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November 25, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-25

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1936

Erasmus' Life
Will Be Feted

By University
Hyma Selected As Speaker
For Local Celebration
Here On Dec. 8
The world-wide celebration of the
400th year since the death ofDesid-
erius Erasmus, famed Dutch scholar,
who died in 1536 will be observed on,
the University campus on the after-
noon of Dec. 8, in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium, it was revealed yes-
terday by Prof. Arthur E. Boak, of
the history department, chairman of
the Erasmus celebration Committee.
The fourth centennial of Erasmus
was celebrated throughout the past
summer in Holland under the aus-
pices of the Dutch government. Most
collegs and universities in the United
tSates commemorated the event on
Sept. 19.
The University celebration is to
take the form of a lecture at 4:151
p.m., Dec. 8, which will be given
by Prof. Albert Hyma, of the history
department. To 'quote Professor
Boak, "The lecturer has attained in-
ternational recognition as an author-
ity on the life of Erasmus and was
one of those who gave an address at
the Holland celebration, chosen to
represent American scholars on this
A statement concerning the mean-
ing of Erasmus to civilization is be-
ing prepared by Professor Boak,
committee chairman, and wil Tbe re-
leased for publication about a week
before the celebration.
Photographs Shown
Exhibit Of Persian
Photographs of Persian architec-,
ture will be shown in an exhibit
opening Nov. 27 in the west gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall. The dis-
play has been arranged by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art.
The photographs were obtained
through the courtesy of the Ameri-
can Institute for Persian Art and
Archeology. The display here will
be the second showing in this coun-
try. The photographs were exhibited
in London last year.
In connection with the exhibit,
Dr. Aga-Oglu will speak on the his-
tory of Persian-Islamic Art, Dec. 2.
One group of photographs of spe-
cial interest is that of the tower
tombs of the Seldjuk period in the
12th and 13th centuries.

Ann Arbor Groups
To Join Local Sing
A number of groups in Washtenaw
County will participate in the tra-
ditional Ann Arbor Community
Christmas Sing, it was announced
yesterday by a combined committee
of representatives from major camp-
pus organizations and from the city
of Ann Arbor.
The date for the Sing has been
set for either Dec. 16 or 17. Uni-
versity students, the Glee Club, Stan-
ley Chorus, St. Thomas' Ciurch
'Choir, St. Andrew's Church Choir,
Methodist, Presbyterianhand other
churches of Ann Arbor, the public
schools under the leadership of MissE
Juva Higbee, and the University
High School under the leadership of
Miss Odina Olson will participate to
the accompaniment of the Carillon
in the program.
enef it Show
To Be Helped
By Glee Club
The University Glee Club will ap-
pear in a benefit program at the An-
gell School auditorium at 8 p.m.,
Tuesday, Dec. 8. The proceeds will
be used for necessary stage equip-
ment for the school.
Included on the same program will
be a dramatic skit by Mrs. Carlton
Peirce and Mrs. W. W. Gilbert. Swed-
ish and Norwegian songs in costume
will be presented by Miss Odina Ol-
son who has spent some time in
Scandinavian countries.
The program of the Glee Club will
be varied by baritone and tenor solos
and double quartet arrangements.
One of the featured soloists will be
Ralph Clark, '38SM who was the first
recipient of the Stanley Memorial I
Scholarship given by the Glee Club
alumni. Also appearing on the pro-
gram will be Henry Austin who re-
cently returned from the East where
he gave a week's performance with a
light opera company. He is known
for his work with Play Production
and School of Music operettas. A
third soloist will be Martin Thomp-
son, '37SM, director of the Presby-
terian Church choir, who held a solo
part in "Pirates of Penzance" last
The program is under the spon-
sorship of the Angell School Parent-
Teacher Association. Tickets will be
sold at the door of the school at.
1608 South University by a commit-
tee headed by Mrs. W. C. Steere.

War Correspondents Have Ringside Seats At Madrid Fight

Rainich To Speak
Befoare Ma t h eGroun

Approximately 20 members of the People wishing to attend the Tri-
mathematics department will attend State Y.M.C.A. Conference at Albion
the meeting of the Michigan Section on Dec. 4, 5, and 6 have only until
of the Mathematical Association of.-, ;_-_


Tri-State 'Y' Meet
ReserP:PYvations Du78

America at Albion College, Albion, on
Nov. 28, Prof. Cecil C. Craig, its sec-
retary-treasurer announced yester- I
Prof. George Y. Rainich of the
mathematics department will deliver
the invitation address on J. L. La-
Grange, eminent mathematician, thej
200th anniversary of whose birth isl
being celebrated this year.
Other members of the department
who are scheduled to speak before
the convention are Donat K. Kazar-
inoff on the "Generalization of the
Pythagorean Theorem" and Prof.
John D. Elder on "Note on the Class
Number Function."
Paul Nims, '37, a student at the
University will discuss "Complex
Numbers and Triangles," a relation
which he ,discovered.

the end of this week in which to
make reservations for it, officials ofr
the Student Christian Association an-
nounced yesterday.
The Student Christian Association,
which is sending at least two dele-
gates of its own to the conference, is
handling the registrations of anyone
else who is interested in going. Frank
McDonald, '39, publicity manager of
the group, said, and is planning to
organize transportation to the meet-
ing and back again for people at-
tending under its auspices.
Registration can be done in Lane
Hall or through Richard Clark, '37.



Make Your

- Associated Press Photo
War correspondents and cameramen covering the Spanish civil war are shown watching an engagement
between Fascists and Socialists from the roof of this tailb.uilding on the outskirts of Madrid, scene of recent
bitter fighting and aerial bombardments.

New Pine Tree
Disease Found
By D.V.Baxter
Forestry Professor Says
Canker Is Latent Threat
To Growth
A canker disease new to this region
and potentially a serious threat to the
growth of Norway pine has just been
discovered in Michigan by Prof. Dow
V. Baxter of the forestry school.
The disease, caused by a fungus,
produces a distinct depression in the
wood of the infected tree, but unlike
many such diseases of conifers, res-
inous on the exterior is notImarked,
Professor Baxter said. Black fruit-
ing bodies appear on the cankered
wood and on the branches from the
diseased areas on the trunk, he de-
clared in describing the appearance
of the disease.
Any new disease affecting this tree
is only visualized in its fullest import-
ance, Professor Baxter explained,
when it is realized that approximately
80,000,000 Norway pines were planted
on national forest land alone in 1935.
He further declared that this species
has long been recommended for
planting because of its rapid growth
and general freedom from disease and
insects. Because the disease was only
recently discovered, little is known.
about its seriousness, but it is felt
that any newly found pest on this
species should cause concern. Lo-
cally the importance of the tree, the
forestry professor said, is in its wide
use in reforesting Michigan's waste-

Jones Studies Bricks To Find
Ancient Agricultural Conditions

Laboratory On Air
As Lay Broadcasts'
The microphone of the University
Broadcasting Service was taken
directly into the automotive labora-
tory yesterday where Prof. Walter
Lay of the mechanical engineering
department demonstrated how parts
of an automobile were tested by
The program, which was one of a
series of "Actuality Broadcasts" pre-
sented every Tuesday, was conducted
in an informal manner, Prof. Waldo
Abbot, Director of University Broad-
casting, assumed the role of inquiring
&L& Ag

For Party Pictures
"Bob" and "Herb" Gach

Tie Arcade
Camera Shop

Multifarious' Describes Duties'
Of Manager Of.Dormitories

Believe it or not, Voiney H. Jones
of the anthropology department is
studying bricks to find out the agri-
cultural conditions of the ancient
city of Awatovi, once located in what
is now a Hopi Indian reservation in
northern Arizona.
"You see, it's like this," Mr. Jones:
explained as he dusted off a brick he
had brought back with him from his
recent trip to the reservation, "up
until the past few years, little at-
tention has been given to the extinct
city, and for that reason occasional-
ly unusual methods of approach are
needed to acquire the desired facts
-even to the extent of studying
bricks to find the old local types of
Back in the seventeenth century
the settlement of Awatovi was a
prosperous Hopi Indian town.
In 1629 the Spanish, who were
continually moving up from the
South, built a mission-house in the
village. It was the bricks from that
structure that Mr. Jones brought
back with him.
As a result of the mission, the In-
dians in Awatovi soon became Chris-
tians, much to the resentment of the
neighboring Hopi towns. In fact, the
feeling toward the converted Hopi's
grew so bitter that finally, in the year
1700, the heathen groups made a
mass attack upon them, razing the
town, murdering the men, and dis-
tributing the women and children
among the victors.
The adobe bricks which went into-
the construction of the mission house
were made of clay throughout which
...and after the show or before-
DANCE (Free)
and EAT'
at the
320 South State Street
"At the Sign of the Clock"

were scattered wheat straws to help
keep the bricks from crumbling.
Fortunately for the anthropologist,
foreign matter happened to make its
way into the bricks, along with the
straw, giving a clew to the type of
agriculture the Indians had de-
veloped. By dissolving the brick,
which -after more than 300 hun-
dred years of service-is still as hard
as stone, and straining out the bind-
ing material, seeds of several fruits,
including peach and watermelon,
have already been discovered; and it
is hoped that further investigation
will uncover clews to other plant life.
Mr. Jones, who spent a little less
than a month in the Hopi Indian
Reservation, conducted his research
as a part of the five-year program of
the Peabody Museum at Harvard.
The program is half-way toward
There will be a meeting of the
Bibliophiles of the Faculty Women's
Club at 2 p.m. today at the home of
Mrs. C. N. Wenger of 1319 Olivia St.






Best Imported and Domestic


Many are the duties entrusted to women's dormitories are handled by
ie care of Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley, who j the office of Dean Alice C. Lloyd and
oks after the financial affairs of applications for Fletcher Hall, the
L1 the University's dormitories ex- only dormitory for men on the cam-
apt Martha Cook. pus, are handled directly at Fletcher
Mrs. Stanley shares an office on the Hall.
.cond floor, of:.University Hall with "It is hard to compare dormitories
ce-president and secretary of the of Michigan with those of other
niversity, Shirley W. Smith. It is schools," Mrs. Stanley said, "because
er job, she explained, to purchase of the difference in accommodations,
11 the food for the students eating service, prices, and other differences
dormitories and supervise all fi- in general conditions."
ancial #dealings entering the secur- Iowa, which was found in a surveys
g of sundry provisions for the dor- conducted by The Daily to have dor-
itories. mitory facilities for 910 men, was
Curiosity was initially aroused at mentioned by Mrs. Stanley as one
ie disappearance of a little placard example of the difficulty of drawing
i which were the printed words, comparisons between facilities of dif-
anager of Dormitories, from a little ferent universities. According to Mrs..
aorway on the first floor of the Stanley, one of the dormitories at
)uth Wing. This raised the ques- I Iowa is no more than a huge barracks
on of what had happened to the that houses scores of men.
lice and, posthumously, what had I





Burr, Pa


(Continued from Page 4)


Harris Hall: All Episcopal students
and their friends are cordially in-
vited to attend a Thanksgiving party
at Harris Hall on Friday evening,
Nov. 27 at 9 p.m.

been its function.
After a fruitless search over the
greater part of the campus, which in-
cluded a visitation of almost every
University sturcture with the excep-
tion of the Intramural Building and
Hill Auditorium, a return to Univer-
sity Hall found the office on the sec-
ond floor of the central wing of
that building. And it was not de-
funct, as had been hastily supposed,
but alive and active and-what is
more-the placard in its proper
Mrs. Stanley has several assistants
to help her in the adminitration of
the dormitories. Martha Cook, she
said, is administered separately by
specific request of the donor, William
W. Cook, who, also donated funds for


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A New Approach to Immunity
JUST READY and should be of exceptional interest to Clinicians,
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the law quadrangle.
The applications for

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By DR. REUBEN L. KAHN, of the University of Michigan,
Author of the KAHN TEST, etc., etc.
Price $750
"Prophesying in Science is dangerous and rash, however, the
reviewer is willing to risk the opinion that this book will not be
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Buy Yours On Campus




stimulate more productive investigation in immunology
any previous contribution."-





(From Book Reviews, American Journal of Clinical Pathology,
September, 1936)


50 _ 00 IC WN PAYMET



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