The Weatder Lower Michigan: Increasing cYoGdlness, rislug temperature LI Lie igun :4Iai1tl Editorials More Ont Iiumaili rianiic'h . .. VOL. XLVII No. 46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Men's Council Takes On Life In Considering' Student Labor' Body Also Gives Attention To Goodfellow Drive, Cooperative Bookstore Revision Of Class Elections Is Seen Committee Is Appointed To Hear Arguments On Election Change By ROBERT WEEKS A new Men's Council was envis- ioned last night as that body turned its attention to- the investigation of student labor conditions, a reorgan- ization of class elections, support of the Goodfellow Drive, and establish- ment of a cooperative book store. The council was seen by Marshall D. Shulman, '37, associate editor of The Daily, as a coordinative group, whose chief function was to inte- grate the efforts of other organiza-1 tions on "vital problems" confront- ing the student body. Though the recently proposed plan to purge freshman elections of the corruption, said to be incidental to the political organization force at present, was partly responsible for bringing about a "new deal" in the council, this' reorganization plan did not receive a final decision from the Council last night.. A committee was appointed to discuss the proposed change with its advocates and also to hear arguments for the retention' of the present plan from its defend- ers. This committee will report to the Council, according to Miller G. Sher- wood, '37, president, with the inten- tion of offering a new elective sys- tem to the freshman class. Members of this committee are Marshall D. Shulman, '37, Herbe'rt Wolf, '37, and Sherwood. After several members of the Coun- cil had declared that they did not know its functions other than the' running of elections and pep meet- ings Shulman stated that if the Council did not expand its service be- yond these duties it would not have sufficient justification for existence. He suggested the student labor situ- ation, the Goodfellow Drive and the student book store as definite 'proj- ects which could be investigated by the Council. George Sprau, '37A, was made chairman of a committee on the Goodfellow Drive. other members be- ing Pete Fones, '38E and James Walker, '37E. Thomas Sullivan, '37, was made chairman of a committee to investigate student labor. Also on the committee arg Richard Clark, '37 and William Yost, '38F. A com- mittee was not approved for the book store proposal. These committees will report Dec. 1 at the Men's Council dinner meeting. according to Sherwood. Varsity Track Team W'ill Go To California Michigan's Varsity track team will meet the University of California in a dual meet April 17 at Berkeley, Cal., Coach Charles Hoyt announced heri today. The meet is the second in three years between the two schools, the Wolverines having gone to Cali- fornia for a dual engagement in 1935,1 which the Bears won, 761/2 to 54%/2. The meet has been scheduled for the spring recess period at Michigan, according to Coach Hoyt, and will take the Wolverine squad members away from their classes no more than the customary Big Ten engagements. Contract arrangements call for Cal- ifornia to carry the Michigan ex- penses, he said. Coach Hoyt expresses great pleasure at the scheduling of the meet as it follows the highly suc- cessful engagement in 1935. Al- though Michigan was defeated in that meet the Wolverines were given a great reception in the West and the benefits of the early engagement were reflected in Michigan's subse- quent undefeated dual record and the winning of the Big Ten outdoor title. A squad of 22 was taken on the 1935 trip and at least as many will be taken in 1937, according to Coach Hoyt. Ten members of the 1935 Receives Ultimatum Green Warned By Own Union To Drop Fight Washtenaw Wins Junior - Germany, Italy Recognize I WILLIAM GREEN Tuowell Quits New Deal Job For Business Resignation Stirs Capital Comment Over Meaning Of Retirement WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-(R)-An- nouncement today that Rexford G. Tugwell soon will step out of the Roosevelt administration to become a molasses company executive stirred widespread speculation in the capital today on its posMble significance. Reasons for the retirement of the young "brain truster" from his dual post as undersecretary of agriculture and resettlement administrator were hidden in a carefully-phrased ex- change of letters given out by the White House. Observers wondered whether a big salary in private industry had urged Tugwell from the New Deal, or whe- ther President Roosevelt was begin- ning to shake-up his official family to get rid of some of those officials around whom criticism had centered. They also asked themselves whe- ther Tugwell was tired of being a tar- get for criticism of the New Deal, or whether the Chief Executive had de- termined upon some change of policy that conflicted with the young ad- ministrator's views. These and many other questions were being asked here today after of- ficial announcement that Tugwell was leaving soon to become an execu- tive of the American Molasses Com- pany. The youthful, handsome, dapper, official was one of the original group frequently called "brain trusters." At times he had seemed to have a more intimate relationship with the Pres- ident than many higher officials. His work was frequently praised, particularly by the "liberals" in Con- gress, but at the same time Tugwell had become the chief objective of criticism from those who contended the New Deal was "socialistic" or rad- ical. There was no answer to the spec- ulation in the letters given out by the White House. United Mine Workers Tell AFL President To Cease Opposition Walsh - Healy Actj Must Be Expanded Election Results Will Lead To About-Face By Court, Berry Declares WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-()- William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, was warned today by the executive board of his own 'union, the United Mine Workers, that he must cease opposi- tion to its policies or "assume the full responsibility of his disloyalty." The board thus ordered Green to drop his fight against the committee for Industrial Organization, in which the mine workers and nine other unions have banded together to en- courage unionization of mass produc- tion workers by industry instead of by craft. Green is the leader of the craft union faction which recently sus- pended the miners and their allies from the Federation of Labor on charges of "insurrection." Today's action was regarded by many labor leaders as a preliminary to expelling Green from the mine union. Other unions aligned with him in the current controversy have promised to take him in if he is ex- pelled, however. TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 18.--(P)-The new Roosevelt industrial program, roughly outlined by two White House emissaries, drew applause today from the American Federation of Labor's annual convention. Cooperation between labor and in- dustry was the keynote in messages delivered by Secretary Perkins and George L. Berry, President Roosevelt's coordinator for industrial corpora- tions. Miss Perkins also said that the Walsh-Healy government Contract Act, regarded by labor as an NRA substitute, must be broadened in its scope, and that "a strong union move- ment" was an essential supplement to a legislative program. Predicts Court About-Face Berry predicted Presidential elec- tion results would lead the Supreme Court to an about-face in judging New Deal legislation, and said his labor-industry council would have a legislative program ,ready for Con- gress soon. The election results, he added, also brought many previously antagonistic business men into the council. Swimming Show Is Slated For Dec. i Dec. 11 was set as the date of the annual swimming exhibition yester- day. The exhibition will be spon- sored by the Women's Athletic As- sociation under the presidency of Kate Landrum, '37, and both men and women swimmers will partici- pate. The men's varsity swimmers will' put on an exhibition and tentative plans have been made to have three championship swimmers from the carty of Toronto, Canada, take Ipart in the meet. Hoffman Is Elected J-Hop Chairman Elliot Chosen To Lead Dr. Stanton Sees Japanese Pact As China Anti-Communist Step Communique Mentions No Change In Neutral Policy Of Nations Europe Expected Fascist Recognition Junior Engineers After Close RaceI A superbly organized Washtenaw juggernaut crushed State Street yes-i terday in the junior class elections winning every office by at least a margin of two to one. Carl Post was swept into the class presidency, polling 266 votes to the 125 won by State Street's Joseph Mattes. Ruth Bertsch had the same number to win over Betsy Andersoni who had 123 votes. With a few variations in its mar- gin of victory, the Washtenaw ma-' chine knocked off every office on the; slate to the tune of at least 100 votes, except in the case of Ruth Freed-1 man whose 143 votes marked the apex of State Street achievement. ] Hoffman Is J-Hop Chairman The highly-sought-after J-Hop J-Hop chairmanship was won by Bud Hoffman with 265 votes over the 118 chalked up for Ed Thompson. Betty Gatward became secretary with 284 votes to the 105 polled for Ruth Fowler. Ted Fraser was made treas- urer with 273 votes to the 117 votes of Earle Luby. Washtenaw crashed through with the J-Hop committee jobs with the same decisive margin that won them the other offices. Washtenaw men winning -these positions polled as follows: Sam Charin, 267; Dick May, 264; Margaret Curry, 273; and Jane Lewis, 239. State Street candidates brought up the rear with the follow- ing scores: Ed. D'Aprix, 115; Fred Cushing, 123; Jane Willoughby, 110; and Ruth Freedman, 143. Engineers Split. Ballots Machine politics were less success- ful in the engineering college where the '38 Party's success was made in- complete by the inclusion of two Consolidated men in the list of win- ners. Clifford Elliott won the presi- dency with 73 votes to Richard Wan- gelin's 59, and the vice-presidency went to Fred Boynton with 96 votes while Clarence J. Wicks received 36 votes. Hudson Dunks was made secretary with 70 votes to the 62 votes polled for Bill Barclay. Consolidates broke the '38 Party front to install John G. Young as treasurer with 70 votes to the 60 votes of James Eckhouse, '38 'Party candidate. Wins By One Vote Consolidated broke through with another winner in the Honor Coun- cil race which Robert V. Baxley won by one vote over the 64 votes cast for Carl Gerstacker. According to the '38 Engineers a recount will be held this morning to investigate this hair-line margin. Ed Replogle was made representa- (Continued on Page 6) Bendix Refuses 'Closed Shop'; Union Demand SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 18.-(P) -Vincent Bendix, president of the international aircraft, motor and marine 'interests bearing his name, declared tonight he would never agree to union demands for a closed shop in plants of the Bendix Aviation Corp. and its subsidiaries here. SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 18.-(P) -Several hundred men and women of doubtful industrial status re- mained in the Bendix Products Corp's plant tonight intent, their leaders said, upon enforcing demands for 100 per cent unionization of the automotive accessory manufacturing concern. The plant has been shut down since shortly before noon Tuesday, when James P. Mahoney, vice-pres- ident, speaking over a public address system, told the workers to check in their tools and leave, for the fac- tory was to be closed indefinitely. Employes refused to leave the plant, They remained throughout last night and today and settled down for a sec- ond night's stay. Japan Aims At Creating I A Monroe Doctrine' In Eastern Asia By ALBERT MAYIO The alleged pact between Japan, Germany and Italy, if actually con-I summated, marks another step in the Japanese policy of creating a bul- wark against the possible spread of Communism in North China, in the opinion of Dr. John W. Stanton of the history department. "Until just a short time ago," Dr. Stanton said, "Japan has been occu- pied in consolidating its position in Manchukuo and the province of Cha- har. More recently the Japanese have been embarking on a policy of advancing around the Soviet-con- trolled state of Outer Mongolia through a slow but steady progress into Inner Mongolia, a region that pays at least nominal allegiance to Nationalist China." Japan Plans 'Monroe Doctrine' This attempt on the part of Japan at military preparedness in North, China, Dr. Stanton pointed out, is motivated by considerations of' com- merce and strategy. Commercially, he said, Japan aims at creating in Eastern Asia a sort of Monroe Doctrine. Under this guise of Asia for the Asiatics, Dr. Stanton explained, Japan as the most indus- trially advanced Asiatic nation should exploit the natural resources of North China and Mongolia for other Asi- atics. "There is no place for. Russia, a European nation, in this scheme of things," Dr. Stanton stated. "Strate-I gically, through the absorption of Manchuria and Outer Mongolia, Ja- pan would be ideally situated to out- flank the Russians in Eastern Siberia and to thrust them west of Lake Baikal and back into the heart ofi Asia. Thus the Russian menace, or as the Japanese say, the communist menace, would be removed from Ja- pan by 2,000 miles." Not Ready For War (In a story in the New York Times of Sunday, Nov. 15, it was stated that Dr. Finkelstein To Demonstrate' His Talents Here the Japanese has been hurling Man- ,hukuoan troops against the Chinese General Fu Tso-yi, governor of Sui- yuan, a province south of Chahar, as a test of Chinese strength. The Jap- anese feel, the article said, that when regular Japanese troops are pitted against Suiyuan, victory will be cer- tain inasmuch as General Fu is re- ported as being unpopular with his own army. Possession of Suiyuan province means another link in a gi- gantic barrier of Japanese bayonets i against Soviet Russia-a new GreatY Wall running for 3,000 miles from North Korea to Eastern Chinese Tur- kestan.) Neither Japan nor Russia is in aD position to wage a protracted war° in c the Far East today, Dr. Stanton said. However, both nations are using di-a plomacy to gain time to perfect mil-. itary preparations in the event of af war which both countries feel is in-1 evitable.I Shells Poured Into Northwest Part Of Madridt Government Forces Tryi To Regain Ground Lost - In Previous BattlesT (By The 'Associated Press) MADRID, Nov. 19. -(Thursday) -Government forces poured shellsE and bullets into the northwestern district of Madrid early today in an attempt to regain ground they had lost, as some official sources estimat- ed 300 were killed in Tuesday's air and artillery attacks by besieging Fascists. This estimate was considerably higher than that of the Ministry of1 the Interior, which announced only 11 persons were known dead, but added that 150 were believed buriedt under debris. The ministry asserted 200 were in- jured, but other official sources placed the number at 800. Firemen and volunteers worked to extricate those entombed, many of whom could be heard groaning. Furious cannonading in the Uni- versity City section of northwestern Madrid shook the whole capital. Gen. Jose Miaja, chief of the de- fense, was believed to have orderedI an offense to drive the Fascist in-' surgents back across the Manzan- ares River, which skirts the city. MADRID, Nov. 18-Residents of once gay Madrid emerged today from subway hideaways after a nightlong bombardment to stroll shelltorn boulevards while the rattle of gun- fire in the suburbs foreshadowed ad- vance of the Fascist army. Official Circles Reich Will Not Of Neutrality Intimate Bolt Pact (By The Associated Press) The approval by Nazi Germany and ascist Italy of the insurgents' cause 'n Spain revived Europe's anxiety yesterday lest direct intervention fol- ow. Officials were chary of comment. It was the customary day of rest in Moscow with all government offices losed, but informed observers re- alled that the Kremlin only a month go had made it clear that Russia would not recognize the insurgent general Francisco Franco even if the present Madrid Premier Largo Cabal- lero should have to flee Spain. Political observers in France pre- licted that the French government would not directly aid the present spanish government unless Great Britain would join in-a possibility which British officials held was un- 'hinkable. In London, the Laborite ,leader Clement R. Attlee said he would ques- tion Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in Parliament Thursday on the Brit- ish government's interpretation of he action. Uppermost in the minds of diplo- mats the world over was the ques- tion of whether Italy and Germany, now that they have accepted Franco as the head of a legal Spanish. gov- ernment, would feel free to send arms and ammunition to him. German officials said the Reich was not considering such a move, and Italian spokesmen stuck to the com- munique which said nothing on this subject. ROME, Nov. 18.-(UP) --Premier Mussolini made a two-hour exposi- tion of the international and domes- tic political situation before the Fas-' cist Grand Council tonight, following formal recognition by Italy and Ger- many of the Spanish Fascist govern- ment of insurgent Gen. Francisco Franco. ROME, Nov. 18.-U)-Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany today formally recognized the government of the Spanish fascist insurgent General Francisco Franco. The communique which announced the joint approval of Franco's cause did not mention any changes in the nations' neutrality policies in the civil war, but a guarded statement by the acting representative of the Burgos government at Rome indicated that Franco hoped direct aid would be the next step. German and Italian approval, said the Burgos envoy, Admiral Antonio Magaz, "will change the/ 'rights' of the situation in regard to neutrality as it concerns the position of the Burgos government and those who have recognized it, and the other member nations of the non-interven- tion committee." (The German recognition an- nouncement was almost identical with the Italian communique, but of- ficial circles in Berlin intimated the Reich did not intend to bolt the neu- trality pact as a sequel to recogni- tion.) Hensen, Noted AntiNazi, Talks Here Tuesday Franis A. Hensen, widely known anti-Nazi who recently returned from a trip through the Reich on a fake press pass will speak on his opinions as to the "Future Govern- ment of Germany-Now Under- ground" in a lecture at 4:1 p.m. Tuesday in Natural Science Auditor- ium. After working as chairman of the administrative committee of the Committee on Fair Play in Sports, which tried to prevent American par- ticipation in the Berlin Olympics, Mr. Class Offices Franco; Europe Anxious Post sweeps To Victory By 2 1 Lead Over Opponent Lest Intervention Follow . . ,' .° & f ? Great To Scie Calculating Genius Appear In Natural nce Auditorium Dr. Salo Finkelstein, reputed the greatest calculating genius in thel world, will give a lecture-demonstra- tion of his extraordinary mental feats at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Sponsored by the' psychology de- partment, Dr. Finkelstein will per- Improvement In Public Service Seen In Officials5 School Project' By IRVING S. SILVERMAN Basing his opinions upon his own experience and the experience of the State of Virginia, Morton L. Wal- lerstein of Richmond, Va., executive secretary of the League of Virginia Municipalities, regards the new state- wide project to establish training schools for municipal officers as a great step forward in professionaliz- ing public service. The plan for the State of Michigan municipalities is being sponsored by the University, the Michigan Muni- cipal League, and -the State Board of Vocational Education and will of- ficially begin Dec. 1. Coming from the National Muni- cipal League Conference at Toledo, 0., Mr. Wallerstein visited the head- quarters of the Michigan League in Ann Arbor yesterday, finding it "the men, firemen and other municipal I officials already in service. An excellent criterion of the value of such schools was the fact of the reduction in fire losses in Virginia, given by Mr. Wallerstein. He point- ed out that a survey concerning the last five years showed that before the schools were established the fire losses of the United States and the State of Virginia dropped in the same proportion. But after the schools had functioned for three years the de- crease in fire losses in Virginia was enormously greater in propgrtion than those of the United States. Mr Wallerstein said he regarded this es- sentially as one of the results of the schools. Furthermore, he stressed that the officials themselves gained greater personal esteem from the people af- ter having gone through these schools. He cited the example of form various experiments with num- bers, which will demonstrate his ex- Job Applicants ceptional speed, accuracy, and pow- ers of memory. According to of- ficials of the psychology department, M a y Register he will show his ability to add long rows of figures quicker than the eye can read them and will give educa- tional and psychological explanations of his ability. Seniors and graduate students who Dr. Finkelstein is a native of Po- will be seeking employment in Feb- land. He has lectured in most Euro- ruary and June are requested to en- pean countries and has traveled from roll with the Bureau of Appointments coast to coast in the United States, and O c c up a t ion al Information speaking before large university au- through Saturday of this week in diences. Room 201, Mason Hall, Dr. T. Luther He was employed by the Polish Purdom, director of the bureau, an- government several years in statis- nounced yesterday. tical office and treasury department "No charge is made for registra- in an advisory capacity. In this de- tion at this time,' he said, "but those who enroll after the regular registra- (Continued on Page 6) 4.,~ -- . _A _:, .._~.., 1 1 Play By L. . Carr To Be Given Today "Frontiers," a musical comedy written by Prof. Lowell Juillard Carr of the sociology department with ly- rics by Heinrich Handorf, will be pre- sented at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Pat- tion period ends will have to pay a fee of one dollar." Mildred Webber, in charge of bus- iness placements, pointed out that there will be more positions available this year because the number of calls from educational institutions and business firms has shown a sizeable increase. "Many business firms have already asked us when they could send repre- sentativesto nnimArhr n it", tirv