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November 12, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-12

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The Weather

Fair and warmer today.
moderate westerly winds.




The Labor
Split Widens ...

__________________________________________________________________________ - I


200 Pressmen
Convene Here
Over Weekend
University To Play Host To
18th Annual Meeting Of
State Newspapermen
Selling, Shafer And
Mowrer Will Speak
Registration For Visitors
Will Begin At 10 A.M.;
First Session At 2 P.M.
The University will play host to the
newspapermen of Michigan for the
next three days, when 200 editors and
publishers arrive this morning to at-
tend the 18th annual convention of
the University Press Club.
Round-table discussions and sym-
posiums at which various subjects
pertaining to the journalistic field will
be considered will occupy much of
the time of the meeting. Registra-
tion for all the visitors will begin at
10 a.m. today.
Prof. Roy H. Holmes of the sociol-
ogy department will be the speaker
at the first session of the meeting at
2 p.m. today in the Union. The sub-
ject of this session will be "Redis-
covering Your Community.",
Mowrer Is Guest
Paul Scott Mowrer, managing edi-
tor of the Chicago Daily News, Chet
Shafer, humorist and Detroit News
feature writer, and Dr. Lowell S.
Selling, head of the recorder's court
psycopathic clinic in Detroit, are
among the visiting guests listed as
Mr. Mowrer, brother of Edgar An-
cel Mowrer, who spoke here recently,i
was at one time a special student inJ
the University. He will speak at thei
banquet to be held at 6 p.m. tomor-
row, and also at a meeting of Sigmaf
Delta Chi, national professional jour-
nalism society, to be held at 11:30
p.m. Saturday in the Union.
Today's program will include in;
addition to the registration in the
forenoon and the session on "Redis-
covering Your Community" at 2 p.m.
a banquet at 6 p.m. in the Union.i
Shirley Smith, secretary and vice-
president of the University, will pre-..
side at the banquet and Dean Edward
H. Kraus of the literary college and
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of DetroitI
will speak.
After the banquet, Prof. Heber D.
Curtis, director of the University Ob-
servatory will show the members of
the convention his film on "What Is
Happening to the Sun." This film
was shown at the Harvard Tercen-i
tenary last summer.
Slosson To Speak
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the'
historyndepartment will speak on "An
Election Autopsy" at 10 a.m. tomor-
row in the Union. Prof. Joseph R.'
Hayden of the political science de-
partment will speak on "One Year of
the Philippines Commonwealth" at
the same session.
Those who will take part in the
round-table discussion, and the
topics which they will discuss, are
Philip T. Rich, editor of the Mid-~
land'Republican, "The Newspaper and
Our Institutions"; Richard Cook,k
publisher of the Hastings Banner,
"The Neswpaper and Rural Prob-
lems"; Emmet Richards, editor of
the Alpena News, "Presenting In-
ternational Problems"; Schuyler
Marshall, publisher of the St. Johns
News, "The Newspaper as a Com-
munity Leader"; T. O. Huckle, editor

of the Cadillac News, "The Newspa-
per in, Politics"; W. H. Berkey, edi-
tor of the Cassopolis Vigilant, "The I
Ideal Newspaper,"
Dental School
Names Officers
For 3 Classes'
George E. Marin, '37D, was elected
president of the senior class of the
School of Dentistry as sophomore,
junior and senior elections were held
there yesterday. Harry G. Kittel, Jr.,
'38D, was chosen to head the junior
class and Jack B. Jones,'39D, was
selected as president of the sopho-
Other officers named by the sen-
iors were Ervin F. Gardner, vice pres-
ident; Frank Greenbaum, secretary
and Thomas D. Gilson, treasurer.
Robert L. Harding and Joseph T.
Tawter were chosen to represent the
senior dental students on the Stu-
dent Council.
Robert Clement W. Clements was

$400,000 Offer Is
Given Braddock
To Meet Joe Louis
NEW YORK, Nov. 1l.--P)-Her-
man Taylor, Philadelphia promoter,
tossed a $400,000 offer for Jimmy
Braddock to meet Joe Louis in a 12-
round bout in the Atlantic City Mu-
nicipal auditorium on Feb. 22 into
the heavyweight picture today and
drew a few answering nibbles from
Joe Gould, the champion's manager.
Taylor indicated the proposed At-
lantic city bout need not necessarily
be tagged with a championship label.
Regardless of that fact, however,
Gould, if he accepted, would have to
face not only possible legal action
by the Garden but the wrath of the
New York State Athletic Commission
as well.
The commission definitely has des-
ignated Schmeling as the No. 1
heavyweight challenger.
Shepard Tells
How We May
Prevent Wars
Understanding Of Forces
Working Against Peace
Necessary, He Says
Views on peace expressed by a pro-
fessor and a student, together with a
one-act play on the subject, consti-
tuted a new type of Armistice Day ob-
servation here yesterday.
"Two things are necessary to pre-
vent war," declared Prof. John F.'
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, at the meeting in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. "It is necessary for
every individual to understand the
forces at work against peace, and it
it necessary that we preserve our civil
liberties so that we can combat these
forces when the crisis comes."
Fred Warner Neal, '37, associate
editor of The Daily, asserted, in the
first of two speeches presented to an
audience estimated at more than 200
persons: "Men talk of economic rea-
sons for war when they mean eco-
nomic excuses. The danger today is,
as great as in 1914. The only hope
of the world appears to be that no
nation has the money with which to
wage war, and that may be one of
the blessings of poverty."
Dramatization of "The Terrible
Meek," directed by Sarah Pierce,
Grad., and acted by Karl Nelson,
Grad., Charles McGraw, Grad., and
Miss Pierce, depicted the blindness
that has led to war through the cen-
Professor Shepard, speaking "not
merely as a psychologist but as a cit-
izen," said that no ruler has ever
designed a war with the betterment
of his people as a whole in mind. All
wars are for selfish ends, he con-
"Even the munitions makers don't.
want war," he declared. "They hope
that the arguments will stop just
short of war, but they want the risk.
of war so that they can sell their
products." He contrasted the present
government of Russia and those of
western Europe. The Soviet Union is
the only country in the world which
seeks to build up its undeveloped peo-
ple, as is exampled by their interest'
in the inhabitants of southern Si-
beria. No other government does as'
(Continued on Page 2)
Volume To Cele]

Fascists Push
On Northwest
Side Madrid
Rebels Launch Desper-te
Attack From Bridge At
Los Franceses
40 Blocks Of City
Still Smouldering
Government Forces Hold
Enemy Off In Western
Part Of CapitalI
MADRID, Nov. 12.-(AP)-Fascist!
insurgents launched a desperate at-
tack on Madrid from Los Franceses
bridge toward the University City in
the northwest section of the capital
at 11:20 p.m. (6:20 p.m., E.S.T.) last I
While the rest of the world solemn-;
ly commemorated the end, 18 years
ago, of the worst war the world has
known, Spaniard fought Spaniard for
the sixth day at the gates of their
country's capital city.
Loose Mass Attacked
Behind a new barrage of shot and
shell laid down by fire batteries, the
from the south of the city through
insurgents loosed a massed attackj
Villaverde and Carabanchel.
Government militia, haggard and
weary from six days of almost inces-
ant fighting, plunged into the battle
with their ranks swelled by 4,000
fresh Catalan troops.j
With 40 blocks of the city still
smouldering from incendiary bom-'
bardment the day before, insurgent ,
gunners renewed their shelling of the .
An apartment building in the resi-
dential area near the Segovia bridge
was fired by one shell today; another
struck within yards of the gas works.
On the western Madrid front the
stubborn government forces held off
repeated enemy assaults, cheering'
the defense junta of the city by their
performance under fire.
Fight Up To Infantry

Kipke And Hum phreys Buy Tickets For Friday Night

A Croix de Guerre
Now Brings Only $2
NEW YORK, Nov. 1L.-(IP)-The
story that the World War medals of
glory are a dime-a-dozen now isn't
A real Croix de Guerre sometimes
will bring you $2-that is, in the right
pawnshop-a survey dislcosed today.
And that, pawnshop men agreed,
was on a sentimental basis only.
"The medals have no value as far
as we're concerned, but if a vet came
in with one I'd get him a dollar or two
if he needed it," said Joseph Miller,
one of the loan men.
But if a man who blasted out a
machine gun nest in France didn't
know his pawnshops, he might get
50 cents for his decoration-or even
more likely, nothing.
Said a Bowery pawnshop owner,
"If it hasn't got some kind of pre-
cious metal in it we won't lend a cent
on it."
The Victoria Cross of Great Britain
still comes high. Only 500 of them
were given out.
The highest decoration of the
United States for valor, the Congres-
sional Medal of Honor, likewise is
rare-but one dealer said he disposed
of a congressional medal last year for
Freshmen Seek
Cla s s Election

-By Daily Staff Photographer.
Two tickets to Dorm Dance: Left to right, Maryanna Chockley and
Josephine Cavanaugh, '37, interest Dean Wilbur Humphreys and Coach
Harry Kipke in tickets for Friday night's dance.
Feminine Wiles And Smiles Win
Coach, Dean For Dorm Dance

"Everybody is going to be there."
That is what Maryanna Chockley,
'37, (second from right) and Jo-
sephine Cavanagh, '37, (extreme
right) are telling Coach Harry G.
Kipke and Assistant. Dean Wilbur R.
Humphreys in the- above picture,
taken in front of Akigell Hall, about
the Dormitory Dance Friday night.
And it was a good sales talk, too,

because it, plus abol
inine wiles and s
Coach Kipke and ~
that they should bu
dance. The dollar 1
Miss Chockley, cl
League Judiciary C

re pictured fem-
iiles, convinced
lean Humphreys
tickets for the
ills that you see
airman of the
iuncil, and Miss

Father Hubbard
To Speak Here

The fight was now up to the in- At .4: 3 .1 On l niL
fantry, Col. Jose Miaja, defense coun-
sel, declared, because many of the
Madrid artillery batteries had been 'Glacier Priest' Will Give
blasted into silence by fascist gun-
ners and war plane pilots. Illustrate .'Talk In
The military leaders received ad- Lecture Series
ditional cheering news from Valencia,-
new seat of government, where re- Father Bernard R. Hubbard, the
lief forces were being sent to the "Glacier Priest," will appear in the!
Madrid front as fast as they could second of the 1936 Oratorical Asso-
be organized. ciation Lecture series at 8:15 p.m.
Behind the attacking Fascist front today at Hill Auditorium when he
lines, government forces drove east- will present an illustrated lecture
ward and south in a swift flank move- "Climbing Up to the Spirit's Home."
ment which menaced the insurgent The lecture is based upon Father
communication lines in the southern I Hubbard's latest trip to Alaska which
Aranjuez area. he has called "the most thrilling of
Few warplanes were sighted during my 10 years of exploration." It is a
the entire day on the Madrid front. continuation of his talk. "The Ice In-
The government announced its pilots ferno," which he presented here last
had destroyed 12 fascist bombers and year, adding new material discovered
10 pursuit planes in an improvised in the trip.
ene iy hangar at Avila, to the north- Since 1926 Father Hubbard has led
west. many expeditions into Alaska, study-
______._ing glacier geology. He has also made
26-OUNCE BABY BORN special studies of ethnology, anthro-
6-LUND, CEaBY., opology, ictheology and paleontology'
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. l.-(P)-- in the region. He was appointed head
A 26-ounce son was born to Mrs. of the geology department of the Uni-
Eleanor Algrava, 25, of Oakland to- versity of Santa Clara in 1926.
day. His most recent expedition was un-'
He is only seven inches long. He dertaken in order to make ascents'
was placed in an incubator and will of Devil's Peaks and to make other'
be fed with an eye dropper. scientific observations on the Cana-
dian side of the Alaskan boundary.
"T~ Father Hubbard is a member of
brate Universa the famous Explorer's Club in New
brate Uiiy ' 1 York City and is the author of "Mush'

Cavanagh grabbing for went into the
dormitory fund which Gilbert Tilles,
'37, editor of the Gargoyle, and his
committee of students and faculty
members hope will reach $70,000 by
the end of the year.
If their hope is fulfilled, Michigan
will soon have the first section of its
much-needed and long-awaited men's
The girls in the picture were not
kidding the coach and the dean, eith-
er', yesterday when they told them
that everybody will be at the dance
Friday. For, as Tilles puts it, every-
body of importance and most of the
people of no importance are planning
to attend. For one thing, there is no
other dance to go to. Both League
and Union, as well as most frater-
nities and sororities, are closing shop
for the evening. Also the tickets are,
according to' Tilles, "going like hot
cakes." This may be pure dormitory
propaganda, but it is fairly good
propaganda, and The Daily's private
investigation bears it out to a large
Today you too can have a chance
to get your ticket, although not from
such personable ticket sellers as Mes-l
sers Kipke and Humphries were for-
tunate enough to have. Of course
the boys of Michigamua and Sphinx,
who with tickets in their hands will
hold down strategic posts on the cam-
pus, are all right, but hardly pretty.
The honor society members will sta-
tion themselves in front of Angell
Hall, in front of the Library, in the
Engineering Arch and in front of the
Incidentally, Kipke said that if the
one ticket was good for the football
team, he would bring it along with
him. Tilles and the Dorm committee
are still debating what course to fol-
low in this regard.
Oze Simmons
Iowa Gridders
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 11-()--Oze
Simmons, University of Iowa football
star who this afternoon announced
he had quite the Hawkeye football
team, late tonight told the Associated'
Press he will report for practice to-
morrow and play against Purdue Sat-
urday. Simmons' latest decision fol-
lowed a lengthy conference with Prof.
C. M. Updegraff, chairman of the
Iowa board of athletics.
IOWA CITY, Nov. l1.--'P)---Oze
Simmons, University of Iowa Negro
football star, told the Associated Press*
today that he would play no more
football for Iowa. He appeared at
the practice field for a short period
but left soon thereafter.
Head Coach Ossie Solem could not
be reached immediately for comment
concerning the departure of the Ne-
gro ace.
Simmons, leading ground gainer
for the Hawkeye team, said Solem
ordered him to leave the dressing
room last Monday when the football
squad was viewing pictures of the
Iowa-Minnesota game.
Simmons said the head coach or-
dered him to "shut up" when he
attempted to explain some faults in
his (Simmons) blocking during the
Minnesota game.
"I just don't see any reason why
I should apologize. I've played the
best ball I could all season, and Mr.
Solem's criticism just got me down,"
the Fort Worth, Texas, senior said.
Simmons had no criticism of his

A vigorous movement to reorgan-;
ize elections in the literary college1
was begun yesterday by a committee
of nine freshman women.
By 11 p.m. yesterday the unani-
mous support of Mosher Hall and+
Helen Newberry residence had been
obtained for the program, which pro-+
vides for the abolition of all fresh-'
man class offices but Frosh Frolic po-
Fifteen league houses had voted
their support, while only one had re-
fused support of the program. Twen-
ty-three league houses had not yet
made decisions.
Plans for contacting pledge classes
of fraternities and sororities are be-
ing formulated, according to the
committee, and their support will be
sought as soon as possible. Efforts
to contact remaining league houses
and ascertain the position of those
still undecided will be continued to-~
day, according to the committee
Electon Is Orderly
Under the proposed system, a cen-
tral committee consisting of the
Union president, the League presi-
dent, the chairmen of the men's and
women's judiciary bodies, the dean
of students and the dean of women,
will nominate the "five most prom-
ising petitioners" for Frosh Frolic
chairmanship and sub-committee-
ships. Class election will be held
"within three days after the names
of the candidates have been an-
All appointments to committee po-
sitions must be made with "the aid
and approval of the central com-
Members of the freshman commit-
tee are: Ann Vicary, Alberta Wood,
Janet Crawford, Barbara Day, Lu-
cille Kaner, Elizabeth Titus, Margar-
et Carr, Leigh Bruleson, and Ellen
Committee members were indefi-'
nite about their procedure in the
event that their program should re-
ceive popular support.
It was not stated by any members
of the committee whether consent
had been obtained from any of those
officials expected to serve on the cen-
tral committee.
Central Committee Planned
The program adopted by the com-
mittee is as follows:
1) Do away with class officers in
the freshman class of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts.
a. These offices are merely figure-
heads, desirable only because they
rate a picture in the Michiganensian.
b. These useless positions are used
s spoils by party machines.
2) Substitute a merit system by
which the position of general chair-
man of the Frosh Frolic, and sub-
committee chairman would be chosen.
a. Set up a Central Committee
composed of the president of the
League, the president of the Union,
the chairmen of the men's and wom-
en's judiciary bodies, the dean of
students and the dean of women.
b. Freshmen interested in obtain-
ing a position on these committees
shall submit petitions to the central
committee, which shall interview the
c. The five mot nomiin nti-i-


Coeds Devise Plan
Abolish All Offices
Frosh Frolic Jobs

State St. Party
'Sweeps Senior
Class Elections,
In Large Poll
Dewey Chosen President;
Sherwood Terms Election
'Most Orderly' In Years
Independents Win
In Engineering Vote
Balloting Is Heavy; Angell
Hall Polls Employ Voting
A clean sweep of the senior class
elections in the literary college was
made by the State Street party, re-
turns from yesterday's balloting
;howed last night.
Al Dewey was chosen president of
the class with 170 votes compared
to 132 for Tom Ayres, defeated Wash-
tenaw party candidate. Betty Wills
also received 170 votes to take the
vice-presidential post, while Betty
King, the other candidate was given
As secretary of the class Virginia,
Callow was elected with 168 votes
against 134 for Beth Turnbull, and
Arnold Gross was named treasurer
with 178 votes as compared to 128 for
Jack Porter.
The election was termed by Miller
Sherwood, '37, president of the Men's
Council, the "most orderly" in years,
and also brought out the largest num-
ber of voters seen in a class polling
for some time. Voting machines in
Angell Hall were utilized in the poll,
and identification cards were re-
quired of all voters.
In the engineering college senior.
elections majorities of two to one
were rolled up by the candidates of
the Independent party over the slate
of the United Engineers.
Gustav Collatz was elected presi-
dent over Paul Krans by 121 to 62;
Don E. Hillier received 118 votes to
take the vice-presidential position
from Rod Eshelman, who was given
Other officers elected were William
Olsen, secretary, with 125 votes
against 52 for Clarence Green; Ken-
neth Emery, treasurer, with 119
against 58 for Stan Cook; Dave Eis-
endrath, representative on the Honor
Council, with 92 as compared to 84
for Cedric Sweet; and Robert Bald-
win, member of the Engineering
Council, with 101 votes against 74 for
Bob Osgood.
Pharmacy- College
Donald Marshall was selected as
presidents of the senior class in the
pharmacy college; other officers are
vice-president, Herman Timpf; sec-
retary, Elizabeth Broomfield; and
treasurer, Clarence Jennings.
In ,the forestry school elections Bill
Yost was named president; H. R.
Foerster, vice-president; J. H. Buch-
er, secretary; and Arthur Kuesel,
The new officers of the senior class
in the College of Architecture are
Philip Haughey, president; vice-
president, John Van Dis; secretary,
Mary M. Barnes; and treasurer, Rob-
ert May. Edwin Buffield and Vir-
ginia Allmendinger were named rep.
resentatives to the Architectural So-
Business Administration
In the School of Business Admin-
istration Archibald Brown was elect-
ed the senior president; Jackson Hol-
den, vice-president; Frank Horner,
Jr., secretary; and Gathings Stewart,

Senior elections in the education
school will be postponed until to-
morrow because eligibility rules had
not been complied with by the two,
candidates, Sherwood announced.
They will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
in Room 2436, he said.
The music school elections will also
be held tomorrow, he added.
Election of the officers of the jun-
ior classes is scheduled for next Wed-
Goudsmit Lecture
To Be On Einstein
Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit of the
physics department will continue his
series of talks on "Jews in Science"
with a talk on Einstein at 9 p.m.
tonight at the Hillel Foundation.
Professor Goudsmit's series is part
of a group of four monthly fireside
discussions, one of which is held each
week. His talk will follow the reg-
ular Thursday night classes given
by Dr. Edward Blakeman, University
religious counselor, and Dr. Hirsch
Hootkins of the French department.
Dr. Blakeman's course is in "Re-

'Centennial Is Being Compiled
By JOSEPH S. MATTES articles pertaining to the Universit
An encyclopedia of the University as a whole and to the literary colleg
of Michigan, to celebrate the comple- have been assigned, while the fol
tion of one century of progress in lowing chairmen of encyclopedi
tionof ne cntuy o prores incommittees in other divisions of the
Ann Arbor and to envisage the ac- University have been appointed: Prof
complishments of another, will be Clarence T. Johnston for the engin
complied this year in conjunction eering college; Dean Albert C. Furs
with the University's celebration of tenbeg for the Medical School; an
its establishment in Ann Arbor next Prof.
. School.
June, it was announced yesterday by The central committee in charge o
Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of the vol- the whole celebration, in addition t
ume, director of alumni relations and Mr. Shaw, consists of President Ruth
member of the board of directors of ven, Emory J. Hyde, president of th
the proposed celebration. Alumni Association, and Prof. Henr
A new venture in educational his- C. Anderson, head of the mechanica
tory, the encyclopedia will include engineering department.
articles on the work of every school, Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the speec
college and department of the Uni- department has been appointed t
versity, in addition to treatment of' take charge of general arrangement:
practically every extra-curricular ac- Mr. Shaw was unable to estimat
tivity in University history.' definitely when the projected ency
The population of the encyclopedia clopedia would be published. "Ever
has been undertaken under the aus- effort will be made to have it read
pices of the archives committee, the by June," he said. "In order to d
members of which are: Dr. Frank E. this, articles must be in by the firs
Robbins, assistant to the President, of next semester. It is the intentio
chairman; Prof. Lewis G. Vander- of the University to publish the vol
Velde, of the history department; ume as soon as all the materiali

3S i

You Malemutes," and many maga-
zine articles.
He will be introduced by Prof.
Ralph Belknap of the geology de-
partment. The lecture will be the
first in which Hill Auditorium's new
motion picture equipment will be
Burial For Stahl,
Ex-Daily Editor,
Is T o B Here~
Marion Barber Stahl, '23, '25L,
managing editor of The Daily in 1923,
died Tuesday in Doctor's Hospital,
New York City, after an illness of
about a month, it was reported here
yesterday. He was 37 years old.
Funeral services will be tomorrow
afternoon in Ann Arbor, with the
Rev. Allison Ray Heaps officiating.
The time and burial place has not
yet been decided, according to the
R. A. Dolph Funeral Home.
Mr. Stahl was born in West Point,
Neb., and entered the University in
1919. Following his graduation, he'
entered law practice in Chicago withl


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