KK.. The Weather Cloudy and unsettled, snow North, colder today; tomorrow - fair, colder in southeast. VOL. XLVII No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 1936 Editorials The Analysis Of The Maritime Strike ... PRICE FIVE CENTS Pennsylvania Seeks Revenge, Over Michigan In FrayToday Invading Wolverines Underdogs; Lincoln Ziem To Start Are And Band Marches AsI Alumni Fete Team Varsity Prepares For Battle With Passing, Kicking And Signal Practice By FRED H. De LANO PHILADELPHIA, Nov, 6.-Rated the underdog in tomorrow's import- ant conflict with Pennsylvania by all of the experts, Michigan's Wolverines today girded themselves for one of the season's toughest battles and pre- pared to unleash an attack that would keep unscathed their perfect 10-year record in intersectional grid warfare. The invading Wolverines, 34 strong, accompanied by the Michigan's band and numerous students, arrived in this historic city of brotherly love early this morning amid a riotous The band will broadcast today between halves of the game and at 10 p.m. will participate in the National Broadcasting Com- pany 's tenthanniversarypro- gram by presenting a college medley of Michigan songs. A reception for the football team - win or lose - is beingc planned at 2:45 p.m. Sunday when the team and the bandf which will be on the same train1 will arrive in Ann Arbor. A large1 crowd is expected to greet the team, stated Miller Sherwood, '36, president of the Men's Coun- cil who will sponsor the reception.P celebration by Michigan alumni at the Reading station. The band, marching to the Bellevue-Stratfordct Hotel under the protection of a police escort, was given a tremendous ova-Y tion from citizens on downtown Phil- adelphia streets as it broke into "The Victors."s The team is quartered at Greenhillt Farms and except for a brief workoute on Franklin Field this afternoon anda a short sight seeing trip afterwardl will be kept in seclusion until game time.P Michigan looked inpressive this afternoon as it was sent through a s short drill consisting mainly of punt-C ing, passing and running through sig- nals. Big Ced Sweet will handle the 3unting tomorrow and gave indica- tions today that he will do a good job of it. The Quakers on the other hand are definitely weak in this de partment. There will be two changes in the Wolverine lineup from that which started against Illinois a week ago. Fred Ziem will be at guard in place of Vandewater and Jim Lincoln will (Continued on Page Pollock To Talk About Election Before forum Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- litical science department will an- alyze the Presidential election at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the Union ballroom as the first speaker to appear on the Union Sunday forum series.1 In his lecture Sunday Professor Pollock said he will deal mainly with the huge Democratic plurality vote and its probable effect on state gov- ernments, Congress and President Roosevelt. Yesterday Professor Pollock ex- pressed confidence that the Michigan Civil Service bill, which was devised by a committee headed by Professor Pollock, will not be adversely af- fected by the change in the State administration. "It is too big for any political change to affect it. The people of Michigan have shown they are in favor of the merit system, and there is every reason to believe that under proper executive and legislative lead- ership the civil service bill will be- come a law," Professor Pollock said. He suggested that the popularity of the bill in Michigan will be reflected in the legislature. "Democrats and 0 antilinn v aal ira an i 4 in a .. fr. Late Vote Totals (By The Associated Press) Latest revised tabulations of Tues- day's presidential popular vote as coepiled by the Associated Press show: Total voting districts 122,772 Districts reported .. ......110,131 Districts unreported ... 12,641 Roosevelt vote ...........25,772,987 Landon vote ............. 15,962,703 Roosevelt plurality ......9,810,284 Lemke vote ...............650,849 Thomas (S.) vote....... ..108,001 Browder (C.) vote...... ...56,646 Colvin (P.) vote ......12,330 Aikens (S.-L.) vote ...... 6,415 Total vote counted . . . . .42,569,931 Complete statistics of the vote probably will not be available until the states have made their official counts. Henry Joy, Sr., Motor Pioneer, Dies In Detroit Former Packard President Heart Disease Victim; Funeral Monday DETROIT, Nov. 6.--(P)-Michigan lost another of its automotive indus- try pioneers today with the death of Henry B. Joy, Sr., the man who was responsible for the Packard Motor Car Company's removal to Detroit and who at one time was its presi- dent. Had he lived until Nov. 23 he would have been 72 years old. He was born in Detroit in 1854. His family was at his bedside when his death, attributed to heart disease, occurred at 2:45 a.m. (E.S.T.). The funeral will be held Monday at the Joy resi- dence in Grosse Pointe Farms. Joy is survived by his widow, the former Helen Hall Newberry, whom he married in 1892, and two children, Henry B. Joy, Jr., and Mrs. Helen Taylor. As well as being one of the early leaders in the automobile business, Mr. Joy gained national renown for his promotion of the Lincoln highway. During the Spanish-American War Joy was chief boatswain's mate on the U.S.S. Yosemite. His only business connection when he died was the presidency of the Joy Realty Company, but before he retired from an active business and social life he had held directories in the United States Chamber of Com- merce. the LaSalle County (Ill.) Car- bon Coal Company and the American Protective Tariff League. He be- longed to several clubs in Detroit and New York. Educated in the city's public schools, Joy was graduated from the old Orchard Lake Military Academy, Orchar'd Lake, Mich., and Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He then attended Sheffield Scientific School at Yale University. Ihryslenr Men Receive Bonus Of $4,000,000 Coast StrikeI Negotiations In Stalemate Appeals Sent To Roosevelt And Labor Department; Situation Unchanged 600 Passenger Are Stranded In Hawaii Indicts ViolatorsI Secretary Perkins Denies District Attorney Claims Possibility President May 4,000 Mid-West Jobbers Intervene Were Affected NEW YORK, Nov. 6.-(A')-The I MADISON, Nov. 6.-(P)-The Fed- membership of the insurgent Sea- eral Grand Jury late today indicted men's Defense Committee, meeting 24 oil companies and 46 individuals here tonight, authorized its strike on charges of violating the Sherman committee to declare a general strike Anti-Trust Law. Sherman Adt Infringements Are Charge d 24 Companies, 46 Oil Men Are Accused On Price Fixing Count Federal Grand Jury President Bad Guesser; Gave Landon 163 Votes WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. - (A)- President Roosevelt as a campaigner piled up the biggest electoral vote in history, but as a guesser on the out- come he proved very bad indeed. Smiling at newspapermen around his desk, Mr. Roosevelt today re- vealed that his private forecast, made on Nov. 1 and sealed in an envelope tntil the returns hal been counted, was: Roosevelt, 360, Landon, 171. Thr President actually got 523 to Landon's eight. The President had made three, other forecasts, but he described the fourth and last as his best. Grinning, he apologised for the bad guess. The President's first forecast was made last Jan. 30. Then he figured the Democratic vote at 325, Repub- lican 206. On June 5, just before the conven- tions, he figured: Democrats 315, Re- publicans 216. On Aug. 2, upon his return from Quebec, he put down initials for the first time, as follows: FDR 340, AML 1191. Armistice Day Topics Listed For Churches Rev. Marley Will Discuss 'Bury The Dead'; Cross To Talk On England BULLETIN -ROME, Nov. 6.-(iP)-A commer- cial accord, restoring the economic relations between Italy and Great Britain which were broken by anti- Italian sanctions during the Ethiop- ian war, was signed tonight. Sir Eric Drummond, British Am- bassador to Italy, and County Gal- ezzo Ciano, Italian foreign minister, signed the agreement, which resulted from long negotiations. Leash-Not Dog-Ruled Dangerous In France Militiamen Wage Stubborn Battle Before Rebels; City MayFallToday Insurgents Within Four Miles Of Goal Franco May Launch Final Assault This Morning; Airport Is Captured LONDON, Nov. 7.-(Saturday) --(P)--On the 114th day of the civil war, the Madrid Govern- Proves Fascists Storm Gate Of Madrid; Citizens Are Quitting Capital, of seamen in the port of New York.' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6.-(1')-l Widespread and urgent appeals for1 relief from the effects of the mari- time strike were sent today to Presi- dent Roosevelt, the department of labor and even to the courts. Peace negotiations remained in a, stalemate here. A few ships man-I aged to leave strike-affected eastern and gulf ports but a few others be- came strikebound.c In behalf of 600 passengers strand- ed in Honolulu, Governor Joseph B. Poindexter cabled Assistant Secre- tary of Labor Edward F. McGrady here asking relief. Situation 'Most Serious' Poindexter said all those stranded were non-residents of Hawaii and that their situation is "most serious." He asked McGrady to persuade union authorities to permit movement: of ships strikebound in Honolulu to the Pacific Coast. The Central Strike Committee was considering the request. - Union claims indicated 380 ships were tied up. New York strikers claimed 16,000 men and 277 ships had been affected on the Atlantic and, Gulf coasts. About 150 of these were on the Pacific coast and three large ships were stalled in Honolulu. Many Tieups Union reports from key ports on ;he Atlantic and Gulf coasts showed 49 tieups in New York, 31 in Phila- delphia, 27 in Batlimore, 7 in Hous- ton, 4 in Boston and one each at Galveston and 23 at Brownsville. Miller Jensen, Boston agent for the Eastern and Gulf Sailors Asso- ciation, asserted the backbone of the insurgent seamen's strike had been broken there. Three ships left Boston Harbor, last night but four remained strikebound. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-(/P)-Sec- rotary Perkins emerged from a cab- inet meeting late today with an as- sertion that "there is no thought at (his moment" of any presidettl- in- tervention in the critical maritime situation, The labor secretary revealed, how- ever, that she planned an immediate attempt to obtain release from West Coast ports of food ships bound for The indictments charge that the companies and individuals agreed un- lawfully to fix and restrict price! margins in charges to gasoline job- bers, and that they attempted to maintain uniform jobber contracts and to adopt uniform policies with respect to jobbers throughout 10 states of the Central West. The same Grand Jury several months ago indicted 23 companies and 61 individuals on charges of con- spiring to fix the price of gasoline to consumers. Many of the same com- panies and individuals were indicted again today. PARIS, Nov. 6.--P)-A dog leash I ment decided to abandon the without a dog on the end of it is a capital early today. weapon, the French Court of Ap-Bs peals ruled today. (By The Associated Press) he In a desperate move to save the The court upheld the three-month Icptl h esae lrdd jail sentence given Louis DeBrand, mouthpiece of Premier Francisco arrested for carrying a leash dur-m ing a communist-fascist street fight Largo Caballero, published a flar- Oct. 4. ing two-column manifesto giving in- Accusations that officials of major Subjects in keeping with the spirit oil companies held periodic meetings of Armistice Day will be offered in at Chicago privately for many years several and agreed upon uniform prices to Ann Arbor churches. be paid to jobbers dealing with them Two plays, "Bury the Dead" and were contained in the indictment. I "Post Mortem," will be the subjects District Attorney John J. Boyle of the Rev. H. P. Marley's sermon to said the alleged unlawful agreements be given at the 5 p.m. Twilight Service affected 4,000 jobbers in the Midwest, of the Unitarian Church. many of whom he said had com- "The Peace to Come" will be the plained to the Department of Jus- theoPev.eThoCome wihmale who tice against uniformly restricted price topic of Rev. Theodore Schmale who margins allowed them under their will preach at 10:30 a.m. at the contracts with the major companies. Bethlehem Evangelical church., The Grand Jury was called here At St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. last May at the request of Attorney Carl A. Brauer will speak -on "What. General Homer S. Cummings. It has Price Christianity." Prof. Arthur L. been investigating the oil companies Cross of the history department will for six months and its work is not give an address at 6:30 p.m. on the for sixon thsdedBoylan aidstopic, "England Today." yet concluded, Boyle said. Kraus To Speak The indictment returned today al- Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit- leges that the Chicago price fixing erary college, will speak on "Educa-' meetings usually were directed by tion for Understanding" at the Wes- Charles E. Arnott, vice-president and leyan Guild meeting of Stalker Hall former president of Socony Vacuum at 6 p.m. In the Student class to be Oil Company, Inc. of New York. held at 9:45 a.m. Prof. Bennet Weaver Arnott was one of the defendants in- will lead the discussion on "Develop- dicted. ing Ability to Be Individual." Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Life a }and Death" at the regular 10:45 a.m. Police R eport worship service of the First Metho- , dist church. Third Student The first of a series of lay-sermons on "False Gods" will be given by Prof. *0e Preston W. Slosson at the .10:45 a.m. M is sins Here service of the First Congregational l r f ;l . t C c -'T E 1 f " E .f .1 ,, y Alaska. She noted that "the ice is DETROIT, Nov. 6.-(A)- Sixty- closing in, and the situation is quite seven thousand employes of the serious," adding she would telephone Chrysler Corporation will receive a Assistant Secretary Edward F. Mc- bonus of $4,000,000 in December, the Grady at San Francisco as her first third such distribution this year, move along that line. company officials announced today. ------ K. T. Keller, president, in making S r ia4,e lde Fo- e the announcement, said that the em- ployes sharing in the benefits will rj"o (lose schools have received $8,300,000 above their regular wages by the end of the year. SPRINGFIELD; .,No.6.-(P)- The distribution will be m ade dur- T sP wasGtIe la;t .,yof.sc.-ol --r ing he eek f Dc. 1. T beThis was the last day of school for ing the week of Dec. 14. To bemreta1200Sinfldsuns eligible, employes must be working more than 12,000 Springfield students that week and must have been on the and teachers, who complied with a company's payroll during the first board of education order which shut quarter of 1936. The payments are down the entire system late today be- based on length of service. cause of lack of funds. The bonus is being distributed, Kel- . Board members ordered the clos- ler said, "because of good business ing after defeat of a 3-mill special and appreciation of the cooperative levy at Tuesday's election. They said efforts of our employes." there was no prospect of reoqpening The minimum amount any eligible before February. Even then, they employe will receive is $50. Together added, money for operating expenses with the earlier distributions, each will would be available for only a few T wo Now Unaccounted I~or; Smitmhey Not Seen Since Tuesday The third missing student since Oct. 12 was reported last night by the Ann Arbor police department. He is Stanley Edward Hawkins, '39E, of Gladstone, Mich. Hawkins disappeared sometime after after 3 p.m. Thursday, when hel was last seen by his landlady, Mrs. G. E. Cossar, 817 Arch St. Police searched his room and apparently Hawkins had taken no clothes or books with him when he left. On his desk they found a letter from his father that spoke of the hard time Hawkins had been having with his studies. Mrs. Cossar said trouble in his school work might have been a reason for his disappearance. I church. Professor Slosson's subject will be "The Infinite of God, or Wor- shipping Nature." Rabbi Heller will speak on "Europe As I Saw It Last Summer" at the Student Fellowship meeting at 6 p.m. Dr. Lemon will preach on the topic "In God's Stead" at 10:45 a.m. in the First Presbyterian church. Rev. C. M. Yocum, secretary of the foreign department of the United Christian Missionary Society, will speak on "The People of the Orient" at the 10:45 a.m. service of the Church of Christ Disciples. Sayles Continues Series At the First Baptist church Mr. Sayles will speak on "Sincerity in Re- ligion" in another of the series on "Sermon on the Mount" to be given at 10:45 a.m. At the Trinity Lutheran Church, Rev. Henry Yoder at 10:30 a.m. will have as the topic for his sermon "And He Said 'Follow Me'." Reports of the Provincial Studentl Conference in Chicago will be given by the delegates who attended as repre- sentatives of the University of Mich- igan Episcopal Student's Guild at the student meeting at 7 p.m. in' Harris Hall. Keep Ideal, Mead Advises Engineers DeBrand had no dog to go with s the leash. t Reform Asked a In Mechanism t For Education t Thurston ,Bowsher Assert" System Lacks Efficiency F And Good Teachers g Officers of two state departments c of education emphasized the need1 for reform in their systems before a t large audience in the University High School yesterday. f Dr. Lee M. Thurston, deputy sup- d wrintendent of Public Instruction in s Michigan and E. L. Bowsher, direct- t or of education in the Ohio depart- ment of education told the Parent P Education Institute that the machin- a ery of education must be made more o efficient and that well paid, well h trained and unimpeded teachers be c employed. Dr. Thurston said shortly after his C address that he considers the prob- lem of finance the most pressing tob the department of education. "Some teachers receive stipendsi smaller thqn those given to reliefi workers," he said. "There is also the problem of nepotism which one may t find in countless school districts t throughout Michigan." Continuing in his presentation of the financial problem Dr. ThurstonF said that the state had not construct- ed or added to school buildings ex- n cept with the aid of federal funds, t "Many buildings are unhygienic and others are overcrowded," Dr.a Thurston continued.P Earlier in the day Mr. Bowsher expressed opinions which were ofp a similar nature. He pointed to the elimination in his state of the one room rural school as a method of in--b creasing the efficiency of the de-t partment of education., "One of the difficulties facing the advance of progressive educationalu plans is the attitude of the publicc against innovations. That attitude must change if children of the fu- ture are to benefit from public ed- ucation," Bowsher indicated. V On the same program John R. Em-q (Continued on Page 6)s Landon Not Certain About Party FutureE TOPEKA, Kas., Nov. 6.--VP)-Plans for the future of the Republican Party are in abeyance until after a 2onference between Gov. Alf M. Lan-e don, defeated presidential candidate, and John D. M. Hamilton, national 1 chairman, the governor said today. "What about the future of the party?" Landon was asked at a press conference. "I will not discuss any plans for the party until after I have talked with' John Hamilton," he answered briefly. Hamilton is expected here about the middle of next week. Governor Landon has postponed a projected duck hunting trip pendingI that conference. HABER ON RELIEF COMMITTEE I PnfWilimT T.hr of hn nn tructions for street-fighting defense. The mainfesto was published under he aegis of the Madrid defense unta. As the night wore on, an atmos- here of fear and forboding gripped he city. LONDON, Nov. 7.-(Saturday)- P)-Authoritative word received here oday said the Spanish government as reported planning to abandon ladrid immediately. The report followed indications at 'ascist field headquarters at Getafe, ust outside Madrid, that the insur- eent commander-in-chief, Gen. Fran- isco Franco, might begin what he loped would be the final attack on he capital this morning. The fascists reached a point only our miles south of the heart of Ma- [rid when thep captured the radio tation at Campamento and the Cua- ro Vientos airport yesterday. The report of the government's )an to quit the capital was taken as n indication officials believed a rebel nslaught was imminent, three and a ialf months after the start of the ivil war. Telephoning to London, an Asso- iated Press correspondent-the ofli- ial censor at his elbow-said mem- ers of the Associated Press' Madrid taff "probably will go to the Amer- can and British embassies this morn- 'ng." This left little doubt General Fran- ~o's men were expected to sweep vie- oriously into the center of the city oday. ALCORCON, Spain, Nov. 6.-.PA)-- Fascist insurgents tonight captured he Madrid radio station at Campa- nento and occupied the Cuatro Vien- os airport. The Fascists slammed ahead against surprisingly strong and unex- pected government resistance. They pushed their advance into a position less than four miles from the heart of Madrid itself. At least 5,000 Madrid militiamen behind tanks retreated only after a terrific bombardment by four Fas- cist field batteries. The center of the insurgent col- umu led the advance while another column on the right captured Villa- Verde. GETAFE, Spain, Nov. 6.-P)-It was indicated in Fascist field head- quarters tonight aht Gen. Francisco Franco might launch the final as- sault on Madrid Saturday morning With his advance troops already only four miles from Madrid proper, Franco was understood to have made his decision because of the sudden cessation of government resistance. The defenders of Madrid tonight showed no signs of fighting. All was quite on the Getafe front except for a few desultory cannon shots at nightfall. At Getafe one fascist line faced Madrid, and another, around the abandoned airport, faced the Los An- geles district. When the Fascists marched into ;etafe they found only a few women who with babes in arms crept out of the cellars where they had huddled during the bombardment of the vil- lage by both belligerents. Many buildings in Getafe were wrecked and stores and houses were looted before the Fascists entered. After the battle it was apparent that the Fascist final assault on Ma- drid had been delayed at least one Hawkins' parents were contacted last night by Mrs. George M. Bleek- man, a cousin of the missing student; and wife of George M. Bleekman, 1 assistant professor of geodesy and 1 surveying. When contacted by The Daily, Mrs. Bleekman had no com- ment to make. No word had been received yester- day concerning the whereabouts of Woodrow Wilson Smithey, Grad., Negro, 23 years old, who has been missing since Tuesday. have received from $105 the end of the year. to $155 byI Dr. Shepard, Neal To Discuss Peace The Peace Council announced its Armistic Day program last night. It will take place -in the Lydia Mendels-. sohn Theatre, and will include talks by Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-I chology department and Fred Warner months. A number of the 381 teachers in the city system who signed personal notes at banks for their salaries last month, began casting about for other em- ployment. The three-mill levy, beaten two to one, would have raised $240,000 a year for three years. # t Smithey was last seen late Tuesday Speaking to more than 200 mem- afternoon. At that time he had bers of local chapters of the American walked down to the campus from Society of Civil Engineers at a ban- his rooming house, 217 Glenn Ave., quet at the Union last night, Dr. with a friend. When he left his Daniel W. Mead, president of the companion, Smithey said that he national organization, urged younger was going to the library to study. engineers to adhere to their rationally His landlady, Mrs. Henrietta Ellis, ,onceived ideas and ideals. said that he apparently had been in Deploring the large amount of eco- good health with the exception of nomic dependence in present day so- a slight cold. He also appeared to ciety, Dr. Mead pointed out the fact be in a good state of mind, she said. that America's progress was the di-, Motion Against Radio Priest Is Dismissed CLEVELAND, Nov. 6.-(A)----Com-