SEPT. 22 '1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE fiWl SEPT. 22, 1936 PAGE 1W Program For Concentration Is Explained Every Student Must Have 60 Hours And 60 Honor Points To Concentrate Students in the University's Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts who are studying for the degree pi Bachelor of Arts or a similar de- gree do not "major" in the subject of their choice, as in the case at many schools and colleges, but take a first or Gencral Program, usually for two years, followed by a second or Degree Program, usually requiring another two years. To enter the Degree Program, us- ually at the beginning of the stu- dent's junior year, the student must have completed at least 60 hours of wvork with an average grade of C or better. A student who fails to attain the C average required for admission to candidacy for a degree may be given one semester and one Summer Session after the semester in which he passes the 60-hour line, in order to bring his honor point index up to the required minimum. The record of the student, however, must be satis- factory enough to justify the exten- Sion of time. Must Select 'Department' At the conclusion, then, of his sophomore year, when in the ordi- nary course of events the student has received 60 or more hours and an equivalent number of points (at least), he becomes, upon application, a candidate for a degree. Then he int select'either a "division" or a "department" of "concentration." A "department," in the technical sense of the word, is a course of study such as French, History, Chem- istry, or Anthropology. A student is at liberty to concentrate in any de- partment if he wishes to do so. A "division," as the term is technically enmployed, refers to a larger grouping of courses, of which there are three. Group I, or Division I, is composed of :Ancient Languages and Litera- tures, Modern Languages and Liter- atures, Classical Archaeology, Jour- 4alism, and certain courses in Speech and General, Linguistics. Must Choose One Of Three Group I Ior Division II, is devoted to scientific courses (Mathematics, Astonomy, Physics, Chemistry, Min- eralogy, etc'.).. Group II, or Division III, is devoted to the "social sciences" (History, Ec- o zomics, Sociology, Political Science, Astudent may concentrate in any study. For example: A student who is pri- marily interested in scientific pur- suits may, after completing in his of the these three larger fields of first two years at Michigan a total of points, proceed to concentrate in Group II (Science) or he might se- lect a department in the group (such as Physics, for instance, if he is more interested in Physics than in a more sweeping survey of all the sciences). Each student's credit for gradua- tion, comprising his entire course of study in all four years at the Uni- versity, must include not less than 30 hours study in his departrment of con- centration, or not less than 60 hours of study in his division of concen- tration, if he chooses the latter. Minimum Of 120 Hours It should'be carefully noted that if the student selects a division of con- centration, which is a field of larger take 60 hours in that division, rather than 30, which is all that is required in the department of concentration. A minimum of 120 hours is re- quired for graduation in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Dean Of Women Instide Opening Is Needed '0 Land Job, Says Cap'n Henry Radio Player Deplores Overproduction In All SpecializedFields (Continued from Page 23)_ ber of that chorus was a competent soloist, highly trained to do solo work, but for want of something better had accepted positions in a chorus. Roosevelt is definitely "in," said Mr. McIntyre when the interview turned toward politics and the com- ing election. He recalled an incident that occurred just before he left New New York every time his radio work allowed him. He has been so busy lately, he said, that he has had to give up this "commuting." Magician Frightens McIntyre Mr. McIntyre is a former Uni- versity student, having studied piano and voice in the School of Music. He was formerly in the newspaper field here in Ann Arbor. He recalled with a laugh the time when he was sent out to interview a magician who was playing one of the local theatres. "The magician couldn't have had any idea that I was coming to see him," Mr. McIntyre said. "Yet when I knocked on the door of his hotel, Trial Of Baker Heads Circuit Court Calendar Many Cases Are Listed On Court Dockets; Panel Of 30 Called With about two dozen criminal cases already on the court calendar, Circuit Court will open Monday, Nov. 4 in Ann Arbor with the calling of a jury panel of 30 talismen drawn here last Saturday. Headlining the cases on the Flo-ket for disposition will be the trial of I first degree murder charge against manslaughter, the c h a r g e was harged by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp to first degree murder before the justice court hearing which took place July 8. Justice of Peace Harry W. Re7dinm bound her over to circuit court trial without bail at that time. Mrs. Baker, who formerly did char- acter and novelty dances on Detroit theatre stages for $40 a night when she was Betty Douglas, gave up her -areer in 1928 to marry Baker, at that time a taxi driver in Ann Arbor. She was at one time voted Ann Ar- bor's most popular girl in a theatre promotion here. Other important cases on the cir- cuit court docket include the trials of George Rathfon, former Pittsfield Township treasurer, for embezzle- ment of $2,471 in township funds, of Harvey L. Barnes of Detroit for neg- ligent homicide, arising out of the killing of a baby playing in the road near Whitaker early this sumer, and of Grant Mohrlock of Chelsea on a drunk and disorderly charge. Mohrlock, who has been in court several times on that charge, invari- ably argues his own case, and appeals it for jury trial in circuit court, hav- ing one one acquittal in that manner. Highlights of the summer in crime, beside the Schneider shooting, were the trial and conviction of William t'adgeat. alias "Shorty" Hayden: for the fatal shooting of Officer Clifford "Sid" Stang in a hold-up here March 21, 1935, laboratory investigation of (Continued on Page 29) - - - -- -. __,. _- -- _ _.e . ___ York City to spend his vacation here in Ann Arbor, when he had gone to room, a voice called 'come in, McIn- Mrs. Betty Baker, 30 years old, wfe of goodnnAbyer wo ieds g o tyre.' This frightened me so that the Officer Albert K. Baker c" the Anr say goodbye to two friends who interview was almost postponed." Arbor police force, for the fat?: worked in a brokerage office in Wall Although Mr. McIntyre came to shooting June 29 of Cia ren-e E Ann Arbor ostensibly for a vacation, Schneider. 24, a roomer at her horn MISS ALICE C. LOYD Sunday Service Of Main Library To Be Renewed Students May Have Books Reserved For Them In Main Reading Room The Sunday service of the Main Li- brary, which enables students to get oooks otherwise unavailable for Sun- day work in the library, will be re- newed again this year, it was an- nounced last week by Librarian Wil- liam Bishop. Books from parts of the Main Li- brary building, other than the main reading room and the periodical room may be used on Sunday, when the li- brary is open from 2 till 9 p.m., said Dr. Bishop. Books Reserved at Banquet He pointed out that students re- questing volumes on Saturday to the assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved may have them reserved for him in the main reading room on Sunday. These books may not be taken from the li- brary. During Orientation week, all li- braries, except the general, will be open from 10 a.m. till noon, and from 2 till 4 p.m. The General li- brary will be open from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. during this period. Throughout the school year the General library will be open from 7:45 a.m. till 10 p.m. on week-days and from 2 till 9 p.m. on Sundays. Libraries open from 7:45 till noon, 1 till 6 p.m. and 7 till 10 p.m., and closed on Sundays are the Angell Hall study hall, the basement study hall and the Graduate reading rooms. Open from 8 a.m. till noon, 1 till 5 p.m. and 7 till 10 p.m. on Monday through Thursday; from 8 a.m. till noon and 1 till 5 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. till noon on Saturday are the Architectural library, the Chemistry library, the East Engineering library, Engineering library and Science li- brary. The Business Administration library will remain open from 8 a.m. till noon, 1 till 6 p.m. and 7 till 10 p.m. on Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. till noon and 1 till 6 p.m. on Saturday and from 2 till 5 p.m. on Sunday. Other Schedules Given Eight a.m. till 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. till 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Fri- day and 8 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. on Saturday will be the schedule main- tained by the Dentistry library, while the Hospital library will stay open from 8 a.m. till noon, from 1:30 till 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. till noon on Saturday. The Economics and Mathematics li- brary will remain open fro m8 a.m. till noon, 1 till 6 p.m. and 7 till 10 p.m. on week-days; the Observatory library will be open from 2 till 5 p.m. Dn Monday through Friday; 1 i _ i i SPIN . Roosevelt Given Preference !11sl l Vlauy11WVcV AW, v he has had to mix, to use a cliche, his "These men were tried and true business with pleasure. The very, Republicans and Landon supporters," night when this interview took placel Mr. McIntyre said, "but even they he was busy checking over a script were not exactly enthusiastic regard- for a broadcast and then had to ship ing Governor Landon's chances in the it immediately back to New York. November election. In fact, when II Along the pleasureful side, Mr. Mc- asked them specifically how they felt Intyre went up to Skegemog Point, in about the matter, they replied that if the upper part of the lower peninsula, Landon made two more speeches, to enjyo a little fishing at his favorite they would give 20 to one on Roose- place. As busy as he is, Mr. McIn- velt." tyre finds time to take an annual There is no place like Ann Arbor, jaunt to Skegemog Point for a ses- said Mr. McIntyre when the discus- sion with the fish. sion returned once more to his stay He plans to return to New York in this city. He was born in Ann Ar- City and radio very shortly. bor a little over a half-century ago and continues to make it his real; EXHIBITION TO BE HELD home. "I have worked all over the! An exhibition of paintings will be country and in England during my placed on vie win the College of Ar- years on the stage and I have yet to chitecture and the Lobby of the Gen- find a place I like better than Ann eral Library during Orientation Week. Arbor." This fact was well proven The exhibition is taken from the over a year ago when Mr. McIntyre University collection in Alumni Me- used to fly back to Ann Arbor from morial Hall. at 1804 Jackson Ave. I The shooting, which Mrs. BTke claims was due to accidental dis- charge of her husband's service rc- ,olver, with which she was trying t, "scare" Schneider for arguing wif h her in public, took place late in the afternoon of June 29, at a lonely spo on Wagner Road near the Huron River Drive about six miles froze Ann Arbor, and was the sequel to a quarrel the two had had earlier in the afternoon at Davenport's Res- taurant, where Schneider worked. Originally booked on a charge of Aryiiteuir Radio Headquarters P URCH ASE RADIO Phone 8696 W8RP 331 South Main -- --- - - MUMS for the GAME Headquarters for the festive football season is Nolting's .,again. Party decorations, mums for the games, and corsages are our specialty - Try us! FLOWERS For All Occasions PAUL NOLT ING, Florist 316 S. Main St. Delivery Service tow tcss ?foci Nn i I jmm HI L L E L I FOUNDATION Students desiring to affiliate with HILLEL may do so at the Foundation, corner East Uni- versity and Oakland, from 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. every day. Membership in HILLEL entitles you to all Religious, Social, and Educational privileges, including admission to Yom Kipper Services. Finest Quality Clothing that can be found anywhere for men and boys. VALUES that make it well worth your while to secure your apparel needs during I this celebration. ,A WELCOME I QUALITY of the highest order-at prices of the ordinary. EVERY itemi carries Fiegel's rigid guaran. tee of complete satisfaction in every way. REDUCTIONS are store-wide... includ- ing everything you need now and later on. BE WELL-GROOMED START THE YEAR RIGHT WITH ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS al.times .. HI MALTEDS or Worth while Souvenirs With Every Purchase I Next! - For your conven- ience and for prompt service nine barber chairs ... Mani- curing by electric machines. Remain well-groomed by visiting often. SHAKES Made with our Home-Made Ice Cream 11 A grand door prize will be given away Sat. urday night at 9 oclock. Are you lucky? for Oc HOME-MADE BARBECUE! Featured at Our Fountain Every Day F F~lr i I i