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November 19, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-19

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_ . .


1936 Member 1937
Issociaed Clleiale Press
Distributors of
Coae6iate Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carriey,
0$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Oeorge Andros Jewel WuerfeleRichard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
P'ublication Department:Elsie A.rPierce, Chairman
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richa rd G. Hershey.
Jditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler; Richard La-
Womn's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
.m......- -
More On
.. .
Humanitarianism .. .
the issue: "Is the modern trend
toward greater social-mindedness (by this is
meant a more humane consideration of the wel-
fare of others) opposed to the evolutionary laws
of the 'survival of the fittest' and 'natural selec-
tion'; and consequently will this modern trend
produce a more degenerate society?"
Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the mechanism
and drawing department of the College of Engi-
neering, interviewed in respect to this editorial,
expressed the belief that "this modern trend" is
"opposed to the evolutionary laws." "Govern-
ment interference in social and economic prob-
lems" is "producing a more dependent people,"
is "saving the unfit," "discourages talent in bus-
iness' and works against the necessary process
of "breeding resourceful and capable men."
Col. Miller's views are thought-provoking.
They are opposed to the thinking and the atti-
tudes of the majority of Americans, as witnessed
in the recent election. They cause one to ask:
Has the work of "social-mincded people" seemed
too obvious a good; have we approved too un-
critloally, too unquestioningly government meas-
ures for relief, charity, social security and the
assistance of the weaker members of society?
We consider thee approach to the problem is
this :
1. Assume that "progress is the law of life"
and that progress s nieasured in terms of in-
creasing happiness "for the greatest number" of
2. Acknowledge that happiness for most peo-
ple is founded on a sense of security, that conse-
quently security is one of the most important
of our goals, that the more prosperous one ,be-
comes the more is involved in the term "secur-
ity," that consequently there never will be enough
"security" to satisfy everyone, that consequently
we compete for security and progress evolves

from this competition, and finally that if we
had all the "security" we desired there would be
little else for which to strive and "security"
would thus produce stagnation.
3. Admitting all this, one must conclude that
competition and evolutionary progress are con-
gruent, and any measures designed to eliminate
competition for "security," or the necessity of it,
are opposed to evolutionary laws.
To say this, however,. is not wholly to agree
with Col. Miller. The conclusion does not invali-
date all, nor most of, government interference
"in social and economic problems." It possesses
a corollary-that any measures designed to in-
sure competition, or to provide opportunity for
competition, are in accord with evolutionary laws
-which may be used to justify a good deal of
government interference.
Thus government relief, from one point of
vipw_ dnnnoiqse urmiivtoit hose wmh o nnotn+r-_

progress; government interference or humani-
tarian activities may impede or further progress,
and the validity of neither is subject to generali-
zation; what is needed, in the last analysis, is
"social-mindedness" applied more intelligently
on the basis of ruthless disregard for the hope-
lessly or inadvertently "weak members of so-
ciety" and discriminating support for the "vic-
timized members of society."
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
The Proctor System
To the Editor:
As one of the four Mosher proctors, I would
like to reply to the letters appearing in yester-
day's column. Judging from the sentiment ex-
pressed by those girls and the rumors on cam-
pus, I am convinced that neither group really
understands the underlying purpose of the
system of the procedures involved. I think these
should be clarified before one takes sides on the
Between ten-thirty and twelve each night,
most of the girls are anxious to have the hall
reasonably quiet. None of them will deny this.
The girls are either studying or endeavoring to
get to sleep. The main purpose of our proctor
system is to keep the voices down to a level that
will not disturb those girls in an adjoining room
in that which they are doing. Our first duty,
therefore, is to request the girls to be careful
not to disturb others. Our second duty is to
"check" the girls in their rooms at eleven-fifteen.
This has proven one of the best methods in
quieting the dormitory. The girls have never
been told that they must stay in their room;
neither have they been directed, in any way,
as to how to use their time. Our only concern
is that they break up the gatherings long enough
to be "checked in" at this period. They are free
to do whatever they want, wherever they want
to, after this, provided that it is not to the dis-
advantages of the other girls.
I think everyone can realize that no matter
how much a girl complains now, she will be
glad of this same consideration at a time when
she needs quietness.
Both the heads and the workers in this project
are open to any discussion and criticism of the
principles or procedures of the system. Never-
theless, the disrespectful remarks and the attacks
upon the personalities involved, all of whom are
earnestly working for the girls' benefit, are of no
credit to their sources.
No one sees the attitude of the girls more di-
rectly than the proctors themselves. It is unani-
mously agreed by us that this violent opposi-
tion is only in a few small factions and that
ninety per cent of the girls are cooperating
-Elinor Bale, a Mosher quiet proctor.
Hampstead Players
To the Editor:
The very latest acquisition of our very un-
sightly bulletin boards is a little notice concern-
ing the presentation of "Frontiers" by the Hamp-
stead Community Players.
Curious to know what this group was, because
of a very subtle connection with one of its pro-
fessor directors, your writer received the state-
ment yesterday from Prof. L. J. Carr, the author
of the play, that "the Hampstead Community
Players was a group of student and faculty
members and townspeople interested in original
production." Professor Carr continued, saying
that "the group was originally organized to
create in Ann Arbor a. center of original art and
At a rehearsal last night your writer was
amazed at the talent that some of our other-
wise moribund professors possess. Spurred on by
noble incentive, urged by the desire to create,
this group, I am sure, will soon transcend the
threshold from aspiration to realization. Their

presentation of "Frontiers" this Thursday eve-
ning I'm sure deserves recognition, "for they
are part of that small herd that gives for gener-
osity's sake and creates for creation's sake."
-Anthony Michael Giles, '37.
Aimless Gyration
To the Editor:
I think that since it came into existence, Con-
temporary has printed nothing of so much im-
portance as the article yin the latest issue by
Philip Stubbes, "What the Colleges are Doing." A
reading of such a book as John R. Tunis' "Was
College Worthwhile?' which judges the value of
-education. largely from the standpoint of eco-
nomic success, serves at least as a partial re-
minder of the modern tendency to regard a uni-
versity as a place which is to fit one to get a job.
To be sure, the comparatively low monetary
value of a college education is to be deplored, but
T is certainly not of first importance. The
question to be asked on Commencement Day is
not, Can you get a job?, but, are you prepared
to get more out of yourself and the world than
a job? And by that I mean nothing so vague as
being a "cultured' person, but a true ability to
enjoy and understand what actually are, no
matter how much we may dislike the phrase, "the
finer things."
Mr. Stubbes points out what few educators
have been thoughtful enough to recognize, or at
least to admit: that the college student is per-
mitted to gyrate, aimlessly, between courses
which he vaguely feels will be of "use' to him
after graduation (Psychology of Salesmanship,
fnr n.mn- )and ,,irC.lc'i anA ,orn a

***** IT ALL
" --By Ronth Willims
JF YOU'RE LOOKING for a different town, a
city gone mad with the lust of a bitter foot-
ball rivalry, a town turned over for the week-end
to the frenzied tumult of the most rabid kind
of partisanship, a town where 60,000 transients
are bent upon raising the roof of Hell, go to
Columbus this Saturday for the Michigan-Ohio
State game.
Every hotel room full, every lobby packed with
boisterous supporters of both teams, every bar
filled and five deep by 9 p.m. Friday, and from
then on the tempo increases.
In the spacious interiors of Columbus' tw2
fine hotels, the Neil House and the Deschler,
snake dances are going on. Old grads are going
into huddles in every corner and the resultant
cheers echo and re-echo as the revolving doors
bring in more of the revelers at every turn.
Brown sacks or just bottle necks protrude
from every other pocket as "Joe' calls his
gang together and they group for another
drink. Then a booming roar as the whole
assembly takes sides suddenly and splits into
"We don't give a damn for the whole State of
Michigan" and "To hell with Ohio." A hag-
gard bell boy is trying to page someone in
the lobby; he gets caught in a snake dance
and is carried along with the crowd still try-
ing vainly to make himself audible above the
continuous roar.
OUT ON THE STREETS on every corner can
be found a knot of fans with their "Murder
Michigan" or "Beat Ohio" slogans. The side-
walks are jammed with happy grads who, arm
in arm with their wives and friends, are turning
on the steam for their annual binge.
It's the night before the Michigan game in
Columbus, it's homecoming, end the cry of "Mur-
der Michigan" cannot be silenced as from all
over Ohio those rabid followers of the Bucks pour
into town and add their voices to the rumble.
A string quartet tries to keep pace with the
crowd in one of the hotel bars, and is finally
pepped up when Michigan's famed funny men
of two years ago, Don Hutton and Bid Cutting,
appropriate the instruments and render a selec-
tion which almost breaks the cello in two. Cries
of "Hey, over here, 10 more scotch, and a pink
lady," "I said I wanted a Ramos Gin Fizz," or
"Hey, buddy, three more beer."
People are begining to argue now. Odds
are quoted and big bets float around looking
for takers, and generally finding them. Now
and then a fight will break out as two rival
bands of supporters clash on the streets.
An old grad is lining up a couple of his
pals to demonstrate the Michigan system
just in front of the Deschler Desk as the tired
clerk explains to the 500th party that all
accommodations were gone three days ago.
By 2 a.m. the uproar has quieted down a good
deal. The hotels and bars have given place to
other forms of recreation, although occasionally
a wild shriek and a volley of laughter testify to
the fact that there are still a few parties going
DAWN DOES BREAK in Columbus, but I dare
say few people ever see it. We did two years
ago because the management refused to let
nine of us sleep in one room.
Game time finds a stream of traffic out to the
Stadium which is paralleled only by the crowd
which sweeps down upon Churchill Downs Derby
The great double-decker horseshoe is filled
with wild-eyed Buck and Wolverine fans who are
busy catching up to the start which they got the
night before. The striking scarlet of Ohio State
and the dark blue of Michigan are locked in
combat and the stands sit tense as these ancient
rivals fight it out on the green turf below.
There is a bitterness in this rivalry which is
found no place else. To beat Michigan is the
ambition of every Ohio State rooter. So pow-
ful is this desire to not only beat, but annihilate
their traditional foe, that Ohio alumni man-

aged in 1933 to fire Head Coach Sam Willamen
who had lost just two games in two years-both
to Michigan.
AFTER THE GAME, there is a mad rush
faf the goalposts. Ten years ago when
Michigan dedicated the Stadium in Co-
lumbus it was the Wolverine rooters, who
drunk with joy, carried off the uprights.
In 1934, Ohio State fans made up for a long,
lean stretch when they trounced Michigan
34-0. No sooner had the final gun barked
than they were all over the field. The posts
crashed to the ground and we scrammed for
the car.
Held up in a traffic jam we watched the victory
mad Buck boys march up behind us with the
posts. Too late we remembered the Michigan
banner on the back, and with a resounding crash
and the tinkle of glass, the end of one of the
goal posts was making it four in the front seat.
Saturday night is much like Friday, except
that the tension is off, and everybody is having
a good time. The same "We don't give a damn':
songs fill the air, but the bitterness is mostly
gone. People sit around and get high in more
orderly fashion, the victors happy, the van-
quished waiting for next year and revenge. It's
a great place and a great experience, hardly rest-
ful, but-highly enjoyable.
know. It seems certain, at any rate, that noth-
ing will be accomplished if the large majority
of educators, and students as well, remain unin-
terested in the very vital question of exactly
what they think they are doing, and what they
nim f f- h a rnica ichfinzrf ich," _ , _

Jerome Davis
-Yale's Statement-
From The News Republic)
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a
statement of the position of Yale ni-
versity in the case of Dr. Jerome Davis,
associalte professor of Practical Philan-
thropy in the Divinity School, who nad
not oeen reappointed. rhe report on
te relations oetween Yale and Pro-
lessor Davis prepared by a group of
prominent eucators is issued in a
special supplement with this , weeks
New Repuic. If space permits, this
report will be reprinted in these col-
umns within the near future.
IEROME DAVIS became a member
of the faculty of the Yale Uni-
versity Divinity School in 1924 with
the rank of assistant professor. He
was made associate professor in
1927 for three years. This appoint-
ment was renewed in 1930 for three
years, and again in 1933 for a term
of three years. He was given sab-
batical furlough for the second se-
mester of the academic year 1933-34
in order that he might have oppor-
tunity to prove by a work of pub-
lished scholarship right to promotion
to a full professorship.
He has not qualified for election to
a full professorship in the minds of
the majority of the professors on the
faculty of the Divinity School or of
the general officers of the University
who must by University statue con-
cur in recommendations for perman-
ent appointment. At a meeting in
January last the professors of the
Divinity School by a large majority
voted not to recommend him for a
full professorship, but to recommend
his reappointment for another term
as associate professor.
Reappointed To One Year
Mr. Davis is included in a group
of members of the faculty in various
departments of the University who,
in view of the budgetary situation
in the University were reappointed
for only one year, and were in-
formed in the spring of 1936 that
their appointments would9notbe
continued after June 30, 1937.
In tendering appointment as as-
sistant professor to Mr. Davis, Dean
Brown informed him that: "It would
be in our mind to recommend you
for a full professorship just as soon
as you indicated by your teaching
ability, your scholarship in your own
field, as manifested in what you
had written and otherwise and by
your efficiency as a member of this
faculty, your fitness for that posi-
tion." Dean Brown further stated:
"The promotion would have to be
recommended by the full professors
in the Divinity faculty, and we
would wish also the approval of the
faculty of Social Sciences, and it'
would have to be acted upon by the
Corporation upon the further rec-
ommendation of the provost and the
'Not Being Dismissed'
The present action of the Board of
Permanent Officers of the Divinity
School was taken in the light of a
careful canvass of these considera-
tions. The action of the Corpora-
tion was taken as part of a general
body of actions recommended by a
faculty committee which has made
a survey of the educational set-up of
the University in the light of the
financial problems confronting the
It would be a disservice to Mr.
Davis to refer to the present action
as a dismissal. He is not being dis-
missed from his position in this Uni-
versity. He is one of a group of men
who were informed in the spring of
1936 that they would not be reap-
pointed after the expiration of their
appointment on June 30, 1937.
No abridgment of academic free-
dom or liberty of speech is involved
in this case. Mr. Davis has always

been accorded full freedom of speech
and action both in the classroom and
outside. Neither the action of the
Board of Permanent Officers of the
Divinity School nor that of the Cor-
pration is based upon dissent from
his views.
Social Security
Questions And Answers
igan Daily herewith presents
a number of questions and an-
swers to explain the Social Se-
curity Act.
I qualify for a pension, how much will
it be?
Beginning Jan. 1, the government
vill keep a numbered account of your
wages until your 65th birthday. Then,
;rovided you retire, you will get a
monthly check amounting to half of
one percent on the first $3,000 of that
account, one-twelfth per cent of the
next $42,000, and one twenty-fourth
per cent of all over $45:000.
Say that again, please.
Let's put it this way. When you
reach 65, suppose your account shows
you have earned $62,100.pTake '2per
cent of $3,000 or $15, plus 1/'12 pci
cent of $42,000, or $35; plus 1/24 per
ent of $17,100 or 7.12. It totals tc
$57.12, which is what you get a
Why did they figure it out that

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Preside"*
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
THURSDAY, NOV. 19 1936 ber R. Humphreys will read selec-
VOL. XLVII No. 46 tions from Biblical literature this af-
ternoon at 4 p.m. in Room 205 Mason
N oice r Hall. The public is very cordially
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- invited to this program.
ence and the Arts: Midsemester re--____

ports are due not later than6 atur-
day, Nov. 21. More cards if needed
can be had at my office.
These reports are understood as
naming those students, freshman and
upperclass, whose standing at mid-.
semester time is D or E, not merely
those who receive D or E in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
Jeges of the University, should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
W. R. Humphreys,
Assistant Dean.
To Department Heads and Others
Concerned: All hourly time slips
must be in the Business Office Nov.
21 to be included in the Nov. 30 pay-
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of incom-
pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 21.
Women Students Attending the
Ohio State-Michigan Football Game:
. Women students wishing to attend
the Ohio State-Michigan football
game are required to register in the
office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in this office not
later than today. If a student wishes
to go otherwise than by. train, spe-
cial permission for such mode ,of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to
register in the office.
Registration for June and Feb-
ruary graduates, both teaching and
general, is being held until Saturday
noon, Nov. 21. Blanks may be ob-
tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4 p.m., and
9-12 only on Saturday. This is the
only general registration held during
the year,- and there is no charge.
After Saturday there is a late regis-
tration fee of $1.-
University Bureau of Appoint-
University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink-
elstein, of Cleveland, well-known cal-
culating genius, will give a lecture-
demonstration under the auspices of
the Department of Psychology at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium today. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Lecture by Dr. Preston W. Slosson,
sponsored by A.A.dW.W., 4:15 p.m.
on Thursday Lydia Mendelssohn
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintingscomprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Original Etchings
and Lithographs from the Perman-
ent Collection of the Fine Arts Study
Room. Until Dec. 1, daily 9 a.m. to
5 p.m, South Gallery, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.

Varsity Glee Club and Reserves:
Report at 1 p.m. sharp in Glee Club
rooms. Sing from 1:15 to 1:30 for
Dr. Ruthven's luncheon in Union
ballroom. Full rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.
for next week's concert.
A.I.E.E. meeting at 8 p.m. tonight
in Room 248 West Engineering Bldg.
Prof. A. L. Clark will speak on
"Nomograms in. Engineering." The
usual refreshments will be served.
The International Relations Club
will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 2037 Angell Hall.
University Broadcasting: 2 p.m. An
Art Pilgrimage to Famous Museums,
No. 6. Miss Adelaide Adams and Miss
Marie Abbot.
Iota Alpha: The regular monthly
meeting of Iota Alpha will be held
this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. (Seminar Room).
Prof. R. H. Sherlock will speak on
"Germany from an Engineer's View-
point." There will be a short but
important business meeting preced-
ing the address and it is urgent that
every member on campus be present.

Ph iLambda Upsilon:
meeting this evening at 8
Room 303 Chemistry Bldg.

p.m. in

Phi Epsilon Kappa, the honorary
fraternity for members of the School
of Physical Education will meet to-
night, in the Intramural Building, at
7:30 p.m. All members are requested
to be present, and bring your friends.
There will be a meeting of the
Junior class of the School of Educa-
tion in Room 2436 U.E.S. today at
4 p.m. for purposes of organization.
Student Alliance: Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton. of the History Department;
Prof. Norman E. Nelson, of the Eng-
lish Department: and Prof. Roy W.
Sellars, of the Philosophy Depart-
rmcnt will participate in a round-
table on the subject of "Democracy
and Dictatorship" the first in t series
of Essays in Definitions. The meeting
takes plac this evening in the Union
at 2 p.m. All students are cordially
Index:rndent Party, '40 LS&A:
There will be a rally at 7 p.m. to-
night at Lane Hall Auditorium. All
freshmen independents are urged to
HilleliFoundation Classes willbe
held this evening at 8 p.m. at the
Foundation. Classes will be con-
ducted by Dr. E. Blakeman and Dr.
H. Hootkins. At 9 p.m. the Fire-
side Discussion will be led by Dr. B.
Heller who will speak on his travels
in Europe.
Michigan Dames: Book group will
meet tonight at the Michigan League.
Please note change of date.
Michigan Dames Drama Group:
All Michigan Dames and friends are
invited to attend the next meeting
of the drama group, which will meet
at the home of Mrs. Carl Weller,
faculty adviser, 1130 Fair Oaks
Parkway at 8 p.m. today.
Those wishing rides meet at the
League desk by 7:45 p.m. Maxwell
Anderson's "Winterset" will be read
with Mrs. Louis Coffman as chair-
Coming Events
Sophomore Architects: Mixer and
caucus at the Union Room 304 Sun-
day at 6:30 p.m. Food and enter-
tainment will be provided without
Esperanto: The Esperanto class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday.
Graduate Outing Club Overnite:
The annual Thanksgiving Overnite
of the GOC is to be held this week-
end at the University Fresh Air
Camp. We will leave-Lane Hall Sat-
urday at 2:30 p.m., returning, Sun-
day afternoon. Make your reserva-
tions Thursday or Friday from 6-8
p.m. by calling 574. All graduate
Students are cordially invited.
Songs stories, stunts, hikes, eats
and games.
Stalker Hall: Autumn Dance, 9:30
to 12:30 p.m. Friday. Jimmy Fisch-
I r's "Sleepy Hollow Swring Band."
Presbyterians: All members of the
Westminster Guild and their friends
tre cordially invited to attend an
informal Thanksgiving dance-party
at the Masonic Temple, this Friday
night, Nov. 20, from 8:30 till 12 p.m.
There will be games, dancing, spe-
ial intermission attractions, and re-

Events Of Today
Weekly Reading Hour: Prof.


Yes, if you work in commerce orI
What if I don't sign?
You are an income taxpayer under
:he law, although your employer de-
ducts the tax from your wages and
pays it. The law, applicable to both
of you, says that any person who
fails to supply information required
shall be subject to a fine of not
more than $10,000 or a year in jail,
or both.
Will the wage and employment data
be kept confidential between the gov-
ernment and the individuals con-
Will fingerprints be required on the
records to establish integrity?
No, the data which you will be
asked to give about your birthplace,
parents' names, etc., was considered
If an aged pensioner owes a debt,
-an the creditors take his check
through the courts?
Can I designate a beneficiary so
my widow may get what's coming to
ne immediately if I die?
No, she probably will have to make
a claim as in a private insurance case.
Forestry Professor
Returns This Week
Prof. Shirley W Allen of the

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