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November 08, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-08

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SUNDAY,'NOV. 8, 1936


SUNDAY, NOV. 8, 1936

1936 Member 1937
Asocialed Co lle6die Press
Distributors of
CoIe6iate Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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The First Of The
Sunday, Forums. .
N ONE of our more bitter moments
several weeks ago, we commented
in these columns on the general apathy toward
current social and economic issues among mem-
bers of the student body. Today may prove us
As part of a general effort to present some
aspects of vital social issues, the Union is spon-
soring members of the faculty in a series of
Sunday forums. Professor ,James K. Pollock
will present an analysis of the recent presidential
election this afternoon in the first of these
forums. If a sufficient student interest is indi-
cated these forums will be enlarged in scope, and
as discussion groups presenting informed and
alert treatment of the issues on today's front
pages, will become one of the more important
student institutions.
Why Germany
Must Devalue.. .
ALL THROUGH the weeks of secret
negotiations that preceded French

devaluation and the stabilization agreement with
the United States and Great Britain, the Blum
government reassured the people of France that
the franc would not be devalued.
In Italy the government's decision not to touch
the gold content of the lira was so well aired
that Italian devaluation came as a surprise to
informed observers, not to mention the Italian
At the recent Nuremburg conference of the
Nazi party in Germany, party officials heatedly
denied that Germany would devalue. Reichs-
bank President Schacht, then virtual economic
dictator of Germany, followed with a reaffirma-
tion of that denial. Now Schacht, who was
thought nevertheless to have leanings toward
devaluation, has seemingly been reduced to mere-
ly Reichsbank president and his position as vir-
tual economic dictator of the Reich nominally
given to Goering, who leads the doctrinaire Nazis,
most violent opponents of devaluation.
All of which leads us, to wonder how long
Germany will maintain the present gold con-
tent of the mark.
However, there is more reason to believe that
Germany will devalue. Germany's nominal ad-
herence to the gold standard has been ruinous
to her export trade. A glance at the wholesale
price indices of Germany and the United States
shows the reason. Whereas wholesale prices in
the United States, with. 1926 as 100 per cent,
are now 48 per cent in gold, wholesale prices in
Germany with the same base are 78 per cent
in gold.
Thus a buyer outside of Germany obtains

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
It is hard for me to believe that a front page
article in The Daily Nov. 5 was truly based on
an interview with a professor of our political sci-
ence department . . . Surely Prof. Dorr was not
laboring under the illusion that some of us
might not realize that several million votes were
cast for Gov. Landon. This in itself would keep
any but themost violent partisan from claiming
absolute blanket endorsement. In addition to
that I think most of us are intelligent enough
to realize that all of the Roosevelt policies are
not fully accepted by all of the people all of the
time. I also admit that the Roosevelt personality
was a great factor in producing this great land-
slide for the President . . . I believe, however, that
the overwhelming majority accorded the Presi-
dent is a blanket endorsement for him to con-
tinue along the same general lines that he has
followed for the past four years. Certainly it
cannot be said, and Prof. Dorr agrees in this,
that the vote Roosevelt received was in any way
factional or sectional. It was a complete expres-
sion of the will of the majority, and I believe
that a reasonable interpretation of this expres-
sion is that the people of America are satisfied
with the Roosevelt Administration and give the
President a blanket endorsement to continue his
general policies.
Prof. Dorr goes on to say that the American
people in this election were not herded to the
polls to vote like machines but showed some
independent action by splitting tickets. He
cites as example the fact that Lodge, Republican,
was elected to the Senate from Massachusetts,
while Roosevelt carried this state by a large ma-
jority . . . (But) you will note Massachusetts was
at a discount large enough to make up the
difference to foreign buyers who purchase goods
at the higher price in Germany.
But selling goods for "sprrmarks" results in
no influx of money with which Germany can
pay for imports; it is merely equivalent to trans-
ferring a debt from outside to the inside of
Germany, where it can be collected. It cannot
be collected by the original creditor outside of
Germany because the debtor is forced to pay
his debt into the Reichsbank and the Reichsbank
will only settle the account internally.
Thus foreign buyers are permitted to make
only part of their payment in "sperrmarks"; the
remainder has to be paid in goods.
But the imports resulting from this proce-
dure are insufficient for German needs; the gov-
ernment was forced to subsidize export trade in
order to allow it to compete in the international
market and at the same time receive full pay-
ment in goods.
From 1932 to 1934, this subsidy was maintained
by government profits from repatriation. This
was the process of buying back at a discount
German stocks and bonds held abroad. Since
these securities had higher value in Germany,
and were only sold at a discount abroad because
strict governmental exchange control practically
ended dividends, a profit could be realized.
However by the end of 1934 there were no more
salable German stocks and bonds abroad and the
export subsidy had to be paid out of the budget.
This proving unsatisfactory, an attempt was
made to obtain the money fqr subsidization by a
"self-imposed" tax on big business. However
this failed too; today there is a direct tax on
the most thriving businesses in Germany. And
this tax is steadily increasing.
It is difficult for people outside of Germany to
understand why, in spite of these facts, Germany
does not devalue. The German popular psy
chology explains it.
To the rank and file in Germany, devaluation
and inflation have the same meaning. And the
inflation period after the war in Germany-

when the middle class was ruined, life savings de-
stroyed, and the value of money decreasing so
rapidly that musicians in restaurants would play
a number and then collectively bargain to re-
determine their wages before continuing-ex-
plains public opposition to devaluation.
However the idea that inflation and devalua-
tion have the same meaning is an unfortunate
misconception, according to Professor Ellis of the
economics department (The Daily, Oct. 24.) They
are "sharply distinguishable: whereas inflation
is the actual excessive issue of money and credit
which inevitably results in rising prices, devalu-
ation or the reduction of the gold content of
money gives only the possibility but not the
necessity of credit expansion and rising prices.
"We have had very little price increase in the
United States since 1933 that could not be re-
garded as the result of the normal revival of
business, in spite of 'devaluation. Yet if the
United States had increased the supply of money
fifty per cent, prices would probably have
However, the extreme doctrinaires in the Na-
tional Socialist party, who favor the economic
isolation of Germany with an eye to securing
self-sufficiency, oppose devaluation because they
wish to sabotage foreign trade. But Germany's
starving populace discovered during the course
of the Great War that Germany cannot be self-
sufficient economically.
Although since the war Germany has become
practically self-sufficient in respect to wheat,
and has clearing agreements with enough South

an outstanding exception in showing a split. I
think this can be explained. In Massachusetts
it is quite a simple thing to vot a split ticket,
for the reason that it is impossible to vote a
straight ticket by merely putting one X on the
ballot. Massachusetts uses the office-block bal-
lot which means each office is voted on separate-
ly. Local conditions were strongly against Dem-
ocrat Curley. I think that if Massachusetts used
the party column Mr. Curley would have been
swept into office by Roosevelt . . . It is my belief
that Prof. Dorr was too hasty in making his
It is impossible for me to see the large majority
of Democrats in the coming Congress as a de-
plorable situation. And yet Political Scientist
Dorr views it as such. I would rather view it in
the way Prof. Pollock recently viewed it in a
class lecture, and that is without alarm. Prof.
Dumond even predicts a more conservative sec-
ond term. One of his reasons is that all Demo-
crats are not New Dealers and those that are
not will go with the Republicans to prevent leg-
islation that is repugnant to the less liberal and
anti-New Deal citizen. Prof. Dorr as a political
scientist should know that the American legis-
lators seldom vote on party lines. For example,
on such vital questions as the League of Na-
tions, Bonus, Social Security, Securities and
Exchange, etc., you will see that proportionately
as many Republicans will vote "yes" as will
Democrats. For this reason the large Demo-
cratic majority is going to enable us to place
responsibility on one party. Hitherto this has
not been possible ...
In conclusion I want to say that it is very dis-
appointing for a student of political science to
find a member of the department making state-
ments without first thinking them out. I cannot
help but think that Prof. Dorr was probably quite
exhausted after this election and not fully awake
when he gave this interview to The Daily-
--Charles A. Murray, '37.
As Others See It
Sacred Cows In New Haven
(Fiom The Nation)
I 1917 Professor James McKeen Cattell was
fired (let us not be too nice in these matters
even though we are moving in the upper in-
tellectual circles) from Columbia University for
activities connected with our entrance into the
World War: This action cost Columbia another
of its most eminent professors, because Charles A.
Beard resigned in protest. It remains to be seen
whether Yale University will lose any of its
staff as a result of its failure to reappoint Jerome
Davis, associate professor in the Divinity School.
For Professor Davis's case promises to equal
that of Professor Cattell in its. importance for
professors who dare to twist the tails of a uni-
versity's sacred cows.
When questioned on the Davis case, President
Angell declared that the question of academic
freedom was in no sense involved. It was purely
a financial matter; even Yale has suffered from
a reduction of the life stream of a modern uni-
versity-hard cash.
In the light of this unequivocal statement a
brief review of the case is in order. Mr. Davis
came to Yale as assistant professor in 1923, with
assurances that his academic future was bright.
In 1925 Dean Charles R. Brown wrote him that
he had every reason to hope for promotion to
a full professorship at the end of a three-year
term. But it was not until 1930 that the Yale
Corporation, on the unanimous recommendation
of the Divinity School, promoted him to the rank
of associate professor. Since then Mr. Davis's
further promotion has been coming up period-
ically, with a good deal of acrimonious argument
in between. The Yale Corporation has opposed
it for some time; the President has not favored
it; and a year ago the Divinity School itself
refused to recommend more than reappointment
at the same rank.
Things evidently had been happening to bring
about this change of heart. On October 13,
1925, President Angell, in a conversation re-
ported by Mr. Davis, "mentioned the public cen-
sure and possible dismissal which would result
if extensive protests continued as a result of

outside speeches." On December 28, 1925, the
President chided him in a letter for -"your ap-
parently unqualified- acceptance of the sort of
material which Mr. Fay and Mr. Barnes (Sidney
B. Fay and Harry Elmer Barnes) have been pub-
lishing on the responsibility for the war." On
December 30, 1926, Howell Cheney, a member
of the Yale Corporation, wrote to Dean Weigle
of the Divinity School that "New Haven men
are particularly exercised by Professor Davis's
efforts to unionize the non-union factories and
employes in New Haven." In November, 1927,
President Angell received a letter from E. M.
Roberts, president of Chase Roberts and Com-
pany of Long Island City, asking: "Do you think
that a man who _ associates with and believes in
Anarchist, Bolshevist, and Communist (different
names but all mean anarchy) is a fit person to
teach in Yale College?" (Mr. Roberts may rep-
resent the Yale point of view in politics; it is
to be hoped that his is not typical of the Yale
epistolary style.)
It is quite likely that every college president
receives letters of this sort. But the best of them
keep a waste-basket handy. President Angell,
for some reason or other, let them get under his
skin. Incident followed incident. But the de-
nouement which Mr. Davis had been expecting
for five years was at hand. Last January a
committee of which Mr. Davis was chairman in-
vited Senator Gerald P. Nye to speak at Yale.
Senator Nye had just charged the late Woodrow
Wilson with falsehood in connection with his
testimony on the secret treaties. This, to a
member of Yale alumni, was lese majeste cf an

Mr. Gilbert, Sir Arthur

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidedt
until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday.

TWO or three of the dozen or so
operas with words by Mr. William SUNDAY, NOV. 8, 1936
Schwenk Gilbert and music by Sir VOL. XLVII No. 37
Arthur Seymour Sullivan are so much
more popular than the rest that th- Notices
merits of these lesser known works
are often minimized. For example, 1937 Mechanical Engineers: In case
4uddigore, produced here last year by you are interested in possible em-
Play Production and the School of ployment with the E. I. DuPont Ie-
Music, was one of the least popular Nemours and Company following1
when first produced in London in graduation, will you kindly obtain de-
1887; was not revived there until the tails in Room 221 West Engineering
early 1920's; has the fewest perform- building at your earliest convenience.
ances mn the current series of revivals,

by the D'Oyly Carte company in New
York. Yet when it was done here last
C year it was very successful. Every
one asked how it happened to be so
little known.
This year's opera, The Yoemen of
the Guard, is also too much neglect-
ed. It is rather different from the
other works of the famous collaborat-
ors. The music is more lyrical and the'
book, although superficially 'more
close to reality than some others, has
more delicacy and pathos. Sullivan
always felt that his efforts and tal-.
ents were being wasted on the Savoy
operas. He wanted to have more
time to spend on works like his grand
opera Ivanhoe which he wrote at the
suggestion of that eminent author
and critic, Queen Victoria. So to
make peace, Gilbert at last decided
to provide the composer with ample
opportunity for lyrical rather than
topsy-turvy expression. Of its most
famous number, "I have a song to
sing, O!" Isaac Goldberg says: "It
is a glow, at once twilight and dawn,
that is not to be found elsewhere in
the series that was the Savoy."
In this connection let me list the
two best books about these great Vic-
torians. The soundest both from a
biographical and musical point of
view is the comprehensive The Story
of Gilbert and Sullivan or the 'Corn-
pleat' Savoyard by I aac Goldberg
published in 1929 by IVirray in Lon-
don and by Simon and Schuster in
America. More recent, briefer, is1
Gilbert and Sullivan: A Biography
by Hesketh Pearson published by
Harper Brothers last year.
** *
The WPA Again
I N addition to making this com-
ment on the simultaneous open-
ing in 18 cities of Sinclair Lewis' It
Can't Happen Here: "It is significant
of three things, namely, the national
scope, the regional emphasis, and the
American idea, each evident in the
work of the Federal Theatre Project,"''
Mrs. Haille Flanagan, National direct-
or of the WPA Theatre, has an-
nounced some of the plans for the
future. Although the Federal Theatre
throughout the country is producing
old plays, they want to experiment as
much as possible with new ideas and
new methods. These experimentsi
have been some of the most vital
things in the theatre during the last
two seasons. There was the 'Har-
lem' Macbeth, the work of The Living
Newspaper's Injunction Granted and
Triple 'A' Ploughed Under, new both
in form and subject matter. So nowd
if they do. some rarely seen English
classics even the most radical com-
mentators cannot fairly accuse them
of being reactionary.!
At Christmas time New York, Chi-
cago and Los Angeles projects will
give cycles of medieval English mir-
acle plays, 20 cities will have open-
ings in January, and there will be a
peace cycle in the spring, Mrs. Flan-
agan announced. She also said that
"the theatre, like man, is changed by
living, but not fast enough. Modern,
factual material is now being dra-
matized, and the theatre is preparing
for the expanding economic and so-
cial consciousness of today."
* * *
Bury the Dead, Irwin Shaw's anti-
war play will be discussed by Rev. H.
P. Marley at the regular 5 p.m. serv-
ice at the Unitarian Church today.
Play Production will produce the play
this month.
Cass, beginning tomorrow and con-
tinuing through Saturday, matinees
Wednesday and Saturday: Jane Cowl
in First Lady, a treatise on some go-
ings-on in Washington before a na-
tional convention. Since George
Kaufman is one of the authors, it. is
hardly necessary to mention that it's
a comedy.
Lafayette: The WPA theatre is

still playing (and to excellent busi-
ness) Sinclair Lewis' It Can't Happen
Here. The correct schedule of per-
formances is: Wednesday through
Saturday nights, no matinees, rather
than the schedule previously given!
here. I

A Limited Number of Students may
still receive a vaccine for prevention
of colds by calling at the Health Ser-
vice on Tuesday or Saturday morn-
ing of this week, between 8 and 10
Faculty-Alumni Dance Series. The
first dance will be held on Wednes-
day, November 11 at the Michigan
Union from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m.
Academic Notices 1
Economics 53: Seating arrange-
ments for examination Wednesday,
Nov. 11, 8 a.m.: Occupants of odd-
numbered seats, Wednesday lecture
go to 348 W. Engineering; of even-
numbered seats, Wednesday lecture,
go to 25 A.H.; and all persons attend-
ing the Tuesday lecture, go to 1025
A.H. There will be no Tuesday lecture
on Nov. 10.
Chemistry 40: Dr. McAlpine will
meet the class next Tuesday at 1
;.m. in Room 309 Chemistry Bldg.
University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus
G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In-
stitution of Washington, will lecture
on the subject "Archeological Re-..
search in Yucatan" at 4:15 p.m. in,
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.
12. The lecture will be illustrated
with lantern slides. The public is
cordially invited.
Father Hubbard Lecture: The
"Glacier Priest" will appear in Hill
auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 12, at
8:15 p.m. presenting a new motion
picture lecture under the auspices of
the Oratorical Association. Tickets
are now available at Wahr's State
Street Book Store.ee
Mr. Wells M. Sawyer will give an
informal Gallery Talk Sunday, Nov. 8
at 4 p.m. in connection with the ex-
hibition of his Oil and Water Color
Paintings of Spain. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West Gallery.
A Public Lecture will be given by
Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan Sunday at 4:15
p.m. at the Michigan League on the
subject "God in Nature; God in His-
tory." This is the first of a series of
four lectures to be given Sundays
during November by Dr. Kahn ex-
plaining Baha'u'llah's universal
teachings on world peace and human
Lecture: Dr. Robert F. Mehl, of the
Carnegie Institute of Technology, will
lecture on the subject "Diffusion in
Solid Metals" in Room 1042 East En-
fineering Bldg at 4:15 p.m., Thursday,
Nov. 12. The lecture, which is under
the auspices of the University and
the American Chemical Society, is
open to the public.
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
cial emphasis on Japanese Wood
Sculpture, under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9
p.m. Gallery talk Monday, Nov. 9, at
4 p.m.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute ofFine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orialuHall, West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.
8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mr. Wells
M. Sawyer will give an informal gal-
lery talk, Sunday, Nov. 8 4 p.m. in
connection with the exhibition. .

Events Of Today
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
Student class at 9:45 a.m. Prof.
Bennet Weaver will lead the discus-

Harris Hall, Sunday:
The regular student meeting' will
be held at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall. Re-
ports of the Provincial Student Con-
ference in Chicago will be given by
the delegates who attended as rep-
resentatives of the University of
Michigan Episcopal Student's Guild.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services of worship are:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Morning prayer and serm-
on by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. Mr. Sayles will speak
on "Sincereity in Religion," in a
series on Sermon on the Mount.
12, Student class in Guild House.
Mr. Chapman will lead discussion on
"A Christian Society."
6 p.m., Students meet at Guild'
House. Special Armistice Day pro-
Armistice Day will be recognized at
Bethlehem Evangelical Church in the
morning service to be held at 10:30
a.m. Rev. Theodore Schmale, pastor,
will preach on "The Peace to Come.
In the evening at 5:30 p.m. the
Youth League will enjoy a supper and
fellowship hour.
First Congregational Church, Sun-
10:45 a.m., service of worship, Rev.
Howard R. Chapman will conduct the
service. Prof. Preston Slosson will
give the first of a series of Lay-Serm-
ons on "False Gods," his subject be-
ing "The Infinite is God, or Wor-
shipping Nature."
Student Fellowship at 6 p.m. this
evenging. Following the supper Rabbi
Heller will speak on "Europe As I
Saw It Last Summer." All students
who are interested will be welcome.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
Services will be held in Trinity Lu-
theran Church at 10:30 a.m. with
the sermon delivered by the pastor,
Rev. Henry Yoder on "And He Said
'Follow Me'."
Choir will render "Holy Art Thou"
by Handel.
Lutheran Student activities will be
held in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
5:30 p.m.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun-
Liberty at Third, Carl A. Brauer,
Public worship at 10:45 a.m. The
pastor will speak on the topic: "What
Price Christianity."
Student supper and fellowship hour
begins at 5:30 p.m. Prof. Arthur L.
Cross of the History Department of
the University will give an address at
6:39 p.m. on the topic: "England To-
day." Every one interested is invited
to attend the service and the lecture.
Church of Christ, Disciples, Sun-
10:45 a.m., Church service. Rev. C.
M. Yocum, Secretary of the Foreign
Department of the United Christian
Missionary Society, will speak on "The
People of the Orient."
5:30 p.m. Tea and social hour.
6:30 p.m. Address by Rev. Yocum
on the topic, "Some Foreign Friends
of Mine." Rev. Yocum has traveled
extensively and has been intimately
associated with the people of many
races and nations.
Unitarian Church:
3 p.m. Symphony Radio Program.
5 p.m., Twilight Service : Mr. Mar

ley will speak on two plays, "Bury
the Dead" of Irving Shaw and "Post
Mortem" by Noel Coward.
7:50 p.m., Liberal Student's Union
--Neil Staebler will speak on "Glimps-
ing the European Scene."
Society of Friends (Quakers): The
Ann Arbor Friends will meet for
worship Sunday at 5 p.m. in the
Michigan League. The meeting will
be followed by a panel discussion,
'The Cooperative movement on the
University of Michigan Campus."
Richard Mattox, '39L., will be the
chairman. All interested'will be most
The Lutheran Student Club: Mr.
Fred Benz of Ann Arbor will show
some moving pictures taken on his
last trip around the world. The pic-
tures will include scenes from New
Zealand and Fiji Islands. The meet-
ing will be held at Zion Parish Hall
on Sunday, Nov. 8. Friendship and
supper hour at 5:30. Forum hour
at 6:30 p.m. All Lutheran Students
and friends are urged to come.
The Philippine Michigan Club will
have a meeting on Sunday, Nov. 8 at
3 p.m., Lane Hall. Very important


f sion on "Developing Ability to be In-
Cinema Theatre, Detroit: The dividual"
Youth of Maxim. A production of Wesleyan Guildmti t6
Lenfield, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. J Dean Edward H. Kraus will speak on
University High School, Friday and "Education for Understanding." Fel-
Saturday, Nov. 13 and 14: Oscar lowship hour and supper following
Wilde's farce, The Importance of Be- the meeting. All Methodist students
ing Earnest. Senior Play, and their friends are cordially invited.
years as a speaker and writer in lib- First Methodist Church, Sunday:
yra caseHe cadpioed te -Morning worship service at 10:45
sral causes. He championed the a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
recognition of Soviet Russia long be- on "Life and Death."


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