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November 17, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-17

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1936 Member 1937
Assoc fed Cole6 d e Press
Distributors of
Colle6te Dibest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ifr republicaition of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered a~t the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by inail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department : Elsie 'A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
EditorialrDepartment: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Departmentr Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager;Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

ished by the people of India who have en-
forced it these many centuries. It is they who
must free their untouchables from the human
bondage they have to endure.
A great start has been made. It has taken
800 years. Let us hope that the next step for-
ward will not take another 800.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Not A Sociologist
To the Editor:
The recent exchange of letters between Ther-
sites and Harold Ross anent the sociology de-
partment has been interesting, but naive. Both
of them have failed to make a basic criticism of
the sociology department, the one because ofa
superficial attempt at cleverness, the other b -
cause of an obvious attempt to display his vir-
The sociologists on this campus pride them-
selves on being scientists. They imagine them-
selves in laboratories, wearing white coats. They
claim that because they are scientists, they must
remain objectively detached from any data they
may discover: theirs is to discover, others' to put
into practice. No subject, it seems to me, is less
scientific than sociology. Every science has a
particular terminology about the meaning of
which there is no quarrel; sociology uses terms
so loose in -their meaning that they cannot be
called scientific terms. I refer to such terms
as "organic whole," "conformity," "ecological
divisions," and the like. Such terms are sus-
ceptible to any construction, and confuse rather
than clarify.
This attitude of detachment, justified on the
grounds that they are scientists, is particularly
unhappy, for it results in absolutely no good,
and considerable harm, to society. At a time
when social problems are especially in the fore,
who should be better equipped to offer a ra-
tional and intelligent solution than the sociol-
ogist? Yet the sociologists have no solution, even
shy away from having any. When disagreeable
facts face them, they emulate the proverbial os-
trich, refuse to see the truth, and offer some
conclusion which is of no- Value. It has ap-
parently not seeped into the sociologists' heads
that poverty is an economic problem; that if
economic conditions are bettered, poverty will
decrease. Or, if this fact has seeped through,
the prospect of bettering the economic condi-
tions appalls them, and they procrastinate.
The sociologists stand for objective and free
enquiry and discussion. This freedom of thought
is the cornerstone of their subject. Yet social
workers who think freely are stepped upon de-
cisively, when they attempt to ameliorate in
practice the conditions about which they have
learned in theory.
It seems rather foolish to give a course in
Poverty and Dependency on the one hand, and
to punish all attempt to remedy Poverty and De-
pendency on the other. In the face of social
disaster, the sociologists stick pins in maps to
mark how many juvenile delinquenc.y cases oc-
curred in 1917 in Hackensack, N. J., (school dis-
trict 4) and the frequency of petty larceny in
Omaha, Neb., during the first three months of
1924, much after the manner of Nero in Rome.
One eminent gentleman has written a mighty
work, representing hours of unremitting toil and
scholastic enthusiasm, on the subject "The Devil-
Wagon Comes to Dexter." In a course being
conducted not one hundred miles from Ann
Arbor the sum total of the year's work is this
magnificent conclusion: that in any major dis-
aster, there are three periods, the period before
the disaster, the period during the disaster, and
the period following the disaster. Each of thesej
periods has a suitable name.1
Such futile work is a hindrance to society and
a detriment to the unsuspecting students who
swallow it right out of the horse's mouth. What
we need, instead of this type of endeavor, and
instead of endless theses on "How I was a Shoe-

Salesman in Toledo" is real work in the field,
clear insight, fearlessness and courage 'and a for-
mulated position, in order that instead of making
a rather ridiculous rear end, the sociologists
might stand in the front of all social movements
for the betterment of mankind and human prg-

***** IT ALL
-n By Bonth William=,
BECAUSE this column is consecrated to pre-
senting a cross section of the Michigan Cam-
pus and because the Parrot is reputedly a light
layer of icing over a part of the cake, I ven-
tured therein Monday afternoon and ascertained
a woman's idea of the social whirl. Help!
THE IDEAL DATE is divided into five steps.
Namely dinner, drinks, dance, hamburgers,
home and stuff.
Drinking, according to the sentiment expressed,
is generally approved. It was termed (1) a good
remedy for dull dates (2) a swell excuse foq
blowing off steam, (3) great aid to convivality.
The group all protested against drinking out
of a bottle. "We like ours bruised," said the
Gin was outlawed as cheap, but the beer plank
split the coke sippers wide open.
"Beer takes ,the romance out of anything,"
shouted one lassie, while an angry storm of pro-
test arose from the other side of the booth where
the downtown defenders praised the amber foam
to the skies, with the reservation that beer did
take a long time and a lot of nose powdering.
Asked about hangovers, the girls looked sur-
prised. "Why we never have them," one said
with amazement. "I always drink two glasses
of tomato juice, a cup of black coffee and a lot
of water when I wake up. Then I sleep all
THE CONVERSATION finally got steered away
from the demon rum, and onto 'rules and
regulations governing males.' The committee
could not agree on most of their points, a few of
which I will enumerate verbatum:
Don't make the girl feel as if she's sponging, al-
ways have plenty of cigarettes whether you
smoke or not, never let the lady pay for any-
thing, always have a plan in mind for the eve-
ning, always be ready to change your plan at a
moment's notice, never talk about how broke
you are, explain subtlely your financial situation
and figure how the two of us can get the most
out of your dollar, be in command of the situa-
tion, no matter what, don't pass out obvious
compliments, don't call for dates at the last
minute, better to be called than to sit home,
better to sit home and nurse your pride, (Better
to be a hermit, sez I).
At last they got to 'modes and methods of pro-
cedure.' Some like the sombre, staid fellow;
some the gehtihomme who says to the menacing
head-waiter with just the least bit of diffidence,
"Two on the floor, please," and still others the
gay young blades who are 'Ready for anything.'
Blind dates were classed as 'dangerous' and to
be limited to one per month with the best recom-
The question of 'general policy' was a real
stickler to the group, but they finally decided to
follow the 'hands off until the third date' school.
One dissenting vote could be heard to complain
bitterly out of,the haze, "Hell, by the third date
they're always platonic."
placed that they receive direct sunlight daily.
7. The height of the ceilings in students'
rooms should be not less than 81/2 feet for
single rooms, and 9 feet for double rooms.
8. The provision of one plumbing fixture
for each four students should be accepted as
standard practice. In no case should the ratio
exceed one fixture for each six students. The
following are minimum areas for fixtures: 3x4
feet for each toilet compartment, 5'/2x6 feet for
each tub, 3x4 feet for each shower (a device
still unknown in these parts), 3x4 feet toweling
space for showers, 3x4 feet for lavatory compart-
9. Sufficient space should be provided for the
following activities: (a.) social and recreational
life during leisure time, (b.) short visits and calls
upon individual students by members of their
families and friends, (c.) provision for reception
and entertainment. Total space allotment for

social rooms should be at least 20 square feet
per student housed.
10. Storage space for students' trunks and
baggage should be dry, well ventilated, and
should allow at least 45 cubic feet per person.
11. Houses should be constructed either en-
tirely or largely of fire-resistive materials. Two
safe and convenient ways of escape should bel
available; outside stairways, fire escapes, and
ladders are not regarded as dependable exits
in case of fire.
12. All houses should be so built and main-
tained that the health and well-being of their
occupants will be promoted and not in any way
undermined by the conditions they provide.
Houses should be clean, comfortable, free from
dampness, and sanitary in all respects.
13. Water supply should be pure and ade-
quate, and maintained at a sufficient pressure to
insure full service at all times. All toilets, lav-
atories and drinking fountains should be made
of vitreous china.
14. Wall surfaces should be cheerful in tone,
agreeable in color and texture, and easily kept
15. Indoor temperature in cold weather should
be regulated with reference to outdoor condi-
tions, not according to an arbitrarily fixed rule:
70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and relative hu-
midity of 30 to 60 per cent are average. Radia-
tors should be of the long, low type, and should.
be placed under windows.
16. The amount of illumination should be not
less than the following: Bedrooms-for general
illumination: 5 foot candles; for dressers-10 to
12 foot candles; study tables-12 to 15 foot
- - . sAQ mf rn- - rn-r- i1 M ni- .' - -

Moscow Cathedral Choir
isfying evening of Russian music
was provided in Hill Auditorium last
night by the Moscow Cathedral Choir,
conducted by Nicholas Afonsky. De-
spite the fact that the singers ar-
rived in Ann Arbor only a short time
before the concert, after a day of
travel by bus, they sang with con-
vincing ease and enthusiasm. Their
program, entirely Russian with the
exception of three numbers, was di-
vided into three sections: the first
made up of sacred numbers, the sec-
ond of operatic excerpts and trans-
criptions, and the third of music of a
folk nature.
Contrary to what we had expected,
we felt that the examples of Rus-
sian church music did not display
the Choir at its best. The ensemble
at times seemed to lack balance, with
the top and bottom voices over-
weighing the inner parts. Of course,
with a small choir of only seven wom-
en and eleven men it is impossible
to obtain the fullness and strength
of tone which one would expect from
a larger chorus; perhaps our ear
inadvertently sought a comparison
between this group and the male
chorus of Don Cossacks which has
supplied the choral music on the
Choral Union series for the past sev-
eral years. Such a comparison would
be hardly fair, tecause of the differ-
ences in size, nature, background,
and purpose of the two groups. Un-
doubtedly, when it comes to vocal vir-
tuosity and the finer points of en-
semble, the larger group is by far the
Nevertheless, the Moscow Choir did
some excellent singing, particularly in
the characteristic folk songs which
completed the program and supplied
Too, the choral backgrounds fur-
nished the three soloists in their sev-
eral numbers were beautifully ex-
ecuted. Throughout the evening, we
felt that the tone of the group in its
softer passages was of better quality
and blending than in the "foltes,
Of the three soloists, Mme. Zakhar-
ova's softer soprano voice was more
endearing to a non-Russian ear; her
execution of the solo part in the ar-
rangement of the Chopin Etude dis-
played a beautiful tone and excellent
While this arrangement of a more-
or-less slight piano piece did not
seem in any way incongruous to us,
we were struck rather oddly by the
sound of the lilting and unequivo-
cably Spanish Estudiantina being
boomed out by Russian voices. The
effect was not entirely unpleasing,
but we did feel that the geographical
combination was musically a trifle
far-fetched-what with Russia and
the Spanish War and everything.
When the abilities of William Pow-
ell, Myrna Loy, and Spencer Tracy
are combined with Jean Harlow's in-
dividual talent, a wittily written
scenario and direction with zest and
vigor, the net result is Entertainment
with a capital "E."
Jean Harlow wants to marry city
editor, Spencer Tracy, and million-
aress Myrna Loy wants to sue him for
five million dollars libel-William
Powell is called in to solve both dif-
ficulties. Either problem would be
an interesting assignment, but com-
bined they make as fast moving story
as you will see this season. Powell

marries Harlow and falls in love with
Miss Loy, who complicates matters
by falling in love with him. In the
meantime, the dominant issue of the
libel suit falls into the background, is
dropped by Miss Loy, and the en-
tanglements of love take the fore.
The conclusion packs a punch you
will want to be in on.
Libeled Lady has one scene which
would have rolled the audience in the
aisles if the aisles hadn't been al-
ready full-it is a scene in which Mr.
Powell is trout fishing in a stream.
It is slapstick in technical treatment,
but it struck the production crew so
funny that it was expanded to much
greater length than was scheduled
in the senario.
The entire cast, including Mr.
Walter Connolly, handle their roles
faultlessly, and the four stellar
names in the picture do not compli-
cate it in the least. The roles all
blend into the story, none of them
seeming to be built up to give each
star equal footage of film.
Your reviewer saw a portion of Li-
beled Lady in production, and the
finished product exceeds his hopeful
Dean Lloyd To Aid
In Freshman Pan
Dean Alice C. Lloyd yesterday con-I

(Continued from Page 2)

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memberseof the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President-
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

We Needed
A Survey . .

vember 21 all student taking out
blanks are subject to payment of $1
late registration fee.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of the
following United States Civil Service
examinations: (Requiring B.S. de-
gree or experience substitutions).
Senior and welding engineer, Navy
department, salary, $3,800 to $4,600.
(No degree required).
Supervisors of Alphabetic Dupli-
cating Key-Punch Operatois, Alpha-
betic Accounting-Machine Operators,
and Horizontal Sorting-Machine Op-
erators, salary, $1,620 to $1,800. Un-
der Card-Punch, Alphabetic dupli-
cating Key-Punch, and Horizontal
Sorting-Machine operators, salary,
$1260 to $1440. Field Assistant (En-
tomology) with optional branches,
salary, $2,000.
For further information concern-
ing these examinations, call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
2 to 4 p.m.
Academic Notices
History 47: ' Midsemester to-
day, 10 a.m., Sections 1, 2 and 3,
will meet in Room C, Haven. Sec-
tions 4, 5 and 6 will meet in Room B,
Make-Up Examination in Physics
35: For some students, Tuesday (to-
day) at 3 p.m.; for all others Thurs-
day at 11 a.m. No single hour is pos-
sible for all, but all can come at one
or the other of these two hours.
University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink-
elstein, of Cleveland, well-known cal-
culating genius, will give a lecture-
demonstration under the auspices of
the Department of Psychology at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium on Nov. 19. The public is
cordially invited.
Exhibition, Architecture Building:
An exhibition of the Ryerson Compe-
tition drawings including those of
teams working here under the direc-
tion of Professors Hebrard and
Bailey is being shown in the third
floor exhibition room, Architecture
Building, Nov. 11 through 18. Open
from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Events Of Today
Engineering Council: There will be
an Engineering Council meeting to-
night at 7:15 p.m. in the computing
Adelphi meets today at 7:30 p.m. in
4203 Angell Hall. Each member will
participate in the program, and visit-
ors are invited to attend.
Deutscher Verein: There will be a
meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Miss Mary A.
Gies, Grad., who studied at the Uni-
versity of Heidelberg last year, and
Mr. Israel Warheit, Grad., who spent
the year studying at the University
of Zurich, Switzerland, will discussq
informally student life at those in-
stitutions. All those interested, and,
especially old members and former
members of the Deutscher Zirkel, are
invited to attend.
Juniors, School of Education: An
organization meeting of the junior
class of the School of Education is
hereby called for 4:05 p.m. this af-1

ternoon in Room 2436 University,
Elementary School.
Kappa Phi: Regular meeting today
at 5:15 p.m. at Stalker Hall.
University of Michigan Flying
Club: There will be a meeting of the
University of Michigan Flying Club
tonight at 7:30 p.m., Room 302 at
the Michigan Union.
All students who are pilots, and
those desirous of becoming pilots are
invited to attend.
Christian Science Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
will meet this afternoon at 2:15 p.m.
in the Alumnae Room of the M-ichi-
gan League.
Faculty Women's Club: The Inter-
ior Decoration Group of the Art Divi-
sion will meet today at 4 p.m. at the

ship committee, are cordia)ly invited
to call the Membership chairman,
Mrs. Ford Graham at 22147, or the
Treasurer, Mrs. David Andrews at
Coming Events
Research Club will meet in Room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. The fol-
lowing papers will be presented:
"Atomic Disintegration by the Cyclo-
tron" by Prof. James M. Cork; "Kor-
ean Astronomy" by Prof. W. Carl
Rufus. The Council will meet at 7:30.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 12 noon in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League Building. Cafeteria serv-
ice. Dr. Louis A. Strauss, Isaac New-
ton Demmon, Professor of English
Language and Literature, will speak
informally on "The Community of
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The first luncheon meeting will
be held at the Michigan Union, Mon-
day, Nov. 16, at 12:15 p.m. All fac-
ulty members interested in speaking
German are cordially invited.
A.LCh.E.: All Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineers are invited to at-
tend the meeting Wednesday, Nov.
18, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building. Mr. H. V. Smith,"
Assistant Superintendent of the Skel-
ly Oil Refinery, El Doredo, Kan., will
speak on "Petroleum Refining." The
first of three short quizzes, on gen-
eral topics, will be given to members
in competition for a de luxe edition
of the "Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics." Please bring a pencil with
you. Refreshments will be served in
the Chapter Room.
Mechanical Engineers: The Stu-
dent Branch of the A.S.M.E. will
hold a meeting Wednesday evening,
Nov. 18, at 7:30-p.m. in the Michigan
Union. J. H. Walker, superintendent
of Central Heating for the Detroit
Edison Co., will speak on "Modern
Trends in Industrial and Domestic
heating and Air Conditioning." Stu-
dents are reminded that all dues and
applications must be in by Dec. 1 in
order to be listed in the 1937 direc-
The 'Socidad Hispanica will meet
Wedhesday'evening at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Advanced stu-
dents in Spanish are cordially in-
vited to attend this meeting.
Athena: The Alpha Nu-Athena
Mock debate scheduled for Wednes-
day night has been postponed to
Nov. 24 due to complications on the
part of both societies. There will be
a meeting of Athena Wednesday,
Nov. 18, however, in the Portia Room
at 7:30 p.m. All members and
pledges must be present unless a
reasonable excuse can be given. This
will be the last try-out scheduled for
Athena this semester.
Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday,
Nov. 18 at 8 p.m., in Room 2116 N.S.
Bldg. Prof. Dow V. Baxter, forest
pathologist, will speak on "Alaska,"
illustrated with moing pictures.
Iota Alpha: The regular monthly
meeting of Iota Alpha will be held on
Thursday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.
(Seminar Room). Prof. R: H. Sher-
lock will speak on "Germany from an
Engineer's Viewpoint." There will
be a short but important business
meeting preceding the address and
it is urgent that every member on
campus be present.
Polonia Circle will resume activity
for the current school year Wednes-
day, Nov .18.
All students of Polish ancestry are
urged to come to the meeting, get

acquainted, and plan a program for
the present year. The -meeting will
be at the Women's League at 7:30
Hillel Players: There will be an
open meeting Wednesday, Nov. 18, at
7:30 p.m. A one-act play entitled
"Theatre," by F. Rubinstein, will be
At the business meeting, plans for
the next program will be announced.
Student Alliance: Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton, of the History Department;
Prof. Norman E. Nelson, of the Eng-
lish department; and Prof. Roy W.
Sellars, of the Philosophy Depart-
ment will participate in a round-
table on the subject of "Democracy
and Dictatorship," the first of a
series of Essays in Definition. The
meeting takes place Thursday eve-
ing, Nov. 19, in the Union at 8 p.m.
All students are cordially invited to
Faculty Women's Club: There will
be a regular meeting of the new Art
Group (the group whose chairman is
Mrs. Robert Hall), on Thursday, Nov.
19, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs.

P ROGRESS can not be made upon
Although the students realize the dire necessity
for men's dormitories at the University, never-
theless a profound investigation into housing
conditions upon other college campuses with a
subsequent analysis to put in relief the inade-
quacies of our system of men's housing is a need
which has long been neglected.
The Committee on Men's Dormitories has al-
ready and undoubtecy will continue to perform
a definite and necessary function and thus has
the whole-hearted support of The Daily.
But The Daily feels that the student body
should be informed of the adequate facilities
for men's housing which are provided on other
campuses so that all may readily appreciate the
work being done by the Committee on Men's
Dormitories and, in addition, gain a rational
perspective of the University's housing system for
Therefore, we have conducted a survey among
universities and colleges throughout the country
and have presented the accumulated evidence to
the campus and alumni for their consideration
and evaluation.
Besides acquainting the student body with
other systems of housing, the results of the sur-
vey will aid the Committee on Men's Dormitories
in drawing up plans for the proposed dormitory
unit as well as help in soliciting support from
alumni and friends of the University by showing
how inferior the system of providing for men's
housing is upon this campus in comparison with
the housing systems at other universities.
Every student in the University should be in-
terested in the results of this survey for it ap-
proaches a problem which is the most vital to the
campus at the present time and certainly an
informed opinion upon housing conditions which
the survey will offer will not be amiss.



One Step
In 800 Years...

Housing Criteria
To the Editor:
Although the Student Alliance report on hous-
ing is very helpful in providing the background
of past events which led to the housing crisis
this semester, it does not provide data on the ac-
tual condition of the houses in which students
are now living. It was of course impossible for
the Alliance alone to make a systematic house
to house canvass of housing conditions (this,
by the way, would be a valuable NYA project),
but each student can determine for himself
whether his quarters meet with the minimum
standards for housing by checking against the
following points which are based on Harriet
Hayes" monograph on "Planning Residence
Halls," a survey of student housing throughout
the country.
1.The minimum area of a single room used
for sleeping, dressing, and studying should meas-
ure 108 square feet of clear space. Wherever
possible, the area should be greater-from 120
to 140 square feet.
2. An area of at least 32 by 40 inches should
be provided for each closet, and all closets should
be individual, never built for use by more than
one person.,
3. Double ronms should not h e es thnn

THE ACTION of the Maharajah of
Travancore, admitting the un-
touchables in India to the Hindu temples, may
Nwell make the break-down of the strict caste
system that has been such a tremendous draw-
back to Indian and Hindu progress for more
than 1,000 years.
The New York Times well hails the step as
the greatest Hindu reform in 800 years, and cer-
tainly all humane and liberal thinking persons
will rejoice in it. Yet, recalling the system which
holds 40,000,000 human beings in bondage, our
recollection bears out the old truism that the
world is still far from civilization and that the

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