I FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t- - W.^tY 1936 Member 1937 Rssociced Colle6se Press Distributors of CoIle6kie Diest PubUshed every morning except Monday during the Unversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control f! Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, - $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY Nationa Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAOISON AVE. NEW YoRK. N.Y. CWCAGO - BOSTON . SAN FRANCISCO Los ANGELES . PORTLAND SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR..............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Ma.rgaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, =Betty Strckroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES A. BOOZER An Ironic Celebration . A FTER SOME 18 YEARS, remem- bering one's dead is a dreamlike process at best. The horror of immediacy is gone, the nervous system refuses to be excited by the dimly recalled black-banded letter so re- gretfully, even though routinely, sent by the War Department. No, after 18 years, one does not remember: one places flowers or listens to generals or congressmen fume about the neces- sity for preparedness. One becomes part of the traditionalized "on the eleventh hour of the elev- enth day of the eleventh month" ceremony. Today, the president will lay a wreath on the grave of the Unknown Soldier, in the presence of the bemedaled high commands of the Army, Navy, and even the Marines. A bugler will blow taps. There will be a minute of silent prayer. All over the United States in every town there will be a parade by the American Legion. The local politician will endear himself in the hearts of his audience by his sympathetic references to "those who have gone ahead." To the melliflu- ous rendering of "In Flanders' field the poppies blow," self-conscious teachers will impress their dear children with the horrors of war, and then, emphasizing the flaming torch moral, will im- press them, ever so strongly, with their duties as American citizens and with the honor of their glorious heritage. And on hundreds of college campuses the R.O.T.C. will march forth, behind brassy bands, for the eternal honor and glory of "those who gave their lives that America might remain triumphant, free and proud." And you will answer "Hurrah." And all this, and more, to commemorate the most stupid and unjustifiable extravaganza of economic imbecility every staged by men. And so, after 18 years of licking our wounds: a top-heavy national debt, "industrial disloca- tion," a "lost generation," unemployment, we still have no therapy for the "incurable disease" of war. We know the symptoms: fear, and arma- ments. We know the virus which is the cause: economic aggrandisement and economic protec- tion. But we do not know how to treat it, except by a sort of faith healing: give the patient a pep talk, play stirring music, and send many flowers. The really ironic thing is that we join in this gross display of hypocrisy, be it consciously or unconsciously so, with some vague idea that in so cping we are aiding the cause of peace. For it does seem that the "people," whoever they may be, do want peace. And what is more, the "people" of France, and of England, and of Rus- sia, and Germany, Italy and Spain seem to want peace. TherBefore, it follows by that perverse logic which all national governments display, that we shall have heavy armaments and war. That this is true must not seem strange, for and newspaper publicity have adequate control over this agency.4 So let us all join in the ceremony today. Let us pay respectful attention to all that our speakers have to say, and let our hearts lift patriotically to the blare of the bands. For we are a peace- loving people, and we must ride on to war with a blithe and blinded heart. Peace With Hitler Will British Indecision Bring War (From Current History) This article, by a prominent American scholar who spoke in Ann Arbor last spring, possesses, we believe, an appreciation of the "dynamics of politics," and is a pessimistic and fundamentally correct interpretation of the course of Euro- pean events. By REINHOLD NIEBUHR (Professor of Applied Christianity at Union Theological Seminary) THE "MUDDLING THROUGH" of British pol- itics, a phrase used by the British themselves in the spirit of complacent self-criticism, and expressing the admiration of friendly critics for the pragmatic sagacity of British statesman- ship, may acquire a less complimentary conno- tation in the light of current history. The European situation requires long-range planning, even though the anarchy of its inter- national life creates fresh and unpredictable crises every week. And the strategic position of British diplomacy in Europe makes long-range planning without Britain impossible. The necessity for foresight is given by the consistent and predictable policy of German expansion upon the continent. The Germans are rearming at a rapid pace. As rapidly as their military strength increases, they use it to demon- strate and to establish their power and prestige in Central Europe. The general policy is becom- ing increasingly clear. It is to consolidate Ger- man strength in Mitteleuropa and to exploit Southern Europe in an economic thrust which is reminiscent of the old Berlin-to-Bagdad im- perialistic impulse. If the Nazis should succeed in this, they could gain sufficient political pres- tige and economic advantage to perpetuate their regime for some time to come. Unsteady Baldwin.. . The immediate diplomacy of Germany is de- signed to wrest the hegemony of the Continent from France without directly challenging either France or Russia. The cornerstone of Nazi international politics is to do nothing which will arouse Britain and to seek by every possible mean to detach England from her alliance with France. THE NAZIS have been generally successful in their plans. For various reasons, they have succeeded in maintaining an attitude of British complacency toward their various ventures. The traditional sense of "fairness" in British politics has come to their aid. The British felt the re- occupation of the Rhineland and equality in armaments to be no more than "just." Further- more, there has been a pro-German section in British political life. The British Government is not quite follow- ing the lead of this pro-German group. Never- theless, the inability of the Baldwin Government to take any decisive action has the general effect of playing into the hands of the pro-German policy. Briefly, Britain is inclined to regard the wrest- ing of Continental hegemony from France by Germany with a certain degree of complacency. This policy places Germany's smaller opponents at a tremendous disadvantage. They cannot be certain of French support, since the latter can- not be certain of British support. There is a possibility, therefore, that Germany can con- tinue her encroachments with impunity. Every-Hungry Hitler . *. The advantage of this policy is that it may avoid war for several years. In that sense, it may seem to justify a policy of "muddling through." It has two disadvantages: First, it may encourage German aggression and then turn against Germany in the event that France challenges the Nazis in any ,of their ventures. It is possible, of course, that the war-weariness of French peasants and workers and their avowed determination not to fight for any of the com- mitments of French imperialism will prevent the French government, particularly a radical Gov- ernment, from challenging Germany in her en- croachments, especially upon Czechoslovakia. Though such French acquiescence is possible, it is not probable. And if France does challenge. Germany at any point in her expansion, it is probable that Britain will be driven by instincts of self-preservation to aid France, even though her encouragement of Germany had been a con- tributory cause of German expansion. The other disadvantage of the British policy is that, even if war is avoided for five or 10 years at the price of an unchallenged expansion of Germany, Britain ultimately would have to face a triumphant Germany for a final joining of the issue. The assumption of the pro-German party that justice to Germany, allowing her a moderate expansion, will avert war, fails to take the dynamics of politics into account, partic- ularly the dynamics of a Fascist dictatorship. Germany is bound to regard every successful test of strength, not as an appeasement of just grievances, but as a preliminary victory which encourages to a more ultimate conflict. The Price Democracy Pays .. . W HEN, and if, this ultimate crisis occurs, it is highly probable that every instinct of imperial self-preservation will drive Britain to the side of Germany's foes. Britain thus threat- BENEATH **** #.+#### IT ALL ~-By Bonth Williams e r HIS AFTERNOON will mark the eid of the four-year political battle in the class of '37 when Tom Ayres of Washtenaw clashes for the last time with Joe Hinshaw and Al Dewey of State. The battles between the two parties in this class will become legends with the passing of time. The elections have been the closest and perhaps the most bitterly contested in the history of the school. State won the initial clash as yearlings when they swept their slate into office with two and three vote majorities. The battle raged and roared the following year when the whole election was thrown out and termed the " dirtiest in history." Last year State won again, but Washtenaw sneaked in to elect the treasurer and two J-Hop posts. Once again the stage is set. Each side con- fidently and expectantly awaits the clash, and with knives poised the party wheelhorses are waiting to cut the melon. Washtenaw claims they're long overdue, State Street says they've never been beaten. The cabs and the pluggers and the ward-heelers are all set for another dis- play of fireworks. Ready, judges and timers? O.K. boys, break clean and come out fighting! JUST WHY the descent on the Intramural building scheduled for Friday night started with two strikes on it when it was called the "Dorm Dance" was revealed late last night when Gil Tilles drifted back from New York. He explained that the name was purely a defensive measure adopted in a hurry to prevent the ac- ceptance of Johnny Park's brainstorm "The Dormitory Drag." Despite all of which, it promises to be a ban- ner eve with practically all of the atmosphere of a J-Hop thrown in for a buck. Generally these queer dances go over like a lead balloon, but with the Union and League shut down tight, and only a couple of fraternity parties scheduled, it looks like the campus will move en masse to the vicinity of Ferry Field. The committte was planning to rope off the gym and have the two rival orchestra leaders step off a couple of fast rounds to amuse the patrons, but decided it would be even funnier to make me a commentator for the evening. Thus it is destined to be that Mr. Williams will regale the assembly with sheer nonsense about who's there and the Northwestern football team, etc. If you don't like being talked about in public you better not come, but if you want to see some- body stutter into a microphone and become vis- ibly embarrassed you will undoubtedly enjoy the evening. And if you're not with the right girl or you don't like football don't blame me. You can go down to the Moose. *x * * * BENEATH IT ALL: Fraternity row at Penn is situated on the cross-town car tracks and looks a good deal more like a row of high class tenements than anything else . . . The houses are generally four stories and their only means of communication with the outside world is a nickel phone in the basement. . . The story is told of a little drunk being arrested by two cops in the Alienel Saturday night. The charge was de- struction of property, and the evidence chisel marks on a door. As the minions of the law shook him by the scruff of the neck the little gent piped up, "You guys got me all wrong. I was Injun wrestlin' with a ghost and my hand slipped." . . . The deadliest place in the world Saturday night-Green Hill Farms in West Philadelphia where the football team repaired after the slaughter. At 7 p.m. there were two old maids and a deaf man in the main dining room . . . the "rose man" let the Theta House down when he left the field after he had lasted for 12 successive days. Marion Fitzgerald still holds the record for Delta Gamma with a total of 13... DON'T MIND being accused of being ajybody, even Fred Buesser, but I do think that "Cen- sored" overstepped the bounds of propriety with a couple of cracks in its initial appearance. Per- sonally I don't go for that type of stuff, but ap- parently a lot of people do like to read gossip. However, there are bounds which even a gossip columnist should have the decency to respect. That little story entitled "Pick-Up" was the rawest I've ever seen. Besides being grounds for a libel suit, it will cause advertisers to think twice before the support a publication which ma- liciously attacks character. There is good rea- son to believe that another such outburst will re- sult in the same fate which befell Count Gazoo- pulis when the Tribe effectually stifled him. a decision might result in a triumphant reaction in Europe for a generation. But among the reasons such a step probably swill not be taken is the fact that it would, as nothing else, goad British workers into revolutionary opposition. Meanwhile, it is an established fact that Ger- man aggression will gain many preliminary vic. tories on the Continent with the aid of British acquiescence. It is also fairly certain that Ger- many will not, in the immediate future, dare to attack Russia. The German army command is supposedly opposed to such a venture, at least for the present. The growing power of Russia will tend to make such a venture less and less attractive the longer it is postponed. There is consequently as little hope of averting a general European conflagration as tlere is rea- son for expecting in the very nery future. Ger- many will be allowed to expand and consolidate her strength in Europe. The process will not be without a series of crises, but barring accidents, a war in Europe within the next few years is MUSIC A Trip East By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER The trip East last week-end didn't do much toward satisfying the blood- thirsty pangs of our savage breast, but it did prove highly fruitful of charms of the soothing variety. Concerts by the Philadelphia and New York or- chestras, coupled with a proletarian performance of i Trovatore, man- aged to remove that beaten look from our countenance and to make us re- member that, no matter who wins ball games, Brahms is still Brahms- and all the composers aren't dead yet. Of eight orchestral works heard, five were first performances. Our impressions would fill pages, but we aren't running the paper and a few' sentences will have to suffice. On Friday afternoon, Leopold Sto- kowski, no longer commander-in- chief of the Philadelphia forces, re- turned to conduct the first of his sev- eral concerts of the season. The pro- gram was a notable one in that it pre- sented a new symphony by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and two new tran- scriptions by Mr. Stokowski. The Rachmaninoff Symphony, No. III, in A minor, was completed this past August, and follows the widely-known II Symphony at an interval of 30 years. It is in three movements, the second of which combines the ele- ments of the two inner ("slow" and "dance") movements of the ordinary four-movement symphony. The work was not particularly well-received by the Philadelphia critics, so perhaps it was naievete that enabled us to en- joy it immensely. The symphony is rather freely constructed upon the classical plan, and is surprisingly lyrical, even romantic, in effect. The orchestration is highly finished and at times delightfully novel; for once, extravagant use of the percussion section seemed in good taste. The au- dience evidently was pleased with the work, for it applauded quite en- thusiastically in its sophisticated manner, and the composer took sev- eral bows. Although not so novel as the Sym- phony, a more enriching work from a musical standpoint was the Sto- kowski arrangement and transcrip- tion of excerpts from Moussorgsky's mighty Russian dramatic opera, Bor- is Godunof. The piece is in the na- ture of a symphonic poem, expressing all of the dramatic elements of the opera. In his orchestration, Mr. Sto- kowski has followed the original edi- tion, rather than the more brilliant, polished one of Rimsky-Korsakow; likewise, he has emphasized the sombreness and pathos which sur- round the figure of Boris, rather than the material, barbaric splendor of several of the scenes in the opera. In- stead of concluding with the magnifi- cent fanfares and bell-tolling of the Coronation scene, as any ordinary group of "selections" from the opera would, this bit of musical drama ends as it began, in a soft and plaintive mood of sadness. Between the Moussorgsky and the Rachmaninoff were two Tchaikow- sky numbers: a recent transcription of Solitude, one of a group of six songs written just before the final Pathetique Symphony, and the single familiar work on the all-Russian program - the Overture - Fantasy, Romeo and Juliet. To say that hear- ing the latter was a thrilling and sat- isfying experience is a deep tribute to the orchestra and its conductor; ordinarily, the 'work seems insipid and melodramatic. In fact, the pro- gram, interesting as it was, proved less remarkable than the perform- ance itself. Played by the Philadel- phia Orchestra that afternoon, a C scale would have become an artistic creation. The Orchestra's exhibition last May Festival seemed unsurpass- able, but Friday's performance reached new heights in technical perfection and new depths of spirit- ual meaning. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 39 Notices Pre-medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test sponsored by the As- sociation of American Medical Col- leges for all students who expect to enter a medical school by the fall of 1937 will be given Friday, Dec. 4, from three to five in Natural Science Auditorium, Information may be ob- tained in Room 4, University Hall. A fee of one dollar is charged. Fees can be paid at the Cashier's Office from Nov. 11 to Nov. 28. It is es- sential that all students wishing to take the test pay their fees during this period in order that the Uni- versity may know how many tests to order from the Association. Faculty-Alumni Dance Series. The first dance will be held tonight at the Michigan Union from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information will hold a meeting in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. to- day for all seniors and grad- uate students who will be seeking po- sitions in February or in June. This applies to students who intend to register in either the Teaching or General (Non-Teaching) Division. The meeting at this time is for new registrants only, and does not apply to people who have previously en- rolled with the bureau. Bowling, Graduate Women Stu- dents: All students interested in the proposed bowling league are asked to hand in at the Women's Athletic Building at least two scores before Thanksgiving. Instruction will be given to those who wish it. A 1936-37 medical examination is, necessary. Concerts Twilight Organ Recital:sHarold Gleason, organistmand professor of organ at the Eastman School of Mu- and at 10 a.m. on Saturday,, Nov. 14. These lectures will be in Room 110 of the General Library and are open to the public. The subject of his first lecture will be "The Yale University Li- brary." This lecture will be illus- trated with lantern slides. The sec- ond and third lectures will be on bibliography. Exhibitions Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe- cial - emphasis on Japanese Wood Sculpture, under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9 p.m. Exhibit of Color Reproductions of. American Paintings comprising the First Series of the American Art Portfolios, recently acquired for the Institute of Fine Arts Study Room, On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal- lery. Exhibition of Oil and Water Color Paintings Made in Spain During the Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer, shown under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem- orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun- day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov. 8 and 15 from 3 to 5p.m. Events Of Today Graduate Education Club: The Graduate Education Club will hold its second meeting of the academic year, today at 4 p.m. in the library of the University Elemen- tary School. Dr. Guthe of the An- chropology department of the Uni- versity will speak on the subject, "Anthropology and Education." An opportunity will be provided for ques- tions and discussion after Dr. Guthe's talk. All graduate students interested or taking work in Education, as well as their friends are cordially invited to attend. Luncheon for Graduate Students day at 12 noon in the Rtussian T.ea sic, Rochester, N. Y., will appear as I} guest artist in the organ recital this Room of the Michigan League. Cafe- afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Audi- teria srvice. Bring tray across the tnrium TheP enraln ubli with th hall. Dr. Margaret Elliott, Professor uvrlLJ. gl lp t .u&l C l P ulu, £. .l . exception of small children, is in- vited, but is respectfully requested to be seated on time. Academic Notices Students Concentrating in Math- ematics: The comprehensive exam- ination in mathematics for students entering this semester upon concen- tration in this field will be held in Room 3011 A.H. on Thursday, Nov. 12, from 4 to 6. History 47: Midsemester Tuesday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m., Sections 1; 2 and 3, will meet in Room C, Haven. Sec- tions 4, 5 and 6 will meet in Room B, Haven. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In- stitution of Washington, will lecture on the subject "Archeological Re- search in Yucatan" at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.' 12. The lecture will be illustrated of Perso nel Management, and Pro- lessor of E .cnomics, will speak in- formally on "Social Security." Chemical and Metalurgical En- gineering Seminar: Paul R. Konz will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "The Isothermal Change of Enthalpy with Pressure of Hydrocarbons." Economics Club: E. L. Hargreaves, tutor and lecturer in Oriel College, Oxford, will speak on "The Theory of Public Finance" to the Economics Club this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Graduate students and mem- bers of the staffs in Economics and Business Administration are invited to attend. Alpha Nu will hold formal initia- tion tonight at 7:30 p.m. in its meet- ing room on the fourth floor of An- gell Hall for the following men: l Charles W. Barkdull, Daiid G. Laing, with lantern slides. The public is Jack Porter, L. Poplingen, Fred W. cordially invited. Thomson and Phil Westbrook. University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink- elstein, of Clevelahd, well-known cal- culating genius, will give a lecture- demonstration under the auspices of the Department of Psychology at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium on Nov. 19. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: Dr. Robert F. Mehl, of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, will lecture on the subject "Diffusion in The New York Philharmonic con- Solid Metals" in Room 1042 East En- nor in Carnegie Hall Sunday after- gineering Bldg. at 4:15 p.m., Thurs- m noon was also a "first," since it day, Nov. 12. The lecture, which is marked the radio debut of John Bar- under the auspices of the University birolli as conductor of the orchestra. and the American Chemical Society, Since the concert was broadcast, is open to the public. everyone is probably familiar with seheu _ the program, which included tlree- Dr. Andrew Keogh, Librarian of English works-a Purcell Suite, new- Yale University, will speak to the ly-arranged by Mr. Barbirolli; a re- students of the Department of Li- cent symphonic poem, The Tale the brary Sciencehand others interested Pine Trees Knew, by Arnold Bax; at 11 aam. and 3 p.m. Friday Nov. 13 the "Enigma" Variations of Edward ___ ___ -_ _ __- Elgar-and the Fourth Symphony of breath with the other two-a Sun- Brahms. Any comparison of this ba'ethnwithrthemotheroan- performance with that of the Phila- day evening Hipprodome performance delphia, two days before, would be un of s Trovatore. "Opera for the fair, as the orchestra manifestly was masses," with ourselves as one of the not yet accustomed to its new leader, mass, was a new 'experience for us; and its playing therefore lacked the helic to the rift of us, aut perfect finish and precision which ?iendo the right of us, and peanut marked its work under Toscanini. Mr. performac asot hs. ad whe Barbirolli; being young, and perhaps performance was not half bad, when conscious that he is "on the spot," one considers the low prices and the seemed to lack assurance. His move- extent of the repertory-something smetso kthe ssdiurnerne. rvous- like 20 different operas since the last men s on the podium were nervos of August. The singing was adequate, of his attention to the string section, the costuming and stage sets nicely, often to the total neglect of the rest if simply, done, the orchestra was ex- of the orchestra. cellent, and the whole musical en- semble was good. Only from the However, the performance was byI stand point of acting and stage busi- no means without its beautiful and ness was the production really poor. impressive moments, and doubtlessly I R t;+ , _ x k Scabbard .and .Blade: Regular meeting 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Room posted. Stanley Chorus: Important meet- ing tonight at the regular time of 7:15 pm. Everyone is to be on time. Try to have the song sheets memor- ized by then. We will expect every- one tonight. Freshmen Glee Club Rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. today. Sphinx: There will be a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today in the Union. Mimes: There will be a meeting this afternoon at 5 p.m. at the Union. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. All members are urged to attend. New York Students: Allan Seager of the English department will speak to the Empire State Club at its meet- ing this evening in Room 218 in the Michigan Union, at 7:30 p.m. All students who are interested in the work of the Empire State Club, and especially students who live in New York State, are cordially invited to attend. Attention is called to the fact that this meeting will be held in the Mich- igan Union and not in Lane Hall as announced in the D.O.B. of yester- day. New Jersey Students: There will be a meeting of the New Jersey Club tonight at 8 p.m. at the League. All New Jersey students are cordially invited. i II