THE MICHIGAN DAILY 2,000 Guests Expected At All-Campus Dorm Dance Names Guests Of Committeemen For Open Party All Proceeds To Be Added To Fund For Freshman Men's Dormitory Affair Is Informal Tickets Are To Be Sold At Door; League And Union Dance Floors Closed More than 2,000 guests are ex- pected to attend the Dorm Dance to- night which is being sponsored to raise funds for the Men's Dormi- tories project. Bob Steinle and Charlie Zwick will play for the party which will last from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. All the proceeds from tonight's dance will be added to the fund for the establishment of dormitories for freshmen men on the University campus. Tickets will be on sale at .the door. Hubert Bristol, '37, chairman of the dance committee will have as his guest Mary Skinner, '39. Members of the executive committee of the Committee on Men's Dormitories and their guests include Bruce Telfer, '38, and Betty Whitney, '38; Gilbert Tilles, '37, and Ruth Sevensma, '38; Herbert Wolf, '37, and Mildred Ep- stein, '40; Elsie Pierce, '37, and Ed- ward Begle, Grad.; Tuure Tenand- er, '38, and Cretchen Kanter, '37. Faculty Members Invited The list of patrons and patronesses for the dance includes President and Mrs. Ruthven; Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley; Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea; Prof. and Mrs. Henry C. Anderson; Prof. and Mrs. Paul Leidy; Dean-emeritus and Mrs. Allen S. Whitney; Prof. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell; Secretary and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping; Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waltz, Mr. Carl G. Brandt and Ralph T. Byers. Inasmuch as the League and Union ballrooms will both be closed tonight, Bristol said, a large crowd is ex- pected to attend the Dorm Dance, for which the Intramural Building was obtained through Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics. Bob Steinle's Union band and Charlie Zwick's Sil- ver Grill orchestra will furnish con- tinuous music for the entire evening. Dance An All-Campus One The dance will be an all-campus one, Bristol said yesterday, and every- one is invited. The affair will be strictly informal. Bonth Williams, The Daily's col- umnist, will make his first personal appearance tonight and will comment upon the people at the dance and has also declared that he may have some facts and figures regarding the Mich- igan-Northwestern game Saturday. Prof. A. H. Hackett o Sing At Recital The Faculty Women's Club will hold the second event of their pro- gram for the year at 3 p.m. Wednes- day when Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School of Music will give a voice re- cital in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mrs. Hackett will accom- pany him. Following the concert tea will be served in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room. Each member may bring a guest. SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. SPECIALS FOR WEEKEND RINGLESS FULL-FASHIONED HOSE Heel within Heel. 59c Engagement. Announced Fifty Additional Panhellenic Ball. Tickets Is sue d Patrons And Patronesses Announced For Annual Forma'l Dance Following a complete sell-out of tickets for the annual Panhellenic Ball to be given Friday, Nov. 27, in the League ballroom, 50 more tickets have been distributed to various sor- orities on campus to satisfy the de- mand, according to Betty Ronal, '38, chairman of that committee. Because this brings the total up to 400 couples, a capacity crowd for the League ballroom, no more tickets can be furnished, Miss Ronal said. Many Houses Plan Week-End Entertainments Last Home Tilt Of Season Is Occasion For Many Formal Dances, Teas Tomorrows football game is re- sponsible for a busy week-end. Pledge formals, radio parties, tea dances, and numerous other kinds of entertain- ment are in order for celebrating the last home game of the season. Alpha Delta Phi fraternity will hold a closed informal football dance tonight. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Mal- colm, and Prof. and Mrs. Benjamin Wheeler wvill act as chaperons. Beta Theta Pi will hold a closed - Associated Press Photo Marjorie Lane (above) named by James Montgomery Flagg, the artist, as one of the 13 young ac- trcses who are potential movie stars, and Brian Donlevy, actor, announced their engagement re- cently and said they would be mar- ried New Year's Day. F our Volleybal Games Played In Third Round Play continued in the third round of the women's volleyball tournament yesterday when Zeta Tau Alpha de- feated Alphi Phi 23 to 17, Alpha Ep- silon Phi defeated Alpha Xi Delta 20 to 12, and Delta Delta Delta defeated Gamma Phi Beta 36 to 15. Alpha Omicron Pi defaulted to Martha Cook. The members of the victorious Zeta Tau Alpha team were Nan Kirby, '40, Jean Schmitt, '37, Adrienne Higgen- botham, '38, Beatrice Obergfell, '37, Betty Loughborough, '38, Betty Ann Cole, '40, and Kathryn Young, '37. Those playing for Alpha Phi wei'e Mary Jane Crowley, '38, Virginia Nimmo, '38, Barbara Day, '40, Betty Lyon, '39, ,Ann Smyth, '37, Kay Lar- ned, '38, Sally Orr, '40, and Joan Clos- terhaus, '39. The members of the winning Alpha Epsilon Phi team were Marguerite Merkel, '37, Louise Samek, '37, Elaine Bubis, '37, Leona Siff, '40, Jaros Jedel, '39, Jane Meyers, '39, Harriet Levy, '40. The Alpha Xi Delta team was com- posed of Jean Friederici, '37, Mary Burke, '37, Betty Badger, '40, Jan Burch, '38, Kay Buckley, '38, Jean Thompson, '40, Marguerite McQuil- lan, '39, and Betty Sommero, '40. Those playing for Gamma Phi Beta were Jayne Roberts, '38, Virginia Weidlein, '38, Margie Langenderfen, '37, Janet Carver, '38, Dorothy Webb, '37, Alice Osterman, '37, Harriet Dean, '39, Mary Lou Johns, '37, and Bar- bara Horton, '37Ed. Patrons and patronesses for the formal dinner followed by a dance affair have been announced by Dor- tonight. Chaperons will include Mr. othy Shutt, '37, chairman of the and Mrs. John Barker, and Mr. and patrons committee. Regent Esther Mrs. Shelby Schurtz, of Grand Rap- M. Cram and Mr. Cram, Dean and ids. Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Kappa .Nu will hold a formal dance Mrs. Wilber R. Humphries, Dean tonight which Rabbi and Mrs. Ber- and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, and Dean nard Heller and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. and Mrs. Charles T. Olmstead will be Eauman will chaperon. among the patrons present. Phi Epsilon Pi is holding a formal Others who have consented to act closed dance tonight and an informal in the capacity are Dean Alice C. closed dance tomorrow night. Mr. Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Upton, and Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. Emeth Schutz, and Mrs. Milton Goldhammer will be -Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Prof. and chaperons. Mrs. Robert C. Angell, and Prof. and An informal dance will be held at, Mrs. Bennett Weaver. the Phi Gamma Delta house tonight. Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, The chaperons are Lieut. and Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. Howard McClusky, Dr. Don Griffen and Mr. and Mrs. For- William Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Charles man Mueller, of Chicago.t Iavis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Ful- Informal Dances ler, and Miss Ruth Pence will also An informal radio dance will be be patrons and patronesses for the held tomorrow night by Alpha Rho affair, Miss Shutt said. Chi. Prof. and Mrs. Ross T. Bitting- Anson Weeks and his orchestra will er and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hutchison furnish the music for the ball, ac- will chaperon the party. cording to Betty King, '37, general An informal dance will be held by chairman. Alpha Tau Omega tomorrow night. Prof. and Mrs. C. F. Tessler and Eighteen Members Mr.and Mrs. D. B. Andrews are the EiorteenAlem erS chap erons.' Pledged To Athena Chi Omega sorority is holding open house tomorrow after the game. Chaperons will be Professor and Mrs. Athena, national honorary forensic Louis C. Karpinski, Dr. and Mrs. society for women, pledged 18 new Harold W. Gehring, and Mrs. G. C. members yesterday at the League. Mitchell. The officers taking part in the cere- Chi Phi fraternity will hold a teaE mony were Grace Gray, '37, president, dance from 5 to 8 p.m. tomorrow. Lillian Tolhorst, '38, vice-president, Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Katherine Schultz, '39, secretary, and Eardly, and Dr. and Mrs. Mischa Jean Harrison, '37, treasurer. Titiev. The new pledges are Martha Allen, Collegiate Sorosis will hold their Spec.Ed., Betsey Anderson, '38, Bunty pledge formal tomorrow night. Prof. Bain, '39, Dorothy Jane Bernard, '38, and Mrs. Robert Angell and Mr. and Ed., Phyllis Blauman, '37, Louise Eb- Mrs. Robert Davis will chaperon the ert, '39, Betty Fromm, '39, Mildred party. Goldberg, '37, Mary Margaret Grable, Delta Delta Delta will hold a closed '37, June Longhurst, '38Ed., Florence tea-dance from 5 to 7 p.m. tomorrow. Michlinski, '39, Mary E. Owen, '39, Mrs. S. W. Allen and Mrs. Horace Helen G. Rose, '39, Miriam Sanders, King will pour, and Mrs. E. H. '38, Francesse Selter, '38, Margery Krause and Mrs. Blanche Harley will Soenksen, '38, Marion Touff, '38, and chaperon. Faith Watkins, '39. Delta Sigma Delta will hold an in- A tea was served at the conclusion of the ceremonies, at which Mrs. Von K. Frowine, one of the sponsors of Athena, poured. Fashion N1 Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity an- nounces the pledging of William F. Luce, Grad., of White River, Texas. Afteri Dance Groups Give First Demon stration More than 100 people attended the first modern dance demonstration of the season given at 4:15 p.m. yester- day in Sarah Caswell Hall at Barbour Gymnasium. The program was under the direction of the adviser, Ruth H. Bloomer, who was assisted by Bea- trice Lovejoy, '37, dance club presi- dent. This demonstration was planned to give a more intelligent understanding of the modern dance. The dance club presented forms of technique which illustrated the first essential of this art. formal dance tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Moyer and Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Ostrander will be the chap- erons. Pledge Formals Delta Tau Delta are holding their pledge formal tomorrow night. Prof. and Mrs. W. W. Gilbert and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Whitehall will chaperon the dance. Kappa Delta Rho will give a closed informal dinner dance tomorrow night, according to John Badger, '37. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will hold an open informal dance tomor- row. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. C. Russess Pryce will chaperon the party. The pledge class of Phi Beta Delta will give a "Hobo Party" for the fra- ternity tomorrow night. The chaper- ons will be Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fish- man, and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schmier. Phi Delta Theta is giving a radio party tomorrow night. The chaper- ons are Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wistert. A pledge formal will be held at the Phi Sigma Delta house tomorrow night. Chaperons for the affair will be Mrs. R. Long of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. H. Herman of Rochester, N.Y Phi Sigma Kappa will hold a buffet supper and dance tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCaffree, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Creal will chaperon the party. Tomorrow night Psi Upsilon will entertain at a dance. Mrs. Herbert A. Poppleton and Mr. and Mrs. Fin- ley B. Riggs will chaperon. Sigma Phi Epsilon will give a open informal radio dance tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Hull and Prof. and Mrs. Harry Bouchard will chap- eron the affair. Theta Xi fraternity is holding an informal radio dance tomorrow night. The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Clark of Ftoneboro, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freeman of Ann Arbor. ill [I.- - - - -~.-- ~,Ig i Jewelry and Watch Repairing HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty I tweomers portant riooiis -*W, #*' ,1. NOVEMBER SUIT EVENT Remarkable Values in Suits originally priced from $19.75 to $110.00 Now at a Reduction that You Can't Afford To Miss 25% Discount Tweeds, Novelty Mixtures, Wolf, Raccoon and Fox Trim, including Wooltex Suits, and with the NEW TUCKED SLEEVES This distinctive afternoon dress incorporates many features now being shown in higher priced dresses. The three-quarter sleeves, important in themselves, are made doubly so, by the clever introduction of tucks. Many others to choose from Colors: Black, Brown, Green and all High Shades. Sizes 11 to 20 I I PURE SILK SLIPS $10oo Ii PURE SILK SATIN SLIPS I Tailored or Lace Trimmed $1.59 several three-piece suits. Also- Sizes 14 to 18. ONE GROUP OF DRESSES Values to $19.75. Crepes and Sheers, Wools and Velvets, for Street, Afternoon and Business Wear. Including the Famous ELLEN KAYE'S. Sizes 11 to 17 - Others 12 to 40. S10.95 New FORMALS and SUNDAY NITES arriving daily - $14.95 up. Iii I " ', I III I ' t I I I