The Weather
and warner today, mod-
northwest winds.
C, r
Si ian
Fair a
. We Needed A Survey ...
One Step In 800 Years .. .
Green Urges
Rebel Unions
Back To Fold
Of A. F. Of L.
Organization Could Carry
On Without Lewis' Aid,
Leader Claims
Seeks United Front
For Labor Forces
C.* 1 . Official Refuses
Federation Plan Unless
Suspension Is Removed
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 1.-( -i-
liam Green urged John L. Lewis and
his rebel allies today to return to the
American Federation of Labor to pre-
serve labor's "united front."
In almost the same breath, how-
ever, Green warned the rebels that
the Federation could carry on with-
out them and that they would have
to give up their Committee for In-
dustrial Organization before they
could come back.
In Washington, Lewis said he
"wouldn't be interested" in coming to
the convention unless the United
Mine Workers suspension was lifted
and "we can go down to Tampa as
peers of the gentlemen there."
President Green's voice trembled
with emotion as he opened the Fed-
eration's annual convention with a
reference to the dispute between the
labor factions. x
"I ask them (the Lewis group) to
recognize the principles of democ-
racy," he said. "I ask them to come
back and take their seats with us-
and fight out our differences in man-
ly fashion at conventions of the
American Federation of Labor."
In suspending Lewis' United Mine
Workers and nine other unions two
months ago, Green said, the Federa-
tions Executive Council merely in-
sisted upon compliance with the At-
lantic City convention's instructions
last year.
That convention, contr.olled by
craft unionists, voted down Lewis' de-
mand that all the workers in each big
industry be organized into one big
union, regardless of traditional A. F.
of L. craft lines.
"If you don't want me to obey con-
vention instructions, then don't elect
me as your president," Green shouted.
Evidence showed, he said, that the
rebels' committee was a dual union.
"I ask you," he said, "would you
tolerate in your own unions a mi-
nority organization to put into effect
a policy voted down in your union
Although he devoted most of his
speech to the rebellion, he urged the
485 delegates to consider other issues
of greater importance before the con-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-()-
John L. Lewis, leader of the ten
unions suspended from the American
Federation of Labor for joining the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, today said committee unions
would not consider sending delegates
to the A.F. of L. convention at Tampa
as long as thesuspensions stand.
Irformed that William Green, Fed-
eration president, had invited the
suspended unions to "come back and
take their seats" at the convention,
Lewis asked whether the suspension
had been lifted and whether the con-
vention proposed to receive his group
as "equals."
Colleges Will
Choose Junior
Class Officers
Junior class elections will be held
from 3 to 5:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the following schools according tc
the Men's Council: literary, engin-
eering, architecture, forestry, phar-
macy, business administration anc
Candidates must have their names
and eligibility slips in the Dean o
Students office by 4:30 p.m. today,
according to Miller Sherwood, '37,
president of the Men's Council.
Rules governing this election and
subsequent class elections were re-
cently issued by the Men's Council
They are:
1. Posters and signs may be
placed on University bulletin boards,
such as those in the League and
Union and similar recreational cen.
ters sponsored by the University, bu
not elsewhere.
Fills Senate Vacancy
F. D. R. To Go
To Argentina
President Is Expected To
Give Talk At Session
Of Peace Conference
To Leave Country
ti Tonigtht For Sot
Assembly Is Termed More
Important Than Ending
Of Maritime Strike
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-(/)-
President Roosevelt decided definitely
today to go to Buenos Aires for the
PRENTISS lM. BROWN opening session of the Interamerican
Peace Conference December 1.
Brown To Fill The President will leave here to-
morrow night and board the cruiser
Indianapolis at Charleston, S. C.,
onzens er m around 8 a.m. (E.S.T.) Wednesday.
En Route to Buenos Aires he will
A.gstop for several hours November 21
V I L. at the Island of Trinidad while the
ship refuels, but will not go ashore.
He will reach Rio De Janeiro No-
Takes An Informal Oath vember 27 and spend the day ashore
Of Office Today To Gain as guest of President Getulio Vargas
and the government of Brazil.
Seniority He will arrive at an Argentine port
-which one has yet to be decided-
ST. IGNACE, Nov. 16.-(P)-Pren- November 30 and attend the opening
tiss M.. Brown, Democratic senator- session of the peace conference the
elect appointdd today to fill the unex- morning of December 1. He is ex-
pired term of the late James Couz- pected to deliver an address there.
ens, will take an informal oath of I Leaving the next day he will ar-
office tomorrow after a scarlet fever rive at Montevideo, Uruguay, the
quarantine is lifted from his home morning of December 3 and after a
here. visit ashore leave that afternoon for
The appointment was announced the United States,. with no stops en
at Lansing by the Republican Gov- route except one for refueling at
ernor Frank D. Fitzgerald, who ex- Trinidad.
pressed belief that Brown thereby Unless some emergency compels a
would gain seniority in Senate com- quick return to Washington, when he
mittee assignments over other new lands at Charleston or some other
senators elected in the recent general southern port he will visit Warm
election. Springs, Ga., for a day or two, since
Since his election by a majority he will be unable to carry out his
approximating 185,000 over Former customary Thanksgiving Day visit to
Governor Wilber M. Brucker, Brown that place.
has been secluded behind a quaran- Earlier today the President told a
tine sign at his home, where a 14- group of mayors that as between the
year-old son is recovering from scar- maritime strike and possible effects
let fever. The sign will be removed on the peace of the world through
tomorrow, his South American trip "the peace
Brown, St. Ignace attorney who of the world is the more important
has served two terms in Congress of the two."
representing Michigan's Eleventh "I hope that the ship owners and
District ,said today he will resign that the .men out on strike will recognize
position tomorrow and immediately that fact and come together," the
take an informal oath as senator, to President said.
be administered by Probate Judge
David W. Murray. The formal oath' Employe Pulls Gun;
of office cannot be taken until Con-
gress assembles in January. I Gets Ring, Watch
After Senator Couzens, a personal
friend of Brown, died late in October,
Governor Fitzgerald announced he Police were searching yesterday for
did not intend to appoint a successor. Leon Baquie, Negro, who robbed the
Lately he has been urged to give an second hand colthing store of Claude
interim appointment to some Repub- Brown, Negro, in which he was a part
lican party leader. time employe, and tied up Eugene
Offers Joint
Housing Plan,
Seventeen Buildings Give
Student Complete Room
And Board Facilities
Fraternity Houses,
Dorms Cooperate
Buildings Were Designed
In Small Units To Make
Men 'Feel At Home'
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
in a series of articles based on a survey
conducted by The Daily among Amer.
ican universities and colleges on the
question of men's dormitories. The
next article will be upon the housing
and dormitory system at the State Uni-
versity of Iowa, Iowa City, Ia.
Whereas the University of Michi-
gan provides no adequate dormitory
facilities for men students, North-.
western University, on its Evanston
campus, initiated a dormitory quad-
rangle system in 1913, financed en-
tirely by the university, which today
has resulted in 17 university build-
ings housing men students.
The unique feature of the North-
western Quadrangle System is the
House Plan which joins fraternity
houses and residence halls in a co-
operative community life. Evolved
under President Harris early in the
century the plan was the answer to
the problems that rose out of the
"shabby, cheaply-operated boarding
houses and poorly-constructed fra-
ternity houses which had constituted
the residences of the men students.
Residence Community
"It provided, in its first phase, for
a large residence community on the
campus, composed of fraternity
houses constructed by the University,
for fraternity men, and residence
halls for the independents." The
buildings were designed in small un-
its, so that, regardless of the enroll-
ment of the university, each man
could feel at home, could feel part
of a social unit" That was the be-
ginning of the plan that has proved
to be one of the most foresighted
housing projects in American educa-
tional institutions.
Today the buildings on the men's
campus are grouped in three quad-
rangles and the buildings very some-
what in size and design but all are of
the same architectural style and
materials. "While each house has
individuality, the Quadrangles are
an harmonious unit." In every case
the house accommodates fewer than
50 men.
Elect Own Officers
Each group elects its own officers
and is self-governing. Also, in each
hall there is a resident counselor
through whom the university main-
tains a close personal relationship
with the student. It is the function
of the counselor to become personally
acquainted with the men in his
house, to advise them in their prob-
lems, to represent them in their re-
quests and to work for the interests
of the entire house.
Serving as the governing body in
inter-house affairs is the Inter-House
Council, composed of representatives
elected by each house. Thus the
(Continued on Page 2)
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
speak tomorrow at the fifth Mich-
igan-Ohio State smoker to be sched-
uled this week.
Non -Discrimination Vow
Almost Valuless In Face
Of TreatyRepudiations
Germany's recent repudiation of
the sections of the Versailles Treaty
internationalizing German rivers is
just another illustration of the bad
faith of the Nazi government re-
garding agreement with other na-
tions, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department said yes-
"Germany can gain little or noth-
ing through this latest action," Pro-
fessor Preuss said, "inasmuch as the
internationalization scheme had
worked satisfactorily for all coun-
tries concerned. Germany is not the
only nation in the world in which
rivers that flow through more than
one country are controlled by an in-
ternational commission. The only
evident reason for Chancellor Hit-
ler's abrogation of the sections in the
Versailles Treaty dealing with the
Rhine is the general impatience for
any international cooperation or
agreement that has been shown by
the National Socialists on numerous
Violates Treaty Provisions
The latest move of der Fuehrer
not only violates the provisions in
the Treaty of Versailles, Professor
Preuss added, but also throws to the
winds all the international agree-
ments regarding waterways for the
greater part of the century. Most of
the rules regarding navigation on the
Rhine river date back to the con-
vention of Mannheim in 1868, he
said, and the Versailles Treaty added
only slightly to the previous agree-
"Germany can have no claim that
the provisions entered into at the
convention of Mannheim were un-
dertaken under duress," Professor
Preuss said, "for all the nations par-
ticipating in the convention were do-
ing so voluntarily and the agreement
was drawn up with mutual consent."
The effect of this abrogation by
Hitler now places the government of
the navigation. on German rivers
under the National Socialist govern-
ment instead of the international
Coast Strikers
And Employers
H oldMeeting
Mayors Of Seaboard Cities
Ask Groups To Submit
To Arbitration
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16.-(P)_
The first brief conference between
employers and unions in several days
of the maritime strike was held to-
day as one union official expressed
belief strikers would refuse to arbi-
trate all differences, as requested by
seaport mayors who met with Presi-
dent Roosevelt in Washington.
Representatives of three seagoing
unions and the coast committee for
shipowners conferred briefly and
then adjourned until tomorrow for
further discussion of hiring hall con-
trol, the crucial issue, and penalties
which employers wish established foi
violation of working agreements.
F. M. Kelley, secretary of the pow.
erful Maritime Federation of the
Pacific, said hedid- nothbelieve th
unions would change their stand a
requested by eight mayors, who sug-
gested the arbitration boards be ap-
pointed by President Roosevelt fo
the Coast and Atlantic and Gulf dis-
trict, where sympathy strikes occur
The 18th day of the strike, affect
ing 37,000 workers and 178 ships i1
coast ports, brought reports fron
s Juneau, Alaskan capital, that sup.
1 plies of perishable vegetables wer'
- exhausted because of the -strik
f WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-(jP)-
y Mayors of eight east and west coas
t cities telegraphed an appeal to al
- parties involved in the maritim
strike late today to "submit all thei
.e differences to arbitration" by board
eto be appointed by.President Roose
ee velt.
n Signing the statement were May
n ors La Guardia, New York, Shav
e Los Angeles; Wilson, Philadelphia
d Mansfield, Boston, Ellenstein, News
r ark; Rossi, San Francisco; Carsor
e Portland, Ore., and MsCracken, Oaks
land, Calif.
It. NVT X V"TT2'WTi.1 A -(A ~- Tn
Nazi Abrogation Of River Law
No Aid To Reich, Preuss Says
commission which has until this
time been the governing body.
"It is difficult to see how Germany
can gain through control of its por-
tion of the Rhine," Professor Preuss
said, "because the Rhine flows
through Holland and the latter coun-
try can enforce its laws on the lower
portion if Germany insists on gov-
erning the upper regions."
Promises No Discriminations
In the announcement of the can-
cellation of the internationalization
provisions, Germany promised that
no discrimination against any nation
will be used in the maintenance of
traffic on the Rhine. "However, this
promise can be regarded as almost
valueless in face of the constant re-
pudiation of international obliga-
tions on the part of National Social-
ist Germany," Professor Preuss said.
"And even if the promise of non-
discrimination s fulfilled, there will
be no change in the Rhine traffic,
for there has been no discrimination
(Continued on Page 2)
Resident Proctors
Tuck Mosher Girls
In Bed At Night
The admonition "shushhhh, now
girls, it's 11:15" is being heard up
and down the'corridors of Mosher
Hall these nights, as a new proctor
system sees that the girls are in
their own rooms from 11:15 to 11:30
Supplementing the regular system
of student government, this system
of four proctors, residents in the dor-
mitory, has just been inaugurated,
the proctors being paid to "shush"
from NYA funds. They work an hour
and a quarter a night from 10:30 to
11:45 p.m., checking the girls in, pre-
venting the chance that some girl
may be locked out in the bitter cold.
Their hours total 371/2 a month.
Mrs. Martha L. Ray, director of
Mosher, under whom the new, system
is being tried out, says that the four
girls, who have been chosen with
great care, had to possess tact, confi-
dence, and respect of the rest of the
girls. These tactful people are Jean
Bell, '39, Mary Francis Brown, '40,
Elinor Bale, '38, Berta Knudson, '38A.
Each proctor has a certain-number
of girls over whom she is in charge.
The fact that the girls are corraled
into their own rooms at 11:15 for the
purpose of checking, does not mean
that they cannot leave them after
However, she says, only occasion-
ally do they return to their group
gatherings, but settle down to their
Not only enthusiastic about thE
plan is Mrs. Ray. Dean Alice Lloyd
has voiced her approval of the
scheme, and from general opinions
expressed, the scheme may be tried
out in other dormitories.
Even the girls like the idea, Mrs
Ray says.
Five Million
Social Securit
Blanks Issued
Madrid Filled
With Flames,
Smoke After
Rebel Attack
Leftists Try To Dislodge
Fascists From Old U. S.,
British Hospitals
Bombardment Kills
60 Within Capital
Rightists Attempt To Push
In University District
Of BurningCity
MADRID, Nov. 17.-(Tuesday)-
)-Madrid was aglare early today
ith bright flames and red smoke
'ter a Fascist artillery and air bom-
ardment killed at least 60 persons
rid set fire to about 50 houses.
Incessant rifle and machine gun
re was heard from University City
i the northwestern corner of Ma-
rid, as defending militiamen tried
r fight back insurgents attempting
> push into that section from the
uatro Caminos district.
The Fascists, in a surprise attack,
cupied the former British and
merican hospital in the Cuatro Ca-
.inos district, and government forces
pened an intensive attack in an ef-
>rt to dislodge them.
Many houses in Madrid caught fire
om artillery shells, while incendiary
ombs set others ablaze.
More than 150 persons were
rounded or injured in the shelling
nd the three air raids of yesterday
Which occurred at 2:30 p.m., 7 p.m.,
nd 8 p.m.
During the third air attack-after
ightfall-the insurgent planes loosed
ombs on the Atocha station near
e Parliament building.
The Fascist attempt to push into
niversity City last night came after
te government had declared a small
ody of insurgents after penetrating
hat district within the confines of
Eadrid proper, had been driven out
a a bloody 12 hour battle.
One bomb fell on a house at num
er seven Villalar Street, close to the
rench embassy and behind the As-
ociated Press office.
All the houses in the vicinity of
hose which caught fire were evacu-
The Trinitarians Church where the
ashes of Miguel Cervantes, famous
panish writer, lie was set afire, as
vas the Jeronimos church.
The air ministry reported govern-
ent planes bombed the railroad sta-
ion at Fascist-held Salamanca,
>urning war materials stored there,
nd an arsenal at Cadiz.
When the Fascist planes bombed
he Atocha station, homegoing crowds
m the Gran Via, an important bus-
ness street, scattered for safety into
ubway entrances as anti-aircraft
"uns spat at the planes. The de-
enders' tracer bullets slashed the
lark sky.
It was the first night raid in sev-
ral weeks. One insurgent plane
rashed in flames when a govern-
nent gunner scored ahdirect hit ear-
ier today.
Before the Fascists lost their foot-
old in Madrid, several beautiful and
xpensive new buildings of the Uni-
versity were wrecked in an artillery
and machine-gun battle, the govern-
ment said.
Police Still Seeking
Missing Graduate
Two weeks have passed and no
word has been received of the where-
abouts of Woodrow Wilson Smithey,
Grad., Negro, 23 years old, who dis-
appeared Nov. 3.
Smithey walked down to the cam-
pus with a friend and left his com-
panion, saying that he was going to
the General Library to study. He has
not been seen since.
He left his room without taking
anything and was apparently healthy
and in a good state of mind when he
Local police have been carrying on
a search for him. Smithey's home is
in Norfolk, Va.
November Technic
To Be Sold Today
The November issue of the Michi-
gan Technic will go on sale today,
according to James H. Walker, '37E,
business manager of the publication.
The magazine, which pictures the
River Rouge plant of the Ford Mo-
for Co.. on the rcove~r. features "Bu~ild-
Prof. Weaver
Will Address
Sunday Forum
'Rationale Of Values' Will
Be Topic Of Second
Lecture; Name Speakersl
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will deliver the sec-
ond lecture of the Union Forum series
at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the north
lounge of the Union, it was an-
nounced yesterday. His subject will
be "A Rationale of Values," and will
serve as an introduction to the
speeches which will follow.
One of the series will be held each
Sunday this semester, according to
H. Murray Campbell, '38, student di-
rector of the series. Coffee will be
served during the discussion which
will follow each forum speech.
Other speakers who will appear on
the forum programs during the se-
mester are Prof. Max Handman of
the economics department, who will
speak on "The Social World We Live
In," Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department, who will
discuss "Neutrality as Affected by the
Pan-American Conference," and Prof.
Leonard Watkins of the economics
department, who will address the fo-
rum on "What Foreign Exchange
means to the Average Citizen."
"The series was formulated this
year to present not only subjects that
are relevant to present day occur-
rances, but also to include those the-
ories and fundamentals that are
basic to a wise, intelligent life,'
Campbell said.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit-
Lurton, a tailor employed by Brown.
He escaped with three guns, two
watches and a diamond ring.
When Brown came to work yester-
day morning he surprised Baquie in
the act of tieng up Luton in a back
room. Baquie pulled a gun and
ordered Brown out. Brown backed
out of the store and notified police.
By the time they arrived, however,
Baquie had disappeared.
HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 16.-()-The
persistently rumored and frequently
denied romance between Mary Pick-
ford and Charles "Buddy" Rogers
crystallized tonight in the informal
announcement of plans for a wed-
ding this spring.
SEmployers Must
Applications By
For Tabulation
Nov. 21
Russian Theatres
Are Always_'Robust And Alive'
That the Russian theatre is signifi-
cant because it is more alive than
any theatre he has ever witnessed, is
the opinion of Valentine B. Windt,
director of Play Production, who
traveled through Russia this summer.
"The theatre is actually important
in the lives of huge numbers of people
because it discusses subjects close
to their-hearts and which are of vital
significance to them," he said. The
splays presented, however, are not all
artistic productions, Mr. Windt add-
ed, but they are always robust and
This may be due, he explained,
partly to the fact that the govern-
- ment recognizes the theatre as an
- educational medium as much as the
school is. Therefore, all theatres in
Russia are subsidized by state funds,
Mr. Windt pointed out, and all the
actors are guaranteed yearly salaries,
play is put on there is no haphazard
redistribution of players such as is
the usual practice in the typical
American theatre.
"Thus, by continually working to
gether year after year, the players
are able to produce a high grade o
art, and this is especially true o
acting which requires that intimac:
and knowledge of each other tha
only comes after years of playing to
gether," he continued.
In acting, Mr. Windt classed the
Russian players as above all others
He explained that all the parts ar
played with the minutest-care give
even to the least important perso
in a mob scene. "Thus the ensembl
effect of their acting is vivid an
real. This is especially true of thei
huge spectacular plays which are th
most popular in Russia at the mo
The nronmgand anbhvsMr. Wint
Washington, Nov. 16.-(P)-Post-
men carried near record burdens to-
day as they delivered 5,000,000 social
security application blanks to em-
ployers throughout the nation, first
step in the gigantic task of setting
up social security accounts for 26,-
000,000 American workers.
The blanks were distributed from
45,000 post offices to all employers in
industrial and business pursuits. Each
employer is expected to fill in the
number of his employes and the na-
ture of his business. These blanks
must be returned to local postofficesl
by November 21.1
When the applications have beenI
received by the postoffices, the spe-
cified number of employe application;
blanks will be set aside for each em-;
ployer and delivered to him Novem-
ber 24. Employer applications then
will be forwarded to the Baltimore
accounting office of the Social Secur-
ity Board for tabulation.
Next in the process of setting up
individual social securitysaccount
numbers and wage records, employ-
ers will give employe application
blanks to their workers, who are re-
quired to return them not later than
December 5.
Employes may return their blanks
to their employer, to a union head-
quarters, to a letter carrier, to the
post office, or they may place them in
a mail box. No postage is required.