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September 22, 1936 - Image 26

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-22

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Largest University Hospital In The United States

Can't Explain
Cult's Large Membership
Defies Any Explanation,
Says Prof. J. F. Shepard
The Black Legion, terroristic or-
ganization reputedly of national
scope, is a phenomenon beyond psy-
chological explanation, Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment said recently.
"Until a motive that will bear
sound reasoning is suggested," he
said, "the psychologist is at a loss
to explain the movement."
He cited the many instances in his-
tory-and those of today-when se-
cret societies have existed, but none
that he could recall were as vicious
as the Black Legion.
Most underground organizations
have obvious motives and none of
them are as malicious as the Black
Legion, he pointed out. "The lack
of motive makes the Black Legion a
phenomenon to the psychologist," he
He cited the false importance
acquired from membership in a secret
organization as an incidental motive.
A secret organization tends to make
a meglomaniac of many men, he
"The uniforms of cross-bones and
skulls," he suggested, "would induce
many men to join, of course, just as
the glamour of marching and uni-
forms induces many to join the
There is also the desire, herbelieved,
in some men to act as supreme ar-
biters over what is right and wrong,
but cautioned that this too, is only an
incidental motive.
Professor Shepard said that he
could probably explain the organiza-
tion's psychological aspects if it were
of small membership, but that 120,-
000 citizens of the State of Mich-
igan should belong is beyond his un-
Aside from the psychological as-
pects of the membership of the or-
ganization, he said that if a political
motive is found to be behind the
movement the liberal cause will be
increased by large numbers.
"There will be a strong reaction
against such terroristic .strong-arm
methods that will swing many per-
sons to the cause of -liberalism," Pro-
fessor Shepard said.
Beach Conger, Jr., '32, former ed-
itorial director of The Daily, is nov
on the staff of the New York Heral
Tribune after working three years as
field editor for World Letters, Inc.

Excavations At Tel city, dating to the second century,
A.D., brought to light descriptions
Umar Continued which were deciphered by Prof. Le-
roy Waterman of the oriental lan-
University excavations at Tel guages department. The Inscriptions
give reason to believe that Seleucia,
Umar, modern site of the ancient located near the Tigris River in Iraq,
city of Seleucia, which were aban- near Bagdad, is also the site of Su-
doned in 1932 after four years of merian Akshak, predating Seleucia
work, will be resumed this year under by thousands of years.
the direction of Dr. Clark Hopkins, Earlier excavations there were fi-
who two years ago was a member of nanced for the University by the
the Yale expedition to Dura-Europo. Toledo Museum of Art and later by
Partial excavation of the ancient the Cleveland Museum.






Shown here is the University Hospital, one of the largest and finest in the country. It has a bed capacity of
1,295, employs more than 1,700 people and offers opportunity for many internes to get pracitical experience.
Students may receive medical attention at a minimum of cost.




Scholars Flock To Harvard
To Celebrate Tercentenary

Michigan Represented By
22 Members Of Faculty
At Meeting
To old Cambridge town and Har-
vard University's beautiful Yard this
summer have thronged outstanding
scholars representing every people
and section of the world. The Uni-
versity of Michigan was well repre-
sented in this distinguished group
which was gathered to celebrate Har-
vard's tercentenary by 22 of the out-
standing members of its faculty.
More than 1,500 scholars including
14 Nobel Prize winner representing
the universities of every great nation
of the world with the exception of
Germany were invited to attend
meetings and read papers at the ex-
ercises celebrating the three hun-
dreth anniversary of America's first
institution of higher learning. Cli-
maxed by a speech by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, class of 1904,
the assembly, which will be con-
tinued until late in September, will
have marked not only the tercenten-
ary of Harvard University, but also
one, of the greatest discussions of
liberal education ever held.
Curtis Reads Paper
One of the papers which attracted
the greatest interest was that read
by Dr. Heber D. Curtis, director of
the University of Michigan Observa-
tories. The subject of the paper was
the pictures taken at the University's
McMath-Hulbert Observatory, utiliz-
ing the new spectroheliokinemato-
graph, a special camera for taking
. "movies" of the sun. The pictures
were taken in July and August of
this year by Robert R. McMath, di-
rector, and Dr. Edison Pittit. Ac-
cording to Dr. Curtis, "the import-
ance of the McMath films lies in the
information they will give us as to

the astonishing rapidity and com-
plexity of the motions of the gases of
the-sun's atmosphere."
With the films shown at Harvard,
Dr. Curtis said, we have for the first
time a continuous record of the ti-
tanic changes and motions going on
in the prominences.
A solar pnenomena hitherto un-
observed was shown in some of the
film when a cloud of clacium gas was
seen to develop at an alitude of one
hundred thousand miles above the
sun's surface and then to descend
in great streamers as a veritable
"rain of fire." Dr. Curtis is unable
to explain thee. clouds which appar-
ently form out- of nowhere.
Attended Convention
The majority of the Michigan fac-
ulty men who attended the tercen-
tenary celebration were guests at the
annual meeting of the American
Mathematical Association and the
Mathematical Society of America,
which was held at Harvard. This
convention, which was held in Aug-
ust, was attended by the following:
Prof. Theophil Hildebrand, Prof. W.
L. Ayres, Prof. John Bradshaw, Prof.
Arthur H. Copeland, Prof. C. C.
Craig, Prof. Peter Field, Prof. Louis
C. Karpinski and Prof. George Y.
Rainich, all of the mathematical de-
partment of the University.
Other University men who attend-
ed the celebration were Prof. Camp-
bell Bonner, head of the Greek de-
partment, Prof. Arthur Dunham, of
the history department, Prof. Max S.
Handman, of the economics depart-
ment, Prof. Camillo P. Merlino, of
the Italian department, Prof. Warner
F. Patterson of the French depart-
ment, Prof. Frederick W. Peterson ofa
the English department, Prof. Walterj
A. Reichert of the German depart-
ment, Prof. A. H. White of the Eng-
ineering department and Prof. Ar-
Wood of the sociology department.

State Forensic
Group Selects
Debate Subject
Greatly increased enrollment in the
Michigan High School Forensic As-
sociation debate and declamation
contests this year has been an-
nounced by the Extension Division.
Subject for the debate this year will.
be: "Resolved, That all Electric Util-
ities Should Be Governmentally
Owned and Operated."
Last year 20,488 high-school stu-
dents from 355 high schools partici-
pated in the forensic contests of the
association which is under the gen-
eral direction of the Extension Di-
vision and the Department of Speech
and General Linguistics and other
Michiganeorganizations. Dr. William
P. Halstead is manager of the asso-
The schools of the state are di-
vided into "A" and "B" class schools,
with the schools debating within
their r4espective classes. In general,
schools of 250 or more will be classi-
fied as "A" and those with less than
250 as "B." Preliminary debates will
be held on four different dates, and
the schools with highest number of
points will enter the elimination
series of five debates, to- be climaxed
by the state championship debate on
April 30, which will be held in Hill
607 Church Street



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