THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOV. 10, Proverb Collection To Be Published Mrs. Griggs Finds Coleride Materal Proverb collecting and study has versation of the sixteenth and seven- with proverbs" and the same thought been an interest of Prof. M. P. Tilley teenth centuries than they have been I may be found expressed by a number Mrs. Evelyn Griggs, wife of Prof. for many years, and a special study since. The conversation of gentle- of authors, each in his own particular1 Earl L. Griggs of the English de- of the proverbs of the period 1475- men was loaded with wise sayings way, Professor Tilley declared. partment, has recently returned from 1700 has been carried on under his which they employed as a form of wit, The over use of proverbs led to a England where, at the home of the direction in connection with the and proverbs were considered a dis- revulsion in the eighteenth century, Coleridge family, she collected ma- wokon the Michigan-Oxford Dic-Coeigfalyshcletd - work of E M odrn- English. tinct addition to any literary work. and Chesterfield, Pope, and Swift terial for a study of Sara Coleridge, There are about 500 different pro- ridiculed their use. Owing to this daughter of the famous poet. Sara Because of limited space in the dic- verbs in the writings of Shakespeare 18th century prejudice against pro- Coleridge was a pioneer in the field of tionary, these proverbs will not be and an equal number in the works verbs we have lost the ability to rec- included, but will be published in a of Ben Jonson, while no specific ognize most of them and consequent- separate volume. studies have been made of their use ly about 80 per cent of the older pro- or the other of the authors but a In an office in University Hall a in Spenser and Milton, Professor Til- verbs are not recognized as such by proverb which each has stated in his large staff of NYA and WPA helpers ley stated. Lyly was the first of the the general reader. European coun- own manner, Professor Tilley con- have been engaged in this work since Elizabethans to use proverbs extens- tries have paid more attention tocluded. last January. About 100,000 slips of ively as exercises of wit, and Queen their proverb lore than we have, he collected proverb material is now Elizabeth herself included many in pointed out. PERSONAL STATIONERY available for editing. her letters, he added. I Only in the last 10 years has the 100 Sheets .... The Elizabethan period is the Both learned sentences and vulgar inetrest in proverbs been revived by 100 Envelopes .$ 000 "golden age of proverbs" in English sayings were included in the proverbs English scholars. The same thought literature, according to Professor of that time, for it is estimated that recurring in the works of Shakespeare Printed with your Name and Address Tilley. Proverbs were much more im- there are over 20.000 Droverbs in the and other writers of his time is fre- THE CA TRES portant in the literature and the con- Elizabethan period. Poets "played quntly not a "borrowing" from one 305 Maynard Street literature for children besides being one of the few persons who under- stood the implications of her father's } philosophy . Professor Griggs will also publish two books within the next few weeks: "Thomas Clarkson, Friend of Slaves" to be issued by Allen and Unwin; and "Letters of Hartley Coleridge" by the Oxford University Press. Mrs. Griggs is a co-editor of the latter book. QUALITY WORK POPULAR PRICES MICHIGANENSIAN PHOTOGRAPH ER 619 EAST LIBERTY ST PHONE 4434 F" 1 Mrs. Reed has spoken before clubs and organizations from coast to coast. Preceding her visit are recommenda- tions from various college and uni- versity officials, including Princeton1 University, the University of Indiana, and Antioch College. . She has been a student of Soviet affairs since the Russian revolution and has been in Russia six times. She speaks from personal contact with various aspects of Soviet life. She has relatives living in Russia and a grandson is attering school there. Mrs. Reed was active in the wom- an's sufferage campaign and during the World War served for three years >n an eastern school committee. She is author of articles appearing in the "Nation," the "New Freeman," "The Boston Globe," and "The New York Times." What November 3 May Have Brought (Continued from Page 4) one, could easily alter the whole scheme of our government. One giv- ing federal control to all commerce, irrespective of whether or not it crosses state lines, for instance, would remove any constitutional objection to an NRA. 1 Whatever will happen, we are, without a doubt, in for an era of expanding governmental functions, an era of liberalism, as compared with 12 years of Republican conserv- atism, and an era of more centralized government. Finally, what about the remnants of the Republican party? When those Republicans that escaped the deluge emerge from the ark on some Maine or Vermont mountain top, they will be faced with a very difficult task. True there are more than 15,000,000 of them left in America-no infinite- simal minority, despite the unprece- dented Roosevelt victory. Few will contend that the Republican party is dead or that it no longer has a func- tion. Ours is essentially a two-party government and the need for a wide awake opposition to watch a powerful majority is precious. The Republicans can serve that function, and, for the present, the conservative party, they havea fun- damental difference of ideas with the Democrats. It is too early to hazard a guess as to whether a 'strong farmer-labor party will be formed in 1940, to become a major political* group, but for the present, as the Detroit News says, there is no one better. qualified to oppose and to beat a Democrat than a Republican. True the "Revolution of 1800" wiped out the Federalists, and it is pos- sible that the "Revolution of 1936" will eventually wipe out the Repub- licans. But they are still a party with mil- lions of supporters, and it is to them that we must look for the "loyal op- position." When the GOP is able to clear away the debris, it is reason- ably safe to predict that its leaders --be they the Kansas gentlemen or others-will reorganize it and start toj look forward to the 1938 election. If again they are repudiated, then we may really talk about the death of the Republican party. But not until. I Point WithlPride Archives Committee AcceptsEarly Data Earliest records of the University faculty, until now in the possession of the literary college, have been ac- cepted by the TJniversity Committee on Archives at the invitation of the literary college, it was announced re- cently by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as- sistant to President Ruthven and chairman of the archives commit- tee. The faculty records which are pre- served in about half a dozen ledgers, will be placed in the William L. Cle- ments Library. Among the records is material relative to the student life in the period covered, which ended in approximately 1880.' All of the records are in original form. Some are duplicated, the later set having been drawn up in more formal form. Senior Engineers Select Candidates The Senior Independent Engineers, who held their caucus last week had their candidates approved yesterday by Dean of Students J. A. Bursley. The slate is: President,nGustave Collatz, '37E; vice-president, Don Hillier, '37E; secretary, William 01- wen, '37E; treasurer, Kenneth Emery, '37E; Honor Council, Robert Bald- win, '37E; Engineering Council, Da- vid Eisendrath, '37E. DID YOU KNOW - That there are very few of the so- called "Fountain Pen" inks that are fit to put in a fountain pen? There are four main ways in which they do not serve satisfactorily as fountain pen inks: 1. Some contain ingredients which rot the rubber ink sack, causing loss of ink capacity and leaky pens. 2. Most inks containtsedimentary material which clogs the. capillary ducts and the air channel preventing proper flow and slowing up the filling process. 3. Some contain "quick-drying" in- gredients which cause hard starting, and flooding of the point. 4. Many inks have no permanent record qualities and will fade or wash off of the paper (yourletter to that friend may never be received if it rains during its delivery.) The United States Bureau of Stan- dards has a formula which must be adhered to by all manufacturers who wish to sell ink to the United States Government. This ink happens to be the best fountain pen ink as well as the best record ink. If you want to treat your foun- tain pen to the best that can be had, and at the same price as ordinary ink, come to - RIDER'S 302 South State Street Fountain Pen & Ink Specialists Government Formula Fountain Pen Ink The Student Cried,, "To a service my roommate suggested. It's quick and it's neat and It just cawn't be beat - and the VALUE just cawn't be bested" Student "ROUGH DRY" Bundle Handkerchiefs and socks are completely finished to please 11 1 SH I RTS, the most critical . . . Underwear and pajamas are washed and folded ready for wear, all at a very moderate charge. Only ten cents per pound with charges for extras finished laundry marked accordingly. WHY PAY FOR DELIVERY CHARGES ALONE to express your laundry home whenit costs only a few cents more on our NEW ROUGH DRY students' bundle, called for and de- livered free in Ann Arbor. Someone in your family is paying 76e (the minimum charge for five pounds via Express) for the shipping of your laundry to anl from Ann Arbor and then goes -through the trouble of sending it to a laundry at home or has that extra amount to wash hersAf. Why not spare yourself this ad(ded trouble and expense by making arrangements wit4 one of the founr laundries listed below. SAMPLE BUNDLE Price per Pound (Minimum Bundle-50c) lOc 0 . . _, ----__. --_______ 2 Suits of Underwear Shirts, Extra 12c . .s.s..0 of#5000% '/rnMAIM U WQI FORtE~j DEOIO j74 3 6 Shirts Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 99c Sox, E Hand MUTUAL BENEFIT The ideal trade is where both parties profit by the exchange. In return for your trust we give you the efficient service and complete safety which we can offer after years of experience.. Start a checking account with us today and enjoy the benefits of this ideal exchange. Students will find our Arcade office convenient for this purpose. Dress Shirts not included in this Service. xtra, pair .... 3c kerckiefs, Extra .Ic TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company