I - The Weather Gentle to moderate north- west winds becoming variable today; mostly cloudy. L 5ki g an tit . Editorials Go To The Dorm Dance... Welcome, Editors .. Proportional Representation.. VOL. XLVII No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Petition Plan Is Suggested In Campaign, For Housmg Student Alliance Proposes That Drive's Supporters Be Listed Soon Report Two Years' Work On Problem' Campus Building Program Found To Have Removed Rooming Houses Approaching the dormitory situa- tion from a new angle, the Student Alliance last night voted to suggest to the next meeting of the Dormitory Committee a petition campaign to secure names of students in favor of dormitories for men here. The peti- tion would be submitted personally to the next session of the Legislature by a picked group of campus leaders. The motion was made and carried immediately after Philip D. Cummins, '39, read a report onhousing, the re- sult of a study conducted since the first of the semester. SThe Student Alliance has been working on the housing problem for two years, and two weeks ago was ready to submit a plan to the campus organizations, when Michigamua, senior honorary society, made the first move, ' Fletcher Hall Built In 1923 The housing question was given at- tention as early as 1920, the report states, when President Burton fore- I saw crowded rooming conditions and promised action in the immediate fu- ture. In 1923, the report continues, one of the ten planned dormitories was constructed and called Fletcher Hall. It was built at a cost of $100,000, and was to house 104 students for $90 a year. It was necessary, however, to meet expenses, to put 130 students in- to the building. This initial Dormitory Corporation gave way to a plan by the Alumni As- sociation in 1926. They proposed to erect men's dormitories on donated land, the construction to be done by an outside firm, the costs to be dis- missed by bonds at eight per cent. Under this plan the buildings would become University property in 22 years and tax exempt. A portion of the $500,000 needed for this project was raised when the depression entered the scene, and a staunch friend of the plan, Presi- dent Little, left the University. About this time the plan of house approval by the administration was put into effect as a temporary ad- vancement in housing conditions. The dean's office inspected rooming houses on points of cleanliness, light- ing and heating, over-crowding, fire protection, supervision by the land- lady, and price. In 1927, 75 per cent of men students were living in Uni- versity-approved houses. 230 Houses Removed As the campus building program has grown the increase has been at the expense.of the rooming houses, according to the report. In the last five years, while the men student en- rollment has increased by 600, the number of rooming houses tas de- creased by 508, according to records in the office of the dean of students, with whose cooperation the survey was made. "The University, to meet the prob- lem of lack of men's rooms, apparent- ly had to lower its standards, as shown by these figures: In 1930-31 houses not given approval numbered 109; in 1931-32 they numbered 118. These non-approved houses fell to 50 in 1932-33 and 51 in 1933-34." A total of 230 houses have been re- moved from the campus in the past 15 years, the report showed, while almost no additions have been made, and enrollments have increased. The Law Quadrangle caused the removal of 40 houses, the Architectural Build- } (Continued on Page 6) Green Asks Wealth Bear Tax, iNot Labor WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(A')-Fi- nancing of the Social Security pro- gram from a tax on wealth, rather than on 'wage earners' envelopes," was demanded today by William' Green, President of the American Federation of Labor. In an editorial in the American Pyrotechnic Displays On Sun AreDepicted By Unique Movie Flaming clouds thousands of miles in width and thickness, blazing "Ro- man candles" spouting fiery "balls" of enormous diameter, pinwheels and rockets and rainbow-like arches, all on the same astronomical scale, were depicted last night in moving pic- tures shown before the University 1 Press Club banquet in the Union. The pictures were presented, with explanatory remarks, by Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of the Univer- sity observatories. Taken at the Lake Angelus Observatory near Pontiac, they constitute, according to Profes- sor Curtis, the first continuous pic- tures of the sun's surface taken under ordinary conditions. Solar prominences of various char- acteristics were illustrated in the pic- tures. Quiescent outbursts, which appeared comparatively stable clouds of perhaps 10,000 miles in depth, pos- sessed temperatures of at least 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. In contrast to these were the "tornado" type, which moved over the sun's surface at speeds of around 50 miles per sec- ond. Clouds of hot gases emanating from a sun spot were also shown; the emission of the clouds from the spot was immediately followed by a suck- ing back action which returned the clouds to the spot. Explosions which scattered layers of the incandescent gases over dis- tances sof a hundred thousand miles along the sun's surface were por- trayed distinctly in the film. In these rapid actions the convolutions of a pyrotechnical display were simulated by the flames, with pinwheels, candles, rockets and other "set pieces" appearing. The pictures, Professor Curtis ex- plained, weretaken over periods ofm six to eight hours and then "coin- pressed" so that their exhibition took only a minute or two. A tower tele- scope, termed the "most efficient" in the country by Professor Curtis, was used at the Observatory to obtain the. pictures. Operation of the telescope and its complements is almost entirely me- chanical from electric power, he add- ed. The construction and mechani- zation of the apparatus was done largely through the efforts of Rob- ert R. McMath, of Detroit, after whom the Observatory is named. An explanation of the phenomena observed in the pictures is not yet ready, Professor Curtis concluded, but it seems certain that titanic forces, the like of which are unknown on earth, are at play on the sun. Officers Accept Committee Post With Freshmen' Women's Houses Support Proposal For Revision Of Class Elections Speaks To Press Club L DR. FREDERICK . FIS B. FISHER A nual Music Festival Dated For May 12-15. Eugene Ormandy To Lead 1 Philadelphia Orchestra; Iturbi Will Also Attend Dates of the 44th Annual May Fes- tival were definitely announced yes- terday as May 12, 13, 14, and 15 by Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music. Negotiations have also been com- pleted whereby the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra under its new- ly-appointed conductor, Eugene Or- mandy, will again participate in the six Festival programs. Mr. Ormandy was formerly guest conductor of the Philadelphia Sym- phony Orchestra, but since the resig- nation of Leopold Stokowski, leader of the symphony orchestra in last year's Festival, Mr. Ormandy has as- sumed the head conductorship. Mr. Stokowski still serves as guest con- ductor upon occasions. Jose Iturbi, guest conductor, who this fall has led the Rochester Sym- phony Orchestra in several radio con- certs, will also participate in the Fes- tival. The University Choral Union, under the direction of Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music school, and the Young People's Festival Chorus, under the direction of Juva N. Higbee of the music school, will again appear on the Festival program. Mr. Sink revealed that negotiations are under way with a number of out- standing instrumental and vocal solo- ists. Additions to the Festival pro- gram will be announced in the near future. Examine War' Scientif ically, Fisher Claims Detroit Pastor Tells Pressf Club To Seek For Facts; Abstraction Necessary Truth For Own Sake Is UrgedBy Kraus Paul Scott Mowrer Will Speak On Communism, Fascism Tonight War should be studied from as de-, tached a viewpoint as any branch of exact science Dr. Frederick B. Fish- er, pastor of the Central Methodist Church in Detroit, last night told+ more than 80 members of the Uni- versity Press Club assembled in the Union for their eighteenth annual1 meeting. Dr. Fisher's talk followed an ad- dress of welcome by Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college. ' Abstraction and a scientific search- ing after the facts were mentione({ by Dr. Fisher as the qualities neces-, sary in any study of how to control war and gain peace. Merely because writers and speakers "glibly" assert the necessity of war in the social' system was declared to be no reason' why war should be "taken for grant- ed." Women In Next War The toll of warfare, as exemplified+ in the list of dead and wounded from the last war, counts its losses in Members of the Michigan Press Club will visit The Daily this afternoon as a part of their + three-day program.' numbers larger than the population of all who live west of the Missis- sippi in this country, Dr. Fisher pointed out. "Women cannot escape 'a position, on the front lines of the next war," Dr. Fisher emphasized in speaking of the part which women had already taken in Spanish strife and Russian preparations. In envisioning other possibilities of warfare in the future he asserted that the United States, in his opinion, could stay out of any general con- flict. Indeed, he added, we would have been far better off if we had kept strictly neutral in the last war. Dean Kraus Speaks As a specific suggestion to remedy the disease of war, Dr. Fisher pro- posed establishment of a Federal de- partment of peace to investigate the causes and wastes of conflict. This malignant tumor, he concluded, should be eradicated by scientific methods just as any malady is cured. In the welcoming talk by Dean Kraus the cherishing of the heritage of "truth for truth's sake" was de- lared to be the duty of American universities. Germany's Decline Since the decline of German in- stitutions as centers of higher learn- ing, America has become the princi- pal exponent of academic freedom, he averred. Within the last 35 years expansion of facilities for graduate study and technical training have substantiated this position of Ameri- ca as a leader in education, he point- ed out. Originally, Dean Kraus said, it was the German college which furnished the ideal of scientific method and scholarly throughness. Through such men as former Presidents Henry P. Tappan and James B. Angell these ideals were communicated to the Uni- versity and to other American uni- versities. Mowrer Speaks Today Chet Shafer Seeks Freshman Credits, 28 YearsDelayed By FRED WARNER NEAL Somebody has been done wrong. And Chet Shafer, Sage of Three Riv- ers, Grand Diapason of the Guild of Former Pipe Organ Pumpers and Newspaper Correspondent Extraor- dinary, who is the somebody, is here - on the campus in an effort to obtainJ justice. After his performance before the University Press Club last night, Chet (born Chester Werntz Shafer) began a concerted drive to obtain his fresh- man credits, to which he claims he is entitled as a result of (1) seven months attendance in the Universityx of Michigan 28 years ago; and (2) his long career as a benefactor of (1) journalism, (2) music, (3) art, and (4) other cultural subjects. G.F.P.O.P. Backs Chett Chet's drive is concerted because i of his connection with the former organ pumpers union and other mu- sical organizations.1 But anyway h thinks he should getc his credits. And backing him up are 1 the local members of the Guild ofE Former Pipe Organ Pumpers, ofl which Chet is Grand Diapason. (Ar liapason, you of the uninitiated will{ be interested to know, is somethin 1 or other on an organ that, if you pull it, or push it, makes everything stop 1 on an old fashioned organ, or at least does something of importance there- on). The local members. are no mean crew, either, Chet pointsrout. They t include Fielding H. Yost, director ofE athletics; Prof. Earl Vincent Moore1 of the music school, and Lee A White of the Detroit News, alumni member of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Furthermore, Chet's drive is being backed by the entire contingent of students from Three Rivers, all four of them. Up To The University And what, Chet and his backers want to know, is the University going to do about it? Something rnust be done, if at all, before Saturday, when Chet will leave civilization and retire+ to Three Rivers. He insists that he and his backers are going to make a concerted drive, that as far as he is concerned it is now up to the Uni- versity. There is little doubt about it, the Grand Diapason of the Guild of For-1 mer Pipe Organ Pumpers declared in a private interview with The Daily last night, that these facts prove theE justice of his contention.t Chet, he was not the Grand Dia-t pason then, entered the halls of learning in Ann Arbor in the fall of 1908, eager and full of youthful en- thusiasm. He left the same halls of learning in April, 1909, eager and full of youthful enthusiasm. But he was, also, disappointed. Disappointed, (Continued on Page 6) Eugene O'Neill' Awarded Nobel Literary Prize, Carl Anderson, California Institute Of Technology,I Also Honored STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 12.- (P)-Eugene O'Neill, noted American dramatist, was awarded the Nobel prize in literature today. Prof. Carl David Anderson of the California Institute of Technology shared the prize for physics with Prof. V. G. Hess, of Innsbruck Uni- versity, Austria. Prof. Peter Debye of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Ber- lin was granted the chemistry 'prize for his studies of the structure of the molecule. O'Neill-whose better known plays include "Ah, Wilderness!" "Strange Interlude," and "Mourning Becomes Electra"-became the second Amer- ican to win the literature prize. Sin- clair Lewis, novelist, received it in 1930. O'Neill will be given the prizes for 1935 and 1936, totaling about $45,000, as no award was made last year in literature. Professor Anderson and Professor Hess will be given about $20,000 each. The Nobel Foundation's managing board of- directors, as is customary, did not cite any specific work by the winner of the literature prize. A.F.L. Starts Drive Of All Craft Unions To Combat C.I.O. Directory Ouddoes Ripley; Proves Best Campus Joke Book This year's Student Directory sur- passes itself as a humor publicationj and to the observant eye reads like a Ripley-Believe-it-Or-Not book. Perhaps some of the Directory- thumbers failed to notice the follow- ing facts. The Directory as well as life be- gins with 40, in the person of Tony Aalbergsberg, '40. The Smiths have descended on the University in a horde of 86, the Johnsons are 58 strong, the Browns total 36 and the proverbially prevalent Joneses have a representation of 31. We have 16 Cohens to 10 Kellys, and harking back to the good old days of vaude- ville, the Directory lists four Mc- Intyres to three Heaths. According to the Directory there are two Stockings that go with Schuh and Shu, and there's a Hole for one Stocking. Somewhat out of their element are the two Doctors, enrolled in the Music School and the literary college, respectively. The same applies to the two Laws who (Continued on Page 6 Getafe Retaken; Fascist Air men Attack Madrid Capital Unaware Of Rebel Air Raid Due To Silence Of Warning Sirens MADRID, Nov. 12-(P)-Three fascist bombers and six pursuit planes sprayed machine gun bullets on gov- ernment lines from the Toledo bridge to University City at dusk today af- ter the government announced re- capture of Getafe, eight miles to the south. In the first insurgent air raid on Madrid in two days, Franco's planes suddenly darted through low cloud banks, power dived, and raked the entire stretch of government barri- cades, trenches and artillery batter- ies with a hail of lead. Twelve government scout planes took the air against the attackers and officials said they shot down two of the insurgent bombers. The Fascist warplanes fled in a northerly direction. The city was entirely ignorant of the raid because the great moaning sirens were not sounded. Getafe was occupied by only a handful of Fascit troops, the war ministry said, and was easily cap- tured after a brief skirmish. A quantityzof arms and ammuni- tion was seized, it was said.e The insurgent shells were aimed at government batteriessin Madrid, but several ripped into the heart of the city. An unestimated number of persons was injured when several shells crashed through house-tops. Decimated militia held their lines around Madrid on the seventh day of the bloody battle for possession of the capital. The optimism of Madrid officials mounted hourly as their fighting men hurled back each succcessive attack by their foes seeking to enter Madrid by crossing the Manzanares River. Students' Activities Discussed By S.(.A, Eight Of Federation's 17 Members Of Executive Council Want Peace 9 Want To Expell Rebels Next Week Leaders Of Craft Unions Continue Verbal Assault On Lewis Committee TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 12.-(R)-A pro- posal for a concerted drive at all craft unions to combat John L. Lewis' Rebel Committee for Industrial Or- ganization came today from leaders of the American Federation of La- bor's building trades department. The department's executive coun- cil further recommended to its con- vention that all building trades locals promptly affiliate with central bodies and state federations of labor "so as to assure concerted action." This move in the battle between the federation's craft union leaders and the 10 Lewis unions followed a report that eight of the federation's 17 executive council members still wanted to make peace with Lewis. Nine wanted to expel the rebels at the federation's general convention here next week, it was said in usual- ly well-informed quarters after a council member had made a survey of the sentiment of his fellow memi- bers. Observers pointed out this senti- ment, however, might be changed by developments before the council holds its next meeting Saturday and Sunday. Craft union leaders continued their verbal assault on the Lewis faction at their department conventions. J. W. Williams, president of the building trades department, said "most of the Lewis committee were communistically inclined and con- trolled." "Others," he added, "are seeking power for their own aggrandize- ment." John P. Frey, president of the metal trades department, said there was "no genuine intention" behind peace overtures as far as the Lewis faction was concerned. Frey brought the charges of "in surrection" against the 10 unions which led to their suspension two months ago. "The recent meeting of the C.I.O. executive committee in Pittsburgh," he said, "was called for the purpose of considering what would be done to heal the breach. "But these unions deliberately went out of their own way to show us what their intentions really were, for they definitely set up a dual fed- eration of labor in this country." Poetry Society To Study Work Of R.P.T Coffin Organization Founded By Professor Cowden Will Meet Next Tuesday 5 Support of five of the six campus and University officials expected' to Mehl Stresses serve on the central committee in the proposed reorganization of freshman I Of class elections in the literary college was given to the committee of nine Solid Diffusion freshman-women yesterday.So i D fus n ((Only Dean Alice C. Lloyd, who had I____ not been contacted last night, was not among those officials who had ;Chairman Of Metallurgy lent support to the movement. Departiment At Carnegie Betsy Barbour House voted over- whelmingly in favor of the proposal, Addresses Chemists and nine more league houses voted their support. Twenty-four league The effects of diffusion are of pri- houses have now given their support, mary importance in metallurgical while 14 have not yet been contacted. ;Only one league house has opposed processes, Dr. Robert F. Mehl, head of the plan. the department of metallurgy at Car- Plans for a freshman literary col- negie Institute of Technology, stated lege class mass meeting are under- yesterday in a lecture given under way, members of the committee an- the auspices of the American Chem- nounced. ical Society in Room 1042, East En- Under the proposed reorganization, Il five nominees for each committee gineering Building. chairmanship on the Frosh Frolic, in Diffusion in solid metals consti- addition to the chairmanship of the tutes one of the important funda- dance, would be nominated by the mental phenomena in metallurgical central committee and voted on by behavior, Dr. Mehl stated. Apart from the class. All committee appoint- its obvious importance in processes ments would be made with the ap- such as chromium-plating and sur- proval of the central committee. face hardening, it plays anl important The campus and University offi- part in the processes of age-harden- cials who will be on the central com- ing and steel tempering and quench- mittee are: Dean Joseph A. Bursley, ing. Its scientific importance is no Herbert A. Wolf, president of the less great, he added. Union, Charlotte Reuger, president Diffusion, he continued, may occur of the League, Miller G. Sherwood, within a grain, along a grain boun- president of the Men's Council, and dary, or upon a surface, although the Maryanna Chockley, head of the exact values of these separate actions women's judiciary council. are little known. Some distortion All, however, included the reserva- accompanies the process of diffusion, tion that the Senate Committee on he said, and leads to little-under- Student Affairs must pass on the stood grain changes. This distor- proposal first. tion assists diffusion, though usually r ,, Y In tomorrow morning's session of the Press Club Prof. Preston W. Slos- son of the history department will give at 10 a.m. an "Election Autopsy" and Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department will dis- cuss "One Year of the Philippine Commonwealth." During the after- noon Dr. Lowell Selling, head of Rec- order's Court Psychopathic Clinic, Detroit, will speak on "Psychiatry in Criminology," Harold H. Reinecke, special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, will point out 'Trends in Crime Detection" and Chet Shafer will talk on "Humanizing (Continued on Page 6) Opportunities for students to get the most out of college life at Mich- igan were discussed last night by members of the Student Christian As- sociation in the first of their planned "discussion meetings" of the year. The meeting was one of the regular --______1_____,sris 1ea -eacn inursaay nign-1,M in The first meeting of the newly- organized Poetry Society of the Uni- versity next Thursday will be dedi- catea to a discussion of the work of Robert P. Tristram Coffin, according to Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the Eng- lish department, who was chiefly re- sponsible for the society's founding this fall. Monthly meetings of the club, which is a chapter of the College Poetry Society of America, have been planned for the current school year, and contemporary poets have been selected for each discussion. The writings of each will be placed in the Hopwood Room, Angell Hall, for ref- erence a month prior to each meeting, according to Professor Cowden. No dues are paid by society mem- bers, but a membership fee to the national organization is charged. Members are entitled to a year's sub- scription to College Verse, organ of the society which prints poetry select- ed largely from the work of mem- i z t r _series hed each Thursday night in Stahl To Be Buried the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Three main points were proposed. -One was to take advantage of the or- atorical, musical, and drama series offered here throughout the year, and Marion Barber Stahl, '23, '25L, to participate -in student activities. managing editor of The Michigan The establishment of lasting acquain- .1,tanceships with the faculty, and the Daily in 1923, who died Tuesday in formation of a world point-of-view it disappears in the early stages of FREAK SHOT HITS EDITOR the process. Dr. Mehl stressed the Jeffries Will Address NPxxi Vnrlr (Iity will ha hitriari lht'rP I 11. d ...L ... ..«1... ..1... ...L 11.* .C......:....,. ..1..