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November 14, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-14

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TURDAY, NOV. 14, 1936


Late Wire

SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 1936

Driver Dies As Train Wrecks Automobile

Michigan Pulp Columns in Architecture Court
Industry Meet Found To Have Unique History
To End Today Lorch Depicts Collection piece in the collection, Proesor
AQA p T r oILorch stated, is the Greek Doric en-


(By The Associated Press)
Perkiins Gives Opinion
On Wage Agreements
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-(jP)-
Secretary Perkins said tonight that
in her opinion employe representatives
of the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Com-
pany were not authorized under the
company's employe representation
plan "to enter into or sign on behalf
of their fellow workers an agreement
concerning wage scales."
The Secretary gave her opinion in
answer to the request of two em-
ploye representatives who said they
wished to accept a proposed 10 per
cent wage increase offered by the
company, but did not wish to sign an
accompanying agreement which
would cause wages to fluctuate up-
ward and downward with the cost of
living as determined by the labor de-
Kidnapers Of New Jersey
State Trooper Identified
TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 13.-(/P)-
Federal Agents and New Jersey State
Police pressed tonight a vigorous
hunt for two escaped convicts and
bank robbers who had been identified
as kidnapers of State Trooper Wil-
liam A. Turnbull.
J. Edgar Hoover, director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and
Col. Mark 0. Kimberling, superinten-
dent of State Police, in simultaneous
announcements at Washington and
Trenton identified the men as Harry
Burnette, 25, and Merle Vandenbush,
29, of Green Bay, Wis.


Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, Nov. 21. More cards if needed
can be had at my office.
These reports are understood as
naming those students ,freshman and
upperclass, whose standing at mid-
semester time is D or E, not merely
those who receive D or E in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University, should be
reported to the school or college in,
which they are registered.
W. R. Humphreys,
Assistant Dean.
Health Service: This morning,
between 8 and 10 a.m., will be the
last opportunity at Health Service,
for students to start taking the cold
vaccine for prevention of colds.
Presidents of Fraternities and So-
rorities are reminded that member-
ship lists for the month of October
will be due Nov. 16.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Ats who have
not received their five-week progress
reports may obtain them in Room
102, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 a.m.
and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to the
foll6wing schedule:
Surnames beginning A through B,
Saturday morning, Nov. 14.
Surnames beginning C through J,
Monday, Nov. 16.
Surnames beginning K through R,
Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Surnames beginning S through Z,,
Wednesday, Nov. 18.
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper-
ons, Househeads and Undergraduate
Women: The closing hour for Wed-
nesday, Nov. 25, is 1:30 a.m.; for
Thursday, Nov. 26, 11 a.m.
Undergraduate women planning to
be out of town on the Wednesday
and Thursday nights of Thanksgiv-I
ing week should make their arrange-
ments with their househeads. No ex-I
cuses from classes will be given. I
The closing hour for those girls
who are attending the Panhellenic
ball will be 1:30 a.m. For those who
are attending breakfasts for which
permission has been granted the clos-
ing hour will be 3 a.m.
Phi Beta Kappa: The local chap-
ter is anxious to obtain the addresses
of members of Phi Beta Kappa who
have recently moved to, Ann Arbor.
Please give street address and the
name of the chapter to which you
were elected.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary.
3233 Angell Hall.
Choral Union Members: Members
o the University Choral Union in
good standing, and who call in per-
son, will be given pass tickets ad-
mitting to the Moscow Cathedral
Choir concert ,at the Recorder's of-
fice, School of Music building, Mon-
day, Nov. 16; between the hours of
9 and 12, and 1 and 4. After 4
p.m., no tickets will be given out.

More than 60 members of the
Michigan district of , the TechnicalI
Association of the Pulp and Paper
Industry will conclude their second!
annual two-day meeting here today
with a tour of the campus and by at-
tending the Michigan-Northwestern
football game.
Three papers were presetted yes-
terday afternoon, followed by a din-
ner in the Union, as the main part
of the conference program for this
year. Prof. W. C. Hoad of the san-
itary and municipal engineering de-
partment discussed stream pollution,
and Prof. R. A. Sawyer of the physics
department spoke on chemical analy-
sis by means of the spectroscope. Prof.
D. W. McCready of the chemical en-
gineering department reviewed work
done last year in the paper laboratory
of the engineering college.
Engineers to View
Automobile Plantsl
An inspection trip for engineering
students will be made Tuesday
through the Chrysler Corporation's
engineering laboratory and the Ply-
mouth plant in Detroit, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Walter E.
Lay of the department of automo-
tive engineering. The trip will be
limited to 80 students.
Buses will leave the Engineering
Arch at 8 a.m. for the tour being'
made in conjunction with all the en-
gineering schools of southern Mich-
The Society of Automotive Engi-
neers will give members of the group
free tickets to the Automobile Show
which starts this afternoon in Con-
vention Hall.
In the evening the group will hear
a lecture on "The Future of Engi-
neers" by T. 0. Richards, head1 of the
technical data department of the re-
search section of General Motors Cor-

£'3! -vttu1Lpt t u11 truLWe3 trance arch which stands in a'pro-
Tangibility Into Study minent position facing Tappan St.
^hi^ ^v'~ is +h'~^^v ^ + +~~

Wide search and negotiation in an
effort to present classical architec-
ture in a tangible form resulted in the
collection of columns in the Architec-
tural School courtyard, Prof. Emil
Lorch of the College of Architecture
said yesterday in describing the
unique history and background of the
The collection was commenced dur-
ing a construction boom about eight
years ago, when many old American
buildings which were built with class-
ical adaptations were being disman-
tled and rebuilt, Professor Lorch said.
"This wasa practical opportunity for
the school to obtain pieces represen-
tative of various forms of classical
architecture, and negotiations were
started with several contracting firms
doing razing work at that time.
Movemnents Are Represented
"The purposes of this collection
were not only to preserve these pieces
from destruction, but also to present
for students a practical and tangible
representation of classical architec-
ture in its actual size and propor-
"Likewise these pieces show various
movements in nineteenth century
American architecture," Professor
Lorch added. "During that century
classical architecture was often used
in commercial and public office build-
ings. There was one movement led
by the distinguished architect H. S.
Richardson in which Romanesque ar-
chitecture was thought to be the type
most adaptable to American needs.
"Then there was a period of over-
monumental lines, when the flowery
Carynthian style was used, while
Gothic architecture can be found in
such buildings as the Woolworth
Building and the Tribune Tower in
Individual Pieces Described
Probably the largest individual

-Associated Precs Photo
This remarkable picture shows wreckage of the automobile in which
Clarence Holloman of Washington was killed piled up in front of the
train which struck the car at a Berwyn, Md., grade crossing and dragged
it three-quarters of a. mile.. The body of the driver is shown covered
in lower foreground. .


Roosevelt Orders Study
Of Foreign Holdings Here
With foreign investors holding huge
quantities of American securities,
President Roosevelt today termed
such accumulations a dangerous fac-
tor and ordered a study of methods
fpr avoiding any unsettling conse-
The Federal Reserve Board and the
Treasury were requested to seek-
by legislation, if necessary-methods
of controlling foreign purchases of
domestic stocks and bonds and of
meeting, in orderly fashion, any sit-
uation arising from the sudden sale
of foreign owned shares.
Officials, including C h a i r m a n
James M. Landis of the Securities
Commission, made clear that the re-
cent activity of the stock market, car-
rying many issues to post-depression
highs, was an important influence
motivating the move.
Mr. Roosevelt, at a press confer-
ence, said his first concern was to'
keep the currencies of the principal
nations relatively stable, in pursu-
ance of the current "gentleman's
agreement" between France, Great
Britain and the United States.
Turkey Raisers Refuse
To Send Birds To Market

seated on time as the doors will be
closed during numbers.
Faculty Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore,
conductor; and Hanns Pick, violon-
cellist, will give a concert in Hill
Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, Nov.
15, at 4:15 p.m., to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited without admission
charge. The public is invited to be
on time, as the doors will be closed
during numbers.
Academic Notices
Sociology 141: Bus for the trip for
Criminology students to the De-
troit House of Correction will leave
the Union at 8:30 a.m. this
morning. Quiz sections as usual for
students not going on this trip.
University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink-
elstein, of Cleveland, well-known cal-
culating genius, will give a lecture-
demonstration under the auspices of'
the Department of Psychology at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium on Nov. 19. The public is
cordially invited.
Dr. Andrew Keogh, Librarian of
Yale University, will speak to the
students of the Department of Li-
brary Science and others interested
10 a.m. today. This lecture will be in
Room 110 of the General Library and
is open to the public.

Sunday at 4:15 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League on the subjct, Baha'u'-
Ilah's Plan for World Peace. He
will also conduct the study class at
the League Monday evening at 8 p.m.
The public is invited to these meet-
ings which are sponsored by the
Baha'i Study Group.
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
(Continued on Page 4)

. . .

GONZALES, Tex., Nov. 13.-O(P)-
Turkey raisers ignored a 12-cent a
pound price here today and kept
250,000 birds on the range while they
conferred with Leonard King, as-
sistant states' attorney general, re-
garding price fixing.
Raisers asked the investigation
yesterday, charging a "uniform mar-
ket" and violation of anti-trust laws.
A similar request to U. S. Attorney
General Homer Cummings had not
been answered.

The Second Lecture in the series
by Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan, distinguished.
Persian diplomat and authority on
the Baha'i teachings, will be given



Choral Union Concert: The Mos-
cow Cathedral Choir, Nicolas Afon-
sky, conductor, will give the third
program in the Choral Union Con-
cert Series, in Hill Auditorium, Mon-
day night, Nov. 16, at 8:15 p.m. The
public is respectfully requested to be

VClassified Dire &or 'v
LANDY -144 Sx ared

Of the

00, th~nI


Place advertiemcnts with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214'
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box nmbers may be secured at no
ektra Charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -- c15 per reading line
for two or nore insertions. Minimum
three lines;per in1sertion.
10% dIscount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
WANTED: Occasional work as a
mother's helper. Also mending.
Rates weawonable. Phone 2-3407.
Old and new suits, overcoats at $3
GOLD, and musical instruments.
Phone Sam, 6304. 78x
WANTED: Graduate dietitian to take
full charge of kitchen; also pastry,

LAUNDRY2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
LOST: Girls' silver wrist watch. Ha-
fis make, chain band. Keepsake.
Please return. Reward. Phone
2-3355. 156
LOST: Brown leather purse left in
periodical room Wednesday night.
Reward. 509 E. Madison. 164
STRAYED: St. Bernard, 2 years old.
White with brown patches. An-
swers to "Commander" ov "Pal."
Call 4293. Reward. 162



TON11iI1'l' at

HOME-COOKING. 13 meals for $3.75.
Choice meats, fresh vegetables.
Home-made desserts. Sixth year.
Slade's, 608 Hill St., near State.






After the Game,

Music by BOB STEINLE and His Melody Men.

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