T HE MICHIGAN D A I LYA! Barney Rapp ii Play For Soph Prme1 ARCHERY CLUB TAU KAPPA EPSILON The archery club is holding a Tau Kappa Epsilon announces the "shoot" at Palmer Field, at 2:30 Sun- pledging of Ralph 0. Laidlaw, '38E, day afternoon, open to all interested. of Snyder, N. Y. Announce Date For Freshman Weenie R o a s Nov. 24 was definitely set as t date for the freshman weenie roa sponsored by the W.A.A. at a W.A.1 board meeting held yesterday. The roast will be held in conjun tion with the end of the first outdo season, especially the hockey seaso Awards will be presented. Sal] Kenny, '38, vice-presidentdof th W.A.A., is in charge of the affair. The central committee in charg includes Miss Kenny, Jean Bonistee '38, Barbara Eppstein, '39, Hele Harp,B'38,Louis McLean, '39, Bett Lyon, '39, and Frances Lyon, '40. The roast will take place at 5:3 p.m. in the lounge of the Women Athletic Building. Women are aske to dress informally. All women are invited to atten although only freshmen were includ ed originally. The gathering has bee enlarged to an informal "get-to gether" to acquaint the freshme women with the older members o the organization. Informal talks will be given an the new W.A.A. scarf exhibited. Chappell, BEAUTY SHOP Freiscts EXCELLENT SERVICE at C'omfortable Prices Shampoo & Wave .. 50c Permanents from $3.00 Telephone 5 861 NEW CREAM HOLDS SECRET OF BEAUTIFUL HANDS After every contact with water, rub a little Pacquin's Hand Cream into the hands. Inside of a week you'll notice a vast improvement. And remember, Pacquin's is not greasy - never leaves a sticky film. Try this sure and simple beauty treatment. Big Economy Jar A few ounces of Pacquin's lasts for months as you use only a tiny bit at a time to secure the most marvelous results. This makes it very economical. MILLER DRUG STORE 727 N. University Phone 9797 t he st A. Heads Panhellenic Ball Profits Will Go To Dorm Fund, Drysdale Says Total Of Tickets Limite To 350; Sophomore Sale To Beirin Tnmarrow Si x Women Model Engineers Still At League Lecture Sellin Tickets x undergraduate women modeled ses from local shops at the see-alBall in the series of "Poise and Per- F or AnnulB l FOOTBALL Si Ndres sonality" lectures held yesterday in d the League Ballroom. Tickets may still be obtained for e Clothes appropriate for campus the Engineering Ball to be held from wear supplied by Jacobson's, Collins' 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow in the Shop, the Dillon Shop and Good-J Union Ballroom, according to Cedric year's were shown. Joanne Wester- Marsh, '37E, ticket chairman. 1 V 11VGdLll 1 "Hi"lt V 1" I or Q7.Barney Rapp and his New Eng- man, '40, modeled a two-piece knit of The tickets are priced at $2. They ni. landers have been secured to play the popular American Beauty shade are on sale at the Union, Wahr's for the Soph Pro according to Rich- with brown accessories. A Lanz fBookfStore, Ulrich's Book Store in 7 1, Salzburg design in brown with green the lobby of the East Engineering ard Fox, chairman of the music com- and red trim was worn by Margaret Building and on the second floor of e mittee. The prom will be held from Cram, '39. the West Engineering Building, Marsh 1 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Dec. 11, in Mary Wheat, '39, appeared in a said. n the Union. bright green wool and Mary Gage, Austin Wylie and his NBC orches- Rapwo snw naedaIh '40, modeled a three-piece classic I tra has been contracted to, furnish Rapp who is now engaged at the black suit with red accessories. Sally the music for the dance. Wylie and o Automobile Show in Detroit will bring Thomas '40, wore a rose knit ac- his band are )nown to students on 's 14 men for the first class dance of the cented by a brown vest buttoned campus through frequent broadcasts d BETTY KING, '37 year. He will feature Ruby Wright, down the front. Betty Rouse, '40, on both of the larger networks of * formerly with the Broadway revue, modeled a more formal knit under a the country. d,' natural panther fur coat. Van Bo- The affair, which will be a formal - S"Music In The Air," and the distinc- ven's shoe store provided shoes to ball. is the second of its kind, being n tive harmony of the orchestra's trio, compliment the costumes. inaugurated last year. It proved so - "The New Englanders." After the style show a skit was pre- successful that the Engineering n s Us ers For During the past few seasons Rapp j sented illustrating the finer points of Council, which sponsors the dance, f has appeared at the Netherland- table etiquette. Lillian Platte, '38, decided to make it an annual affair, Plaza Hotel and the Castle Farms in and Helen Brady, '40, took part in it was announced by James Walker, .d ell iCincinnati, the Book-Cadillac Hotel the play. '37E, general chairman. The Engi- in Detroit, the Chasee Hotel in St. ---__ neering Ball is not to be confused "Louis, the Claridge in Memphis, the wihteanaSieRl ac Will Admit Only Sorority Pavilion Royale in New Haven, and' Prof. Louis Strauss which will be given later in the year. Women Due To Great the Forest Club in New Orleans. He Addresses Graduates went to the Automobile Show direct ng knowledge while others wish it Shortage Of Tickets from the Gibson Hotel in Cincinnati. "We are all here for the same pur- only to pass it on. He is also featured in nightly broad- pose-to search for the truth," said It is because of this fundamental Ushers for the annual Panhellenic casts over WLW and the Mutual net- ILouis A. Strauss of the English de- oneness of purpose that there is a Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. work. partment in his talk yesterday be- "community of scholarship" among Friday, Nov. 27 in the League Ball- Fox also announced that fore the graduate students at their students in different fields, accord- Foxals anouned hatRapp will weekly luncheon meeting in the Rus- ing to Professor Strauss. The speaker room have been announced by Betty( play at the Soph Prom Dec. 4 at Ohio iekylnho etgi h u- n oPoesrSrus h pae Kng have benr aoun by Bett tl at t tphe CPromecat or , sian Tea Room of the League. also stressed the point that graduates King, '37, general chairman. I State, and at the Christmas Formal, Professor Strauss went on to point may gain much through the inter- Earl Morrow, '37, will be in charge D , on ouge, La. out that the aims of the students in change of ideas among themselves, of the ushers for the dance, Miss l David Drysdale, chairman, an- their search may be different, that which will serve to broaden their out- King said. The other men who will nounced Tuesday that the profits of some are interested purely in acquir- look on their own fields of specializa- act in the capacity are Charles Ken- the dance will be given to the dormi- Lion. nedy, '37E, David Barnett, '39L, John tory fund. Last year $100 was made - Cornelius, '38, Robert Sankey, '37, on the sophomore class project. LOC-AL Irving Edelbery, '37 and Joseph Tickets will be limited to 350 and DANCING CHELSEA White, '37E. I otpaibtcs.FO ER S O ,will be priced at $2.50. Frederick Toe, tap, acrobatics All non-affiliated women having Reinheimer, chairman of the ticket Garden Studio.Wuer th 203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973 tickets for the ball are asked by committee, announced that the ticket Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 Flowers for All Occasions Betty Ronal, '38, ticket chairman, to sale would begin tomorrow.___ 2nd Floor. Open eves. sacrifice their tickets in order that___ the sorority women may attend. Te - _ tickets for the ball, which is held each year for sorority women, have been entirely sold out, Miss Ronal stated. She addedthat many affiliated wom- Starting THURSDAY Another Jacobson en have been denied the privilege of attending the dance because of this shortage. A door list will be used and a check of all attending will be made at the entrance to the ballroom, said Miss Ronal. This was decided reluctantly, she added, but was deemed a neces- sity. All non-affiliated women hav- ing tickets may hand them in from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the Undergrad- uate Office of the League, she said. I_____ ___ MICH IGAN vs. OHIO SPECIAL TRAIN Saturday, November 21st GOING Leave Ann Arbor 8:00 a.m. (E.T.) Arrive Columbus (Stadium) 12:30 Noon RETURNING Leave Columbus (Union Station) 7:30 p.m. (E.T.) Arrive Ann Arbor Midnight VERY LOW RATES ILui4re: RANDAL L TRAVEL SERVICE 12 Nickels Arcade THE ANN ARBOR CLEAiRANCE Timnely Thursday Morning Dr. Bell Announces Women's Golf Team Members of the varsity women's golf team were announced by Dr. Margaret Bell Thursday night at a dinner at the League, held by Pitch and Putt, women's golf club. The women selected are Harriet' Dean, '39, Marjorie Merker, '39, Mary Jane Mueller, '38; Stephanie Parfet, '39, Frances Sutherland, '39, Marjorie Tate, '39, and Barbara Teal, '39. In conjunction with their positions, these women will receive free play- ing privileges at the University Golf Course until the spring women's golf tournament is held. Dresses! Selected from Our Regular Stock Dresses! Complete Size Range Dresses! All the New Winter Shades Street-- Daytime and Dressy Afternoon 25 to033/3% DISCOUNT U- I 25 Two- and Three-Piece KNITTED DRESSES ALL NEW SHADES aif Price Beautiful, Fur-TrimmedU p to50 SUITS Discount SPORT COATS... $8 SWAGGER and PRINCESS STYLES - Full lined Camel Fleece, In All Wanted Shades . . . and All Better Values. FASHIN ANEX DESSES 2- and 3-pc. KNITS, CREPES One Group of 2-piece $ .9 and W OOLS. Values to $8.9 5 W OOLS - $10.9 Values. $7 .9s $1 MLER SAL $1 Assorted A s s orted Colors LHead Sizes Sale DRESSES and SUITS at Extreme Reductions Dresises One Group of Dresses Selling Regularly to $19.75 Special Price of $3.95 One Group of Dresses Selling Regularly to $21.75 Special Price of One Group formerly to $39.50 Plain and Fur Trimmed Costume and Three-Piece Suits One Group formerly to $69.50 45.00 Fur Trimmed Red Fox, Raccoon, Wolf and CaracuI NO APPROVALS ALL SALES FINAL I f1 U LU U III