The Weather L trigan jIaitj Editorials A Sick World... Cloudy and warmer today, moderate winds from south. VOL. XLVII No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Metal Trades Urge FederationTo Oust Lewis' Ten Unions Resolution Of Convention Would Cost Federation One-Third Of Members Revolt Termination Predicted By Green Delegates Roar Approval As President Cites Plan For Organization TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 13.-(P)-The metal trades department of the American Federation of Labor pro- posed today to expel John L. Lewis' Dorms Are On Way As 2,000 At Dance Bring_$500 Profit By FRED WARNER NEAL Dormitories are on the way. Two thousand students of the Uni- versity of Michigan saw to that last night, when they attended the initial project of the Dormitory Committee, a dance in the Intramural building.) Approximately $500 profit was made during the evening, Gilbert Tilles, '37, chairman of the commit- tee, said last night. Dormitory Proj- ect Number Two is on the way, he ten rebel unions. Simultaneously, said. President William Green predicted As the couples, all informally the Lewis revolt would collapse. dressed, entered the broad gymna- The dsepartment convention in- sium floor, the strains of two bands, structed John P. Frey, its president, plus the cheery, Walter Winchell to introduce in the A.F. of L. conven- voice of Bonth Williams, Daily col- tion next week a resolution calling umnist, greeted them. Bonth, in the for revocation of the rebels' charters. absence of punch and other like sub- This would cost the Federation about stances, was the life of the party. He one-third of its membership and, discussed everything from football to labor leaders say, would result in long politics, and got Fred DeLano, Daily and bitter strife. football expert, and Bill Bates, team Unions Already Suspended manager, into an argument as to Frey's charges of "indetion who will win the game this afternoon. agans thre unionsudthe Fed-DeLano told the dancers that North- eration's thexteecutive c unionoun c i two western would win, but Bates, per- months ago to suspend them They aps with the pressure of the coaches month agoto sspendthem The innhim anain H had tried to bring all the workers in each big industry into one big union, without regard for traditional A. F. of L. craft lines. Green, his voice frequently break- ing with emotion as he talked to the Federation's building and metal trades department conventions, said the A.F. of L.-not Lewis with his "vaporous idealism"-would bring the great masses of workers into thel ranks of organized labor. Delegates Approve Green "We're going to organize the un- organized of America, and we're go- ing to organize them into the Amer- ican Federation of Labor," he shout- ed.' The delegates roared approval. Green also forecast a "great build- ing boom" for the immediate future, with reemployment of all building craftsmen iow idle and a general increase in wages. At a later press conference Green thumbed a summons from the Miners' Executive Board to appear before it next Monday to "show cause" why he should not "cease and desist" from associating with his union's "en- emies." Labor Bills Listed Green listed as the principal mea- on nim, mantained the wolverines could not lose another game. Among the 2,000 persons, our so- ciety reporter, writing from the wom- an's angle, whatever that is, saw so and so with so and so, who wore blue lame with gold lace trimmings. But the editors did not think that so very important. So Bonth, Gil, and the Dorms are given preference herein. Anyway, the most important thing tbout the whole evening, even in- cluding the good time enjoyed by the young ladies and gentlemen present, was the fact that the dormitory fund IS started. And Tilles and his com- mittee boys are rubbing their hands with glee over the 500 bucks. One of the committee members even became so enthusiastic as to reach for a tel- ephone to call an architect (to draw' up plans for the dormitories) but he decided to wait, at least until after Dormitory Project Number Two. Church Topics For Tomorrow Feature Peace Aerial Battles Slow Advance Of Insurgents Four Falling Planes Seen' By Onlookers In Madrid; Fascists Lose Three Loyalist Leaders Return To Capital Government Proclaims Air Supremacy After Early Victory NearCity MADRID, Nov. 13.-() - Hard Fascist attacks in savage battles on fighting defenders of Madrid repulsed land and in the air today. Rooftop watchers in Madrid saw four airplanes-three of them Fasc- ists-shot down in whining spins. Four additional insurgent planes, the government announced, were forced down behind their own lines. Three spectacular air battles over Madrid's streets preceded a sudden counter-offensive which the govern- ment said forced the enemy back three milesdalong the Talavera road west of Madrid. Officials Come Back An international column of anti- Fascists captured three insurgent bat- teries near Sumera, the government reported, while their own batteries shelled Aravaca heavily. Many Madrid officials who fled to Valencia at the outset of the Fasc- ist siege drifted back into the Capital tonight. Minister of State Julio Alvarez del Vayo held a series of conferences with the defense council on international aspects of the situation. At dusk an insurgent and a gov- ernment plane crashed after a duel high over the Capital. Earlier, six Fascist planes were shot to earth in the first insurgent aerial attack of the day, the govern- ment announced. Planes Bomb Barracks In swift retaliation, the insurgent bombers reloaded, darted back on Madrid and bombed the Montana barracks, housing thousands of troops. Then they blasted a long line of fortifications. Ten speedy government pursuit ships took the air against the invaders -three bombers and six fighting ships-and drove them off after a spectacular dog fight. The earlier aerial battle left the government leaders exultantly pro- claiming they at last had "suprem- acy" in the air. A dozen Fascist attacking planes, apparently intent on repeating pre- vious deadly bombardments of Ma- drid proper, suddenly ran into a roar- ing formation of nine government ships. Planes Brought Down Throttles open, the opposing pilots dived, barrel-rolled, and fought it out thousands of feet over the heads of gaping Madrid citizens. Observers who knew something about flying were agreed that just about every trick known to fighting pilots . had been used. Clipping volleys from machine guns in the government ships brought down two Fascist planes in full view of the house-top watchers. In quick and exuberant contrast to their earlier warnings that the cit- izens of Madrid might have to fight in their homes to save their city, the Madrid defense junta tonight warned their fighting forces against "over- confidence." State Street Party Carries Battle Cry To Radio Program "Swing with State" This was the battle hymn of the State Street party which carried its cry to the radio and persuaded "Happy Joe" to play "Waltz in Swing Time" over his program at 7:50 a.m. yesterday. Yesterday morning "Happy Joe" read this letter during his broadcast which he had received from "State Street": "Big election out here next Wed- nesday, and it's no Literary Digest poll either. The class of '38 is going to sweep out the Washtenaw party and 'swing' with the State Street party. "In honor of this 'swing' let's have Johnny Green's 'Waltz in Swing Time' about ten of eight, Friday, the 13th. "Will give you an open wire the morning after election so dust off 'The Victors."'" In the State Street caucus Joe Mattes, Sigma Phi, was nominated for the presidency; Betsy Anderson, Helen Newberry, vice-president; Ruth Fowler, Alpha Phi, secretary; Earle Luby, Independent, treasurer; J-Hop chairman, Ed Thompson, Theta Delta Chi; J-Hop committeeman, Ed D'- Apris, Alpha Delta Phi; Fred Cush- ing, Beta Theta Pi; Jane Willoughby, Delta Gamma; Ruth Freedman, Alpha Epsilon Phi. Fisticuffs Mark Stormy French Deputies' Meet Members Come To Blows Over Government Policy On SpanishWar PARIS, Nov. 13.-(P)-Leftists and rightist French parliamentarians, shrieking invectives, punched each other in a wild melee which inter- rupted a session of the Chamber of Deputies today. After order was restored, Socialist Premier Leon Blum pledged his gov- ernment to remain faithful to the in- ternational agreement for non-inter- vention in Spain in defiance of the communists. The communists, however, refused to withdraw their demands that Blum negotiate with Great Britain to raise the "blockade," as they termed it, against the Madrid gov- ernment. During the Chamber melee, the leftists, spurred by rightist criticism of the Premier and Interior Minister Roger Salengro, poured from their seats and swarmed over the rightist benches on the other side of the room. Books were hurled across the Chamber and the deputies flung fists right and left before Edouard Her- riot, Chamber President, restored or- der, temporarily suspended the meet- ing and ordered the removal of spec- tators. When the deputies reconvened, Blum won a vote of confidence, posed by a Socialist deputy, by 374 to 201. The Chamber army committee gave Defense Minister Edouard Daladier a vote of confidence when he refused to consider a communist demand for reduction in the two-year compul- sory military service term. When Blum mounted the speaker's stand, Jean Louis Tixier-Vignancour, a rightist, shouted: "Blum means war!" A leftist sprinted across the Cham- ber and drove his right fist to Fixier- Vignancour's chin. A general brawl began. By Socialists Editor Does Not See Ideal In European Tendencies, Predicts Collapse World Model Seen In U.S. Democracyl Hayden Warns Of Danger In Philippine Policy; Slosson Reviews Election The American form of government will not be appreciably affected by European socialism and tendencies toward socialism, Paul Scott Mowrer, managing editor of the Chicago Daily News and former managing editor of The Daily, told members of the Uni- versity Press Club of Michigan last night in the Union. His subject was' "Communism and Fascism." "I do not believe what is going on in Europe is the last word by any means," Mr. Mowrer, who was for many years a Europeancorrespon- dent for the Chicago Daily News, told his audience. "I believe the whole system is one that is going to reach a crisis and collapse. The trend will then go toward democracy." Then, with ideas interchanged over oceans as they are today, the United States democracy will become a model for European 'countries, he predicted. Origin Of Two Alike "The fascists and communists hate' each other bitterly," Mr. Mowrer said. "But I do not see how we can escape the idea that they have a common origin, socialism, and are moving to- ward each other very rapidly." Soviet Russia under Lenin, Mr. Mowrer explained, was operated on an internationally-revolutionary basis in accordance with the Third Inter- nationale, while Italy under Musso- lini and Germany under Hitler are operated in accordance with the Sec- ond Internationale, nationalistic so- cialism. Under Stalin, Mr. Mowrer said, Russia has actually been oper- ating nationalistic socialism. The kind of government the found- ers of this country set up was an at- tempt to repudiate the Greek theory The program for the Univer- sity Press Club of Michigan to- day, the final day of its session, is as follows: 9:30 a.m.-Business session, in- cluding resolutions and election 1 of officers. gan Pumpers." 12:00 noon-Luncheon. 2:00 p.m.-Football game, Mich- igan vs. Northwestern. U. Mowrer Finds Wolverines Hope Patanelli, Sweet, Garber Make Last Appearance In Michigan Stadium tl e; it H ii a sl m r r. CAPT. MATT PATANELLI S. te Bc-Cnev3-orwk sures in which labor was interested anel Discussions To Offer I Unmoved To Upset Wildcats In Last Home Game Plays Last Game Here 40,000 Crowd Is Expected To Watch Michigan Try For First Big Ten Win Cooper Will Return To Varsity Lineup the O'Mahoney industrial licensing bill to require industry to conform to specified labor standards, and the Wagner low cost housing bill. The Wagner bill, he said, would be enacted at the next session of Con- gress. As a result, he said, home building would boom to such an ex- tent that there likely would be a shortage of building labor. Green declined to predict whether the convention would vote to expel the Lewis rebels. There was little hope now of any immediate peace, he added. Jefferies Hits Security Law In Talk Here Condemning the Social Security Act as an attempt by the "big boys" to thwart the full benefits of the Townsend Plan, Judge Edward J. Jefferies asserted last night that the Social Security Act is only a phase of the much broader Townsend Old Age Pension Plan. Speaking before the first meeting of the Ann Arbor Townsend Club, Judge Jefferies of the Detroit Recorder's Court partially succeeded in dispel- ling the spirit of defeatism which seemed to permeate the audience as a consequence of the recent election results. He pointed out that 109 sup- porters 'of the Townsend Plan had been elected to Congress, an increase of 44 over the last election. The Townsend Plan, he said, has two merits which the Social Security Act never will possess, i.e., it will stabilize industrial production and it will give a decent distribution of that production. Wide Range Of Subjects In EveningMeetings Subjects ranging from architecture to peace will be offered tomorrow in Ann Arbor churches in a selected pro- gram. A "Christian Crusade," part of the preaching mission program of the Federal Council of Churches in Amer- ica, will be begun with the 10:45 Sun- day morning service, when Rev. Charles Brashares will talk on "Cru- sade for Christ" at the Methodist Episcopal Church. The program will continue in meetings to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the evenings, Sunday through Friday with the exception of the Monday night service which will, begin at 7 p.m. The first part of the service will be a seminar and the second part a sermon. An organization designed to attract students interested in the Far East as a religious and cultural subject is the Eastern Religions group which meets at 9:30 a.m. every other Sunday in the Russian Tea Room of the Mich- igan League. It is composed of stu- dents from the various religions of the East who, in lieu of their regular religious service, meet in a body and conduct panel discussions on their own religions. This week Moham- medanism will be discussed by Mr. Hasan Rufai, of the Royal School of Engineering, Geza, Egypt, Mr. Ana- war Hasani of Iraq and Mr. Gluahim Khatib of Syria, both graduates of the American University of Beirut. A panel discussion on world peace will be presented at 6:30 p.m. tomor- row at the Church of Christ (Disci- ples.) "The State as God, or Worshipping Leviathan," will be the topic of Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the 10:45 a.m. morning service of worship at the t s s 1 f r r f a f e F. i. e of eternally cyclical forms of govern-! ment, he said. "I really believe thisn government did what it was supposedI to do for a long time. But lately we have been getting ideas from otherf countries. "Political parties today drift aI little bit toward the left. The Re- i publicans went to great pains to in- dicate they were liberal. The Dem-s ocrats were rather proud of their al-k liance with liberal organizations," Mr. Mowrer said. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po-t litical science department, in the morning session of the Club, told his audience of the great danger possible from the militaristic program nowf being embarked upon by the Philip-t pine Islands. Prof. Preston W. Slos- son of the history department, pre-Z ceding Professor Hayden, analyzed the recent Presidential election and1 predicted the possibility of a strongc third party in the 1940 election. t Professor Hayden, in predicting the uncertainty of Philippine develop-s ment, during the morning session,, outlined the antagonistic forces at work in the Islands. "There is, unfortunately, a great deal of serious political discontent in the Philippines," he said. He made I reference to poverty-stricken areas under domination of the wealthy land-owning class. "There is a rising wave of discon- tent. Communist Incitation Seen "It is my opinion that they are worked upon by a small but able communist group. There is no proof of this, but that is my opinion." The Quezon government intends to eliminate radical movements and discontent by a partial use of each of two methods, Professor Hayden said. "Causes for this discontent can be discontinued and ameliorated. Or the discontent can be suppressed by force. The present government plans to handle the problem in both 4 ways. 'Last Hope' Plan Fails To Settlec Coastal Strike New Walkouts Threatened r While Violence Appears On Houston Waterfrontn SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13.-(P)--r Another "last hope" formula fort naritime peace negotiations went in-t to the wastebasket today while new walkout threats developed on both sides of the continent and violence narked picketing on the Houston wa- terfront.1 The seagoing unions offered to ne-j gotiate'if the employers would grantt them control of their hiring halls1 and accept a modified proposal fore penalizing workers violating anyf agreement to be reached. Shipowners rejected it flatly and1 said the opposing sides were "still as1 far apart as ever on fundamentals."_ Assistant Secretary of Labor Ed- ward F. McGrady, who presented the union proposal to the employers, an- nounced the formula would be re- vamped and resubmitted immediate- ly. Although both sides have watched for days for possible signs of White House action in the strike, President Roosevelt said no special Federal mediation was planned for the im- mediate future. A walkout of 600 textile workers from a San Francisco (Bemis) Bag Company brought to 11 the number of Pacific Coast strikes in progress besides the maritime strike. These strikes involve 37,000 maritime work- ers and about 9,600 other union mem- bers. Philadelphia longshoremen met to discuss a renewal of their strike after shipowners rejected their demands and brought a week's truce to an end. In Los Angeles 450 shipyard work-. ers avowedly were ready to strike tomorrow unless employers met wage and hour demands. Two sailors reported they were beaten and a woman said she was kidnaped in Houston, where a strike of seamen has been in progress for two weeks. A member of the strike committee asked protection from "two New York gunmen" who he said were imported to kill him. The unions now demand formal control of the halls and the operators want at least "neutral" control. Debating Team Gains Decision Over Wayne U. The University of Michigan debat- ing team gained its second triumph in a week yesterday by downing the strong Wayne University team in a debate at the Grosse Ile High School in Detroit. The subject was "Resolved; That All Electric Utilities Should Be Gov- ernmentally Owned and Operated." The Michigan team composed of Don Mayfield, '37; Nathanial Holtzman, By GEORGE J. ANDROS (Daily Sports Editor) Holding grimly to the realization that a victory over the nation's high est ranking team is by no means an mpossibility for them, Coach Harry Kipke's young Michigan eleven goes nto action on the Stadium gridiron at 2 p.m. today for the last time this season, meeting undefeatedNorth- western before a crowd expected to reach 40,000. The Wolverines have yet to win a Big Ten game this fall while the Wildcats have the Conference title already won regardless of the out- come of today's contest, but Coach Kipke has imbued his charges with the idea that they are a good enough team to achieve the upset that no critic in the nation is mentioning- and a good ball game is bound to result. Janke Will Not Play Excepting Fred Janke, sturdy soph- omore tackle who was injured at Minnesota, the Varsity is as strong in numbers today as it has been at any other time this year, but injuries that are not serious enough to keep, them out of action will lessen the ef- fectiveness of several of the amen Coach Kipke expects to use today. Capt. Matt Patanelli, who playing in his last home stand today will be watched by the future selectors of this season's All-American teams, is still a doubtful figure at his usual end position. Although he expects to start the Varsity leader this af- ternoon, Coach Kipke has not seen Patanelli in action all week as a re- sult of the latter's confinement to University Hospital for treatments on Students are reminded that they must present their identifi- cation cards, in order to gain ad- mittance to the Stadium this afternoon. a leg injury sustained midway of the Pennsylvania game last Saturday. If Kipke decided against using. Patanelli after the pre-game warm- up this afternoon, Art Valpey will get the starting call. Cooper To Return Back into action for the first time since the Columbia victory will be Bob Cooper, mainstay of the Wol- verine backfield earlier in the sea- son. The junior star who handled the bulk of the running and punt- ing duties during the first four games of the season has recovered from a shoulder injury sustained in prac- tice before the Illinois game two weeks ago to the point where he is ready to be rushed into the game if the occasion demands. With Stark Ritchie still weak from a charley-horse, Wally Hook will make his initial start at the tail-back post he has shared with Cooper and Ritchie this season. Hook, whose running was-the feature of the win over Columbia, will undoubtedly be used as a passing threat this after- noon in addition to doing most of the ball carrying. Sweet Has Punting Role / Cedric Sweet, who with Patanelli and guard Jess Garber is playing his last home game today, will again do the punting, and his showing in yes- terday's light practice drill indicated that Steve Toth and the other Wild- cat kickers are in for a worrisome af- ternoon of strong competition. Completing the starting backfield with Hook and Sweet will be Bill Bar- clay at quarter and wing-back John- ny Smithers. Don Siegel is a fixture at left tackle, while Jim Lincoln seems to have the starting call at the other tackle posi- tion over Earl Luby and Forrest Jor- don. Garber will be at left guard, with Clarence VandeWater still hold- ing the edge over Fred Ziem, George Marzonie and Frank Bissell on the other side of center. Joe Rinaldi will hold down the nivot nnsitinn i E i 1 Surplus Profit Tax Is Termed Cause Of Laroe Extra Dividends By STUART LOW Jamison said. He pointed out that Recent announcements of large employes eying the extra dividends extra dividends by General Motors, being given to stockholders would in- naturally feel unfairly treated unless Chrysler Corporation, and other mthey themselves were rewarded. dustrial firms can be traced directly It is improbable that the granting to the corporation surplus profits tax of numerous bonuses and the declar- passed at the last session of Congress, ation of extra dividends at this time Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the can be traced to the outcome of the School of Business Administration, presidential election, Professor Jam- declared yesterday. ison asserted. "Business executives make no sec- "Dividends on the basis of third ret of the fact that they would rather quarter earnings and Christmas add rapidly increasing profits to re- bonuses are usually announced at this serve funds which have been de- time," he said, "and because of the pleted during the depression years," highest corporation earnings since he said, "and rather than pay the 1929, distributions will be larger than heavy tax they are declaring large at any time in the past four or five