re-
ported: "We're practically sold out.
They're taking both busses andl
trains. We've sold airplane tickets to
Chicago, Buffalo, New York City and1
many places in Ohio."
The dormitories reported many
girls had been given permission to
stay away Friday, if they had no
classes scheduled, or where they had
obtained the instructor's signature.
Mosher-Jordan led the list with 43
students signed out over the week-
end, with Newberry and Betsy Bar-'
bour having about half that num-
State Officials
Allowed To Fill
Appointive Jobs
LANSING, Nov. 25.-()-The
Democratic high command gave its
newly elected state officers today the
right to fill subordinate appointive
positions as they see fit.
Theodore I. Fry, chairman of the
Democratic State Central Commit-
tee, said the policy had been agreed
upon in conferences with Governor-
Elect Frank Murphy.
He issued a statement that "we are
in agreement that anything smacking
of czarism in patronage affairs, like
any other problem facing us, would
be unworthy of Democratic tradition
and thought.
"We are agreed that no appoint-
ment will be made of an office man-
ager at Democratic state headquar-
ters to handle patronage affairs."
Coincident with the announcement
came word that Republican state
employees, anticipating an employ-
ment shakeup when the Democratic
administration takes office, are seek-
ing refuge under the merit system1
regulations of the State Emergency
Relief Administration.
Dr. William Haber, emergency re-
lief administrator, disclosed that 3,-
000 persons competed in examina-
tions for placement on the adminis-
tration's eligibility list. The exam-
inations ended yesterday.
Haber said many of the 3,000 now
are employed in the Republican sec-
retary of state's office and the old
age pension bureau.
zent In Business

Japan, Germany Sign Pact
Against All Communism;
Italy Lends Support
Pact Called Moral
Duty By Goebbels
Communist Internationale
Is Butt Of Agreement
By Anti-Bolshevists
GIBRALTAR, Nov. 25.- (aP)-A
Spanish insurgent trawler fired on
a Russian steamer crossing the Gib-
raltar Straits westward, it was re-
ported here today. The Russian ship
was not hit.
The Trawler was believed one of
several patrolling the Straits for the
BERLIN, Nov. 25.-(JP)-Japan and
Germany today signed a pact direct-
ed against communism throughout
the world and pointed specifically to
he Communist Internationale.
Japan thus was brought into the
European bloc of authoritarian pow-
ers lined up against the spread of
Bolshevism. (Austria, Hungary and
Italy also are supporting anti-com-
nunist campaigns).
The Japanese-German agreement
signed today charged directly that
the activities of the Communist In-
ternationale from Moscow "threat-
ened world peace," and asserted fu-
ture communist proselyting would not
be tolerated by either of the signa-
Directed Against Internationale
Propaganda Minister Patt Joseph
Goebbels over the radio tonight as-
serted the alliance was directed sole-
y against the Moscow Internationale
and not against any state.
"It was not only the perfect right
of Japan and Germany to sign this
treaty," he said, "it was a political
moral duty."
(In Tokio, the foreign office ex-
pressed similar views, also asserting
the pact was not directed against any
specific state.)
The alliance, long reported to have
been in effect, bound Japan and Ge-
many for five years to:
1. Consult on co-operative anti-
communist moves.
2. Invite third parties to join
3. Exchange police data on the
4. Invoke stiff penalties for in-
ternal agitators.
5. Set up a permanent Japanese-
German commission.
Many Witnesses
Representatives of all diplomatic
missions in Berlin were invited to
witness the signing of the agreement
by Japanese Ambassador Kintomo
Mushakoje and by Joachim von Rib-
bentrop, German ambassador to
Great Britain, the right hand man of
Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler on for-
eign affairs.
A supplementary protocol dealt
with provisions for the interexchange
of police data on communists and
called for "strict measures," direct or
indirect, foreign or domestic, against
communist agitators.
Foreign diplomats tonight attached
greatest significance to the lack of
geographical limitations of the pact.
If the Komintern should carry ac-
tivities into China or into Spain or
anywhere, it was asserted, under the
terms of the document Japan and
Germanywould feel themselves free
to act jointly.
PARIS, Nov. 25.-()-The French
cabinet tonight reaffirmed adher-
ence to the Spanish Non-Interven-
tion Committee after Foreign Minis-
ter Yvonne Delbos condemned the
Japanese - German anti - bolshevist
pact signed in Berlin.
"Unfortunately," he said, "the Ger-
man-Japanese treaty signed today
cannot be considered as creating a

favorable atmosphere.
"The accord is sharply ideological
and inspired by a crusading spirit
which France, like England and all
countries desirous of peace, refuses
to accept. France does not wish to
add any new element more or less ar-
tificial to the all-too-real causes of
Lindbergh, Believed Lost,

SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 25.-(A")
-The nine day "sit down" strike and-
lockout at the plant of the Bendix
Products Corporation ended here to-
night with the acceptance by the
company and the union of a seven-
point agreement by which employes!
will be back at their jobs by Monday
The seven points of the agreement
1. All employes shall be back atj
their jobs not later than next Monday
2. The company recognizes LocalI
Union No. 9, United Automobile
Workers, as the bargaining agent forl
its membership and all other em-t
ployes who choose to avail themselves
of its service.-
3. The company shall cooperate
with Local Union No. 9 by agreeing1
to take back all of the employes on
the rolls as of Nov. 16 without dis-
crimination or loss of seniority rights
as far as practicable to the extent;
there are jobs for them.
4. There shall be established a
board of review to which any mem-
ber of the union or any employe who
secures consent of the executive board
of Local Union, No. 9, who is dis-
satisfied with the decision of the per-
sonnel director, may take his com-
5. Men laid off by reason of re-,
duction of forces shall be given at
least one day's notice in advance of,



New Era In Spani
Is Seen If Loy

Lp' kJE. ...dmentUiUon.. .3 Y U

An era of more progressive educa-
tion and a chance for college training
for the less wealthy Spanish youth
was forecast yesterday by Prof. Er-
melindo Mercado of the Spanish de-
partment, if the Spanish Loyalist
government is victorious, as he be-
lieves it will be.
In the past, Professor Mercado de-
clared in an interview yesterday, only
the rich were enabled to attend the
universities, which resembled office
buildings, located in the heart of the
cities. The different colleges of the
universities were dispersed through-
out a city and were even in different
cities. There were no college cam-
puses or spirit in the American sense,
he said.
Since 1932, however, Professor
Mercado continued, there has been
a definite movement by the Com-
munist, Socialist and Republican
parties, which now constitute the
government, to renovate the schools.
About 10 years ago a new plan was
set up to form a University City on
the~ outits of* n ridrlhe P oInvnd.

alists Victorious,
pointed out. "The colleges take a very
active part in politics and are quite a
power in political circles."
Professor Mercado was in Spain
during the one day revolution of
1932. At that time a general strike
was one of the rebels weapons. These
strikes are of more general scope in
Spain than they are in America, Pro-
fessor Mercado said.
At this time Professor Mercado ex-
plained that he also observed how
Spanish newspapers were censored.
The stories were all written and set
up in type. Then the censor came
along and read the paper. If he saw
something he did not like he merely'
scratched up the type and the paper
went to press with many spots in-
dicating where the type was made
"I think that the Loyalists now
have a good chance of winning the
war," Professor Mercado said, "be-
cause they now are being supplied
with needed guns from some un-
known source. The government al-
ways had the most men, but were
short on rifles since the revolting

gave the blessing, and selections were '.JL con emneamena had een snot
by firing squads.
given by a quartette from the Glee ___________________
Dean Edward H. Kraus gave the Prof. Dickinson ]
official welcome of the University to
the foreign students. He stressed the
effect that foreign institutions have
had on American universities in the
past and the effect American uni-
versities now have on foreign groups. By ROBERT PERLMAN
George Averill and Dean Myers, Labor organization and strikes go
both representatives of Rotary In- hand in hand with improving busi-
ternational addressed the group, ness conditions, according to Prof.
stressing the aims of Rotary in pro- Z. Clark Dickinson of the economics
moting international friendship and epartment, wh said in an interview
good will. Dr. Charles W. Brashares dprmnwosi na neve
greeted the banquet guests in behalf yesterday that "workers have a strat-
of the Ann Arbor churches. egic advantage in making their de-
Marshall Shulman, '37, spoke to 4 mands when employers urgently need
the group, as the representative of them for work."
the Men's Council. He showed the Professor Dickinson pointed out
students how they aided the Ameri- that before and during the World
can groups in getting a better idea of War "the annual membership of the
foreign countries than that offered American Federation of Labor in-
by mere report and rumor. creased in proportion to the rise in
The foreign student answer to the wholesale prices. However, this in-
greetings was given by Ching-Kun crease in labor's confidence may be
Yang, Grad. Prof. Robert B. Hall offset by a rise in the cost of living
announced that there will be a Far and the accompanying decrease in

olent neutrality, which merges on
sympathy and support."
"The Northern cotton and textile
workers are not as active now as be-
fore because their employers are not
in such great need of them," Profes-
sor Dickinson pointed out. However,
he added, workers in these lagging
industries may have just the opposite
reaction and, encouraged by their
brothers' successes in other lines of
work, may make demands in the hope
their cause will also be successful.
The recent wage increases may also
have two opposite affects, according
to Professor Dickinson. "These in-
creases and bonuses, impelled by a
desire to avoid the corporate surplus
tax and to forestall aggressive indus-
trial unionism, give the employers a
certain tactical advantage since it



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