Kipke Prepares Wolverines In First Entirely Closed P.
WITH ONLY NEXT WEEK LEFT, Fred DeLano is fighting desperatel
to boost his prognosticating average back into the .900 class. I though
he was a little befuddled at the prospect of being interviewed by Bonth Wil
liams at the "Dorm Dance" tonight when he picked Illinois to beat Ohio Stat
and Harvard to beat the Navy, but his arguments sound quite convincing
And it is with some surprise that I notice Fred has deserted his Notre Dam
boys after sticking with them through thick and thin during the past thre
years. His predictions follow:
'HAVING FORMED THE HABIT of filling this column every Friday morn
ing with a list of blind guesses as to the results of the week's importan
football games, we have again put on the blindfold in an attempt to stab ou
a few winners on tomorrow's card.
In four weeks we have consulted the crystal ball in reference to 111 games
Seventy-five times we hit correctly and 25 games we were wrong. The extr
eleven were all ties.
Today we start at home and are forced to forecast another week of
gloom for harry Kipke and his charges. Northwestern has for the
first time in the school's history won the undisputed championship of
the Western Conference, regardless of whether they win, lose or draw
tomorrow. In addition the Wildcats are at present leading contenders
for the mythical national championship and with that title in sight
are determined that Michigan's Wolverines shall not prove the stum-
bling block in the path to national honors.
Ohio State, fresh from a 44-0 rout of Chicago, invades Urbana fo
a clash with Bob Zuppke's Illini and we're ready to predict that Illinois wi
furnish the Wolves at Columbus with more fodder by handing Franci
Schmidt's Buckeyes their fourth licking of the year. Illinois had an ope
date last week and are priming themselves for one big effort agains
Ohio and expect that effort to result in a win. So do we.
A mediocre Texas eleven comes north to battle Minnesota at Minneapoli
and in our opinion the Gophers will repel this invasion with almost as big
score as they ran up on Iowa last week. Indiana will defeat Chicago whil
in another Big' Ten game Purdue will prove too powerful for Ossie Solem
Hawkeyes out at Iowa. Wisconsin should stop Cincinnati.
One of the day's biggest games is scheduled for Lincoln, Neb., where Pitts
burgh's Panthers face the Cornhuskers in what should be a battle suprem
We lean slightly toward Pitt in our prognostication but if the Panther
do win it will not be by more than a touchdown.
Michigan State-Kansas: We pick the Spartans to break into the victor
column once more after playing two ties and losing once in their last thre
Kansas State-Iowa State: With nothing more than comparative score
to judge by, we say the Kansans will emerge on the long end of the score.
Marquette-Mississippi: The Guepe brothers and Buivid will carry Mar
quette's Hilltoppers to a satisfying victory.
Missouri-Oklahoma: Here is one that might go either way but with
flip of the coin we side with the former.
THREE BIG GAMES hold the spotlight in the East, Notre Dame and th
Army clashing in New York City, Harvard facing the Navy, and Prince
ton taking on Yale in the 1936 renewal of an ancient rivalry. Despite th
fact that every time we say Notre Dame will lose in a big battle they win, w
pick the Army to down the Irish. We have found that it is always dangerou
to say Notre Dame will lose, especially when they are meeting the Cadets, bu
the Academy eleven looks the better this year.
Harvard started off this season in poor fashion but two weeks ago
tied mighty Princeton and then last Saturday swamped Virginia, 65-0.
The Midshipmen took a real pounding in downing Notre Dame and
with Harvard coming up as fast as they appear to be we predict a
victory for the Crimson.
Princeton ran wild against Cornell last week and will hit Yale with
a vengeance tomorrow, old Eli taking it on the chin as a result.
Elsewhere in the East it's Holy Cross to take Brown, Carnegie Tech ove
Duquesne, Columbia to take Syracuse, Dartmouth to beat Cornell, Pennsyl
vania to down Penn State and Temple to defeat Villa Nova.
IN THE SOUTH we see scheduled for tomorrow:
Alabama-Georgia Tech: Alabama has its eyes trained on the Ros
Bowl and it will take more than Tech can offer to stop their rush.
Louisiana State-Aubuni: We'll take L.S.U.
Southern Methodist-Arkansas: The latter is having a great year whil
S.M.U. is definitely not as strong as they were in the last Rose Bowl battle
Result-we pick Arkansas.
Baylor-Oklahoma A. & M.: The Southwest teams have spoiled our aver
age more than one week this season with unexpected upsets and we ma
easily be wrong here, but we'll take Baylor to win.
Cente'nary-Texas Christian: Centenary is more powerful than mos
Northern fans realize and might turn the tables on Christian, but we doub
it and will stick with the latter.
Tulane--Georgia: Tulane is our choice.
Vanderbilt-Tennessee: Erratic Vandy will have plenty of trouble her
and according to our dope sheet Tennessee will win.
Last week we predicted the results of four West Coast games. One wa
a tie and we were wrong on the other three. Today we wanted to forge
about that section of the gridiron map but found it impossible to do so. As
result we name California to whip Oregon and Stanford to take Oregon Stat
U.C.L.A. gets our call over Washington State and in the battle that wil
probably determine the West's representative in the next Rose Bowl gam
We side with Washington over Southern California.
It looks like an easy list of 32 games that we have picked out this wee
and in several cases we have gone against all the dope to name the underdog
Two weeks ago it also looked like an easy list. If you remember there werf
more upsets that day than any other this fall. Think how we would hav
rated had we named a few underdogs that day.
Capt. Patanelli Wildcats' Sta
Certain Starter
I" WlrLAdnbi- T F XPrET
Vic Heyliger Heads
List Of Returning
Lockey Lettermen
1 11 Vn i Ut 1 ra2
Bob Cooper To See Action;
Wally Hook, Vandewater
Only Tentative Changes
Coach Harry Kipke yesterday took
his Wolverine gridders to the Mich-
igan Stadium for the first completely
closed practice session of the year..
Only the coacheshand the players
were allowed on the Stadium sod as
newspapermen and other favored;
spectators who have been allowed to
attend the secret practices this year
were barred.
It was understood that the Mich-
igan Mentor put in an intensive hour
and a half drilling his charges on a
new offense and working on defense
against a picked freshman team
under the direction of Coach Wally
Weber. But the precise nature of
what was planned for the invading
Wildcats from Northwestern Univer-
sity remained undisclosed.
Patanelli Will Start
Captain Matt Patanelli will make
his last appearance in the Michigan
Stadium as a member of the starting
lineup in spite of a bad leg injury
received in the Quaker game. He
spent part of the week in the Univer-
sity Hospital receiving treatments
for his injury, and team physicians
have now stated that he is in good
enough condition to play at his reg-
ular flanking post.
Another injured Wolverine, Bob
Cooper, will also see action in the
final home game of the season. Re-
ceiving what was at first thought to
be a broken collarbone in a scrim-
mage immediately before the Illinois
game, Cooper has recovered suffi-
ciently to play his old hard-running
At the conclusion of the afternoon's
When the Wolverine puck chasers
take to the ice for their initial prac-
tice of the season on the twenty-first
of the month, it is expected that six
lettermen and two award winners
from last year's quintet will be among
those present.
Included in the list of lettermen are
Capt. Vic Heyliger, high scorer of all
time in Michigan hockey, Gib James.
stellar forward from Ottawa, Ont.,
Irwin Shalek, regular net minder last
winter, Johnny Fabello, Bob Simp-
son, and Jack Merrill, veterans all in
~ ~ 'terms of hockey played in Varsity
competition. Reed Low, substitute
goal keeper, and Fritz Radford, for-
ward, were the award winners on the
'35 squad that will also pick up the
skates and point to a new and greater
Michigan hockey season.
In Capt. Heyliger, the Wolverines
e- have one of the finest poke check
DeWitt Gibson, Northwestern's artists in collegiate hockey. On the
225-pound left tackle, who is one offensive, Vic is the height of deter-
of the reasons the Wildcat line mination coupled with a generous
proved impenetrable to both Min- portion of natural speed, and his abil-
nesota and Ohio State. Gibson's ity as a leader will do much to main-
sterling play has made him a lead- tain a fighting spirit throughout a
ing contender for All-American tryingschedule. Bearing down on
honors. the port side of the attacking first
_ _nrs._ line will be James, a real veteran
in hockey competition, having played
T ei in organized leagues ever since he has
Theta Chi W ins been able to stand up on the thin
S eedball Tilt On defense, Bob Simpson and Burt
Smith are likely to be the mainstays
Over iThis combination alternated last
Over Phi Psi winter with Larry David in guarding
the scoring zone.
Winners Gain Finals With CLOSE I-M BUILDING
13-3 Triumph; Barber Due to the engagement of the
LeadsnScorIntramural Building for the Dorm
ea Scoring Dance this evening the large gym-
nasium will be closed all day Fri-
Theta Chi continued its speedball day and Saturday. The auxiliary
dcmination by defeating Phi Kappa ( gymnasium will be closed Friday
Psi yesterday in the semi-final round, afternoon and Saturday morning.
13-3. This was the eleventh straight
Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads..
session Coach Kipke announced that
the probable starting lineup, except
for two changes, would be the same
as 1ina i wn st.artd againstthe victory for the winners and the third
PensylvaiaQuakerslstweeconsecutive time that they have en-
Those two changes are Wally Hook tered the finals.
in place of Stark Ritchie at the tail Beked1thelUslsrPF
back position and Dutch Vandewater Back in 1934 Delta Upsilon scored LOW
at right guard instead of Fred Ziem. a 11-9 victory to win the champion-t Dial 2-l0
- Ritchie, who has had only one day's everything before it, and is now on Thea
workout this week because of a the threshold of another champion-
charlie horse, will be available for ship and permanent possession of the -
duty in Saturday's fray, but has not trophy which goes to the three-time
had sufficient drilling to warrant winner.
starting him against the already The victors displayed excellent co-
crowned champions of the Big Ten, ordination, intermingling good passes
Also included with Hook in the with strategic kicks to completely
starting backfield will be Bill Bar- dominate the play. However, the
clay at quarterback, Johnny Smith- strong Phi Psi squad appeared to
ers at the wingback and Ced Sweet at much better advantage than the score
fullback. In the forward wall Danny indicates. In Russ Dobson they boast
Smick will be at the other end of an excellent offensive man who fea-
the line with Don Siegel and Jim tured the game with his long kicks.
1013 . . 308 North Main Street
n, North of Main Post Office
Lincoln at the tackles, Jesse Garber
at left guard and Joe Rinaldi at cen-
Bob Barber led the scoring with
seven points, counting with two drop-
kicks and a field goal. Dick Shroth
While the regulars were in the scored five and Rod Howell one. Wal-
Stadium, players on the third and ker Graham, 1936 All-Campus goalie
fourth teams trimmed three fresh- contributed five saves, while Jack
men teams 28-7 in a hard scrimmage, Briner played a fine defensive game,
but only after the yearlings drew feeding the ball to the fast-breaking
first blood. Bob Piotrowski, who was forwards.
forced out of the early part of the In the other semi-final match
season with a dislocated shoulder, S.A.M. is scheduled to face Delta Up-
featured the game with a fine dis- silon, with the winner meeting Theta
play of running as did Alex Loiko and Chi in the finals. The strong D.U.
Chet Stabovitz with several beauti- team is slightly favored to win and go
fully executed pass plays. . on to play the team they have met
in the final round for the past three
League Approves
LeagueAppro eS In a second round match of the
Broenso TransferBtouch football playoffs, the Law Club
Browns' Transfer lost a heartbreaker to the Commo-
CHICAGO, Nov. 12.-(AP)-The St.1
Louis Browns, for years the weak
link in the American League, were1
placed in the care of new owners to-
The transfer, involving the Fran-k
chise and players, became official
when five representatives of the St.
Louis Purchasing Syndicate appeared
before club owners of the American
League in a special meeting to re-
ceive unanimous approval. The syn-
dicate, which purchased the Browns
for $325,000 in cash, has been cap-
italized for $500,000, leaving a bal-
ance of $175,000 for development of
the team.
The 18 syndicate members are
headed by Donald Lee Barnes, in-
vestment b/anker, who is slated to be-
come president of the new organiza-
tion. William O. DeWitt, for 19 years
an official of the St. Louis Cardinals
organization, will become vice-presi-
dent and general manager of the
dores. Trailing 7-0 until the final
period, the Lawyers pushed over a
touchdown with but two minutes to
play, but failed to convert
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Injury Cloud Has Silver Lining
Coach Harry G. Kipke hopes some-
body kicks Wally Hook in the shins
between now and Saturday-but not
too hard. He thinks it might make
the fleet halfback run even faster.
"Strange as it seems," Kipke ex-
plains, "injuries seem to have gone a
long way to rid us of tenseness. It's
hard to press with sore muscles."
Johnny Smithers, who has done
most of Michigan's passing this sea-
son,. was one of Kipke's examples.
Smithers' sprained wrist was so sore
at first that he feared he couldn't get
away a pass, but he tried two or three
and they were his best of the year.
The case of Bob Cooper, "convales-
cent" halfback, was somewhat sim-
ilar. One of the squad's original
fumble victims, he surprised everyone
by receiving punts with nary a miss
and otherwise exhibited sureness in
ball-handling assignments despite a
shoulder injury.
We have a Variety of CHARMS including -
many well-known manu-
facturers have modernized
their products with unusual
cartons or an up-to-date de-
sign? The old, out-of-date
labels you used to see in' drug
stores and on grocery shelves
are fast being replaced by
smarter wrappings.
For though the product re-
mains unchanged, their makers
know that even the world's
finest things sell quicker when
"eye appeal" is introduced.
Nor are human beings any
different. The world takes to
men who clothe their ability in
a pleasing "package" by being
Perhaps that explains why
many of this town's most suc-
cessful men wear Hart Schaff-
YOTT MAKE NO MTSTAKE when von send vour fine d'esses HRRE