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November 07, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-07

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SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 1936

Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Government Completes
Pension Arrangements
the midst of speculation about im-
portant alterations in the Social Se-
curity Act by the new Congress, the
government practically completed ar-
rangements todayto begin the listing
of old age pension accounts for 26,-
000,000 workers ten days hence.
Such resions as may be sought by
the Administration are not expected
to afenct the fundamental purposes
of the law. Announcing that 45,000
postoffilces would -soon distribute
forms both to employers and em-
ployes to set up the gigantic records
necessary, the Security Board gave no
inkling of possible changes.
Most discussion of the law has
centeredson the provision for an ul-
timate reserve fund of $47,000,000-
000, and whether some exception al-
lowances might be made for firms
with private pension plans. Also,
American Federation "of Labor lead-
ers are planning an attempt to sup-
plant the tax on workers' wages with
one whereby the employer would bear
the whole financing burden. As the
law stands, both pay equally for the
old age pensions.
Fish Calls For
G.O.P. Reorganization
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6..()-A
new call for a reorganization of the
Republican Party came today from
Rep. Hamilton Fish (Rep., N.Y.), who
said "thehealthiest thing that could
happen" would be "a slight epidemic
of resignations" from places high in
the party organization h
At the same time, he urged him
narty to help Preiident Roosevelt put
the unemployed to work.
Terming the resignation of Melvin
C. Eaton, New York Republican State
chairman, "A fine example," Fish
asked especially for the resignations
of the two Natioal Committee mem-
bers from New York. They are
Charles D. Hilles and Mrs. Ruth
Baker Pratt.
Fish's battle for a reorganization of
the party began before the national
conventions of this year. In the pre-
convention campaign, he linked him-
self with Senator Borah of Idaho in
an effort to bring about changes in
the Party leadership and attitude.
Murphy Decides Not
To Return To Manilan n
DETROIT, Nov. 6.(MP-Frank
Murphy, United States High Com-
missioner to the Philippines who was
elected governor of Michigan Tues-
day, said tonight that he has decided
definitely not to return to Manila
before resigning preparatory to his
inauguration Jan. 1.
He had been considering an air-
plane trip to the Islands to wind up
his affairs there, but abandoned the
idea because of the pressure of other
duties in the less than two months
that remain while he continues to
hold his Fderal post.
Instead, he will go to Washington
after taking a two-week vacation,
which he hopes to commence tomor-
row, and prepare to surrender the in-
sular business to his successor, to be
named by President Roosevelt.
Then he will return to Michigan to
lay plans for his administration of
state affairs including .appointments
to various positions he will have to
fill at the capitol.

Murphy said the only appointment
he has settled upon is that of Norman
C. Hill, former Sault Ste. Marie pub-
lisher, to be his secretary. Hill, who
was secretary to Murphy when the
governor-elect was mayor of Detroit,
now is administrative assistant to
the Philippine High Commissioner
and is in Manila.

Spanish Refugees Flee War Zone As Rebels Approach
-~".'*~ . n..S..... . r....
- Associated Press Photo
Victims of the Sranish civil war, this young Spanish mother and
her children were snapped along a railroad right-of-way near Cordkva
as she took a fmnaI lock at her deserted home before resuming her flight
from the war zcne. Meanwhile, news reports from Madrid placed the
advancing insurgents only four miles from the capital city.
College Life Far Different Here,
Visiors rom brod Delare

SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 1936
To the Members of the University
iyCouncil: There will not be a meeting
of the University Council this month.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
Notice to all Faculty Members and
Officers: Arrangements have been
made with the purpose of having in
the General Library both for present
purposes and for future historical
value, a file of the portraits of mem-
bers of the faculty and University of-
ficials. It is highly desirable from the
Library's point of view that this file
be of portraits in uniform size. Port-'
raits will be made without cost to
any faculty member or officer by
Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son.
Members of the faculty are cordially
invited to make appointments with
Rentschler and Son for the purpose.
Any special questions arising with re-
spect to the matter may be asked
either of the secretary of the Uni-
versity, Mr. Shirley W. Smith, or the

A.S.C.E. President

Health Club Elects Former Mayor
Benell As President Succumbs Here
Election of officers was held at B,'d ag
I the meeting of the University of FromnsSck.ess
Michigan Public Health Club and
Florence Benell was made president.
Alvin Zander was elected vice-pres- Gottlob Luick, 9 years old, former
ident; secretary, Miss Henry; treas- mayor of Ann Arbor, died Thursday
urer, Milton Schurr. night at his home at 315 William nSt.
Dr. John Sundw all, director of the He had been in failing health for sev-
division of hygiene and public health, eral months.
spoke on the rise and development Mr. Luick had served for nine years
of the division of hygiene and public as a member of city council and
health in the University of Michigan mayor of Ann Arbor. He served as
from 1921 to the present time. There alderman from 1886 to 1890,.as pres-
were only four students in 192,1 andi ident of the city council from 1897 to
now there are over 200 enrolled. 1899, and mayor from 1899 to 1901.
____- -He was a member of the Free . and
Jo "n o ieTl Accepted Masons, charter member
f o 1>lny. TOGiv 'Tak Tand first president of the Ann Arbor
I Upon Metals TuesdayI Building and Savings Association and
FA talk on "Wear and Wear Test- an official in several industrial con-
ing" will be given bj' W. E. Jominy of M cern. ucisurve
the GenerMr.otLuicCoisessurvived.by one sister,
the enerl MtorsCo.ReserchMrs. Christina Schilling of Saginaw,
Laboratories at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, and several nieces and nephews.
in Room 4215, East Engineering' Funeral services will be held at
Bengneeing #3:30 p.m. Sunday at the Muehlig
All metallurgical eninein uneral Chapel with Rev. E. C'. Stell-
groups on the campus will attend, horn officiating. Burial will be in
Sand an invitation to come to the the Forest Hill cemetery.
meeting has been extended to all______ ____

Dr. Daniel W. Mead, who ad-
dressed the locallckhapter of the
Amcrican Se-iiety of Civil Engi-
trers at a banquet k the Union
last night.
informal Gallery Talk Sunday, Nov. 8
at 4 p.m. in connection with the ex-
hibition of his Oil and Water Color
Paintings of Spain. Alumni Mem-

Librarian, Mr. William W. Bishop. orial Hall. West Gallery.


Less Outside Activities,
Co-Education In Home
Colleges, They Say
Finding that American students
have a great variety of outside in-
terests and activities, John Alexander,;
of the University of Melbourne, Aus-
tralia, and Moni Sen, of St. Stephensl
College, Delhi, India, yesterday de-1
scribed college life in 'America as be-1
ing in many ways different from that
of their countries.
"Outside activities and interests,"
Alexander said, "seem to be almost as
important a part of college life to
American students as their - actual
class-room work. Australian univer-
sities are much like those of Eng-
land. They are made up of a series
of colleges, all teaching much the
same things, and we live in dorms and4
private homes. We have no frater-i
nities as you have here.
"Any organizations corresponding
to the Union or The Daily are much
smaller and less important. As for
varsity sports, universities in Aus-
tralia are so far apart that an inter-
university games becomes a holiday
affair, instead of only having week-
end importance. Most of our sportsl
are among the colleges of our uni-!
Senpointed out the differences
of co-education in cur universities.
"In India," he pointed out, "co-
education is a very recent thing and
is not nearly as large a movement
as here. Consequently, we do not
have such things as 'dates.' It
wouldn't do any good in our country
anyway. Here you are free to marry
anybody, but in India you must marry
a girl of your own social class."
Both students stated that the sub-
jects taught in American universities
were of a much more technical and
practical nature than the cultural
studies of English colleges, but Alex-1
ander added that a demand for these)
practical courses was growing in Aus-
Student Christian work in the
United States, while well organized,
the two students observed, is taking
probably more of a laissez-faire at-
titude in its work than that of other
countries. They praised the work of
the German student Christian group
for its continued activity in spite of
opposition by the government. In1

India the group is backing a move-
ment for Indian socialismand polit-
ical freedom to some degree. In
other Asiatic countries it has been
successful in maintaining a fine fel-
lowship among its members despite
unpleasant political relationships cre-
ated by the Chinese-Japanese situa-
tion. The movement in America, they
said, seemed to be manifesting it-
self in social projects and other prob-
lems, while the theological philosophy
-aspect was fast dying out.
Sen and Alexander, members of the
student Christian associations of
their own countries, are on their way
to an international student Chris-
tian meeting sponsored every four
years by the British Isles Student
Christian Association. Members of
the meeting are chosen from univer-
sities and colleges over the entire
British empire and have their way
paid to the meeting.
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. 6.-(IP)-
Prosecutor Horace Mechem had no
l hard feelings after his Democratic
opponent for the office, Harold E.
Steinbacher, defeated him in the gen-
eral election. He announced today
he had appointed Steinbacher as a
special assistant until he takes office
January 1. Steinbacher will serve
without pay, however.

1937 Mechanical Engineers: In case
you are interested in possible em-
ployment with the E. I. DuPont De-,
Nemours and Company following;
graduation, will you kindly obtain de-
tails in Room 221 West Engineering
building at your earliest convenience.
Chrysanthemums: At the Botanical
Gardens of the University, on Pack-
ard Road, the chrysanthemums are
now at their best. The greenhouses
are open during daylight hours, in-
cluding Sunday. Neither plants nor,
flowers are for sale.
Regional Conference, The Ameri-
can Association of University Profes-
sors today at the Michigan Union:
Morning conference at 10 a.m.
Luncheon meeting, 12:15 p.m.
Afternoon Conference, 2 p.m.
The Executive Committee of the
local chapter of the A.A.U.P. invites
all members of the University of
Michigan faculty and of other college
faculties of the region to attend both
conferences and the luncheon meet-
ing. Tickets for the luncheon may be
secured at the A.A.U.P. registration
table in the lobby of the Michigan
Union, Saturday morning.
Senior Aeronautical Engineers: All
Senior Aeronautical Engineers who
expect to graduate in February, 1937
should see Prof. M. J. Thompson,
B-47b East Engineering Bldg., at
their earliest convenience, in order
to supply information needed for
personal work in contacting various
aircraft manufacturers who may be
looking for aeronautical engineers.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service examinations for
Associate and Training Supervisor,
Forest Service, Department of Agri-
culture, salary, $3,200 to $3,800. For
further information concerning these
examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall,
office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.

Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
cial emphasis on Japanese Wood]
Sculpture, under the auspices of thet
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery.
Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9
p.m. Gallery talk Monday, Nov. 9, at
4 p.m.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for thei
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.s
8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mr. Wells
M. Sawyer will give an informal gal-
lery talk, Sunday, Nov. 8 4 p.m. in
connection with the exhibition.
Events Of Today .
Beta Kappa Rho party at the home
of Mrs. Axel Marin, Whitmore Lake
Road, this evening at 8:30 p.m. Stu-
dents will please meet at the Michi-
gan League at 8 p.m. Transportation
will be furnished.
Coming Events
Candidates for the M. A. Degree in
Sociology: There will be a meeting
Monday evening, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m.,
Room D, Haven Hall. It is import-
ant that prior to this meeting, all
candidates should hand in to the sec-
retary of the sociology office their
schedule of study completely filled
Phi Eta Sigma Elections will be
held Sunday, Nov. 8 at a regular
dinner meeting in the Union. The
dinner will start at 6:15 p.m. There
will be a short informal talk by a
member of the faculty. Last year's
initiates are urged to attend to elect

students and others interested. Prof.
W. E. Wood of the chemical and
metallurgical engineering department
will act as chairman.
lobby of the Michigan League at 7:50
p.m. Anyone interested is invited
to attend.
Graduate Outing Club: Trip to
Cavanaugh Lake on Sunday after-,
noon. Leave Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m.
Transportation and refreshments will
be provided. All graduate students
are cordially invited.
"Scalp and Blade" will hold its in-
itial meeting in the Union Nov. 8,
5:30 p.m. All old members will please
attend as plans must be laid for
rushing. Room number posted on the
Bulletin Board.
Stalker Hali, Sunday:
Student class at 9:45 a.m. Prof.
Bennet Weaver will lead the discus-
sion on "Developing Ability to be In-
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Dean Edward H. Kraus will speak on
"Education for Understanding." Fel-
lowship hour and supper following
the meeting. All Methodist students
and their friends are cordially invited.
(Continued on Page 4)

U.H . Will Present
Oscar Wilde Play
A farcical one-act play, "The Im-
portance of Being Earnest," by Oscar
Wilde, will be presented by the senior
class of the University High School on
Friday and Saturday evenings, Nov.
13 and 14, it was announced yester-
The play is built around English
society life, taking place mainly in
the drawing room of an English lord
and lady, depending for much of its
force on its lines, which are full of
repartee and laughs.
The presentation will be given in
the University High School audito-
rium. Mr. Charles J. McGraw, speech
director of the high school, is in
charge of the direction and arrange-
ments. Tickets will sell for 35 cents..
2:00 - 3:40 - 7:00 - 9:00
- a l





WJR Stevenson News.
wW Ty Tyson: Dinner Music.
WXYZ Jesse Crawford.
CKLW String Trio.
WJR Musical Program.
WJR Royal Football Roundup.
WWJ Morton Downey.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW val Ernie's Music.
WJR Jack Greenley's Music.
WWJ Harvey Barcus.
WXYZ Rhythm Parade.
CKLW RhythmmOrchestra.
WJR Envoys ofgMelody.
WWJ Red Grange.
WXYZ Town Talk.
CKLW French Lessons.
7 :15-
WJR Diamond City News.
WWJ Drama: Hampton
S Singers.
WXYZ Lutheran Hour.
CKLW Johnny Johnson's Music.
WJR Edward d'Anna Directs
WXYZ Sandlotters.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7 :45--
*WWJ Fcotball Fanfare.
Z Rubinoff.
WJR Fr. C. E. Coughlin.
WWJ Saturday Night Party.
WXYZ Collegians.
CKLW Fr. C. E. Coughlin.
WJR Football Revue.
WXYZ Pan-American Peace Con-
CKLW Elizabeth Symphony.
WJR Speed Show.
WWJ Snow village Sketches.
WXYZ /Barn Dance.
CKLW Maple Leafs vs. Americans
WJR Your Pet Program.
WWJ Smith Ballew; Victor
Young's Music.
WJR Your Hit Parade.
WXYZ Lowry Clark.
CRCW Nickleodeon.
WWJ Irvin S. Cobb.
WXYZ Brennan's Music.
CKLW Bob Albright.
CKLLW Hughie Barrett's Music.
WJR Tommy Dorsey's Music.
wwJ Dance Music.
WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music.
CKLW Sports Round-Up.
CKLW Vincent Travers' Music.

Lectures !your officers.
University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus Finnish Students: A meeting of the
G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In- Finnish students on the campus will
stitution of Washington, will lecture be held Sunday, Nov. 8, at 3 p.m., in
on the subject "Archeological Re- the Upper Room in Lane Hall.
search in Yucatan" at 4:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov. Hillel Foundation: The second in a
12. The lecture will be illustrated series of Pop Concerts will be given
with lantern slides. The public is at the Foundation on Sunday, Nov. 8
cordially invited, at 2:30 p.m.
Father Hubbard Lecture: The -The Music Group of the Michigan
"Glacier Priest" will appear in Hill Dames will meet Monday, Nov. 9, at
auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Cowden,
8:15 p.m. presenting a new motion 11016 Olivia. Those wishing trans-
picture lecture under the auspices of portation will please meet in the
the Oratorical Association. Tickets
are now available at Wahr's State
.;tratB knlr rto

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.,
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Mintmum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Rentals, Sales and Service j
Special Rates to Students

LOST: Brown zipper notebook con-
taining French, Chemistry books.
Call 6715. 146,
FOR SALE: Grocery stock. Good
neighborhood. Low rent. Small
investment will handle. 148,
OLD and new suits, overcoats at $3
GOLD, and musical instruments.
Phone for appointment, 6304.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
A1 TRACTIVE three-room apartment

L _ _ bKR lLL W j -. - _ Extra

oureeu Loo,'L ore.
A Public Lecture will be given by
Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan Sunday at 4:15
p.m. at the Michigan League on the
subject "God in Nature; God in His-
tory." This is the first of a series of
four .lectures to be given Sundays
during November by Dr. Kahn ex-
plaining Baha'u'llah's universal
teachings on world peace and human
Dr. Kahn was formerly chief diplo-
matic representative of Persia to the
United States and is a distinguished
scholar and art collector as well as
an authority on the Bah'i teachings.
The Baha'i study group invites the
public to these lectures.
Mr. Wells M. Sawyer will give an


Attend the



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