bt'LUNt x.i AJNOV. 11, i1W-M
Library Acquires Risque Books
Of Bygone Days From W egefin
Prof. L. I. Bervold Steals to the rare book room although these
have not been selezted as yet. Those
A March On Yale Library written prior to the 19th century have
In Recent Purchase the greatest value for this room.
Printed in 1799, "The Miscellan-
By WILLIAM PARNIIAM eous Works of Colonel Humphreys,"
Back in the days when drama was by David Humphreys contains the
mellerdrammer the "Six Degrees" only publication of the play 'The Wid-
made a decided hit, in fact created ow of Malabar, or The Tyranny of
a "furore" according to the George Custom' which played in Philadel-
Nathans of that day. This hit is rep- phia in 1790. The following trans
resentative of the American play, in lations of Charles Smith from Kotze-
a large collection received by the Li- bue: "The Wild Youth," "Indigence"
brary last week. and "Nobleness of Mind," "La Pey-
Wine, women, gambling, theft, rouse," "Adelaid of Wulfingen," "The
mydrem, and the scaffold which com- Virgin of the Sun," were printed in
pose "the six degrees" referred to in New York in 1803.
that early title make our grandpar- "Our Gal," "The Hidden Hand,'
ents sound rather risque in their "The Miller's Daughter, or Bound in
tastes. The height of the play is Honor" and "The False and the
reached in the line, "Oh fie, my dear, True" all among those purchased,
you positively make me blush." So had a consistently thrilling formula
censure is avoided, which seemingly never became dull.
The collection was made by Oscar It is summed up in the lines from one
Wegelin of Roselle, New Jersey and, of the plays:
when offered to the University of "And now by threatening me with
Michigan Library a short time ago, a fate worse than death, Col. Le Noir
was approved for purchase by Prof. would force me to marry this Craven
L. I. Bredvold, of the English de- (oLe Noir."
A number of the books will be sent A play by George H. Miles, "Mo-
hammed, the Arabian Prophet" was
Eugene Field's Copy, with his auto-
graph on the flyleaf. This play won
[DAILY OFFICIAL a prize of $1000.00 offered by Edwin
Forrest for the best original tragedy.
BULLETIN Another special volume in the collec-
tion is the presentation copy from
the library of David Belasco of "Ed-
(Continued from Page 4) ith," by Francis Copcutt.
will be held in the library of the By far the most sensuously start-
University Elementary School on ling line in the group is from "De-
Monroe St. and E. University Ave. metria" "Don't look so wild and speak
at 8 p.m. tonight. Miss Edith M. so passionate," which line may have
Dowley, first grade teacher in the been over-looked grammatically be-
Elementary School, will speak on play cause of the awful intent of the words.
and play equipment for children of For the most part the collection is
different ages. Dr. Lavinia Mac- of value primarily to the student in
Kaye, the new faculty adviser of the American Literature by providing a
group and pediatrician at the Ele- larger field for study and research.
mentary School, will be present to According to Professor Bredvold the
meet the members and answer ques- library at Yale was seriously consid-
tions. ering the purchase of these same
Accused With Mate
Life One Chorus After Another
For Diretor Of Moscow Choir
Nicholas Afonsky Has Led.:...:.:....:.... .r...
Groups In Russia, United
States And Germany
Hailed as "one of the greatest choir
leaders of all time" Nicholas Afonsky..
will appear in Ann Arbor Monday I..... ...
night to lead the Moscow Cathedral T
Choir, which he organized, in the
third Choral Union Concert of the'
current series in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Afonsky, now in his early
forties, was born in Kiev, Russia and I
soon began studying for the stage, t
possessing a tenor voice. But a throat NICHOLAS AFONSKY
operation blasted his ambitions forN OL A N
an operatic career. He then entered
the Kiev Imperial iviiitary school, and greater things than merely
where he first conducted a choir and earthly riches, and of his desire to
from then on devoted himself to that! approach the divine."
art. After this first opportunity to ex-
When the war broke out he became press himself in his favorite type of
an officer in the Russian army where music, Mr. Afonsky was asked to sing
he found time to organize several sol- at the funeral of the mother of the
diers' choruses. Early in the war he German Crown Princess Cecilie and
had two groups-a chorus of 100 from then on his group became fa-
Russians and an equal number of mous throughout Europe for its dis-
Mohammedans. It was also during tinctive type of choral singing. Mr.
this period that he organized the Afonsky continued to add singers
first community singing ever at- from the Moscow church choirs until
tempted in Russia. at present he has created almost an
But with the revolution Mr. Afon- exact replica of the chorus as it exist-
sky left Russia and formed a quar- ed in the pre-revolutionary days ex-
tet of singers with whom he traveled cept that women have replaced boys.
Germany. However, it was not until S. Hurok, noted impresario is re-
this group was asked to sing at the sponsible for the present American
funeral of a. former Russian secre- tour of the choir. The principal solo-
tary of state that he returned to his ist of the group is J. Jaroff, famous
favorite type of music, church mel- Russian baritone.
odies. He describes church music
as "the highest expression of human
emotions. Lay music," he adds, "may
roccasionally soar to sublime heights,
but it is in church music that we find ZenitliA lone
the clearest expression of man's pur-
est aspirations, of his faith in better -The ultimate in fi
-Every advanced
Drive Started
radio re+
- Associated Press Photo
Mrs. James Edwin Moore, 24-
year-old former Des Moines, Ia.,
high school girl, is shown in jail
where she was held on a charge of
"acting in concert" with her hus-
band in a Tulsa, Okla., slaying.
She planned to fight extradition.
Ed. L iR-wyerson
Contest Entries
Go OnDisplay
Illinois Student Is Winner
Of Traveling Fellowship;
Aim To Improve Design
WJR Stevenson News.
WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Hour (6:10).
WXYZ March of Melody.
CKLW String Trio.
WJR Rubinoff-Arthur.
WXYZ Fact Finder.
CKLW News and Sports.
WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZBDay inReview.
CKLW String Trio.
WJR Renfrew of the Mounted.
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW KeyboardhTwins.
WJR Poetic Melodies.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Little Jack Little.
WJR Popeye, the Sailor.
w XW ZEvening Melodies.
WXYZ, Rhythm Parade.
CKLW New York Auto Show.
7 :30-
WJR Goose Creek Parson.
WWJ Death Fighters.
WXYZ Lone Ranger.
CKLW variety Revue.
7 :45-
WJR Boake Carter.
WJR Cavalcade of America.
WWJ One Man's Family.
WXYZ Revue DeParee.
CKLW Community Fund Speaker.
CKLW.Dance Music.
WJR Burns and Allen: Henry
King's Music.
WW7JT WVvnD King's Music.
WXYZ EIhelBarrymore.
CKLW Tonic Time.
9 :00---
WJR Nino Martini: Andre
Kostelanetz's Music.
WWJ Town Hall Tonight.
WXYZ Irvin S. Cobb's Plantation.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
CKLW viennese Vagabonds.
9 :30-
WJR Come on Let's Sing.
WXYZ New York Auto Show.
CKLW Sinfonietta.
WJR Gang Busters.
WWJ Your Hit Parade.
WXYZ Peace Conference.
WJR Musical Program.
WXYZ Jubilee Singers.
CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music.
WJR News.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
WJR Songs You Remember.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music.
CKLW News and Music.
CKLW Mystery Lady.
WJR Lions Tales: Roger
Pryor's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Emil Coleman's Music.
CKLW Al Kavelin's Music.
WJR Al Donahue's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Shandor: Morrey Brennan.
CKLW Cab Calloway's Music.
WJR Bobby Meeker's Music.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Eddie Elkins' Music.
CKLW Little Jack Little's Music.
Designs submitted for the annual o tIve i'oiice
Ryerson Traveling Fellowship compe-
tition last spring will be put on dis-
play today in the Architectural Two-W ay Radio
Building, Prof. Wells Bennett of that
college announced yesterday.
The Ryerson fellowship, for which A campaign to raise $2,000 for a
the drawings in the exhibit were sub- two-way police radio communication
mitted, is sponsored by the Lake For- system for Ann Arbor will be begun
est Foundation for Lanscape Design' Friday by members of the Junior
and Architecture, in Illinois, and is Chamber of Commerce.
financed by a donation by Edward
L. Ryerson, of Chicago. Its purpose More than 30 members of the
is to develop standards of design in Junior Chamber will solicit funds
architectural and landscape work, from local merchants and towns-
and it is only open to graduate or people. The drive is expected to last
upperclass students of the universi- about three weeks.
ties and colleges of Illinois, Michigan, The Ann Arbor city council has
Ohio, and Iowa. authorized operation of the system,
Students from these colleges enter once it has been installed, and a con-
in teams of two, one doing the archi- struction permit has already been
tectural design, the other the land- granted by the federal communica-
scape work. Judging, however, is tions commission. The work of f'i-
done on the individual entries, with nancing the system has been left to
prizes both for the architectural work the Junior Chamber.
and the landscape work. The radio system will be in opera-
Last spring's problem, which is the tion in about three months, it was
one presented in the exhibit, was to announced, if the funds are procured.
take an old-style residence on the In Michigan, Detroit, Monroe and
lake shore north of Chicago and re- Saginaw already have police commu-
model it for a young couple into a nications systems, while others are
home for youthful, sophisticated being built in Kalamazoo and Ypsi-
spirit. Two teams entered from1lanti.
Michigan. Frederick Graham, '36A,
and Robert Stack, '36, worked to- ANNOUNCEMENT WRONG
gether with the help of Prof. Jean NEW YORK, Nov. 10.--()-Joe
I Hebrard, while C. I. Schaible, '36A,I Gould, manager of James J. Brad-
working alone, submitted an archi- dock, the heavyweight champion, told
tectural plan, aided by Professor Ben- the New York State Athletic Com-
nett. Graham, who later won the New ork te A thleticenoih-
' George Booth Traveling Fellowship mission today the announcement tha¢,
to Eurone, received honorable men- Braddock would meet Jack McArthy
ticn for his plan. First place went of Boston in a six-round exhibition
to Arthur Henninghansen, of the Uni- in New Orleans on Nov. 16, was er-
versity of Illinois. Landscape first roneous.
prize went to Frederick Ramsey of
Ohio State University.
The exhibit contains designs from
students in about ten colleges and
universities of this district. It is be-
ing held in the exhibition room, on
the third floor, of the Architectural
building, and will stay until Satur-
day, Nov. 14. Robert Space, '37A,
and Professor Hebrard are in charge.
- Ue
jidge Payne Drops C
Homicide Charges
A charge of negligent homicide
brought against Louis Stipe, 1335 Wil-
mot Ave., in August, was dropped yes-
terday by Justice Jay H. Payne of cir-
cuit court because of lack of evi-
Justice Payne had withheld his ver-
dict until he could study the testi- We of the Unive
mony taken at the examination Sept.
8 9 be the enemy O
Stipe was arrested following an au- In a
tomobile accident at North Terri-i prog
torial and Webster Church roads July
to, in which Bernard Stiers of Red-
ford was killed.
We ae offring several new lines which are more attractive than
11 .