f~Iir 43
Welcome To '40 ..
The Kremlin And The
White House ...
. . ........... . -------
$18,000 Fund
Now Available
Through NYA
Program To .Be Continued
Under Conditions Sinilar
To Last Year
Receive More Than
Profusion Of Freshman Pots
'Will Initiate Another Year'
0 , I
1,500 Applications
Modification To Allow Aid
To Prof essional School
The continuation of the National
Youth Administration program with
an $18,246 monthly appropriation
PROF. PH LIP E BURSLEY which will be expended under ccidi-
tions approximately the same as last
year has been announced by Prof.
Lewis M. Gram, of the College of En-
gineering, chairman of the University
committee on NYA.
The chief modification in the pro-
gram will open the way for assistance
to students in the professional schools.
, Graduate students will be defined
- this year as those who have earned
their bachelor's degree. Further, the
distinction between graduate students
in their first and second years of
study which prevailed last year, and
which was the basis for two different
schedules of assistance, has been
abolished, Professor Gram said.
Last year 1,800 students, 60 per
cent of them Michigan students, were
aided by the NYA. There were 2,300
applications. More than 1,500 appli-
cations have been received this year,
j~,. and Professor Gram said there is
every indication that the final total
BRUCE TELFER, '38 will exceed that of last year. In
Professor Bursley will again di- 1935-36 the 450 sophomores on the
rect orientation activities for fresh- NYA rolls constituted the largest
men this year. Telfer of the Ex- group, with the 300 seniors being the
ecutive Committee of the Union smallest.
will be the student head of men's Undergraduates will receive about
orientation. $13,000 from the $18,246 monthly al-
lotment, Professor ,Gram stated. No
undergraduate will be allowed to work
Band Tryouts more than 30 hours in one week or
8 hours n m one day, or receive less
than $10 or more than $20 a month.
Convene Daily The hourly wage rate is 40 cents.
Y The monthly compensation for
$40, and the average for graduates
last year was $20. The monthly fund
for graduates is about $5,000 and the
The University Band begins the hourly rate 50 cents.
year with daily tryouts this week, ac- Work on the 500 projects under-
cording to announcement from Prof. taken last year by the NYA ranged
William D. Revelli, director, who has from unskilled labor in offices and
planned for this year one marching laboratories, Professor Gram ex-
band of 102 men, to be pruned in plained, to assistance on research
the concert season to 80 of the best projects requiring a high degree of
members. All freshmen interested proficiency. The projects, which
are invited to call at Morris Hall, must accomplish things which would
headquarters of the band. not be done otherwise, are directed
Included on the program of activ- by approved supervisors.
ities for the year is music for all The offices of the NYA are in the
home football games and one out- Romance Languages Building, where
of-town contest, for the pep meet applications are received and assign-
scheduled for Oct. 2 just before the ments made.
first game, programs for various
R.O.T.C. ceremonies, music for bas- RELIGIOUS SPEAKERS TO COME
ketball games, and later on in the The University will be host to two
year, a concert season is planned. world renowned religious leaders
All band rehearsals of the band are when Dr. T. Z. Koo, religious leader
carried on in Morris Hall. The first among students in China, and the
meeting will be at the Union, Thurs- Rev. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, author of
day, Sept. 23. Drill begins this Fri- "Christ and Communism," appear
day and Saturday here on Sept. 25 and 27.
Sports Exhibition, Style Show
To Feature WA.A. Reception
A sports exhibition and a style proficiency in archery, and Mary
show will feature the Women's Ath- Jane Mueller, '38Ed, and Stephanie
letic Association reception to be given Parfet, '39, will match shots in an
for old and new women students at exhibition of golf.
4 p.m. tomorrow at Palmer Field. Tennis matches will be played by
Kate Landrum, '37, W.A.A. president, Merida Hobart, Lit, Margaret Veen-
will act as master of ceremonies, boer, Lit, Hope Hartwig, '38, Robert
while Mary Johnson, '38, will do the Young, '36 and John Young, '38E. Bet-
announcing for the style show. ty Lyon, '39A, Margo Goodrich, '39,
The program will start with an in- Jean Bonisteel, '38, Harry Kasabach,
spection of the W.A.A. building at '37M,~ Chris Mack and Mrs. Lewis
Palmer Field. An exhibition of six will engage each other in badminton.
sports activities, hockey, archery, The riding exhibition will be given
golf, tennis, badminton and riding is by Eleanor French, '39, and Marietta
scheduled for 4:20 p.m. on the field, Arner, '39.
and will be followed by the sports Correct wear for many sports will
style show at 4:45 p.m. on the ter- be demonstrated in the style show, in
race of the field house. which Barbara Heath, Lit; Lorraine
Janet Lambert, '37, Virginia Hunt, Lambert, '39; Virginia Hunt, Spec-
Spec.SM; Eileen Lay, '37; Jane O'- SM; Jacqueline Kolle, '37; Mary
Ferral, '37; Janet Allington, '38; Mar- Wheat, '39; Jean Gourlay, '37Ed;
tha Tillman, '39, Helen Harp, '39Ed; Roberta Melin, '38; Mary Potter, '37;
Grey Frosh Caps To BeT
Adorned With Different
Colored Buttons
Freshmen this year will stay ont
the campus walks; freshmen this
year will also discard all prep school
vest hardware and insignia; buts
above all, freshmen this year will
wear pots. Pots with a black button
on the top for the literary college, an
orange one for the engineering school,
red for the architecture college, red
and yellow for architectural engineer-
ing and olive for the college of phar-
The Customary Greyk
The pots will be the customary grey1
which have been worn by Michigan
neophytes for more than a quarter of
a century, and their use is beingc
sanctioned by such august bodies as1
the Interfraternity Council and the
Men's Council.I
It is expected that the men of1
'40 will take to the pot tradition as
Michigan Plus
Speed Is Ratedx
Winning Team
Once again Michigan's famous pass,
punt and prayer system of scoring1
touchdowns is ready to function as1
in the years that the Wolverines
ruled the football world. But when
the Spartans of Michigan State face
the Kipke eleven Oct. 3, they will find
a fourth factor present in the attack
-speed, and plenty of it!..
Judging from Saturday's scrim-
mage, the first of the year, it will
be a fast but still heavy team that
seeks Michigan's first win in three
years over State. Undoubtedly it will
be a hard-running back named Bob
Cooper who will lead the charge but
the makeup of his supporting cast is
still undetermined.f
Three years ago the Wolverines
were rated as the greatest football
team in the United States. This sea-
son, after two years at the bottom
of the heap, they appear to be on
the way up and the most optimistic
of the experts are even going so far
as to predict five or possibly six wins
in the eight games to be played.
A hustling group of hard-playing
sophomores is supplying the drive
needed for a good year and it appears
probable that several will be in the
starting lineup against State. Wally
Hook demonstrated Saturday that he
is determined to land a regular half-
back position for he was easily the
fastest man on the field and was
the star of the "Blue's" play. He
suffered a chipped ankle during the
scrimmage and will be out for an
indefinite period.
Surplus Shown
For Last Year
Ir e
By Fraternities
Fraternities in Ann Arbor are in
better financial condition this fall
than they have been at any time in
the past two years according to Prof.
Robert P. Briggs of the economics
department, chairman of the Fra-
ternity Financial Standards Excep-
tions Committee.
In contrast to the $5,000 deficit
marked against fraternities for 1934-
35, is a surplus of $10,000 for 1935-36,
according to Prof. Briggs. This gen-
eral financial salubrity made it un-
necessary to force any houses shut
but three fraternities voluntarily
closed their local chapters during the
summer. They are: Delta Alpha Ep-
silon, 816 Tappan, Phi Mu Alpha, 514
Thompson, and Pi Kappa Alpha, 1824
The more stringent rules pased by
the University in September, 1934, to
regulate fraternity financial -pera-
tions were of course instrumental in
effecting the great improvement that
has occurred in fraternity finances in
the past two years, Professor Briggs
said, but also to be considered, he
said, is the increased enrollment of
the past two years which has in many
cases increased their memberships
and the improvement in general eco-
nnmi onn +l;in
readily, if not more so, than the
freshmen did a year ago. And sup-
porters of the movement are not even
yet thinking of coercive measures.
The final abandonment of the pot
will take place on cap night whether
the frosh win or lose the fall games.
In the past if the freshmen lost, they
were forced to wear pots until the
spring games, but this year the men
of '40 will immediately be considered
"at the end of the period of sus-
picion and at the plane of toleration."
George J. Moe, who has been the
sole purveyer of pots in Ann Arbor
for the past few years, is among
those cognizant of the freshman at-
titude toward this tradition, not only
because of the wild raid effected on
his S. University store last fall, but
because he has observed the ups and
downs of this tradition for several
decades in Ann Arbor. Mr. Moe be-
lieves that this fall will see a lusty
revival of the moribund tradition and
is well stocked with more than 500
pots. "There's scarcely any profit
in it for me," he resignedly confided,
"But I figure that it's good advertis-
ing." He then spoke a few words in
wistful memory of the days when pot-
wearing was not restricted to fresh-
men alone, but when a junior could
be identificd by his white toke with
its distinguishing blue stripe and even
graduate students wore pots. "They
dress up more now, I guess," he said.
Rules In 'Bible'
Rules governing the use of pots'
will be similar to those of the past.
Freshmen who have read their"bible"
know that pots are not worn in
University buildings and that though
they may be worn to football games
that it is heinous to wear one in the
stadium. The freshman gonfalon
may be abandoned for dates and oth-
er dress occasions, the bible states,
and is likewise stared away on the
Alumni Award
Women's Rooms
Nearly All Taken;
Men's Rents Ris
Confronted by an unprecedented scarcity of rooming accommodations,
the office of the dean of women last night faced the task of finding
living quarters for accepted applicants for admission to the University who
may arrive here without having previously reserved rooms.
Simultaneously with this revelation, Dean Alice C. Lloyd refuted' the
prevalent campus rumor that many accepted applicants had been advised
by telegram not to come to Ann Arbor. At the most, she said, five or
six telegrams had been sent and these only in answer to demands for
reserving rooms. She said that no accepted applicant had been advised
' not to come to Ann Arbor," but had only been told that no room could
be guaranteed her.
4 Dean Lloyd said that all seven
Rushing Period
Will Officially
Fraternities Are Allowed
13 Days, Sororities Get
19 To ObtainPledges
Michigan's fraternities and sorori-
ties will take upon themselves the
arcduous task of obtaining candidates
for membership beginning Saturday
afternoon, the last day of Orientation
Week, thus opening the annual fall
rushing period.
The fraternity rushing period,
which is governed by Interfraternity
Council rules will last 13 days and
the sororities will have 19 days for
rushing, longer than formerly, their
rushing being regulated by Panhell-
enic Association rushing rules.
Rushing rules for women is-
sued by the Panhellenic Associa-
tion are to be found in the Wom-
en's Section, Section Three of
this paper.
Once again this year the various
University clubs and alumni in the
state of Michigan have awarded the
usual 50 and two extra Alumni Un-
dergraduate scholarships to members
of the class of '40, and have renewed
43 scholarships of the class of '39, 31
of the class of '38 and 26 of the class
of '37.
These scholarships, providing for
tuition, are given on the basis of
scholarship and recommendations of
the various Alumni organizations in
the state of Michigan. Final award-
ing is done by Dr. C. S. Yoakum, vice-
;>resident of the Alumni Association.
This year there were 125 members
of the class of '40 recommended. The
renewals are based upon the records
of the recipients of the scholarships
while in the University. Dr. Yoakum
has charge of the distribution of re-
newals also.
The University of Michigan Club of
Memphis, Tenn., is giving its first
tuition scholarship this year to Ted
Zurhost, '40.
Those of the class of '40 receiving
the Alumni Undergraduate scholar-
ships are Dorothy 0. Allen, Elizabeth
B. Harwood, Tom K. Phares, Victoria
Stoianowski, John D. Wallace, Phyllis'
E. Cannon, Dorothy I. Marquart,
Kenneth Summerfelt, Robert R. Watt,
Robert D. Mercer, Dorothy M. Cowe,
Robert J. Dorn, Virginia A. Durand,
C. L. Gibson, Donald D. Horton, Ro-
berta E. Moore, Ethel L. Norberg,
Margaret V. Okervall, Mary E. Spur-
geon, Ruth Totlock, Robert J. Pugh,
Vaino J. Vehko, Margaret M. Wil-
liams, Arthur P. Woods, Charles A.
Pink, Marvin L. Coon Jr., Irene Bes-
salo, Sidney Davidson, Barbara L.
Stroebel, Virginia R. Soule, Frederick
M. DeBoe, Margaret E. Udell, Jack B.
Fields, Robert L. Wheaton, James A.
Nimz, Jack H. Ossewarde, Herbert A.
Brogan, Jack K. Sauders, Orrin G.
Youngquist, John R. Streidl, Kenneth
B. Bradley, George G. Fink, Joseph
C. Gergho, Madelaine L. Westendorf,
John A. Wilson, LeRoy C. Beckert, Jr.,
Dorthea J. Buchan, Jack H. Shuler,
Alex E. Lewis, Margaret R. Beacom,
Hadley J. Smith, Walter P. Wilkins
and Lorraine A. Zorn.
Registration For Union
r. To Tr.RnL L.. s - W
Each freshman interested in fra-
ternities is required to register be-r
fore noon Saturday in the Michigan
Union. There he will pay a 50 centi
rushing fee and receive a copy of the,
new Interfraternity Council Fratern-
ity Directory. This pamphlet con-1
tains a complete copy of rushingr
rules, a map of Ann Arbor with fra-
ternity locations indicated, and a
complete set of pictures of fraterni-
ties with lists of all the members, na-
tional and local founding dates and1
pictures of the various badges. The
directory also contains the constitu-
tion of the Interfraternity Council.
Registering freshmen will also re-
ceive a badge to be worn on their
lapel which will bear their name for
identification purposes. Freshmen
can register 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
until noon in the Union, after
this time the rushing fee will be $1l
according to George Cosper, '37,
president of the Council.
Beginning this noon, there will be
no rushing until Saturday noon.
Rushing being defined by the Council i
as "any conversation or contact of
any sort whatever with an eligible
man except by telephone or mail."
Following this period fraternities
will entertain rushees at lunch and
dinner daily until one week from the
next Thursday., During this periodt
"no cars or taxis are to be used at any+
time under. any consideration," no
rushing shall be done outside of the
fraternity house, and nn, rushing shall
take place after 8:30 p.m. Engage-
ment may be made by phone after
8:30 p.m., however.
The silence period will last from 9
a.m. Thursday, Oct. 8 until the fol-
lowing Monday at 6 p.m. during
(Continued on Page 5)
Daily Is Published
By Enlarged Staff'
With its staff reorganized and en-
larged, and with the aid of the Asso-
ciated Press Teletype Service, The
Daily expects to be able to offer its
readers this year the most extensive
and complete news coverage in its
The Daily begins its 47th successive
dormitories had been filled by the
middle of June and that "two more
could have been filled by the middle
of July.
"We have almost as many league
houses now as we had before the
Mosher-Jordan dormitories w e r e
built," Dean Lloyd said in emphasiz-
ing the seriousness of the situation.
There are seven dormitories, 55
league houses and about 35 sororities
here. Very few, if any, rooms are
still available, she saidI.
Meanwhile, despite the widely-pre-
dicted scarcity of rooms for men, the
University housing inspector gave as-
surance that there would be a suffi-
cient number of rooms for all men
students, but that there was a scarc-
ity of single rooms.
All Expenses Higher
Rising rents, however, were the
cause of much grumbling among
those who sought rooms yesterday.
The average cost of single rooms now
is about $4.50. The average price of
double rooms is variously estimated
at between $3.50 and $4.
Landladies almost invariably reply
to inquiry on the rise in rents that
the rents of their homes have risen
and that "to break even" they had
to raise their room rents.
Mrs. Mary J. Taft, 431 Thompson
St., an official of the Ann Arbor as-
sociation of landladies, told The Daily
yesterday that "we think it is all
right because our expenses have in-
creased terribly much." There was
no way of learning whether all fresh-
man men students had been accom-
modated by last- night.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
when asked what he thought the so-
lution to the scarcity of women's
rooms was, said, "I think the ultimate
solution lies in dormitories."
Static Roll Seen
He said, however, that according
to information given him by Dean
Lloyd he did not think the problem
of finding rooms for all women stu-
dents would be too serious this year.
President Ruthven said that the ap-
plications of women students had not
been refused because of a room scarc-
The possibility of women students
of last year returning to find them-
selves without rooming accommoda-
tions was minimized by Dean Lloyd,
because "they knew the situation and
reserved rooms before they left."
There may, however, be women stu-
dents reentering after a semester or
more of absence who will not be ac-
commodated, she suggested.
Asked whether this scarcity meant
that the enrollment of women would
remain static, Dean Lloyd replied
that unless dormitories were built it
would practically do so, but for the
occasional conversion of graduate
women's rooming houses and men's
rooming houses into league houses.
Rise In Grades
Last Year Led
By Fraternities
Grades received in 1935-36 by Uni-
versity students of all groups except
general sororities were higher than
for the previous year, according to
figures released by Marian Williams,
statistician in the Registrar's office.
The average of sororities, which
retained their position at the top of
the list, was the same as last year
-79.5 per cent. The greatest gain
was that of fraternities from 75.6 to
Thp av nm.opof t+- +.zhirl +f hn