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November 22, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-22

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The Weather


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vs. Aitiquiated Lawsw . .

Fair andcolder today; strong
nor~vihwe."t w ids.



Ie S. Advises
Embassy Flee
From Spanish
War Regions
Madrid, Barcelona Offices
Instructed To Evacuate
Danger Areas
Americans In Two
Cities Exceed 300
Consul-General Is Ordered
To Call On American
Vessel In Emergency
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-()-
The United States government--con-
cerned for the safety of its represen-f
tatives and nationals in war-torn
Spain-tonight instructed the Ma-
drid embassy 4and Barcelona consu-
late to give serious consideration to
the desirability of closing those estab-
lishments temporarily to permit the
occupants to flee the danger zones.
Including the diplomatic and con-
sular staffs, Americans now in the
two areas number approximately 325,
about 200 of which are in Madrid
Orders went out to Consul General
Mahlon F. Perkins at Barcelona to
close his office and call upon an
American naval vessel to take Amer-
icans from there if changes in local
conditions became unsafe.
Perkins earlier had informed the
department he had warned all Amer-
icans in his district that the con-
sulate 'was likely to be closed at any
time without prior notice, adding that
those nationals who remained in the
Catalonian capital "during the pres-
ent disturbed conditions, do so on
their own responsibility."
So concerned were. officials here;
over the dangers confronting nation-
als in the two cities that R. Walton
Moore, acting secretary of state, re-
mained in his office throughout the
late afternoon to keep in constant
touch with the situation.
Baird Carillon
TO Accompany
Christmas Sing
Annual Campus Sing Will
Be Held Between League,
And Memorial Tower
Music of the Charles A. Baird Ca-
rillon will accompany the annual
community Christmas Sing, on Dec.
16, it was announced yesterday by
the committee in charge of the sing.
The annual sing, which has here-
tofore been conducted on the steps
of the Main Library, will this year be
held between the League and the
Burton Memorial Tower, in which the
carillon is installed.
A committee will meet at 5 p.m.
Tuesday in the Union to discuss plans
for the sing and the possibility of
having it broadcast. Prof. Earl V.
Moore of the music school is gen-
eral chairman of the sing.
Organizations participating in the
sing are the Lyra Chorus, the Stan-
ley Chorus, the Varsity Men's Glee
Club, the Choral Union and the
high school glee clubs.

Present at the first meeting were
Professor Moore, Prof. Wilmot F.
Pratt, University carillonneur, the
Rev. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
of religious education, Prof. Waldo
Abbott, director of University broad-
casting, Prof. David Mattern of the
music school, Miss Juva Higbie, Miss
Margaret Stace, Miss Oldina Olson,
Miss Roxy Cowin, E. C. Pardon, Fred
Hough, W. Hockley Butler and T. F.
Weaver To Speak
in Forum Series
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will deliver the sec-
ond lecture of the Union Sunday
Forum series at 4:30 p.m. today in
the north lounge of the Union. His
subject, "A Rationale of Values," will
serve as an introduction to the dis-
cussions that will be on later pro-

Belgians Discuss Municipalities With Local Men

-Photo by Walter A. Crow.
Senator Emile Vinck and Re£ne Didisheim, visiting Belgian authorities
on municipal government, will leave Ann Arbor today after stopping
here over the week-end on their six-weeks' tour of American cities.
Photographed by a Daily cameraman in the Union, talking with local
officials, the above picture includes from left to right: Harold D. Smith,
director of the University's Bureau of Government and of the Mich-
igan Municipal League; Mr. Didisheim, secretary and treasurer of
the International Institute of Administrative Sciences; George H.
Sandienburgh, city engineer and president of the municipal league;
Senator Vinck, member of the Belgian parliament and director of the
International Union of Cities and Local Officials; and Prof. John S.
Worley of the engineering college, also a member of the board of trustees
of the Michigan Municipal League.

A.F.L. FearsI
Lobby Effort
To Kill Probe
Report States Anti-Union
Forces Desire End Of
Strike-Breaking Sift
Committee Says
Lobbyists Active
Convention Group Claims
LaFollette Quiz May Be
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 21.-()-The
American Federation of Labor con-
vention's legislative program asserted
tonight that "millions of dollars"
would be available this winter to a
lobby seeking to kill the Senate in-
vestigation of strike-breaking and la-
bor espionage.
The committee urged the conven-
tion, in its report, to demand an
ample appropriation to continue the
inquiry directed by Senator LaFol-
lette (Prog., Wis.).
Lobbyists Mobilized
"All the lobbies of 'the great anti-
union financial forces and all their
secret pressures are being mobilized
to prevent the Senate's granting an
appropriation to carry on the inves-
tigation," 'the report said.
"The LaFollette committee has
dragged into the light the under-
world that serves the biggest busi-
nesses-the spies and thugs whose
profession is wrecking unions, or even
murdering workers.
"Espionage and thuggery are shown
to be businesses organized on a na-
tion-wide scale, to which great cor-
porations pay tens of millions an-
nually. Strike-breaking munitions,
gas grenades, and machine guns are
proved to be stocked by plants in
every line of industry.
"The nub of the matter is that
the Senate must grant the LaFollette
committee adequate financing for
lack of which its work is being
Lewis' Men Organize
While the convention was in re-
cess today, some of the delegates
sympathetic with John L. Lewis' re-
volt organized for a "united front"
when the rebellion issue comes to the
floor Monday.
These rebel sympathizers admitted
they had little chance of blocking any
action the old guard wished to take,
but they were determined to get their
views before the convention.
Chemists Find
m m- 'a- u

H undreds


Dr. Henderson,
Extension Head,
To Retire Feb. 1
Ends 14 Years Of Service
At Age Of 70; Selected
Director In 1918
Dr. William D. Henderson, who, in
his 14 years as director of the Uni-;
versity Extension Division, brought
the facilities of the University to half;
a million persons in the state, an-
nounced his retirement yesterday.I
Dr. Henderson's retirement will be-
come effective in February although
he will be 70 years old on Nov. 27. He
came to the University in 1900 as a
student and has been connected with,
the extension division since its or-
ganization in 1911. Seven years
later he was appointed to the direc-
torship of the division.
It was during the administration!
of the late President Hutchins that
Dr. Henderson first came into contact
with the division. At that time he
was teaching physics and had been!
'requested by President Hutchins to
lecture to a group in a mining town
in the Upper Peninsula. Later, in
1913, a petition of 1700 Detroit resi-
dents was answered with the first
Extension Division credit and non-!
credit classes.
From those first 'requests the Ex-
tension Division has grown into an1
organization which contacts 500,000
people in the State with its work. The
division operates through 15 different
In addition to the extension lec-
tures and courses which constitute
the bulk of the division's activities
there is the Michigan High School
Forensic Association in which there
were 355 schools participating in
Correspondence courses for the
CCC and WPA, having the aid of the
Extension Division, reach more than
900 students in the State in 29 city
centers and 40 CCC camps.
Health education is conducted by
the Joint Committee on Public
Health Education. Under the guid-
ance of the Extension Division series
of lectures on problems of health
and communicable diseases are con-
ducted by physicians and public
health workers.
The recent Parent Education Insti-
tute held here was part of the plan
for adult education which was con-
ceived by Dr. Charles A. Fisher, as-
sistant director of the division sev-
eral years ago. People come to the
campus from all parts of the state
for intensive study of certain sub-
jects. Other institutes are the In-
stitute for Law Enforcement, Adult
Education and Institute for Wom-
en's Clubs.
F. D. R. Stops To Fish
En Route To S. America

German Denial
Made Of Pactt
Nazi Government Admits I
Her Readiness To Act
Against Bolshevism
BERLIN, Nov. 21.-(P)-Germany
acknowledged today her readiness tof
act with Japan, partner in a common
antagonism to bolshevism, "in givent
situations," but continued to disclaim
knowledge of any pact between the
two nations aimed against Russia.
Japan and Germany, a high gov-
ernment spokesman said, "have much
in common in their authoritarian
conception of government" but there
is no "hard and fast alliance between
the two."
"It is quite conceivable Germany
and Japan-opposed as both are to
Bolshevism-may in given situations
decide to proceed jointly," he added.
"It is also possible, if either should
become involved in a war with Soviet
Russia, the other would exercise at'
least a benevolent neutrality."

At Final Services
Of Famed Singer
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Nov. 21.-W)-
"Silent night, holy night-"
Men who fought in the trenches,
mothers who lost their sons in battle,
and hundreds of others who loved
Mine. Ernestine Schumann-Heink
wept openly today as they heard the
soft strains of her favorite song in
the chapel where her body lay in1
a flag-draped casket.1
Chaplain Raun, saying he felt
"more humble than ever before in
his life," delivered an eulogy to the
famed 75-year-old diva who died
Tuesday night in Hollywood.
The body was to be cremated. Its
was brought to San Diego, Mine.
Schumann-Heink's home for many
years, after military services in Lost
Texas, Oreoonf
Report Success
In Dormitories
Fraternities At Texas AreF
Not Affected; Oregons
Maintains Unit Plan ,
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifthj
in a series of articles based on a survey
conducted by The Daily among univer-
sities and colleges throughout the
United States on the question of men's
dormitories. The last in this series, to
appear Tuesday. will be a general, brief
summary of the information received
from 50 institutions.
Both the University of Texas at
Austin, Texas, and the University of
Oregon have stressed the success of
their dormitories, financially and so-
cially, in letters to The Daily.
The dean of students at the Uni-
versity of Texas informed The Daily
that the effect of dormitories upon
fraternities has been negligible inas-
much as the new dormitories from
year to year have been able to accom-
modate less than the average increasee
in the student body. raternities on
this campus may also be consideredj
in the same light in view of the con-t
tinual rise in enrollment here.
Texas has two new dormitoriest
which cost approximately $200,0003
each. The third dormitory on theR
campus cost the university $10,000l
but this merely included the cost of
renovating a building donated by the
state for dormitory purposes.
The cost of the two new dormi-
tories is on the average $120 per year
for each student, but the average
cost in the older dormitory is $50 per
The University of Oregon has pro-
vided university dormitory facilities
for 20 per cent of its men's student
body. Prior to the depression the
university constructed a men's dor-
mitory to accommodate about 300
students. The construction of the
dormitories was on the unit plan;
each unit housing approximately 50
men; each unit having its own dormi-
tory separate from the others; each
unit having a large living room sim-
ilar to the fraternity houses and hav-
ing its own dining room.
The units developed into social
groups soon after the construction
of the dormitories so that a consti-
;ution and by-laws were framed and
officers were elected. Through these
officers each of the units transacts its
own business and is represented by
them in inter-organization meetings
on the campus. To maintain a sort
I of continuity and help the students
in the units, the university selects
a senior or a graduate student to act
as sponsor, who are given a great
deal of leeway in their administra-
tion. The compensation given the
sponsors for their work in the unit
1 is room and board.

Alaska, Hawaii,
Want Federal
Help In Strike

BuckeyesWin, 210,
As Michigan Closes
Unsuccessful Year

Galens Plan To Sell I
Tags Dec. 1 And 2
The annual tag drive of Galens,
lnor medical fraternity has beeni
set for Dec. 1 and 2.
On thiase days the 28 members of
he society will devote their efforts
;o the obtaining of contributions for
heir project, the Galens Shop at the
J'niversity Hospital which supplies in-
truction and recreational facilities
or the crippled children in the hos-
ital. Since its organization, this
project has grown until it now sup-
lies these conveniences to al lof the
314 crippled children confined there. 2
The members will be stationed B
long Main and State Sts. and sev-
ral cross streets during the twodays.a
lobert Wilson, '37M, president of the dC
society will supervise the drive. e
The Galens drive has become an2
annual affair, and each year welfare
officials in Ann Arbor have praised
ts success -
Fascists SinkP
Spanish Shipp
Near PalamosS
Government Troops Startb
Counter Attack Against
Rebel Strongholdt
MADRID, Nov. 21.-(P)-Sinkingo
of a Spanish merchant ship by Fas-T
cists was confirmed tonight as gov-p
ernment troops launched a counter-a
offensive to surround insurgents hold-v
ing Casa de Campo, westward acrosss
the Manzanares River from Madrid.
The Fascist cruiser Canarias sank e
the merchant marine vessel "Sat-4"
with 40 shells off the eastern Spanish
coast near Palamos early Tuesdays
morning, official advices from Bar-
celona announced. Two of the shells,
exploded in Palamos.p
The constant firing prevented theE
crew from reaching lifeboats and sea-s
men leaped into the sea to swim tot
safety. Three sailors and two Pala-s
mos residents were injured..
Before attacking the "Sat-4," the t
insurgent vessel compelled the crew
of a small fishing smack to give thea
Fascist salute.1
The Casa de Campo offensive fol-e
lowed close upon recapture of Uni-i
versity City positions by the govern-1
ment militia and Gen. Jose Maijap
said rout of the civil war enemy was
While icy rains prevented fascist
aerial attack of Madrid, wintry blasts
added to the hardships of MadridD
residents. It was estimated morec
than 250,000 women, children andI
old persons remained to be evacuated
from the capital.F
The commissary of evacuation an- t
nounced 1,000 automobiles had been
requisitioned to carry the refugeest
to safe haven, east and south of1
LONDON, Nov. 21.-(M)-Britain
jockeyed for peace in the Mediter-t
ranean tonight in the face of Span-
ish Fascist Gen. Francisco Franco's
threat to blockade Barcelona, butt
kept her warships ready.
Refusing to concede the Franco ul-
timatum was a serious blow likely
to snap the taut nerves of Europe,
British diplomats pressed efforts to,
line up other nations behind the
theory the Spanish conflict shouldl
be kept within Spain at all costa. l
The admiralty kept close check onl
British warships in the Mediterran-
ean, determined to protect merchant
shipping; but the question what Brit-
ain would do if one of her ships were
attacked on the seas was not an-'

Game Delays
Bendix Peace
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 21.-(P)
-Settlement of the sit down and
lockout strike at the Bendix Products
Corporation here was delayed until
Monday while negotiators went to the
fooball game between Notre Dame
and Northwestern universities.
Comnanv officials and representa-

Dye, Williams, Lead Fight
Against U. Of M.; Rabb,
Wasylik,_Cumisky, Tally
Punting Exhibition
Marks Final Game
Wolverines Slow Up In
Second Half; 56,000
Watch Season Finale
OHIO STADIUM, Columbus, Nov.
1.-(Special to The Daily)-Coach
Harry G. Kipke's Wolverines ended
disasterous football season here to-
lay as the highly-geared Ohio State
leven unleashed its fury before 56,-
02 homecoming fans to rout them
ompletely, 21 to 0.
Only in the first quarter did the
nvading Wolverines hold the Ohio
ower-house at bay. The Buckeyes
cored in each of the final three
periods and throughout the entire
second half carried the battle to
Mfichigan, "Tippy" Dye and "Jump-
ing Joe" Williams each turning in
everal 'sparkling plays to lead the
This victory was the third scored
by Ohio over Michigan in the last
three years, and by it the Buckeyes
became the only team in history
twice to beat the Wolverines three
successive times. Ohio's first string
of three came in 1919, 1920 and 1921.
This game was the final 1936 ap-
pearance for both elevens and en-
abled Ohio to close the year with five
wins and three losses, while for the
second time in the last three years
Michigan won but one game out of
Booth Kicks Goal
Wayslik, Rabb and Cumiskey
scored the touchdowns for Ohio this
afternoon while Booth added three
points by a 13-yard field goal. The
Buckeyes first tally came early in the
second quarter when Dye threw a
beautiful pass to Cumiskey who was
standing on the Wolverine goal line,
having only to step into the end zone
to start the day's drive to victory.
In the first quarter the-Michigan
aggregation fought as it did against
Northwestern a week ago. The Buck-
eyes could not penetrate the Wolver-
ine defense and with Stark Ritchie
leading the offense in great fashion
Michigan supporters had hopes of
seeing an up-set.
Michigan Starts Flashy
Shortly after the game opened,
Michigan took possession of the ball
on Ohio's 47-yard line after a punt.
A pass from Ritchie to Barclay
gained 22 yards and the same play
a moment later carried Michigan to
the eight-yard line. Ritchie and
Sweet each picked up two yards, but
there the Buckeyes began and stop-
ped the Wolverine charges cold to
take the ball on the three-yard line.
The Wolverines threatened only
once after this. In the second quar-
ter Bill Barclay recovered an Ohio
fumble on the Buckeye 19-yard line
and a scoring opportunity loomed for
the Wolverines. On four plays, how-
ever, Michigan could gain but three
yards, and from then on it was Ohio's
ball game.
The second quarter opened with
Sweet kicking to the Ohio State 24
where Dye was stopped in his tracks.
Rabb cut through the middle of the
line' fox 11 yards, and a play later a
pass from Dye to Booth gained to
the Buckeye 49.
Pat Blocks Punt
Dye then passed to Wedebrook for
another 12 yards, and after two line
plays came the touchdown pass,
which sent the stands into an up-
roar. Booth's try for the extra point
was blocked by Capt. Matt Patanelli.

The fans were treated to a great
punting exhibition later in the sec-
ond quarter when, with Ohio holding
the ball on their own 22, Wedebrook
got offI a long kick that went out of
bounds on the Michigan 14-yard line.
Sweet then got away his best kick of
the year, the ball going over the safe-
ty man's head and rolling out on the
Buckeye 14, to give Michigan a gain
of nine yards in this stellar exchange.
Ohio scored early in the second
half after a drive that started on
(Continued on Page 6)

MOSCOW. Nov. 21.--(P)--A blunt H ydrocarbons
warning to Japan that Soviet Russiaj
will not cooperate further in granting
"vital" Japanese fishing concessions Cancer Cause
until the reported Japanese-German_
military pact is cancelled, was sent to .
the Japanese embassy here tonight. Disease-Givimg Substance
The eleventh-hour development Applied To Skin Of Mice
came just as Japanese diplomats were
preparing to go to the Soviet foreign To Prove Theory
office to sign the fishing agreement. I
The new pact, fruit of a year's pa-| COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 21.-(P)-An
tient negotiations, would have ex- Ohio State University chemist dis-
tended for eight years the Japanese closed tonight that research in the
right to fish in Soviet waters off east-
age-old quest for the cause of can-
is The great bulk of Japan's sea food. cer had led to composition of nu-
is obtained from these waters, and merous chemical substances that pro-
Japanese officials repeatedly have duced the unconquerable disease.
said the concession was vital to Jap- After two years of research in col-
anese interests. laboration with an associate of Har-
High Soviet sources pronounced vard medical school, Dr. Melvin New-
the German-Japanese alliance a man of Ohio said they had uncovered
"progressive but not final action di- 20 different hydrocarbons-combina-
rected in preparation for a world tions of hydrogen and carbon-which
war." caused cancer when applied to the
f skin of mice.
Some of the compounds, he said,
ATalks ,are to be found in natural'products;
iothers were compounded synthetical-
ly in the laboratory for the purpose
He r e Tuesda of study.
r"One of the cancer forming hydro-
,erm+ an carbons with which we are working
is benzopyrene, found in common coa:
tar," said Dr. Newman. Benzopyrene
All the proceeds from the speech -in the end of a test tube is looking
to be given here Tuesday by Francis like pulverized yellow blackboard
A. Henson, widely known anti-Nazi, chalk-is present to the amount o


Government officials and unions con-
sidered possible federal intervention
in the maritime strike in behalf of

will go to the International Relief As-
sociation which aids the families of
political prisoners in Germany, it was
announced last night by Prof. John
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, chairman of the faculty com-
mittee which arranged for the lec-
Mr. Henson will speak at 4:15 in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Mr. Henson, who was chairman of
a committee which tried to prevent
American participation in the Olym-
pics, traveled through the Reich this
summer on a "press" pass at the risk

.003 of one per cent in coal tar. Alaska and Hawaii today while the
Dr. Newman compounds the sub- walkout spread to the Canadian West
stances he believes are cancer pro- Coast.
ducing. Then they are sent to Dr. Longshoremen at Vancouver, B. C.,
Shear, who applies them to the skin
of mice which have been specially said they would quit their jobs Mon-
selected from pure strains untainted day.
by any mice of cancerous infection. Col. O. F. Ohlson, manager of the
After it had been determined at: government-owned Alaska Railroad
Harvard that certain substances were
the cause of malignant growths on conferred here with Assistant Sec-
mice, Dr. Newman said, the com- retary of Labor Edward F. McGrady
pounds were returned here. The on plans to charter ships for move-
next step, said the young chemist, is ment of necessities to Alaska. Pres-
to learn which elements in the conm- . - ..

Coffee will be served following the ABOARD U.S.S. CHESTER ATI
Cfereduigbenervedfolloin.theSEA, Nov. 21.-(P)-President Roose-
letrer 'durin open dicussion. n velt and his party sped down South
Othe Forum program during this se- America's east coast tonight for Rio
the Forum__"--P ga d in h se.~a-^ - -,r de Janeiro, on the way to the inter-


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