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November 25, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-25

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F&UR VTmNrSDA T, Nov. ~, u~





196 Member 1937
Associated Cole6iate Press
Distributors of
Cole6ate iEst
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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second class mail matter.
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$4.00; by mal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey.
Ralph W. Hurdl Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards,
Publication Department:Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton,rIrving S. Silver-
mran, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage, Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
De~ano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
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Business Department
Depart-mental Managers
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Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
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Ifed Advertising Manager.

organisms with the external world, and within
By Robert A. Millikan
1. The suprere contribution of physics to
the development both of civilization and of the
individual is found in its enormous influence in
the creation of the conviction that nature is
not capricious, but is, instead, at least to a very
considerable extent, understandable and even
controllable by man.
2. A second reason for the study of physics
is found in its direct unity. Physics is today
universally recognized as the most fundamental
of the sciences, the one which touches life most
closely and most basically.
3. A third contribution of physics is found in
its disciplinary value. From my point of view,
there is no training in objective, analytical think-
ing, nor in honsty and soundness of judgment,
which is comparable to the training furnished
by the physics sciences.
4. A fourth value of physics lies in its peculiar
adaptation to developing the habit and the art
of problem-solving.
5. A fifth contribution of physics is found
in the social value of the scientific method.
By Julius Stieglitz
The four or five most significant points of view
which chemistry has to offer the modern world
may be summarized as follows:
I. The science of chemistry has many points
of general interest, the organization of the one
of which into a composition should stimulate
a freshman or sophomore and also be of great-
est benefit to him as a language requirement.
The logical development of a scientific subject
of a broad interest and its presentation in
clear and simple language would be invaluable
practice for our students. A few of the topics .
whichlwould lend themselves to general treat-
ment are :
1. An outline of the origin, development and
present picture of the atomic theory of matter.
2. An outline of the development of the
chemist's ideas of elements and of present views
concerning elementary substances.
3. The rhythm and orderliness of the rela-
tions of the elements to one another, as ex-
pressed by the Periodic Law, by the application of
which it was possible to predict the discovery of
new elements and their properties (Mendelyeev).
4. A critical parallel between the methods
and processes of analysis in mental processes
(logic) and the chemist's methods of analysis
of the earth's matter.
5. The success of synthetic methods in chem-
istry and passible its effects on social science
and government.
6. The rapid development of creative chem-
istry, its brilliant successes and some of its pos-
7. The evaluation for mankind of any one of
the important elements such as oxygen, nitro-
gen, carbon, iron, copper, gold, radium, &c.
II. Creative chemistry in industry.
III. Chemistry and agriculture.

**#*#* IT ALL
ft B Bonth Williams mae
THE CHAMPION IS DEAD. Last of his line of
stalwart adventurers, the Champion was
perhaps the greatest pioneer of all. He travelled
the country from north to south and east to west.
Neither the heat of summer nor the rigors of
blizzards lver stopped him completely as he
fought on over mountains and across rivers to
his destination.
I can see him now, his tan coat and snub nose
forging constantly onward as he strained and
groaned over the last miles of one of his long
The Champion was always ready at any hour
of the night or day. Never did I hear him com-
plain even when making forced marches of the
most gruelling kind. Bearing the scars of many
a bitter conflict, part of his frame bent from
the onslaught of a charging bull, his once lus-
trous brown coat bleached by the vicious attacks
of the elements, the Champion died, ironically
enough, while quiet asleep.
Frankly the Champion had a weakness. He
had an incessant craving for alcohol-a craving
which always became most intense during the
winter months. Friday the Champion tried to
stop drinking, tried to put an end to the curse
of the drunkard that was making him its slave.
With staunch determination the Champion re-
tired for the night sans alcohol. A bitter wind
sprang up as the night progressed. The Cham-
pion, wrapped only in his blanket and without
the alcohol which his constitution required, died
in his sleep as the undiluted water swelled in
his chest and finally cracked his block.
The Champion has many friends but none of
them have the hundred dollar fee which special-
ists demand to perform a major operation that
could have him. My heart is heavy over the
loss of my Ford.
** * *
O THE CYNICS who insist that Michigan
sports are subsidized, that all the bounties
of an abundant life are an athlete's for the ask-
ing I would tell the story of Irwin Shalek.
Shalek, a senior now, played goalie on the
Varsity hockey team last winter, and was ex-
pected to fill that same post again during the
season that starts Saturday. The day before
practice was scheduled to start, Shalek told
Coach Eddie Lowrey that he'd had to find an-
other net minder.
"I got my first D when I played last semester,"
Shalek explained. "I'm trying to get into med
school and if I get another I'm all washed up.
"You see I have lab every day from 1 to 5,
hockey practice is from 6 to 8, and I work in the
Pretzel Bell for my board from 9 to 12. The only
time I can study is the two hours that we us-
ually practice. Last year I tried going without
sleep, and I couldni't keep up my work or keep
in the kind of shape a goalie has to be in. The
situation's just the same this year so I guess it's
for everybody's benefit that I hang up my skates."
ade that the legislature does not make ap-
propriations as gifts tied up in pretty packages.
It is no Santa Claus. Appropriations go to those
who exert the most pressure through organiza-
tion. A petition circulated among the students
at our university and presented to the legislature
at the opening of the next session in 1937 seems
an excellent approach to our problem. Such a
petition campaign would in no way be an alter-
native to what is planned by the University Hous-
ing Committee; it would be strictly supplemen-
tary. The two would work together giving actual
encouragement to each other. Yet this peti-
tion campaign provides the definite, written, ag-
gressive demand that cannot be overlooked by
those in responsible positions. It is here pro-
posed then, that the University Housing Commit-
tee consider this suggestion seriously. If corre-
lated properly with research work and work
among the alumni, it would be a very significant
contribution to the solution of the housing prob-

A Great Poem
To the Editor:
To those critics who claim that America has
not produced great poetry, I recommend the
poem by Leo Kirschbaum appearing in the No-
vember issue of Contemporary, entitled "Still
I am not a professional critic, but in my own
way I try to understand the poems I read and
draw from them something of the thought and
inspiration which has been put into them. It is
my humble opinion, subject to c6rrection, of
course, that in this poem Mr. Kirschbaum has
captured the age-long struggle of man to free
his soul from its material confines. This thought
is perhaps most strongly brought out in the line:
'Red ants explode from hill," which to my mind
sums up in a few words a thought much deeper
than appears on the surface. The wonders of
nature, its breathless pace, its varied colour, its
inexorable law of kill or be killed, is brought
out with driving force in the line: "The hawk
begins its kill." At this point in the poem I was
strongly reminded of some of the work of the
Cavalier poets in England, although I feel certain
that if there has been any such influence on Mr.
Kirschbaum, it must be indirect. The last two
lines are worthy of special attention:
Two roses and a key
Confront nobility
Obviously the two roses represent man and
woman- ond thp- kpv -,mhnai7,c +hn+ in hei

'Bury The Decd'
(From The New York Times)
Note: The following article by the
drama critic of the New York Times
is reprinted in connection with Play
Production's presentation of "Bury
The Dead" tonight at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
the published version of Idiot's
Delight Robert E. Sherwood put in a
good word for good will: "Let us
here express the conviction that
those that shrug and say 'War is
evitable' are false prophets. I be-
lieve that the world is populated
largely by decent people, and decent
people don't want war." Mr. Sher-
wood had hardly made that humane
observation before Irwin Shaw did
something toward proving it. He
consented to a production of his first
play, Bury the Dead. As he phrases
it contemptuously, it is a play about
the "war that is to begin tomorrow
night," and it is the most poignant
revelation of the human aspect of
Armageddon since Journey's End. In
one long act that takes 80 minutes
to play, he reduces war to its ghast-
liest principles by imagining a revolt
of the dead and by sparing the au-
dience none of the callous, brutish
details of the battlefield. Among the
decent people who do not want war,
pay some attention to a young man
23 years of age who until recently
was scribbling radio scenes and is
now in Hollywood. Unlike most de-
cent people, he has struck a blow
where it hurts.
Although unpleasant plays ordi-
narily meet with public resistance,
the reputation Bury the Dead has
acquired in six weeks is astonishing.i
It was first produced experimentallyi
in the middle of March by the Let1
Freedom Ring band of actors. Pres-
ently it appeared on the newstands
in New Theatre Magazines, which
has an enviable reputation for the
discovery of vital one-act plays.
Then Random House brought it out
in book form. Now Alex Yokel, who
set the wole world laughing last year
with Three Men On A Horse, set it
up in Broadway housekeeping at the
Ethel Barrymore Theatre . . . No
doubt a good part of this tumultuous
acclaim comes from the delight the
theatre always takes in discovering
a new playwright with uncommon
talents who gives a stirring account
of the min his first piece of work. But
war is a responsive subject for a
fresh imagination to work upon. In
Bury The Dead Mr. Shaw's imagina-
tion is nervous and startling.
At the age of 23 a man cannot
know much of trench warfare at first
hand. He would have been about
one year old when the Great War set
the furies loose in Europe. He would
have been about five when the ar-
mistice interrupted the last barrage.
But, obviously, there is something to
be said for a discussion of war by a
mind that has not been hardened
by personal experience under fire.
For the war generation has gone a
bit stale; it is habit-bound; it argues
and denounces against a booming
background of fiery shells. To Mr.
Shaw's way of thinking, however, the
evil of war is terrifyingly simple: it
robs young men of their lives for no
good reason. There is no logical
connection between the jangled
temper of international polity and
the crumpled body of even one young
man... .
Any one with a little experience in
the theatre can see that Bury the
Dead is not a suavely polished bit

of drama. It covers too much ground
in helter-skelter fashion; it is repeti-
tious; some of the scenes are too
long to preserve the brisk, machine-
gun style of the narrative. Eventual-
ly Mr. Shaw will learn to use the
theatre more efficiently as a medium
for acting. In the meantime, his
style of humor is stringent and his
literary style is candid. His treat-
ment of the physical and spiritual as-
pects of modern war is shocking and
moving, for these are the things that
count. His mind has an almost neur-
otic insistence upon the bestial real-
ities. . . .
Bury the Dead is the ghoulish
drama of six corpses who protest
against the inhumanity if war by
refusing to be bu'riesd. Perhaps
Ohlumberg's Miracle at Verdun sug-
gested that diabolical fantasy to Mr.
Shaw. He has possessed it com-
pletely by writing a thoroughly or-
iginal play and especially by the
compassion of his writing in the
scenes between the corpses and their
anxious women-folk. At the request
of the War Department, wives,
sweethearts and mothers of the ob-
durate dead have come to the grave-
side and tried to persuade them to
lie down peacefully in their graves
and let the war go on. The corpses,
on the other hand, try to explain why
they have startled the world by re-
fusing to have the dirt packed on
their faces Tt. i ah llinus

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresaI4
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.,

Values From
Various Studies.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1936 c
VOL. XLVII No. 511
ISm otices
Smoking in University Buildings:r
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private of-k
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken andt
control exercised. This is neither ac
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose ofl
peventing fires. In the last, five years,f
15 of the total of 50 fires reported, orI
30 per cent, were caused by cigarettest
or lighted matches. To be ef-
fective, the rule must necessarily ap-
ply to bringing lighted tobacco into
or through University buildings and
to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
and pipes within buildings-includ-
ing such lighting just previous to go-.
ing outdoors. Within the last fewa
years a serious fire was started at
the exit from the Pharmacology
building by the throwing of a still
lighted match into refuse waitingf
removal at the doorway. If the rule1
is to be enforced at all its enforce-
ment must begin at the building en-
trance. Further, it is impossible that
the rule should be enforced with one
class of persons if another class of
persons disregards it. It is a dis-
agreeable and thankless task to "en-
force" almost any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it hasI
the winning support of everyone con-C
cerned. An appeal is made to all per-"
sons using the University buildings-D
staff members, students and others--e
to contribute individual cooperationd
to this. effort to protect University
buildings against fires.
This statement is inserted at thet
request of - the Conference of Deans.p
Shirley W. Smith.t
Dedication of the Baird Carillon:b
Members of the faculty and their7
families, students, and the publica
generally are cordially invited to at-b
tend the exercises to be held in Hill
Auditorium at 4:30 p.m., Friday, Dec..
4, at which the Charles Baird Caril-
lon will be dedicated. While a limit-
ed number of official invitations ared
being issued, the University takes
this method of inviting the Uni-
versity community and citizens ofI
Ann Arbor to attend the exercises.
With the exception of the sectionl
reserved. for official guests, all seatsi
in the auditorium will be available
for occupancy, and after 4:20 p.m. no
reserved seats will be held.a
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after today will be recorded
with a grade of E.
Students, School of Education:t
Courses dropped after today will be1
recorded with the grade of E exceptP
under extraordinary circumstances.c
No course is considered officiallyi
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Roomc
4, University Hall.i
General Library: On Thanksgivings
Day, Nov. 26, the Main Reading
Room and the Periodical Room of the
General Library will be open from1
2 to 9 p.m.1
BogJs from other parts of the
building which are needed for use on
that day will be made available in thet
Main Reading Room if request is
made today to an assistant in thef
reading room where the books. aret
usually shelved.r
Pre-Medical Students: Saturday,<
Nov. 28, will be the last day for reg-r
istration for the Medical Aptitude
Test to be given Friday, Dec. 4, from
3 to 5 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-!

torium. Information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall. A
fee of one dollar is charged, payable
at the Cashier's Office.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Supervising Inspector of Cloth-
ing Factories, Federal Prison Indus-
tries, Incorporated, salary, $4,600;
Lithographic Stone Grinder and
Polisher, Weather Bureau, Depart-
ment of Agriculture (For appoint-
ment in Washington, D. C. only):
and Junior Custodial Officer, Bureau
of Prisons, Department of Justice.
salary, $1,860. These examinations
do not require a college degree. For
further information concerning
them, call at 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. ,
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of Cleve-
land Civil Service examinations for
positions in the summer playground
service of the Division of Recrea-
tion, open to men and women whose
permanent residence is in Cuyahoga
County and who meet the aualifica-

ority Presidents and Treasurers:
Page contract cards for the 1937
Michiganensian should be signed im-
mediately and mailed into the 'En-
sian office. Copy blanks, (names of
members and officers), should also
be sent with the contract. We are
asking your cooperation in this mat-
ter as we need this information in
order to meet our deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted over the Thanksgiving Holiday
from 12 noon today until' 8 a.m. on
Friday, Nov. 27. Students who bring
their cars here during this interval
mst have them out of Ann Arbor by
8 a.m., Nov. 27.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Athletic Bldg will be closed
on Thursday, Nov. 26, (afternoon
and evening) except for reservations.
Academic Notices
English I, Sec. 20: Appointments
for 3 p.m. and after today are post-
poned until Friday afternoon.
G. D. Helm.
English 197: Professor Bredvold
will meet the English Honors Course
on Friday, Nov. 27, 3-5 p.m.
W. G. Rice.
University Lecture: Mr. C. M.
Bo~wra, Fellow of Wadham College,
Oxford, will lecture on the subject
"Hellenism and, Poetry" Monday,
Nov. 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e
Course: Alexander Woollcott will ap-
pear in Hill Auditorium on Sunday,
Nov. 29, at 8:15 p.m. He will replace
Bertrand Russell, whose lecture has
been cancelled because of illness.
Tickets for the Woollcott lecture are
available at Wahr's State Street
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Original Etchings
and Lithographs from the Perman-
ent Collection of the Fine Arts Study
Room. Until Dec. 1, daily 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., South Gallery, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Events Of Today
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today at 12 o'clock in the
Russian Tea Room 'of the
Michigan League. Prof. Carl Rufus
of the Astroiomy Department, who
is also chairman of the Barbour
Scholarship Committee, will speak
on "Recent Journeyings in the Or-
ient." Professor Rufus spent his
sabbatical last year in the Orient.
Sphinx: There will be a very im-
portant luncheon meeting at 12:15
p.m. today in the Union.
School of Music Juniors: The
members of the Junior Class in the
School of Music will hold a meeting
for the election of officers and the
transaction of such other business as
may be of interest to the class, in
the School of Music Auditorium, to-
day at 4 p.m. All members of the
class are urged to be present.
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar: Mr. J. S. Walton
will be the speaker at the Seminar
for graduate students in chemical

and metallurgical engineering to-
day at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. En-
gineering Building. His subject is
"Statistical Treatment of Refinery
University Broadcasting: 2:15 p.m.
Instruction in Diction and Pronun-
ciation, Gail E. Densmore.
Scabbard and Blade: There will
not be a meeting today but there
will be a meeting Wednesday, Dec.
2, regular time and place.
Mixed Badminton: The first of the
mixed baminton practices will be
held this evening at Barbour Gym-
nasium from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. Each
player is asked to bring a bird. A
medical examination or recheck for
1936-37 is essential.
Coming Events
The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a
supper hike Thanksgiving afternoon,
leaving Lane Hall at 3 p.m. All stu-
dents are welcome.
Student Christian Association:


at the Sunday Forum just past,
that on "the value you should get out of eco-
nomics is the liberation of the mind," suggests
a report being published by D. Appleton-Century
Company for the National Council of Teachers of
English under the title "A Correlated Curricu-
lum." In the report, leading scholars of various
fields of learning have set down "the four or five
most significant facts, ideas or points of view"
which their subjects have to offer the modern
Following are excerpts from the statements of
five of the experts, reprinted from the New York
By Charles A. Beard
Here are the major ideas which seem to me
important in the study of history:
1. The concept of the long prehistoric life of
2. The concept of change, involving the idea
of progress.
3. The unity and continuity of cultural evo-
lution. -
4. The relation of great personalities (includ-
ing men and women of letters) to the total social
situation of their respective ages.
5. The concept of contingencies and choices
which might have been made or may now be
6. The idea of history as representing what
Hegel calls the ultimate design of the world (if
there is any, and there seems to be some evi-
dence of design).
Both history and letters will be strengthened
if historical situations are illuminated by refer-
ence to the social situations and great events of
each epoch.
There should be a closer contact between the
training courses for teachers of literature and
teachers of civic studies.
By Ales Hrdlicka
The five most significant facts of anthropology
about which the layman in this country should
know as much as possible are:
1. Man's development past and present.
2. Man's machinery; i.e., his body and organs.
3. The essentials of heredity.
4. The history of the formation of the various
nations, particularly those of the white race.
5. The composition of, and anthropological
developments in the American people.
By Raymond Pearl
I should regard the five most important general
basic things which biology has to contribute as:
1 nra a on -

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, beregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance anq interest to the campus.
Suggestion On Housing
To the Editor:
The University Housing Committee has been
formed on the campus to tackle a very serious
and pressing problem. For many years now stu-
dents at our university have been inadequately
housed. Today the situation reaches acute pro-
portions; it is more pressing than ever before.
It is clear that the mere experience of incon-
venience or suffering, the sense-impressions we
may say, of those who are badly housed, while
naturally valid enough in themselves, do not
constitute a complete and adequate diagnosis
of our illness. These impressions are not or-
ganized, they are not exhaustive, they do not
constitute the stuff from which an intelligent
program of action can be formed. Only a
statistical survey of the present housing situa-
tion can furnish the necessary basis for action.
Something has been done along this line by
the University. Their work is not complete how-
ever. The University Housing Committee should
organize and complete this work or research. It
is very essential.
Such a survey would acquaint us better with
the precise nature of our needs, their quality and
extent. It would offer the material for definite
and complete proposals for dormitories. And
these proposals would necessarily consider the
problem from the technical angle as well as the
economic angle. The location, size, and cost of
dormitories; the style of architecture, etc., would
all be considered in some detail. A clear view
of our actual needs is an invaluable tool for solv-
ing the problem.
So far we can agree unanimously. We must,
as the physician does, diagnose and prescribe.
But now the main problem arises. How are we
going to compound the prescription? What ma-
terials shall we use? In what proportions? Step
by step, what shall we actually do to solve the
housing problem?
The program of the University Housing Com-
mittee, as far as is generally known, is not rigid
and complete. Yet the emphasis seems to fall
upon an appeal to alumni as individuals and
groups for direct aid in the form of gifts. Stu-
dents and organizations on the campus shall also
contribute and the first steps in this direction
have already been taken. Thus the students
not only make a contribution figured in dollars
- ___ 4. _,14 . . - r . s ._ -. -- __ _.__

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