The Weather Mostly cloudy and colder, snow flurries along Lake Hur- on; tomorrow fair, warmer. YI E A ig au6P ijatt Editorial Peep Peep.. VOL. XLVII No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS City Officials To Be Trained By University Teaching Plan Program Carries Faculty Members Over State To Give Instruction Service Is Headed By James W. Parry President Ruthven Says Work A Fine Example Of Activities Expansion By FRED WARNER NEAL The University of Michigan will carry its teaching service to public officials in municipal governments in a new, far-reaching program that was announced last night by Harold D. Smith, director of the Bureau of Government and the Michigan Mu- nicipal League. The program, which will provide for transporting University faculty men to groups of municipal officials throughout the state as well as bring government heads here for periods of instruction, is initiated, according to Mr. Smith, by the University, the State Board of Vocational Educa- tion, of which President Ruthven is a member, and the Municipal League. Parry To Be Head Heading the work will be James W. Parry, pioneer worker in vocational }training, who resigned Monday night after nine years as city man- ager of Birmingham, Mich.. The formal opening of the program, Mr. Smith said, will be Dec. 1. President Ruthven praised the in- itiation of the work as "a fine ex- ample of the way the University of Michigan is expanding its activities. Such a thing," he declared, "will do much to improve public service in Michigan, and represents the man- ner in which we, are here trying to broaden our function." Training Prime Objective "A prime objective of this train- ing of public officials," Mr. Smith explained, "is to keep the program running on a unified, centrally-dir- ected coordinated course. The plan is to teach firemen, police, assessors, reasurers, comptrollers, auditors and other finance officials, corpora- tion counsels, city managers, build- ing inspectors, superintendents of public works, and of water and pow- er plants. Later, Mr. Smith said, he hopes the training program will broaden into a course of apprenticeship for students desirous of entering the public service. Smith Explains As officially explained by Mr. Smith, the work of Mr. Parry, the director, will be "to explore the field of training as it may be applied to employes in the public service of Michigan .government. The im- mediate purpose will be to determine by what methods training can be taken to officials, not necessarily to bring officials to school in Ann Ar- bor. Regional meetings or short courses, or institutes, or zone con- ferences - all these methods of bringing officials together into groups to give them the experience of professional workers and experts in their particular field, will be sounded out." This system will be financed, ac- cording to Mr. Smith, by funds from the George-Deen Law, signed by the President June 8, 1936, providing annually approximately $15,009,000 for vocational education in trade and industrial subjects, including pub- lic and other service occupations. Specifically, he pointed out, $350,- 000 has been earmarked for the pub- lic service occupational training, to be allotted to states able to begin formal programs when the money is ready. Key Position Held "This places the University in a key position to help Michigan obtain favorable consideration in the dis tribution of the federal funds al- lotted," Mr. Smith maintained. Inclusion of the public service pro- vision in the bill was won by Senator George Norris, Progressive Nebrask- an. Although this is a new activity for the state, Mr. Smith pointed to th6 fact that "Michigan has had val- uable experience already in this work and the University has cooperated in this effort. This has been the zone fire school programs conducted each snrino in the east twon vears b Pr,,. Pan-American Meeting May Aid World Peace, James Says Leftist Shells Rain On ebels Iowa Provides For 910 Men; Michigan Facilities House 58 Roosevelt Policy Reduces of which the development of a "real A t pan-American spirit of spontaneous C i ' ersi Traditional InterferenceIgood will" can be the first.AU In Latin-America I "It is heartening to see that for ________the first time in over a century pan- B Americanismehas really come to mean Modern Campus Becomes TyeSurBerTceofwoldIMa anything," Professor James said. Crater-Pocked No Man's The furtherance of world peace Only several years ago when thenL.f.W through the development of interna- President Hoover went through Ar- Land Of Civil War tional friendship and security will gentina the intense bitter feeling probably be the most significant out- of the people expressed in violent Unknown Numbers come of the approaching Inter-Amer- newspaper attacks upon the "Yankee icaeacfte ConfreceProf. rAsto- iperil" forced Hoover to "leave the Killed B Pla ican Peace Conference, Prof. PrestonI country in a hurry," he said.ePlanes E. James of the geography depart- The complete about-face in public ment said yesterday. - opinion since then, in response to Madrid's Defe Ledr The Roosevelt administration's the "good neighbor" policy, is almost Fascist "good neighbor" policy has resulted incredible, Professor James said. Say Fascist Advance Has in the withdrawal of the marines The South American countries re- Been Checked from Haiti and Nicaragua and the sented bitterly being "protected" by _en__c__ elimination of American interference the United States, for this protec- MADRID, Nov. 17.-{I)-Govern- in the internal affairs of the Latin- tion resulted in interference in their m arie Nong7.-s)-Glern- American countries, he said. internal problems, he said. ment batteries tonght shelled Uni- Now with the cementing of this "Moreover, most of the Latin- versity City in the northwestern sec- reinterpretation of the Monroe Doc- American countries have reached the tion of Madrid where Fascist Insur- trine at the coming conference De- point where they can play the inter- gents stubbornly defended their posi- cember 1 in Buenos Aires, the begin- national game without the need of I tions. ning of a world movement toward someone else's navy." f The once beautiful campus of the international cooperation might very However, the mere abstract de- modern university in a few hours be- well be begun, Professor James said. velopment of good will is not the only came a crater-pocked no mans' land, The Wilsonian ideal has not been likely outcome of the December con- its spacious lawns and parks the realized heretofore because the ference, Professor James said. There newest battlefield of the bloody League of Nations was too large a is the real possibility of a pan-Amer- Spanish Civil War which will be four step for an unprepared world, he said. ican neutrality accord which might months old Wednesday. But he believes the ideal may very provide a screen against the spread The roar of shot, shell and bomb well be accomplished by smaller steps (Continued on Page 2) rumbled over all of Madrid today. . -i Progressiveness Evident In Establishment Of 10 Cooperative Dorms EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles based on a sur- vey conducted by The Daily among 75 universities and colleges throughout the United States on the question of men's dormitories. Provisions for men's housing at the 'University of Wisconsin, Madison. Wis., will be explained in the next article to appear tomorrow. By IRVING S. SILVERMAN With approximately the same num- ber of enrolled students as the Uni- versity of Michigan, the State Uni- versity of Iowa provides university dormitory facilities for 910 men in comparison with Michigan housing 58 students in Fletcher Hall, which, however, was originally established as a private dormitory. Iowa has proved more progressive than the University in another re- spect also, in that it has established cooperative dormitories for both men and women. Two hundred and tenj students are housed in the seven man1 Contemporary Carries Prize Stories, Poems Former Prof. H. M. Jones Contributes Harvard Tercentenary Essay cooperative dormitories and 75 wom- en in the three women's cooperatives. The cooperative dormitories are housed in buildings which had been acquired by the university from time to time as additions to the campus. The average cost per student in the dormitory is nine dollars per month. In submitting this informa- tion, the dean of men students at Iowa State described the low cost as "a little over half of what it is in a 'fraternity house. A boy can live in our Quadrangle with board and room for about $27 per month. It would l i 3t 7 i l n Social Security Tax ToBe Paid ByFraternities And Sororities Houses Pay 1-3 Per Cent Social Security Blanks Arrive In Ann Arbor Applications Distributed To Business, Industrial Pursuits By Mrs. Abbott The first of approximately 900 so- cial security application blanks werel sent to Ann Arbor employers yester-t day by Mrs. Horatio J. Abbott, post- master or postmistress.c The blanks were distributed to all employers in industrial and business! pursuits. Each employer will fill in the number of his employes and the nature of his business and return the blanks to the local postoffice before Nov. 21.c When the applications have beenj received the specified number of em-t ploye application blanks will be set aside for each employer and deliveredc to him Nov. 24. Employer applica-j tions will then be forwarded to thei Baltimore accounting office of the So-e cial Security Board for tabulation. Employes Get Blanks The employers will then give thec employe application blanks to their1 workers as the next step in the pro- cess of setting up individual social security account numbers and wage records. The employes must returnI them not later than Dec. 5. The application blanks may be re- turned to the postoffice either in per- son or through the mail, Mrs. Abbottc said. No postage is required. Each employe will later receive anl identification card and account num- ber. The distribution of the blanks will be a census of practically all of the nation's business and industrial em- ployers and their employes for cat- aloging in Federal files. Farm work- ers, government employes and do- I mestic help will not be registered. The huge task must be completed be- fore the government puts its old-age pension system into actual operation next Jan. 1. To Collect Two Per Cent I The board will collect two per cent of the country's payroll, half from the employers and half from the employes. This will increase to six per cent by 1949. Pensions ranging from $10 to $85 a month will be paid from the fund after Jan. 1, 1942, to all eligible em- ployees reaching the age of 65 years. If a person dies before he reaches that age, his estate will receive his I benefits in a lump sum. Sale Of Directories , lxceedinoly Large The Student Directory started its sale last Thursday with 2,295 copies, of which 200 copies are left. The sale will continue at the League, the Union and the book- stores until the remaining copies are sold, according to Irving A. Ma- thews, '38. last year the sales began with 1,800 copies and it took one week to sell them. 125 Fans Are Needed For Ohio State Trip All Soph Prom k Profits Will Go To Dorm Fund b e; Sophomores Hope Othere Classes Will Follow Suit; ii Ticket Sale Next Week F All the profits made by the Soph Prom this year will be turned over i to the dormitory fund it was an-: nounced last sight by David Drysdale,g chairman of the prom committee., i Last year the Soph Prom made approximately $100 which was di-n vided evenly between the Literaryn College and the Engineering College.c "While this is not a very large [ sum of money, it is hoped that the other classes will follow suit and do- nate the profits from their dances6 to the dorm fund, too," Drysdale said.g The Soph Prom which will be heldS on Dec. 11 at the Union will be the t first class dance of the year. SinceC it will take place during the week- end before vacation the prom will be F a Christmas dance and the ballroomc decorated accordingly, Bunty Bain, chairman of the decorations commit-t tee, said yesterday.V Tickets for the prom will be limited> to 350 and will go on sale at the latter part of next week, FrederickJ Reinheimer, chairman of the tickete committee said. They will sell at $2.50. The other members of the prom committee and their posts are: Harry Swan, ballroon; Nelson Lindenfeld patrons; Richard Fox, orchestra; Robert Morgan and Bennett Root. decorations; and Saul Kleiman and Robert Vander Pyl, Negotiations for the orchestra will be completed today and the an-Y nouncement of which band has been chosen will be issued tonight, Foxu said. Bendix Head Tells Strikerss To Quit Plant SOUTH BEND, Nov. 17-(I)--A "sit down strike" at the Bendix Pro- ducts Corporation today culminated in an order from J. P. Mahoney, vice- president and works manager, to 4,- 000 employes to turn in their tools and leave the plant of the automo- tive accessory concern. Vincent Bendix, president of the Bendix Products Corporation, par- ent company, reached here this af- ternoon from New York and after a brief conference with officials at-l tributed the shutdown to the "activi- ties of a number of agitators who continually caused trouble at the plant." He said no decision had been reached as to reopening the factory, which makes large quantities of au-! tomotive accessories, including brakes, carburetors and clutches. 1 Despite a peremptory order from Mahoney from all men to leave the factory a number of them remained in the plant throughout the day al-1 though no work was done. There worP nn ranni t5of direnrs.r An unestimated number of the ? city's war-weary populace were killed in two raids by Fascist war- planes from which bombs streaked down into the center of the city. Insurgents Shelled Government batteries directed al barrage against Insurgent communi- cation lines across the Manzanares R-iver already forded by Gen. Fran- cisco Franco's advance units. In mid-afternoon the leaders of Madrid's defense announced the Fascist advance into the city had been checked.# But the Fascists held their hard- won posts within Madrid's city lim- ts. Into the stately buildings, many of them newly completed they strag- gled, mounting their machine guns n protected niches. The government, while issuing manifestos that the city itself was not in immediate danger of being captured, warned that house-to- house fighting might occur soon. Sixty Killed Renewing their visits which killed 60 persons the night before, insur- gent warplanes bombed the plaza' San Miguel, the north station, Mar- tin de Los Heros street, and the Cuatro Caminos workers' section. Many persons in Martin de Los Heros street were killed before they could dash for shelter. Downtown Madrid was shaken throughout the day, by artillery fire. Windows were shattered, showering pedestrians with fragments of glass.I "Madrid is a big place," said Gen. Jose Miaja, "it cannot be taken so easily." November Gargoyle On Sale Tomorrow The first issue of Contemporary, campus literary quarterly, which goes on sale today, features stories and poems from the prize-winning entries in the Hopwoodpcontest and an essay on the Harvard Tercenten- ary by Howard Mumford Jones of Harvard University, until this year a member of the English faculty. Among other articles in the issue are an essay on the concentration system by Philip Stubbes, '37, "Cin- ema and-or Movies" by James Doll, costume designer for Play Produc- tion, and another on Chinese uni- versities by Dr. Y. Z. Chang, a Chin- ese instructor spending a year in the University in an exchange professor- ship. Also included are poetry and fic- tion by Elizabeth Allen, Grad.; F. Randall Jones, '38; Rosemary Mil- tich, '39; Richard McKelvey, Grad.; Harry Purdy, '39; Robert C. B. Campbell, Grad.; Bernice K. Isaac- son, Grad.; Leo Kirschbaum of the engineering college English depart- ment, and Alfred H. Lovell, Jr., and reviews by Prof. C. N. Wenger, also of the engineering English department; Kirschbaum, Herbert Weisinger, Grad.; Dr. Sigmund Proctor of the English department, and Prof. A. H. Van Duren of the German depart- ment. The issue will be on sale in Angell Hall, University, the League, at bookstores, and at various points on the campus. Subscriptions may still be purchased at those places. ;ost him about twice that in a fra- ;ernity." In explaining this relationship, lowever, between the dormitories and ,he fraternities which is also a vital ssue on this campus-the frater- dities fearing the loss of their mem- ers should dormitories be estab- ished-the dean further analyzed ,he situation: "I do not believe there has been my effect at all upon fraternities and sororities with regard to the erec- ion of these dormitories for men and vomen. I know there has not in egard to fraternities. Boys who must save money are inclined to oom at the Quadrangle or at a ooming house in town. If, per-' hance, some of the men take rooms n the dormitory and find later that hey can afford to join a fraternity, ,e have no difficulty in selecting a uccessor to them in their rooms, as ye always have a waiting list." The effect of the dormitories upon the city which has a population of .6,000, exclusive of students, was re- arded as advantageous. "We have ound that the cost of rooms in town keep pretty close to the cost of rooms in our dormitory. Therefore, our (Continued on Page 2) Juniors Select Class Officers This Afternoon Literary College To Name '37 J -H Cop Chairman From Two Candidates Juniors in most of the schools on campus will go to the polls from 3 to 5:15 p.m. today to select their class' officers and those who will be in charge of this year's J-Hop. J-Hop chairman this year will be chosen from the literary college and will be either Edward B. Thompson of the State Street party or Louis Hoffman of Washtenaw. State Street is running Joseph S. Mattes for President, Betsy Ander- son, vice-president; Ruth Fowler, sec- retary; Earl Luby' treasurer, and Washtenaw's slate offers Carl Post for president; Ruth Bertsch, vice- president; Betty Gatward, secretary; and Ted Fraser, treasurer. Curry For Washtenaw Washtenaw nominees for J-Hop sub-committee chairmanships are: Margaret Curry, Jane Lewis, Sam Charin and Dick May. State Street offers Ed D'Aprix, Fred Cushing, Jane Willoughby and Ruth Freedman. Lit- erary college voting will be in a new room, 231 Angell Hall. Two slates in the engineering class elections to be voted on in Room 348 W. Engineering Building have the Consolidated Party led by Dick Wan- gelin, for president and the '38 party's nominee is Cliff Elliott. In the consolidated party Jim Wicks, vice-president; Bill Barclay, secretary; Jack Young, treasurer; Wren McLean, Honor Council (one year) ; Bob Baxley, Engineering Council (two years); J-Hop commit- tee Ed Foote, S. M. Smith and John McQuaid. The ticket of the '38 party lists Fred Boynton, vice-president; Hud- son Drake, secretary; Jim Eckhouse, treasurer; Carl Gerstacker, Honor Council; Ed Replogle, Engineering Council; J-Hop Committee, Pete Fones, Walter Jensen, and Gil Phares Two Slates Offered Business administration school elections will be held in 110 Tappan Hall and offer two slates, Indepen- dent-Deltasig led by John Doelle for president, and the Alpha Kappa Psi- Independent party led by Walter Crow. Frank Dannemiller is the Deltasig candidate for vice-president; Janet Jackson, secretary; Howard Parsons treasurer; and Ernest Pederson, J- Hop committee. Lloyd Strickland is the other vice- president, Irwin Bailey, secretary; Donald Parry, treasurer; and Dick Moriarty, J-Hop Committee. Forestry school juniors will vote ir Room 2039 Natural Science Building for two groups of candidates. Marvin Hoover is the presidentia candidate in one group and the tres Yearly Tax Alone;- Share Other LevyWith Worker Evasions Suggested By Fraternity Men Protest For Exemption; Prof. Briggs Advises Preparations To Pay Fraternities and sororities will have to pay taxes under the Social Secur- ity Act when it goes into effect in January, according to Paul F. Icer- man, certified public accountant, who spoke on the effects of the act on fraternities last night at a special meeting of the Interfraternity Coun- cil. Most houses will have two taxes to pay, he explained, the first of which will be levied on all houses em- ploying eight or more. This includes anyone employing eight people for 20 days each year in a different week, and compensation in the form of board is included in this group, he declared. Returns for this tax will be 1 per cent on the total payroll after Jan. 1, 1936; 2 per cent for 1937 and 3 per cent during and after 1938. This tax will becollected from em- ployers annually, he stated Percentage Increases The other tax will be taken from both employers and employes at a rate of 1 per cent next year increas- ing one half of 1 per cent every three years until it reaches 3 per cent. This tax will be used for old age benefits which will begin being paid in a few years at the age of 65 and amounting to from $15 to $85 per month de- pending upon the amount earned previous to the 65th year, Icerman said. If a person dies before 65, the government will pay on the basis of what he has earned until then, he said. Fraternities and employes will pay this tax at the same rate month- ly and each employe will have a num- ber to be recorded on his monthly slips. Fraternity men expressed mild consternation upon learning of the bookkeeping necessitated by the Act and several of them offered conjec- ures upon how tax returns might be lessened by various evasions. An- other suggestion was to submit the returns under protest, with the hope that a counsel in the East would defend the fraternities as in 1917 when another attempt was made to tax them. Should Prepare Fiaternities were advised by Prof. Robert P. Briggs, fraternity financial adviser ,to prepare to pay their re- turns in January and to support their national organizations in exempting the fraternity from the tax. Professor Briggs commended the fraternity officers for their important part in wiping out the indebtedness of $5,802 or 1934-5 and creating a profit of $10,706 for last year. He also attributed this financial resurrection to the increased enroll- ment and decreased number of fra- ternities, alumni aid, and aid from. the national organizations. "To con- tinue this financial improvement with the aim of putting all the fra- ternities in the black," he said, "it is necessary that every fraternity turn in its monthly operating statement and balance sheet by the 15th of every month." Frosh Election Changes To Go Before Council While juniors, sophomores, and seniors have been exerting them- selves in eliciting votes from their classmates in elections for class pres- idents, secretaries, and treasurers, freshmen have been concerned over t the question of whether these offices are worth the stress and strain of campaigning for them. A student council system of repre- sentative class officers to modify the present system was announced as the main plank of the freshman Wash- tenaw party last night. The Washtenaw party has already g announced its plank includes a "stu- dent council system of representative l class officers to modify the present t system,' and other freshmen bewil- The November issue of the Gar- ! goyle will be placed on sale tomorrow Schumann-Heink, 75, on the campus, it was announced' Beloved Singer, Dies yesterday by Gilbert Tilles, editor. Sigr This month's issue will contain the HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 17.-(/)- usual features, namely "Preposterous MIme. Ernestine Schumann-Heink, People," "Sophisticated L a d y," beloved operatic and concert singer, "Men's Styles" and "Campus Talk," died at her home in Hollywoodlands Tilles said. tonight at 7:21 p.m. (10:21 p.m. Besides these features there will be Eastern Standard Time). a special photographic feature, a The singer, wno ce.:obrated her satire on campus politics and a short E 75th birthday last June 15, had story. I lapsed into a coma three hours The magazine will be placed on earlier and her physicians, Dr. Sam- sale all over the campus. The price uel Alter, announced she was sink- is 0 cents. ing. .i t Ruthven Home Holds Oriental And Domestic Art Treasures By ROBERT P. WEEKS With the resumption of the Wed- nesday afternoon teas at President Ruthven's, students are being given an opportunity not only to meet the President and Mrs. Ruthven but visit one of the oldest and most interesting houses in Ann Arbor. Three years ago an addition was made to the 94-year old house to provide a study for the President. Paneled in knotted pine with tim- bers on the ceiling and Indian rugs on the floor this room contains be- sides the President's desk his collec- tion of more than 8,000 old natural histories. Sporting prints are hung on the walls and the space not oc- cinied by books on the shelves con- leading to the Egyptian room is a' sarcophagus mask. The Egyptian room is the clearest manifestation of Peter Ruthven's in- terest in Eastern art. It is papered in Japanese wallpaper and on each side of the entrance to the living room is a glass case, one containing Graeco-Egyptian glass of the first to third centuries and the other Arabic glass of the ninth to fourteenth cen- turies. These two cases contain one of the largest collections of arabic and roman glass in this country. Be- sides various glass pieces and frag- inents the cases include a collection of arabic glass weights and carved bone of the coptic and islamic per- iods. The Egyptian room is illuminated by an Egyptian chandelier of the